Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1897)
.Oregon City Enterprise I. OltKOON OITY OKKICKHM. Mayor. - - - - K. f. CiiII(ii JdH-unlnr, - - - 'I ln, K. Ilyau 4'lilul uf i'olli ti Clin., K. Itiinia 'I rnniirnr, - - - II. ',, HirnlKlit City AtUiriifV, - - - - II. Ihn hi ri u i '(iiitiiiiBNliHif r, - 0, llitlii'ni lc, Jr rHiipt. ol Work., - W. II. IIiiwkII City KiiKiiiiHir, - I. W, Kluimiril Cotiiuilliiien T,(). (Inull, I,. V. Cnph, John Unliior, It D. Wllmin, It, Kimtiiit, Jart, I Jdikkii, II. K. iUrrU, Krmik Hindi. i Cuiinoll liim'U llrnt Wndnvailuy uf ocli niontli in oily hull. . FRIDAY, NOVKM1H.U 6, 181)7. CHAT ABOUT- TOWN"! i i L Money to loan on krkI real entitta I Mwurlty hy A. H. Dresner. f Y Mmm heavy wool mux and nice lino of umlurwvur at the Km let Store. j ; Thoroughhrred Jurmiy bull (or mIm, f 8 yean old; will tako trade. ) (Hailstone Haw Mill Co. V tJ, I II .....I I,'. ..1. ....I...., Mill. miiiiiKm nin'iia nun t.iiiwiviiiij rit n t lie now -IimiIch at tint Market Htoru. H ItliioHtono ltilti fl.otl; Kri'tm or roust ccMco lie nr Hi; Ann & lUiiiiimr soda jjfc: Hi. , Kl l- ront Trading Co. Tor photon tlul will ilcM you, try thu .Cjolombitk htuilio, tint up-to-date gallery. (Mulil Ktrri't, opposite null rargo k NtMIM Ollll'l). (8iull pill, tuft) pill. lHt fill. 1 p'itl't Mute Kurly Itinera, cute hilluu- IM'NN.COIItltlllMtlOII. U'K llfaUUl UOO, JjL. Harding. I (Yoii will not herniate in having thon rooim r'iaieied w hen you look Hi the I (Myitis mill prli'c of wall paxir tarried by It. 1.. Holinan. r 1 You can't euro coiihuiuUoh hut you jVmi avoid it and curu every other form uf toroat or lung UoiiIjIu tiy Hie uni ol out) ;3fl ilium Cough Curo. (Jco. A. Harding. j lf you want tlilugn up to dale at iitnif (utiable pr hen and nultahle, call at Mm. e U. T. hlatlvii'a millinery parlor where r tvery thing will Ui tloiiu to cloiiiuiihIuIu y"u' L Hlop that ui k 1 1 1 Taktt wariilnu. It F niay IumiI to colinumptiou. A -So IkjIIIh ' of H.iloh'a Curt) may nave your lift). Hold by Clmruian A Co., drugginU, Ure Kon City. Dinflguifiiicnt for lifu by bun or scald may be avoided by uning lh Wilt's WlUb 1 1 axel halve, the real remedy for pile and for all kind of nor- and akin trouble, tiro. A. Harding. Catarrh Cured. A clear bead and wenl brt'ttili MH-ured with Hhiloh' Catarrh Remedy; told on a guarantee. Nasal Injector fret). Hold by Charumn & Co., druKniidH, Oirxun Cily. Ix'atlier Klovea I'.'m', 'Xhs up, lieavy top Molt) plow Hlioea, aolu leatlior counlei l.ltf, ladie heavy al.H 7o uy ladies first untile. ruliUus 'Mc. Uivet ur tuck sbotk free. lied Flout Trudili Co. First rluss alieet Uiilnic at &! pur copy Is nut oflered every day: but they aru cIuhIhk out tlieir aim k of musiu at Hunt ley' Hook Store and you may net your choice lor 6c. or ansorlvd lot of 16 copies for 60c. Hhiloh' Consumption Cure cures where others full. It Is the leading Coiiku Cure, and no home should ! without it. rit'arant t lake and koiis riht lo tin) Tpot. Sold by C'liarumn & Co.. JriuinU, Orison City. J. id . Thlrswend, ol (Iroslitvk, Tox.. ays tliut when lit has a hmII of iuJixeit tlon, and feels bad and nlut.'tili, be taken twoofDe Witt's litilti Kurly Itinera, at tiinlit. ami hu is all rinhl the next morn lii. Many thounanila of utlifra da the aiime hhiii. Do you? (ieo. A. Hard ' Kltiewhere in this issue of tin) Kuter prlne, apN'itrs the full announceiueiit of Will Yakeila. Hi stick ol vlothiiut mid furnishltiK uoods is well MileHed and hia prices are very reiiHonuble. lie invites an inspection of his stock and hopes by honest dealing to merit a share of the publii! patrotiaue. , i "The worst cold I ever hud in my life ' wiih cured by Chuuiherluin'a CoukIi t Ueinedy," writes W. II. Norton, of But-; tor Crook, Cm I. This cold loft me with a eolith and I whs exioctoratinK all the time. The Ueinedy cured me, and I want all of my friends when troubled -with a coiikIi or cold to use it, for it will dotlieiii good." Hold by Ueo. A. Hurtl ing. t ' -, The Mount Lebanon Hliakers recently performed a utt'ni deed of c.lmrity, al though it was not designed as a charity, beiiiK notliinu more not1 less thun an advertising suheme. ft however re sulted in great food Just the same, Tliey gnveawuy 1,000 bottle nf their Digestive Cordiul to tliotte suffering from stoumch dorangementl. I It wub ho elTectv in curing those who used thu remedy that they were loud in their prunes o(1t ami in conseijuence a large demand for 'the Cordiul was at once created. The drugnlnt of. f thin town have little book that tell all about it. Digestive Cordial create mi' appetite, aids diges tion and bring shout a rapid increime In flesh and Strength. TSxol in H rittmf of a palatable Castor Oil. Just the thing for children. Monthly rain cured by Dr. Miles' Pain PHI. Novelties and notion of all kinds at the Itiicknt Htortf. Huntley's bonk store I headquarters fur school supplies, Huddles and harness at Young's second hand store at your own price, Ladles and children underwear and line liimiry at the lUcknt Store. Wood wanted at thl ollice, ouk. fir or limb, In length Id or Tl Inch or four foot. Stoves, springs, beds, mutrt'sse, etc. at way down price at Young' a second band store. Itev. l'r. William will conduct divine ervlcs at the chapel In Canumuh next Sunday at 1 p. m, liiHiect those adjustable window orcein at lttillomy St iiusch'. They re certainly the right thing. Ask your icroccr for (lold Iaf Ituklng Powder. Take no other. A trial can will convince all houMiwive that It hu no superior. The Night Itev. Ilisbop Morri will preach and cidebruto Holy Communion at St. I'hiiI's church on Sunday morning. Dr. Williams In the evening. You isn't afford lo risk your life by allowing a eld to develop Into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief aru allordfd by One Minute Cough Cure. o. A. Hurtling. Karl's Clover Itoot Tea, for Constipa tion it' the best and if after lining it you tlon't ssy so, rctnrii the packsge and g-t your money. Hold by Charumn & Co., druugista, Oregon City, Dr. L. L. I'likens, dtintist, domi al kind of dental work, (iold crown, IKirtelain crown and bridge work a H't'llty. All ojwration guaiaultwd for b year, Call and got my prices. Ollice III Itarclay huiMiutf Waknino : I'erauna who suflW from cough and cold sliould heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suff ering slid lata) results by using One Min ute C'ougli Cure. It Is an inlullible rem edy for coughs, cold croup and all throat and lung troubles, (ieo. A. Harding. The statement luude many year ago that "man cannot live by tires I alone" Is a true as it fever was he aiual have a nice juicy aleak or a roast of tnest to go with it. Itlchard I'etxold falway ready to fnrnlhh hia customers w ith the liest uf fresh and smoked meats at either hi Main or HeyenUi street market. Eierlrie lltilrl irrttnN. 8 Glasgow, SMikau Hurt Cue, Salt-m It llotaiii, The Dallas DC Ilovles, Motull A J Hiwlell W II Hamilton ", V II Hamilton, St John Henry Will, Aurora T J Clcrtnti ml wf, St IIpW Miss Ibtllen Kellher, Han Francisco L H WtxHl James K llrow u " " F.d (tootiuiun " " II H Crouch, rortiand J J Clt-lsnd C O Major Tall Thompson " (ieo J Cameron " V H MornHii " (ieo K McCluire " A K Jackson " O A I'eck F G Hwauton " The Klectrio nohtl iff the iwest in the city and first-class in all it appointments. Klectrio cur stop in front of the door. Wliut Dr. A. K. Mutter Miys. Hi rKAW, N. Y. Ukuts. From my personal knowledge, gained in-observing tbo ciruct of your Hhiloh 'a Cure in case of advanced Consumption, I uiu prepared to say thut it is the most remarkable Kcineily that bus ever U'en brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold hy Churmun A Co., drungist, Oregon City. For ltt'tit. A seven-room house, two blocks from llio Harclay school, on aire witk side walk and electric light and lias a -com- launding locution alToiding beautiful view of the Willamette river and sur rounding country. Itent reasonable. Atklrvss "House" care of Kstkhcuiwc. Hook tit en p. Kvtirythlng required in the bcImoI room, books, elates, tablet, sixmee, ink, jmuis, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil liams, cornel Seventh and Center streol. Full stock of mils, candies, notions etc., (rush and of good quality. Sold at reas onable prices. l.OHt. On the rood between Logan and Mil waukee, Friday, October 21), a promisory note for pK) given by Charles Thun, of Logan to Mr. Loonbard, of Milwaukee. Finder will confer a favor by returning note to either of the above parties. ClUItl.KB Tlll'N. Wanted. Twenty-live yearling ewes and one buck, half Shropshire and half Merino. A.G. Jacoiis, Oregon City Mfg. Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Toko Laxative Hiomo Quln ino Tablets. All Druggist refund the money if it fails to cure. 26c. PURELY VEGETABLE. 'I'll ( IlltMIMM, I'llfMl tll Hot Iami1 Moll-"-'TT. tni in wu,M I An S trut umi. hi inc fif nil llur lj tll l.lvr, hl' mid Ki'trtn in K4tftitMif ili l.iwr iirt-vflitt Cmii.iji asi riivfn, Mai.ahi- Ifl'M l-CVUMW. llliWkL I IIMfLAINIH, KKKII.S1 NKM, JaVNIIII B AHU Nala, Iil) IIIIKATIII N'lttilhK to iinti1riii,iii, noitim to emmon, a l.u.l I,,miIi; aiifj in orally tvnry 1.1M It c.mict lr..lfi lli loitim li, iil i an 1 vi uiily c.rfr:lrd if you will Ulia hlMMIINnllVfl K.II.AT'IS. Ih, n.A Miiltct to knit a rrmcily fr lint riuUiv ilifirilnr. It will tlv, liiinuv y.jur HppliitcijtiiltKUin aud gtncral liMlib. 1'II.KHI II, iw niiny Hiffer tiurt day afitr day, malting lift liurdrn and mtitmig aaiMenra ijf all plnaturt, uwlii( In ili Mtrtt tiillrina (rum I'llct. Vt ralief it rawly In ili hand td alino! any una who will ua tyttcmaii cally ilia rflintdy that hat iKrinafiaiilly lured Ihou tanila, hrHHunt l.tvaa ltKi.ei.ATiia it no drattic, ViiiHjni purga, but a gamlt tMitiant lo naiurfl. COMHTU'ATIOM RIP It '1. 1) nut U rraardrd at a infling ailiiiciii- In lLif naiura drmanilA iht ulinuat rraufarily of , ilia Uiwrlt, and any drvialiiin from lint drinand pavta lh way fjfltn lo aarniut UMBKcr. It M quita at nei-cttary to rcmovt iiniur at i HimiUliunt fr.rtn Iht thiweU at II it in al ur tlcrp, and no hrallh t un lie capti.lcd whera a cutllvt llalitt uf Uitiy jifevallt, KICK IIKAI)A IIF.I Thit tlittreMirig tltliriirin mtiirt rrt'itl frr.iintty. 1'Im tlitliirl4ltL i'f ilia ilumai ll, anting Iron, llw iwiiM-Hc lly diffkl'tl r.mlriii,, i :mt a ccre Mtn in H haad. at umpanicd with dunifrrcalila nautca, and nut totitiittnct wlui it ,H,l.irl known at Sn.a lira, a, ha, li lha rrlirf of la hlMHUMI Uvaa kat.i'LAii' tia Manuina. MAHi.rAi ii i i. iinty n ' J. 11. 7I1I.1N M CO.. Itiilaotliihia, fa. Married. HHAKI'-l'ltlKSI KIt At the reidenco of the bride' purenis, on Wednestlay, Novemls-r 3, K'7, Mis Kmma I'riester to Mr. Kd ward Sharp, Justice C. Schuelrel olllciating. The ceremony was performed In the presence of the immediate relative and friend of the hih contracting partiea only, after which a bounteous wedding dinner was served. The brldu Is The dsuithtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Triester, highly resccted and well to do residents of Maple Lane, a young linly of culture and refinement, while the groom is a highly respected resident of Wilsonville, where he owns a lare farm and has but recently built a nice new home for his bride. A recep tion and bull was given the happy couple Wednesday evening at the I'riester resi dence. Mr l'riter has three married daugh ter ami three single oneb yet at home. He says lie ha been a republican since the days o( Abraham Lincoln and does not know what he has done lobe paid olT in democratic sons In-law, his three m arried daughters having chosen men of that political faith. He says they are all excellent men, the only objection being their olitics. For his three re maining daughters he oiler extra in-duct-merits to republican young men, but absolutely draws the line on popu lists, none of whom need apply. The Huterprise acknowledge with think thx receipt of some delicious wedding cake and joins witli a host of friends in wishing the young couple who start out in life under such auspicious circumstances, all of the joy and none of the sorrow thut are the common heritage of humanity in this life. Home I'ollUeal I'olnter. Hubert Cutlin, one of the brightest of the young attorneys of rortiand, was in Oregon City Wednesday attending to business before the circuit court. Mr. Cutlin is one of the leaders in the sound money faction of the democratic parly and 1 a close observer of the trend of Oregon politic. A to w hat his party, or rather (actional part of a party, would do in the coming campaign he was rather evuidve in expressing himself, though be was quite certain that the sound money democrats would not fuse with the populists nor with the free silver democrats in getting out a ticket. Hut as to whether his party would get out a separate ticket, or endorse the republican nominees hu would not ven ture an opinion. Of the eor.teft within the republican party betwean the Simon-Corbett-Ore-goniun and the Mitchell-Mcllride fac tions for supremacy, he was free to give his opinion as an outsider, that the latter faction would be able to control everv county convention in the state including that of Multnomah, thereby giving them control of the state convention witli the power to name the republican state and congressional ticket. As to what would be the outcome at the poIIb Mr. Cutlin Intended to be non-committal, but he left the impression thut the republicans would have no difliculty in carrying the state In June. For Sale. 100 acres of land about three miles (3) miles south-east of Union Mills, 25 acres slushed, burnt and picked up. A creek runs across the whole length. There are 40 or 60 acre of bottom land, the balance rough and hilly, but the most of it can be tilled. There is a good box house with five rooms, a wood shed, a small barn, all new, one mile from school and poBtolllce. Will sell on long time, and the first Ave years without interest. For particulars inquire of Mks. E, S., CaruB, Oregon . For Sale. Horse, harness and wairon for sale at a bargain. All in good condition and ! horse gontlo, Bound and true. Come and see them, R. W. Portkk, Canemuh . Hied. MOH8K At her mother' home In Canmnuh, Monday. November, 1,1807, Marion Irene Morse, aged 22 years and 2 months, - DeceuHDC way stricken with compli cation of discuses which caused her death, just one short week ago, for which all was done that loving cure and human ingenuity could suggest, without avail, and her sweet young life went out early Moinlsy morning. What her death can mean to those who were nearest and dearest to her words cannot tell. The greater and stronger may make rnoie stir In this world but their live are not entwined ahotit the heart of so many by acta of kindness, and the unvarying gentleiies and sweetness of disposition that charscteiized the life of the de ccaned. "Among all life' pilgram who have passed this way" none reyeal brighter example of pure, noble woman hood than the life of the deceased, which she was called to yield up while the finger on the dial still pointed to ward the rising un. Kvery memory associated with her cause the heart to vibrate with feelings of reverent, tender love, She leave beside her grief-stricken mother, Mr. Grace L. Morse, three sisters and two brothers, Mr. II. 8. Webber, of Cottage Crove; Mr. Charles L. Henry, ol Spokane; Mis Wiltha Morse, of Canemuh ; James K. Morse, of I'ortland j and Willie Morse, of Cane msh. The funeral services, conducted from the Congregational church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock by the pastor, Itev.T. W, Butler, were simple and beautiful and typical of the life of the commemorated, shaking from the text: "Her sun ban gone down while it i yet day," and drew such comfort out of the text for the bereaved one as can be found nowhere else outside of God's word. The pall bearer were Jamea Wilkin son, Otto Freylag, Benj Koake, Guy Fancher, John Monnor and Earnest Harrington. The remains were consigned to their Ittst resting place in Mountain View cemetery in the presence of relative and devoted friends only, the grave ling fairly smothered in beautiful flowers wrought into many appropiiute and suifgestive piece by the hand of kinsmen and friend. How appropriate to her in her last moments were the line of Fope w hen he said : "ilrk! they whisper; angels ssy, 'Listen, spirit, come away !' What is thi abtorbes me quite, Hlrsli my senses, tbuta my sight; Drown my spirit, draw my breath T Tell me, my soul, can this be death? "The world recede, It tlieppesr ! Heaven 0eiii to my ryesl My ears Wlllr ton nits seraphic ring; lml, lend your wing;! I mount! I fly! O grave! where Is thy victory! O death! where is thy sting?" Teacher Examination. Notice is hereby given that the regular quarterly teachersexamiuation for Cluck amas county w ill be held at the court house in Oregon City, beginning at one o'clock p. u:. Weduesduy, November 10th IS'.I7. II. G. Starkweather, Dated Oct. 28, 1897. Co. School Supt. Advertised Letter. Advertised letters unclaimed and re ruaining in the postollice at Park place for the month ending October 31, 1897: Kmpire Furniture Co. J. W. Bennett, Feter Utiger, Mr. Bennett. It. L. RrssRU, P. M. "Saved Her Life." 7" Mvm . F . I 1 1 1 ME9. JOIIN WALLET, of Jefferson, Wis., than whom none Is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "In 1S0O I bad a severe attack of I.aGrlppe and at the end of four months, tn spite of all physicians, friends and good nursing could do, my lungs heart and norvous system were so completely wrecked, my life was de spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could only sleep by the use of opiates. My lungs and heart pained nie terribly and my cougb was most aggravating. I could not lie In one position but a short time and not on my left side at all. My husband brought me Pr. H lies' Nervine, and Heart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a halt Dot t le of each I was much better and contin uing persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to hualth to the surprise of all." Or. Miles' Remedies m tum ujr 4t S I v ' IMIIatat' gists unaor a positive frJ. 31 guarantee, first bottla ELHeart Clt1 twnpflta nr. mrtnnv m. K f m Tl funded, nook on dls- V al ease, of the heart and I DR. MILES MEDICAL OO., Elkhart, lnd. A ANTED TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsible e'tahlihsed house in Oregon. Monthly $ii.").00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com pany Dept. Y Cnicago. i I says "Look at me." "Try me." Schillings Best baking powder and tea an because What i the missing word?-not SAFE, although SJiilling'i But bakln; wder and tea art safe. Cet Schilling' t Bat baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tht ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket to the tea); sand a ticket with each word to addren below before December 3t Until October 15th two word allowed for every ticket; after that only ona word for every ticket. If" only one person find the word, that person get 2000.00; if several find k, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a et of cardboard creeping babiw at the end of tha contest Those sending three or mora Id one nvelopa will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on It These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different fiom the one effored in the last contest Better cut these rules out. "Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. The Beehive We have received in the last few days over 50 cases of New Fall Goods.... 11 otr o:in wjn phial before the advance in prices and our customers will find us as low as Portland's largest houses and much lower than same goods can be bought for in Oregon City. If you want Shoes Ladies or Gents' Furnishings Fancy Dry Goods or Notions be sure and visit The Beehive A. i& t&i A A Greatest Offer Ever Made A PAPER FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. THE EARLY LIFE OF ABRAHAM LlliCOLII. ABSOLUTELY FREE-IN CLUBS OF 2. H'ji Tft CCPMPC IT. Oft one or yniir wletiho to Join with yon-f h or yoa .ending nl lift lUdtUUh. Ill tor TltK PRAIK1E KAKMKKone year, and each of you wlllro- cmv th "Ka.ily I.ikk ur LwcolJl" r KKE. Thl l the mnM romplf t ami lavtshly Itlutrrared history ol Lincoln's lite ever wrlltuu. ll ooutaiiM 1 bO Pit "11 nth, uid 20 1'OKl RAIT of LI M OL.V. Bend all order, to THE PRAISE FARMER PU3. CO., 166 Adams St., Chicago. St. LonisHe-Seiocrat The Great- National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, - - One Year, $6.00 : Six Months, $3,00 SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, ...... One Year, $1.50 SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pages. One Year, $200 Weekly, issued in Serui-Weekly Sections, 8 pages each Tuesday and Friday, 16 pages each week One Year, $1.00; Six Months, 50c. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally lean newspapers, ana at tnese KtULUfcU KA lbs it is also 1HL CHEAPEST THE GLOBE DEMOCRAT pays for and paper in the United States. It will be indispensable during the coming great National Campaign, and the LOW PRICE placej it within the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the dailv aud 5 cents for the Sunday issues. Deliveredto regular subscribers, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a week, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon him procuring it for you, ur send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. Particlar attentioun is called issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight practically A LARGE SEMI-WEEKLY -.r t- t rrt. ; a i n a in-Att. mis issue iubi bub me Din read a dHily paper, and yet desires to keen oes to every State almost to every postolTce in the Union. All Amri.-a U ita legitimate field. No matter where you j i i i paper ana nome journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO 8 t Louis, Mo ooo- Money-back says they are money-back. am -5- to Prairie Farmer Readers. conceded to be THE BEST of Amer prints MORE NEWS than any other to THE WEEKLY GI.ORV. ni.'vrw-'piT panes everv Tuesday a.wl PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR 9 ior ine DusyTuan. who has not the t m to promptly and i.a,i t live, you will find it invaluable as a news-