Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. OHKUOM OITV OKHH'KIW. Witynr, - - - -ilin'iinli'r, -Vlileluf I'lillce -Treasurer, :iiy Attorney, -Htree t !innmlitlinr, -Hii.t. nl Water Wurku, -ll v KuKlnwr, - - . ...II., ..mT.I1 (Unit. I. K. (I. ('anlleld Thus. I1'. Kymi Clni, 10. Hiinm II. IC. HirHlKlit - (!. II. lv ('. Iliiliciii k, Jr W. II lluwell . W. Klniiiilril (J ('b'I"', Jiilm , Kuenivr. J no. Illltntir, It I). Wilson. It U.mke, II. 11. Ilrrl, I'm Ilk lllKCll. I'liiiiioll intitri llrat Wednesday ot each iiidiiIIi In oily hall. KKUUY, JUNK II, IHII7. f.-; ' : " 3 CHAT ABOUT TOWN. A n Ii ii lino o( ladies' anil gentlemens unit cflltt jiiHt reieived at Charman A iWe. Iteliehle llru Insurance F. K. Dunai.onun. The Imtiy bonnet and lists r.i going fast. Como trid see what it nice Hue l the llaekel store. lUllrmil tickets to sll Hut "t- K. F.. IK)N AI.DKON, Agl. Ir. L. L. rii-kiuiH, dentist, dues el kind of dental work. Oold crowns, (torwlaln crowm ami bridge work a ledaliy. All operation guaranteed 'or 6 years. CU ml gel my prices. Office in llarclay building Tablets, Ink, ena, pencils, books nd complete school ontllls will I supplied to the customers at my store t very reasonable prices, Cull on Daniel Wll tii on iip"ir Neyenth I"' Center, liefore you buy elsewhere. Ten bi Insurance companies When the spring time comes, "ntle Amilw," like ell othsr aenalble ihhsoiis, -will elense the liver and renovate Hie ystrm with iHiWIlfi Little Early Itinera famous litt'e pills for the liver and wtomarb all the year round Meow A. llardiiiK. Insurance that Insures F. K. Dokaldsoh. Grove's tasteless Chill tonic l ht feet Malarial Liver tonio and blood imrlller. Uemoves itlllousness without urglng. As nleasant aa Imon Hyrup. It ii ai large aa any dollar toulo and re tail lor 50c. To get the genuine. ak (or lot (.rove's. For sale by C. O. Huntley. Ileal insuiance companlea Y. K. DoXALDSOK. Thirty yeara I a long time to fight ao fielnful a trouble a pile, but Jacob Mitchell, of UnUmvllle, IV, strugtiled that long before he tried HeWitt's Witch Salve, which qulrkly and rma- nently cured him. It I equally effective in enema and all akin affectation. Meo. A, Harding. Largest iniurance bonne F. K. I)iNAI.IMIOM. For a nice Juicy aleak or a prime roast Ko to Charles Albright, jr. Oregon City's leading butcher on Main atreet. He buy only the bent and fattest of stock ml furniHlie meat that tickle the alate of the most fastidious, Mood meat and full weight have given him a limine of which he I Jnllv proud. No fug or miliaria in Hunsct. F. K. Donai.ohos, Agt. "Cha. Crittenden, a resident and a echMl teacher of Mohilla, ha bought through II. A. I'etlinger'a reiil eaiate agency a 10 acre tract belonging to Win. Wetburg. a miloeawof Iark place. Mr. Crittenden biHt week moved with hi family into Ida new home while Mr. Wwlhnrg moved with hi family to Linton. ncr Portland, where he will again reumo hi former vocation of fireman on a locomotive on the N. V. line. Wedding stationery, the latent tvle and flnent aBHortment ever brought to Oregon City at the EntkrI'KIKK ofllce. Tlie man whoeatb!caue he 1 hungry la, thu far, on a level with the brute. The man who atop eating the moment ii hunger H appeiwed i the wie man. Nature need no more food than he call for. Continued exce bring about indi gestion or dypepHi, with long of flesh, atrenglh, Bleep ambition and mental jiower, and an accumulation of ache, pain and many dongerou local maladies. The stomach now can do nothing alone. We must appeal to some artifi cially digested food which can also digest other foods. That Is to ay, we miiHt use the Shaker Digestiver Cordial. The fleet is pronpt and cheering. The chronic- pain and distres ceases Appe tite presently revive. Flesh and vigor gradually comes back, and the Biillerer recover. But be must be careful In fut ure. A trial bottle for 10 cents. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctor recommend it in place of Custor Oil. . "Actions speak louder than words" ask your gro cer ifvve really mean money back if you don't like Schil ling's Best tea. A Schilling ft Company Su t rinciwo Come and see our nice shirt walwts. Itai ket Ntoru. If you want a sewing machine for $.5 in l lii'llomy A HiincIi'm, Hpei'lul biirgiiin In hone grimier at the Oregon Ciiy Auction House, (IIiiiIhIoiiii Iiuh madi) a growth ol (U) new hoiises since the hard llni" beuan. HMiclaI Male ol millinery the prettiest hat now at bargain price at the Red Front. Ii'o cream and Ice cream soda every day, lain or sliinu at the Novelty Candy Factory , (liuiranleeil siillNfm'tioii with selection value exceeds the price of millinery at Miss MoldKinlth'M. It i Impossible for u to make a men tion of all the articles wo haye in stock Come and see for yourself at the Racket store. Silver ami gold we have none, but we have bargains in second hsnd furniture, carpet, stoves etc. at the Oregon City Auction House. For a quiet place to hitch your horses awav from the motor line and a place to (t a II rut class Job of repairing or horse nhoelng call on 8. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. A good board and lodging a to Ik had In the city can be obtained at Mr. L. Ilunce'l boarding house corner Sixth and Water streets at $4 er week, In cluding w.iahing and use of batb room. Table board f3 er week. It should tie muds a matter of public knowledge that DeWitt's WiU h Hazel Salve will peedily cure pile of the long est tandlng. It i the household favo rite for burn, scald, cut, bruises and ore of all kinds, (ieo. A. Harding. No people suffer so much from physical disabilities as those whose busnes re quire little or no muscular exertion. The lack of exercise cause the liver to be come sluggish slid the result Is constant Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness and Rick Headache. To prevent thi take Simmon Liver Regulator J it keeps the liver active and make one's condi tion as comfortable a those who have much exercise. Mr. Isaac Homer, proprietor of the Burton House, Burton, W. Va., and one of the most widely known men in the state was cured of rheumatism after three vears of aufTerlmi. He says: "I have not sutllcient command of language to convey any idea of what I suffered, my physicians told me that nothing could be done for me and my friends were fully cunvincd that nothing but death would relieve me of my suffering. In June, 18iM, Mr. Evans, then sales man for the Wheeling Drug Co., recom mended Chamberlain's I'ain Balm. At tills time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double their normal nice and it seemed to me my leg would bunt, tiul soen after I Utgan using the Tain Balm the swelling began to decrease, the pain to leave, and now I consider that 1 am enliiely cured. For sale by O. A. Harding, druggltt. The North American Review for June presents in its opening page a most interesting article from the pen of the Hon. T. B. Reed, speaker of the house of representatives, entitled " How the House Does Busineis." II. Seton Karr. M. I'., contributes an able paper on "England's Food Supply in Time of War," while "Popular Error in Living" are helpfully treated by Dr. Clmrlei W. Purdy. "Literary Treasure-Trove in the Nile," by Prof. Kodolfo Lanciani, furni shes an account of tlie recent discovery In Egypt of tho lost poem of a famous Mreek writer, and the second paer in the series of article on the " Progress of the United State," by Michael M. Mulhsll, F. S. 8., ha for it topic "The Middle State." " I-ewia Nixon, who designed the battleship " Indiana," "Massachu setts,1 and Oregon," writes upon " The Military Value of the Ship-Yard," and John W. Russell sets very strongly forth the subject of "Trade Relation with Canada " An eloquent discussion of "The TruHt and the Workingman" is contributed by the Hon. Lloyd Bryce. Tlie approaching jubilee of Queen Vic toria lends additional charm to a paper on "The Record Reign,"by Her Majesty 'g son-in-law, the Right Hon. the Marquis of Lorne, while apropos of the jubilee season, special interest attache also to a brilliant contribution by II. W. Lucy on "The Queen's Parlimunts," the first part of which appears In thi number Other topics graphically dealt with are: "The Disintegration of Political Party," by Prof. Goldwin Smith; "The Senate and the Tariff Bill," by Henry Litchfield West, and "Author Word on FriBon Labor," by George Blair. Cliurcli Dedication. Tho Zion Evangelical Luthron church will have their handsome new building on the corner of Jefferson and Eight streets completed next week and Sun day, June 2D they will decicate it with proper service. The morning service will be at 10 a. m. and the aftornoon service at 2 p. m. There will be services in both English and Gorman at the two service. ' Assisting Rev. Sack, the pastor In charge, there will be present Rev. Zwelzig of Portland and Rev. Kohmor of Macksburg and Rev. Kern, of Portland. Tho public is cordially invited to attend these meeting. Died. CIIARMAN In this city on Friday morning, June 4, IHII7, Minnie ()., wife of Fred R. Chitrinan. After a lon and patient struggle, bravely and hcrolcly borne, mortal en durance reached Its limit, and the weary spirit found the rest Hist couieth as a boon after fruitless suffering. When the race was run and the end drew nigh, death had no terrors for her, and to yield up the burden of life brought no regret Nave the sorrow and pain of part ing from those she loved. All that lov ing sympathy and kindly and skilful ministration could prompt and d In her behalf, was done by bur relative ami friend hut to no avail. In (lie last days, medical skill and tender c ire was directed solely to alleviation of her sull'eriiigs, and after a perceptibly rapid decline, tlie end came early Friday morning, peacefully as the lapse into quiet similiter. Minnie U. Cochrane was the eldest daughter of Fannie L. and the late Hirnm Cochrane. She was a native of Vancouver, Washington, but came to this fit with ber parents when she was a mere child and has lived beta ever since. She wa united in marriage with Fred It. Charman seventeen year ago and leave two son, one 15 and the other II years old as the fruit of (list union. Mrs. Charman was a prominent member of the Rebekah lodge and the members of that fraternity attended tlie funeral In a body. She was also a com municant and earnest worker in the Episcopal church. She was possessed of an unusually sunny disposition and seemed to get out of life all there was In It. She was constantly employed in some good work, and of her it can Is truly said that "none knew her but to love her, none named her but to prslse " The funeral was conducted from the Episcopal church Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. W. Powell, ot Portland, only a small portion of thro who had gathered to pay the last tribute of resect to the memory of the departed nelng able to gain an entrance into tlie building. The floral tributes were very numer ous snd beautiful. Af'er the services at the church one of the largest processions ever witnessed in the city formed and moved slowly and sadly t the Odd Fel lows cemetery, where loving hand laid gently to rest all that wa mortal of tlie loving wife, the fond mother, tlie kindly affectionate sister and the true friend ; while sweet flower, 111 emblem of tlie purity and gentleness of her whose grave they decorate, were placed upon the little mound beneath which her ho ly peacefully awaits the time when "this mortal shall have put on immortality and death shall be swallowed up in victory." Mrs. Charman'i last request was made on Thurnlay, the day before she died, and is but another evidence of ber self abnegation. She told her sister, Mrs, Nettie Robinson, that she wanted her to get five baskets, fill them w ith her choic est flowers, which she seems to have had saved for that purpose, tie them with ribbons of the class colors and present them in her name to Marjorie Caulleld, Annie Dunitey, Lulu Hankins, Charlie Rahcock and Thompson Meldruin, mem bers of the graduating class of Barclay school and particular friend of the de ceased. Tho pull bearers were W. E. Pratt, J. G. Pilsbury, Henry Meldruin, J. T. Ap person.S. R Green and Geo. A. Harding, La Bkki. On Sunday evening, June 6, 1HH7, at his home three mile east of Needy, Frank Lalieel, aged 80 vears. Deceased was stricken witli paralysis about a week ego which resulted in heart failure Sunday. He had been a resident of this county for 22 years and was an honest, industrious citizen, DRUG WKR IS ME SET THE PRICE. ADVICE: BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST. Ono dollar will buy as much as two dollars did a few years ago, and we have reduced the price of some of the leading patent medicines from 20 to GO per cent and it meets the approval of the people of Clackamas county. Here are a few of the reductions, compare them closely and buy where they are the lowest. "CUT PUICB BICYCLES." . 1807 model (I0 cut to fT'O. lhittt model ittfeut to 40. 1SK7 boy's and girl's f it) cut to $1)5. Hememher Waverly bicycles strictly high grade, none of your cheap trash. REMEMBER WE MAKE THE CUT PRICE, Special Sale on Tooth Brushes. 10c Brushes cut to 8c ir- . . 10c onn " " " 50c Our money purse sale consists of an endless variety and the Purses fit the pocket and the price fit the Spring and Summer line of paint has just arrived and we have reduced the price 25c per gallon. Color shades to choose from. Pure Boiled Oil only 40c. per gallon. Bring a can. WE MAKE THE PR.CE. greatly, respected In the neighborhood where he lived. He was laid to rest in the graveyard on the olilClingsley home stead Tuesday at 10 a. in., funeral ser vice being conducted in the cemetery by Rev. J. K. Elmer, pastor of the Methodist church at Molalla. His wife survives. ALLEN At his home in Oregon City, on Tuesday. June 8, JHH7, Thomas Allen, aged (ii) years, 7 month audi) iliys. Deceased was born in Coopi-r county, Missouri, NoveinW 2, 1W7; crossed the uluins In IH-1'I ami settled in California, coming to Oregon in 1870. He bad been a resient of this county for eight year and during the last five year has lived in Or.-gon City. He ha! been a great sufferer for a number of years. Two year ago it was found necessary to amputate Ins left leg to stay the ravages of gangrene and later the right leg wa attacked, resulting in his death. Two children nirvive, Mrs. E. C. Hamilton n I and Harry Allen, both of this city; he , also lias two brother in California. The funeral service were held at the I Baptist church Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. L. Rugg. The interment was in the Masonic cemetery, the services at the grave being conducted by Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M., of which the deceased was a member. His wife died some two years sgo and was buried at Clackamas. Her remains will be re moved and buried by the side of her husband in the Masonic cemetery. FOLSOM At his residence near Spraitue, Washington, on May, 24, John Edward Folsoin, aged 73 years, ami five days. Deceased had been in failing health for a number of years and his desth was not unexpected. A widow and seven sons survive. Mr. Folsom was well known in this county, having been a resident of Oregon City some 20 years ago and later moved to Currinsville where he resided a number of years. He was buried in theSprgue cemetery. After picturing numerous other State Federations, the Midland Monthly,' Des Moines) in the June number tells the story of Iowa's Federation, with twenty lour portraits of prominent club women and a rare body of women they are. " Quantrell, the Guerilla Chief," in this number is a thrilling tale of the Missouri ami Kanaas border, and of the tragic "Walker Raid" in which several Quaker youths from Iowa were betrayed by Quantrell. " June davs at Cape May," by George Merriam Hyde, is a breezy picture of a famous resort, tne author evidently uninfluenced by hotel patron age. Col. Emerson happily marries off Lieut. Grant and Julia Dent, after tbei r long courtship. Mary Avis Scott pic tures old Corpus Chrtsti on the Mexican birder. "Bud of the Midland Region," by David L. Savage, the ornithologist, begins in this number. The author of "Sweet Bye and Bye" are described by a Wisconsin lady. Captain Romeyn, now in the midst of a drama'.c court martial at Ft. Mcpherson, tells of the romantic wooing of Lieutenant Burton. A strong pica for good roads by II. W. Perry of Chicago. A severely buggestive critic ism of woman's uncertain influence on architecture, by F. W. Fitxpatrick, also of C hlcago. Stories that interest, poetry that pleases, editorials that aim to tell the truth, and various other features strongly c unmend the June Midland to the public. Lest. Somewhere betwen cemetery and Green Point on May 30, a silk umbrella with name "E. Graham" engraved on handle. Finder will please return to this office and receive reward. NOW ON Hood's Sarsuparilla Cu8toria Scott's Emulsion Pierce's Favorite Prescription Price's Golden Medical Discovery Red Line Sarsaparilla Strengthening Plasters Warner s Sato (Jure Red Line Celery Compound Chamberlain's Cough Cure Ayera Sasaparilla . . . ' 20c 38o CHKRMKN St CO., H HPKCIAL NKHSIOX. East SI le Killw4 Matter Inferred (Lie Week. The city council held a special session Monday evening at which all members woro present except L. C. Caples. The election of water commissioner to serve for thee year from July 1st was Hie first business taken up. Mayor Caulleld stated tlut T. P. Randall hl requested the withdrawal of his name. Mr. Randall received one vole and Mr. T. L. Charman six and wai declared duly elected, The petition of R. L. Holman to have the license on cigar stand reduced as it was now exhorbitant and prohibitive was referred to finance committee. Bill of I). W. Kinnaird for $10 for work in cemetery allowed and warrants ordered drawn for amount. On recommendation of the finance committee the council agreed to accept $150 a payment in full as ground rent from the Oregon City Transportation company. Report of cemetery committee relative to the purchase of 2.89 acres of the Mo Geehan tract for additional burying space at a cost $412 accepted Ordinance authorizing the mayor and recorder to execute deed to II. C. Stev ens for Aulden property recently pur chased by him from the city, read first time and ordered published. Matter of looking up certain property belonging to the city and as Jessed to other parties referred to finance com mittee. Matter of putting additional manholes in the sewer on Water street referred to committee on street and public property. Richard Freytag granted permission to use part ot Main street during the construction of his building. Matter of repairing city hall referre to committee on streets and public prop erty with power to act. L. Diekleman employed to clean the streets at $26 per month. Recorder instructed to reply to letter from Joseph Simon, receiver ot tbe East Side Railway company, and cor rect certain mis-statements contained therein. The reading of this common! cation precipitated quite a discussion but action was deferred for another week. Adjourned to meet Monday evening, June 14. How's Thist We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by flail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknet & Co., ProDS , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve hiia perfectly honorable in all bus bies" transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trdax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waloino, Ki.nnas A Mabvik, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Familv Pills are the best. A tongue Twister. A Tongue Twister social will be given by the Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. on Tuesday evening, June 15, at the parlors of the Congregational church. Admission 10 cents and a tongue twister. Those refusing to give the tongue twister will be charged 20 cents admission. Admission price will include a dish of ice cream with cake. All are cordially invited. LOW Regular Price. $1 M)... 35... 1 00 .. 1 00. . . 1 00... 1 00. 25 i 1 00 50 1 00 YOU GET THE PROFIT. Comb Sale. Metal Combs 3c, 10c, 15c, 25c, Cut to 4c, 8c, 10c, 20c. PURELY VEGETABLE. Th ChealxM. PurMt rin in lh world t A hrnw -iUALSrsriric f' nil dia uf iha Liver, bloniach and Spleen. R-kuIju il4 Liver nd prevent Chills and tMvum, Ualami out r'svBsft, ifc.WBX CoMrLAIKTS, K rVTLA- nsm, jaukuils aso Nauka. BAD UREA THI Nothing mi n unplemint, nothing en common, M had brealh ; and in nearly every caie il cornea from the elomar h, and can tie o caaiiy corrected if yon will take SfMMrim Livpa: ki'.n.Arox. Lo not neglect to aura a remedy for thia repuliv dtaorder. It will alar. Improve your appetite, complexion and general health. riLESI How many fafTer torture day after day, making; lit ft burden and robbing eritfencc ol all pfeaiiire, owing to the eecret aurTenna from Pilea. Vet relief ia readr to the hand of almost any one who will use eyifemau caiiy the nmtAy that haa permanently cured tho aanda. Simmons Livrk Kkculator ia no draatic. Violent purge, but ft gentle aaeiatanl to nature. COXSTIPATIOJT SHOULD not be regarded aa a trifling ailment in fact, nature demand the almost regularity of the bowele, and any deviation from thia demand paves the war often to eerioue danger. It is qnue as necessary to remove Impure accumulations from the bowels as it ia to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where ft costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHEI This distressing affliction occurs most frequently,. The disturbance of the stomach, arising from tha Imperfectly digeeted contents, causes a severe pain is. the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, anal thia constitutes what is popularly known as Siclc Headache, for the relief of which tam Simmosoi Llvaa kscuLAToi on Midicimb. MAirurACTtiaaD oxlt it T. B. ZKILIIf CO., Philadelphia, Pa. New Lawyers. Justice C. Scheubel, Prof. C. W. Durette and V. G. Hayes These gen tlemen deserve great credit for so suc cessfully passing one of the hardest ex aminations ever submitted by tbe state) board. Mr. Schuebel began reading; law of nights while employed in tlie Willamette Palp and Paper mills and after being elected justice of the peace, continued bis studies and attended tbe Portland law school at nigbt. He Is an honest, energetic young man of undouot ed ability and certainly has a bright future before him. Prof Durette pursued his studies while teaching school. He s gifted witD considerable oratorical ability and eminently qualified for his chosen sphere of life. He will continue to teach for the present. Mr. Hayes has also read law while employed at other work, using only his spare time for study. He expects to locate in some good, live town and "grow np with the country." Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the care of con stipation and Sick headache. For Mal aria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed! to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and U be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, bat by giving tone to stomach and bowels srestly invigorate the system. Regular gize '.'5 cents per box. Sold by Charman & Co., Druggists. Cbeap Wood. Oak, ash, maple and fir wood deliver ed in any part of Oregon City. Prices bed-rock and wood first-class. By plac ing your order now the best selection of seasoned wood can be had, paying for it at a date agreed npon. Call on or writs R. O. Holmes, Park place. Undertaker and Embalmer. R. L. Holman undertaker and em balmer. Gradnate of Embalming: col lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor on Seventh street near the depot. tf LOWER Cut Rate Price LOWEST Our CUT PRICE. $ 64 24 66 66 67. 25. 67. 67. 67. 75. 66 60 15 10c or 3 for 25 1 00. 95 85. 40. 65. 70 35 64 Purse. card free and an endless variety of Cut Price Druggists. 41