Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 22, 1897, Image 7

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    Oregon City Enterprise
I'UIDAY, 0(TOl:i:il '.'. 1HH7.
iikai. KsiAih riu.vsmo.
f'unilHlicd Kvcr; iVr-ik liy (lie ( lucka
mind Aiiilnirt A 1'nixl ('tiNiiuiiir,
Till t,y (.liorlir lo I'll. Mini
h'y.Ott 4, 'H7fy'ol w'4'oi mo
0 1 .1 n r 1 w $ KHlTi
Kohtlli'itilii by iliutlir to I' II
Manli-y, Oct 4, 'l7 purl til va 2
ti.ir2e ft (Vi
Orplm F CroM t.y alicitlir to 1' II
AUiilny, Oct 4, '07 ol 4'
m(! 13 1 2 , r 2 o 7 -10
U (lmil(iiilnlii by almrilT to 1' II
Mmili-y.OrM, 'U7t of (w'
ami ol ii w l4 H' 17 t 2 , t 6
48 18
Aluirl (iantcnliiiin l.y liirlirt I'
II Manlry, Ort4, '117 purl of
.Uw claim wc AH 2 , r 2 e. . . 3 45
J no I'Micr l.y Hhitriirtu I' II M.iti-li-y
Oct 4, M7 k',' of iit'4' of
utt1; nee :K) I 4 , r I 4 40
Tliox (iiirri'll ly nlxolir to I' II
Mil ii Icy, Oct 4, 'U7 loiN 1, 2 kikI
Z itinl ni'4 of ni'4 ami mv1 of
i)c'4' iMo 114 ;hIho lot 1 nml iiw'4'
Of Of HW'4 Mlll KW1' III
l)tt '4 HXlTpt 41. 'y KITH ill HIM! .'!')
t ' . r 1 41 70
Drill II l.iia l.y NliHriir to I' II
Sliinlcy, Oct , '1)7 Ti'i ti:r'
M't22-t3, r I e 8 SO
iuo I' b'lil tiy ulutriir to 1' II
Mmilcy, Oct 4. 'H7 PH) urn In
Un It -It cUim l 2 i, r 2 h 21 45
Mnry SoiiIii liy cliiTiir to I II
Mmilcy, Oct 4, '!" putt of rc 2
t2i, 12 e 8 05
fcorry, Slt-hini(ir A Tcliiidv bv
Shcriirio I' II Maiilry.O.t 4,
N7 pnrt of iw 2 t U, t 2 e 14 10
Oi II Httaiiilit l.y Hlnt-iU'io 1' II
NUnlcy, Oct 4, '17 nf4' of w'4'
Mcl7t2i,rl 20 20
Joint A Smith t.v Micriir to I' II
Almilcy, Oct 4, '07 port of A 11
Church Uiint2fi,r2e 7 05
Thorp Kit hard l.y alifriir to I II
Mnhy, Oct 4, 'U7 w'4 of nv'i
and lot 1. 2, 0, 10mc 2:1 12 ,
r3t 15 40
Martha Wiitkiim l.y nlmritr to I
M .in Icy Oct 4 'U7 10 a in H I)
Fraud elm cc3 tp 3 r 2 In l.k
40 i 247 7 88
W II William hy ilmriir to 1' II
Manlnv Ojt 4 '07 10 .c. 20 27
tp 1 r 2 10 20
Mary K Wortltiiit;ton by alirrltr,
tol' II Manliy, Oct 4 'U7 U5 a
Jan Kello tl I c mc 7 tp 2
r 2 e 45 13
Puan Soot i, y ulicrlir, to KM
N liwinx Sept 25 Ml" lot 5 0 hlk
1, lot 2 3 hlk 7 lot 1 hlk 14 Iota
3 4 6 hlk 15, WimUr '.. 14 38
Maryrlta Charles to Chat C
Nilxtckor Sept 20 'U7 W I) iii4'
of m)'4' wo 20, t 4 , r 4 o 100 00
Violet Han Jail to Turn 1' lUmtall
Auk 22 'IHI V I) K),w in roc
4 ami 0 t 3 , r 2 e, 3.S0 acre In
H W Vance claim, Iota 1, 2, hlk
123, 1oim3, 4; Kly4l(t of 6 and
0 hlk 14; alo H inlvrt'st in Till
fi'ut oil' wly end of lot 1 and 2
hlk Kill On-uon City 5 00
Thoa II Smith to Ariliur Dutiuii
June 24, '7 W l)w"a of in.'4ol
of fl'n of h'j contiiiniiiK 6
acrca 25 00
Fruil U Clmruun to Thoa Char
iiiitu Oul5 'U7 U (J D ne"4' of
li w '4 mid lot 1 of hoc. 22, t 3 I,
r 2 j of w'4, of Htv'4
and an1 4 of aw '4 hco 2, t 4 n, r 2
e, 11)3.50 acre In hco 2il, t 2 , kJ
r 3 p; 40 m'ren LchwhII cloioi
aero In .Mountuiii View and lot
2, hlk l.i'l Omrfon C.ty 1 00
M E (t.irrmon to Jiiculi Spiuiuler,
Oct 12, '1)7 W 1) lots 4, 6, 8 and
U hlk 1 and of Iota 3 and
10 hlk 1 C'anhy m oo
li W Aldun to I.oiiIb Dietkolmiiii
Oct 12 '07 W I) lot 4 in hlk 07
Oregon City 000 00
Mury Ooliin to Jhiiich Uolan Sept
25 '07 W D lot 8 hlk 13, Oii.tfon
I 'ty 4(H) 00
TIioh Churiimn to (iuo and K
Schmidt Oct 8, 1)7 W 1) ejw' of
llr llM.rj Irving' Mit(iiiiltiill,
Th rlmiium of foiliuin j.lncct jicopjn
ttiff i iijcft In prcniiiir Hinl i'iohiirriiKHiii(
I 'w'tl- r.n, , i i d HK.iy in lolil ,f Hr
O 'vli , tin 'inn i iicior, When
u iiiiK ...i.n, i nriniiK I.Im luurclM mid
'fiii.piiriilivcly tii ldKiwii, MiiikcHpciire'ii
piny "Mi. cli Ailn Ai.niit Ni.lhiiiK" wun
liliont In he pri'fi'liti d to I he J.lihlio hy h
n rtiiln innni.H"r of .ii.iiiineiicii, Irving
hud n I'iTt itHHlj'tii ii to him, which Im
(lillKci.ily mmlieil. J,i id r perfect in hi
liiii N, hn felt iiNMured of iillliniilo hiki
(''kn, hut tiiiforluiuilely tha iiiiiiiii(i'r
iliHliked I) In iicIIiik of It nml took occu
ulnii to ceiiNiini It 1 in before, theuoiiipiiny,
much tolilMinoilillculion, Furthermore,
tint iiiiiiiiikit took tli part awiiy and
Kiivu him nuother, leu i.romiiiciit, hut
morn difllciilt.
Yc iira went liy, nnd IrvltiK uteadlly
cllinli d to a fit mo Hint lirotilit Llm
kiiiuhlhood, whiln thn criticul iiinnii(,'i r
Ktiulunliy lout ground. Oneilny, nhortly
after Irvine Hiinoiiiiced Ida Inteniion of
priKlii('iiiK"Mui?h Ado About Nothing,"
tlie old iiuiniwr premmted lilnmclf nnd
HKked tlmt a Jiurt hn uhhIkiiimI to him.
IrviiiK (irittiled fh requi-Ht nud kiiva
him thn very pnrt ho hud forced hi in to
piny yinm he fore. lJuring n. In it run I
Irving tiurrowly wutched Hid rniiniiK''r'
nctiiiK unil at tlm roiicluxiou went up to
him mid iiliook Ida hnnd nfter gravely
riiinpliiiicniiiiK him upon hi n uderiii
of tlie purt, Then he promoted him to
tlm pint from which hn hud been re
duced. "I never knew wlint 'coiiIn of
fire' meruit till then," wu the n inink
Vihlidi tlm old actor and iiinmiuer wu
overheard to innliii when Irving letired.
Ilnri er Kouiid Tiildn.
e)i Hno 12, 1 4 a, r2e.
050 00
Jmmm Sluiw to Anoint UnHincr
Oct 15, 1KII7 W DI,ot 4 hlk 13
Annex add 125 00
Juinea V HIihw to Max FUdmr
Oct 15, '1)7 W I) loin 17 antl 18
hlk 7 Annex Add. , 250 00
iiotfrict Mciks to Marie Hunt Oct
5, '1)7 W IJ 152.81 acred in two
1-, t 4 8, r 3 1000 00
Wllliiim II Wolfer to Mury E
Turner Oct 0 '1)4, W D lotH 4
and 0 hlk 1, Iturlow
Mary K Turiuir to Aniiio
Iloult Juno 28, '1)7 W I) Lot 4
and 0, hlk 1 Harlow
C F Voiitleruhe to F M Manning
Oct 14 '1)7, W D 83.74 uoreu boo
17, t 4 8 r 2e 131)0 00
1 00
1 00
Tlm Awful (nrlli fUh.
A traveler in Vhiixui Iii ivi an In
ti ri-Kt i n k dew ription of Ihu IIhIi of the
OriiKw i) rotiiitry, lie my the pnrty net
e nil time i iiiiio in conliict with the
cm 1 1) IIhIi, v hit li are the intuit ft rorinui
liiliiiliitinilN of tlm wutt r known. Tha
IUIi are not over 14 liit lin Ioiik. hut
they travel In whool. Tlieir teeth m-
three corin p'tl, Any living object w IikIi
allrnct their attention i altuckcdwitli
fury. Mr. Tlioinpnoii tell of mi Intlinii
womiiii who entered the water to fill a
hlicki t. tihe wtm uttucked by the fhh
and rt in Iml horc only to die in 15
minium. The flihwu literally ti rn
from her hotly. Mr. Dnrt, who wim
Vtitli Mr. Thompson, raiiKht one of the
IIhIi and pulled it Uxn the bunk. Hit
held tl.o nirib under hi foot while be
pointed at the jictilmr teeth with hi
llner. Withn quick mnvement the cur
ib flopM-d out from under Mr. Durt'
foot and nelzttl him hy tlie linger, cut
ting thut im inl r to the hone. The fish
fretiii ntly luivo htfii known to lite or
diiiury lUlihtHik in two.
Another IIhIi which the pnrty often
came acroni wa the mortxtito, the fla
vor of which ia like Luke Superior
whlti (lull, only moro delicute. Tlie mo.
rtKNitn 1 pruvitled with molar teeth und
(ulmiHiM on vegetable matter, which it
thoroughly mnnllciite befuw nwullow
lug Another (n'ruliar rr uture found
wa the mortx-oy, a t clt of luiid tur
tle, which nt night titti r a cry of won
derful awri'lucMi, pluintive aud cleur.
fcaltvd Or.
It i not generally knowi thnt it i
poMihlt! to Halt ore with gold junt u it
in M)iutible for un umtcrupuloa mini to
alt the initio in which gold i found.
In the one cuno tha friitid U compiini
lively rimy to detect, while in the other
it would defy even nn expert, and there
fore itliareholder, induct d by the over
fluttering report of a perfectly honest
iihwiyer, could be reutiily tuken in. The
gentleman who deniniiHtruted thin poa
ibilitj ia a Mr. J (J. Johiihon of AUe-
hiiile, AiiNtrulia, who, milking rxprri
nients with different milt of uohl.
iouiiil tlmt lie could produce quite
iinturul liMikmg pitclineuH of gold benr-
nig (iiurt3i irom Ftoncs wIiohu previoui
iiH"ny Khowpd tlmt they contained nn
panicle of gold. Furthermore, the gold
pt neliute thn Mono in tint iniiKt lintnriil
inunner piifHihla. Indeed, piece of thin
nrtillcliilljr pituluci-d gold qunrt were
exliihltetl Home little time ago at the
Imperinl iiiMituto in LUiuburgh. l'eitr
sou' Weekly.
Dlffobbq M"k" Ul kidney
Mlmnir mill lieiiltl.V
P3r32US'ni,,y ,M"HO t,m kl'-
. neva to lllter all UH
t:U44At:'ltl and other pl-
ey Fills,,'"" v. ,"'',."rlll,;M
W It tllll H I J W 11 f
Ileiilthy kidney inulto pure hlootl.
Dr, Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Fills
cure Hheiiiniitlitiii, (Jout, Kczerna,
Anieinlit, I'lmplt'H, Hud HIihkI, iirlght
DlHeiiw), Mitluriit, lliKkuche, Kidney
1'aliiH, Droimy, I'uln in the Abdomen,
Frequent Urination. Inflammation of
Kidney, Femule WeakiieMt, etc.
I have been fllieted with Itlieninaliiii
and kidney trouble twenty year oi
more, ami have tried everything I could
hear of, A freind of mine In New Voik
ent me a box of your Hparagu Kidney
I'illH, iinl before I lliiixlieil the box, I
wa better, anil have nearly Ariinhed the
Hccond box. The r! i'iirnatintu hit left
me. I have been living hern only two
month, but huve come oeroti three
pomon who are troubled a I 4 in, or wa
ami have rncoiiiinomlnil your pill to
tliem. I can lie intrumental in itellinif
a great many. I have lived in Denver
Colo. My Ron published the Kuilroad
liiinellu theie, Vernon IlmiMin,
New IpHwich, N. II.
Sparagus Kidney Pills.
IIOIillS REMKOY CO.. Paorairroa. Citic.oa
or. II. .1.1.. CHI. yr hnln In t.l!M,ON, fl'I'V,
wr..( uy i u. in. .t i i.r.i , uriiifirioi.
1 S"
I'ttltlH l.VIMf. iicMefl.
Niilieu la h li mvin Hint llm l.ii'lfl li ti "l
hit flitvl Iiih tlimi nwAtuui nt i-itnut'r hi t'
M V.- .-i.l.il. il mntivr met tint Um iny llm fl'l
llnjf ( NxvihiiIh'., 18 V7, Ht III ii'l'l"f!K r. III. It ihu
loiitt ln.iiiiD iu Ulw iirn.. ci.uuly, (ijkuii, hu
ibi. Ii". iiikiii ly ih piilve il liiw c in ly
n.iirl i f l.i rniM i iiiiin:, it tnn, lliu tin t
t. tl plm t. lor l.vi rltif nr Mini ill ohJi'Ctiol.l to
urn new ii., t mm initio in,. I .11. tin, in mi ol
..III -(. In m-cirJ.ciieo with Irririaol M lnt
will nml Uiaimnunl ul amil J, alius I.yoya, d
lou d, H,l. 'Jit, 1W.
fii, to-U Jk Cox, Exie tto-.
Of the
KxpreKB Train leave Tortland Daily
eu r7n.
M r. at.
; a. m.
i NortL.
l"irilnil Ar
Oruciuc'ltjr I.r
H. KratlcUrii ,v
K 41) i
uo r.
Tl.e aiiove lriti mop m all matiotia be
leen Pnrtlnliil. falem, Turnrf
Mnriott, JflliTuii.AII'iiy,'liiffnt. Hlieild.
lltiUey, ll.irrialniri.', Juim linn city. KtiKeiie.
('oil aire Urove. llrniit, Onklaiei aiitl ! l.
I Hum from itoarbnrK In Aitliland iiicluiv
Direct ciinnectitm at 8n Krticlco will.
Oceiilenlal iml Oriei tHl it' ll Pncilie Mull
trniiKliiiiiie ..r JAPAN anil CHINA.
Mailing tlatea on tpplicBiioii
Itatt-i ami tit'ltft" tn K:it-ri point ami
1.1 l.ll ami A l I KA I.I A. Can lie ohtanied
Irom K. E. HOY I), ticket agent, Orriniii City
H m. . M. I
ill 4. a. I
J .tl r. at. I
Cortland Ar
OrcmiuClty Lt
Koaebiirg I.r
4 no e. I
I "'
Heat Hide Umalon.
Mall Tralu. Dally (Except Butitlav.l
7 "ati T.'nl I.r for:T ii.l Ar f'.vr.;
I'JiAr.M. Ar Corrallla Lt 1 01 r
At Albaur and ,"orr!lla colitlocl with iralu
nt urvKi.u (.en'ru A ern Kllrod.
Exprraa TmId PailrrExPeM Sunday)
4:.'i0r.M.l Lv Porilaiid Ar 18
7: r. at. I Ar McMlnnrille Lv l6:Mlt.r
K Kl'Klll.KK.
Ata't U. K. a till faaa. AfCDt
Legal Notices.
X. in Ori'Kon lor ll.acoutiiy ol Clacltamaa, aa.
I'. W. Jamea, plaint, ff,
Win. Olilankamp & J ho Ilahlk',
To Wm. Ohli'iikamDanil John Dahlkaaald A
f. mlauu lu ilia iiama ol tli atalaolOrcicou. ro,i
ara D'lrLijy irfiiiiru-j to MiiMar auq aiiawvr inv
0ini.liiit 111 l a(alut you In llm abor (till-
11 n aim on oriwio-a li.a i.rt day oi tn t.eit
u-iai ol tha circuit court "f the a , el county and
ti.fi which will twifiu "tttroiOD City. Oregon,
i,n In llrat Monday of Nov. mtier, a-ilr duy ba
le tha Aral day ol aald mouth, A. 0. IW7; and
II you lall ao to aepear and anawer aald ooin
elaliitt. Malntitl lor wut tbt-rro. will at ply
to I court lor Hit rallcl duinaudtid tberulu,
wlni'li la lor Ilia loracloaura aaaiuat you oi a
0 rial ii inortgaue on ral ro:riy dated Ilea. 9.
Iiv-k, aud reniid.d In Hwik V. panHto mortgage
reconla ol aaid county, glv.u tf Chaa. A.
.irt-hnka to a..cura a purelinaa money di.bt ol
tl uiw and luUireal, on lut lutiowlug trad ol
. huh town:
llegliiiiiiig at a p'lli.t 04 the ei'llon line Im.
Ie li aicti'iu. 21 and 21 In T. I 8. K. t K. of lha
Wlllamatta nierldmn In (,'lvkitniaa rouuty.Ora
tou, lar enoiiKli a. utn ol the ipiartt-r ae -tloa
romarou "al l una ao thai line ruiitilug aaat
Iroinauc'i point acroaatlin 'louation laud calm
01 K. A. Wotatiam to 111 - ueat boundary ol the
:ouat.o . laud claim of JOranz I). Kirk will
Inoludi- Iju anna ol li,at patt ol the aula Wor-
liatn Jj 1. (Myit.g n r li ot , uch rat and Weat
ilun ricliialve ol 7.M acre heretofore ao d
nd ronrciad by laaav Krr t P. ronulou, ai d
for an or .ea ol the eou.tfor the aa e i f ani l
uiortgaK-d i ruiuiaea t y ald deot aud ac
ctU'.u iiilura-t -luce I'ec V, imuj, !toru.-y 'a u-ea,
p.iaaudacc till. co la. I'ub .abd by otder ol
Hon. ly H. Hieama, Judga of tb e null
court of Mu ttiomab t'otitiir. O egon, aci.ogm
be uliwuiti i f the circuit J id-e ul C m aauiat
coui.tr, wb.cb orJer led ad eepi. 15. IW.
V, li. Live,
Attorney lor plalnllrT, Oregon City, Ongoj.
tl-17. lo-a
1. olOn
gon. I .r ll.acuuutr ol CUi kamaa.
A. Mia p. eiaiutlll, 1
(ii-orge W. t)w.-n, di-f'i.dant J
lo i o ge V . tlw.iii. tlej ab ra nam dutendanL
In the name of tha atatu ol OK-gou, jrnu are
hreby required loapMiar aud at twer Inecom
p.aiuillle i ag.ilnat you lu toe ab.fa entitle J
ai-llou .ti.lt, U.U dayi Irom the dale of me
a- relreol Ihla ammonite uton you II aarrad
trim ttilai oiintr, t.I aerre I willunany otuer
iou .tr o( true atnte, tneu w tb u Iweutr daya
iroiu the dati ol lb i aurvlnt ol thl - aumtno'ta
uo . you, and II ei-rved i.y ptiblicatinu tbeu by
tlx-tlr.i diy l the next kirn ol Una court, to
wn: lha I day ul Nnveii.lx.-r, IW7, and If you
full auto an w.r for w i,,l iliereof he idaltitiff
ill apply to the c mrl I t Ilia r-het 'km rude i
In aal I complaint to wn: for the aum of
Ivrei.ty-Ore lol art and forty five lent, and lu
ll real ib'Trou. ai li.e lau ol eight pvr Oeut per
.n ,utn, from tbelal day ol March. 16U7. until
eld, and I .r Ihu lurthnr mm i f ten 'lonaia and
fifty tetif, wiiu mteiet IU' reou, at the iiul
e.g . I per tvnl per annum, lio n the lat day ol
July, IW7. tint, I paid, and to the .uriher aum
ol eight do Inn and flny ieo and lulere-t
ineieoD at ma raleo eight percent p r annum,
irom the llrat day of Jiiue, inu7, unit, paid and
lor the further aum ol eight Uollara and twenty
live oeiila, h llu luu-rvat thereon at ma raiaul
lgiu ir cent ber annum, from the lat uay ol
January, 1V7, until pa d, and I .r tbe further
uiu ol one dollar aud live cent a, aud lor bla
C.niaand dlabtirreiuenta in tbia action, that
anld pi iutirr ill aia app.jr to tha .aid court
lor au ntder to ae.l i,u Va.id 10, block 7, Ulad
lone. Clai knmaa tounty, Oregon, which are
now under aitei hmtuu lu tula acliou lo aatiafy
and JtinginuiiL
Hon. 1 A. M.llnd.'. u ire of tha sih imllrlal
dlatrirt, i dug anaoi.t iMm the con ty at tbia
tune, tul-atitumoua ia t u ill-tied by ord r ol
Hon. A lied I. Se. ra. lu id ol lue e,n nil court
of the Fourth Ju 1, 1,1 d -, rid, of ti e atateof
Oregon, uuiy ma a ndemereJ of rcjrd, ou
the li'th d ijr ol S p em t. V7.
u. u. uutirg a J. w. Lnnxo.
9-17, lo-.t Aitorui jalor pln.ut fT,
't'rrncli aa Sli la Kpoke.
Tlm F.incriild Inlo i not tlio only hub
itut of IjiiIIn, nml tlio ctmiiectiou be
tween tlio Cinllio antl Celtio race timet
bo cIiiho indeed, if tlio following penis,
Riven upon nti Ichh nn antliority thao
tlmt of t ho Join tinl del Trilnuaux an
cinitiiiitioiis of tlio judicial mind in
Prunm nro to bn coimitlcrctl genuine:
"JiiHtico i not a cluiidcfttino cavern
vlicrtt peoplu nro Htriinglcd beliiiul their
"I CHtecin my lionorubln colleniiua too
hij;liy to admit for n moment tlmt lie
can believo in the truth of what bo ul-
Hint Iiouho of lnnhn'Hs vvna but a
fori'Ht of bandit. "
"Tim defunct took his plnce at the ta-
bio, liiciinwliilt) liinnifeKting a keen dis-
pleiiHiiro ut not Iiaving been invited."
Yon are to blame for buildino snmp-
tuouH piilnccH tlmt throw diiKt into peo
plu 's eyes. " Ntnv York CommerciaL
.ollor lo Ortlilort.
M. oi uregou, ior LiaiKatuai couuly.
lu ill tntttterol tho taia.e oil
N. U. Wa d D, deceai.d. j
.soticj la hereby flven by lha nnderalgntd,
vavvumm oi me niat oi n. u, wa.tleu, tie
Oeaartl. to t.ltt cte llt.ora of. and all n..r.,,. h.v.
lug claiina ngaiuat the aaUdeCt aeu, lo exhtntt
them, witti tlio luoanrv vouclierr, within ilx
lut.iitlia Irom t ie tla:e of ti,e Drat publication f
ml. nuiioe, to aaid exi'ctitora at t,,e oltlco of
to.-ir nuoriiuyv ncj;i a Urtllltli, lJjrcltiy
uiilld.ug, Utegou C iy,orex'n
l.KtllttiK A HAKDINO,
titteutora ol tha eatttte ol N. O. W deu,
ileci eaMl.
IlKi.iigr A GRirnTit,a:ty a for exvoutcra.
lu-ti. Il ia
bUiuot OieuUi Couuiy ol Clat'taunt?.
J. W. lorrn, plaliipir,
8. E. VYorahaiu, dulen lent, j
To U.K. VYorahaiu, tha ai.ove nam.l ,l..l, h.i
at.t. In me nainu in li.e Mtata of Urvgon, yu
atanurouy leisured to appear bjtoro lue tiuiKr
Igujd. a Ju.Me ol the 1'eace, fur the uiatr.vi
aioiealtl,o.i tin llth d .yof Dcieiuber, lS;.7,at
iu w.d loruuouu oi arm uay, al l..e of-
hieof a.iljju.iio., luauch uiattLt, to auwer
hi. Huurg iiau eti u uint.n in niv.i mn I.,.. -it...
...-hv.i.'u. aiiu
uri ii.,Hi.iwiii take uoiice, that II lie lall to
uuupiaiuv ueretn, llu plaint, n will
take )ti .giuuiii ana nat bun tor th a, m oi IMiuu
win, lutv.t aw (tiur.wu iroiu inj ri.ti iitr ni nA.
ouiiiLer, vtvi.auj lor Ilia co.la aud dtaturae-
tiiuiiia uervi i.
uiven under mv haud tlna nt I. .t. r n.
""n u. HtnteRHRi.
li-3 Jutloe Ol the l-eaoe.
TRUST CO. are the owner of the copy
right to the Thome syHtuin'of abstract
imloxHB, (or CliickninitB county, and tmve
the only coinpltite nut of almtructs In the
county, can furniNh infofination as to
title to hind at once, on application.
Lou us, inveHtmt!iitH,roal cstuto, alMtrncts
etc. OlHce over Iltiiik of Oreiron City.
Cull and inyoHtiKitte, Adilnms box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
Neither ratiper Nor a, rapa.
Tlm Ottawa Ilcruld note that occn-
lioually a little fun comes into the life
of a towiiNhip iiFHcsFor. At one htm so
AHseHsor Wharton found a young bride
who porsiatud in the declaration that
her hiiNbiind hud no ocoupntiou.
"You don't want me to set him down
us a pauper, do you?" fttootiounly in
quired Mr. Whnrton.
"Law, uol" reHpondud the young
wife, blushing furious. "We ain't beon
married but six months. " Kuuxus City
A Fair Offer.
'I can save you $5,000, Mr.
o(le ar AiulBliueiil.
XI uutlorlkued uaa buon, t,y ordur of tlio
l liuuty C.,llrt of Cka.,n. . n
tliiiy :.iiiiutcd exeoulorof .hae.iau.ol tieorgj
an pvieone n.ivillg cliinua
aKniiinl aald tutHlo are uutiucd to prelum the it
tomo, proneily vuriflod.at llm ollloa of H. K
Cri.M, niUiruey-Ht-law, Orovou (Jtty, Urgott
wtihlu aix mourn irom ino datu ol thia uoiloj!
vu a i-ia UL idi.
Kxtit titor of the eat tie ol Weorge VVota'h.
H. h. C'Ktma, attorney for ia,.i.
How so?"
"Well, then, ay yon will Rive your
dnuKhter $50,000 a a marringe po
" Woll?"
"Well, I'll tnke her for $4,000."
Harper's Bazar.
In the County Cqtirt of the state ol Orosou. fur
lue County of Ciacaaiuaa,
In the nuttier of I ho e tat of ( Citation to hoKa
Bjrnli Jkiic Scoit, dt.Oe,eU. and duvisutia.
To Mr.. Uullu Hubbard, Mre. Mary Ualle, M a.
l)ella Alaiquam. Mr. Fi.k Bu.itt, 8liorm ,n
Sw.li, h.inor ma K.a.vor.h 8uoti' Anna Hoag,
tll.i Byerj. AiinoiieoiaSooii, Roy Sjou, aua
to all uthun unauowu.
un, you ana each ol you aro hereby oitud 10
be and atinear in ii,a '...,.... .t
ol tlie State ol Oregon, lor the Couu.y
ol (lnckamaa, at ihu court room
Ihoreot, at lue court houaj lu aaid county t.I
I lackainaa, ou Monday, the 0th day of Hece it
ber. A. D., I7, al 1 o il.H k, p. m. of ihtt d .v.
tllltll Anil llmrM ahuur n t. a. ,
- ' ii mijr jua DiiVe.
Way hu urileroi Biiid Court, ul)
lug the aalj. of the ol u; of ..wt? 0,Vcetiou
21, towualilo 6aoutli. i-alnr I ..al ... ,1... ...i, .
etie nieiltlUti, in Clao.a.naa roii:ity. Statj f
Oreguu, mould uol be made aocoruum t0 the
putiliou ou lile (or that puriaiae
Wttnosa, iaHoii.U. K. Uayctl, Judge of the
County Court oi the olte of Oregon, for the
County ot Clackanua, Una luih day ol Oo;u
,., Atteat:
ECMKRUIXON, County Clerk.
.. , "y K. li Cooi-xa, Deputy.
II K. Cross, Attornuy foreatatu.
v-u, n-tsi
otOre.-on ior CUt k.iuiu County.
Hubert j, Boutel. riaititlff.
Ph.llnR Batei, Jane M . Ratri, O.
C. McLeod, rlorenee M. McLeoU,
Hi-tiry W. Ce, Vula M. foe,
and U. W. WDito,
T da o:idnta Plullp 8. Uates, and Jun
In the uamj of the itaie of Orvgnn, you are
hereby notitiod aud ietutre.l to appear in the
oove etiiltod court ou or bcfmti the first day
ot the i.ext rvguiar term thereof, to-wit, ou
M.mday Noveuitxr 1, lw7, lo make anvrer lo
el .ltititr complaint filed in tha above entitled
ottiae; an.lif you f ,11 aolo apar and anawer
P atnilll w 11 at,ly io .aid court lor the n-llef
.lem,nded in ttia coniplaiut, namely: For a
decree aum, 111' g and aett.ug aaido a certain
dt-cieetotei l wiiu a cem n tuorg.ise ou tlie
pr m.aea btr I uifl-r d .oilbed. utatle l,v a. A
court on Apill , 1H9, wherem t n- .aid Kob rt
J. Ucutvl wna plaiiiCll'iiud al l'oill,. t. Uitis,
J tlie M. bates, aud Henry . Coe, uercdefend
't a lUeul.c llieialuof b-.'Dlor.itHgvdp.eiiiiKes
. . j u uetrte; u.t a do- ree iiwaruing
pliui.tilt judgment ag tlu.t y,.u for one irtoui
att.l dollars, with C.tertxt thereon at eight per
tlt I ltrl I ...... I a ..... , .. T a
. , v, ....,, .nlin juiiP l, inif Ul U.S. g I I
I Idllf) iaii M. I li.. aaat. iaj.il. 1 a.
tere.l thereon al eight rcoiit. p r ..unitm
1,1 SJ",lM- . lm ""J '" Imutlreu and
tweniy-t ve dnliara .ti.n,.. . .. .....
fiir.her ium ol aixteon Hundred tloll.r.. w.th
inteiest lhcro,.n at eight )er cent, per annum
Irom June 1. 1.19-1. In I! s .,l.l L .....
otiehiinred and twenty-live dollara allot n yi
ii rrI,"."u.'"T ",0 '"rt u r .urnol aixtv-two aiil
5H-I00do laija. tax a, with Inlereat Ihoreou at
e.Klil pifc ht. pir DUtn from KtbruarvlV
lWt. an t ior p alnttil co-la and dl.bur.eiii, nta
ol Una Hill; ford, cree toreelo.iug Certain
ii.ongKxe itiveii by you to plaiutirt on March 0.
li3,t.Bei'uieti eiuuia above named, on thj
itil.owing ducn.a.d re.l property altuated lu
Clarkamai county, in ti e atatu of Oregon, an 1
moie p r ionUrl!. dca -ribetl aa follow.; A por
turn ol the (Jjorge Aliernathv I). U C, Ivlngaud I
!. " "!'"" iweuiy-ume (.) town-blp two
t- -..iti, rau.e iwo (i east of the Willamette
meridian, ileaentHMl aa fol.owa: Hegitining at a
polut ou the eouth boundary line ol the (Jtorge
Abarnnthy do .atinn bind claim, twentv.foiir
v.vajo.iaina wemeriy Irom the northeaat
,u" "ie n.ia rtaner doiiatioo land claim:
titei.o nor h to ty-two ()drgrees eaat fourteen
111) t'haiiiatj the noriit ... . .... . .. ..
Utuhy claim aa dftcrmlned bv judgment ul thn
,,, i,iniiwoi uregou ior Clack-
tnaa coui.tyi thence west, r y on aaid uorth
boiiiidaty hue uoit i clghty-:hrce 8) degreea
au I tlilrty-iour ISO mit.nt. a i. t
olthocouiilv road .p-ven and 70 im oh,,iii.t
IheiiOJ aouth tort. -I wo uji ,l..r. ....t
aaid coiiniy ro.td lotneaou.h boun.lary ol the
A bvruaihv donation limd clulm; thence ea terly
along .ni,l Aberunthy claim tine to ihe place of
b. ginulng (,,... f.iUr acreaou the eaat aide ot
tins tract. old by J. M. Taylor to Robert Kind
ley),C01t.,t:,n eleht and
or lea., iiigenier with tha tenenunt., lie ed Ha
ni nta and a;ipur enaii. ea thereunto belonging
or ill any wie appt rta nliig. exovn'.lna? thore.
Itom tot. o e ai.tl iw,i iu bio, k A, lu Krauk T.
.-tt.ko-'aldll.ontoOr.'iri.u Citv. In Cl, b.tn.a
county, Oregon, areor liu to the map and flat
ol .aid addition ou til j In the office ol the re
cord .r ol conveyances 1 1 nid oouuty and atate;
lor a decree that a. 1,1 tiir,irHH.i npumi...
til I aa on exectl Ion, and the pmettod of said
.ale applied to the d.icbarge ot the ooalsnf ault
and ul a,ilean,l oi h jud.-ment to be awarded
llaliitltT, iiicliiding attorney, fee and taxea;
.lid that It aul I nntceeda be iiiaullicteui to sat
lly said judgment In full. nlaintirT
may have n ranual In, l,...nt .n,i
execution agaiu.t you (or inch
dettt leucy ;nnd that you and all person, clalniimr
un.ier you or either nf von anl,a..nnnt tn tt.-
exeoilllon ol iiilti mortgage, and all other the
dt'fjtidatits in aald nut, be barred and lore
closed of all right, title and interat and equity
oi redemption In and 1 1 ml J mortgaged prem
l.ea and every part and parcel thereoi; and fir
alien other and further relief aa to the cour
may aeein equitable.
1 nla .umniona la published bv order of Hon.
K I), bhattut-k, Judgo of the Fourth judicial
ui.triot ot the itnto of Oregon, actlnir In the
haeiioa of Hon. 1 . A. MrBridp, and ou atoouut
ol hla Inability to act, said order being made at
C'l'amb r on 8ettemiwr9, l'.i7.
Cttx.t'oTTO!. Tal A M inor and C. A. Moom,
HI, 10-21 Atturueyi lor PlatuuU.
The Marketing Point.
The factory towns of tho East aro noted
for affording the best market to the neigh
boring farmers and gardeners in proportion
to the population of any of the towns in
that section. The reason for this is that
the people of these towns have a fixed in
come upon which they can always depend,
and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy
ers, paying cash for all their purchases.
As the Great Manufacturing Center
of the Pacific Coast
Is Coming to be One of the
Best Marketing Towns in the State
This is proven every day by the number
of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets
selling their produce, who, until just the
last few years, sought the markets of other
towns. Tbe system of macadamized roads
that is being built into all parts of Clack
amas county, will enable all the people of
this county to share in the profitable mar
ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is
sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in
crease in the next five years as it has in the
past five years, this city will rank next to
Portland as a market place for
of the Farmer
$1.00 Tn
I Weekly IrrfTEit OcEArt. :
The Greatest Republican Paper of the West
2 TT is the most ttalwait and unswerving Republican Weekly pub-
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dP-pi e WeMy Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News
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It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer,
lt3 Utet&ry Columns Are equal
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It brlnil to the taHv the veri of tha Kniirn World and gives
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The Daily and Sunday Ei'l- J rrl'- r,-'it-
I lions of Tbe Inter Ocean ere x,
lha Knrl nt tknl. LI.4 S
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...$4.00 per yeit
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The regular subscription price of
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Judge's Library." and
Funny Pictures" is $3.30
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DEMOREST'S MAGAZI NE" is by far the best family magazine published :
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All thiee of these magazines are handsomely gotten up. You should not
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Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out.
Demorest Publishing Co., 1 10 Fifth Avenue, New York.
For the enclosed $2 00 nWaa loml namn.n.C. r :i- r ? .
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