Oregon City tntcrprisc. OllKUON OITV OKKH'KKM. Mayor, - - -ICmioriltT, - - chiarof roiic . TriMiirr, - -City Attorney, -Hiri'cl CiiiHiUlmii'r, Hupl. ol Vtrr Work, (,'ltv Knuliinttr. K. 0. rmillx Time. K. Ky Uma, K. lliirriH (I. K. Hlralgli - U. II. I'v ('. Ilnliroi k. j W. II HowHI I). W, Kliinmrtl CouiicIIiiihi T.(1. (laiilt, I., C. ('l, John lliltiwr, II P. Wllnin. 11. Koriir, Jti Konkw, II, K. JUrrli, Kritnk llnmili. Council meeta tint Wadiiemlay of rh nionih in oily hall. Kill PAY, JULY. 10, 181)7. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. riCNIOCIOODH- Hummer eaugea, Vienna sausage, 1'eyllnd moata, Iuneh tonkin, Halted iork and bourn, Hour kraut an J aauage, ItuaHt Iwef and cliiiM(I hoof, Kcl. U.K. Williams, The Grocer, Kellahle flrn Insurance Y. K. Donai.imon. Ire cream ami lea cream aw I a every day, rain or ahlne at the Novelty Candy Factory . Itallroad tickets to all point cant . F. 1". IoNAl.iaoN, Agt. lr. L. L. I'lcknns, dentist, dHa at kind of dental work, Gold crown, Kmluln crown and bridge work aclliy. All oMratlon guaranteed for 5 years, Call and gut my prices. Olllce in Ilarclay building Leading Inaurance agency F. K, PoNAI.DKON. Tablets, Ink, mnn, enflla, (tooka and complete achool outllla will be aulied tot lie rnatomnra at my store at very reasonable price, Call on Daniel Wll llatua' on nptwr Heymith at met near Center, before you buy elsewhere. Ten bl( Insurance compaiilea F. K. Domai.dkon. It heal eveiylhing except a broken lieart. may be aald of Ie Witt'a WiU h llaael falre. File and rectal dlaeaaea, cut, burin, brulata, tetter, ecaema and II akin troublea may be cured by it I'llckly and pcrioaimntly, Goorgo A Harding. Largest lniurance businese F. K. I)oNAt.t)oN. flrove'i tasteless Chill tonic I a per fect Malarial Liver tonic and blood purifier. Keuiove nilloilMieiui without purging. A ideaaafit a Imun Syrup. It la a large a any dollar tonic and re tail for otic. To Kt the genuine, auk for for Grove'a. For aale by C. O. Huntley. Beat insurance coinpatiie F. E. IfcNAI.ISON. "My landlord w ill pay for that paper," eald a bunlncea man to Holman, the wall paper dealer, Holman aald it waa for the room. "Ia that all? Well, I will pay it myxelf," replird the business man. You will be surprised when you find how little It conta to paKr your room when you aee tlolinan and ace bia up to-dato atylea and prirca Free Inaurance blotter F. K. Donaldson. (ivorge 1 1 or ton ha retired from the grocery buained, having old hiaintereHt to George Llndney, ol Denver. Mr. (ilbaou will remain In the huHinc, the the new firm Wing Llmlney A (iilmon. Mr. Llndmy ia a bright young man of connidcruble experience in the merchan tilo buAineN. Mr, Lindney ha a family and w ill for tor the preaunt board at the borne of A. F. lSean, on Water atreet. Mr. Iloi t n ha a yet no definite plana aa to hi future. Joaeph Iteed of Springwater, lin aold bia farm of HO crea to Laura A. Gordon, of Clackamaa, the price being f(lT'.). Owing to the death of hi wife, Mr, Heed will go to Kaatern Wellington to his folk who will care for hi children. Hair.tiel Fituxt ban aold bia Canemuh home of G acre to F. M. Thompaon from Illinoi, the price being $700. A 25 acre tract lying two milea weat of Oregon City, lia been aold by Cha. Montgomery to W. M. KnhiiiHon, manager of the Electric hotel, for (l(X). Those aalea wore all made through II. A. Pettonger'a real oatate olllce. Poiaona engendered by food fermenting in a dyapeptio stomach are the direct cauae of rheumatism, gout, bronchitla, liver and kidney complaints, aathma, pneumonia and many ' nervous ailment. These result are prevented by the une of the Shaker Digeative Cordial, a reme dy discovered and prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon, N. Y. It is in itMolf a food and baa power to digest other food taken with It. Thus it rests the diseased stomach and finally mas ters the worst cases of dyipepsia. It act promptly and froab strength and in crease of weight soon follows. The (list done, taken immediately after eating, abates the pain and distress so dreaded by dyspeptics. Trial bottles enough to prove its merit 10 dents. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. All hats and Ion imU at Mm, bladon's below cost from now on. We have a new lot of double fuce ntin ribbon forsaches, at the Kackat iloie. (Hudntona lia made a growth ot 00 new house since the hard time hewn lee creHiu and ice cream mxU every day, ruin or shine at the Novelty Candy Factory , You can got the inotit durable paint at Harris Grocery and aave 20 per cent on your purchaN'i. Laiilit' lung aleuyea and sleavoless veat, while and ecru, extra large eixe, at the lta knt atore. Iiinhici tho adjustable wlndo acreen at Hollomy k Busch'a. They are certainly the right thing. Hchaep'i cocoanut V!Oo lb.; arm and II, soda 4c; atarch Re; big pull fine ayrup 05o; 9 lb, rolled oata 25c. Ked Front Trading Co. For a quiet place to hitch your horae away from the motor line and a place to t a drat class job of repairing or horae hoeing cull on K. F. Kerlpture' ahop on Fifth atreet. "They don't make much fuss atMitit It." Wo are apeak ing of Ie Witt'a Lit tle Karly UUera, the farnoiia little pill for constipation, blliouaneaa and all atumach and liver troublea. They neyer grle. (ieo. A. Harding. Fine 10 and 12c diinlllce at 8c; dark tilalda 4lllc; dark callcoea colored thread 2Hc; ailka, lacet and embroider lea at lowea price. Cut pricea on abirt waists, aiimmer coat, atraw and full hat. Ited Front Trading Co. You niay hunt the world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy for lowel complaint. It I pleasant, aafe and reliable. For aale by (J. A. Harding. The blggeat alatighter In pricea of mill innry ever made In Oregon City. A lot of atvliali hat at half of former pricea or li nn. Trimmed bata 50c up, 50c sailor for 25c. Mr. M. K. Hamilton, at the Ited Front. At a meeting of the achool board lait Friday, J. C. Flncer waa elected princi pal of the Ilarclay achool, thia completes Hie corp ot le'-rhers In the Oregon City achool. I'rol. Yincor baa been princi pal of the Ilelvldrrcllls. achoola for tome yeara paat ami ia aald to be a fine Inatructor. This I the day ot antl-thia, and anti that, but what eople need uiohI now a' dava I. the anti-bilious medicine, 8im mon Liver Regulator, the King of Liver Mmliclr.ea, and lletter than 1'llla. I have used no other anti-biliou re in ml y for tlx yean and know from tXerience that for adii'i of a constipated habit nothing equala it." Laura V. Craig, hllenbury, Fla. Mr. C. F. Caplea who for the past eight yrara lots been head miller in tiie Portland flouring mill of this city, lia resigned hi position. He will not leave Oregon City, but a yet he haa not de cided a to bia future plana. He ia suc ceeded by Arthur Milne, who haa been assistant to Mr. Caplea fort number of years, and who Is a skillful miller and a trusty, reliable man. Kruaase Itros. have moved their shoe atoretoNo. 3 Commercial Bank block where they huve fitted up one of the linest slum atores In Oregon City. Under the management of Win. W'lght, the bushier of the firm has made a steady growth, and to get more room was the object of changing locations . That their business can be incrcattud when others are complaining of hard times, is a Hit' tering compliment to Mr. Wright's euergy and fuir dealings. To Contractors. Healed bid will lie received by tho county court for the Improvement of the Molalla river according to the plans and epeclllcutiona which will be on file in the county clerks olllce after July lllth 1807. a ceritiieu check ot ; percent must ac company any and all bids. A satisfac tory bond will be required by the court. Bids will be opened Monday July 1'Ulh lH!)7atl0A. M. The court reserves be right to reject any or all bids. By order of the county court Ki.mkh Dixon, County Clerk. Notice. Sealed bid will be received by the county court for a county physician who will furnish all medicine, medical attendance, appliances and perform all surgical operations for the county poor and inmates of the county jail for one year. Bids will be opened August 5th at 10 A. M. The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids By order of the county court El.MKR DlXON, County Clerk. Wood Wiiutod. Sealed bids will be received by the county court for 50 cords seasoned live fir wood made from large timber. Bids will be opened Thursday, August 5th at 0 :30 a. ra . The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By ordor of the county court. Ei.mkk Dixon, County Clerk. No fog or malaria in Sunset. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. i Resolutions of Itexpect. The following resolution of reaped were pud by Ixne Fine Ixxlue No, M A. F. and A. M. of IOgan at there regu lar meeting on Huturday evening July 10. WiuHKAa, It lia pleaded the Hupreme Architect of the uriiveraH U) remove from our miiUt by the hand of death, our beloved brother (Jeo. Olthena, therefore U it Keaolved that In the death of brother (leo. (iithen thl lolge baa loat a worthy rnemlx-r, and the com munity a good citizen, that we moat aincerely aympathue with the widow and fumily, but we bow with bumble aub mlNNion to the will of our Mauler and acknowledge with aoriow that the will of (iod In accompliahed ; Keeolved, That thl lodge be draed In mourning for 30 daya, and that a copy of thete reaolution be furriiHhed under the aeal of the bxlge to the widow of our deceuMed brother and that a copy be apread Uon the minute of the lodge record a enclosed in black line and aiao a copy be furnlahed the county paper for publication. John Lkwxm.kn, John Hi'kaoub, Gao. C. AaMicraoxu, Committee. Nealed Itld Wauled. Healed bids will be received by the board of directors or clerk of school district No. 105 for 15 cord of first clasa well seasoned 4 ft. wood, free from large knota, split medium eixe. Bids opened August 2nd at Willamette Falls achool house. The right ia reserved to reject any or all bid. O. C. KlNXXY, Clerk of School Dia. No. 10.). July 13th, 18117. A Pension Board. In compliance with the request of over 100 old soldiers in this county whose name were secured by M, L. Moore and aent on to Congressmen Tongue and hllis and Senator McBride, a board of medical examiner for Clackamas county haa been granted by the (tension bureau Dr'a Norria, Pain, and Carll have been recommended and in a letter to Mr. Moore Congressman Tongue atates that their epiMjintment will aoon be. made. Hav ing an examining board in Oregon City will be a very great convenience to old aoldiera who have business with the pen sion bureau. Bucklen'a Arnica Halve. The best aalve in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chaped bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cure Pile or do pay required. It i guaranteed to give jer(ect aatiMfactiun or money refunded. For aale by Chaiman & Co., Charman Bros. Block. ('heap Wood. Oak, ash, maple and fir wood deliver ed in any part of Oregon City. Prices tmd-roek and wood flrat-class. By plac ing your order now the best selection of seasoned wood can be bad, paying for it at a date agreed upon. Call on or write It. 0. Uolmks, Parkplace. Steamahip tickets and seasick proven- tave. F. K. Donaldson, agt. I'ndertukcr and Einlmlnier. H. L. Ilolmnn undertaker and em balmnr. Uradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of casket and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor on Seventh street near the depot. - tf Within easy walk of business center Sunset lota. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. DRUG WHR IS WE SET THE PRICE. ADVICE: BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST. Ono dollar will buy as much as two dollars did a few years ago, and wre have reduced the price of some of the leading patont medicines from 20 to CO per cent and it meet8 the approval of the people of Clackamas county. Here are a few of the reductions, compare them "CUT PniCB BICYCLK8." 1897 model (!0 cut to $50. 1H1K1 model $85 cut to 40. 1807 boy'a and girl's $40 cut to $35. Hemember Waverlv bicvcles strictly high grade, none of your cheap trash. REMEMBER WE MAKE Special Sale on Tooth 10c Brushes cut to 15c ". " " 25c " " " 50c " Our money purse sale consists of Spring and Summer line of paint shades to choose from. Turk Boilkd coi'srr coiBT. I'roi'eedlng of Itricolar Joly hfialon Taxe Ileclarrd Delluqaent. In the matter of the report of viewers ofdamagnaon the petition of J A Wil son el el, for a county road, the same wa laid over until the next term. In the matter of the report of viewer of damage on the petition of M Heller, etal for a county road, the petition waa oemei in me whole ana coats taxed against the petitioners. In the matter of the report of the roadmaster on the petition of W II Counsel, et al for a county road, Otto A Gengelbach, A W Cooke and J C Paddock, viewers to meet Wednesdcy, July 14. In the matter of the report of D W Klnnaird on the contract with Herman Brunt to clear part of the Hevenue road, the report was accepted and bill allowed on contract. In the matter of the petition of A M Cannon for money refunded, the same was granted. In the matter of the petition of Fred Bauer tor the refunding of interest paid on taxes of 1807, the same was denied. In the matter of the resignation of II II Johnson, a roadmaster, the same wa accepted. In the matter of the petition of David Harris, et al for a county road, Cha Holmstrom, William Githenwait and II. O. Inskeep were appointed viewer. In the matter of the petition of C II Foster, et al for a county road, George Brown, II II Gregory and II 8 C Phelp were appointed views, In the matter of the petition of Henry Voglet for damages, the same was laid over. In the matter of the petition of the Oregon City Bar association to have the county purchase the Oregon reportn, tbe same wa denied. In tlie matter ot tbe petition of A J Sawtell for a tax rebate, the same waa granted. In the matter of tbe 1890 Ux roll, it wa ordered that tbe roll be declared delinquent, Judge Hayes dbutenting. BILL ALLOWED. The following claims against the county were presented and warrants ordered issued on the general fund in payment of the several amount. : W A Huntley, stationery 18 97 W A Huntley, " 38 80 Courier, printing 9 85 Cbaa Albright, panper ac 2 10 Oregon City Iron Works, bridge.. 10 68 " . " ' " . 9 40 Oregon T A T Co C II act 1 26 Wm Troge, bridge ac 600 W II Young, county court... CO Huffman, bridge ac.. G W Proeser, pauper ac.... II II Johnson, roadmaster... II A Rands, road woik M G Hackley, " 4 00 10 80 5 90 83 00 4 00 2 00 Fred Hesse, bridge plans. 18 00 W N Godfrey, inquest. . 6 00 6 00 1 70 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 Dr J W Powell, E P Carpenter, witness, inquest.. BF Weddle, jurymen, D II Wollie, John Schievie " Sam Mayer, " FV Talbot, " ......... Jacob Schati, " J Q Gage, constable, 2 70 Above costs, inauest, Adelle Carpenter M W Gardner, J P ac. A Newell, constable. . . . 6 40 T B Ilickey, witness.. Orvil Boring " Dick Boring, " .. Ed Uticer, " .. Bert Richey, " U Ariraesigger " I. Jauies Richey, " Marion Preston, " . . NOW ON closely and buy where they are Hood's Sarsaparilla Castoria Scott's Emulsion Pierce's Favorite Prescription Price's Golden Medical Discovery Red Line Sarsaparilla Strengthening Plasters Warner's Safe Cure Red Line Celery Compound Chamberlain's Cough Cure Ayers Sasaparilla THE CUT PRICE, - Brushes. ; 8c 10c 20c 38c an endless variety and the Purses fit the pocket and the price fit the haa just arrived and we have reduced the price 25c per gallon. Color Oil only 40c. per gallon. Bring a can. J C McMnrray, Juror 1 00 J Orsburg, ' 1 00 C Woifhagen,. " 1 Wll Johnson, " 1 A Zumwalt, " 1 K It Johnston, " 1 G B Dim!ck, dist atty'. 7 A hove cost In case, State vs Chambers L Stout, assessor, June 70 20 W W Myer, dep assessor 65 00 It Hchuebel, " " 2 50 I go Prieslly " " f2 50 C N Larkins, " " 05 00 Wrn Beeson k Son, bridge ac. , .. 48 t2 E A Sommer, insane ac 5 00 JW Powell, paupr ae 20 50 George Haum, bridge ac 23 04 OW Quint, " " 55 0 II Isom, road ac 18 00 LEBanreos, " 2 00 John K Abbots, " 2 00 J R Marks, " 2 00 EACoe. " 2 00 Oregon City Herald, printing.... 54 85 Robbina A Hon bridge ac 1 75 JMHayden, 18 00 T Stipp, " 6 00 G Havden, " 6 00 J M Shultx, ' 6 00 C Schuebel, J P 13 45 M F McCown, conatable 8 90 C II Dye, witnesa 1 70 J W Grout, " 1 70 II J Ree, 3 90 JF Lawler, " 1 70 RELawler, " 1 70 G B Dimick, dep dist atty 5 00 Above costsin case of State vs Lawler, C Scheubel, J P MF McCown, constable... GeoDuolavy, witness W W Dovers, " C E Young, " Wm Jack, " A H Logan, " Emory Thomas, " J E Jack, " J Ridings, " 9 20 25 00 5 50 E W Midlam, juror 1 00 J A Lamar. " 1 00 William Fine, " 1 00 W W Marrs, " 1 00 J Howell, " 1 00 R L Beattie, " 1 00 G B Dimick, dep dist atty 5 00 Above coeta in case, State vs Harmon C Scheubel, J P 7 35 M F McCown, constable 13 90 Eugene Ogle, witness 4 90 John Payne, Linton Paine, Mrs M E Hull. Susie Hull, C B Smith, 3 30 3 30 3 50 3 50 1 70 G B Dimick, dep dist atty 5 00 Above cost in case, State ys Sarver M Clifford, insane ac 4 00 FC Perry " 4 00 JVHarless " 5 00 C II Isom, sheriff ac 3 00 Ina Chase, clerk ac 11 00 Hiram Straight, pauper ac 2 25 G W Grace, bd of prisoners 92 00 T B Hankins. sheriff ac 16 50 Chas Mahon, road ac 4 20 F T Barlow, pauper ac 3 40 J W Norris, insane ac 5 00 CHIsom, J P court..., 10 75 C Scheubel. J P 9 25 M F. McCown, constable 6 30 C A Holmstrom, witness 2 10 O Shuholm, " 2 30 HHJopnson, " 1 70 Eph Ferguson " 2.30 Pat Harris, ' 2 10 August Goettling, " 1 70 C D Latouretfe " 1 70 G B Dimick, dep dist atty 5 00 Above costs in case, State vs Westburg Mrs C A Williams pauper ac 3 00 E II Cooper, sheriff ac 40 00 Irwin HodsonCo school plats...'. 15 00 J LSwafford, road ac... 75 25 bills err pows. CLAIMED ALLOWED W N Gedfrey, inquest $27 15 $2595 , the lowest. LOW Regular Price. $100... LOWER Cut Rate Price $ 67.. 35 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 25 1 00 50 1 00 - YOU GET THE PROFIT. Comb Sale. Metal Combs l..oc, 10c, 15o, 25c, Cut to 4c, 8c, 10c, 20c. PURELY VEGETABLE. Th Oinomt. Purnt -A- ..it in lh world t As KfrrrTVALSpurmc for all diMaMf (A th Liv.r( biom.:b and f g-fn. Ktgulata lh Ijyct j4 Dre.ent Chill ami Krv, Mai.aii chi lvr, H.iwl C'MrLAim, Rmtliia- XM, JaUXIIIS AMD NAUbKA. BAD IIREATnt Nothing It in unplaaaani, nothing to common, as tad bruih; and in nearly every can it cornea from the ituma.h, and can be ao eauly corrected 1 yaa will lake SlMMom I .IV Ira K p...c;i.ato. Im out neglect ie friire a remedy for thia repukive disorder. It will alaa inuv your appetite, com pinion and general health. 1'ILF-St How many anffer torture day after day, malting lint burden and robbing exiatenra of all pleasure, owing to the secret suffering from Hilea. Vet relief b reedy to the hand of almost any one who will use systemau- tally the remedy that haa permanently cured thou sands. SiMMoxt I.ivra Keculaioi ia no draatie, riolcat purge, but a gentle assistant to nature. COJfHTlPATIOjr SHOULD not be regarded aa , a trifling ailment in fact, nature) demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any aeviatinea from this demand pavea she wwr often to acrioua dasager. It a quit aa necessary 10 laawisai impure acctjmiilaticens fnm taw bowels as it ia to tatiailnp.saq no health can be can a costive habit of body j . SICK HEADACHE! This distressing afllirtion occurs most frequently. The disturbance of the stoma, h, arising front the) imperfectly digested contents, causes a aeverc pant Ms the head, accompanied with disagreeable, nausea, aad this conatitutea what is popularly known aa Sstk Headache, for the relief of which taki Sim Hon Livu katiULAToi oi MimciMs. HANVPACTVacb ONLT BY J. H. ZKILIX at CO., Philadelphia, Pa. DrJ M Wells, expert, 7 40 Dr J W Norris 12 00 J W Loder, 7 40 Wilson k Cooke, road ac 21 20 II Cochrane, bridge ac. . 25 68 Chas Noblitt, road ac... 2 50 OCEntebpbi8( printing, 28 37 3 20 10 00 20 20 20 20 00 2 00 26 77 LAID OVER. L L Porter, reform achool.. 5 00 Herman Bros, lumber 39 95 Cbaa Noblitt, J P court 23 60 Sotice to Water Consumers. All persons using water for lawn sprinkling or irrigation, are hereby noti fied to strictly observe the hours for such use: 5 to 9 a. m. and 5 to 9 p. m. Street spnnkling can be done when necessary but an excessive use of water will not be permitted. For a disregard of the above rulea the water may be (hut off without further notice. By order of the board of Water Com missioners, W. II. HOWELL, Supt. T. L. CHARMAN, Sec'y. Oregon City, Or., Jane 10, 1897. Small Farm Wanted. Wanted,' a small ranch with all needed improvements, convenient to Oregon City, to rent for cash with privilege of buying. Must be reasonable. Address by letter, "B. D. C." care Enterpbisi. Close to mills and stores in SunBet. Fine view and water. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Thia Ia Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or atampa, generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., Kew York City. Ret. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont, recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize bis statement, "It is a pom tire cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening StrenSTth.U. S. Oovarnmoat Report. LOWEST Our CUT PRICE. $ 64 24 25. 67. 66 67 66 67 66 75 60 15 10c or 3 for 25 1 00 95 85.. 70 40...... 35 65 64 Purse. card free and an endless variety of Insurance that insure F. E. Donaldson. WE MAKE e price. CHHRMHN 5t CO., Cut Price Druggists.