Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 05, 1897, Image 2

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Tiola Farmer Prelum It; Past Ex
perience and Dlittrlnjc I'helr
Potalops Early.
Ytola Nov. 2. The Viola correspondent
tias been silent for a long time ami e tliink
it about lime thii part or the country was
tx-lng heard from again.
Farmer bave been imploring the good
weather doing Tall plowing and getting in
their fall wheat. Some of the wheat looks
Tery aood.
Messera Allen and M unlock purchased
grain drill this fall to put in their grain
Wru. Stone bought a sulky spring tooth
cultivator ai.d seeder com pined a few days
Mr Stone got kicked in the chest by a
young horse about a week ago. IT the
horse had kicked hint nearer the heart the
injury would probably have been serious.
Mr Slults has rented Mr. James' place
place near Redland. Thev have just
moved to this part of the country.
Rev. W. D. Morehouse is the new minster
appointed to the Viola circuit.
M. E. Quarterly meetings will be held at
Viola the 6th and 7th by Rev. J. Parsons,
presiding elder.
The teachers meeting at
-well attended by teachers
patrons of the schools. The
-an excellent dinner which
The program was interesting and a number
-of the teachers took part in the discussion.
The caliuhenic drill by Mr. Rutherford's
school was appreciated by all who saw it.
The Epworth League of Viola gave a
ribbon social October 52,1. After a short
literary program those present were served
with an excellent supper, after which the
evening was spent in playing games.
Mr. Watkins is building nice house
which is nearly completed.
Farmers are digging their potatoes.
They don't propose to be caught bv the
freexe. Experience is an effective teacher.
create the alush are the ones who create ill
feeling In a neighborhood? Does lie think
that when any wrong la done In a oommuii
ity society has no right to know It and In
IcrlereT Such may be the case where he
was born and such may be the principles
inculcated in his mind Iroin youth up, but,
Mr. Editor, in this country, where public
schools and a sense of right and respect for
society prevail, we learn to respect our IV I'
lowmen and to do homage to our Creator,
in a manner Milling the occasion on the
Sabbath day. In conclusion penult me
to say that I sincerely believe that Mr.
Herman does regret that those Items to
which he rvlers have found their way In
print. We further believe that every guilty
conscience dreads discovery, and when it Is
discovered, what courage and sham virtue
It doth disolay. You-t in the cause of
truth. RoiuaT Qintiiik,
Redland was
and also by
ladies served
all enjoyed.
Mink Items.
Visa, October 31. Will Stefner. who has
'been working out all summer, Is home for a
couple of weeks.
Andrew McKennett has taken a contract
to clear ten acres of land for Michael
Moehnke. Andrew is a rustler and if there
is money to be made clearing land he will
make it.
Spelling school is one of the pastimes of
the week. We bave spelling and other con
testa in our school house every Tuesday
-evening, so long as the pleasant weather
-continues. These contests are interesting !
as well as instructive, and open to all who
.are interested along educational lines.
Jacob Stelner of Portland was visiting
Jiis parents one day last week.
Will Hettman has taken a contract to
clear five acres of land for bis father at the
rate of $25 per acre besides the first year's
crop. Such inducements are encouraging
to tbe boys.
Miss Vina Moehnke is going to Vancou
ver next week to stay with ber sister, Mrs.
Charles Sbockley.
Mrs. E. F. Ginther went to Portland yes
terday. Fred Moehnke is celebrating his silver
wedding today in tbe presence of a host of
invited friends.
Charlie Chinaman was in oar bnrg one
-day last week and has rented the hop-yards
of Mr. Bluhtn, Michael and Fred Moehnke
t the rate of $10 per acre .
Lawrence Hornschub, who has been
Blinding tbe summer working on the
Columbia slough has returned borne in a
crippled condition. He was standing on
the top ol a ladder, about two stories high,
when it suddenly broke and Lawrence fell
to the ground. As a result of the fall he
has a cracked ankle and a split bone in his
leg, but is getting along as well as could be
expected. Lawrence is rather unfortunate,
as he has had a broken leg once before.
Juite a number of our youg folks went
to the entertainment at Clarks last night.
All reort a good time.
Mr. Editor, it appears that I bave stepped
on tbe sensitive toes of a member of society
in this neighborhood, and he seriously ob
jects to the manner in which news is gath
ered in this locality, intimating that it Is
not properly gathered. And in accordance
with bis views I notice be has made an
erlort to correct an item from this neighoor
bood that found print October 15th, in
which he pretends to be concerned. He
further states that nothing but a crank or
neighborhood gos9iper would be able to
collect such items as those to which lie
r.-fers. Now, Mr. Editor, I am the gentle
man who sent the items to which be alludes
and deny tbe charge of being a crank or
neighborhood gossiper eitiier, and I believe
I am safe in saying that I am gifted with
good common sense at least. But I would
tieHitate to endorse a paper that woufd state
that the ohjectioner is of sound mind.
Those items to which he refers are true.
And instead of denying what I said, be ver
ifies it, or in other words he defines it more
clearly. He says they had music and en
gaged in friendly sport. Now add a little
beer and you have the carousal complete.
Cut "an honet confession is good for the
soul," and the author of "A Statement
Corrected" (lid it unknowingly. But we
miiat overlook the shortcomings of some
people a little, especially when their nar-
rowniiiidediies? and conceit is the result of
a dwarfed mind. He further states that he
is surprised to find such slush in your paper
and that it only tends to create ill feeling.
Now, Mr. Editor, be does not read your
valuable paper much or he would see that
when morality and tbe welfare of society
Are being imposed upon, you always come
to its defense and severely denounce the
lawless element. He argues on the princi
ple that if a man steals a horse, society
should not molest the thief for fear ol cre
ating disturbance and ill feeling. Is Mr.
. Herman so devoid of good sense and sound
judgment, that he will say that wrong
should be allowed to have its way unmo
lested, and that right should wink at crime
and not exert itself in self-defense? Does
Jie not understand that the parties who
Salmon Hot.
Salmon, Oct. 30. Mra. Walkley, who bas
been dangerously ill, is rapidly recovering.
Billy Welch has Just returned from Port
land where he had been to deliver 0 head
of beef cattle sold to a Portland butcher.
Mrs. A. M. Yocum passed here on her
way to Portland last Saturday. She reports
a slight fall of snow at Government camp
lately which did not remain long.
A letter recently received from J. T. Mc-
Intyre who is at Skaguay, Alaska, and dated
October 1st. reports the writer as well and
working every day. He says the packing
is about done for the (all unless they can
pack after the freete up, and that it ia the
hardest place on the face of the earth for
horses; that a pathway could be lined with
theirdead bodies from Skagua,' to Lake Ben
nett, 40 or 50 miles. He reports that there
is talk of a railway being constructed to
Lake Bennett from Skaguay which would
greatly ease the work of getting to the gold
S. Coleman has been out on the toll road
with a crew of men for several days but has
gone borne again Travel will probably
not last much longer this season, as we are
not likely to have much more hue weather,
Tom Brown will soon have finished bis I
season's work at the racks. All eggs taken
up here have been sent to the Clackamas'
hatchery, except those hatched to be turned
out in these waters. These are nearly ready
to be turned loo-e to shift for thsmselves
The Indians from the Warm Springs res-
! ervation have all irniM home Mnmi nf
them made themselves very troublesome in
many ways, stealing fruit, begging, and
taking salmon from where they had col
lected close to tbe racks. An effort will be
made to prevent so many of them coming
bere another year.
As Tom Brown was going to the post
office for mail last Saturday be met a
3 prong buck deer which did not at first
seem inclined to give the road, but no boa
tile demonstration being made it gave its
head a final shake and walked slowly off
into the brush. Deer are not usually so
familiar, but this one probably noticed that
Mr, Brown carried no gun.
Marmot Items.
Mabmot, Kov. 1. Now that all the farm
ers around here bad time to tbresb their
grain and put their straw and grain away
they are all happy and after these few days
rain are preparing once more for plowing
Tbe crop has not been as good aa expected
owing to the untimely rain in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Aschott have been promoted
in rank since the 1st of October. Tbeir
daughter Mary presented her husband,
Paul Meinlg, at Sandy, with a seven pound
baby girl, hence tbe title of grandparents to
Mr. and Mrs. Ascboff.
Mr. E. A. Stern arrived here last Satur
day to investigate once more tbe thieves
who entered his house some time ago and
robbed him of everything. He is collecting
evidence with the intention of prosecuting
them. There are several men connected
with this affair and there will be a surprise
for some people at the proper time.
Mrs. Isom Shtlton died at the borne of
j Rev. Embree, October Hth, and, was buried
at the Uiflside cemetery on the the 0th.
Tbe funeral was a very large one. Nearly
all the neighbors turned out to do honor to
their friend and neighbor. Rev. Embree
conducted the funeral services at the grave.
Snowflakes made their appearance last
Week and tue mornings are beginning to
show frost.
There are prospects of continuing school
one and one-half months longer.
Clackamas Items.
Clackamas, Nov. 3. Ethel Clark ho sus
tained a severe fracture of the wrist last
Thursday is getting along aa well as could
tie expected.
W. 8. Runvan, a dry goods merchaut of
this place, has retired from business. Thoa.
Howell his successor, now extends a hearty
welcome to all bis old customers, at tbe
old stand.
Mr. Neat's folks have moved up to Mo
Minnville. Mr Hatch and family has also
left us.
J. A. Manning has sold his place and will
shortly remove with family to Spokane. He
has resigned bis position as superintendent
of the the Congregational Sahbath School
and also as president of the Y. P. H. C. E.
Mr. Manning and family have only been
amongst us a year and a half, and yet they
have made many friends, who sincerely re
gret their departure.
Some of our old and highly esteemed
citizen have gone courting. What wonder
then if the young follow in their footsteps.
The witches were turned loose last Sunday
night. But nearly every one found thehr
gates on their neighbors property.
Eagle Creek Notes.
Ea;le Chkek, Oct. 25. 8everal of the
leading citizens of Eagle Creek have been
working the road leading past the Glover
farm, under the supervision of Hugh Cur
rin. Mrs. J. W. Douglass has moved to Dufur,
Wasco county, to school ber children.
J. S. Welch of Clackamas, formerly of
this place, fell while walking across a
street in Portland recently and seriously
injured his lame leg. He is with bis
mother, Mrs. Carter, and is recovering
There is considerable fall grain to it
sown yet m this section.
An Oregonlan Abroad.
Kiai.to, Calif.. Oct. 2,1,-Slnce writing my
last communication, 1 have taken a trip
by wagon, about seventy miles, lo the
const at Westminster, going by one road
and returning by another, taking In the
heart of the orange country. We passed
through the towns of Itlveralile, Arlington,
Corona, Orange, Santa Anna, Garden Grove,
Anaheim, Fullerlon, Pomona, Ontario and
Cucaniouga. These are all bcauiilul towns,
much alike In inaiuy respects, yet each
nonnesting some leal ores peculiar to Itself.
It would take too much space to mention
each, but 1 cannot resist the temptation lo
attempt a description of one avenue at Riv
erside, although I realise how inadequate
are words lo give the readers a fair Impres
sion of ascent so unlike anything with
which they are familiar. Imagine an ave
nue four miles long, one hundred feet wide,
with a row of large pepper trees, eucalyplu,
magnolias, and others of which I bave for
gotten the names, on each side, and two
rows down the center, with a paved mail
on each side aa smooth aa a Moor and a
paved sidewalk the whole length of the
avenue. Alternating with the other treti
are great palma some of them thirty feet
or more high and from two to three fed
thick, standing like a row of giant columns
wltli a crown of waving leaves, some two
feet across, on top. These are between the
sidewalk and the driveway, and back of
them Is a hedge of cypress trimmed In all
sorts of landfill shapes, and behind the
hedges are orange groves of from ten lo
twenty acres with yards ami residences
where the owners seem to vie with each
other in producing beautilul effects. Bear
In mind that this is not in town but might
be called a suburban or country district
with not a business house, not even a
saloon, for the w hole four miles, I don't
know how I could give your readers a bet
ter idea of the buildings than to say that
for the whole distance the residences will
average fully as fine aa the Morey residence
in Oregon City. As we ride down the ave
nue the thought came t me, supposing it
were possible for one to go to sleep in Ore
gon City and be transported lo (he middle ol
Ibis avenue and there awakened. The first
thought would be that he had died and was
in paradise, and be would commence to
wander up and down looking for the angels
with wings and harps. But what is this
coming, a street car drawn by mules?
Surely there is some mistake bere; there
ran be no mules in paradise. And if he
should wander out beyond this avenue into
the desert he would begin to look for saian
with his cloven feet, and if he chanced to
blunder into a big bed of cactus, be would
exclaim very emphatically, "Surely this la
bell." Such is tbe contrast between the
country in a natural state and after the
hand nf man has transformed It Into a ver
itable Garden of Eden.
But do not think I have been so carried
away by these new, strange scenes aa
to lose my head and see only one side of
this country. I promised in my last letter
to tell of some ol the bad features of this
country, and there are several of Ihem,
In the first place, tbe whole of this coun
try in a natural state it a barren destrt
traducing nothing but caotus, wild plums
and greaite-wood. The Almighty never in
tended it for the habitation of man, but
somehow man in this prngessive Rge is
getting ahead of the Almighty, and when
ever he ran gel a supply of water la crowd
ing out the coyotes, jack rabbits and rattle
snakes and making the desert to bloom
with a beauty that rivals the oriental
dreams of splendor. But here is where I
ran against my first snag, that water sup
ply. When we consider that wiihouta
supply of water for irrigating purposes,
all this orange land is not worth a cent and
that if the supply of water were w ithdrawn
for two years all ibis country would relape
into a desert, we realize how important is
the water question.
With the water iiiestion in a very unset
tled condition, and the subject In constant
litigation, rival companies coteuding over
tbe source of supply, with blanket mort
gages and water bonds covering much of
the laud , it stands intending purchasers in
hand to investigate well the title not only
to the land but also lo the water rights.
One must also lake inlo consideration
the fact that near y all of the orange land
is a very poor, sandy, gravelly soil, mcapa-
ble of producing much of a crop without
the use of commercial fertilizers.
It will require an expense of from seven
to ten dollars per jear for a bearing
orchard for fertilizer, and from three to
five dollars per acre for water, and one ran
rcauuv we that lie must have good returns
to psy expenses.
Fuel is very scarce, many using coal oil
stoves. Most of the firewood Is plum and
greasewood roots dug up on the desert, so
Unsaying that in this country "they dig
for wood and climb for water" is really true,
the water supply coming from the moun
tains. Again, one looks in vain for the green
fHds and gardens of Webfoot. Nearly
everyone in the orange belt buys their gar
den truck, horse and cow feed from sections
where they rait-e alfalfa and barley hay.
For family u-e their fruit cannot compete
with the apples, pears, plums, prunes, cher
ries and small fruit of Oregon, none of
which we see here to speak of except
peaches and some prune orchards which
are being dug up to make room for oranges.
There are many vineyards but from the
number neglected and from what I hear
they do not pay much.
They can beat us on two things, roads and
climate, but one cannot live altogether on
climate, nor can he enjoy good roads with
out an income and after viewing the situa
tion all around my advice to Oregouians
would be, if you have good health and are
a poor man struggling for a home, stay in
Webfoot where the Almighty supplies the
rain needed and allows no man lo corne
the supply.
If you are suffering with lung or catarrh
troubles come south to a dryer cliina e.
Or if you have plenty of money and want a
change of climate come to Southern Cali
fornia where, by a liberal use of your
money you can make a paradise on earth.
B it, rich or poor, don't buy or trade for a
piece of property without first investigating
tbe title and surrounding conditions, espe
cially the water supply. E. P. Cahtkii.
The Verftliil.
We, tbe Counters Jury, find that
ticorgo (ijiircovii'li ami Jacob McOuuli
lost their lives liy tlit breaking or giving
away ot the dam ol the Portland (Mineral
Kleclilo company, at Oregon City, West
Miilo, IVlnlxir '.'tl, 18U7, wliilo ungugod in
preparing to remove an id damthe for
mer by having lila invk broken tlio Ut
ter by being drowned. We further 11 ml
that tlio accident wua canned by tlio
KltH'triu company venturing too (ar in
weakening tlio dam be lore abutting off
tlio water at the lieml-givtes to remove
tlio pressure agnnisl the iliim.
(1. It. II, Mn.i.KK, Foreman
J. Ci. Poktkk,
Pan Lyonk,
K. llt'STO.N,
II. 8, (iltlMON.
V. A. Whits-,
An Aohlereiiient of the Century.
Our attention lias latuly been called to
the merit .f the gieut Warner Library
now passing through the prose. The
Review of Reviews very appropriately
apeak of it at "Distilling the World
Wisdom.', From the mate of writings)
of all limes and ages, the able writers
employed upon this great work have
condensed in thirty volumes (ho cream
ol tlio world's thought. 11 v a lumpy
combination of writer and subject, poetry
and art, philosophy and history, science
and religion, (act and fiction, biography
and romance have each been given a
prominence, t-unimeuaiirate with their
Importance in a tuuiemlium of lilera
tuer. Ol this library, Public Opinion in an
ex'emh'd editorial notice well says:
''Conceived Uon inch broad lines,
prepared and written hy the most com
petent of living hunda, and embracing aa
it does the literatures of all clime and
time, It ia not dillicult lo understand
that such a library must represent an
enormous investment. We are (old
and can readily believe that the entire
coat of this) collossal work will he above
a quarter of a million dollar. That
such a work should ever I undertaken,
and should now he placed upon tbe
market at a price which easily brings it
within the reach of the general book
loving public, must we believe, make
Mr. Warner's library rank a one of the
triumphs cf American enterprise."
All clasaea of student will line In tint
a treasure from the world't beat mind.
It la destined to have an immense tale.
If you wish to know more about this
work and the scial terms ol dislribu
tion to club members address,
The Agency, llarper'a Weekly Club,
-'01) Seventh street, Portland, Or.
When it
tadd lea, whi pa or robe the price and
work to be had at Willcy't harness shop
cannot be duplicated in Portland. Re
pairing done in good shape and
promptly. Full line of shoe carried
and told at bed rock prices. Shoe re
pairing attended to. Willcy't loggers
and farmer hand made shoes have no
superior. Call at Lit shop on Seventh
street near the depot and see how big a
dollars worth you can get.
II ow to Cure lllllou Colic.
I tu Tared tor weeks with colic, and
pains in my stomach caused by bilious
ness and bad to take medicine all the
while until I used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which
cur! me. I have since recommended
it lo a good many people. Mrs. F. Hut
I .t, Fairhaven, Conn. Persona who are
subject to bilioii colic can ward off the
attack by taking t It in remedy a toon a
the firht symptoms appear Hold by Geo.
A. Hauling.
Wall Paper.
Beet stock of wall pajier In Oregon City
latett designs and prices to suit the timet
at R. L. Holman's, Main street, oppo
site Court House, tl.
Stibnribo for the F.ntkhhhisk, the lead'
ing p.iper of the city.
Ue Uill (Jive
to tlio penon who will hoik! uh tlio
lurt'ont number of HtiliHcri Intra to
tlio Ladies' Homo Journal hotwwn
now mid April 15, 1S!W. Thin in
in addition to liberal cointiiinnion
paid for every subscriber Boourod,
WobIihII divide 111,500 among
1 10 agents who do the mt work
for us between now and April 15,
Our Pacific Count mitnngor will
lo pleased to boo tlione deniring to
take up tho work. Addrons V, II.
DANIELS, Cliff House, Oregon
City, Ore., Nov. Kith and 17th.
Ktuvrnr if Ih " VmhrtilanP'
TUa Una (.'real Mamhirif Authority,
Hit wflli II l, J. llri-wi-r,
JlMlli I', a. hniiKiiin I null.
nfllMl'.S llnr'l PHllllllt
onlna, ilia V S. Mui.i.nn
('mill, nil Ilia HUila
fiirlil'oiirl.,alliltf UMT
X Mil lit NuliuullNuaa,
Wiirml v
Coiiimr iitrl
almual wiUmmiI MUMibar.
Ih Ittit ti-tiaa-li.lil. mill Ui
lilt. It'iu Ihi, IliMnr. J'"l'
fcatlMlinl UINM, ami tell-
pilm Kiur.
ti in nnsT roit i actical usu.
It la asy to flml the word wanld.
It Is eaay to aaiarlaln Ih prunumiallafi,
It I May la trm. lit growth ol a want.
II Is ay lo learn what a word awans.
. Thn Chlrntn TfmcN-lcmM vf
Vlallar'a luluitlalltmnl lllHlmiNIV Ih IU ,ir.Klil .
' form la almiluii, iiiuliiitlty on atvirOilo l-rtaliiltti
Mo our laiitfiiim,, In lliaMtiv til Oli"aiai'lV. nrllii S
I t (r.'IriM.'iiHiy, nml il(-f1ntll"l1 nlli It llooa la no t
, niMtl. Huita M-rfr-l palniioantltoilantlaijlwlai.
, allll'.in loaaall r I. li
II!T Till! III!T.
Vttiwjiliiwit i4i;im atiitl on itli Alton In
f. NKKKIAM CO,, I'uhllxhfr,
WrlrtnfT, tin.. I'.S.A.
ti Nlala HiilHiiUHil-nM
of Nrliiaila, f olli-a IT.-al
lltll,aillnllHl Mui'Mlolt
-O- V -(r-sjt -v- V - -v- v- V V v -w v v v v- ,
W. Yakeda....
(jontM ami iioy'ij Furnishing Goods,
Hats. Caps, Etc.
ale of Winter Underwear, MiiekintoHhes, I'lnbreDim, (Moves,
Mulllurs. Also a full line of JatiiineMo Fancv (IimmIm
lilies, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., at Lowest Prices. '
Christmas Presents, .'lease give us a call.
J Main Street. 2 tfonrs sonTh nf P. I Williams' t rnrurr fart firms. Pitr s
for Parmeri.
comet to huylnir harness,
Orritou ( Ity Market Hrport.
(Corns-toil weekly.)
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, "I cents
per hiitihi'l.
Hour Portland, $ r.O ; Howard's
Real, 11.70; Fisher's Heat, R ; luiylon ;
$4."0 : Pendleton, ,'
Oa!s in tks, white, JO rents per
bunh.il, rrav,
.IilUtiilI" llrn, tM.no pr ton.
shorts, $I.Yfl) er ton.
Potatoes 40 cents er sack,
P-Wi 1 cents per doxen.
Hutter Kancli, 3." to 40 ceutt per roll.
Onions, l 00 r rack.
Dried Fruits Applet, unbleached, 0
rents ; 60-pound boxes, evKrUxl, lit"
prunes, 4 to 0 cents; plums, 4c.
Hacon Hams, 0 to 11 wills; tides,
8; shoulders, tl; lard 7 to 8
Livestock' and IreiseJ Meals Beef,
live, 2 to H.'g cents; box", live Scents;
hogs dressed, 5 to54 cents ; tleep, $1 M
to 2 00 per headjveal.dresseJ 5 to 6'.
Poultry Chickens, young, from (1 .50 ;
old (3.00, turkeys, alive. 8 cents ix-r
Track ami Until Work a Specially.
Any tlyls alio, forni-d In Iron or
lcel. Wiik'mi work and repairing.
HntmlniHluii Knarilitt-ei!,
Bliop on Heventli alreet, next dmir to
Nnlihtt'i ilalile.
Depot Sixth and J. Street
For All Point Iinnt
Leaves for the Hast via Walla Walla
and SHikane, daily at 2 :40 p. in . Arrives
at 11:45 a. in.
1-eavi.a (or tbe Kant via Huntington
and Pendleton, dally at 0 p. in. Arrives
at 7 ill) a. in.
Ockan HiviHinN Stcamalils sail from
Ainsworth dock 8 p. m. For San Fran-ciw-o:
State ol California tails Kent.
IU, 11); Columbia Sept. 31.
Of tho
Express Trains leave Portland Daily
15 Cents
AU oaln banlabed by Dr. Miles' Palo Pllla.
is all it would coHt you
to cure your corns with lied
Seal corn cure.
Is that expensive when
we agree to pay hack your
money if you are not satisfied?
Desidea lied Heal we have
Acorn, Ilountn's Magic, Toe
Gum, Mennen'fl, Green's Ilin
dercorn, London, Rough on
- Corns, and Japanese.
Original Cut Rate Druggist,
Oregon City.
non p. m.
n ta r. a.
7 4.'a. M.
Portland Ar
OruipiiClty l.i
H. Kralicli.ro I.t
I North.
Red Seal
Red Blood.
StirHaparilla makes
The above trnina atop at. all ilatinna be
tween Portland, Salem, Turner,
Marion, Jell'eraon, Albany, Tangent, Hlieildt,
tfalney, HitrrinhiirK, Junction City, Kuem,
Cottage Grove. Drain, Oakland aiid all sta
tions from KotelitirK to Aaliland liiclnalvr
Direct connection at Han Kranclico with
Oculilenlal and Oriental and Tacille Mull
.teanihl tinea for JAPAN and CHINA.
Hailing datea on application,
IUN' and tickets to Kantem pointa and
Kiirnne. Alan JAPAN, CHINA, 1IONO
1. 1' I. II and A I'HTKA I.I A. Can he obtained
from K. E. IJOYD, ticket auent, Oregon City
ROHEIltJUa MAII, fDallvl.
Steamer It, It. Thoinpaon lenves.
rorlland daily except Sunday at fl p.tn
ami at 10 p. m. on Saturday; returiiiiilK,
leaves Aaioria Uai'y except Sunday at
o:i. a. in.
Willamette River Ro
Ash Street Wharf.
Steamer Ituih, for Halein ; md way
points, leaves Porthunl Mondaj a. Wed
nesdays and Fridavs at (I a. tu. irrtiirn
inn leaves Salem for Portland md way
points Tuesdays, Thursdays until Satur
days at 7:15 a. in. Steamer (ii nny for
Sulem and way points, leaves i'ortland
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Hatinlava at
(I a. in. Hetnrniliir. leaves Slalom fur
Portland and way points Mondiiya, Wed
nesdays and Fridays at 7:15 a, in.
U, I . . . .A . J .
nu-ainer niouiNi, lor j'ayinti ami wav
puinia. leaves I oruuini l ueHiiavs. T mra-
uiiys ami haiuniuys at 7 a iii. Keturn-
luir, leaves Dayton for rortland and way
points Mondays, Wednesdays and Vn.
ditvN at 7 a. m,
Kniike Hiver Route. Kteiimer leaves
Riparia duily except Satiirduir
at 1 :45 a. m , on arrival of train
from Portland. Leaves Lyiaion, return
ItiK, daily except Friduy fit (J:()0 a. m
arriving at Riparia at 0 p. in.
(Jen. IW Agent.
8 B0. X.
9:21 A. M.
i.W P. .
Portland Ar
OruK'uiClly I.T
KoHohurff I.T
4;.) r.
HM r.
7 :mi a.
Went Hide Divmlon.
Mall Train, Dally (E inept SiindaT.)
7:30a.m. I I.T Portland
12:1ft p.m. Ar Cnrvallla
19) r.
1 M p.
At Alhanv and Cnrvallla connect with train
of OroKOQ Central & K'latuni liallroad.
KinrcM Train DallWExcept Sunday)
7:Wip. a.
Portland Ar
MoMlmiville Lt
It :60 a.
Aaa't O. K, and l'Ra. A tent
Kanileiiien nr lailiea to travel lor
respnimible, eatsbllahmi bonne in Oregon.
Monthly JCJi 00 and exiwnaea. PoNition
atea'ly Reference. Kncln-e self aiMreHwd
tamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. V Chicago.
Gtymania LVh Ajaito
Best auality of Cold
Storage Meats.
Smoked hams and bacon
be excelled. Gamo in HeuHon.
Highest price paid
for live and dressed
Seventh St between Main and Depot