Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
4 Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME NotrriiKu.N rAcmo kaii,way. month mumi). California Kaiirnna (lliroiidli) a mi a. m, HunhiiiK (way alalliina) V.iiu i. ui. HUI'TII JHI. KutKliiiri I.nral (wux milinia) ti'Sliin ('ullluruU KprM (tliroiilij 8. up. m I'UHTAI. HUIIKUUI.K. a v oot'Tii b n m rririo kaii.mciam. Mall olnaoa North, g:Oflp.ln. Mall nloaoa khIiiii aunili.V Ola. m and W p in. Ma i illalnliuieil from Nurili 7 Ml i III.. IU It .ii. Mall UiaiilbnUil from hniiUi tl lua in , IMup. In. r liirt aim m.rfio lis. Mall riaoa lur I'orlinnl ai.d dii'rll.utli lnta, H iiihmi, ami 4 ill , in, Mul ulo.aa lur Milwaiiav uuljf, K 45 a. m 4 4t u. ui. Mail nlvi Inim Pmllaiiil, II 80 a. ru. and 4. It p. m. ma miiiTia, Orrim City to Kl, (.'arm. Mullim, Liberal anil McilalU Ivavaa al li in. ami arrlvoa al VI in. dally. HirKiili Mr to Heaver C.riH'k, Mink, Clark. Mrailuw llriHik, I'nlou Mllla, ami t niton. Inavna at t a. in, Mnmlari Wailiwadajr ami Friday, ml return on lollnMflug ilava al i lift n. in Drraiiii City to Viola, lin ami Holland It-.tra ( City Mnmlay, Wriliiraday ami Friday at I. ml ). m., leaving Viola aame dayi at 7. uua. m. Ori'vnii Cily In Willamette, Hia(T,.rl and Wll.uiivli.e, errlvuaal lu.aua. in. end ivav. at a. in, oi. y. U, in r.'l iUliiraiy mil"W ii opiii on Mimiar from lUlu II a. in. A-l l'l r 'l"'l t"'' nil'li b"iaiin "' nr It noufily t off Bun la, at ,iu ntnar d y. i fcxii iii mall that laddered an I lollito arm. o.. II Ml a. in., a. I'. Ulu will c-mn on 'i oil" a or i Iftt ectiio car. VWI.UWKITK rAI.U H'Y. CaRB LRAVI uarmaioii aaiima v.ii.urrra tki.x t Mi am. a. m. in " 7 " a so no " In ii 9 HA " II ,U - 1 "1 I'. U lu t.Vt 1 Id I' . Ill, 4U I U IU 1 It 1 M 111 .lu " Hominy eara lrvevery lionr tlli'll t n'rlixk p ni. I n i Hurt on and I.-i Jann r &. I"'A U. A MI.I KK.M IT. FK1DAY, OCTOIUIU 2:'. IHH7. li. .......... II. i, !'...',' Tin. l ll iv l t.r.nia i i ii. i, " .- . j lirlnlil, balmy liny o(lant wk wre not j only uri'iilly iMijoyml by every one but I hey alao mlniutilalifil x olu to tuke a fare well etrull Into tho country Mr the rain iim.lo tlin romla Iimi nimbly fur ii-aannt rii;ii. Aireilatum li" diet 1'. K. Morey ami F. T. (itilllth aeeiireil a riti Mini iliove out into U Timlitiiii anil I'lcaaaiit Hill lotintry. Mr. Mort) cxri'arl iurirlM ui Uio vant f tn-nl mi rii linrm olllio (iirm lml ul llmt .orllon of our county. He 1 lrlm'il at lliv nutiitur o( ili'Knl Urm nailcntM enrounU'rtoJ, atirfotimlml by npt, wi-ll ki'it fat iii4, uliowinu ovury ivliUnci of thrift ami iroaHrUy. Tbf Mail litmlinu out to thin iroaiiroii ail of our lounty ii Juat now IicIiik itil in jimxl comlitlon umliir tlie tlirwtion of tlin c.uiiiy court. Tlie Portlawl ti'tii'rl Kli-cirii! Coiiiiany arc to licar half the 4-xHMia ol Kru'lhiK and imttiiiK crtnlivl rork on thla roail to Williiinrtllo Fallri, llmcuiitrHi t liavinx aln-aily Iktii lot to hmytli A llowniil. H h to Ifiirn aoino tliiiin of iIih vultio of tin country tribti lury to thin nud Hint li d Mr. Mon-y to tukn lliia trip h h winlu-d to know wlii'tlicr I lilx i oiul would jimtify tlin l.rn fXx'tii- that ilH I'ljiiHtrili'tloli ontuilitd liK)ii l lin ctmiity and hi comiany. Next "iiiinu IIih county couriBxHTt to build Iho road out to Sttilford. tin mail I completed the n-idciilM of that Kci tioii can rvarli Oihmh (My by travcliim cUht inilca Ii-h than Ihov now huvu to travel in order to reach Port land. The completion ol thia road will Hive our city the henetlt of all that trade, the realer part of which now (?oe to the iiiolropolin on account of the condition of the roitd lcudinu l.ero ilurliiK the winter. Ifthonuwho whino n I in ut the oxpiiidiluio of money fur ood road would only w iiIhiUi, Ih.w much Imppior they aoiild bo, and if thonn who aulk mid ".rumble would only joinihe miijority and become merry worker how much better it would he lor all coiiieined. I'linuii Dkdication. The neat and uominodioua church edifice of the tier man Lutheran denomination on the corner of I'.itfhtli and J. ( Adiiina street is rapidly nearing completion and it i ex 6cld now that that tho dedicatory aer vice will he held Sunday, 14, w hen a number of tho leadin preacher of thia denomination on the uoaat will be pienunt and deliver addreimcH, anions them beiiiK Kev. A. Krauc,of 1'ortland, Kev. J. F. DoDHcher, of Tacoina, Hev. lhMichler, ol 1'oiuiiHtilur ami Kev. 11. Wittrock, of lteaver Creek. Tho ser vices in the mormon will be conducted In Herman and in the afternoon In Kntf liali. On tho 3lHt hint., a week fioin next Sunday, the pastor, Uev. Mack w III conduct nK!ciul services in Shively'a ball known as the "Hofortnation Feati val" in commemoration of the ben'miiing of the reformation in German, when Luther nailed on the church door at Wiltenhui'd, Germany, tho ninety-five theses nKiiiiiHt the eulo of indulgences granted by tho Catholic church. These Biirvict'S will bo conducted in Gorman at 11 a. in and probably in KntflMi in tho afternoon. Tim Kivkr. Owing to Homo needed repairs to her boiler valve, the steamer llamono remained at Salem Monday but resumed her tri-weekly trips to Portland Tuesday niorniiiK-Koinjr, down Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, and re turning on Wednomlays, Fridays and Mondays. The Altona ran into a rock near Sellwood a few mornings ago, caus ing some dainiigi) to her hull and neces Nltaflng her holm hauled onto tho wava for repair Hhn will be repainted and new cun van duck laid preparatory to the coming winter's run. The recent im provement miido to the channel on Latubeit' lur ha placed the river in a condition for easy navigation by the light-draught bout and they will con tinue to make regular trip until the water attains suflicient hulaht to per mil of ll, it heavy Meinour being oper ated Tiinwliiy'a HtutcMiuan. OltKlioN Liuk-stonk I). V. Hvidle will leave next week for Southern Ore gon, where lie ha liacd a large depoit of lime rock near Oakland and goes to snjierliileiid the working of hi (piarry. Ho will erect kilns and mako hydraulic lima for the present, but rx erla later to make cement. Tho lent that have boon made from this deposit Inilicatc that It will make a grade npialtothe Portland cement. Mr. Heidle alo ha a low grade of limo rock that will make an excellent for wheat land. The leaiw exiemla for ll'.) year. Mr. Keidln I an expert lime and cement manufacturer from Germany and bold three medal awarded by the Gorman government for excellence of lima and cement manufactured under hi upcr vihIoii. . A llAiivksr Fkti val, Tho harvest festival conducted at the Congiegational church last Sunday evening was greatly enjoyed by an audience that lllled the bouse to oveifloalng. The main audi torium was finely decorated with grain, grasses and flower and the Ringing and other exercisoa by the children were unusually gixxl. At the close of the excieltojt a gcuerou collection a taken up to airt in or giiuixing Sunday schools in dcnlitute place throughout the state. Last year the ('ougregaliotialiHt organized 111 new Sunday school and they hope to do eyen better the coming year. Nkw School to Orxs. The dlr"ctor of school district, No. 'M, on the West Side, have employed Marjorie Caufleld to teach a primary si le-ol for Hollon, in accordance with their action taketi sev eral week ago, made necesHaty by the disUm e the small children have to walk to get to the Went hide school and the condition of the road during the winter iiioulli. The school will lie held in a building originally erected for a store. Misa Caufleld la a graduate ol the Ore gun City high school and w ill doubtlcsa make a successful teacher. Clackamas Cocnty Siiimilki II G. I'odue bat moved lua ahltiglu null from Liberal to J. G. Folder's place, four mile cast of Oregon City, w here he has secured a fine body of timber and com menced sawing shingles the first of tho wecK. Shelly and Kuaaull delivered loada Tuesday to Geo. Hmughton, w ho la agent for some of the largest saw mill men lu Portland. Mr. Ilodgo has a well earned reputation for manufacturing only llrnt cluH.i nhinglcs and has no(liMictity of dlMiHwitig of all he can turn out. TiiASKdoiviru IWll. Court Hobin Hood. No. D, Forester of America, will give their fourth annual ball in Weill hard'a hall Thursday evening, November 25. The Foresters have established a reputation for giving moh( enjiyable hopa, which are attended by the elite of the city. Their music Is always first class. The True Itemed;. W. M. Itcpine, editor Tiskilwa, III., "Chief" says, "We won't deep house without Dr. King's New Discovery (or ccnmiiiiption, coughsand tolds. Fxperi incntcd with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take it placo In our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, w hooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, oven if tliey are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, be cause this remedy luu a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Charmun & Co'a drug store. " Klectrie lloif-l Arrival. P Z imiinsky, San Francisco KKPierson, " Win Hornshtih, Cur us H D Cummins, New York N E IWtt, Newberg F J Hidings Manpiain J H Shaver, Molalla K W Davis, Fugeno Sam Swanton, " U 10 Sampson, F.mpire City C G Kowlina, Albany Deo Wright, Liberal' J A Fiet., Sandy K SitnderB, Portland C H Clement II L Lang, Geo J Jackson, " A M Gardner, " J M Stutt and wf " E Sunders " JohnFIIecht " W K Smith, " The Electric hotel is the finest in the city and first-class in all its appointments. Electric cara stop in front of the door. Undertaker and Enilmhner. K. L. Iloltnan undertaker and ein balmer. Graduate of Embalming col lege. Full Btock of casketa and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Weiubard'a building on Main Btreet. An Achlerc men! of the Century. Our atleiitlori has lately been called to the merits. ,f His great Warner Llhrary now piiNsing through the prena. The Review of Heview very appiopriaUdy speak of It a "Distilling the World's Wimloiri.', 1'roui the inii.o of writings of all tiiiiits and age, the able writers employed upon this great work have condensed in thirty volume the creain of the world's thought. J'y a happy combination of wrilerand lubject, piaitry and art, philosophy and history, science and religion, fact and fiction, biography and romance have each been given a prominence coniiiieniirale with their Importance in a compendium of liiera- tiler. Of thia library, Public Opinion in an ex'etidod editorial notice well say: "Conceived upon such broad lines, prepared and written by the most com petent of living hands, and embracing a it doe the literatures of all climes and times, it Is not difficult to understand that such library must represent an enormous Investment. We are told and can readily believe that the entire cost of thia colloHsal work will be above a (piarter of a million dollars. That such a work should ever be undertaken, and should now be placed upon the market at a price which easily brings it within tho reach of the general lxok loving public, must we believe, make Mr. Warner's library rank as one of the triumphs of American enterprise." All classes of students will find in tins a treasure from the world' best minds. It is destined to have an immense sale. If you w ish to know more about thii work ami the Kicial terms of distribu tion to club member address, The Agency, l!arer's Weekly Club, 2011 Seventh street, Portland, Or. Letter LM. The following is the list of letters re maining in the ostoHice at Oregon City, Oiegon, on October 20, 1H!I7: nr.'l LIT. IIIIm, M Mrs I.yotia, Klla Mrs t'ollett, louire Miller Clara, Mi Fag-alile, Kinma Palmer, Alice Hocked, Nellie Parker, Carrie HukIipm, Klha Sin Hn in ii i t-rn, K Jonca, K Mrs WaUlrou, Frank Mra Frey, Mary H. Williama, Nora Jolitiaoll, T H Willi, harah Jonra. KC Mrs Woodvy, C A Krurgi-r, Mrs M Zoosman, T Mrs l.ipra, Ahi-e K MRS' LIST. lUrklitirnt, Jek Jack, Cilem 1. Ilaiinian, Win Jonei, H O Ksksr, J S MatbeMin J D ftrown, W J Morey, Win lloacovlcti, N Prsuncholl, F llowrler, Alex lledliousi, J W A Carr, Kyle Itenacher A Covert, U A Kleh, U W Cox, J ltohh, J Deaklns, W K Kunyoii, 8 C Dricksen, C Spencer, J W Flemming. II Stvanaon, Chas Forsylhe, Sanlord Taylor, J 8 (iriiuiii, F A Thomas, W 8 (iooch, II W Teel, 8 J (iwltlliig. A (J Town, V 8 Hamlin, Frank I'liger, Peter Haven, J It Waugorotli, W A llHcklieri, Win Writ., Mrs Holmes K U Z lomiian. T M 1 l.i.ljji), (ito Hngties, K It If called for btate when advertised. 8. U. Gkkkn, P. M, 1100 Itewartl. f UK). The readers of this piier will be pleased to learn that there is at least one drea.lcd disease that science has been able to cure in all its singes and that ia catarrh, Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly t'pon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up tho con stitution and assisting nature in doing ita woik. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers, that they oiler flOO for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Ciiknky A Co.,Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Money hir Farmers. When it comes to buying harness, saddles, whips or robes the prices and work to be had at Wil ley's harness shop cannot lie duplicated in Portland. Re pairing done in tiood shape and promptly. Full line of shoes carried and Bold at bed rock prices. Shoe re pairing attended to. Willey's loggers and farmers band made shoes have no superior. Call at bis shop on Seven ih slreet near the depot and see how big a dollars worth vou can tret. Notice To Teachers. All teachers receivinj; the Ektkhtrisk for school work will please notify this of fice at the close of their term so that the the paper may lie discontinued. (Io not stud notice until week of closing.) OnmioN City Kntkiickisk. lloNR With A Knife. Those fine, juicy steaks and prime roasts to be ob tained at Albright's meat market are all done with a kinfe in the hand of an expert cutter. A A N T1CU-T K US T WO K THY. ACT 1 V K gentlemen or ladies to travel for re ioiHil)le estahished house in Oregon. Monthly t(if lK)and expense. Position steady Hderence. Knolose sell-aililressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. All pain baulabed by Dr. Miles' Pain Pllla. V; 2 Sunday Services. K1KKT CONOKKGATIONAL CHfKCH. Kev. I. W. llu 1 r, eatnr. Horvlccaat 10 M a.m. anil 7 HU r. M. Humlay Hohml alter mornlut iTTl. Fiayar mectliiR I lium'lay erenuif at 7.HOo,clwk. Hrayer uinetlnx ol Young feonle'i SMHi:ty ol OhrUiian Kndeavor every Huuday veuiuf at ao prompt. FIRST BAPTIST CIIRKC'II. - Rsv. M L, Hdou. Paator Homlnx Service at I":!. Hunday MehiMil at ll:lfi; Kvenlli Hervice 1 M); Kriftilar prayer meetltia iimiaitay evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wwlnemlay evening preceding the Drat Hunday In the montb. A oorulal Invitation to all. BT. IOHN'8 CHL'KCII.CATHOUC.-Krv. A. Hiu-RsaASD, Pan'.or. On Sunday maaa at S aud 10 a. a. Every aenoud and fourth Munday (ierman aermon alter the S o'clock mam At all other mantes Kugllab aermona. Hunday SrhiMjl at I 'M r. a. Veatra, apologeilcml ublecia and Benediction at 7:80 f. at. METHODIST EPIHCOPAL CHCKCH.-R. v. 1. L. Jo f, Paator. Morning tervlce at 10 41; Buuday Hchool at 10:00. ('lata meeting alter morning aervlce. Kveniug service at 730. Ki.worth League meetiug Hunday evening al W; I'rayer Meeting Thiirtday ereulng at 7.30. strangera cordially invited. riKHT PHEHDYTERIAN CHl'KCH.-Rsv. A J. Montgomi-ry. Paator. Hervicea at 11 A. a. and 7 HO r. u. Hahbath Hchool at 10 a. M. Young People's Hoclety ol Cbrlatlau Endeavor meett very Huuday evening at t ao. Ihuiaday evening prayer meeting al 7:80. Seats free. EVANO'IMCAL CIIUHCH GERMAN Rev. Eric., Paator: J. II. Kskkt Al-um. Pn-achtng aervlrea every Hunday at 11 A. M. and 7::J P. M. banoalb school every Hunday at 10 A. M , Mr. .I'nineun.i, HupU Prayer Meeting every I burxlay evening (iKUMAX M.'THKUAN ZIOX'S CON greutioiial church. Kev. V. hark, ator. Cervicra every Monday al 11 A. M. Sunday school al 10 A. M. ST PAUL'S CHPP.CII-F.piscopsl-W. I). Williams, D. I'., minister in charge. Hiu. day Neliool at K a. m., services at 11 a. in, and 7: .'Hi p.m. Kri.iava at 1 :'M p.m. even- j iog prayer sen ice m ith an address, heals tree, a coruiai uiviiauon io an toe str vices. BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer. Demorest's Cut Patter Patterns are the most practical on tho market. They are of any size that any member of a household could require. In each copy of tho Magazine is printed a coupon en tilling the subscriber, cr purchaser, to a pattern (worth and regularly sold for 3oc), or any number of patterns for four cents each to cover package and postage. When the value of tne patterns ia con sidered the subscriber actually gets DEMORESTS MAGAZINE FREE And what a Magazine it is I For 1897 it will be more brilliant than ever before New management, new methods, new ideas. Kneli copy contains an exquisite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture by a famous artist, wothy to adorn the walls of the most refined home. It is alii r in ed that IHmorest's is the only complete Family Magazine published combining all of the most excellent points ol its contempories, besides having in imitable features of its own. Demorest's is actually a dozen Magazines in one. It ia a Digest of Current Events and Ideas for the busy man or woman, a Keview and a Storehouse of Diterest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daugh ters can fin i exactly w hat they need to amuse and instruct them, also practical helps in every department of domestic and social life, including the furnishing and ornamenting of the home, embroid ery, bric-a-brac, artistic and fancy work of all kinds, etc., etc., and suggestions and advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. The scope of the articles for 18IH5 and 18U7 will cover the whole country and its varied interests, and the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, and in addition, it will publish tho beit and purest fiction. It treats at length Out-of-Door Sports, Home Amuse ments and Entertainments; it lives a tireat deal of attention to the Children's Department, and "Our Girls," and baa a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated People, in which are discussed import ant questions of the hour of interest to the older readers. Let us have your subscription at once. You get more value for your money than it is possible to secure in any other magazine. The Magazine one year for $2.00 Or six months for - 1.00 (Over 250 different garments are shown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable by subscribers at 4c each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent for 10c DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. x0iijjftjfittleir8j.jfl.jSii Clarence Porter. Geo. C. Kinney. Blacksmiths Wagonmakers Horseshoeing a Specialty. Any design of an iron or steel shoe fitted tip. All kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. Shop opposite Pope's hardware store. 4 Oregon City, Ore. fifgin and dJalteim Advanced in price. The LOW Prices which we efitablished are stil I in force. If you really wioh to huy a bargain in watches nee ub before our present stock is sold. Crayon and Water Color portraits. Lery's Ark Gallery The only first-class photo gallery In the city. W. I. STALEY. Principal, Salem, Oregon. We have told yon that business education pays. Businesamen will tell yon so. Our graduates will tell you the same. Certainly no stronger evidence i wanted. This school is Thorough, Practical, It is the leader in business practice methods, through the mails by the intercommunication system, will tell you all about the school. THIS IS WHAT our customers claim for us and our groceries: That we oiler the liest of groceries at the low est prices. They have confi dence in our goods and know that we never misrepresent our selves and that our stock of fine groceries is the purest and the moat nutritious. Last, but not least, their grocery bill saves it self fully 25 per cent by their dealing with Marr it Muir. Our way of doing business ia to treat every one fair and square nd oiler the very best in our store. IVIarr & IVIxxir llf, T Pl'lAi at her new location in the Caufield block, Ullfe. li. XllLl) next Jool t0 the Beehive has one of the most complete stocks of FINE CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, NUTS AND NOTIONS Best Ice Cream in Bread is the Staff of Life, That is, if it is good, wholesome bread, if not, it is more dangerous than Hie . Bullets of the Turks Since assuming control of the Harding bakery no effort has been spared either in quality of flour used, or skill in handling to make Lindsey & Gibson's BREAD The equal of the best known made. His pastry cannot be excelled. Tiy a loaf oi whole w heat flour bread. Fine Groceries and as afresh Vegetables. Webster's International; Dictionary Snerrstor of th6 ni tuwrtttyeti." The One Greet Standard Authority, 8 wriifn 1 I III n. . .1. Hrvwer, Standard of t!'fl IV S. (.iTt PHntlnir I OtHcfl, tho V. S. Huirme rutin, nil mo Mute mi hviih Courts, tuition near ly nil Hie bcuoollMok. Warmly Commended cr SoIuh1i. olleiif rival- (t'iii!,:iiut'tVi K'ltirittou . uiuiuBt wiuumt niuuLwr. Invaluable In i he, nml to lhi ta Ut'lit'i1, nrliolnr, 1M1V- I i niiu;ii iiiuii, una sen eii iu-a tor. THE BEST TOR PRACTICAL USE. It Is easy to Unci the word wanted. It la easy to ascertain the pronunciation. It Iseasy ta trace the growth oi a word. It Is easy to learn whut a word means. Tlin Chimin Times-Hcrnlff unvsf t'lwler a liiUTiinllttlial 1 l?tloilurv 111 IM niTPnl J ' fnnn imiliMitliitft nultmrlty on pvrryllilni.' iMTtaininK ; Moiinr Iiiiil!ii:ili) in llHMvn? of ertliouritnliv. ortl.o ) tiiy.Ptyiii'Mouv. fin'! ili'Rnition- K"in II llir ih ll. c , iiiH:il. ItiAiiM mrlei'l niliimuui iuultuudacliulai . ftliipr-au uiuko It hei. U. lrtfl. UfiT TilH BEST. TSpeciincn pacs aent on application to C..i-C. MKKKIASr CO., IlibJishers, ,srrifis;fici, !i!in., I-.S.A. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN. i .ViewB of Oregon Progressive and Popular. Students transact busine Send for catalogue, which Hay and Feed Can be had at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail at Steven's Warehouse. Capt. J. W. Exon, manager. Ed May, Local Agent. Petzold'a Meat Market, Main, St. the City- JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watcher Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. Give me atrial. H. W. JACKSON, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in CanfieM building Near Court House. r.tuiiiiird iea. PIONEER Transfer1 and Epre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. -Jail AND -n Ham. C. I. rail,