Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 16, 1897, Image 2

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TTIId lHackbcrrlcH and Huckleberries
I'lintlful In the Mountains Damp
but Patriotic Fourth.
CiiRRiNnvM.il, July 12. The glorloui
Fourth ii past and the people who went to
the Sandy celebration from this place report
good time hut complain of having their
patriotism badly dampened by the heavy
rain while coming home.
Nearly everybody from OarBeld, Millovla,
Eagle Creek, George and this place went to
the celebration at Union Vark last Satur
day week. All were pleased with Senator
SrowneH's apeech as well a with the other
features of the program for the day.
Wild blackberries and hucklberriea will
be in uousual abundance in the mountains,
The blackberries will ripen in ten or fifteen
days, and the buckelberriet at the usual
time in September.
Mr. Roderman, telegraph operator at
Grants Pass, was in this Tillage last week,
visitii.g bis parents.
Hugh Curriu was in Oregon City on bus-
ness last week.
D. F. Warner attended the teacber'a
Institute in Oregon City last week.
John Mattoon, of Viola, was in the berg
Highland Notes.
Highland, Jvly 12. Farmers are now
rejoicing at the clear weather for it enables
them to save fine bay crop.
Grain and fruit are looking fine and pro
mise an abundant yield.
Add Wier and wire bave arrived from
Eastern Oregon, and intend to make this
their future borne.
Miss Belle Vandonge was visiting ber
parents last week, returning to Vancouver
Miss Alice Kirk has been visiting ber sis
ter, Mrs. Elwood Frost of Oregon City,
during the past week.
Master Loyd Heckart, who has been visit
ing bis grandparents the past week, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Harrington, has returned to
Oregon City.
Allie Fairclougb, Mr. and Mrs. Frost and
children. Mrs. Clias. Hicktnan and eon of
Oregon City, attended the funeral services
of Mr. Gorge Welsh last Sunday week.
Master Darie Rutherford has the measles.
Frank Halloway left Friday for Walla
Walla where he will work during the sum
mer. Little Frankie Jones who recently split
his knee with a drawing knife, is slowly
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor of Oregon City,
who bave been visiting friends and relatives
of this place, returned home Sunday.
Mr. Rutherford has recovered enough to
be around the house on crutches, but Sat
urday bad the niisfortion to fall and hurt
his broken leg over again.
Quite a number of our young people will
camp at Gladstone during Chautauqua.
Crescent Notes
Ck esc est, July 12. Haymaking is the
chiet occupation in our vicinity at present.
The benefit oi our late rains more than
compensates for the damage done the early
bay crop. .
We are sorry to note that Uncle Johnnie
Jones' recovery from paralytic trouble is
very slow as he is barely able to move
about his room.
A recent addition to our neighborhood is
Mr. Murdock's family. They are living in
bouse formerly owned by Charles Welch.
Born to the wife of Mr. French on June
22 J, girl. Mother and child are doing
C. B. Casler is building a new bouse
which will add greatly to the comfort of bis
0. E. Reynolds has returned from a visit
with friends and relatives in Portland,
Mr. White who lias made his home with
Mr. Rues for the past year has gone to live
at Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. Strowbridge are going east
of the mountains, and expect to be gone
about two months.
Miss Roberts from Dover postoffice is
stopping at Mr. Rues'.
Our school closed the 25th of June with a
short literary program, the children show
ing Miss Wetherell to be a competent
teacher with excellent control over her
pupils. The program was followed by an 1
Who will get it ?
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is ? because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word ?
Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
(there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below
before August 31st.
One word allowed for every yellow ticket.
If only one person finds the word, he, gets one thousand dollars. Ii
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You
for two weeks.
ice cream sociable in which many patron
and visitors of the school participated.
Unfortunately a number of people were
quite sick, for which no one seems able to
Miss Rebecca Woods of Woodburn is
visiting atC. IJvesay'a.
J. Clark is having bis new bouse painted.
George Note. .
Gioam.July 12-Fin haymaking weather
prevails and the farmer are all taking ad
vantage of it, mower are to be seen 111 every
The newly located coalmine on the south
bank of Eagle creek about three mile east
of ber has been visited by partie of this
neighborhood. AaampUof the coal wa
brought home and tried In a blacksmith
ahop. It burn well, but leave too much
refuse for blacksmitblng, but as this sample
wa taken from the surface, it i thought
that a better quality can be bad by going
deeper in tb ground.
Mr. C. Johnson, one of our oldest settlers
livery lick. Dr. C. B. Smith of Eagle
Creek, li attending.
Four children of Mr. Peter Paulsen are
sick with the weasel.
Mr. H. Reimer met with a severe acci
dent while Irving to drive home a mower
from her son-in-law's plaue. Bhe wa
thrown from the seat and broke her collar
bone, and received severe internal Injuries.
On of the wheels of the mower passing
over her body.
Mr. P. Held i visiting her daughter,
Mr. W. Winner in Bethany, Washington
Twin City Note.
Parkplaci akd Oi.dstoke, July 12.
Prof. Richard Hargreave. principal of the
Grass Valley academy, is visiting bl bro
ther, Holden Hargreaves of this place while
attending the Chautauqua assembly.
Jessie Faubion left Thursday of last week
forGresbam, Oregon, where he will ipend
part of the summer visiting hi brother.
Miss. Estella Bracken, our popular school
teacher, is visiting friends in Gladstone,
and attending the Chautauqua assembly.
F. M. Cross, formerly, of this place, but
now of Molalla, pnt part of the tore part
or the week in the twin cities. After hear
ing W. J. Bryan talk on bi-metalism, he
spent Tuesday attending the Chautauqua.
Mis Pearl Hiniler made a visit to Port
land last Friday.
'Bert Jewell visited Highland on Friday.
Misses Nettie and Martha Ranch, spent
the Fourth at borne.
Bert Jewel and George Hiinler visited
Portland, Tuesday.
Mrs. S. Tingle is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. H. E. Cross. She will attend the
Chautauqua assembly.
Cams Notes.
Cakcs, July 12. The prospect for a good
harvest of grain, potatoes and the later
fruit is much increased by the fine rain
whicb have visited this section. The bay
crop has been more or less damaged, but
will pass.
Will Hornscbuh returned borne Saturday
from Chicago.
On Sunday several of the Cams youth
went to Maple Lane to attend the base ball
game. '
The many friend of Professor Evans
will be sorry to learn that be bas been ap
pointed principal of the Oswego school and
will therefore be obliged to resign bis posi
tion as teacher of this district school.
While he is to be congratulated on being
sought or a higher ottice, the school here
will miss a faithful, efficient instructor.
Messrs. J. and F. Kalbtieiscb, E. W.
Jones, F. Vondarhae accompanied by the
Misses Mary, Henrietta and Rebecca Kalb
tieiscb and Clara Graham went to Portland
last Sunday to visit the battleship.
Greenwood Note.
Gbeiswood, July 11. The recent rains
have been of great benefit to all kinds of
vegetables, but the bay crop bas been
slightly damaged.
Alex White and Miss Carrie Booher were
married July 4th, by Rev. Porter of Mu
Pleasant. The young couple bave taken
up their residence on J. M. Robertson's
place which Mr. White bas rented.
Miss Leland or Portland bas been visit
ing her cousin Miss Ina Leland.
Mr. Ray of Woods is spending a few
weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Enos Caliill.
Chas. McCormack met with quite an ac
cident while working with the scraper on
the New Era hill. The lever flew up and
won t see it again
struck hitt) In the (ace, loosening several
teeth and outtlng his lip quite severely
Mr. J. 0, Foster Is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. W. 8. Rider.
George ami Walter Rliler ami John
Stoker started on Friday for Douglass,
Marion county, where they will work
through harvest.
H. II. Eastman has bet it home on I short
B. C. Lelaml bas been building an addi
tion to bit barn.
Alex Thompson bas been engaged to
teach the winter term of the Greenwood
school. Th director were fortunate in se
curing Mr. Thompson's service a be al
ways give satisfaction wherever be Usenet
Peter S trump, mine host of the Bell
and Hand tavern, aat nodding oa the set
tea before the dour. His long olay oburoh
warden lay at hi feet, and by the nislodl
ous mora which came from hi rosy tinted
nose one would know thai Peter slept
So obaorvod Muster Jaffrey Warrall a
be strode into the courtyard leading bl
mud (pattered and (ton lam nag by tb
"What, bo, Peter Struropl" b bellowed
lustily, "food and (belter for man and
beaut forthwith I"
Ere many momenta be had bl leg
stretched under a table laden with only
uoh a repast a Boston in the year of
grnot 1776 oould provide, and meanwhile
reading for the second time a letter be bad
drawn from his pocket. And In very
sooth strange enough (creed it wait
For y hands of Muter Jnffrey Warrall, at re
tamrne of y Bella and Biuuia, In ye town
of Boston :
ill Bwrra and Noai.a Lovsa 'Tta much
that 7 would of me, and tho' fain I would
pleamirw yon in alls thynira yet thya I tear
cannot be, that I should betray my count rla.
Tel will I meet thee tomorrow nighte at thjs
place ye speake of. Till then adieu I Ever thy
wmtlnge, Aaaaasuj.
April y 18th, 1778.
After a time Jaffrey appeared again in
the courtyard.
"Ho, mine hoet Petorl" he spoke. " 'Tls
In my mind to tarry tonight with you. See
to It that a bed be well aired, I beg, and
look kindly to Falrfnoc, my mare. She Is
gravel lame mutblnka."
With those word he wilkod away Into
the town, leaving the hostlers to do bis
Not till late did be return, and then In
a perturbed mood. Ho quietly did be enter
bl chamber that the men In the next room
board him not, nor censed In their lntid
talking. But JutTrvy paid little heed to
them, thinking them some noisy toper,
till a word caught his ear. And that word
wa "Annabel!)." Then a look not good
to see settled upon his fiico, and n oarer to
the wall he crvpt and listened.
Anthony, why art such a poltroon?"
angrily exclaimed one of the speaker. "I
toll you this onup must be successful, and
surely we are not In such good odor with
the commander that we can afford to let
slip any opportunity. Moreover," he add
ed, "the girl Annabello will aid us."
Think you the Jmlo I faithful?" de
manded another. " Mceeero she look too
fairly on yonder puppy, WarrelL"
"Pshaw, she but dupe the poor fool!"
Id the first with a hoarse laugh. "She
aid a much herself."
Wurroll, on the other side of the wall,
gritted bis teeth In bl rage and felt fran
tically for hi rapier.
Then reveal your plan, Do Lacy,"
growled a third Impatiently. "Time file
and tomorrow Is soon here."
"Briefly, then, It la to seize about two-
score of the chief farmer aud husbandmen
of Lexington and Concord a hostage,
then demand a gonerul surremlur under
threat of executing our prisoners. This
will effectually put down the trouble which
Is brewing iu thut quarter and at the same
time do us a world of good with Corn
wallis. Tomorrow we will aot. Are ye
"We are," returned the other.
A the conversation coaxed Worrell turn
ed away, and iiumedlutely the rumble of a
carriage and the hoof bent of galloping
borses sounded on bl ear.
"She conies," be muttered. "And now
for the truth."
A the itage dashed up before the door
be stepped Into the courtyard and assisted
a young lady, heavily veiled, to alight.
Then, leading the way, be entered the Inn,
closely followed by bl companion.
M You are come," he wblHpered. "Now,
by the heavens above, speak truly, I abjure
"What?" she asked.
"Is It possible you deceive mo?"
"Juffrcy, I am as true as the eternal
They entered the breakfast room and
were astonished to find four British officers
standing near the fire. They suuined very
" What!" exclaimed one, laughing. " 'Tls
our little Annabcllc. "
The girl shrunk Luck, whllo Juffrcy'
rage rose high, for he rcuognlzcd the plot
ter's voice.
"What mean you, Birnili?" he demand
ed. "You owe the lutly an apology."
"Ho, hoi" laughed the soldier. "This Is
the Yankee lover, 1m it? Ho, ho!" And he
turned his hack Impudently on the pair
"Aye, and I know your precious plot,"
shouted Jaffrey, whipping out bis blude.
"On guard, sir."
"What?" roared the officer. "Then, in
deed, has your time come. Down with
him, lads!"
In an instant four blades were playing
about bis head, and the American was In
extreme peril.
By the fierceness of his attack be beat
down the officer's blude, and In a twin
kling bud paHStid the steel through his
body. Then flinging a chair at the man
between him and the door, be leaped over
bis prostrute form and flung shut the stout
oaken portul. A be bruoed himself
against it, ho was aHtonlxhcd to soe Anna
belle standing beside him.
"Behold," she murmured, "the latch
has been lost. They may easily force their
way out."
" 'lis true," l.o muttered moodily.
"Their plot will ho carried out despite
"Not so," sho tiiado reply. "Behold the
proof tlii.t I uiji an American, though my
kin boKngllK'!."
She thrust her arm through the two
openings for the nilnsing bolt, and thus
with her flesh und blood barred the door.
"Fly, my love, print huKte to Conoord.
Warn the people and hid them rise to
arms. For some time can 'I hold there
men bere, for there is no other exit. Ho
go, my love, and at once!"
He madly kissed her dewy lips and then
dashed to the stables. Two minutes later
be was gallophig for the lives of many
men through the darknes and gloom of
that April night Long ere morning broke
I there was arming and gathering In Con
cord town, ana what they did next day I
For Annubvlle wa faithful and held tho
door till ber arm was broken. Which is
lust what auAinurluan girl would do.
Boston l'oat
Y oast Do you bulluvo there I uoh a
thing aa a hypiiutlst?
Crlinaonbeak What' that?
' "Why, person who can niak you do
something which you don' I want to do."
"Oh, yea. My wife's one. She makes
m bring up the coal every night." Yon
ker Statesman.
His Hustons.
"Why I WlUon always looking for trou
ble?" "That's bl business. He' a orlmlnal
lawysr." Detroit Frv Pre.
nuke th young fed old, and th old fed
that Life is not worth the living. It'i a dan
ger signal of Kidney DIm-asc th unerring
evidence of weak, inactiv and tor Kidneys.
Any person cured of Kidney weakness will
tell you that when the back ceased to ache,
all troubles ended. Neither liniments, nor
pluteri, nor electricity can cur it. Th
seat oi the trouble is not in the skin, flesh of
muscles. It's la tot Kidnap.
It an be
Springfield, 0., Nov. 30, 18'Jtl.
I had been bothered with pains In my
back, and a weak back. Tart of the time
could not sloop and could work only a
portion of ttie time. I got a box u( Dr.
Hobbs 8paragu Kidney Till of Itigglna
Bros. Arcade Druggist, and one box cured
my weak back and I am now able to work
all the time. I think Dr. Hohbs Pills
are an excell nt pill and am glad to re
commend them to my friends.
Richard Pitihon,8-U V. Main St.
Sparaps Kidney Pills.
BOOHS REM tUY CO.. Paorairroas, Cuicaao.
Dr. HobtM fills K.-r Suli. In (IKKtilJN. CU V.
ORE., by C. O. IllNTLKY, lruKi.i.
Newt Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec
tricity, Chemistry, Medicine,
Hygiene, Health.
Contains a large number o' (Short,
Kasv, Practical, Interesting and Popular
Scientific articles, that can Iw appreciat
ed and enjoyed by any intelligent read
er, eventhough he knew little or nothing
of science.
Profusely Illustrated and Free
from Technicalities.
Kewsdealers. 10 cents. $1.00 perjear
Mention this paper for a sample copy.
Largest Circulation of any
Scientific Paper In the World
I.aJ.I... income to
Tht Oxmopoliua Maf aiine.edlltd by John
B.is.in WALKsa, withct to add a quarter
ol a million to its clientele, already iht lire
t, of intelligent thinking reader, poateucd
by any periodical in tlit world.
DERED. It wishes the services of
one reliable man or woman in every
town, village, country district, or
manufacturing establishment in every
State. All that is required of any
one Is reliability, earnestness and
work. No matter on what other
work you are engaged, it will pay
you to examine into this offer.
Apply, ttatlnf position, capability and refer
lrringtonon-the-Hiidton, New York
Gal.ATtA, Ills., Nov. M, 1N3.
Paris Medicine Co., Ht. Iiila,Mo.
Gentlemen: We sold ln.t year. flOO bottles of
boiiKht tbree groM already tbi. year. In all oar ei
perlenc of 14 yara, In tba drug bn.lncm, hava
Defer auld nn article tuaignv such tiiiiveraal sails
taeUvu aa your Toulo. luura iniW.
For sale by C. Q. Huntley. '
s.i i J f
In buying Hilvcr platod wuro of tiny kind, tlioro
aro two tilings to connidor durability and artiritla do
tiigii, both of which can bo tiouurod by jmnjliiuuiig
Kogora Bros.' goods. Our tttook of thin waro in all
new and bought at lowt'Ht prices for (mhIi. If you
wibh to purchauo any article in thin lino bo euro and
boo our etock.
The Oregon City Jewelers
lTc T Ii ini nt hor new ligation in tho Ciuifii'hl block,
1111 li, Xlit'l. nexl (loor t0 th() iiodiivo-has one of
tho moHt coniiK'to Ktocks of
Bent Ice Crenm In
Gent's Furnishing Goods
W V 4 KVU 4 Two
H . 1 A IV Vj Ua
This applies to real estate as well as other comotlities.
Every family in need of a homo deriires tho lest loca
Has tho greatest number of advantages to its credit,
of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay
you to investigate this property. Good clear lots at
reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or
T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee.
Charman Bro's. Block,
All kinds of repairing done on
short notice. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Business doneon
tho pay down system.
Produce taken in exchange for work.
Clackamas, Ore.
Hay and Feed
Can be had at reasonable
prices, wholesale or rotail at
Steven's Warehouse.
Capt. J. W. Exon, manager.
Ed May, Local Agent.
Petzold's Meat Market, Main, St.
Track and Road Work a Specialty.
Any style shoes forged In Iron or
steel. Wagon work and repairing.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop on Seventh street, next door to
Noblitt'i stable.
the City..
I have taken new quarter In Schism's btillillng Main Ht.
where I have mora room to display my stock ol mini's ami
boy's furnishing goods.
I have now oMned a new line of spring ami sttmnier
goods Just received front KaHtcrn factories. I will also
show a full and late line of men's and boy's straw Imta a
prices ranting from c to 8-tu. I have a spvclnl bargain In
men's lints at the extremely low price of 43c. Also a nice
line of Fedora bats from UOo to fl'.OO. Having but recently
started In business, uiy stock is new, and having buiiulit
the same at bottom prices, I am enabled to sell good
extremely cheap.
,0O' h K- K. William'
t grocery store.
Oregon City.
-Of the
Express Trains leave Portland Dally.
Sou lb i
I North.
oor. m.
A MP. at.
7:V)4. at.
Lr Portland Ar
Lt OrsKonClty Lr
Art). Prannlnon Lv
H:OU r. at.
The above train stop at all station be
l7eP,n . J'""1"1"1. Halem, Turner,
Marlon, Jellerson.Alhany, Tangent, Hliaildi,
Halsey, HarrUhurjr. Junction City, Kiiirene,
(ottaxe Orove, Drain, Onklunil and all sta
tions from KoiiebiirKU) Ashland Inoliislve
Direct connection at Ban Francisco with
Occidental ami OrtMnlul iiu..ui w..n
steamship lines fur JAPAN and CHINA.
oainiiK uaies on application .
Rates ami tickets to Kaatcrti points anil
I.UMJ and AUhTKAI.lA. Can he obtained
from K E. I10VD, ticket aent, Oregon City
:80A.a. Lt Portland Ar V:mTH
VMk.u.l Lv OroRouClty Lv 8:Hnr.n
o.M r. a, Ar HoiiBliiirn Lr 70a.
West Hide Division.
Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.)
7:80a.m. I
Portland Ar
Corvalll Lv
l.os r.N
At Alll.n. mnA Pn..lll. ltk ...I
ot Oroicon Ceulral A Eastern Kallroad.
Express Train DallvfExoept Sunday)
4tMr m. I
7:8ur. m. I
Lv Portland Ar
Ar MoMlnnvllle Lv
I B:M)a.m
Ass't 0. r. and Pas. Agent.