Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 29, 1897, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Circuit court cnnvmci tlrat Mon a In No
- vembcr end third Monday In April.
Probate court iu tCKilon Brut Monday in each
Commlloncm court mccta (Irat Wedneaday
After Ant Mnmlar ol each month.
FRIDAY, OCT015ER 20, 1897.
Knitting yarn, two skeins for 5 cents
at the Racket Store. '
One order at Miss Goldsmith's will in
sure your future patronage in millinery.
The largest, best and nicest selections
of ribbons ever in the city just arrived at
the Racket Store.
Our creations are original and exclu
sive. Our prices the very lowest at
SI iss Goldsmith millinery parlors.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery w ill address
the men's meeting at the Young Men's
Christian Association next Sunday after
noon. All men are cordially invited.
Tor a quiet place to hitch your horses
away from the motor line and a place to
get a first class job of repairing or horse
hoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Their is no need of little children be
ins tortured by scald head, ecxetna and
skin eruptions. Pe Witt's Witch Hazel.
Salve gives instant relief and cures per
manently. Geo. A. Harding.
Dyspepsia Cured. Sliiloh's Vitalizer
immediately relieves Sour Stomach,
Coming up of Food Distress, and is the
great kidnev and liver remedy. Sold by
Charman A Co., Druggists, Oregon City.
The young people of the Congrega
tional church will give a Halloween
social at the church this Thnrsday eve
ning, A good program is provi led and
refreshments will be served. All are invited.
Salvation Army will have a grand
street illumination fire and light Satur
day evening Oct. 30:7 p.m. After the
street parade ice cream and cake will be
served in the hall, tickets ten cents.every-
body welcome, admission free.
The usual services at the Baptist
church will be conducted by the pastor,
Rev. M. L. Rugg on Sunday who will
speak in the evening on the disaster on
the West Side, by which two young
men lost their lives and others were
seriously injured.
Daniel Williams, at the northeast cor
ner of Center and Seventh streets, has a
choice and well selected stock of family
groceries which he is selling at very
reasonable rates. His motto is "live
and let live, with honest weights and
measures". Goods deliveded to any
part of the city.
W. B. Psrlluw brought to this office
Saturday some as fine cider as ever was
made from the juice of apples. Mr.
Fartlow, who has established a reputa
tion for making cider that is unexcelled
anywhere, has established a depot at E.
E. William's grocery store, where those
desiring fine cider in any quantity can be
There was a large congregation at the
Congregational church latt Sabbath eve
ning to listen to Dr. Butlers first talk to
young people, the second talk in the
series will be given next Sabbath, sub
ject, "How to Win; or Elements of
Success " In the morning a service on
Autumnal Characteristics, will be held,
thrme "The Falling Leaves." The
public is invited.
There are some people who never wear
daik glasses and yet they never see any
thing bright; it is the people who are
dyspeptic and soured. Everything is
out of joint with such people. '! suf
fered many years with dyspepsia and
liver troubles but have been relieved
since taking Simmons Liver Regulator.
I know others who have been greatly
benefited by its use." James Rowland,
Carrollton, Mo.
McClure's Magazine for November will
contain three chapters from Mark
Twain's forthcoming book on his recent
journey round the world. They are the
only portion that will be given to the
public in advance of the book itselt,
and are said to have all of the old Mark
Twain flavor, with something added. They
have been very fully illustrated for Mc
Clure's by A. B Frost and Peter Newell,
who for kindly, genuine, and yet fanciful
humor hold much the same place among
artists that Mark Twain himself holds
among writers.
Those wlio believe chronic diarrhoea
to be incurable should read what Mr. P.
E. Grisham, of C-uars Mills, La., lies to
say on the subject' viz. : "I have been
a sufferer Iroin chronic 'diarrhoea ever
since the war and have tried all kinds of
medicines for it. At last I found a
remedy that effected a cure and that was
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy." This medicine can
always be depended upon for colic,
cholera morbus dysentery and diarrhoea.
It is pleasent to take and never fails to
effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent sizes for
sale by G A. Harding.
The V. S, Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all ithera.
George Knight and his niece, Miss
Iouisa Knight, of Canby were Oregon
City visitors Monday.
Joshua Gorhett, who is the owner of a
sawmill and farm nearColton, was In
Oregon City Thursday.
T.M.Cross and daughter, Mirtie, of
Molalla, were in the city Monday, vis
iting friends and doing some trading.
Charley Wood went up lo Aurora
Wednesday to notify some of the friends
of Charles Natterliu of his unfortunate
Will L. Miller returned from Southern
Oregon Saturday and reports times good
and the mines yielding a big income for
their owners.
Mrs. George A. Peebles, of Salem,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Robert A. Miller, returned to her home
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Kate Johnson, of Meacham,
Eastern Oregon, is in the city making an
extended visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Fisher.
J. P. Jones, the. live, rustling traveling
passenger agent for the Southern Pacific
was in Oregon City Wednesday in the
interests of his company.
Mrs. Thos. Foulkes and her daughter,
Mrs. Grant Phegley, of Portland, were
in Oregon City Wednesday, the guests
of Mrs. Peter Mclntyre.
C. B. Moores and family cttne down
from Salem Tuesday and are the guests
of Judge and Mrs, Galloway until they
can get their household effects arranged
in their new home.
The Rev. Dr. W. D. Williams w ill re
turn from San Francisco on Friday morn
ing of this week. He was called away
to conduct the funeral services of a val
ued friend, a member of the church he
served as pastor for several yeats. He
wiil occupy his usual place in the St.
Paul's church next Sunday, morning
and evening. a
J. E. Wetzler, whe resides at Milwau
kee, but who is one of the leading con
tracting plasterers of Portland, was in
Oregon City last Monday. Mr. Wetzler
is a staunch republican and states that
the Germans of his vacinity do not ask
political recognition because they are
Germans, holding that they are now
Americans, and if one of their number
is honored by being given a place on the
republican ticket next spring, it will lie
recognition of their fitness aed merit and
not of their nationality.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Stevens and
daughter Miss Muriel, returned on the
steamer Friday evening from San Fran
cisco, where they spent a couple of weeks,
and report a very pleasant outing. The
weather was a little disagreeable on the
return voyage and trifle too cold in Frisco,
so Mr. Stevens says, to be enjoyed by an
Oregonian. They found Ilarley Stevens
busily employed with the California
Electric company and well pleased with
his position. Mr. Stevens says he al
ways likes to take a tiip tfT because it
makes him appreciate home all the more
Royal eaakea tha loud pura,
wholesome and dellcloua.
Absolutely Pure
aou mim fowwa ., UI VOM.
Furnished Every Week by the ( lucla.
mus Abstract & Trust Company,
Geo Hoelm to Win Scott, Dec 0, '!5
W O se'4' of the se'4' sec 4 t tl s, r
K E Eross to Carrie Richards, Oct
14, 'P7 W D se4' of sv'4' sec 8 t 4
s, r 3 .
G K Bloomer to Nicholas Story, Oct
18, "J7 sheritt"s deed trad in blk
4, Darnall's addition 11
James I lodges to Mary Garrison,
October 11', 't7 W 1) lots 5, (J blk
12, Canby
Mattie LMannering to Albert Mots
Oct 10, '1)7 W D 1U.50 acrs in Ja
son Cron Meld add
F C Goodridge to S R Harrington,
Oct 0, '07 S W 1) interest in
tract in sec 3 t 2 s, r 2e
S R Harrington to Lizzie Good ridge
intetest in
on biB return.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, purifies
the blood. Clears the complexion.
Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25
cents. Sold by Charman & Co., Oregon
Hear Killed.
Harold Choate, a farmer of Elliot
prairie, killed a monster black hear near
Aurora on Friday of last week, which
dressed 528 pounds. Bruin had been in
vading the orchards of the neighborhood
and breaking down the trees. The close
of the chase was highly exciting. The
bear steadily advanced upon Mr. Choate
as he poured leads into his bearship, it
requireing five shots to kill the brute.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman & Co., Charman
Bros. Block.
1000 !
Attention Ktockmun.
A full blood Short Horn bull for sale
at a reasonable price. Is six years old,
fine build, perfectly gentle and one of
the best breeding animals in the state.
Ciias. Albright, Oregon City.
Twenty-live yearling ewes and one
buck, half Shiopshire and half Merino.
A.G. Jacoiis,
Oregon City Mfg. Co.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Qnin ine Tablets.
All Druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
Willi ted.
To rent an organ suitable for family
use. Address "B" care Oregon Citv
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to the
Entebpbisk and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for re
sponsible entablihsed house in Oregon.
Monthly (ifl.00 and expense. Position
steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
pany Dept. Y Chicago.
Dr. Miles' Nerve Pluatera5c. at all druggist.
Oct 9. '07 S W D
sec 3 t 2 s, r 2 e
E S Fish to J A Bonren, Oct 19. '07
W D n.a of ne'4'Hec 11 t 3 s, rle
Richard Glasool to M E Barns, Oct
13, 07 Q C L lot 10 blk 0. Green
Peter Heater to Karl Hook man, Oct
Dot 13. '!7 W D 20 seas in sec 1!)
t 3 s, r 1 w
J L Swalh.rd to J W GJout, Oct 21
!7 W D part of blk 7, Holmes
Lillie Kopp to E Dxlge. Oct 1!), '07
W D timber on 30 acrs in dim
Walker claim
Peter Taylor to John Taylor, Oct 11
'97 admr dled ne'4 of nw)4 sec
Edna Taylor to John Taylor, Oct 11
'97 Q U D nej4 of nwjf Bee 20 15
s, r 1 e
Samuel Matthews to Ruth II White
Oct 22, '97 W I) lot 7 blk 23,
Jane Baker to John Hatton, Oct 19
'97 W D 176 30 acrs in Howard
Baker D LC
Mary Leonard to C S Leonard, Oct
2l", '07 W D e,'i nwj4' sec 32 t 5 s,
Geo V I.entz to W J Miller, Oct 20
'97 Q C L w,'a' of n", of se'4 sec
8 1 2 s, r 3 e
Ada L lentz to W J Miller, May 8,
'97 W I) one-eight interest in n of
se,'4 sec 8 t 3 r s,
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy-!
right to the Thome system of abstract '
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have'
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can furnish information as to ,
title to land at once, on application.)
Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts ',
Alp rilTtia nvnr ftunlt fif ( Irmmii f"?ifv '
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
Crystal Wedding.
Some of the many friends of Mr. anil
Mrs. George Broughton surprised them
Tuesday evening by calling upon them
in a body in honor of their 15th wed
ding anniversary. Though taken com
pletely by surprise, Mrs. Broughton
entertained her friends with her usual
courtesy and grace and the evening
hours passed rapidly with games, music
and cards. An elegant luncheon had
been prepared by the guests and was
partaken of at the proper time. Mr. and
( III nil Wedding.
A local event of unusual Interest and
pleasure lo all the paiticlpllaiils was the
suipilsti tendered Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Ilutdihg by a lew of their friends
Wednesday evening hi honor of their
.(ill) wciiiinig anniversary, The guests
assembled at the residence of O. O.
Albright and went In a body to the
Harding residence, taking their bust
and hostess completely by aurpilso. All
evening of unalloyed pleasure was spent
with music, names, conversation and
cards, followed by the discussion of a
bounteous luncheon, supplied by the
guests Mr. and Mrs. Harding were the
recipients of a number of handsome and
useful presents in china.
Those present Vere : Mr, and Mrs. U.
A. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pope,
Col. and Mrs R. A. Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. II. L. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. L. Vos
berg, Mr. ami Mrs. U, I). Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Charman, Mr.
and Mrs. F. T. Orlllith, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Broughton, Mr. and Mis. J.
G. I'ilsbury; Mcsdamcs C. II. Cauflold,
P. F. Morey, K. R. Charman, C. O.
Albright. J. W. Norris, A. J. U-wtli-waite.
II. J. Harding; Misses M. S.
Burlow, Josephine Chase, lliuel I'ils
bury, Laura Pope, lino Harding, May
Kelly, Elmo Albright, Mary t'onyeis,
(JieiU Slricklcr and Dr. J. W, Welch,
little Folks Party.
Miss Beatrice Harlow, Aids Broughton
and Neita Harding weie the fair patron
esses of a delightful young folks party
given at the residence of George A. Hard
ing on Main street lust Saturday after
noon in honor of the 5th birthday of
little Evelyn Harding. Tho homo was
prettily decorated for the occasion and
the little people enjoyed themselves In
playing all manner ol games under the
direction of their charming patronesses.
At (I o'clock luncheon was served after
which the little tots dicrscd to their
several homes. Miss Evelyn wai the
recipient of a number of handsome
presents. Those present were: Evelyn
ami Ben Harding, Cecil Fuller, Aline
and Bessie Albright, Jenevive Harding,
ami llattie and Mildred Cronuht m.
Ji 110
trtm r.S Jmmtt V U-Hrl
Prof. W. tt. Prose, whu
tuukra a imcmllr t
1 piW piy, Ima without
doitt.t trratrdaml cur
ed moreiMM than any
livinic I'hvak-ian ; hla
euci-caa it Rr.intHlilnir.
W Imvr hrurJ of caca
ol ao Trnra' atamlina
him. It
v a I ii u b I
work on
tills die.
he tondi
larva bnU
tie of hla ahaolnta enre, frre to any aufTrrsrt
who may aend their V. . ami Ktprcui ad'lrvu.
We artvlse anv one wishing n i-uro tontMrrna
rroLW. H. FEEKI. F. fi.. 4 CtCuZL, How Turk
ir PooploThat Arenil I A
Sick or "Just Don't
feel well."
RameMa Plaiplta, curaa Headache. Dyipepela as
Ceatlieneaa. 2cia a bo at ilruinrMior hr malt
cample free, addreee Or, Botanis C. I'hUa. la.
Track sud Knnil Work a .Specialty.
Any style stioea forged in iron or
steel. Wagon work anil repairing.
Hstislueilon guaranteed.
Shop on St-ven t Ii street, next door to
Nohhtt'i stable.
v e ww i
Of the
ExpreBS Trains leave Portland Daily
Him.h i
Mrs Broughton were the recipients of e oor. .
Portland Ar
Oregon City l.v
8. Kranelaeo Lt
l Worth,
11 a. a
S 411 A M.
8:01) r.S
a number of handsome crystal presents, 7:'4f,A.'J
as tokens of the esteem and respect in I
which they are held in the community. I 'b pmnVt0P hVi"" ''"'TurneT
The only thing that occurred to mar the j Marion, Jefl'erson.Alhany, Tangent, Hhedds!
pleasure of the evening was the tinavoid-1 Halsey, Harrlshurg. Junction City, Kngens,
. , , , , i, , L , : Cottage Grove, Dram, iluklami and all su
able absence of Mr. Broughton, who had , lioll, from Koet)nrg to Ashland Inclusivs
gone on a trip into the country and was
unable to get back as soon as expected.
Direct connection at 8au Francisco with
Occidental and Oriental Hnd i'seillrt Mall
Hen rnnliin lines for.lAI'AN and CHINA.
Hailing dates on application.
Hales and tickela to KiiHtern polntx and
I IT I IT -...I A I'b ri 1 I I 1 I ..I I
K. D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cooke, ,;,,; K, k. BOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City
Those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Albright, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. A. Harding, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 1'. Bestow, Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Taylor, Mr. ami Mrs. W. B.
Zumwalt, Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Gray,
Kev. and Mrs. T. L. Butler, Prof, and
Mrs. L. W. McAdam, Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Wiggings, Mr. and Mrs. John
McGetchie, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pilsbury,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warner, Mr. and
Mrs. O. ,A. Cheney. Mesdames Norris,
C. L. Latourette. Lillian Shepard, M.
M. Charman, Uoss Charman, L. A.
Lacev, 8. Mark and Edith Clotise,
Misses Laura Beattie, Imo Harding,
Josephine Chase, Ethel Albright and
Katie Marks; and Mr. Chas, Wilson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred White
Wedding stationery, thelatest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entekpkisb office.
8:80 A
U :2:1a
& ;m r
Portland Ar
Oregon City Lr
KoHeburg hv
t 'M p. t
I S.Mr.
1 7 :m a. m
Weat Hide Uivulon,
Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.)
7 a0A.M. Lr fortland Ar 5 ,V) r.
12:1ft r.u. Ar C'orvallla Ly l.Wr.s
At Albany and forvallla connect with train t
of Oregon Central Ji K.ialern Kallroad.
Expreaa Train Dally (Except Sunday)
7:30 r. M.
Portland Ar
McMinnrllle Ly
8:211 A. S
I 6:50a. a
Aia't a. K. sad faae. Agent
gentlemen or ladies to travel lor
responsible, established house In Oregon.
Monthly $tiA 00 and expenses. I'onition
steady Kelerence. Kncloe self-addressed
tamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y Chicago.
"I lutTrred with tironvhllla for
nenrly five yenra. My pli)Uliui
prracrllieit for tue without pnulu.
clog (uvoriitita remilU, and finally
advlncil me lo try Ayer'a flieny
Pectoral. I have lukrn al t,t.
ilea ul thla ninlaliic, and am now
Ticklish Things.
Couuha are tiokllnh
l thin tf h. Now hero dotm tho
i oxtrtivtiiffint Bttylnir : " I
,i wim tloklod to ilouth,"
oomo nouror boitirj truo, than in tho cubo of n uovcro
ooutfh. Do you know tho fm-lin-r? Tho tickling in tho
throat, that you writho undor imd fuht njfiiluHt, until
at ltiut you brottk out in u puroxynm of oouiihlnir?
"Why not euro tho couch uud enjoy uubrokea runt?
Tou oau do bo by imluix
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. f
will he Imind In full lu Ayer't "Curchook" with a 2
Ad. lit. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maaa. T
Thla Iratlmoiilal
hundred othere. Krre.
If You Wnnt
Job priptii
a- mil i rt.r
1V1IITK IHtONZK MoniitnentH
' " will not Muss-cover or liluck
mi. ;rn artistic, t limip nml tho
most t'li'luriiij,' iiionuiiifiit iiidiln.
W hite Hronzo is no ex jht i iik lit.
It hits sliMnl fur liuiiilrcilH of yoitrw
in KuroM' nml is not iiflVctt-il y
tho wt'iitliiT. (-'iirresiMiiidciico Holi
citeil. On riTi'it of postul cunl
will I Ki pleitmnl to call nml show
huiiiii'S ami (lcsi;iiH.
c. it. noNNKi.i,, Mint,
N. V. Curler I'.hiiiIi mi. Yamhill Klrvrta
Willi KIi.k' hook aliirt.,
I'tirtlainl, Ori'H'Ui.
" ff tnty tt magaiint tan fo taint, mt voulJ mrfttt th
A'flKW or Knnntt'S, mi twrit mri rtunJ lliam
any ttktr maaiim" BoarJ o( Library Commiitlonert
ol New Hampshire, l9i.
MHIS mafjlne Is, In Us contributed and departmental
features, what Its readers, who Include the most noted
names ol the English-speaking world, are pleased to call
"absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast ol the times,"
"Invaluable," and "independable." U Is profusely Illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles
are of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect
ive suLjetts. The Editor's " Progress of the World " gives a
clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
race during the current month. The " Leading Articles of the
Month " pre;nt the Important parts of the bert magazine articles
that have Leen written In every part of the world. The newest
and most important boorj are carefully reviewed. Indexes,
:hronologlcal records, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of tha Review
Ci' Reviews will miss nothing of great
r ,:nillnance that Is said cr written or done
throughout the world.
Snl la Cents
la Stampe tor
eeclmea Copy
THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO, 13 Astor Place, New York,
:....,, r.
re?lure's raziije
For 1897
" Captains ConriiKooiiH."
The only novel of Steven-
A New Life of C.ront ly I Inmlln Gnrlnncl, Tin first antli orlta
tive ami Htlcijimte. Life of (irunt ever pulilisheil. Lavishly illnnlrateil. (lie
Kins in I'l-ceiniier.)
IludyartJ Klplinu't first American serial,
tlleulns in November )
liobert Uouli HtevenNon'H " St. Ives."
son's still impiililiHlieil. (lleins in Miiy.)
ChOM. A. Unnit. " Kecollectlons of Wurlime." Mr. Dana was for three
of the most critical yenrs of the Civil War practically a tnemliernf Lincoln's
Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living lo kIvh an
authoritiitive histoiyof this peril ul from his recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of (Jreut Amerlcnnn. Many of tnem iinpiihliNhcd. In
coiuibidion i'b this Hfrie of purl mils it is intended to iiiiIiUhIi special
hioifrnpliieal studies under the tfner.il title of MAKI5HS OK Tl IIC
UNION from W'Hshli'Kton to Lincoln.
Picture of PuleHtlne. Specially tMketi under the editor's direction.
HtorleH of Adventure. A seilul by CON AN DOYLK, in which
ho will tlHo Ids extranrilinary talent for mstery and inuenuily which have,
in the "Sherlock Holmes" stones, urn'" him a place beside. Poe und
Ian Moclriren. All tho fiction that he will write during the cnminir your,
witli the exception of two contrnliii'ion to another pnblicslion which were
engaged from him lonif airo, will appesr in McCi.i.'hk's Mao aink.
Joel Chrjndler Utirrlt. A series of new imimal stories in tho Hume
field as the " ISrer Kuliliil" nnd Ihti " Little Mr. Thimbleliiiirer" stories.
Rudyard Klpllntr. Heslilea " Captains Coiirnueoiis," KipliiiK will con
tribute to Mcti.t'KK's all of the short stories ho will write during the coming
Octave Thanet Is preparing for the Maoa.ink a series of Blinrt stories In
which the same characters will appeal , all honuh euch will be complete in itself .
Anthoney Hope HretHnrte Kobert Hnrr
Frank Ii. Stockton Stanley Weymun Clurlc RuHne
will all have stories in McCi.ukk'b for the coining year.
These are only a small fraction of the (rent and important features of McCmihk'i
Maoazinb for 1807, the subscription price of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins wllh November. Subscriptions should start with this
The S. S. me C t lip e C o . , N e uj York City