Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. An Ortpmlan Abroail., Calil., Oct. U (To the E titer) -M believe I promised you to eiul some lei ten to the Enterprise, giving my ini pressions in regard to this country, ami I nas requested by many friends to write to them, most of whom I referred to t lie let ters 1 intended to send to the Enterprise, thus saving myself the tiresome task of re peating the same things over and possibly benefitting your paper a little. If, in these letters I should refer often to the state of my health and the (fleet ot the climate on the tame, do not set it down as Indlrailng a great amount of egotism in supposing that your readers care very much for the same, except as my experience may be of benefit to others who are also seeking a change for the benefit of their health. It would be useless to give a description of each town or orange district, as a general description would apply to all of them. I will try and ftfve your readers some idea as to this district about Rial to. Nine yeara ago all this section was a des ert covered with wild plum brush, grease wood and cactus. Now there is from a thousand to fifteen hundred acres in oranges, lemons, olives, with some peaches and prunes, from one to eight years old. A STATEMKNT CORRhVTKD. IUwkh Ckkik, Oct, 2.V An Item appear ing In your correspondents' column of 0v toner 1.1. does me and my friends an Injus tice, and I desire to hereby refute the lal e charges made. The Mink correspondent Intimates that a dance was held at the home of Mr. Hermann on the Sabbath. The facts are that on Sunday afterneon a num ber of friends gathered at my house to bid good bye to my son, who left the following day for Washington. The party was com composed of some of the hestcitlscns of the county, and the whole allnir was simply a friendly gathering in which masle and friendly Birt played a leading part. No one but a crank or a neighborhood gosslper could have found objection and any fair inlmled cititen who will lake the pains to read his entire communication will not credit the writer with good sense, let alone common decency. It is well to have the news properly gath ered from all parts of the county, but such slush is intend! only to create discord in a neighborhood and I regret that it has found place In the Enterprise. If yon will give space to this correction, you will confer a favor uion, Yours truly. J. Hkiivann The saltan's htir is not bin eldest sou, but Li eldest brother, nccording to the London film. The eldest mulo succeed. Such is the law of Islnui uud The older trees are losded with Iruit. The ; the fruitful source of dynastio murders orange crop will begin to ri about the jn almost every reign since the Turku Erst of December, ahile the lemons are 1 became a power. Tho sultan has four oearly ready for market now, they do not j brothers KOt one only, us wiu lately wait for the lemons to ripen on the trees i alleged. This eldest brother in Reeliad but pick them when a proper size and rij-en EfTeudi that is to say, he is eldest oft tbeni in the ware house. er the ex-snltan, Murud V, who, being Rialto is on the Santa Fe railroad four insane, is tint counted. Tiio third Iruth--riiiles from San Bernardino. An avenue I er is Warediu, and the fourth Suliuiati. me hundred feet wide extends from the railroad three miles north and is bordered on both sides by a row of beautiful euca lyptus and pepper trees with too rows through the center and a fine track each side. One half mile back from the railroad this is intersected by another avenue run ning east and west for a distance ot sixteen miles, also bordered on each side with trees, orange and lemon orchards of from five to ten acres each. There is no more beautiful sight than a well kept orange orchard. And they are all well kept, not a bit of grass or weeds being allowed to grow. The orange and lemon is an evergreen with rery dark green leaves, interspersed on ine ouisuie oi me tree witn a new growth of light green leaves The bouses and yards are surrounded with man) varieties of beautifuf tropical and semi-tropical ornamental trees among which are several species of palms, eucalyi. lus, pepper and hedges of cypres. But the most beautiful of all is the umbrella tree, just the shape of an umbrella w ith such a dense growth of dark green leaves that no sunlight can penetrate them. Nearly every yard has a century plant four or fire feet high and aa many broad. It is hard to realize that this has all been done within the last nine years, and when I travel up and down these avenues, bor dered by stately trees, amid orange and lemon groves, it brings to my mind the Arabian Night's tales and it seems as if Aladdin with bis wonderful lamp must have been at work here. Lest I tire you and your readers, I will close for this time, amd if I have been too tedious throw this in the waste basket, or give it to ycur readers in installments, or if you wish any more send your peper to me at Phoenix, Arizona, and in my next I will J give you some of the drawbacks or di greeahle features of the country. E. P. Carter. The sultan's eldest foil, Priuco Sclim, bus no earthly chuueo of succeeding bis father, lie has too tuuiiy uncles and nucle'a sous for But Priuco fc'eliui is lucky, if he knows it, for he is not "dangerous. " He lives a lifeof freedom, whereas the, beir is, ly the custom cf the Ottomans, a kind of life prisoner. Bcchud Kffcudi is rarely mu. Every time he drives out ho is escorted by a troop, less by way of an escort than .as a guard. The few who do know biui like him, for be is said to be a coor teous, buuiuuc, well ii: formed mau, ac quainted with current politics aud keen ly interested iu theui. Ho is a good farmer. The pretty palace known as the Tcheragan is bis resideuce. Of coarse Recbad's visitors are searched before they are admitted and when they are leaving by the sultuu'a officials. Dur ing times of trouble in Armenia, Con stantinople and Crete Reclmd is more narrowly watched than ever, for the sultan and bis clique know that itechud is popular. Unlike the saltan, Rechud is one of the most handsome men in Constantinople. 15 Cents is all it would cost you to cure your corns with Rod Soal corn cure. Is that oxponsivo when we agree to pay buck your money if you are not BatiKfiod? Resides Red fceal wo have Acorn, Iloustn's Magic, Too Gum, Mennen's, Green's Ilin dorcorn, London, Rough on Corns, ami Japanese. C. G. HUNTLEY, Original Cut Rate Druggist, Oregon City. Red Seal Red Mood. &irsaparilla makes Stafford .Notes. Stafford, Oct. 25. The only son of John -and KHen Seedling died Sunday morning and was buried Monday afternoon in the cemetery here. The exact cause of death is unknown. Miss Kate Miley, daughter of Jacob Miley, of Wilsonville, and Albert Turner, of Froij Pond were married in Oregon City last week and are now living in tVir new borne in Frog Pond. Miss Einina Priester, of Priesterville. and Mr. Kdward Sharp, of Frog Pond, will he united in the holy bonds of wedlock on the 3d prox., at the home of the bride's parents. A small dance will be given in the evening. The young couple will be at home immediately after in their new residence in Frog Pond. Miss Emma Burkhardt. of Boston, is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Biehle, of this place. J. P. Gage had a nice lot of cheet seed, which has been bought up by neighbors to sow for hav. Jacob, Henry and Win. Schatz have been cleaning ditch this week. Our postmaster has sown some wheat. Kris Knch is digging his potatoes. Carl Weissenborn has traded his large mare for Capt. Hayes' span of ponies. Pete Larson sold his old wagon to Mr. Ashcroft. John Gsge, Jr., starts for Tillamook coun ty soon to drive in his cattle for the winter. Hazella News. Hazm.ia, 0(,t. 23 Our farmers, who have been prajing for rain, are now as happy as larks for the rain has come and with it plenty of fall work. Potato digging is in full blast. Geo. l,ocev and brother returned last Sun d.iy from Idaho, where they have been all summer with the Johnson surveying parly. They say they had a fine trip, and that the Willamette valley is not the only place this side of Klondike. Khipley brothers are bailing their hops. Quite a number of the young folks of this vicinity attended the literary at Stafl'ord last Sunday. A. Shipley and family and also Mrs. Clin .felter of Oswego were visiting relatives in Amity the past week. Cbas. Borland and wife of Washington, are living now in the house formerly occu pied by Mr. Harry Borland and family. - Mrs. A. R. Shipley who has been ill for some time, is still very Bick. Messrs. Oscar and Ed W hitter and party Jiave not yet returned from the mountains where they went on a hunting trip, but are expected daily by their families. How lo Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy conditions of the ' kidneys. When urine stains liner, it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kilne s liver, bUdder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or hail effects following use of liquor, w ine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being com pelled to get up many times during the nijiht to urinate. The mild and the ex traordinary effect of Swamp-Root is noon realized. It stands the highest lor its wondeiful cures of the most distreHKing cases. If you nee I a medicine you should have the bet. Sold hy druggists, piiee fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet butli sent by mail. Mention Okkoo.v City ExTEKFrisB and send your address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bingharnton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this olfer Cheap Wood. Oak, ash, maple ami fir wool deliver ed in any part of Oregon City. Prices bed-rock and wood first-class. By plac ing your order now the bent selection of seasoned wood can be had, paying for it at a date agreed upon. Call on or write K. 0. IIoi.mks, Park place. Oregon Cliy Market Kenort. (Corrected weekly.; Wheat No. 1 meictiaiiUlile, 74 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $4.."0; Howard's Best, $4.70; Fisher's Best, M 40; Dayton ; HW: Pendleton, $5 20 Oats in sks, white, 3i) renin per bushel, gray, 28. MillstuUs Bran, $14.00 per ton, shorts, $15.5') per ton. Potatoes 40 cents ier sack. Kgg4, 10 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 35 to 40 cents per roll Onions, $1 (HI per pack. DrieJ Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5 cents ;50-Kund boxes, evaporated, Go prunes, 4 to 6 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon Hams, 9 to 11 cents; sides, 8; shoulders, 6; lar l 7 to 8 Livestock and Dressed Meals Beef, live, 2 to 2'j cents; hogs, live Scents; hogs dressed, 5 to5'4' cents; sl eep, $1 50 to $2.00 per bead ;veal, dressed 5 to 5'j. Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50; old JJ.UU, turkeys, alive, 8 cents per pound. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK Of I'lm-kamaa futility, Htatti r Oregon, showing the amount nnd mimhcr nt claims allowed hy the County Court of suld County, lor what allowed, amount of win runts drawn, and nmoiuil r wairiiuts oiitstundliiH and tinpuld, Irom the 1st day of April, ISH7, to the JWIIi day ofMeptituilim', su7, both Inelnilvo, ON WHAT At VOl' NT AI.I.OWT.P. KohiI mill bridge ,., Caliper , t rm Inul account t'lreull Court " " Justice " Stationery Court holme and lull Clerk's ilirv and help Hherllt's nlry, help and hoard of prisoners.. Itecorder'n salary , , Helmut Superintendent , County Treasurer Awetsor .. County Judge County Cumiiilsidniiera , County surveyor , , Count Coroner Kxpeiiae Uiillltfii Circuit Cuurl , IMxIrlet Attorney KeHirter clroull Court liiMUie account , Jury i Ireult Court ... ,, lioiiuty on wild hiiIiiimU Money retiiiuled on in es , ... . Initlgcnl Nuliller fund Arniury rent. , . ,, priming neeiniiit , . . A I tor no. ' ft Teaelier' Kxan Iniillun h.H'r(iun HiHilts Heliiiol )l(rli-t I'l.its , uud iilrls Aid S.H lety . rrtw v. limiting Itoml .Mimli-r , lU'torui n'lnml Ounuuio ..M, It.... -'I Total amount chilins allowed and drawn unp ilil Coiinly warrant on the 3nth day of Xttiiiler, suj Kstlmaleil Inlert U aicriltd thereon Total amount of unpaid County wnrruiiu with Interest Amount elnliiis lillownil mid wiir'iinU drawn lll.TW 1 a,u.ii m ai lo l,'j;,i mi H7o 7T KI III 1,1. 8,:it'l T7 7MMNI IIHJ 7,1 Ml IU 1,,Y1J III Ul :ii:i in 7U UA I Ml W r,v ui inc. II) 'JiaiKi Ml 711 IU Kl llk-l S'J III Kl I 'm ui ;ia i ii in 117 .'II tm ri in ni in lr.i7 s:rj n" ii in mi m I '.s.lsj s.) I 1.11,-i.m ui IH.imi l'l Ml . STATE UK OHKllliN, County of Clm kiiinin, I, Klmer I'lXoii, County Clerk of the Ciuiiity of ClHekaiiuis, Hlnto of Ore(in, do hereby eerllly tluit the forenoim l a true ami correet ulalonn nl ()f iho nuiiiher and hiiioiiiiI ol claims allowid liy Ihe County Court of mild county lor the l j nioiilhs null in u the .Kith Uuy of Si plemhrr, lsi'7, on what aeeouut the same Mem allowed and the amount of warrants drawn. and Hie ainoiiiil of warraiils oiiUtaiidluu and ttnpuld the name apenr Um.ii Ilia record" ot my ollleo aim In my olllelal cusltHiy. Witness my hand uud the enl of the County Court of said County this day oflielulier A. I. Iv.i7. K l.M Kit MXo.N, County Clerk. Ahead of all Magazines this country has seen. Albany Argus. I, Tfif. North American Review The Rleht Topics, By tho Right Men, At the Right Time. Tiik N'obtii Amkhican Kkvikw'i recon II i zed on liolh sides of the Atlantic as the foremost Review in the Knlisli latiiuai;e, and no expenditure is spaied in main taining it in ita unrivaled position. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT. Of the Financial Condition of the County of flurkamut. In the suits of Oregon, on tlie ith day of SpleiiilMT, A. I. IW7. M.IIII.IT1F.S. To wnrmnls drawn on the County Treasurer, and ouUlaiidlu and unpaid. To vitliiiuteat amuuiit o( Interest aivruetl tliereon .... Total l.lahllltle KKMIt'ltt'F.S. Ry funds In hand ol County Treasurer uppheuhle toaytiient of Co. wnrrnlila : llr eallmuh'd unpaid rurrenl tamn applleiililn lo puyinulit ot Co. wurruul, Istsi lly Ulieolleetril lux l.lena !.-. .,,.. " " " " tKM ' mm M;g u u )wrJ " " " InUI and prior no report ' " j AMOUNT I I.H.MH III I x.lMI HI ::ia :j I.'.iiii m ii.'ji M. .'.l lO 4,DU I.I I Total FlewurrM, exclusive of County property.. h I W.ala VI Total ImlelitrtlneMorCounty. Tolul ltesourees ...I uiai ..hi ... MiUVj net IndelilnlneM . I so.nio.m SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the County Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon, lor thn nil mouths ending on the 3olh day nt September, A. D. 1U7, oreaiti received and paid out and balance ' remaining In eaeh Fund A L COfSTY FUND. flaliuireon liaml hint rexrt Ii rueel Veil froiii Sherlll " " County Clerk iiml lti-nrtl-r ' " " ' Iti-llnuueiil Tax MlMei-lliineoiis , lly iiiiitiuiil pulit out on ' oiihIv witrriiiita tlnliiiice lit'iierul ruiul on liaiitt COINTY H'TlDOL FCNP. To riih on luintl lust p'orl iitti'ivi a irom i "inuy m-iu. foini Sltile HiitiMl Moie-v Py aiutMinl (tild mil on Hrho !?upt. wiirruiils .... lly loii. Ht-htitil luiitl on liiiiitl ' ' " Sunt, warranis Ilaluiiee uti haml 4 sTll SI It! tlltwi a.-'i" n' .'.7 .i: if: 71 17IUI I I. Il.vi7i. jn i;u l' s,nl In M.isjim l:i,-.'n 'i 71,171 i.l Jl,!-!.-. IS l-tt-tll II tr.' J .1 I.hih,,iiI Depot t fitlMth and J. Street TWO TRAILS DAILY Kor All Points ICfmt "FAST MAIL ROUTE." Leaves lor the Kaat via Walla Walla and Hpnkane, dally 1 2 : 15 p. m Arrives at 11:41 a. in. Leave fur thn ICast via HiintliiKluii and reudleloii, dally at 1) p. in. Arrives at 7:45 a. m. tii uoru ii n its r-fi.AHM and routtsr HI.KKI'IOItM. MV.ftS fl) KIVK1 n'KIUI.K,X. Ockan IhviNitiN Sleauishlpn wall from AliiHwoith iIim k H p. m, For Sun Kruti eisen: Stale of California sails Sent. ID, Coluinliia Sept. I'l coLujjiiii mm i)ivirsioJ lllltTI.AMI ANDAHTIINIA It. It. SI'MMKU TIMK CAUD STKA.MIIKS T. J. rolTKIt, THOMPSON T.J. 1'olter leaves I'ortland daily ex cept Sunday at 7 a. in.; returning leave Aslmia daily, except Hatunlay at 7 p. in. It. It. Thoniwon leaves Portland dally except Saturday and Sunday at H p. in,, and at ID p. m. on Saturday j re'iirnlliif, leaves Astoria dat'y except Sunday at 7 a. m Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. nod way Monday. Weil- Sleamer Ituth, for Sa'etn points, leaves Portland nesdav and Kritlns at tl a. in. Iletnru- iiitf leaves Salem for Portland nnd way points Tuesdays. Tliiiradaya and Satur days at 7:l' a m. Steamer (iypay lor Sulein ami way poiiits, leave i'ortlainl Tiiesilaya, ThiirstUyg and Saturdays at 0 a. m. Iteturiiim;, leaves S.ilem lor I'urtlaiid nnd wav points Monday, Wed- nesilaya ami Kridityi al 7:1ft a. in. Steamer Modoc, for Psvton ami way IKiinta, leaves Portland Tuesdaya. Thuis- day and Saturday al 7 a in. Keliirn liiK. leave Paylon lor Portland and way iMiints Mondavs, Wednesday and Fri- tlats at 7 a in. Snake liiver Itoiile Steamer leave Kiparia daily except Satiirtlay at 1 A a. in , on arrival of train from Portland. Leave Lewislon, return Int;, daily except Friday at 0;X) a. in.. arriving nt Kiparia at 1 p. in. W. II. IIUULItUKT, (ten. Phh. A Kent. !itl,l.l.l7Sli 'J1I,IkI.'17S For Kent. A seven-room house, two blocks from the Barclay school, on street with side walk and electric lights and has a com manding location affording a beautiful view of the Willamette river and ur rounding country. Rent reasonable. Address '.'House" care of Entkki'kihk. Till la lour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, ensh or atomps, a (?eneroUH wimple will be rwiilrd of the most popular Catarrh and I fay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream lialiu) sufficient to demon, etrate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CO Warrtu St., New York City. Eev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "Itisaposi tive cure for catarrh if nsed as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central i'res. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged core for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report Monthly Pains cured by Dr. Miles' Pain Pills. Among features of extraordinary impor tance which the Ukvikw will contain in early numbers may be mentioned thehe: An article by the great hiatorian W, . B. LECKT ON B'cent Pol tlcal Tendencies in England. USP0BLI8HED CORRESPONDENCE mainly relating to the iHsuea of the American Civil War, between JOHH LOTHR0P MOTLEY and PRINCE BISMARCK. Publinbed with the approval of Mr. Motley's daughter, the wife of the Rt. Hon. 8ir W. Vernon Harcourt, leader of theOppoeition in the House of Commons. A most important paper by JOHH EAY8 HAMMOND The American engineer so prominently associated with Cecil Rhodes and Dr. Jamieson, on THE FUTURE OF SOUTH AFRICA, A series of articles by SIR W. . RUSSELL ("liull-Run Kusiell") The famous correspondent of the London Times, in which he recounts his observations and experiences on THE OUTBREAK OF THE CIVIL WAR. HTAIE OK OilKUON, ) s. County of Clm kiirniu ) I. Ja'-tili Hlniili! do herehv certify that the fori'KoiiiK is a true ami rorrert Main meiit of the amount n.-'-eived paid nut and remaining- oh hand In thn County Tn uMiry of said County for the li iimnths eutllng on thu .mth day of ricplmnlicr, A. I), 1S'.I7 Witness my hand thls'jail day of Octoher, A. I). Is.7. JAColl fllADK, Comity Treamirer. SEMI-AKNUAL STATEMENT Of the amount of money and warrants received fur taxes and money paid lu thn County Tteaaurer by the Hherlirof ( In -kamas County, Oregon, for tho six months ending Heptninher 3th, A. I). 1h'i7. DEIITOIl. Amt. ree'd In coin ami ciirreiiey ; f 111 :i IH il Ami. rtx'd In county warrants..;! W Total I ns;iH7 mi CltKIUT. Newt Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemistry, Medicine, Hygiene, Health. Formerly BOSTON JOURNAL or CHEMISTRY ENLARQED AND IMPROVED. Contains h turn" number or Short, Khhv, Practical, liitiriliiiK and Popular Mcieiitillc articles, thnt can bo appri'ciat ed ami enjoyed bv any inlelli(ei,t read er, eventlioiiuh he knew lillle or liothiii of Science. Profusely Illustrated and Free from Technicalities. Newsdealers. 10 cents. $1.00 per year ftVMeutlon this paper for a sample copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper In the World rUHMSIIKI) MONTHLY II Y DENJ. LILLARD, Now York. Amount paid county treasurer County Warrants. Total. I IIIh'IIS HI l7,IKiH 'in f rjx;iH;!no HTATK OK OKKOON, ) ss. County of (.'lacknmas,) I., C). W. Grace, Hherllfof suld County, doherehy certify that the foregidiig- slate- mcnt Isiitirrc-et und trim. Witness my hand this Ith day of Ovtolmr, A. I). Is;i7. O. W. OKA' K, Hhiiritr of Clackamas County BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Two articles by the well-known states man M GE0E0EB CLEMESCEAU ON THE FRENCH NAVY. The North American Review, 291 Fifth Avenue, New York Subscription Price 5.00 a Year. 0 V4 i 1 TRADI MARKS. DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS Slo Anyone pwndlnff a nkntch iinrt dporlitton miijr qulcklfuxwrtttlu, free, wht'tlntr an inretirion it prolmliljr al4irit.filie. Comriiimleall'iiiii utrlf'tljr coutltleiitlil. OldHHt ngmwy tormt-urluti put 11 1 In Ann-rloa. Wo have u WoNlilritflun PftUtnta tHkn tliruuxh Mujiu h Co. rocoivt ipeclaJ notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully lllnntralml, Inrireiit elrenlatlon of any wleiitllto ItnirnHl, weekly, trirm C.1.IIII a ynnr SI..VHII moutha. Siotrlint-n oopleii anil U.AHU Uuun ON X'atknts will free. Adilruis MUNN A CO., 301 Uroudwuy, New York. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Entkkpkirb office. (jepmania Cah Iljarte PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best duality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked hams and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock. -s Seventh St between Main and Depot Headache mtopprd In 2f) minute by Dr. M1W 1'Aia Vius. "One cent a Uuae." AGENTS WANTED. FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS liv the W. R, Conkey Coinpany, the larifuHtimliliHliers and manufacturers ol hooks in the United Stains. I.'l,,u. n,,a of new holiday and otlmr anl.u..rl.ii.,l. books on the market. Also HKcntH wanted for "Tiik Bii.vkr Slim," the latest and tmut. l.-vf mtitetlr ain the silver queation by the reut nilvor leaders. Prices IMow Compplilion. Exclusive Territory. Largest Commissions. Write at once for circulars ami annninl terms, Hinting your choice of territory. W. B. I'OXKET COMPANY. 341 351 Duorborn 8t, tlilcnifo.