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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1897)
A Oregon City Enterprise. OKKC.ON CITY, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897. VOL.31. NO.M ESTABLISHED 18C6 j a. l'lrriNdicit. KICAI, HMTATIC, INHIIUANCK, NOTAUV run i.o. A fi .in Mt of riiy and fur in properly il bedrock prices farm property In smiill tracts near town lo trade lor city properly. Haw anme extra K'mmI ImrKnltm. Properly linndied on atnall cnmiulMlnn, Write or on 1 1 and no tin, poaliilllcs IiiiIWIi'K, - - Oregon City. QLACKAMAH AIIHTItACT A TIll'HT CO. rtirnUll, JW acta, lialns nf Tll'a. Dmfrlp-lldli-. Umm, Inaiiru iiti, I'ay Ta I'vrluul Tlllaa. olu., clo. lillicu iiv. r Ik Ilk of Oroa II I I Jf J. Y. CLAItK, Proband Mur, sannKCITV, - - - ossiiow, Jjril,l)IMI('K. ATTOHNKY AND C0t!NHKI.0ll AT LAW. Will praotlca In all courts "I l ' AhalracU ml. Tile, aiamlnad ii(1 1 ieneral law itualuvaa lriiuutl. Offlna Willi I. I I'ortnr. D W. K1NNA1H1I CIVIL KNOINItltU ANL BUKVKYOK. Hallway larallou ami eoii.lruclhni. brldioa, lilaiiiaiid eallmslei lor walor (Upily Dralnaia and lrot Improvement uf town. usolal alWiilliiD lo to6ruliUn and blus prliilliil T W. WF.LC1I. - DENTIST -WillatnetUi It Id., opposite 1'oatolllce. Office liourn frum 8 . in. to 12: 1 to 6 ::t0 p. in. r L. I'OHTKRi ATTORNEY AT LAW AanaAtTiorraoraaTY ruKiMan. OIBm nail to Oregon Cltv bank oil lli lrU "I O. T. WILLIAM. MKAL KHTATB AND LOAN AOKNT. A food llueof ITuperly. Farm Property la Irarta lu mil on aaay tef mi. CorrrnimndKMi'ii promptly an.wered. Office, ait door lo Caiiflald A lluullev'l Urn alora. OH D.C. LATOl'KKTCE, ATTOKNKYS AND COUNSKU)KH AT LAW MAIM HTHKKT URRMON HTY, ORRCION. Vurnlih Ahlra(-la nl Title. Loan Money. Fre oline Moriaxe. and tranunt Ueiieral Law Rualnrai. K. CHOHa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wiu. raACTM'R IR Aw. :onata or thb Btatr Real Kitale and Inraranre, Offloeon Main Rin et bet. Hlilhaud Soenlh. uaxioK i irt. ( J K. MAHKS. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Will nrallie In all Hie e inrla of the alale OMIct oppoalte court home In Caulleld hiilldiMK. c II. DYE. iTTdllVl'V A Mil ( t)l!NSKI.OR AT LAW WIU f irenl m'i' bi'racu. money, -e tin ta'e. an 1 1 aua.i t a piieral la bit I eu. OrBoo nml II mr ndjnlnli'i Hank ol 0 agon City. oaionN city. oaaooH R0 C. aiOWNKLL. j. u.cinrnki.L. HtOWNKLL A CAMPHKI.I, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oaiuiix city, 0iom. Will nractlre In all the eniirla o( the itale. 01 Be, unit diMir to C mi field A lluntlvy a drill atiira. y II. UOllYNH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOIAKY PUIII.Ili CANBY. OKKOOM. Will prnctlpe all eonrta of He Hale, liimiriiiina wrllleii In all leading com uaulua. Ah rnol 01 tulu uin.i.lud. Co leo' on t up 'dully. jy. J. II. MILLER, DKNTIHT Eeventb ntrent, near Houlborn 1'm'ltlc dupot, Oregon City, Oregon. c II. ISOM. CIVIL ENGINEER and DEl'UTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will be at court limine on each Saturday and on rPK,,',r "B"in Jny of county court. II T. BLADEN, NOTARY PUBLIC. I nan ranee written In the Hartford, ol Hartford, Palatlue. Hamburg of Ilrouian. rpilE COMMERCIAL BANK, OP OREGON CITY. Capital, 1100,000 TRANHACTN A ORNRRAL RANRINO RIIHINRHR. ' Loans made. Illlla dl.nnuiitud, Mnko. col lootionn. liny and kiIU exchanite mi all point. In the United Htafea, Euroiie and liong Kong. Depnulta reeel-ed aubjoct to check. Bank open from a. m. to 4 r. u. 0. C. LATOURETTK, Proaidont. V K DONALDSON, Caahlor JJANK OK OREGON CITY, Oldest Banking House In tbe Cltr. Paid up Capital, 'i0,000, Hiirpln., Ijj.Wki. PRRRIDRKT, - - THOS. CHARMAM V1CR PRKHIDRNT, fiRO. A. HA Rill NO. CAKHIRH. R-0 CAIIFIRLD. MAMAURR. CHARMS M, CAUFIKLD. A general hanking biialneas tranaacted. Uepoalta received aubeot to check. Approved bill! and notes dUaoimted. Couutj and city warranta bought. Lnana mvle on available seourlty. Exchange bought and sold. Collections made promptly, limit, .old availaiile lu any part of the world Telegraphic exchanges sold on Portland, Ban rranolsoo.Ohloagoand New York, nterest pat J on time deposits. mm VB58 ii Leading Age iHKPHICHKNTINOl- KOYAL OK M VKKI'OOL, does largest builnrM In the world. NORTH llltl TlHf 1 A M., largest aaals In tin world. BUN OH LONDON, oldest purely fire hisuraiica company In the world. .V.TN A OK II A ItTKOKD. lrK"l and tt American Company. CONTINKNTAl. OK NKW YOllK, one of Ilia beat American companies. AND OTHEIl KIK8T-CLAH8 COMPANIES. Cation ma for Itntlniim, nrl ol F. E. DONALDSON, as H HeaJ(uarters fur White Mountain and Arctic Ice-cream freezers, finest in the land. Ijtwn inowora, rubber lioae, acri'en doora and windowi, flailing tacklo, camiilnu outflia. plows, burrow, cultivator! and all kind of agricultural machinery. Lubricatlnu oil of all kinda. l'lumbin: and all kinds of Job work neatly and promptly done, estimate farnUlied. Pope & Co., Corner 4th and Main Streets. - - Oregon City. r;r7Ty7rrei;i,Mfi.i.i,i.i.J.M,iJ Y OU ARE WANTED TO EXAMINE THE 1896-97 STYLES OF SHOES Q 7ft KR7IUS13H BR03. Finest line of SI1033 in Oregon City at Portland prices. 4Tis Spring, Gentle Annie," A nice new dress from tho Many Beautiful Patterns of stylish and seasonable selections In Spring Dress Goods will make you appear to bo tho fairy creature, all men think you aro. Thos. Charman & Son have ono of the finest selections of spring goods and novelties ever brought to Oregon City. Call and seo them at tho The Pioneer Store. DO YOU NEED ANY Doors, Windows, rj Moulding, Window Glass, Oil OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? :GOTO: C. H. BESTOW I CO- Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner Uth and Main Streets. Oregon City, Oregon. Spring stock of Baby Carriages just arrived JjilcMt style and lowest prices. Thre are some lovely on en, upliotHtfrcd and parasol from $5 up. Wo also cull your attention to our stock of baby highchalrs ml buliy rocklngchairi from 75c up. 1'loase tve in a call BELLOMY & BUSCH Tho HouikifurniHhcrB. ncy in Clackamas County. - o for llotUr and Calandara At Commercial Bank. tiik KXi'Linv KKronr. A Complete Hliolii(f nloli:e Condition ami MiiiiiiKcniciit of Hie Nlii rlfr Hiiil TreflHiirer's Ofllct . To tbe Honorable County Court of Cluck ma county, Oregon. Gentleman : In )iiirijttiico of our contract wltb vou, dated Marrli 8, lH.I7,to expert the books, accounta, etc., of the ebcriir and treaa. urer of Clackamas county, we bff to submit tbe following which erta!na U tbe sberifT olllce only According t i your iriMtriictions we l" ((an our examination with tbe collection of the JtJ'J.'i taxes, March 0, 1804, 1 bin year' tax being the flrt, which included special tax on account of school dialrlcts. We deem it uncles to enter into detail In this report as to the exact manner In which the work wa done, as you have watched tbe same, and we have consulted often in regard to various point in ques tion. We shall give you, as briefly as possible, tbe result of our examination, and note first, that we tound the follow ing tax to appear unpaid on the 1893 tax roll, and that tbe lame was not carried to the 1893 delinquent roll, and wa therefore not advertised and (old : fAUR UNI WHOIBTAX ART 61 17 J W Ursir $14 08 (In 'iU Klla L Kerrin, ROnbiirn.. 4 20 III II K CraiK, sherlfs au'mt. .. fi US 110 111 Ha Bruce " I 4ij 117 M ike Jordan " " 3 1 ll 2 Narah C Lawrence " 12 MJ 1 JO 11 D Miller jo 8o IH 1(1 Daniel I) Miller " 4 20 1131 4 David Van llanten " 6 l" 1.10 10 Kiiiina 0 Wells " 2(15 1 8 T K McClelland " 1 4!i 177 I'i Ira 0 UamlHiw " S f.2 loll 11 I) C Launirette " 23 M 3!i OWli I'auhliuan " 7 in Total $100 02 In explanation of the above it should be said that W li. l'aulman'i tax a peara paid on the delinquent roll, but that il Is by an error in placing opposite his name the number of a receipt, 6118, issued to Albert I'asold, whose tax is on line 4 of aame iiane. By this error Mr. I'asold' property was wrongly sold and Mr. l'aulman'i property, on which the tax was not paid, was not advertised. There should lie on file with the county clerk each aflidaxit, swearing oflT taxes, but we were unable to find any of these for 18U3 tax and had to rely entirely on the Hit made and copied by the aherifj In tho delinquent roll. We find no evi dence anywhere that any of the above tax waa sworn off or that it wis a double assessment. It apiears to have tieen simply omitted by Mieiitr Uanong in making up the 181)3 delinquent roll. We have checked Mr. Uaiiong'a work be ginning with March G, 1894, and find be turned over to the treasurer all monies collected by him. Several error were made during his administration in credit ing amount to wrong school district but these will be noted in another place and all errors of this kind there shown. On completing our work on the 1304 original and delinquent roll, represent ing taxes collected by Mr. Maddock, we find the following taxes to appear un paid on tbeoiigitial and delinquent rolls and lo have been omitted in making up the advertised list, and were therefore not advertised and sold. Neither is there any evidence of these amounts having been paid since. Among the allldaviti on file, there are none showing any of this property to have double assessment or eirors. FAUX 1.1 N I WllilSKTAX. AM'T 2 6 Ash & Ackerman $15!) 00 2 7 Samuel and Asilnli Allnson 1.125 10 S George I.. Carat-day 14 40 12 2 C. ConmtiH'k ti till 1.1 111 Kufjene Cuming 7 .10 15 17 KlvaJ. l)ix 64 12.1 2!) K. O. and Sarah Ann Hvatt 14 40 27 21 MajorS. Nora Hungale".. 20 W .12 14 James I) 5 10 .15 25 Carrie K May .. 5 00 ltd 1" Heirs of Ira Moody ....... 10 80 .10 2.1 ElizHoelli K Moody 4 l'l .17 20 J D A C M Myers 22 80 4(1 28 Charles Unburn 18 00 4H 21 I'anelil raqnette 3 14) 47 2il l'urcilla Parker 1 Ir2 Ml .1 l.ouis Rothai her 8 40 Ml 0 Katateol Alfred Rowlee... 7 20 (5 14 Unknown 2 00 ti" 11 Charles Welch II W J7 15 KinmaC Wells 2 14 Total $;!i3 41 We find the following amounts omitted by Mr. Maddock fioni the delinquent roll for 18)15, and consequently not ad vertised and sold. No afllilavita are among those on file showing any of the property to have double assetsments ur errors. 1!) 28 AdaC. Haines $ 8 70 41 17 Mrs. N. M Billings 4(1 .11 57 17 R N Bradley 10 8!) 1(H) 10 John W, Kiiiina M Cochran 7.1 HI 1.14 21 John and Uertie Daynes.. 4 28 2N5 24 8 Huelai, trustee 12 .15 ,1i 11 14 J 1) Lee 5 07 .1114 3 0 1' Lent ft fid ,1'4 6 " 10 M ,1(14 0 " 10 45 414 10 W H and H P HcOuira... 73 tiS 4(i0 0 II l" McNary, trustee, II W Cottle. 3 72 4( 1.1 II P McNarv, trustee, H W Cut tie 109 4til 2 II P McNary, trustee, II W Cottle 2 79 MS 24 11 W Scott 3 10 IB 25 I 1. Bower 7 21 .192 I) Lucy Mallory 1 65 594 5 Michael Pendleton 1 17 (Wl 2!) Jacob Powell 24 70 lil(i 3 A W and Charitv Kis... 1 60 WO 15 H W Scott. W P Keaily ... 20 45 (182 22 K W Swatlord 4 !H 091 4 H Thielson 4 72 092 8 Addie L Thompson 10 97 Total....' . $158 28 The property belonuing to both Mrs. j Hilling and Mr. I'.radley, although not, carried to I he delinquent roll was ad-1 vertiacd. In as much a tbe first sale was declared illegal, all of tbe property belonging to persons named above should have been advertised the second time, and its omission from the delinquent r.ll by Mr. Maddock would naturally cause hi successor in office to omit it. For this reason therefore we include these two in the above list. We found further t.iat Mr. Grace in making his list for advertising from the 1895 delinquent roll formerly made by Mr. Maddock, omitted the following property which at that time, and doea now, apar unpaid on tbe roll, thus making an amount, in total, nearly equal to that ortitted by Mr. Maddock thereby making tax to the amount of $708 74 which ha not been advertised and eold, and of course a valid aale cannot be made unless tbe property i properly adver tised. 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 14 14 14 2! 22 85 80 80 lr2 120 11 1.15 147 147 147 147 147 23 John Bayes 10 07 25 K J Bcatie, trustee 4 01 29 Charles B BeilinKer 4 94 1 B I Benell 10 M0 A Bennett 1 32 Celia Blackwell n -JQ W A Brougbton, Estate of 27 30 M M Coleman 2 47 Edward Collins ' 1 10 Luke Comer H 70 M C Don hoe 13 87 Helen Doney 4 W 11 H Jobnsoti, Trustee. .. 13 00 John Kaiiaxs 7 41 K B Kellry g 81 W M Miller 2 84 H I. Pillock 6 20 Frederick and Elizabeth Painter 1 70 Clara Prater 179 65 Charlea J tjtraigbt. fl 88 J B and Henry I, Bannon 2 47 Thomas R Beatie 1k8 Empire Mix Co 3 23 (i A StanUin Jr 3 31 Henry Von Helms 2 47 Total $350 4'1 We have included nothing in the above list except taxes on real property and see no reason wby it may not now be advertised and sold for taxes. Tbere are many cases where assessment of per sonal property only were made and the tax has not been collected, but we pre sume the sheriffs have, as stated in their returns of the delinquent rolls, made due search for the property and tound none. One thing is very noticeable, however, namely, that a yery small per cent, of I purely personal proiierty tax is ever col lected. From the lists above we have the following summary : Omissions from 1893 delinquent roll, ! v ' ' 1JW p op 0 S8eu" by C. W. Ganon. notadvertised,100 02 i0 f"J tribute 10 tho T f Omission, f.o.n 1894 advertised list by f1'00 8 her0e9 wh0 9acr,fieed the,r Ilve8 E. C Maddock. $343 21. for our country- Uon- Geo' C- Br0WD 0,ni,.ai.1nfmm1K.5,W!nnnrrnllK ell was orator of the day and of him the E. C. Maddock, not advertised, $.158 28. Omissions from 1895 advertised list, , second sale by G. W. Grace. $350 40 Total amount of tax not advertised, $1152 87. We submit the following statement to sliow errors in various funds and school districts, made partly in entering on sheriff's cash register and partly in turn ing money over to tbe treasurer, and not subsequently corrected. We have not attempted to show under whose adminis tration these errors were made, as there is no responsibility connected with tbe matter; suffice it to say, however, that part of th errors were made by each of Sheriffs Ganong, Maddock and Grace. We nave made all proper entries in funds and districts to correct these errors in ac cordance witli statement. 5f3 ft : n H c y i it : : : -o o a r 5! 1 o 2 2S - - r 5 ? t r 3 ' 3 3 M-.mIOKmi--IJ mmO to - 1 W o SD a. - - ? J-jo-;.ijoiiMj.wii.5ii. to In addition to the above there were numerous places where the amount col lected was not seggregated when entered in the cash register, but in as much as the entire amount of the school levy was given to the school fund out of the first tax collected, we have taken no note of these eirors, except as they re late to the road fund, and special city and district tax. On completion of Mr. Maddock's ad ministration we found he omitted to (Continued on Page Seven.) THE A. O. U. W.f Free Kiilertaliiuieiit (ilreo at Welti- hard's Hall Turmhiy Evening. Weinhard's hall was filled Tuesday evening by the mom'iers of tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen and thair friends gal tiered to enj y the hospitality of this popular onijr. An instrumental duet by the Misses Dra,ier latmclieJ the carefully prepared program and Chas. II. Dye then delivered the a ldreaj of Welcome in behalf of Falls City lodge, , No. 69, and referred eloquently to tbe fidelity and faithfulness of the A. 0. U. W. in paying its obligations, never hay ing failed once during the 30 years of its existence. Mr. Dye said the real mean ing of A. O. U. W. was "Alwaj Over shadows Unprotected Womanhood". Grand Recorder Clark made a happy response to the address of welcome and said that tbe A. 0. U. W. wa not only larger than any other beneficiary organ ization in America, but that it was steadily growing and never intended to die so long as bnmanity existed upon the earth. The address of tbe evening was made by Grand Master E. Werlin, of Port land, who gave a particularly interest ing exposition of the merits of the great order he represents. He paid a feeling I tribute to tbe memory of John Jordan Upcharch, its honored founder and de clared the A 0. U. W. to be the peer of all fraternal organizations, having put $2)00 in each of 30,000 homes in this land. It was a thoroughly practi cal talk, directed to practical people and won the fullest and most practical ex pression of approval his hearers could accord. This address waa followed by an ex cellent musical and titerary program by some of Oregon City's favoriie perform ers. The hall was beautifully decorated with flags, bunting and flowers, tbe work of the ladies of the Degree of Hon or. Memorial Arterniatn. Owing to a press of other matter it wsa impossible to make mention last week of the memorial excercises held at Silverton and Hubbard. From the Appeal it is learned that the ! day was appropriately observed at the ! i . -.i i -i Bne"l is. speak, er of wide reputation and his speech was one that occupied tbe attention of the vast audience. He paid a glowing trib ute to the Grand Army. His effort was a grand one " Mr Brownell also deliv ered an aadress in the evening at Liber al ball which is spoken of in the highest terms of praise by those who had the pleasure of listening to it. At Hubbard everything waa nicely ar ranged and went off in a manner that reflected great credit on those who had the matter in charge. The excercises were held in Armory hall and the mus ical part consisted of a ladies' quartette, grand chorus and band. Lincoln's Get tesburg speech was read and Mr. A. S. Dresser, of this city, delivered the ora tion, which a gentleman from Hubbard informs us was one of tbe finest address es ever listened to in that section of the country, an J they have had some of the best orators in the state address them on other occasions. It was logical, elo quent and patriotic, and simply capti vated the immence audience. In tbe afternoon the procession formed and marched to tlie cemetery under escort of the E company, 0. X. G., of Hubbard and II company of Woodburn. The True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., "Chief" says, "We won't deep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. Experi mented with many others, but never got tbe true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if tbey are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as good, be cause this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Charman & Co's drug store. Malarial produces Weakness, General debility Biliousness, loss of appetite, indigestion and constipation. Grove's TaRteless Chill tonic removes the cause which produces these troubles. Try it and you will be delighted. 50 cents. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by C. G. Huntley. Not only acute lut.g troubles, which may prove fatal in a few days, but old chronic coughs and throat troubles may receive immediate relief and be perma nently cured b One Minute Cough Cure. Geo. A. Harding.