Oregon City Enterprise. Published Every Friday. CHA8, ME8KHVB, PUBLISHER AND FB'BIRTOR. UBHCRIPTION HATKB, Ona year, Sit month, Trial lulncriptlon two months. 12 00 1 00 J6 A dlsoontt o( Mcnl on all subscriptions for jo year, Jft oenis fur six months. If aid in d ranee. Advertising rates (Wen on application. Subscriber will Bud th date of expiration Mam red ou their rirr loilowlng their name. If this ! ! not ehnnged within two wvekt after a payment kindly notify us and we will look after It. Rntered at the Poet Office In Oregon Citj.Or. a eerond elate natter. FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1897. A9KKT8 FOR THE KKTSRPR18K. Bearer Creek.-" Oanby, -Olackamaa, Hllwaukte, " 'r Colon Mills. Meadow Brook. Mew Era, WtlsonYllla, Pa-k Place, fiMulstone, Stafford, Mnllno, Oarua, Kolalla. Varquam, ButUTllie Aurora, Orvllle, - Cagle Creek, Damascus, Sandy, Salmon, Currinaville, Cherryville, -Marmot, Dr. T. B. Thoniai Geo. Knight A. Mather Oscar Vt'lsslnger Q J. Trulllnger Chas Holman W. 8. Newberry Henrr Mller F. L. RtiaaeH T. M. Cross . Q. Oaae, C. T. Howard R. M. Cooper Annie Stubba. K, M. Hartman B. Jennings Henry A. nyder L.J Perdue. H. Willwrn J. C. Elliott F. Gtstacb Mrs. W. M. Mclntvre Geo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer - - Adolph Ascboflf out without a hitch or Jar. The order maintained has been perfect. No disorderly conduct or questionable characters have been allowed upon the grounds and th greatest security has been Riven to personal property, not an Instance of pilfering or destruction of property having been re ported. The hundreds of campers lear their belongings about their tents, while they attend the various meetings, with the most perlect assurance that they will not be molested. No games of chance or any per formances of Rambling or Immoral nature here been tolerated In or about the grounds, In fact, it has been the special cam and effort on the part of the management to have one of the best conducted and most successful assemblies In the United States, and It was without their knowledge or oon sent that tribute was levied upon their platform talent for special writeups In their official paper, as well as In the Orrgonlan Had they known it they would have stop ped it at once, for it would bavs resulted had It been kept up, In making it next to impossible for them to have gotten self. respecting, honorable talent to come to their assembly, wheu it became known that such flagrant discrimination was being shown In the Chautauqua paper and other press reports of their proceedings. The way to build apOregon City la to rife Orea-oa City people joar patronage. BHAXE OS SUCH JOURNALISM. It is the hit dog tbat howls. Mr. J. At. Lawrence whose questionable methods as a reporter at the Chautauqua assembly last year was made mention of in the Ektirprisi last week, is ont in a limpy, wish-washy denial of the charges, in the Oregonian. He started in bravely enough to make a great fight for his alleged honor, but fell down in the first round. Before be gets himself clear of this very unprofes sional affair he will find that it pays for even reporters to be honest. Last Saturday this man Lawrence thought be had a vindication that would vindicate and land the Enterprise into a lively libel suit. So he proceeded to get a statement from one of the Chautauqua tal ent to whom he gave a $5 laudation last year, to the effect that this little Pullman porter tip was not for favors in the Ore. gonian but for a special write-up In the Chautauqua News, which he was then pub lishing for the Chautauqua association, lie thus admitting that he bad practiced this little game in the columns of the Chau tauqua paper as veil as In the Oregonian. But through the intervention of a Iriend this was suppressed and he was saved from further disgrace. Tbe Chautauqua Daily News is tbe official organ of the Chautau qua association and it is supposed by both tbe public and the distingnisbed people who appear upon its platform, to give a e'ear and impartial report of each day's proceedings. To acknowledge tbat he bad been showing special favors to the talent would have been a violation of the trust the association reposed in him when it gave bim its work, as well as to show to tbe world his true character. Tbe first two years that the Chautauqua Neas was pub lished it was gotten out in the Estkbpkisi office and the publisher of this paper never for a moment thought tbat his contract with the Chautauqua association would per mit of bis turning their official organ into a taffy giving sheet. The same Is true of Mr Cheney of tbe Courier who has tbe con tract to publish the News this year and there is no likelihood of bis disgracing the association and besmirching his honor by engaging in so contemptible a practice as Lawrence was engaged in. But then what else can be expected from a man who will hang out his name as one of tbe publishers of a six by nine sheet while he goes in with a sheriff to rob the taxpayers of Clackamas county out of $1295 for publishing an illegal delinquent tax list. THE PASSING OF THE O.SK-IDEAD JU.N. Tbe address by W. J. Bryan at Gladstone Park was a disappointment to the majority of reading and thinking populists and dem ocrats the others thought it was a great speech. His priori pal line of argument lay in funny stories with which his speech was largely made up. While most of them made a point or was supposed to in sup port of the question he was discussing, yet his advocacy of free silver was very weak and be made no answer tbat could be called an answer to the arguments advanced by the republicans in support of the gold standard. The free silver cause was not strengthened . by tbe coming of it's great apostle, and Mr. Bryan's presence in Oregon clearly proves that it is on tbe wane, for with all the advertising that was done by the Chau tauqua association and the booming given bim by the populist and democratic papers and leaders only a little over 5000 people were out to hear him. The free silver advocates hoped that by getting up a mon ster demonstration at Gladstone Park to show to the country that in Oregon the white metal cause was gaining. But they were confronti'd with the stern fact that people are no longer going to be led by a one idead man. The populists especially are tired of Mr. Bryan's leadership which was forced iii'On'tliem and hundreds of them are not backward in expressing their condemnation of their windy leader. The Wiu.amktte Valley Chautauqua assembly has a name not excelled by any assembly in the United States for the high moral and intellectual tone it has main tained in the four years of its existence. Its platform talent has always been promptly paid and most courteously treated and the astembly work has been carried While the county may be In need of funds, It was hardly the proper thing to declare the tax roll delinquent so early in tbe summer. It is especially bard on the farmers who as yet hare bad very little to sell to raise money and it will be fully six weeks yet before they will be much better off, it being that length of time before they can get returns on their fruit, hay, grain or fat stock. The taxpayers of Clackamas county have had rather a bard olt of late. The tax list was declared delinquent much earlier last year than was really necessary, the interest of the taxpayers being made subservient to the greed of a couple of newspaper men and the sheriff. Then to add to the $1295 newspaper fees paid to the Three Sisters-Press, tbe sheriff bad to make a bungle and the court ordered tbe list pub lished over again, which was done this spring at tbe cost ot fl22, and now belore the taxpayers bad time to catch their breath another delinquent list is upon them. Three delinquent lists in twelve months is rather rough on the taxpayers, but then it makes rich picking for the news papers, especially when tbe list is published early before many payments have been made. Th i Orkconia. to maintain its reputa tion for fair and impartial reports of local events, has detailed one of its brightest and ablest local men ts report tbe Chautauqua assembly this year, confining their Oregon City reporter to strictly Oregon City news. The detailing of a special reporter by the Oregonian is a compliment to the Chautau qua assembly for it indicates that the as sembly has come to be one of the great gatherings of the Northwest and is so recog nized by Portland's great daily. The great Eastern dalles devote as much space to tbe Chautauqua assemblies of that section as they do to any of tbe other great state and national gatherings, and the Assembly at Gladstone park has attained such import ance as to hereafter claim and receive the attention of the press of this section as a gathering in whose proceedings thousands of people are interested. Sosti maliciously disposed persons, who are opposed to the Chautauqua and never let an opportunity pass to injure it, have been circulating the report that tbe trestle of the East Bide Railway across the Clacka mas bottom below this city was unsale for loaded cars to pass over. This trestle was built for a double track and is ss strong as any in Oregon and if these worthies never get their necks broken until it is done by a fall from this trestle they will live'to inflict themselves on Oregon City for an indefinite period. ltKYAN'S UKKAT DAY, The Apostle of Free Mirer Spunks at (liitlxtone Turk. The report is being circulated by certain parties that Mr. Bryan did not receive and would not take a cent of tbe gate receipts at Gladstone Park on the day he spoke X ne fact or the case is that he received one half of tbe gate receipts, tbat being his terms wben he made the date with the Chautauqua association. Mr. Bryan is not traveling over the country for bis health even if he does ride on a pass and have hotel bills paid by admiring populists and faithful democrats. Reason Why Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can always be depended on in cases of cholera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. 0. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. JO. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world, For sale by G. A. Harding. Stockholder's Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders pf the Ore gon City Manufacturing company will be held at the office of the company in Oregon City, Saturday, July 10, 1897 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day for the pur pose of electing directors of the corpora tion to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before said meeting. C. G. Jacobs, Secretary. Oregon City, June 10, 1807. William J. Bryan, the apostle of free silver delivered a lecture on liitiuttalism at Gladstone Turk, on Monday last. Early In the morning farmers from all sections ot the county, were Been throng ing the streota of Oregon City, waiting for the arrival of the silver shamplon Col. K. A. Miller, president of the W V. C. A., boarded the taain in the morn tng and went aa far south as Salem where he met Mr. Bryan, and accom panled him to Gladstone Park. Bryan arrived on the S. P. train at the Glad stone depot at 2:10 o'clock p.m., and was driven in a carriage direct to the old auditorium where the audience had been assembled, lie waa met by the officers of the association and escorted to the platform. On taking his seat be waa greeted by a hearty applause after which be was introduced in a few brief words by President Miller. Mr. Bryan then stepped to the front of the platform and began his speech, lie traced the history of free silver from '73 to the present time, telling the influence of the act of '73, the Bland-Allison act of ISiX), and the Shermon act upon the rise and decline of the free and unlimited! coinage of silver. He then defined an honest dollar, discriminating between the "gold bug definition, and his own which is: "an honest dollar is one whose average purchasing power la the same yesterday! today and forever." He said: "A dollar that rises' in purchasing power is just aa dishonest as one that falls in pur chasing power," and emphasised the statement that the test of honest money was in the purchasing power. ' Throughout his talk, be introduced illustrations which, while they seemed to take well with his audience, which would have applauded quite aa vocifer ously had he taken them from Ayer'a almanac, were of a character that ap pealed to non-readers rather than the intellectual classes. Mr. Bryan has a thorough knowledge ef elocutionary effect, and knows when to use his stock in trade of old, season- cracked jokes, which his audience too frequently mistakes for wit, and his free silver arguments, which have been out in the wet, and have warped to the best advantage. He is a man of undoubted oratorical ability, and it is to be re gretted that he does not exercise his talents in a cause more worthy of hia genius. Mr. Bryan waa listened to with the closest attention, and at the close of hit speech was heartily applauded. (Owing to hia engagement in Portland, he hur ried away to his train disappointing many of bis admirers who expected that e would "hold a reception. While awaiting the arrival of Mr. Bryan the audience was entertained with some musical selections by Parson's orchestra of Portland, and at tbe close of the meeting by the Lafayette band which had come with an excursion on the steamer Eugene from the Yamhill river. The Southern Pacific brought two excursions of 11 coaches each, one from Portland and one from Salem and south, while the electric cars brought in crowds from both Oregon City and Portland. These with the county people who came in private rigs, made up a crowd of nearly 6,000 who were on tbe grounds during the day. CATARRH Is a LOCAL DISEASE and Is Iris result ol colds and tutltlsa ellmallo ehsngts. For your Protection we nualUrel slat that this hmiwly doc not contain owrniry or any other lujur Ions ilriiv. Ely's Cream Balm mutHlltta. It ntwtii ami cImum tit nttJ hmi,IAs i Mln and lii(Ummatluii. bcali (hi rr, pro! m It acknowledged to bs the most thorough ear I Musi I'aurrh, Ooid In l(ad anil Hay K. tm of "MU uiiiaiumjMiuii. neaia ins son, pro. Ipcta th nioiiitiraii from cold, ri-atiima th. of (ante anil smell. Prim (too. at llnigiil'ta or by mall. KU UltO I'll KUS, M Warrsu ii, New Vwk, Your team will have the bent of oare and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City StableB. W.H. YOUNC, Prop., HuocsMora to A7 U rrtL- Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. T-jEL.LOH 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone ana Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and D6 other towns in the. two 6tatcs on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the eatirifiiction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as) easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, 'ortland, - - - Oregon, 1 M'KlITJtlCK'S SHOES II BAT TJIK WOULD m Tito Newest Always Takes the Lend For the reason that constant improvements aro being made in alll clauses of productions. Yucca, Moot Soap Takes the Lead, For it is tho latest and is tho best soap for tho complexion, the toilet, the bath and laundry. Try a samplo bar no Boap equals it. Absolutely free from animal fats. Yucca Toilet Preparations. Lanola Creme, Almond Meal, Peach Blossom, California Lilao and Glycerine and Mexican Tooth Powder. For salo by JOSEPH G GIBSON, 203 Second Street, Portland. Cenoral Agent for Oregon. Greatest Offer Evor Ma do to Pralrlo Tarmor Readors. A PAPER FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. THE EARLY LIFE OF ABRAHAM LlfiCDLK. ABSOLUTELY FREE-IN CLUDS OF 2. UfVM Tfl FTRf ITl n'lonnf ynurrwtiihhnnmjnln Willi yntmu Unt yu ru'll'Kiia ITJII 111 aCuUnC III ni.l..rTllK l'HAIUIKKAIIl(K'l...,.,jUr,aiHl.rhSr .." "l i I'.T""; '""Hll K. T.I.I. lb. ,..i ,v:,h , , I Ul.b,r IIIU.L.....M,..,..,. 4 Um-oli, II r- ..or writlro. Iieonmina laUll'K Tl ltl.n,.i,,;u ft.il I II VI I m ul V pr to Trie PlUlrtlZ FABLER FUD. CO., ICS Adams St., Chicago. Bend all ortlcr to Something' to Know. It may be worth something to know that tbe very beet medicine fur restoring the tired out nervous system tog health, viiior ia Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerye tonic. Try it. Sold for 60c and $1.00 per bottle at Charman A Co's drug store. For Young Men and Young Women There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farns worth's arber shop. For Campers and 1'lcnlcers. Vienna Sausage, Vienna Sausage and Sauerkraut, Lunch Sausage, Van Camp's Pork and Beans, Heinz'g Pork and Beans, Ileinz's Tomato Sauce, Picnic flams and Bacon, In fact everything necessary for out door life. Marr 4 Muir. Willamette Valley Farm Loans. For thirty days special low rates will bn made on choice loans of f 1500 and upward. If. E. Noule, Commercial Blk. Portland, Or. Jlonej to Loan. On well improved farms at low rates and long time. Apply to Charles Henby, No. 200, Stark fit. Portland. WKEKIiY 'Pile WWVW Outlook PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY 13 Astor Place New York Tin Oi'tlook will be in 1807, as It has been during each of its twenty-seven years, a History of Our Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tub Outlook gives a compact review of the world's progress; it follows with care all the important philanthropic and indus trial movements of the day ; has a com plete department of religious news; devotes much space to the interests of the home; reviews current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about men and things; and, in short, aims to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with the fifty-fifth volumo, the paper will assume the regular maga zine size, which will add greatly to its convenience and attractiveness. Tiib Outlook Is puhlished every Saturday fifty-two issues a year. The first issue in each month In an Illustrated Magazine Number, containing about twice as many pages as the ordinary issues, together with a large number of pictures. lhe price of Tiis Outlook is three dollars a year in advance, or less than a cent a day, Send for a specimen copy and illus trated prospectus to Tub Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New York City. THE POPULAR STR. RAM0NA will run between Oregon City and Portland daily except Sunday as follows: Leave oreion citr. (8th. Street Dock.) 7:30 a. m. 12:00 m. 4 ;.'J0 p. m. Leave Portlanfl: (Taylor Bt. Dock.) 9:30 a, m. 2:00 p. m. 6:00 p.m. SUNDAY TIME Leave Oregon City: 8:30 a. m. 12 -30 p. in. 3 :30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Leave Portland: 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p. m. 5 :00 p. m. 7:45 p. m. On and after July 1st, 1897, fare between Portland and Oregon City, 45 cents round trip, single fare 25 cents. O. C. T. Co. and East Side Railway tickets good on either boat or cars. ROUND TRIP 45c 150 Booms. Jom Stearns, cuter Clerk HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison Hts., Portland Dr. D.viks JJcCiaiiKv.Piwps. Rooms from 25c. to 1 1.00 per day Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains Restaurant Connected With Hotel. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drupt Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Klreet, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS 8TII.L ON EARTH. For general repairing lie stands without a ieor. For flrstlasH, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him I A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Uregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rates given on hauling to and from GlauHtone and Bark-place. A Personal Matter A well painted house It like a neatly drnsHvd prnon always , attractive and pluusant to look tion . , YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted am! freshmed up at a very reasonable prico paints are very cht'ap now. Don't leave It until the sun makes any more marks and cracks in it. SEE MURR0W The painter. He first-class work. can gunrantoe NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWKF.N Till UKfOT BK1DUB AND TINNING, PLUMBING, and GENERAL REPAIRING FURNACE WORK, HOP HOUSE FURNACES AND PIPING Pricofl to meet the times. Fred Gadke, Shop on Main Street, next door to Bellomy & Busch. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information reifardlnir anv kind or stock promptly attended to by person of luuur. ' Horses Boutrht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. -3 Clarence Porter. Geo. C. lmi Blacksmiths Wagonmakera Horseshoeing a Specialty. Any denlg-n of an iron or steel shoe, fitted tip. All kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. i Shop opposite Pope's hardware store. Oregon City, Ore. Wanted-An Idea 2 Frouwt Tour IoVm; thar may bring y0 wnalth. WrIU, JOHN WKUDKHIIUHN CO., PatMlt Attw nets, Washington, 1. G,.fir Ihrlr ai,N uru uflar and list of two aundrtti (utsdUous wanted. Who can think of some simple thing to Mktontf