Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 29, 1897, Image 3

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
OHK.dON MTV orrirKUH. .
Mitynr, ... - , TO. 0, riill..(
Ki.niMiT, - - 'I'Imh, V. Hym
"lilwt ol I'oIIrM - - ' . t'lmi, K. litirni
'I'rcMiircr, ... , K. Hirullil
City Allonmv, - . C. . Inn
Hin-nl ('oiiiliill('iii.r, - ('. IUIic.x k, Jr
niil. ii wati-r Work, - W, II, Howell
Uy Kimdicwr, - - I). W. Klniniiril
Couiiulliiivn T.O. (Unit, I,. 0, : I , J t tli ii
ltn"ir, K D. Wllwin. It. K.mtimt, Jut.
J((ik, 11. K, liirrli, ITmik Hindi.
CiMinrll ttiM-la II mt Wednniilny of m li
nioniii in on j nan.
FltlltAY, OCTOUMl 21), 1H7.
Lowney's Chocolate llonhotiN are the
bent, Niiinn on cvi.ry piece,
K. K, William, tliu Knxier.
Money to loan on K'xxi rmil entitle
security by A, 8, Drtmw.r,
Mimi heavy wool soxs uml a nico lino
of liliiliTWcur at tlio lUrket Ntoro.
Tliorotighhreed Jurwy dull fur Hulu,
3 yeurs olil ; will liiko tra.lo.
(iluilnlunu bw Mill Co.
Htiimjuul llni'iin uml Kinlirulilcry mIIU
ii llit) mi ninnies h1 tint liii.kcl More.
lllucNtniiH Jim. l, (HI; tr.ini or ruunt
rolli'U lie jht II.; Aim A lltumiiiir mx
to B. , Kc.l Front Trmliii Co.
For iiolo Hut will t'lt'Hmi you, try t he
Coliiiuhlu utmlio, tliu ii lo-d ile gullury.
Main Hin t, o.ionil Wells frurgo ex
)irvnn (ill I fd,
Hmull pill, mile pill. Li'.t pill. Vv
Wilt' Little Early Ulnem cine tl liotiM
l)cM,roiihli'Hliuii, tick lien.lii.liif, (.
A. Hur.lin.
You will not IickiIuIo in ImviliK tllOKM
rooms ri'ipctf.l whi'ii you look Mt tliu
style uml price of wal! puer carried
by It. 1.. Hotmail,
F.xt'lunivi'111-M in tylen. iiifti'jrity In
In nihility, innrycloiiii lownm in price
uro tliu cl.irf i lirilcri"li. n of Mimh
(iutilxiiijth' millinery ( tutor.
You cuu't i iirii ciinniiinplliili Imt you
run avo.d it mil cure every olliei form of
tliroul or lung tmulile
by the uce of no
Minnie Coiiiib Cure,
(ieo. A. iliirding.
Send 1 1 hi KntuiI'HIkk to your frirml in
the Kait mid tliun jtlve him an Idea of
what In Koltitf on III C luck mum county,
It may induce tiiiu to locale with u
If you want tlilnun up to date at ichh
onable pi ice and cuitable, call at Mr a.
II. T. Hlmlin'i millinery parlon where
tvcry thing will I done to accommodate
A llllel,Ij,li I). I), will vUil Oregon
(;ily Sulvatiuii Army corpa SiimUy Oct.
Ul. iHnit full to hear him ;o cordial Invita
tion Iniilveii to all. Silver collection ut
the door in the eveninn.
IiioflKiireineiil for lifo by liuina or
acald may I avoided by nxing Wltt'a
Witi h lluxel halve, the great renie.ly for
pilea and for ail kinda of aoreii mid ck in
trouble., (ieo. A. Iliirding.
leather gloveii I'.V, Il'ic up, heavy top
aole plow Hlioca, Hole leather counter!
l.'2', hullea heavy hI..mh 7'ic iiv Indie
fir hi grade rubl.era :il)c. Uivvt ur tuck
ulioen free. Ib'd Fiont Trading Co.
tallica, Take the lVel. If you are
troubled wrth Coiinlipitlion, Sallow Skill,
and a Tired Ft cling, tuke Karl'i Clover
Ten, it la pleaHiiul to tuke. Hold by
Cliurman A Co., I 'rnvnin t h , Oienon City.
Firnt cIiimh nlieet mindo ut 6c per copy
ia l.ot ollered every day : but they Mm
cloaing out their atnek of mtieict lit Hunt
ley '8 Hook Store and you may get your
choice lor 6c or u-norlcd lota of 10 copiea
for 50e.
Comity Trenaiirer Sluulo him lHHued a
call for all wuiriinln indoihcil prior to
July II, 1HII-I. The treasure him on hand
atxmt $10,000 for wnrrunta that have
been culled in heretofore but not pre
sented for pavment.
When a pernon growa thin there ia
oinething wrong. The waate greater
tint ti the supply uml it ia onlv a (Mention
of time when the end imiat come.
In nine cuhch out of ten the trouble la
with the diueativeorgiina. If youcun re
etore them to a heahhy condition you
will atop the waate, put on new flotdi and
am i ill em to feel better in every way.
The food tliey eat will be digealud and
appropriuled lo the needs of the ByHtein,
and a normai apiu'liie will appear.
Consumpt ion fieipiently follows a w ast
ing of bodily tiHHiie hecnune nearly all
coiiHiimptiveH haye Iniligerilinn. The
Hhuker Diiteative Cordial will rostoro the
Htoiuiich to u heiilihy condition in a viiHt
majority of cuaea. Uet one of tiielr booka
from your driigKiHta ami learn about ttiia
new and valuable remedy.
When the children need
give them Luxol ; it ia palatable..
: S200022
Any baking powder will
lighten your cake, if that's all
you want. Some are stronger
than others, some more whole
some, Schilling's Best is both and
more too.
A Schilling ft Company
ten t r.nii.c
mi .,oti0.,. of .u kin.iM t
To Kackitt Hluro,
Huntley's honk slurs In headquarter
for school supplies,
Huddle rihI ImrriiwH ut Young's nkcoih!
IihihI store nl your own price
Lullim mill children underwear uml
lino lioHoiy Ht tint Racket Store
Wood wiiiiteil ut thin ollmi, onk, fir or
limit. In length HI or 22 Inch or four
Onn price to nil and thut tliu lowest of
tliu low at Miss (jol.lninitli'M millinery
Stove, springs, beds, riiatresscs, etc,
at way down prices at Young' i second
hand atore.
Inspect tlionu adjustable window
scrttmis itt liolloiny k Hunch's. Tlmy
me cerUlnly tliu right thing.
Ask' your grocer for (iold Jaf Baking
l'.mder. Tuke no other. A trial can will
convince all housewives that it hut no
You can't afford to rink your life l.y
allowing a cold to develop into pneiiiuu-
niit or t'onHiiinptiiiii. I iihIuii t relief are
uHorilcd by One Minute Cough Cure.
Weo. A. IliirdiiiK.
lie Not Peeclvedl A Cough, Hoarse
rem or ('roup are not to t trill. cl iih,
A doMt in time of Shiloh'a Cure will aave
you tnuc'i troiitile. not. I by ('liuriiuii A
Co., ItruuuiHta Oregon City.
Cure that CoukIi with h'hilob' Cure.
The bi-Nt Coinfh Core. Itelieveii Croup
luouiptly. One Million boll le told lunt
year. tOdoM-ii for 'lb renU. Hold by
Cliurman A ('o.. I r i u i h t Oregon City.
Ir. L. I.. I'lckeiin, di.niiHt, d.K'ii al
limlg of ilenliil work, (iold crowiia,
IMircelHin crow nil and ttri.ixH work a
iK'cliiliy. All opcratiorm gnuianleed for
) yearn. Cull aod get my tuicea. Oflice
in llwrcluy biiildinit
II the llrit rain 1 caught you with
out Hiilhcient protection bom the rain and
left you with a cold cure it promptly,
ll ia eiihilv and pleuHiintly done wilh lle.l
Sea' Cough Cure. 'Z't cent Uittlea and
'everyone gu,iiautetl at Huntley 'a drug
Wakniso : 1'cimmih Mho miller from
cough and colda ahould heed the warn
ilign of ilunger and aave Ihcincelvei) luilb
eiing and lutal leatilla by uning One Min
ute Cough Cure. It ia an Inlallihle rem
edy for cotikdi, culiU rioup and all
throat and lung trouble. (Jeo. A.
The ataiemeiit made many yearn ago
lliat "man cannot live by brea 1 alone"
la aa true aa it ever was he iniiat have a
nice juicy ateak or a roaat of meat to go
with it. Hlchard Pclxold 1 alway ready
to furnixli hi cuatomera with the heat of
Irexli and ainoked meuta at either hi
Main or Seventh nireet market.
J. M. Tliirawend, of (iroala'ck, Tex.,
.ay 11 thut when he baa a aadl of indigea
t lull , and feela bud and aluggiab, betake,
two of lie Wilt'a Jitlle KarlyKiKera, at
night, and he ia all right the next morn
ing. Many IhouHuoda of utliera do the
Mint) thing. Ioyou? (ieo. A. Hard-
".My landlord w ill pay for that paper,"
auid a hiiHinemt mun lo llo'nian, the wall
paper dealer, Ilolman auid it waa $
for the room. "Is thut all? Well, I
will pay it inyfelf," replied the business
man. You will be surprised w hen you
find how little it coxt to paHr your
room when you aeo Ilolman and aeo hia
ill) to-dato atylea and prices
J. C. Kerry, one of the bext known oil i
r.ena of Sancer, Mo test i Ilea that be
cured himself of piles by tiling a few box
es uf IeVitt' Witch I Intel Salve. He
hud been troubled with piles for over
thirty years and had used many dillc rent
k'imla of o called cures ; but le Witt's
was the one that did thi work and he
will verify 1 1 1 it Mtutcment if any one
wishes to write him. (ieo. A. Harding.
Tito November McClure's will contain
the first instalment of Chailcs A. Dana's
"Heininiwenees of Men and Events of
the Civil War." This promises to be a
most intcroHtitig series. Sent into the
field as the personal representative of
Lincoln and Stanton, rarely equipped by
mil lire and training for full and accurate
observation, and under Instruction to
let nothing aignillcant escape him, either
in men or movements Dana saw what
no other man or men could possible have
soon, The papers are to be illustrated
from the recently completed Govern
ment Collection of Civil War Photo
graphs. A lew weeks ago the editor was taken
with a very severe cold that caused him
to he in a most miseinblu condition. It
wasnndotitobly a bad case of la grippe
ami roconir.ing It ua dangerous he took
Immediate steps to bring about a speedy
cure. From tlie advertisement' of Chain
perlain's Cough Remedy and the many
good recommendations included therein,
we concludeed to make a first trial of the
medicine. To any that it was satisfactory
In Its results, is putting it very mildly,
indeod. It acted like magic and the
result was a speedy and permanent cure.
We have no hesitancy in recommending
this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone
alllicted with a cough or cold in any
form. The Bunner of Liberty, Liberty
town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sole by Q. A. Harding.
Dr. Mllea' Pain Ptlla atop Headache.
lir in (Ij woilil
i n I fci" i t'Al, Srf trie
fi.r till ilti0.it tA ih
Sloiiiii' it
I'-nuUm tlio l.tvef
. in! t-vui (Ihn.t.n
AHtt Yuvvu. Mai ami
I HH,AfWt'4( M ft ri.
M-.( J A U Mill
11.1 0 HICK ATM I
N'oilcriK U vt imi.l!ant, HotliluK ut common, i
imu i-rciin; hihi In neatly tvfry cum It come from
Id cinrriM' h, Mh'l t un l w catlly tiitraHrtl if y.q wWI
Simmon I.ivk H roi;i.ATon. ! nrmv
vnr. a rrrmi'ly f -r lint re(uUlv lUrnAer. It will mUu
tmrov yAit ipiiMf compltiioa and gcuriJ tttuhb,
Mow many urT-r tiurt Hy nf'tr day, maliinK life
birtjcn ntl fotiting KlMrn t4 all pieamr, owift
to tli Mtcrnt infleriiig from Vt rif la rly
in tht hand (rf almi any rma who wtll um ytm(i
cully ih rtiiily that hat permanently cured thou
anili. Simmon J.ivkk H wiah.aii'U U no draatic,
viulflfit pufr but a gnfl aMiatant to natura.
KHOl'I T ntrt U rruardrd aa
trilling ailment In Ut. nature
dcmiinJ (he utrnoat rrjjuLniy of
the biwfltt and any deviation
from tin drtnand ttavrt the way
often to eriotu iLngrr. It w
qiuie a nr rury lo remove
Impitre arcumut iii'mt from the
bowelt ai it to C4l jt lMp, and
tin h-nlth can tw eicitrd where
a i(ftiive hbit of body prevail.
HU H I1KADU in;i
Thit dilreinj( afl1i(tim wiin moi frrquenil
lii(-ne Hy ill ;flrd n.n.rr., h.im- i a ver- pili in
' i I'rii'l, nr i.niiiriip well f'iT,'".ililr imfM, nnfj
nut c nn(iiii.i-i wJm. th ("i ... y l il'iwn n S. k
M' rt'l.,, Il-t, f-.r til t 'I H;-r! T A K it lMM"K
UVkIC ku.llAIM. )K MtlitllMI.
..AM I A. I Jl I'
if. y.i h i x t o,
i I'lliiM'kll'hM, I'l
The First Ort gonlaii Sew hoy.
Hon. John Miller Murphy, of Olvinpiu,
accompanied by bis daughter, Miss
bertha, wus in Oregon City Monday the
guests off Mr. and Mrs. J. (J. I'iUbury,
Mr. Murphy lieing a cousin of Mrs.
I'ilshtiry. Mr. Murphy is one t the
veteran newspapermen of the Pacific
coast, and his life ia a part of the history
of Oregon and Washington journalism.
When a lxiy Mr. Murphy had-the honor
of btinit the flrt carrier for the Oregon
inn, making his rounds with the entire
coition of the daily under his arm.
During iH.Wand '50 lie lived in Oregon
City and was a compositor in the ollice
of the Argus, the predecessor of the
Knterprifo. In June IS.7,1 he went to
uncover and established the Chroni
cle and removed to Olympia where he
in that ci'y. At the end of three
months he sold toe Cnronidle
founded the Standard, and for the al
most 40 years since that dute he. lias
lieen the editor of the Standard and
hat made it one of the leading papers of
Washington and a power in the demo
cratic rurty, whose fortunea he hai
shared through prosperity and adversity,
until hia partv was awamed by the
populist wave w hich swept over his itute
last vear, leaving Mr. Miller with a lot
ol other democratic patriots to mourn
because their psrty was not. Notwith
standing the grief and disapointment
thut lias come to Mr. Murphy by reason
of the dismemberment of his pany, after
he hud given it a loyal devotion for
nearly ball a century, he is yet a very
pleasant, companionable man and ia a
typical newspaperman In the unbotided
ho he has in all things earthly, even
to the resurrection ol his beloved party
of sainted memory.
I'AQC KT. At her home in Oregon City,
on Tueaday, October L'tl, 18!7. Florence
K. Paquet, aged -i years, 3 months
and 18 days.
The funeral services were held Thursday
2 o'clock p. in. under the auspices of
Pioneer Chapter, Eastern Star, of w hich
Miss Paquet was a highly respected
member. A simple but impressive song
service constituted the exercises at the
home, the full Masonic ceremony for
that degree was rendered in all its beauty
and solemnity at cemetery . The remains
wero laid at rest in the Masonic cemetery
hy the side of those of her father whose
death took place two years ago. Therd
wore many beautiful floral tributee and
a lurgu nuinlier of friends were present
ut the exercises to show their regard
and a flection for a friend whose memory
tliey cheiished as one in whom they and
the world had sustained a deep and
irreparable loss.
Miss Paquet was the daughter of Mrs.
Sarah Paquet and the lute Peter Paquet
and wus a young lady of much" promise
and had every indication of becoming
a woman who would do her full part to
make the world better for having lived
in it. Some three years ago she was
stricken with consumption and despite
everything that medical skill and the
loving ttionghtfnlnesa of a mother and
other members of the family could do
she gradually failed in strength nntil hor
young life went out peacefully and quietly
as was the fair October day when she
hade a last fund farewell to the ties thut
hound her to enrth and her spirit took its
llfglit to the great beyond.
Hooks Cheap.
Everything required in the school
room, books, slates, tablets, sponges,
ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil
liams, cornei Seventh and Center streets.
Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc.,
fresh and of good quality. Bold at reas
onable prices.
Croup (jnlckly Cured.
Mountain Ui.bn, Ark. Our children
were suffering with croup when we re
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's cough
Remedy. It a Horded almost instant
relief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated
remedy is for sale bv Q. A. Harding.
AU oaln banished by Dr. Miles' Pain Fill,
Y. M. C. A. NOTES.
Tho board of director met on Monday
night. The committee appointed to
secure ground on which to build a gym
nasium reported that a piece of ground
adjoining the building In the rear could
be secured on favorable terms for three
years. It was then unanimously agreed
to Is'gin at once to raise $H00 to build
and equip the gymnasium and carry
on the woik until January, 1, 1 8!H.
A meeting of all the members was
called to meet in the rooms on Saturday
night of this week to discuss plans etc.
Members are requested to turn out in
full force in order that the matter may
be thoroughly discussed before further
steps are taken.
The ladies' auxiliary met on Tuesday
afternoon and made some preliminary
arrangements for a lecture to be given in
November, the proceeds will go to fixing
up the present rooms in an attractive
Rev. A. J. Montgomery will address
the men's meeting at 4 p. ni. next Bun
day. Teachers' Meeting'.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Clackamas County Teachers' association
will be held at Redlanr school house
Saturday Octolier IJ0, 1H07. The follow
ing is the program ;
Music Association."
"Home Reading" Mrs. N. W. Bow
hind, of Harmony school.
"Vertical Writing" Alex Thomson,
of Iceland school.
"The Laws of Habit" A. C. Strange,
principal of Orient school.
"Music in Schools" S. E. Hunter,
principal of Milwaukee school.
"School damea" T. J. Gary, principal
of West Oregon City school.
"Alexander Hamilton in American
history. " E. M. Ward, of Maple Lane
All teachers should avail themselves
of these opiortunities io exchange ideas
on matters of mutual interest.
lifdluiid School Report.
No. of days taught, 20; No. enrolled
first day, 24; No. enrolled at end of
month, 40; 25 boys and 15 girls; No. days
attendance, C.'j5'i ; days adsence 19; av
erage No. belonging, 34 average No. of
times tardy 0; average daily attendance
Roll of honor Maude and William
Stone, Cassio and Fred Wilcox, Minnie
and Lewis Eyans, Annie Richardson,
and Louis, Dora, and Mary M unlock.
The lollowing were neither absent nor
tardy since enrolled : William, Minnie,
and Matilda Hubert, Sadie, James and
Carl Rerkey, and .Mary Kamuscher.
Eighth others deserve credit, having been
absent on account of work on y one day.
The visitors were: Mesdames Evans,
Stiedritz, Berkey, Wilcox, and Miss
Hattie Wilcox. Patrons are cordially
invited to visit the school.
Chab. Rutiiekpord, teacher.
SCOTT-DE HON-In this city on Satur
day, October 23, 18117, at the Presty
terian parsonage, Lillian P. Do 1 1 on to
Authur L. Scott, Rey. A. J. Mont
gomery olficiatiug.
KXIG II T-DEYOE On Saturday, Octo
ber 23, 18!)7, Mamie D?yoe to Andrew
Knight, Justice C. Schuebel officiating.
The newly married couple are highly
respected residents of Canby, where
they will continue to reside.
Teachers Examination.
Notice ia hereby given that the regular
quarterly teachers examination for Clack
amas county will be held at the court
house in Oregon City, beginning at one
o'clock p. a:. Wednesday, November 10th
1897. H. G. Starkweather,
Dated Oct. 28, 1897. Co. School Supt.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
THE excessive use of tobacco, especially
by young men Is always Injurious aod
undoubtedly shortens life materially.
Mr. Ed. C. Ebson, compositor on the Contra
CoMta Acu'8, Martinet, CaL, writes; "I have
used Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and ro
colved much benefit from It, I was troubled
with nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless
ness, caused by the use of tobacco and stim
ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with niar
vclously good results, allaying the dizziness,
quieting the nerves, and enabling me to
sleep and rest, proving la my case a vory
boneficiul remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine Ia especially adapted to restoring
the nervous system to Its normal condition
under such circumstances. It soothes, heals
and strengthens.
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
V MhW 2
.Nervine l
nerves free. Address,
DB. MILES MEDICAL CO., fcUkuart, lnd.
"IP w
Can't, be done!
Try to make some baking powder yourself. Buy
the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the right
Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and
have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer
at such a price that he can make a profit too.
Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar
tar, see what it costs, and see if you can make pure
good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound.
It can't be done.
Schillings Best at your grocer's is the best of
tne right-price baking powders.
1 The Beehive
received in the lant few
? over 50 caHes of
I New Fall Goods....
All our order were placed before tho
advance in prices and our customers will find
us aa low aa Portland's largest houses and
much lower than game goods can he bought for in &
Oregon City- j
If you want Shoes ' - 4
Ladies or Cents' Furnishings
Fancy Dry Goods
or Notions i
be sure and
The Beehive
Greatest Ovfcr Eve
A PAPER FOR 71 E VfiiCLr. f AT l.L'V. 1
3W TO SCVUHt III l.iferTlfXI'Ali:iKI-'.VIiJit.U-v-r- .-.vi.
eiirtln'ia3i.v UrsoKUsctiW l-.::K. Th' tl-.:.-.,,,, . .; . . -i v : . -
ol Uuootn'i llfaever wnlKu. licoi.(ij Ibu l'H"i i ...i-j...... .1 . . '
Send all order" to
the m?.i mm pud. co., ies i-:? . 7
Hfl'C T? PlMAl at her new location in the Caufield block,
im Xlltlj next doQl to the Beehive has one of
the most complete stocks of
Best Ice Cream in
Ibe St. Louis
The Great-
National and Representative
Republican Newspaper.
Reduced Subscription Rates,
SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pages.
issued in Semi-Weekly Sections, 8 pages each
Tuesday and Friday, 16 pages each week
One Year, $1.00; Six Months, 50c.
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT ia universally conceded to be THE EEST of Amer
ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it isalso THE CHEAPEST
THE GLOBE LEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE NEWS than any other
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National Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it within the reach of all
THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the
daily and 5 cents for the Sunday issues. Deliveredto regular subscribers,
Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a week, CO cents a month. If your local dealer
does not handle it, insist upon him procuring it for you, or send your subscrip
tion with remittance direct to the publishers.
Particlar attentioun is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE DEMOCRAT
issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages every Tuesday and Friday, making it
A YEAR. This issue Just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to
read a daily paper, and yet desires to keep promptly and thouroughly posted. It
joes to every State almost to every postofPce in the Union. All America is its
legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable as a news
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Sample copies free on application to
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to irraa..:
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One Year, G.00: Six Months, $3.00
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