Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 02, 1897, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
('alltiiriiU Kinrima (llinmnh)
Kuavlmrg IKml (wx alallmia)
it W) n, m.
aVW l, in,
r I
77 a. m
California, Kipreaa (lliroiifh)
Mull rlwM f North, :Op.m.
Mull oli'Mi ""'i',K Hiiutli.V 00 . m mil i 'u p ui.
II I illlilniiil Itiim Nnrlh ) ;w i ml
Mall (liaiiltmUtl fnuu Moulb V 10 Hi , H.aUp.m.
T Iaiit tibi Ri.ii.rr mo u.
Moll eloaiM lor I'lirtlnnrt ah 4 dialrlhtlUnf
txitnta, li luxin, MI 4 44 . III.
MilcUa for Milwauan ouli, S:M a. m..
4 45 r in. j
Mail .nival liuin PoitUnd, U K a. ro.
4.11 p. m.
101 ROllTga.
OrrRoli Cllr lo Kir. t'ru, atiilllin,I.llifl nd
Hnlalla lravi it li iu. utX rrlva llim.
o'r'ion Cllf to rlr rmk. Mink, Clark.
U Ilr..,,k I'nlim Mllla. awl OilUm, !
I S . m. Moli'lay, Wftdnwiliy u4 KriiUjr,
tn1 relurtia mi following rtava l 4 M P. m
Oron City Ui Vfoia.. Umn ami Killand
1 ........... i-itw UmikUi. WihIiimv a
rnUyl l.tM w m., leaving Viulaaamtdafa
al 7:UU a. HI.
n...u..i. I'll to WlllamvlUi. BlafT'irl and
Wll.unvllla.arrlviiaal llMWa. in. au4lav at
11 at) ft. in. Uaoy.
Omi-ral iMiv.ry mJ'w la opo ou uuitr
from 10 10 11 a. lit. AH ltu r.Ui .t 111I" 'n
b"latilia iiniir ta .iuinlly "c.l off Hun'lftjr,
All Kirn mall that la illa)fl an'l laltatn
am., on Ml ft. In., ft. I'. tralU Will e'UI0 011 U
p"clxik or 4 I6ihiI0 ear.
fia LR1VR
li!icxion awiMia
6 ' a. m.
a uu "
t so "
iu 110
wiiAiMirra r-uxa
afla. ax
7 j "
H ( 0 " l l p. in.
li iu a. 10
I la m. 4 -m
4 uo IU
I 40 " .!
a 10 " 7 mi
1 11 "
luuilar oara loava aveiy hour UliUI 9 n'rlork
t m. Iu eflocl 00 ami afiat Jftiiury t.
C. A. atli.UK. vrr.
FHI DAY, JULY 2,181)7.
Ohmiuk PTAta Via . The thirty
aevfiith annual exhibition of the Orruon
Plate fair will tie hold at the ic"unda
noar KhIchi, coniinciirlnn Thunday,
Fptenibfr 30, and cloalnu Friday, Oo
tolw 8, 1H1I7. An f xtelh-nt kh1 jiro
ttram ha bi'n trMarrd and liberal
lruiltima olb'red on aifrlcullural pro
due ta and mineral, (loral, atock and
meulianical exhibit. Uvdiiced rmUa
have U'oo aecnrtMl over all tratmporta
tlu Unfa and from the Intermit already
luanllented thron.'hout the (tale, Sucre
tary.C 1. (iabrlelaon anllcipatea the
iniait atiuctmiifiil fair In tbebmlory of the
oricanlaatlon. A new popullry bulKlinK,
amply aufflolimt to amomnioilate 20(0
fowla, baa l'en erected, while more than
:00 are ofTered for dairy exhlbita ami a
new bulldhiK put up to accommodate
the dinplay In thin very lmortaiit Indue
try. In addition to all tliia aome e UI
dayi have Ikmhi arranited for. Saturday
October 2, will be fraternal order day,
when an annual KatherlnK of all fraternal
aocieliea will be held and a fine rilk
banner preaented the IoiIko giving the
bent half hour program, tilale l'loneer
and barbecue day will le held on Tiled
day, October 6, when a fine 0en air
dinner wilh public aplrlt aa ita chief
condiment will be given. An addreaa
on home building In Oregon will tie a
feature of thla day'a program. A diploma
and honorable mention will be awarded
the pioneer father who can ahow by a
brief atateuient aa a reault of the con
tinned reidenco upon 1,1a donation land,
tUe larguat number of aona and grand
Boca now living In Oregon aa the owneri
and cultivatora of lund. Many premi
um", have iieen materially increaaed,
includini; thono offtired on horses, rattle
aheep. HVt ino, fruita, flowers, flux, hemp,
canned eulmon, etc, Other divcrsioni
will be tug of war teams and base ball
t contests and ahooting tournaments,
The iniiHio tor the fair will be furnished
by Parson'a orchestra and military brass
band of Portland, one of Mie beet oritmii
aatlona of ita kind in the State.
Nkw Hamtaumim, Articles of Incorpo
ration have been filed with the secretary
of statu and with the county clerk in
corporatlng the Oregon City Sanitarium,
with Ueorge A. Harding, E. E. Char
man, J. M. Wells, M. C. Strickland, J.
W. Norrla and J. V. Powell, Incorpo
rators. The capital stock $1000,
divided into shares of $1 each. The
object la to conduct sanitarium for the
treatment of all surgical and medical
canes, The Darin building on Main
and Thirteenth streets, wnlch la one of
the best buildings in the city for this
purpose, bus been thoroughly renovated
and lltlnd up lor this purpose and is now
ready for the reception of patients. Geo.
A. Hunting was elected president of the
corporation ; Dr. Strickland, vice presi
dent; Dr. Powell, secretary ; and E. E.
Charman, treasurer. The management
of the sanitarium will be under tho di
rection of un executive committee con
sisting of Dra, Norria, Powoll and Wells.
UoAitniNO Placks Wantkd. -The
Chautauqua association hua already re
ceived many Inquiries from persons who
intend to attend the assembly and who
wish to engage board and lodging in
advance. The Information now at hand
makes It certain that the attendance
from a distance will be more than double
of any previous year and to accommodate
all these people will tax the accommo
dations of Oregon City to the utmost.
That these inquires may be answered
ami roonia) ami bonril omkii",im1 In
advance, It la r(uitRloil that iilvuto
fitiiilllim ami bourilliiK lioimci who will
1.1 1. 1 t 1 ... . .
viiKv uiuiur luujrrirH, luwo boarditr or
both during tho 13ihtya ot the Riwi'iiiMy,
to auml In tu the aorritlary, Mr. C. II.
Dye, lliuir tiainii, locution, mmibitr that
they can airommoiluto, whiithiir ifnntlo-
iiiiin, ht'llfi or liotli, ruUm for room and
hoard . HoardiiiK plauia In Orison City,
rarkpluce, (iladnloneor any of the otlmr
auliurha will he ucuoiitml, l'rlvate
(miiiIIIun hy takltiK a hoitnlur or two can
add inalerlally to 'their Income and at
the nine time do a favor to the Cliautaii'
(iia management In providing placet lor
the hundruda of vUltora who will be In
the ulty durliiK the wmiiiljly.
IkKia va VaoKTAiu.KS, The llhertic
that doga take with vegetables and other
cominodltlei displayed by groctirymen on
the sidewalk In front of their store has
come to be a matter of serious concern
In Astoria aa well a In Oregon City, as
tho following from the Astoria Herald
would Indicate : "There are two aldei
to the dog queatlon. Merchants are to
blame for leaving vegetables piled up In
front of their atorea on the sidewalk
There la not a vegetable of any kind,
name or description in front of a store
but what la flavored with dog, People-
will not buy vegetable of merchant
unless they are kept Inside, the store
Then again nine eut of every ten dogs
are curs, neither useful nor ornamental,
but simply curs. Yet aome men think
more of a dirty cur dog than they do of
any othet member of their family."
Pa-van Fall. Hurt (iroenman made
atrlptobilverton on his bicycle last
Sunday and met with quite a severe fall
on hi return trip. Alwut 0 o'clock In
the evening, when near Aurora, he
reached lor his handkerchief and at the
aame time bla bicycle struck an obstruc
tion in the road, throwing him over the
handle bars. He struck on his head and
neck and waa rendered unconscious.
The accident occurred near a farm house
ami when Mr. Oreenman recovered suf
ficiently to realise hi condition he
shouted for help and when assistance
arrived he waa takm to the Aurora
hotel where medical asalstance was
accorded him. Ho was able to return
home on the overland train Monday and
will doubtlesa be all right again In a few
Annual Convention. The annual
meeting of the Oregon diocesan conven
tion of the Episcopal church waa held in
Trinity church, Portland, on Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday of last week and
presided oyer by Bishop II. Wister
Morria. The attendance wa large from
all portions of tho state. The deleirates
from thla city were Key. W. D. William,
II. L Kelly, II. M. Templeton and John
Humphrey, all of whom were in attend
ance. Tho ministers present tarried In
Portland over Sunday In accordance
wilh tb usual custom of the convention.
There was a union Sunday school service
Held In Trinity church Sunday afternoon
participated in by all the Episcopal
churches of Portland, also a number
being present from Oregon City.
All Annua Us. Without exception
the members of the California press
association speak in the highest term
of praiae of Oregon City and the bright
ness of the future that la certainly in
store for this town. The'latest mention
cornea from the Action, Ix Angeles
County Rooster, and la as follow: "At
3 p. m. our care were taken by special
train to Oregon City, about a half hour'
ride from Portland, where la located the
Immense electric power plant ot Port
land, also the largest paper mill In the
United States, wtiore we saw the log
going in one end and the paper coming
out realy for the printer at tho other.
The local press treated ua very nicely
here. Oregon City ia a good business
town and bus a splendid future."
For 'Fuihco. A jolly party consisting
of Itev. M. L. Hugg and daughter, Mine
Edna, Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Donaldxon,
Mrs, M. E. Case and two daughters,
MIhkc Hattie and Minnie, Mr. and Mrs.
Will W. Hrooks, Mine Ad.liu E. Clark
and Miss Amanda CuBhman, and
Messra. John W. Loder and Charles
Moehnke sailed on the steamer State of
California Thursday evening for San
Francisco to attend tho great Christian
Endeavor convention. At Portland the
party wa joined by Misses Ana Baird 1
and Olivia and Mildred Jacob. The j
headquarters of the party will be at the '
New Arlington, 1015, Market strout. J
Teachers' Institute. The annual
institute for Clackamas county teachers,
which will begin its sessions In this city
on Tuesduy next, promises to be one of
the most successful ever held in this
county. No fuacher can afford to stay
away for it will be a normal in the work
carried on and the training teachers will
receive will more than repay them for
the timo spent in attending. Superin
tendent Starkweather expects not less
than 150 teachers to bo present.
LocKiiART, Tex as, Oct. 15, 1880.
Messrs. Paris Medicine Co.,
Paris, Ten n.
Pear Sirs: Ship us aa soon as possi
ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
and will not have any other. In our
experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug
business, we have never sold any medi
cine which gives such universal sntia
facsion. Yours respectfully,
J. S. Browne & Co.
For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist
Letter List.
The following is the Hat of Jotters re
maining in the postofllce at Oregon City,
Oregon, on June 0, lH07i
womkn's list.
Ilsrlon, Mra Kllen
Junes, Mm Kllsn
Mills, MIm Mioii
Moore, Mm ia
I'H kard, Mr. V M
Hi-ulun, Minnie
Hlmiford, Mra (ho
Wyoian, Mlaa Hoplila
Xliigle, MnJ (J
itilrliii, Kloreur
t'nrr, Mlaa W
ClKMieiila, Mra M IS
Omlks, AoKuata
1 1 ny ne, Airne
Hart, llama
Healed, Mra A K
June, Hsrali K K
mkn's LIST
Hsrliur, Klnliard
lli-iitle, P J
llevlns, Hurt
Huxby, Mr
Cola. J K
Colombia. Htudlo
linWatsa. Ira
Hardy, M
Ilaynes, (jeo
Jones, A
Jones, Win J
Miller, ItoM K
Moriran, K T
Mliilteiigale, L 0
Csllieria, Ufo
ritinaii, r v
Olinwntliwalte. Hilly Itlckeris, 1 1)
(lroaaiiilllir, Jacob Hsckular, Ueo
lliliu, K It Hhelly, J and wire
Hell wood, Tbos Wyees, Wills
Hn.ith, A
If called for state when advertised.
6. II. Ukeen, P. M,
He-rare of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
a mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Huch articles
should never be used except on pre
scription from reputable phyiiicans, aa
the damage they will do I ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo,
O., contain no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly Uon the
blood and mucous surfaces of lb system.
In buying Hall' Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It U taken Inter
nally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by leA
J. Cheney k Co. TeHtiruouial free.
Sold by Druggists, price 75 cent per
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
fsare Vour (Jraln,
Few realize that each squirrel destroys
$1.50 worth of grain annually. Wake
lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator
la the most effective and economical poi
son known. Price reduced to 30 cents.
For sale by C. U. Huntley. U. A. Hard
ing and Charman & Co.
Hooks Cheap.
Everything required in the school
room, book, alutes, tablets, sponges,
ink, pens, pencil, etc. at Daniel Wil
liams, cornet Seventh and Center streets.
Full stock of nuts, candiea, notions etc.,
fresh and of good quality. Bold at reas
onable price.
For Camper and Piculcem.
Vienna Sausage,
Vienna Sausage and Sauerkraut,
Lunch Sausage,
Van Camp' Pork and Boana,
Heidi's Pork and Beans,
Mains' Tomato Sauce,
Picnic Hams and Bacon,
In fact everything necessary for out
door lift.
Marr & Mulr.
Willamette Valley Farm Loam.
For thirty day special low rates will
be made on choice loans of $1500 and
upward. II. E. Noiii.e, Commercial
Ulk. Portland, Or.
Picnics, Lunches,
Camping Parties,
Fishing Parties,
All are in order now. Tbe
quality cf the edible add
much to your pleasure.
You can get the choicest
Olives and Pickles, Potted
and Ieviled Ham, Salmon,
Sardines, Chipped Beef,
Van Camps and Ileintzs
Baked Beans, the nicest
Cakes and Crackers, Wild
Cherry Phosphate and
Hire's Root Beer in fact
everything to be desired
for such occasions. We
furnish boxes and pack
The Grocer.
Bucctuor o th " Unalnit Iged?'
The One Great .Standard1 Authority,
Ho wrlii-a lion. 1. J. llrower,
JiuUimi U. 8. Htinuia Court.
or tlia t'. R. OoTt Printing
Ortlca, the V. 8. Hnprenta (
Coin I, all tlx HUta Nil- ,
pim Court, ami of near-
I j ail uie oviHMMuuva-.
tiy Stat Niinerlnu-nilenta (
of Hrhoola. Collfiro I'nul- J
ilonu.itntlothor tl'lurttfora ;
ftliuou wtUiout number.
In Ilia honat-rtnlit. and to
tin. tt'io-lH-r, eruolnr, nv
ifMinimi mull, uuu ei'ti
It la easy to find the word wanted.
It la away to aecertaln the pronunciation.
It lacasjr to trace the growth of a word.
It Is eaay to learn what a word meant.
The Chlnnin Times-Herald snvnt
WftlMlHr'. litt.irnnllniml I llt.tlnniii-v III III, Itn-nf lit .
' form lii AlMoluta miltiorlty on evrrylhlnir prrtalntna' j
I to our iHiiimiiiro In lha wnv or orltioitraiuir. orttio-
, en-,e t-miiloMy, amt ilf flnlflon. Knun It there I. no f
, amx-nl. JtinnMH-rriH-t ha tiiimaneauitajiUedioljuw
. aliluoaa luakelt imu M. lrnm.
laySpeclmen mm aent on appllratlnn to
G.JkC. MKRRIAH CO., lltblimherM,
tiprinftnew, jiihsh., i
Money for Farmers.
When it come to buying harness,
laddies, whips or robes the prices and
work to be had at Willey's harness shop
cannot be duplicated in Portbnd. Re
pairing done in good shape and
promptly. Full line of shoe carried
and sold at bed rock price. Shoe re-'
pairing attended to. Willey's logger
and farmer hand made shoe have no
superior. Call at I. Is shop on Seventh
street near the depot and see how big a
dollars worth you can get.
For Young Men and loong Women
There Is nothing that will arouse the
Ire of young man or woman so quick a
to have Inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever o well,
but if their shirt front or sbirt waist I
mussy their neat appearance la spoiled.
The Troy laundry make a socially of
ladles' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no better work than 1
done at the Troy. Leave your order at
Farnaworth'i arbor (hop.
Oregon City Xarket Report.
(Corrected weekly.;
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 72 cents
per bushel.
Flour Portland, $4.30; Howard'
Best, $4.30; Fisher's Best, $4.20; Dayton,
$4-70: Pendleton, $4.90
Oats in ski, white, 45 tents per
bushel, gray, 40.
Millstuirs Bran, $10.00 per ton;
shorts, $17.50 per ton.
Potatoes 45 cent per sack.
Eggs, 12 cents per dozen.
Butter Ranch, 25 to 30 cent per roll.
Onions, $2 00 to $2 25 per rack.
Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5
cents ; 60-pound boxes, evaporated, Oc
prunes, 6 to 7 cents; plums, 4c.
Bacon Hams, 9 to 11 cent; sides,
Oj-,'; shoulder, 6 to 10; lard 7 to 8
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live, 2 to 2 cent; bogs, live 3 cents;
hog dressed, 6 to5j cent ; sheep, $1.25
to $1.60 per head;veal,dreesed,4 to
Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.60;
old $3.00; turkeys, alive, 8 cents per
Sunday Services.
Her. i. W. Cowau Faator. Herlcei ftt 10JU a. U.
and 7 30 p. M. Sumlajr Hchool ftfler miirnin
eerrlco. Prayer meeting liiwadajr eremn at
7 KUo.clock. Prayer meeting of Young feople'i
Society of Cbrlitlan Endeavor ererjr Sunday
reuing att:30prampL
Ri'oo, Pae'.or Morning Herrlce at I'i :ao. Sunday
School st 11:16; reulng Berrlce 7.80; Regular
prayer meeting iburaday CTeolng. Mouihly
Coveiiaul Meeting every Wedneaday evening
preceding the flrat Sunday lo the month, i
oor-Jlal Invitation to alL
HiLLiaaAHD, Paauir. On Sunday mam at Hand
10:80 a. a. Every second and fourth Sunday
German sermon after ibe a o'clock masi
At all other maaaea Engllah aermona. Sunday
School ftt J 80 r. M. Veapera, apologetlcaJ
aublccia and Benediction at 7:80 r. H.
T. U Jo1 ea, Paator. Morning aerrlee at 10:45;
Sunday rlchool at 10:00. Claaa meeting after
morning aervlre. Evening service at 7:80.
Kpworth League meeting Sunday evening at
m; Prayer Meeting Tburtday eveulng at 7:30
trangers cordially Invited.
J. Montgomery, Paator. Servicea at 11 A.M. and
7:80 r. u. Sabbath School at 10 a. h. Young
People's Soolely of Chrlatian Endearor meet
very Sunday evening at :8u. lhutedaj
veulng prayer meeting at 7:30. Seati free.
Erion, Paaior; J. R. Ehret Auktani.
Preaching aervicea every Sunday at 11 A. M.
and 7:80 P. M. Sabbath acbool every Sunday at
10 A.M.. Mr. ZlmmarmanSupt. Prcyer Meeting
every Thursday evening
ffregational church. Rev. P. Hack, pastor.
Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. 8unday
school at 10 A. M.
ST PAUL'8 CHURCH-Episcopal-W.
D. Williams, D. I)., minister in charge.
Sunday School at 10 a. m., services at 11 a.
ni. and 7:45 p. m. Krldays at 8 p. ni. even
iiig prayer meeting with an address. Seats
free. A cordial invitation to all tbe ser
vices. Bread is the
Staff of Life,
That is, if it is good, wholesome
bread, if not, it is more dangerous
than the
Bullets of the Turks
Since assuming control of the
Harding bakery no effort lias been
spared either in quality of flour
UBed, or skill in handling to make
Ilorton's Bread,
Tbe equal of the best known
made. His pastry cannot be
excelled. Tiy a loaf ot whole wheat
flour bread.
Fine Groceries and
-"Fresh Vegetables.
Prices to meet the times.
Fred Gadke,
Shop on Main Street, next door to
Bellomy & Busch.
lcd Blood
i.. 2 ..,t.
April 9th we cut the
Hood's Sarsaparilla $1 00 $ 5
Ayer's Harsaparilla 1 00 (15
He Witt's Barsaparllla . - - - - 1 00 60
Ked 8eal 100 CO
Shore's Klood Remedy 1 00 (tf
Pierce's Fsv. Prescription 1 00 W
Pierce's Medical Discovery ...... 1 oo (15
Paine's Celery Compound 1 00 75
Electric Bitters - - 50 35
Oreiron Blood Purifier 50 40
Armour's Beef Iron and Wine .... -100 75
Williams' Pink Pills 50 3 for 1 00
Yon will find that tbe cut in prices extends through all our stock In
greater or leas degree. Our profit is less but we are doing a good deal
more business. We have a little book that is worth more to you than
our cut in patent medicines. One only will be given free to every person
mentioning this advertisement.
Original Cut Rate Druggist.
H uinmatiaiiaiim iiiiiiiiiliiilllliiiiii'lllliiilllliiiillilliiiiliiiilillli'iiiiiniiiiliHiiilliiiiuiiiiiiiiliiiiiini inilllll 1 1 lllln in , I
i nm GOING
To eetone of those ...
. . . Before they are all gone.
I muat have a set for they out wear any machine-nia Je harness,
besides I can save from $3 to $5 by purchasing of the
J. F. CAMPAU, Manager.
Opposite Court House Oregon City.
AH kinds of repairing done promptly and at reasonable prices.
The Newest Always Takes the Lead
For the reason that constant improvements are being made ia
alll classes of productions.
Yucca Boot Soap Takes the Lead,
For it is the latest and is the best soap for the complexion
the toilet, the bath and laundry. Try a sample bar no soap,
equals it. Absolutely Iree from animal fats.
Yucca Toilet Preparations.
Lanola Creme, Almond Meal, Peach Blossom, California Lilac
and Glycerine and Mexican Tooth Powder. For sale by
203 Second Street, Portland.
Ceneral Agent for Oregon.
The Parkplace Merchant.
Pays no big rent for he owns hi3 building. Has nt
city taxes to pay and gets his insurance for nearly
one half less than the up-town merchants for he has.
no dangerous exposures.
Than the other Oregon City merchants by reason
of these savings. Call and make a trial purchase.
Taken in exchange
oSeomo "is suicpv 991 '03 'S.ld mm 3H1
01 Udpjo 11 pnag
VIODVn J" J.I VH I. HIM OK ri" 'M H I.L.IM no I nimnoo 11 n.ij4 Jjn t,mMun jo
Au)i Mituian AlM W I'UU oi.vluio.. Iulu .'Ml l "IMJ. -aHM.-l ..K'lOOKl'I Jo nil'! Alt's., ."II M-
iu iii noX jtii.nwira Ms. uoixkhv.-I ailHVH.I Hill -"'J lint Ml aUfAl? ft I MflSI
uHuipaM wi jo qj-noi mi a Uu 01 jumi(i ju anui ;o ouu )oq 'XI aCllWJJ mwil
mz do samo ni-33uj Aiaimosav
'inoann hvhvhqv jo hjii aihh ml
sjapeou J9UJJBJ oJBJd o)
4t... n
price like this:
Apr. 8 Now I
o o
for goods.
3H1 UOd U3dVd V
epeiAi J9A3 jojyo sa;B9J0