Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 16, 1897, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clrenlt cnnrt ennvenM flrat Mnnta la No
vember eud third Monday la April.
Probate court In teuton first Monday In etch
Commissioners Cntirt meets first Wednesday
aner nrat uonaar 01 Rct monm.
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1S97.
Olives and chow chow,
Iudia relish pickles,
Swing cheese, cream cheete,
Cakes and crackers,
Hire root beer,
Fruits and confectionery,
E. E. Wiixums The Grocer.
Ride a Waverly and keep in front.
Try Harris' Grocery for paint and
Laces and ribbons
Racket store.
all prices at the
Seveu minutes to Gladstone two and
one-half cents.
Ice cream freeter at a bargain at
Young's second hand store.
Faint your buggy or carriage for less
than $1. Harris' Grocery.
Soring has come Buy in Sunset,
F. E. Donaldson, Agt
Kov. Dr. imams' address at St
Paul's church next Sunday evening
"What is Reliuion?"
Ladies' summer corsets at the Racket
Money to loan on good real estate
ecurity by A. 8. Dresser.
Outfits for campers for sale cheap at
Young's second hand store.
Sewing machines at Young's second
Land store from f 2 .50 to (15.
Buy now in Sunset before the rise.
F. E. Donaldson, Agt.
Ladies' ribbed underskirts, nice for
summer 25 cents at the Racket store.
Farm plows, good as new, from $3.50
to H-00 at Young's second band store.
Prices will appreciate Iron cow on
Tte time to select a home in Gladstone
is now.
Ice cream and ice cream soda every
day, rain or shine at the Novelty Candy
Patton's Wagon Paints makes and
keeps wagons and farm implements like
new. Harris' Grocery.
$12 buys a good bicycle at Young's
second hand store first door north of
Pope A Co.'s hardware store.
You will not hesitate in bavin? those
rooms repapered when you look at the
styles and prices of wall paper carried
by R. L. Holman.
Call at Reddaway a candy store on
Main street. Prior's old stand and get
prices of all kinds of wood. Delivered
promptly to all parts of the city.
It takes more than "red circus paint
and nickel trimmings" to make a good
bicycle. Be ware of those that have
that "tin rattle." Buy the Waverly and
you get the best. '
Daniel Williams, at the head of Sev
enth street stairs, has added a line of pat
ent medicines to his stock of school books,
candies, notions, etc., which he sells
cheaper than the cheapest.
ine Waverly bicycle bas no repair
shop. The are built to stand the rough
roads, and not to adorn the repair shop.
Kide a Waverly and set the pace. Cata
logue free at Charman's Drug Store.
Personal. The gentleman who an
noyed the congregation last Sunday by
continually coughing will find instant
relief by using One Minute Cough Cure,
a speedy and harmless remedy for throat
and lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding.
You run no risk. All druggists
guarantee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
to do all that the manufacturers claim
for it. Warranted no cure, no pay.
There are many imitations. To get the
genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by
C. G. Huntlev
There is a time for everything; and
the time to attend to a cold is when it
starts. Don't wait till you have consump
tion but prevent it by using One Minute
Cough Cure, the great reoipdy for coughs,
colds, croud", bronchitis and all throat
and lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding.
Last Bummer one of our grand-
cLildren was sick with a severe bowel
trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Frederickstown, Mo. "Our doctor's
, remedy had failed, then we tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedv which gave very speedy relief."
For sale by G. A. Harding.
The success of Huntley's Hair Tonic
is remarkable Every bottle sold in the
past 3 rears was with the distinct under
standing that money would be returned
if it did not give satisfaction. There has
not been a bottle returned as yet. It is
guaranteed to cure dandruff, prevent
. Lair falling out and promote a healthy
condition of the scalp.
Prof. C. W . Durette has been elected
. principal of the Woodstock school, one
of the largest suburban schools of Port
land, and consequently has resigned the
principalship of the West Oregon City
schools to which be had been re-elected.
Prof. Durette has been in the West Side
schools for the past two years and bas
made it one of the best schools in Oregon
City. While regretting his removal
from Oregon City, his many friends here
Are pleased at his good fortune in getting
jnto the Portland schools.
Installment plan, easy payments on
8unset lots. F. E. Donaldson, Agt.
The U. So Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all otberS
Evening prayer service at St. Taul'i
church this evening with in address on
"Prayer : Why it Is "
The Waverly bicycle is the talk of the
town. Call at Charman's Drug Store,
Get a catalogue and examing the wheel
Portland parties have leased the old
Portland restaurant building, adjoining
Hill and Cole's saloon, where they will
start a bowling alley.
ben a cold is contracted, cure it at
once. One Minute Cough Cure will set
you on the road to recovery in a minute
It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup
and all forms of lung and throat troubles,
Geo. A. Harding. .
Postmaster Green bas hsd the fixtures
in his oftice treated to a fresh coat of
paint and varnish, giving it quite a hand
some appearance, quite in keeping with
the goodlooking force on duty at the
delivery windows.
"1 crave but One Minute," said the
public speaker in a husky voice: and
then be took a dose of One Minute Cough
Cure, and proceeded with his oratory
One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled for
throat and lung troubles.
Hattie Johnson, ot Meadow Brook, a
former employee of the Portland restau
rant, and Frank Silvey. who is employed
in the Crown paper mill, were married
in Oregon City on Thursday evening ot
last week, Rev. Mr. MeCotnb officiating.
E. M. w aite the veteran printer of
Salem, died suddenly Tuesday from
heart failure. In early days Mr. Waits
was a resident of this city. He bas been
a conspicuous hgure in Oregon affairs
for years, and was a man highly respect
ed bv all who knew him.
The name of Leon postoffice, located
four miles east of Currinsville, has been
changed to Garfield. The reason for the
change was that Garfield precinct was
better known than Leon so it was
thought beet to have the one name for
both precinct and post office.
The social given at Rose farm by Miss
Holmes and Mrs. D. O'Neil, last Friday
evening for the benefit of St. Paul's
guild, was a very pleasant affair, but
the attendance was small, owing to the
fact that there were two other entertain
ments in the city that evening.
ine statement made many years ago
that "man cannot live by breai alone"
is as true as it ever was be must have a
nice Juicy steak or a roast of meat to go
witb It. Richard Petzold s alway ready
to furnish his customers with the best of
fresh and smoked meats at either his
Main or Seventh street market.
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for Its great leavening
strength and heathfulness. Assures the
food ugainst alum and all forms of adul
teration common to the cheap brands.
Royal Basing I'owukk Co., New York
J. M Woodruff, of Salem was in
city Monday on business.
Mrs. J. M. Doolittle, of Colfax, Wash.
is visiting Mrs. S. A. Chase
Mrs A. B. Graham, of Portland was
visiting in this city over Sunday,
Miss Amy Smith, of Silverton, came
down Wednesday to visit Miss Ruth
Miss Emma Blanclmrd of Brownsville
The State Medical board held a meet-
ng in Portland last week. After passing
upon the papers and admitting to prac
tice several new doctors the election of
officers fur the ensuing year was held.
The old officers were all re-elected, in
cluding Dr. W. E. Carll, of this city,
who was re-elected treasurer for the
third term.
G. W. and E. T. Baird and families
of Meadville, Pa., who are making a tour
of the Pacific coast, are visiting their
sister, Mrs. M. McGeehan of this city.
They came by way of California, and
bile pleased with many of the attrac
tions of that state think that the
crops and climate of Oregon are about
At the state Sunday school convention
held at The Dalles last week, a new de
partment known as the "Intermediate
Department" was inaugurated and Mrs.
J. K. Groom of Portland was elected
sta'e superintendent. Mrs. Groom
formerly liyed in Oregon Citv and is a
woman of energy and an enthusiastic
Sunday school worker.
Several persons had their pockets
picked in Oregon City and at Gladstone
Park at the Bryan meeting Monday.
Reports come from Portland and other
points where Bryan spoke, of the work
of pick pockets, so it is evident that
these smooth working thieves are follow
ing Mr. Bryan and attending each meet
iug to ply their nefarious business.
ine Baptist cliurch will celebrate its
fiftieth anniversary on next Saturday
afternoon and the following 8unday,
On Satnrday afternoon Chaplain Bate
man will speak in the old auditorium at
Gladstone. On Sunday Dr. Lamar will
preach at the church in the morning,
There will be a special meeting at five
o'clock and the services at the nsual
evening hour.
About 18 young women gathered
at the home of E. E. Williams on laot
Saturday afternoon In honor of Allyn
Clare Williams, who had reached the
proper age, nine days, to be "wished
upon." After the ceremony the guests
were entertained by Miss Ragland, who
served dainty refreshments. The house
was beautifully decorated throughout
with flowers and ferns.
Francisco, where he took part In the
great Christian Endeavor rally. He
also took In three of Bryan's speech, on
the way up, he having Mr. lUyn for a
traveling companion, which was alwut
all the free silver he could stand at one
Lawrence Drlggs, who has been at
tending Ann Arbor university, Mich.,
for the past two years, returned to his
home In this city last Friday, His
cousin, Miss Lou Latouretio, of l'enton,
Mich., accompanied him and will remain !
during the summer.
Miss Grace Eatjn, of Wamego, Kan.,
is In the citv visiting Mrs W. II. Iturg-
hard, and will remain for two or three
weeks. Miss Katun made Oregon City a
visit a few years ago and made nihiiy
friends who will be glad to meet her
B. J. Grubbof Wilbur, Douglas county,
is a guest at the home of Col. K. A.
Miller. Mr. Grubb la attending the
Chautauqua and Incidentially noting the
changes that have taken place in and
arouna uregun t;,ty In the 40 years
since he first passed through hero.
Mrs. L. Howlettof Eagle Creek has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. M.
lluelat Bradley, of Ely, during the past
week. Although Mrs Howlett Is 85
years old she la unusually active (or one
of her years, and Is able to be around
the house and get as much enjoyment
out of life as many a younger person.
Mrs. Howlett has not been to Oregon
City since 1 S55, and the many changes
effected since that time seem marvelous
to her.
Hoard and Rooms.
Having rented the residence lately
occupied by J. II. Wishart's family on
Seventh and Washington streets, I am
prepared to take boarders and roomers.
During Chautauqua I will accommodate
any who wish meals or beds.
Mhs. A. Ga.ntknbkin.
Wall Paper.
Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City
latest designs and prices to suit the timet
at R. L. Hotmail's, Seventh street, near
Main. tf.
0 Sweetness and Light.
Put a pill lu tho pulpit If you want prnotloal
proaohlnir for tko phyalonl xrnin ; then put tho
pill la tho pillory if it doos not praotiso what it
prouohes. There's a wholo gospel ia Ayer'a
Sugar ContoJ Pills; a "ffoflpol of nweotuouo
and light." Pooplo used to valuo tholr Dhyslo.
as they did thoir religlon.-by its bittoruorm.
Tho moro bittor tho doso tho bottor tho dootor,
We've got over that. Wo tuko "sugar ia ours" J
gospel or physlo-now-a-days. It's possible to O
ploaso and to purgo at tho some time. Thoro ,
may bo power in a pleasant pill. That is tho J
gospel of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 8
Mors pltt particulars In Ayer'a Curebook, loo pages.
last Ml Iraa I n I I
The Parkplace Merchant.
is the guest of Mrs. R. Blanchard of
Mr. and Mrs. Cass U. Barlow, of
Barlow, are Oregon City visitors during
Mrs. Walter Reed, of Portland, was
in Oregon City last Saturday, the guest
of Mrs. E. E. Williams.
Miss Cathrlna Chandler, of San Fran
cisco has been visiting Miss Dorothy
Chase, during the past week.
Rev. Gilman Parker left Friday for
Silver Butte, near Eugene, Lane county,
where he dedicated a church on Sunday.
Dr. J. W. McClure, a prominent phy
sician of Silverton, visited his brother,
R. L. McClure, ThursJay of last week.
Miss Imo Harding, returned Friday
from San Francisco, where she has
spent several pleasant weeks visiting
A. W. Cheny, editor of the Courier,
returned Monday from Long Beach.
where he bas been enjoying a weeks
L. C. Griffith, of Clyraer, and one of
Oregon's honored pioneers, is in the
city spending a week with bis daughter,
Mrs. R. A. Miller.
Tom Cowing returned Wednesday
from Baker City where lis had been in
charge of the W. U . telegraph office in
that city for the past month.
John Humphrev, an employee in
Cbas. Albright's butcher shop, expects
xn to go to Baker City to try for a
fortune in that much-talkod of town.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Smith of Forest Grove
have been in the city during the week,
guests at the home of Mr. E. P. Rands,
Fred W. Austen, who was formerly
connected with one of the principal
banks in Portland, paid this city a visit
list Saturday, he coming up on his
Mrs. L. Stout, wife of the county
assessor, left on Thursday of last week ' nized on both hi. lea of the Atlantic as the
for Yacpiina bay, where she will spend a ; foremost Keview in the English language,
mm uv rAimiiiiiiurtJ in "tu'cn in uimu-
Pays no big rout for ho owns his building. Has no
city taxes- to pay ami gets his insurance for nearly
ono half loss than the up-town merchants for ho has
no dangerous exposures.
Than tho other Oregon City merchants by reason
of these savings. Call and mako a trial purchase.
Taken in exchange for goods.
Don't nauseate your stomach with teas
and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver
and sick headache by using those famous
little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. George A. Harding.
l lie cent lare to Ula.lstone Is un-1
precedented in motor line (ares, 12
cent fare to Portland.
Wanted-An Idea
Who eu think
of tutu simple
thin luMlrnir
21" XV J1"
yi Washington, D. C, (w tholr !. prise offer
Proteot vour Ideas: ths'
Writ J6HN WKLlDKHill
and lift ot two hundred luTenilooa wanted.
ls .tilt a) . .M. 1
Murium in is
Is-T V A
Ahead of all Magazines
this country has seen. Albany Argus.
will not MosM-cover or black
en. Are artistic, cheap and tho
most ciulurhig- monument made.
White Bronze is no exnoriment.
It lniH stool for hutxlrt'dri of years
in KuroiK) and is not affected by
tho weather. Correspondence soli
cited. On receipt of ixistal card
will ho pleaxcd to call and show
samples and designs.
N. W. Comer Kuiirth ami Yamhill Htreats
with Kwinjc'a book moro.
Portland, Oregon.
North American Review
The Right Topics,
By the Right Men,
At the Right Time.
Tub North Amkkicah Rkvikw rerog-
By the fast
and com
modious steamer
few weeks enjoying the cool breezes of,
the Pacific.
District Attorney and Mrs. T. J.
Cleeton, of 8t Helens, are among the
Chautauqua attendants and while in the
city are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Reddick.
Mrs. Fred Meyer and daughter Minnie
and Mrs R. Koemer and children left
last Friday for Long Beach where they
will enjoy the ocean breezes for a couple j
of months.
E. Mosliier, a well-known resident of !
Redland, was in Oregon City Wednes-i
day and Thursday, taking orders for a'
book descriptive of the late war, entitled, j
"Under Two Flags."
taining it in its unrivaled position.
Amongfeatures of extraordinary Impor
tance which ttie Kevikw will contain in
early numbers may be mentioned these
An article by the great historian
fiicent Political Tendiooiei In England.
mainly relating to the is-mes of
American Civil War, between
Leaves Portland, TucHday.Thurg-
day and Saturday at G:!10 a. in.
Arrives Monday, Wednesday and
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All tourist admit that tho scenery
on tho Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
tho United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J.N. IIAKNEY, Agont,
Tel. 914. Portland. Or..
Oflice and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Published with the approval of Mr.
J. E. Jack, a prominent business man Motley's daughter, the wife of the Kt.
of Marquam, and for several years jus- ,Ion- wir w. Vernon Harcourt, leader of
4 It a ( t iniai win in ilia llniiun J ,.lll..iia I
tice of the peace of that section, was do-, " " ""UD "',""''"-
inn Vtliai na4i In lAnrn sn UnmLii 1f !
uumucoD its ivnu uit uiuiiiiny, lit? j
took in Bryan's speech in the afternoon.
A most important paper by
The American engineer bo prominently
associated wnn uecu miotics and Dr.
Jamieson, on
H. L. Kelly, assistant cashier in the
Bank of Oregon City, left Thursday for a
trip to San Francisco, for a brief vaca
tion, and his friends say, to fill the
vacuum left by the Christian Endeavorerg
in the windy city.
Ales Thsharnig, who is employed In
Burmeister & Andresen's jewelry store,
returned Saturday from the lower Col
umbia, where he has been spending a,
vacation of several weeks on his father's
farm near Kalams. He reports a pleas
ant trip.
Judge Gallowav left Thursday evening
ol last week on the overland for Southern !
Oregyn, where he in company with j Two articles by the well-known states
others, wentover the line intoCalifornia, man
to meet W.J. Bryan, and to welc.ome
him to our state. The Judge returned -home
Sunday morning.
1.. T.. Pnrrar rM.nrnad ftnfiii-fluir fa...... I
A series of articles by
("Bull-Run ltutKll")
The famous correspondent of the
London limes, in which he recounts his
observations and experiences on
Tranter and Exjrte,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
AND -n
Umbrellas, Guns,
Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to dillicult to undertake.
Prices reason able.
Shop In Caufleld building
Near Court House.
Ijeirnania Cah IVjarkefc
Bost Quality of Cold
Storage Meats.
Smokod hams and bacon cannot
be excelled. Game in season.
Highest price paid
for live and dressed
stock. iv.
Seventh St between Main and Depot
Wanted-An Idea
Protact Tour ldW) thr mr hi
WHt. JOHN WKIllWllllllbM
Mra. WMhlnnu.ii, I). ()., f.ir tholr I, urlu oflw
u4 Uat of two bun Oral Iutmuiou wiu&i.
Who eu think
of mnn ilrnpl
thliij loptlxnir
Ororl.Onnrtinboioisolil.flno.Otiflmirfl pro Its power tortortroy thednlra for tohannoln nr r
f-irrn. N(-U-tmo Is thfttfrenuwt UHirti-fnud Id the world. Muny gala 11 pound. In lOdura and It imm
falls to nnikn tint wfmk liiiiHitiint m.n atronir. vltftirou. anil nisunntlit. Jn.tLr.s hi..
lighted. Wii 01 peat you to bttllpre whnt wu sny, fur a cum Is uliHoluUtly friinrsnttiftil tr druiorl.ui evsr..
whura. Sppfl lor our booklnr. "Ihin't Tolmcro Holt and Htnok Your Life Away," written Kuars.uUM.sfwt
iriMj sample. AOUruss 1 tin B i iiMia ucatu s sju., vumuguoratvi Xorsu
You will b da.
iiKKinu, orary.
WUkM sod
an extended trip to Portage, Wisconsin,
where he had been to be with his father,
whose death took place while he was
there. Mr. Porter states that business
prospects are good in the East and that
all expect a revival of trade this fall, j
His return trip was made by way of San
The North American Review,
291 Fifth Avenue, New York
Subscription Price 5.00 a Year.
f 'IT "V, " TntnotisTTmindjr nnres onlckly, pnrmsnsntlr stl
Ki C. I n r"Uo uimiuuih, Wuuk Mouiory. Iia of Itralu 1 owt,r.
f-wisons), vyiiksriiiiiH.s, s-o.t vitality, Nmhlly Kmls.
l .s - " " ' . ov.l tlruu.un, InipoUiiior and waatliiir dlaoasus o,ni h
VoutftruOrrur. or exctttri. Contains no uplatas. Is a ssr tonla
mi'l blood hulldrr. Mskes the pais and puny .tronsandplumo.
En -iliy rnrriMllnrptpK.k.l.il pxrbni; a or d. By aisll.pra.
paid, HfawTit(rnnirant'.ormonrvrati(iilt Wrltaus rVa
m"Hri 1 )"M.U, amlnl I plain wrapper, with utlmniilsls and
ilnmtrlr I rflnnrt his. NnrnariM for rnMiiltnt4,,
rorsalloOregonCltr.Oreg.,b7CiiAUMAN CO., Urugglsu. '"'