Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
Oregon City Enterprise, HMBHWMHMBM bCHEDULES OF TIME HOI'TIIKHN PACIKII) KAJMVAV. MllHTH KUUNM. California Kinreaa (HiruiiKli) MM) a. in. Kunvburii lial (way tuilmia) H su p, m. SOUTH Hull HI). KiiiIiiim('kI (wnjr nations) 9:'7 m (;lllnrnl Mpreas (lliiimifli) O.Op. m POSTAL HUhKDUI.K. y k)Utiin nemo Htiuntin Mall nliiaoa ii.i. Norlli J i m. Mull olnana tfiilUK HiimiIi, Will, m mil i 'VII p in. Mil I tllali tin S'l Iti.m Niirih Jhu i in., III It .111, Mall dis.ilbuud (Mm riiuili V lUa 111 , Mil p. in. t ia-r sins m.inaic Lies, Mall rh m lor roriund aid dn rlMUh g points, I'' Uiiii, ami 4 46 i'. in, MjiIuIu-m lr Milnaukm only, 1.41 a. in.. 4 top. in. Mail 1 rilvai Itum PmlUiid, 11:80 a. in. and 4 ,15 p, ui, ID anuria, Orviiiu 'lly to Kly , farm, M nil no. Liberal and Molalla IratM ml 14 m. ami arrives al U ui, dally. titfuon Cllr lo Haer Crank, Mink, Clark, Meadow llriM.k, I iiliiu M 1 1 la. ami Coltou leaves al a. 111. Hun. lay, ttelmulay and rVUay, ami reiiirtuou Inllowlns. ilava al 4 H6 p. m Cranu City In Viola, l.neii and llwllaiid leaves urrgnu City Monday, Wednesday aud Friday al I.UU p. in., leaving Viola (a ma daya at 7;u0a. at. Or-anu Clly to Willamette, maffrl and Wl...nll.a, arrlvua al lu SO a 111. and.vava. at J I. Ho a. 111. iii..y. U in ml iivlivatjr window n nrnn un uinlar Irinii lu tu II a 111. A'l lH' r-p"i ml. li b"i ai ili ir la .i 0111 1 y so I ufT Suular, aa ni mil' d . An han fii mall lhat la dclayvd mil I Ml I" aimao. V nu a. in., U I11 xili C ill 0.1 VI o rl.M'H nr 4 ID evli io oar, tWI.UMKITK FAI.lJt ICY. t'li-aHMoa nanos ( .'41 a m. a wi " lu uu 1 1 ;i 0 l'J:U i 11 p. m. 4U " iw a in 7.I& .lu - wil.LaMim ral.L 3ft , m 7 iw " IO ' v aft " l iia n. in. i ift " 4 " IU " .Z " 1 M ' ;i6 Mumlay oa'a loava eveiy hour until a n'ritx k p ni. In tHwl uu end ! h Jsu rv 5. I'A C.A hli.l.KH, -trr. FKIDAY, OCTOUKU 20. 1HU7. TwkSTX rivic Ykahh or W'katiikm Till) t'llillll Hlatt WHlllr titlrfttll m 1'ortland MvtiiU out thti (olio. I im (lulu covi-riinf, Nuveuilwr weather (or a period o( 20 yeara. I'uriiK lliat time the normal temperature ha m u tlt-KWci Tim rmfat moiilh waaln when the Uirrniuiiiwor .vcraKnl 44 ili'Kiwa, ml Hit) culilint inonlti wan In 1 K'.Ml ilh in verKo o( ail iliKrtH8. TI10 liintn'at iBiiilKTaturo aa on tlm 2ml in IH'.K), wliim the tlirruKiiurttir riBUtorol 73 di'iiruri, while 1I10 coMt'it tluy for the paai :'tJ yuant ocnirrtxi on the 2tUti , in 1MH), wlien the' mercuiy drov" toll di-Kwa Kaliifiihlnt. The avtite dale on which ItllliiiK arii orcurrtnl wai on the 2titli. 'iMiruiK thvae '." yearn the vcriiO ralnfull (or the immth Imi Iwun 6.71 Inches. The vcmne nuinUT o( daya on which more than 01 o( an Inch of rain (ull were 13. The jjtetat liiunlhly ralnlall wan In 11)76. w hen the irecliiUlion rttai'hetl 15.77 IncheH. The Inanl rain (all octurrod in IH'.K), when the irtvliitioii waa only .50 IiicIicn. The iirealeat amount o( rainfall in any 'i cuin-ecutive huiira waa 3 (12 iiit tiva on the'Jlilh ami L'Tth in 1S83, while the Kreali'nt amuiint of aiiowfull in n like jieriuil o( lime aa one inch on the 10th in lUtKl. The avfraKO nuinlier o( tltar daya weretl, partly cloudv, U. and cloudy IS, The prevailing w inda wertt from the aoiilli. The hinlifHt velocity atluinexl hy tlm wind wan 41) miles ier hour from the eimllii'iiHl on the Mill in lSlkl, when the aiiHiienHion liilil.'e arroBH iIib WilUtnrtte river in Una city waa dunuiKi'd, nt'cuiwh tuliiiki anveral hnudreil dnllara worth ol repaint. Aa lant November waa the worat month In the 'M years aince the weather lian been iimlvr the "control" of the weitlher Imiemi, jiulniiiK hy tlie rule of coiilriiritm by wlili It nil weather prog noaticutora work, next month will prob ably he the bent one experienced in thin decudo. St'HVKYINO l'AHTY KkTI'IINKI) II. II. Johnaon, wlioapent (our monlh'a aurvey lii Koverntnunt lamia in lite central part of Idaho, about 100 miloa north of Hoine City, returned to Oregon City hint Thurs day, accompunled by Steve lltmgute and John VauKluin, the lemuindur of liie crew, James Church, V. J. Dauuhy, George and Louie Ltx'ey , George Shipley, Charles Iloratmitn and E, C. Holt hav ing reached home on the Sunday preced ing. Hal Uauda, who waa alao a mem ber of the party, went to Ithica, New York, where he la taking a courre in civil engineering at Cornell university. Mr, JolniHon Hays the weather waa de lightful, only two or three atoriny days occurhig during the entire time, they were awav. Moat of then work waa 011 the diyide between the Salmon and l'aveite rivers, a mountainous region covered with timber containing but little undergrowth, making the surveying comparitively eimy, The party secured an abundance of IIhIi and birds ami a (ew deer. The only reason they did not dine on venlaou whenever they wanted to waa tli 3 (act that they had no rlflu and bugged all their game with a shot gun. All the party look the picture of health and say they punned a nioet pleaaant as well as profitable omlng. Tub Equalization Board. The county hoard of eipmlazition completed its work and adjourned Saturday and the aaHeaaor ia now busily engaged in writing up his books to correspond to the changes made. Many changes were made in the valuations throughout the county, while in this city a horizontal reduction of 20 per cent was ordered on all propei ly abutting on Main at reel. Thit Oregon Iron and Htei'l Company of Okwhio, wIiimh aHMMStniiiit had been pliiceilnt ,J.'i7117") waa reduced $07,000, leaving lis ufHoHNiiiiint at (184,000 or about the same aa year. Alao a horizontal reduction of 2'i i'r cent waa made on the Oregon Iron and Kteel Coin puny'a flint addition to Otwegu and Oawego Heights. Hunk atock held in Oiegon CUv waa cut from 76 per cent of lla face 11a It appeared on the aaneaHor'a hooka to (Kl Nir cent of its valuation. An Inkoiimal Dinnkr. Dr. W. E. Carll gave an Informal dinner at the Willamette club room In the Welnhard block Tuesday evening, In honor of his old-time friend and claNsiuate, Dr. Win. Grim, of Han Francisco Drs. Tucker and Wood, of FortUnd, with the mem bers ol Willamette club of Oregon City, couiM)sed the rest of the party. After dinner clgara and cards, interapersed wltliconverartlon and atoriea filled in a very jileaaant evening. Dr. Grim Is vlalting In Oregon with the Intention of locating In our state and will probably decide Umjii l'nrtliinil. Cosmopolitan I'nherallf, On the H1I1 day ol Octolar more than lO.tKH) aliidenta were on the rolla aa mem lara o( Hut flrat frealimau uUaa of the Oumnopollun iiniveraity. The confii alou Into which the plana regarding the CoMiiiiipoliimrs educational work were thrown by the retirement of I'reHldenl Andrews, In order to meitt the urgent wiaheaof friends at lliown Unlveraity, has been met hy the acceptance of the presidency by Dr. F.liphalet N. l'olter. I'reaideut I'otter has been at the head of two great collegea for nearly twenty live years, and bring to work exccf tional talents as an organizer and man of broad culture aud common-scne Ideaa. lie la already at Irvington en gaged in organizing biaatafTof (irofeanera. The wink of the university baa Im-cii grouped under fifteen heada.covering the various braiichea of knowledge. Each of Ihi-ae will Imi in charge of a profesaor. Aa soon as the tank of selection ia com pleted, tlm Ntmleiila be anaigned their work and the lurgeat freshman vlaas in hiiftory o( the universities of the world will begin ita studies. The extraordinary dimentlons of the duns lima for mud has onel the eyes ol the public to the imortance of the gap in educational (acllltlea which the Cosmo ihiutan has undertaken to fill. Know ing that (he appropriation made by the Cosmopolitan is a limited one and that the entries are far beyond the moat san guine expectations, embarrassing the work by their proportiona, many profes sors and other prominent men have 'al ready made the olfer of advice and as sistance w ithout pay. A Stockman I'aper. The South Omuha Dally Drovers Jour nal, (with Weekly, Semi-Weekly and Tri Weekly editions;, publihhed at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., should Hud its way into the hands, of every Stockman, Farmer, Feeder, Shipper Fancy Stia k Krecder, Ranchman, Grain Dealer and ShipiHir in the Went. Ilia well and carefully edited by men who make it there bunuieaa to study the mar ket and write it up in an intelligent and absolutely impartial manner. No other laer in the Went gives as complete market rcH)rta nor aa many sales as The Drovera Journal, and no other mat ket paper publiahea matter of a miscella neous chaiacter lhat ia so well suited to the needs of those in whose Interest it ia published ; and The Drovera Journal is the only paper in South Omaha that fur nlabes all the Important telegraphic news "while it is news," tlx days in the week. The Droveis Journal haa a larger circulation than any other live stock newspaper and m rket reporter in the West, and It ia the very beat advertising medium where it la desired to reach farniera, Ntofk-raiacrB, breedeis and dealers. The subacripiion price of the Daily Drovera Journal is H 00; Tri- Weekly 2 60, and the Semi-Weekly (2 00 and the Weekly $1.50 per year, and yon can get a free sample cony by addresning The Drovers Journal Company, Denna Allbery, Treasurer and Manatter, Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, Nebraska. Old People. Old peoplo who requite medicine to regulate the. bowela and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Hitters. Thia niedicino does stimulate and con tains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acta as a tonic and alterative. It acta mildly on the stomach and bowela, adding strength and giving tone lo the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Ititlera ia an excellent appetizer and aids digeation. Old peoplo find it just what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at Charman's & Co., druggiat, Charman Droa. block. Notice To Teachers. All teachers receiving the Entkri-risk for school work will please notify this of fice at the clone of their term bo that the the paper may be discontinued. (Do not send notice until week of closing.) Orkoon City Entkrprisk. Undertaker and Enilmlmcr. R. L. Holm tin undertaker and em balmer. Gradnate of Embalming col lege. Full atock of caskets and cofTms at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Welnbard'a building on Main street. An .clilerr-nieiit of Hie Century. Our attention has lately been called to the ineritii f Ihc gieui Warner Library now pitaning through the pre. The Review of Reviews very appiopriately spenk of it as "Diatilliig the World's Wisdom.', From the mazu of writings of all limes and ages, the able writers employed tiion thia gieat work have condensed in thirty volumes the cream of the world' thought, i'.y a happy combination of writer and subject, oetry and art, philosophy and hlntory, science and religion, fact and fiction, biography and romance have each been given a prominence commensurate with their importance In a compendium of litera tuer. f Ol this library, Public Opinion in an ex'ended editorial notice well says: "Conceived tiKn such broad line, prepared and written by the most com petent of living bands, and embracing aa it doe the literature of all climes and times, it is nut difllcult to understand that such library must represent an enormous Investment. We are told and can readily believe that the entire coat of thia collossal work will be above a quarter of a million dollar. That such a work should ever be undertaken, aud Miotilil now be placed upon the market at a price which easily brings it within the reach of the general book loving public, must we lielieve, make Mr. Warner's library rank as one of the triumphs of American enterprise." All claaaea of student will And in tin a treasure from the world's beat minds. It is destined to have an immense sale, If you wish to know more about this work and the secial term of distribu tion to club members address, The Agency, Hurler's Weekly Club, 200 Seventh street, Portland, Or Electric Hotel Arrivals. G C Greavenaon, Oakland Clyde Evan, Stafford W II Riddel, Salem A D Hner, Chicago E Rose, San Francisco J M Tracy, Ixigan Geo II Kelly, Cottage Grove A G Hall and wife, Cascade Lock J C Morrison, Portland E A James. " I'M Weddell. " James Roberts, " E llarman " Henry Laney, " Geo J Jackaon ' The Electric hotel is the finest in the city and fl rat-elans in all its appointment. Electric car atop in front of the door. $100 Reward, f 100. The reader ol this paper will be pleased to leatn that I here I at least one dreaded disease that science ha been able to cure in all its stage and that is catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diaease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surface of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the diaease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and asMlntine nature In doing it woi k. The proprietor have so much faith in Its curative power, that they oiler $100 for any case that it fail to cure. Send for liat of testimonials. Address, F. J. Ciiksky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Drugglsta, 75c. Hall' Family Pills are the beat. Aspiring Webster. The Park place Literary Society met last Saturday evening and organized (or the coming winter. The olllcera elected were Junes Mathes in, president; Carl Prown, vice-president; Clark Williams secretary ; bied Hauraves, treasurer, Louis Rail, editor of the society paper, and Louis and George Rail, sergeant at anna. It was decided to hold the meet inga behind clone doors, only the mem ber aud those who secure passes from the members, being admitted, as it waa thought better result could be obtained in that wav. Meetings will be held on Friday evening of each week. Stray Horse. Strayod from Willamette Fall about August 1st, a gray mare, six yearBold, weight 1300 pound height 10 hands, collar mark on back of neck, one hip slightly lower than the other, a little till in the shoulders. A liberal reward (or information leading to the recovery of the animal. J. A. Mokiinkk. Beaver Creek, Or. Altniui Time Table. O. C. T. Co'. Steamer Altona leave Portland for Salem and way landings daily at 6:45 a. m. Leave Oregon City for SaltSni at 8 a. ni. Returning to Port land about 3 p. m. Wail I'uper. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest design and prices to suit the times at It. L. Holman', Main street, oppo site Court House. tf. Don it With A Knikb. Those fine, juicy steak and prime roast to be ob tained at Albright' meat market are all done with a kinfe in the hand of an expert cutter. AANTKD TRUSTWORTHY, ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsible estahiahed house in Oregon. Monthly $t5 H)and expense. Position steady Rflorence. Ki?lone sell-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. All naln banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Pill. . ''Mr. jy a a a a Sunday Services. F1HHT COUGKEOATIONAl, CHl'RCH. Kev. I. W. Hu l.r, faator. HarTlceaat 10.80 a.m. and 7 80 p. M. Htinday School after morning aerrlca. Prayer meeting I hum-lay erening t 7.20o,cluck. Prayer meeting of Young feople'l Society of Chrl.tlan Kudearor every Sunday rouiuf at.30 prompt FIKHT BAPTIST CHUKCH.-RlT. If L, Kcoo.Paator Horning Service at i:i; Sunday School at ll:t; Evening Service 7:30; Regular prayer meeting inuiaday evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wedneaday evening preceding the Drat Sunday lu the mouth. A Gonial luvllatlon to all. ST. JOHN'S ClirKCII.CATHOLlC.-Rlv. A. HiLLlBSaXU, PaaUir. On Sunday maun at H and 1U:W a. a. Kvery aecoud and fourth Sunday German aerinou after the S o'clock uiaat At all other inaaaea Kuglinb aermoua. Sunday School at I M) r. u. Veapera, apologetic uulccti aud Benediction at 7:30 r. a. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHCKCH.-R t. T. U lo e, Paator. Morning aervlce at 10 4!i: Sunday School at 10: 00. Claaa meeting after morning aervlce. Evening aervlce at 7:80. Kpworth League meeting Sunday evening at M; Prayer Meeting Tliuraday evening at 5:30. irangeri cordially Invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHI'RCH.-Riv. A J. Moutgomi-ry. Paator. Service! at 11 a.m. and 7:80 r. a. Sabbath School at 10 A. at. Young People Society of Christian Eudeavor meets every Sunday eveulng at 630. Ihuisdaj evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Seats free. EVANGELICAL CIICSCII GERM AN Rev. Erlu.i, Paator; J, k, K.Hnrr AI-Unt. Preaching aervlces every Sunday at 11 A. M. mi i :.mi r. at. baonain rr.ooi every BunOay at 10 A. M., Mr. Zl'iiinurinau Supu Prayer Meeting every I hunday evening OKRMAN LL'THKRAN ZIOX'8 CO.V greiralional church. Kev. K. Hack, pantnr. bervicea every hunday at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 10 A. XI. ST PAUL'S CHURCH-F.piacopal-W. U. Williams, D. I)., miniater in charge. Hiii. day i'hool at 10 a. in., services at 11 a. in. and 7;;So p.m. Fridays al7:.'W p.m. even ing prayer service with an address. Seats free. A cordial invitation to all the ser vices. BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer. Deinorest'i Cut Paper Pattern are the most practical on the market. They are of any size that any member of a household could require. In each copy oft ho Magazine is printed a coupon en tilling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pattern (worth and regularly sold for 35c), or any number of pattern for four cents each to cover package and postage. When Hie value of tne patterns is con sidered the subscriber actually gets DEMORESTS MAGAZINE FREE And w hat aMairazine it is I For 1897 it will be more brilliant than ever before New management, new methods, new ideas. Kadi copy contain an exquisite reproduction in color of some celebrated picture by a famous artist, worthy to adorn the walls of the moat refined home. It is affirmed that Demorest's is the only complete Family Magazine published combining all of the moat excellent point ol ita content pories, beside having in imitable features of itsown. Demorest's is actually a dozen Magazines in one. It h a Diitest of Current Event and Ideas for the busy man or woman, a lieview and a Storehouse of Interest for all. Wives, mother, sinters and daugh ters can find exactly w hat they need to amuse and instruct them, also practical lieln in every department of domestic and social life, including the furnishing and ornamenting of the home, embroid ery, bric-a-brac, artiatic and fancy work of all kinds, etc., etc., and suggestion and advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. The Bcope of the article (or 1S06 and 1807 will cover the whole country and it varied interests, and the article will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, and in addition, it will publish the bent and purest fiction. It treats at length Ont-of-Door Sport, Home Amuse ments and Entertainments; it cives a great deal of attention to the Children's Department, and "Our Girls," and ha a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated People, in which are discussed import ant questions of the hour of interest to the older reader. Let u have your subscription at once. Yon get more value for your money than it is possible to secure in any other magazine. The Magazine one year for $2.00 Or six months for 1.00 (Over 250 different garments are shown each year, pattern of all of which are obtainable by subscriber at 4c each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent for 10c DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. d Clarence Porter. Geo. C. Ilnner. Blacksmiths Wagonmakers Horseshoeing a Specialty. Any design of an iron or steel shoe fitted up. All kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. Shop of posit Pope's hardware store. F Oregon City, Ore. b Sfejin and (Jjafffiam Advanced in price. The LOW Prices which we eHtabliBhed are atill in force. If you really wish to buy a bargain in watches see ub before our present stock is eold. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN. AAx.'rtAA4"'444AAA"iAi' AJOA 4 4 A J Crayon and Water Color Portraits. C The only first-class photo gallery In the city. W. I. STALEY, Principal, Salem, Oregon. We have told yon that a business education pay. Businessmen will tell you so. Our graduate will tell you the same. Certainly no stronger evidence la wanted. This school is Thorough, Practical, Progressive and Popular. It I the leader in business practice method, through the mails by the intercommunication system, will tell yon all about the school. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for a and onr groceries: That we offer the best of groceries at the low est price. They have confi dence in our good and know that we never misrepresent onr selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the most nutritious. Last, hut not least, their grocery bill save it self fully 25 pei" cent by their dealing with Marr & Mnir. Our way of doing business i to treat every one fair and square and offer the very best in our store. Marr & IVXuir- lllaao Tf P 1101 at her new location in the Caufield block, 1U JTlltlj neXt dooi to the Beehive has one of the most complete stocks of FINE CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, NUTS AND NOTIONS Best Ice Cream in Library of the World's Best Literature. Prepared nnder the personal direction of Charles Dudley Warner. With tbe assistance of HAMII.TN WRIGHT MABLE, and a large corps of famous authors and educator. The choicest thought and literary gem of all age and all nations. The Library is to consist of 30 royal octavo volumes of about 600 page each, printed in large, clear tvpe, on tine paper, substantially and richly bound in modern library style. The first volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. 'Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits of authors. Advance orders on special introduc tory terms, which prevail during period o( publication only received through HARPERS WEEKLY CLUB, 14 Mar ket street, San Franisco, Cel., or 2119 Stark Btreet, Portland, Oregon. Call or send (or sample pages. Webster's ; International Di5tionary Successor qf ths ' CntiMrfged." The One Great Standard Authority, ho M-tiU'S lit n. n. J. r.Tvwer, JiuUU-e V. H. Muprvme t'mirU Standard of t ho V. f. iov't PHntlnB OWoe, tbe I'. 8. Hnprftine firemtM'onrtrMuiOnf near y nit Oio Sciwolbooki. Warmly Commended by State Suprrlntenilfnta t cf St'luKtlrt, (VlU'iff 1'iv.- J iltMitA.Hntlnthw'hiiut'iators j annual wiuiuut number. Invaluable In tlm lioitarlmM, and to i ()ir tviu'li!', ttiiolrir, in ( ifawioimi mil.., mm acii fit i it a lor. THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. It la eaay to find tlie word wanted. It la easy to aacertain the pronunciation. It laea.ty to trace the growth ol a word. It la easy to learn what a word means. Tho Chicago Tlmes-HernM soys.- form iHtilwohUfi imllmritvon rrvrvllilnir iMTtHlmuif 1 WXHlnr1. liiUfi-nntlniiiil lilftioiiHrr InlMMvtent . ) t our iHiiwmiTO In Itw wnv of orlhoirnililiY. i.rlll- ) l,y.ftyiil"iiuv, nn'l definition, h'mni iltlifrp In no ( , miN:u. jii.uafMriivtiHiinmancQouaauLUuiikr . nuikeii nm i. iwn. GET THE BEST. Specimen pages sent on application to O. .t- C. HElfRTAH CO., tlihlishera. upringneitt, mhhh.. i'.h.a. is ml Kin y- Views of Oregon Cljery's Arb Gallery Student transact buaineea, Send for catalogue, which Hay and Feed Can be bad at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail at Steven's Warehouse. Capt. J. V. Exon. manager. Ed May, Local Agent. Petzold's Meat Market, Main, St the City. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me a trial. H. W. JACKSON, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Caufield building Near Court House, Established 103. i:. I, PIONEER Transfer and Epfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. - Maclst AND -n taw.