Oregon City Enterprise Kill DAY, A U J OUT 13, 18117. UK A I, KKTAih TIIANSrEIW. KKK) COO 100 000 75 448 t'uruMiiMl Kwrjr H't-ck ljr (lift Clarku mint AltNtrni't k Trust Company, Joshua (!(M'kli'iicBH to Jatome (Vkliinitn Nov 11, '1HI, V I), iil4 of iui'4 of nn'4 sue 7, t 2 r5 $ 1 I Jtirotn Coi-kulntmsa to Ikillla (7(M'4f 1 elnnaiMi Nov II, 'IMI, V D mf of X ih'4' smi 7, 1 2 1 r 5 e 1 I H J Italy and Julia IUty to Kiiiina Junes March 18, '07 W D netf 1 ul m)i4' Hoc 2.1, 12 a, r 6 e J-owli V, (iardnitr to Nellie (inlnr Au7 .1 '1)7 W I) 40 acres in (no 21 ml 28, t 3 , r 2 e 1 1 miry mul DurutliaTroiifl to Mary Woililnlur, June 8 '07 diied.e.'j of iiw'4' )c 1, t2i, r3e M mill T Markawlts to Palsy Frlml outhal Apr 14, 'D7(iO Dl!0 acres in aoc 32, 1 1 a, r 2 e Will H Cross to John M Creaa May 12, '1)4 W I) sec ID, t 0 1, r 3 ... J M ml C Cress to Kliliard Nixon mm). July 2, 'U7 WD, aco 10,10 a r 3 11 W (jlllwrt to IUiih OUn, Deo 13 H C I) 10 acres sees 4 ana 6, t 2i,r2c 1 I'hotiliaA (illU-nt (ailiu) to liana OlMn Doo 0, 1)6 adm deed, 10 acres In sues 4 ami 5, t 2 a, r 2 e Geo W My or to C C Williams July 28, '07, W I), of i mm! 0, 1 4 r2a K K Martin to Kliuer Dixon, Aug 3 l)7 W DSTixlooftnaof lot 1, lilk III r..ji,n niv 400 wr, V..y,-. - 1V K Miiiiiwi-r to I. I) Mum A war Aiitf 4, U7 W l 20 acres i in Win Arthur rlallil 750 AiiiltroKr) HluMr to C K Klor Ante 3 'U7 W I) Iota 3 ami 4, blk M, Oregon City W C llolinsn l al hy sheriff, to Purity HAT Co July 24, '07 sheriff deed, Iota 3, 4, 6 sec 1, t 5 a, r 2 e I) J Huikley to J Itwkley July 31 3ft. blk 7 Mamlibatika 100 1) J llurklvy to D J llmkley.Jr July 31, 'U7 W D, lot 3(1, oik 7. Marsh- banks 100 O W Hoyeito Win K Hockey, Feb 23, '07, WD lot 37, blk 7, Marsh- bank 100 KoM anil C II Halla to Nancy Jana Hi-mil), July 30 'U7 QC I) .242 arres near Otli and Harriaon ata Oregon City Mrs Margan-ta llourli to Mra Anna Joeiike., Fob 4, '1)7 W D 3 acres In M M McCarver claim IV K ami Lucy J Ptik to Nuk)I- eon Davia Kept 7, W, W D 00 acrea in Cyrua Wudawurtti claim 1(XK) I J Miniliorn to M W Atkinaon Jim k8, 'U7, W I) lot 1 blk 75 Mintl'orn 1 TIIK CLACKAMAS ARSTIIACT A O'KUST CO. are tbo owner of Ilia copy- ight to tlm Tliorne nynloin of abstract ndexna, (or Clackamas county, and have tin only complete act of abstract in Hie ounty.raii furiiixh Information as to itlu to lunil at once, on appllcadon. xiuna, Investmciits.real estate, abittracta Id, Office over Hank f Oregon City, 'all and itivciitigitte. Addrcsa box 377, iregon City Oregon. Fine lirnln Yield. V. II. Hunney ha Inren operating hia in HtoHin tlirt'Hliliig inncliinu In the 'f 1 !.... u.l .1, UI..I VI U ltl.1 f ,l.til.l.luir. ty.lk I ,t-n,iii, nil., ...ni'iu iibiiu t"rt.i ..v.. - hmIh tbla wi ck. I In rcporta both SaIihuI and nala turninu out wtill and of iplmuliil (philily. Mr. lioniicy waa in 9v"i Ciiy Tucaduy and bought two tbrcaliinit niHcliino books at thia olllcn, tir uho with Ida tuui:liine tliia avason. He tiHUil one of tbcati book a laat yuar ! and atati'H Unit by tho aid of the blanka, which are In dtiplicatu, one part being inr the machine inun anil the other for the owner of the grin, and which ahowa khe amount and kind of grain threshed ft'iich day, who for, and the rate, hia au- on nte with hia patrona were ao accurate hnt he did not have one bill disputed. Thay ate in fuel a complete atatumunt of (ccount with the neccannry blanka for iicvlptlng when paid, fhey are pocket Mto and Mr. lionney Btntea that he would lot be without ono of thcao books since le hue found thmn audi a convenience. Wall Paper. Boat stock of wall pupur In Oregon City luloflt duaigns and prices to suit the times at II. L. Hotmail's, Seventh street, near Main. tf. Free insurance blotters F. E. Donaldson. "1 crave but One Minute," said the public epcakerlna huaky voice; and then lie took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his - oratory. One Minute Cough Cure Is unequaled for throat and lung troubles. Inatallment plan, ensy payuionts on Sunset lots. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. If the price you pay for drugs and medicines is Huntley's price, you know it's right. If you buy at Huntley's drug store you know the quality is right which is much more essential than the i price. Buy now in Sunset before the rise. F. . Donaldson, Agt. Mtalfl Fund of H,0IH and County Fund lor Nclioola. HCII00L FUND A M'ORTIOMEflT. I only Multnomah and Marlon countl.m having greater number of school child' tan and conaeqimritly more money thin this county. The amount apportioned to Clackamas county this year la $8,018. The county apportionment will be made by Hupt. HiipHrinttMiderit Mark weather next Monday on a baaia of 7.710 children at $1 per capita. A further apKrtlonmnnt of tho county funds will bu in ado In November, or December, at which tltiieHiipeiiiitcinhnit Kt irk weather hojHts to be able to apjMirtlon $1 per acholar again, but of course it all depends on the amount of the delinquent taxes collected. Itolow Is given the amount of the state and county apportionment which are merged Into one fund : The slate school money arlalng from the Interest on the irreduclablo school fund, amounting to $135,154,14, has been apportioned among the various count inn The apportionment was made onabiiHls of)2llXiil children at $1.04 per capita. There are .'133 mora children In the state than last year, and the amount dlHlributed la $313,81 lufs than laat your, which la accounted for by the additional coat of collecting the punt year. The per capita Is a I no ono cent loaa than laat year. In the apportion ment Clackamas county ranks third, DiaT. No, 1.... 2... 3... 4..,. ft.... .... 7..., 8.... .... 10.... 11 ... 12.... 13.... 14.... 15 ... Kl... 17 .. 18.... 1U.... 20 . . . 21.... 22.... 23.... 24.... 2ft.... 2(1 .. 27.... 28... 20... 30.... 31 ... . 32.... 33.... 34 ... 35 ... 3(1... 37... 3 .. 3)1... 40 .. 41... 42 .. 43... 44 .. 4ft .. 4(1... 47... 48 .. 4l... ftO.. 61... 62... 63... 64... 6')... ' Ml .. 67... r8 .. 50... (10... (U .. (12 .. (13... (14 . (15 .. Mi... (17... OH, . . (HI .. 70... 71... 72... 73... 74 .. 7ft... 70. . . 77... 78 .. 70.. SO... 81 .. H2... 83 .. 84... 85... Kl!.... 87... 88 ... 80.... I)..., HI..., 02 ... 03 ... 114.... 115..., till... 07 ... I8.... 00 ... 1(H) . . 101.... 102 ... 103... 104... 105 ... ci.kkk's namk. T 11 A Hell wood, N lllair W A llodgea .... K W lliitchiua... K J Kldinra T It Doualdaon . . J Currln Chaa Trmy U V (;appa f.ngie A I. I.arklna I' K Linn KJ Walkley Andrew Uraham. Henry lliiuhea. . . J T Drake A D lliirnett .... (ieo Koelder TO Johnarud ... J I (iibton (o Hp,"es 0 II Hobbina.... C F Wanner .... W L HCornett... H M ItaniNby .... r it I uaiHirn N WUhharda... Dora Thieason .., Frank Jiiggitr. .. . Katella lUikett,. 8 O Young C N Larkina (I 11 Miller I D Taylor O W Itobhlna T H Ktipi u lng J K (iribble J I' Fcrreater . . . Wm Tho upnon. . F I'olivka W Italy P. O. ADDKKaS. Milwaukle Hubbard. Orenon City ... I 'ark pi ace Vlarniiam Needy , . Currinsville..,. ligan (,'lmltainaa .... Molalla Meadow llrook. ljtn Salmon Viola Heaver Creek.. Marquam Kagle Creek .. Canby Kelao Markaburg ,,,, Oregon City... Monitor Wilaonville ... Hprlnifwater ... Molalla Damaacua .... (ireuon City ... Milwaukle .... Carol Park place Damaacua Clarke Ilia-bland Oregon City . . . Molalla Molalla Oawrgo Aurora F.aule Creek . . . Needy 'Stafford ( 'berry ville 0... 10... 13... 15 23 .. 20... 30... 34 .. 53... 57... (12... 70... 73... 83... J A lllcby :IWton F, F Andre Illullrun II Bruna Sandy O Hall jOHWego (Ieo Howard lOrcuon City... (I II Wlao Milwaiikie II F (lilxMin Kagle Creek . . . lohn Holcomb 'Oregon City ... Then Koennecker jKlrwood IMiabriel Meadow llrook . A M Vlnyard Canby W V Herman Molalla It F Iloylea Wllhoit J O Srhinldt (icorye K W Hainmett jtlwldand J F Wachtmau !Hubhard W L While... J L Voaburg Mra 8 M .McCown II Wahlror. F. P IHxtman II J Thoiuaa Adnlpli AacholT II Mcrlmir. I A KukIibIi , ItC Leland W W Myera L V. Johnaon vV K Itonney , I ieo II Hrown T M Farnaworlb , W M Stone A Anderaon J W Hilleary O ItTavlor J J Miller F.mil (iuenther I. V llurna Aliaon linker oi'imh F Krickaon F Ilium I U Dinilck .1 (J Hlcakney S C 1 1 nil mini e Hnrtlemay J T F.vhiis I) Kaiitl'man I. It Yoder 0 II Wriirht t! W Kiehey I T Grace N Chriatenaen Will Bauer I V Trullinger II C Ulricli A I'Todd Mrs Mary Manning.... K W Paine A V Davia CO Miller O C Kinney JOINT DI8THICT9, DDJiuk J L Kriirie M L Wilmot I no Olaon (ieo Smith I W Henry W F Yonnir N Iloll'iimn 11 Wakelleld E A M Cone II May cock K Cole r K Milt F L Ilngg Aurora jDreu-on City. , Oreiton City 1105 New hra Chickamas .,, Wilhoit , Marmot Stafford Currinaville . , New Kra Oregon City . . Sunnyaide . . . Colton New Kr Needy Hedlaiid Monitor , Damaacua ... Spnngwater . , Aurora Heaver Creek , Canhy ilHonville .. . I 'over Mulino Kly Canby Wilhoit I .eon Barton Mulino Needy Needy I. literal. I .oca n . . Clark New Kra Harlow , Union Mills Lenta Sherwood Clarkea Mulino Marquam I. eon Oregon City Orient. third Fulton Sycamore . . Aurora Tualatin ... Sherwood . . Sherwood.. . Aims Hutteville .. Hiitteville .. illshnrg .. hcoti s Mills (ireeham ... . 135 $ 275 40 . 71 144 84 . 134 327 3(1 . 75 163 00 . 6ft 112 20 . 43 87 72 . M 179 62 . (II 124 44 . 62 10(1 (18 .21 42 84 .40 1)3 84 . Mi 134 (14 17 34 (18 . 61 104 04 . 88 170 62 . (13 12H 62 05 132 (10 71 144 84 .04 130 6 , 101 200 04 , 42 85 OH , 211 61) 'l . 70 142 80 , 81 106 24 21 42 84 . 67 110 28 . 87 177 4H . 70 142 80 . 10 183 00 . 35 71 40 . 42 K OH , 67 110 2S , 7fl 15(1 04 . 223 454 1)2 tK lim H2 , 32 (15 28 , 30 70 60 . 60 114 24 . 48 1)7 02 , 8H 179 52 87 187 48 , 33 128 32 .1 94 11 70 . 40 81 00 . 31 63 24 . 44 80 70 212 M4 (18 3M 720 12 , 112 220 40 , 47 95 60 . 60 148 24 21) 69 10 , 10 32 04 , 4fl 81 60 41 Kl 64 , 15 30 60 , 48 95 92 4(1 93 84 , 60 114 24 , 30 61 20 65 112 20 , 1105 22,r4 20 68 158 :I2 115 234 00 42 8.r. 6S 43 87 72 42 86 OS 42 85 (18 32 66 28 24 48 (Kl 80 175 44 44 8!) 76 01 121 44 54 110 10 54 U 16 70 142 80 77 157 08 24 4S 1HI 16 32 64 112 228 48 63 128 62 40 1)0 1)6 20 53 04 30 73 44 40 81 60 130 20.) 20 20 40 80 10 32 64 33 67 32 38 67 32 34 60 36 45 91 80 41 83 64 37 75 48 37 75 48 39 79 56 40 81 60 22 38 64 58 118 32 62 100 08 34 69 36 30 61 20 14 28 66 13 20 52 00 183 60 47 95 88 34 60 3(1 43 87 72 29 5!) 16 2 4 08 11 22 44 24 48 W 20 40 80 21 42 04 13 20 52 39 76 60 30 61 20 10 32 64 26 53 04 Whan to Sow Crlmaon Clover. Aooording to rnlos laid down by an agricultural writer in The American Cultivator, crimson clover ought to be sown brondenHt at the rate of 18 to IS pounds per acre in the north from July 15 to Oct 15, in the northern tier of southern states until Oct. 15 and in the extreme south until the end of Novem ber. It grows during tho fall and spring months and ouu bo seeded among grow ing corn after tho lout working or on clean stubble, in tonmto fields, among grapos, tobacco, eto., and will take root Without boiug raked in or covered with SoiL If the ground is moist, it spreads very rapidly. Probably the best way of seeding is to prepare the ground as for any other Crop and lightly harrow in and roll the soil Steamship tickets and seasick preven- taye. F. E. Donaldson, agt. General Oraut 1 avon J imd Rowla. Nearly 20 years ago General Grant, in enumerating urni-siuy liues of pub lio improvements, minted the pnblio schools and highw ays. Once, when he and General bheriduu were in a remi niscent mood, the old commander said to "Little Phil," speaking of the hitter's famous ride to the buttle of Oedur Creek: "Slier id im, if that battle hud taken place after a prolonged rain and there bad not been a good pike from Winchester, you would never have been promoted to the head of the United States army. You would not have reach ed the battlefield to cheer your men, and there would have been a great de feat for the Union forces instead of a great victory. That would have left Meade and Thomas a long distanoe ahead of yon in the line of promotion. " New York Tribune. Arrest 4 for lloraeatRllng, Justice Bchuehel Isaued a warrant Tues day on complaint of Grant Criteser who lives near New Kra for the arreat of Amelia liarreth,i:harging her with hora' stealing. Critaer alleges Hint M Ins liar- retli went to his pasture Monday, left an old worn-out garran in exchange for a good horse which she rode to Salem, where her parent realde, having recently removed from this county. Chief Hums Immediately telephoned to Kalem and D. W, Gibson, of the Hale in police force, arrested the girl at ber father's home a few miles east of the city, during the afternoon, took ber to Salem, lodged her in the county jail, swaitimt the arrival of Chief Hums, who went up on the overland Tuesday night and brought the prisoner to this city Wednes day morning. The arraignment waa deferred until Thursday morning In order to give ber father lime to be present at the trial, but he fulled either to come or send any word. The irl admitted she stole the home and waa sentenced to send 25 days In the county jail in lieu of the $50 fine she waa unable to pay. Miaa Ilarretb ia undoubtedly a mono manic on the horae question. A short time since she took Dr. J. W. Norris' horse from the alley near Trembath's saloon, in plain sight of Main street, where the Doctor had left bim while he went up to his olfice a few minutes, and rode the animal out to ber parents' home near Jones' sawmill, where they then reaided and where the horse waa found the next day. Af'er this esca pade the neighbors had her sent to the Boy's and Girl's Aid society in Portland. The society put ber in a good home at The Dalles but she ran away and came back to Clackamas county and stayed for a time on a farm run by a couple of men, who got rid of ber aa soon as they could. While on the ranch she evinced a passion for horses, catching one and riding it over the paature whenever she could and just before she left she brought in an old plug which she claimel she had paid $5 for The young lady has been implicated in the temporary disap- earani e of other horacs but has never before been held (o answer for her deeds. Electric Hotel Arrivals. Victor Dickey, Molalla J C Noble, Brandon, Me It A Moshberger, Woodburn W A White, Scott's Mills Geo J Jackson, Portland Prof Snapp " E C Jocnim t " A K Williamson C O Majaor M B Mai klin Theodore Lee " D M Flandere " James E Riley, Cnicago W V Davies, Denver Ciiaa R Spalding, New berg .'Alex Miller, North Yamhill E Keyes, San Francisco Otto J Wilson, Salem Helen M South wick " Watt Shipp " Roy Davis " J Ball J B David, New berg K W Montague, Portland C A Bell Frank Fogle " O i Potter ' J II McKeone The Electric hotel is the finest in the city and firat-class in all its appointment. Electric cars stop in front of the door. Insurance that insure F. E. Donaldson, BLADDER TROUBLES are inconvenient during the day and destroy rest at night. They make life a misery instead of a blessing. They affect mony persons after they reach the age of 40, and are usually accom panied by a decay of vital power. They can be CURED I feel as though I should write and let you know what I think of Hobbs Spir als Kidney Tills. I have been suffer, ing greatly for several years with back ache and severe distress in my bladder, I have tried many remedies without much benefit. At your distribution of free samples at Huntley's drug store, I ob tained a box of your excellent Sparagus Kidnev Pills, and have now used three boxes, and feel I have been cured. I can not express my thanks too strongly for the benefits I have obtained from your remedy. I would advise all who use the Sparagus Kidney Pill to also use Dr. HobbB Little Liver Pills in connection, as I think they aid in the cure. Daniel Ridgkly, 10 Unity Block, Toledo, O. HOBBS Sparagus Kidney Pills. BOBUS REMEDY CO., Proprietors, Chicago. Dr. Hobb 11 lis For Sain In ORKUON, CITY, ORE., by C. G. I1UNTL.EY, Drugulst. $7,800 GIVEN AWAY To persons who make the greatest number of wo-ds out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney AVedderburn . " For particulars address the National Rec order, Washington, D. C. The Marketing Point OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY Tho factory towns of the East are noted for affording the best market to the neigh boring farmers and gardeners in proportion to the population of any of the towns in that section. The reason for this is that ' the people of these towns have a fixed in come upon which they can always depend, and, as a consequence, they are liberal buy ers, paying cash for all their purchases. As the Creat Manufacturing Center of the Pacific Coast OREGON CITY Is Coming to be One of the Best Marketing Towns In the State This is proven every day by the number of farmers, who are to be seen on its streets selling their produce, who, until just the last few years, sought the markets of other towns. The system of macadamized roada that is being built into all parts of Clack amas county, will enable all the people of this county to share in the profitable mar ket that Oregon City affords. If, as it is sure to do, the demands of Oregon City in crease in the next five years as it has in the past five years, this city will rank next to Portland as a market place for THE PRODUCE of the Farmer SI.OO -the- $1.00 t IrVEEILY iNTEJf OCEAISL The Greatest Republican Paper ot the West IT is the most tiMlwmrt Mad unswerving RepuhUcma Weekly pub- lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re- 2 ports of all political affairs. ff-sa? The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News and the Best of Current Literature. It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. Its Youth's Department is the finest of its kind. Itbrtnira to the family tba New of th mlr World and glre the best and ablest discmuinns or all questions of tbeduy. The lotrr Oevaa gives twrl ptrrt ot reiuitnif matter each week and being pabUohrtl la . hi.airo is Iwtlor uditpted to the needs ot the people west ot the Alle.;huuy Mountains tnan any other paper. $1.00 PfilgJ9JLI.SJCAg $1.00 H.OO per year $2.00 pr year The Daily and Sunday EdI- 5 LVii::::: UOnS 01 TE8 lllter 0?XlI are ; a-C KU.U l.y nail tS.0O per year the best of their kind . . . . Aaa -. t i THE I.VI'ER OCEAN', Chicago. A GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER. 3 FOR 1 The regular subscription price of "Demorest's Magazine," "Judge's Library," and "Funny Pictures" is S3.30 3 FOR 1 We will send all three to you for one year for $2 or 6 months for $1. , "DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE" is by far tbe best family magazine published; there is none of our monthlies in which the beautiful and the useful, pleasure and profit, fashion atid literature are so fully presented as in Demorest's. There is in fact, no publication pretending to a Bimilar scope and purpose which can compare with it. Every number contains a free pattern coupon. "JUDGE'S LIBRARY" is a monthly magazine of fun, filled with illustrations in caricatuie and lepleted with wit and humor. Its contributors are the best of American wits and illustrators. . , x "FUNNY PICTURES" is another humorous monthly; there is a laugh in every line of it. All thiee of these magazines are handsomely gotten up. You should not miss this chance to secure them. Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out. Demorest Publishing Co., HO Fifth Avenue, New York.. For the enclosed f2 00 please send Demorest's Family Magazine. Judge's Library (a magazine of fun), and Funny Pictures for one year as per your offer. Name. Post-office. Date. SUte.