Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 05, 1897, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
!tibHtheci Kvery Krlday.
Od TMr, -. $ 2 00
BIljnoBlhn, 00
Trial lulwriptlon two tnonlhs,
A dim-out t of Mrrntu on til .uWrlptlorm for
ne year, cf m for tlx moulha, If paid lu
AdTrninltiK rate itlven on application.
Snhirriler will Bud Iho data of rxplrailon
bunted on ihvir m r toilowP'f thoir name.
If ihl ila e t not cliansM within two wcrka
after i pnMi-.eut, kindly notify ut and c will
look Iit it .
Bntered at th Pot Offlea In Oregon City, Or.,
as aerond clM matter.
Bearer Creek,
Union Hills,
Meadow Brook.
Kew Era,
1-a-k Pla.-e,
Molalla. '
agle Creek,
Cherryville, -
T. B. Thomas
Ueo. knlKht
A. Mather
Oscar Wissfnger
tJ J. TrullliiRer
Chas Holumu
W. 8. Newhorrjr
Henry Milev
T. L. Kiiswil
T. M. Cross
J. O. (imte.
C. T Howard
R. M. Cooper
Annie VititiM.
E, M. Hantaan
B. Jeiinincs
Henry A. .-nyder
LJ Perdue
H. ilhern
J. 0. Elliott
F. Outsell
Mrs. W.M. Mclntyre
Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolph Aschotf
' Tbe way to build op Oregon
City g to glTe Oregon City people yonr
" The chief interest in the stale and munic
ipal elections held on Tuesday last in many
of the Eastern slates and cities centered in
the Ohio state election and the Greater
Kew York city election. In Ohio the dem
ocrats and populists exerted themselves to
their utmost to gain control of the legisla
ture so as to insure the defeat of Senator
Hanna for re election and put a democrat
in tbe senate from Ohio. Prior to tne cam
yaign strikes were incited and every effort
made to turn the laboring classes from the
republican to the democrat-populist party
and when the campaign did 0en Bryan
and all tbe leading pulist orators were
Bent to that state and a most determined
contest was inaugurated with the result
that the republicans have barely carried
the stale and have tbe legislature by a ma
jority sufficient to insure the election of
a republican United Slates senator.
Tammany carried New York City, elect
Ins the entire boodle ticket. As now con
stituted under its new charter Greater New
York will carry on its payroll an average of
35,000 employes all tbe year round and tbe
city expenditures will exceed J.O00,0tO
a year. With such an immense prize as
this at stake in tbe way of boodle to be had,
the followers of the Tammany tiger left no
means untried to carry the election and in
sure to their coffers the fpoils to be bad.
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania each
went republican by good majorities wbile
the populists ran so far behind in Kansas as
to make It possible that the republicans
have carried the s'.ate ticket, it being so
close that it will lake tbe official count to
decide. The free silver ticket in Colorado
did not show the strength it ossessed in
Ibe presidential election last year, and it
will require the official count to decide
whether the tree silver or republican ticket
is loccessful. The fusionists carried
Nebraska by a small majority wbile New
Jersey went strongly republican.
Stray rumors keep coming up from time
to time that the governor is to call a spe
cial session of tbe legislature. Ho far Gov
ernor Lord has shown no disposition to call
the legislature together, doubtless feeling
that the need was not urgent enough to
justify tbe expense it would bring on the
taxpayers or the stale. Since the decision
ol tbe supreme court w as rendered allowing
the secretary of stale to audit all salary and
other accounts against the state regularly
provided for by law, there is no special
need for appropriations to be made for
these bills are now paid as fast as presented.
The only persons really desirous for a spe
cial session are the populists, who would
Jike a chance to reticent their record before
the next election lakes place for they fear
tbat their connection wilb the late hold-up
will be tbe means of bringing defeat upon
their party at the next election.
'Okeooh newspapers are feeling the im
pulse of good limes as w ell as tbe farmers
and other classes. Tbe Salem Statesman
wiU with next Sunday enlarge its Sunday
.edition from eight to twelve pages, while
the Capital Journal of that city, commenc
ing with last Monday, enlarged its daily
edition from a seven to an eight column
folio. Tbe Portland Mercury conies out
with a new editor and the announcement
thai it will print no more naughty things.
The Welcome of that city has put on a new
dress and looks as prosperous as a Kentucky
horse jockey. In tact every newspaper in
Oregon is giving evidence of more prosper
ous days, tbe "calamity howlers" alone
being the exception, they being too deeply
engrossed in hunting for something to com
plain of to make an efio-t to build up their
Coktbary to Hie predictions of the Ore
gouian, the president has made all the ap
pointments recommended by the Oregon
Congressional delegation. The commissions
of Colonel Owen Sui.imers for appraiser in
tbe Portland custom house, John Hall for
United States district attorney and Zoeth
Houser for United States marshal were
made out and so soon as their bonds are
approved these men will assume the du
ties of their respective offices.
Of the shortage In the potato crop in the
United States and of the prospect for good
prices here in Oregon, the Northwest
Pacific Fanner lias tbe following to say:
"It is fMimntpil llml the nhortn In pota
tors in the Vnlteil utatrs for thm year will
be about I7.VW0.0W bimlieln, to ay nolliiii(t
of Hie shortage, in Canada ami all oilier
roniitrlra except probably Herman. TIiIk
has certainly been an oil potato year for
every section except the l'aclllo coat
which Is now prepared lo furnish ninny of
its neighbors in exchange for either free
silver or gold."
The populist's denunciation of those who
gain wealth rapidly and Mr. Bryan's ellorts
in this line do not exactly harmonise, as
the following from the Sioux Kalis Argus
Iader indicates: "Let's see. It is on of
the fundamental doctrines of the pluto
haiing pops that no man ran rightlv earn
11,000,000 in a lifetime. Yel, for making
one speech at the state fair of Kansas Mr.
Bryan the oilier day received a check for
f.WX). Now, earning I'.WO per dav it
would require sixteen months to earns
million. What are we to conclude? Either
the pop doctrine referred lo is utterly
wrong, or Mr. Bryan has joined tbe wicked
plutes and is illegitimately filching wealth
from the pockets of the toiling masses."
No slate in the Union bas a harder work
ing supreme court than has Oregon and in
no state is there a greater volume of business
passed upon by a court of only three men
than is transacted eacb year by the Oregon
supreme court. The following words of
commendation for our supreme court are
from the Portland Welcome: "The Oregon
supreme court made an a.-tonishiug record
this week. It banded down opinions in rive
important cases, and all of them were affirm
ations of the decisions and verdicts in the
lower courts. And what is an additional
satisfaction the decisions in each case were
such as lo a sensible, observant layman
seem in accordance with justice and equity.
Therefore both the supreme court and the
lower courts in which the cases were tried
are proper objects ol congratulation.
Illinois has a compulsory education law
which is not a dead letter, as is the Oregon
law. At one lime the Illinois law was also
a failure, but a change in truant otllcers,
the I nterOcean states, made It one of the
best enforced laws in Chicago as the follow
ing indicates: "Messrs. Gallagher and
Keating, by the grace of Harrison, Junior,
member of the board of education, are
pained to learn that fifteen women are
acting as truant officers for and in this city
of Chicago. There are sixteen such officers.
And there was a time when all, or nearly
all, of them w ere of the kind of men w hom
Messrs. Gallaher and Keating seak of as
"the boys." Their work was not satisfac
tory. They were, with hardly an exception
politicians of the lower grade; consequently
when another low grade man was sending
his 12 year-old boy or girl lo work, instead
of to school, or was permitting it the
dangerous luxuries of idleness and Igno
rance, he reported It as "sick" to the
political truant otllcers, and all went well.
It has been found that women are more
faiibfulul as house to house visitors, more
impartial in the discharge of their duties,
less liable to be imposed upon by the
specious representations of fathers of fam
lies, and more able to gain tbe confidence
of mothers, and tor these reasons are much
more effective agents of the board of
Of the new industries that are being de
veloped on Ibis Coast none are proving
more successful than cranberry culture
and the lime is not distant when our
market will be entirely supplied witb the
homegrown berries. The largest cran
berry marshes are located near Ilwaco and
of their yield the Ilwaco Tribune bas the
following to say: "The gathering of the
cranberry crop at the Cbabot marsh near
Ilwaco was concluded last week, and the
product will be over lOCO bnshe's; last year
it was (00 bushels. About forty Chinamen
were engaged as pickers this year, and
about one hundred white Deot.le. men.
women, boys and girls. At 50 cents a i
bushel these pickers just earned flOCO.
The New berg Graphic makes the follow
ing observation upon the despicable conduct
of an Oregon City newpater whose little
ness makes ef itself the laughing stock of
the tow n : To a disinterestrd reader it looks
like it was a bit of Jealousy on tbe part of
the Oregon City Press that causes that pa
per to continue its uncalled for flings at the
Enterprise, while Mr. Meserve of the latter
named sheet goes on about his business
from week to week, getting out by far the
best paiierin Clackamas county.
One of the new industries that is being
developed ol late by our farmers is that of
lifting mortgages. The Pendleton Tribune
bas the lollowing to say as to what is being
done in this line in Umatilla county:
Seventy-five thousand dollars wort1, of
mortgages cancelled In Umatilla county last
month. This beats the business in this line
for the month of September, IK!, more
than sixty thousand dollars. At this rate
there will not he an old mortgage left in
the county bv Christmas."
Mark Twain In Ills Old Manner.
An article by Mark Twain written in
the style of 'fThe Innocents Abroad"
and illustrated by A. B. Front and Peter
Newell, is a promise that magazine
leaders do not have held out to them
every day. It is in the November num
ber of MeClure's Magazine that this rare
feast of humor is to be served. One
might expect much more than ordinitry
entertainment from any one of the three
items of pictures by Froet, pictures by
Newell, and an "Innocents Abroad"
article by Mark Twain ; but the editors
of McClures, in their profusion ,!engage to
serve all three at once. The Mark Twain
article will consist of chapters from the
forth coining book on his recent journey
around tne world, and is the only part
that will be published in advance of the
book itself. It follows, those that have
read it say, the earlier Mark Twain man
ner, which is undoubtedly the most pop
ular: on a thread travel are strung no
end of wiee and witty reflections, quaint
and quizzical observations, comic adven
tures, and plausible impossible tales.
Subsribe for the Entkkpkisb, the lead
ing paper of the city.
Dr. Miles' Pain Pills stop Bead ache.
I W'akiiinuton, Oct,'.,! President McKlu
ley today issued his llrst Tliuliksglvlng day
proclamation, as lollowa;
"In remembrance of God's goodness to
us lu the uis year, which has been soahuud
ant, Id us oiler up to him our thanksgiving
and pay our vow unto the Most High.
Under Ills watchlul providence industry bus
prospered, the coudiiionsof labor have been
improved, the rewards ol the husbandmen
have Im-cii Increased, and the comforts of
our homes multiplied. His mighty hand
has procured peace and protected the nation
Respect for law and order has been strength
ened, love of free Institution cherished, and
all sections ol our beloved country brought
Into closer bonds of Iraternal regard and
generous co-oeratlon.
"For these great benefits it Is our duty to
praise the Lord In a spirit of humility and
gratitude, and lo oiler up lo him our most
earnest supplications. That we may acknow
ledge our obligations as a people lo him
who has so graciously granted us the bless
ings of free government and material pros
perity, I, William McKinley, president
of the United Stales, do hereby designate
and set apart Thursday, the 'M day of Nov
ember, for national thanksgiving and prayer,
which all of the people arelnvlled to observe
with appropriate religious services In ihrir
respective places of worship,
"On this day of rejoicing and domestic
union, let our prayers ascend lo the giver
of every good and perfect gift for continue-
anceof his love and favor to us, that our
hearts may be filled with charity and good
will, and that we may be ever worthy of
his beneficent concern.
"In witness hereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the seal of the United
Slates (o he affixed.
"Pone at the city of Washington, this
23th day of October In the year of our Ixird
one thousand eight hundred and iiiuty seven,
and of the Independence of the United
States the one hundred and twenty-second
William McKimlky,
"By the President,
"Secretary of Slale."
The Coining Woman.
Who goes lo the club while her hus
band temt the lnty, as well as the
good olJ-fuHliiontHl woman who looks
after her home, w ill both at time get run
down in health. They will he troubled
with lo of apiH'tite, headaches, sleep-
lcsHtioss, fiiinting or diy ellg. The
most wonderful remedy for these women
is Electric Litters Thousand) of sutler
ers from lame hack and Weak Kidneys
rise ut) and call it blessed. It is (he
medicine (or women. Feioulecotnplainta
ami Nervous trouble? of all kinds are
soon relieved by the use of Electric Bit
ters. Delicate women should keep
this remedy on hand to build up the
system. Only 50o. er bottle. For sale
by Charman A Co.
If you want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Building and
Loan Association, call on H. T. Sladen.
He has it at his finger ends.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. I'ay up your subsciption to the
Emtekpkihs and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
Dr. Ml leas' Nerve PliwtemSc. at all druggist.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for re
siKinsible, established house in Oregon.
Munthly $1.1 no and expenses. Position
steady Helereuce. Enclose self-addresed
stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany, Dspt. Y Chicago.
THE''"" "E
New York
Tub Indkpe.hdknt for 4!) years has
been the leading religious-literary news
paper of the world.
It has new, distinctive and attractive
features, making it a
worthy the patronage 0f all thinking, in
telligent people.
Its name indicates its character. It is
independent. Religiously it is undenom
inational. Politically, it nmintitiris the
honor of the country, the integrity of our
currency, the supremacy of law, and the
rights of poor and rich alike.
Intelligent People
It provides instruction, entertainment
and smusement for all the members of
intelligent households.
Important Features
It lias aside from lis literary features
special departments edited by the best
writers, thinkers and specialists, some of
them of surpassing interest to a com
patative fw, others important and val
uable intellectually. These departments
are Science, Music, rineArts, Sanitary,
Missions, Religions, Intelligence, Biblical
Research, Sunday-School, Financial,
insurance, Work Indoors and Out, l'uz
zlcs, I took Reviews and Literary Notes.
Survey of the World
hvery week the notable events occur
ring the world over are placed clearly
before the reader. No one person lias
time to read all of the current publica
tions, foreign and domes tic; nut every
one wants to know the events happening
in the whole world, which people think
about and talk about. The survey of the
World gives each week the gist of im
portant events for the current week.
It is really one of the most valuable and
important features of any periodical.
Subscription, $3.00 a Year; or at
rate for any part of the year.
" Trial Trip," One Month 25c
Specimen Copies Free.
130 Fulton 8tt, 4ui Yofk City
Ely's Cream Balm
(Miitnlna no roclnn,
mercury tir any oilier
Injurious dru;.
It Is quickly Absorbed.
(lives Kollef at ttuofk
It ojiens slid eternises
iiip itnsAi rnssftges.
Allnva liuhmtiimion.
Ileitis ami I'rutects I lie Mcuihrsiio. Itestures tlio
fe lines of Turns snd hinrll, Kull Buw tw, Trial
lmwe ! st I'm. i-nimr ny in nil.
. EL X UHOTIIKKS, M Warreu tltrwt, Now York.
1SD0 miles of long (lis
tnnoo telephone wire m
Oregon ami Washington
now in otwrntion by the
Oregon Tt'U'iihono mid Tel
egrajih cmiittny.
Portland, Svuttln, So
kano, Tncoina, Salem,
Walln Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the patisfuct inn of a
nerKonal communication,
bistanco no ell'ect to a
clear understanding. Pvo
kniie as canity heard as
Oregon City oflico at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Your team will have tho best
of care and J
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City Stnblen.
W. H. YOUNC, Prop.,
Huce..or to W H Cnrttt
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
13 Astor I'lace New York
Tim Oi'Tlook will I in !H!7, as it has
been during each of its twenty-seven
years, a History of Our Own Times. In
lis various editorial departments Tim
Ot'TLooK gives a compact review of the
world's progress; it follows with care all
the important philanthropic and Indus
trial movements of the dav ; has a com
plete department of religious news;
devotes much spaco to tho interests of
the home; reviews current literature;
fnrnixhes cheerful table-talk about men
and things; and, in short, alms to give
fresh information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning with tho fifty-fifth volume,
the paper will asnme the regulur maga
zine size, which will add greatly to Its
convenience and attrai-livencHS. Tim
Outlook Is ptil liidied every Saturday
fifty-two issues a year. The first issue
in each month in an Illustruted Magazine
Number, containing about twice as many
pages as the ordinary issues, together
with a largo number of pictures.
'the price of Tub Outlook is three
dollars a year in advance, or less than
a cent a day,
Send for a specimen copy ami illus
trated prostsictus to Thk Outlook, 13
Astor I'lace, New York City.
fey the faHt
and com
modious steamer
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Groat Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. N. HARNEY. Aeent.
Tel. 914. Portland. Or..
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Aak your
for a generous
l: it
m'Khtimcks shoes
Thin np ii'H to real ostato an well an other eoinotlitics.
Every family in need of a homo desires tho host loca
Has the greatest number of advantage to it credit,
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will ay
you to investigate this property, (loud clear lots at
reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or
T. L. CHARMAN. Trustee.
Charman Bro's. Block,
Now Store.
I Notions
I Etc
Good values
Low jirict'H
The Neighbors Say-
ml Ifipy oii(lit to know, lor tliey'va iti-all
ith ins fur vrml yen, that tli fliiral
Te thry've Luted vet In my ntnlill.linicnt
tliry ttH. Mr coll)', too, in many wy
rumen in for a rltfht kouiI tliare of pr.Uc.
Ita ttrriiKtli, arnnii, flavor. Ion, yonr ilriMi
Irifl apirlla rati renew. The .Hiram, lra
Id at I .ell are aalil all oilier. In Mi-el.
My Imtler'i alwaya fre-h ami weit Hie
priren your approval ineei, ami I will iruar
anlee to plrae all rurtoniera In fKK anil
Tlie Seventh mreel (Inwer.
Siicce(Mir to Marr V KotxrlMin.
150 Rooms: Jolio Stearos. Cbler Clerk
Front anil Morrison St., Portland Or,
ItooniH from 2'ic. to $1.00 per day
Elevator, electric lights and belle
and all modern convenienci'H.
Frco 'Hub meetn all boats and trains
Restaurant Connected With Hotel.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
Prompt attention to hauling to any
part of Oregon City.
Moving attended to promptly and
Special rates given on hauling to
and from Gladatone and Park-place.
- - Oregon City.
...Now Coods
and Gents
Furnishing Goods
G. N. Joo & Co.
Mi sunder Enlercrlss oiCce.
Livery, Feed and SaleUtabla
UKTWr.K! Till
Double and Single Rien, and sad
Idle hornt-H alwuya on hand at the
! loweHt tiriccH. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information rfKanllnK any kind or
Ntot'k promptly aHi'mlml to by person ol
Horsos Douffht and Sold.
Mows I!uarltl and
ahlo turtna.
Fed on rtaaon
A Personal Matter
A well imlntflil lioiixo i liko
neatly tlruHMd immon alwaya .
attractive ami iluaaaiit to lofjk
Can he repainted and froHhened up'
at a very reuaonahlu price paint
are very cheap now. Don't leave
It until tlici ami inukea any more
marka and crack In it.
The piiinter. lie
UrMt-cliiHK work.
can guarantee
No. 20, Morriaon Htreut,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For firHt-claHs, re
liable goods Us Btore is second to
none. Trvhiml 1
Bed Rock
I : v 1
IieitlK denirotiH ol cIobuib out ami jrolnir
to AlHHka, we will a-ilt cheap for ta
Next 3 months.'
MillH 4 miles aoulh of Oregon City,
flank and rock roail I (o mill.
Bills sawed to order!
Lindsley & Sons.