Oregon City bnterprisc. OKKUOM CITY OKKIi'KHH, Mayor, - i Itwurtlrr, ! Cliinrul VII: K. (). f'MMftttl.I Thou. I'. Ityan t'lniM. IC, Hum. II. K.HiralKht 0. II. In. (1. IUlH-ii k, Jr W. II Howell J rMMiirtirf t lly iiiirimy, -Hiri'tt'(iiiiiiifl'iiii'r, Hii.l, nl Water Works, Clly Kiiulni'iT. I). W. KimiHlril Cnuni'llnum T. 1 (Imill, I., I). Oitli', Jiilui linlnor, It I), Wilson. It. Kimtiiit, Jim, Jloake, II. IC. lUrrli, Frank Hunch. t'diinrll meets llmt month In clly dull. Wiiii'iliiy of ucli FRIDAY, JUNK 4. 1HII7. :hat about town. ) A iili'n lino of ladles' mnl kciiIIi'Mii'iih' uiiilifvllitM JiimI rmulvuil t Cliarman A Hon 'a. Ilcllablu lira Insurance V. H. PoNAI.IISON. The Uliy bonnets snd hats urn fiing fuHt. Coiiib mnl see what nli'u line tli lUrkttt store, ' Mt lUilnxil ticket to till point esst. F. K. lONAI.I)l)N, Aki. r. I,. L. ricki'im, dentist, dim al li of dental wotk. dolt! crowns. wlain crowns ml brldtfn work clalty. All operations iruarsnteed for urn. Cull ml cat my prices. Ulllce ia IluTcUr building TrUoleU, ink, pens, pencils, books and complete school outllla will lie supplied to the easterner, at my "lore at very reasonable prices, Call on Daniel llama' on uiuwr Heventh street Wll near Center, before you buy elsewhere. Ten bi( Iniurance companies V. K. DoNAMIHOK. "When the aprlnc time cornea, "gentle Annie," like all olli;r sensible eraona, will dense the liver and renovate the system wllu IeWIU's Utile F.arly Itinera fmnotie life tllla lor the liver ami alomaclcsll the year round Ueorce A Hardin. Insurance tliat insures . K. IKimai-ihmih. tirove'i tasteless Clilll tonic la a mt feri Malarial Liver tonlu and blood imrilW. Removes Hlllousness without purtci. At nleasant aa Imon Hyrup, It la aa lares aa any dollar tonic and re tails for W)c. To ul H genuine, ak for tot Jrove'i. For sale by C. (i. Huntley Heat insui ant e compaiilee F. K. lox Mian. Thirty years ia a Ionic uie to fllit ao tialnful a trouble a nilea, but j4t'ol Mitchell, of Unionvllle, IV, airlifted that long before lie tried PeWltl'a Witch lar.el Salve, which quickly anil wrma nenlly cured him. It ia equally effective in enema and all akin affectations. Geo, A, Harding. IKrgcitt insurance husiuene F. K. DoNALimoN. For a nice juicy atenk or a prime roast ro to Charlea Albright, Jr. On-con City 'i leuilinir butcher on Main at rent. He buy only the beat and faitest of atock and furnishes meats that tickle the palate of the most fastidious. Good meats and full weight have given bliu a business of which be la Justly proud. No fog or malaria in Sunset. F. K. Donaldson, Agt. , Tbe elocutionary entertainment given At the IlapllslWiurch Wednesday even Zing by J G. diForcsl and 1. V. Chand I ler, atudenlaof tbe Portland Uuiveraity, waa unusually Interestlnc and entertain ing, and received the marked approval of the audience. These young gentlemen possess the power to portray and deline ate diameter 1 1 a marked degree and are deserving of ' otter lioneea than the or dinary elodi onlat tecelvea, If aHked the queation "Have you tot a ttoinflch?" it would heaafoon general principles, to anawer "Yea." Hut, if you are lure of it, that la, if you ever feel any iliatreas after eating or any pnina of whatever description In the region of the Btuinach, you have got something more than the ordinary stomach; in other words you have got a diseased stomach. Tbe stomach is a powerful nniHclo, am) the proper remedy for a tired muflcjo is rent. Try the Shaker DlgoBtive (Cordial, for this product not only contains digested lood, which will nurinh th'e system without any work on the part it the diaeaaed organs, but it aids the jligcntion of other foods as well. You can 'test Its value In your cime for the trifiijiig turn of 10 cents. Sample bottles aft this price are carried by all druggisyH. Laxotl is the bent medicine for children. Doctoru recommend it in iilacn of Cantor Oil. Thli Ii Vqur OiMiortunlty. On Receipt of ton centi. cnah or Rtatnpa, a ReDferoun wimple will he mailed of the snout iionulnr Cuturrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely 'a. Cream Halm) anffloient to demon atrale tbe grout merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warron St., New York City. Itev. John Reld, Jr., of Great Folia, Mout., recommended Ely's ('renin Ilnlm to me. I ean emphaiiize )na atatunimit "It is a pnai. tive cure for catarrh if axed n directed." Iter. Francia W. Poole, Paator Central Pres. Church, Uolona, Mont Ely's Cream Ralm ia. the acltnowledcd cure for catarrh and contnina no mercury nor any injurious drug. Prioe, CO cents. klib Come and ane our nice shirt waials, Itucki'l store. If you want a sewing initclilne for 'lfi u to ll.'llomy A Hiiarh's, Hiinclal bargains In bone grinder at the Oregon Clly Auction IIoiimh. Hpeclal prices In all kinds of millinery, MlHH Gol.llNMITII. Olitdalonu has made a growth ot W) new Iioiihcs mIiich the hard times beunn. Hpeclul sule ol millinery the prcltlcHt Imta now at bargain prices at the Hcd Front. Ice cream and Ice cream S'xU every day, ruin or rhino at the Novelty Cumly Factory , New Mummer flowers, rlhbons and novelties In millinery arriving every duy at Mihh (iolilHinltli'a. Mr. and Mm. Jowph Traxwell of GlaiNtone bad their home gladdened Thursday ty the arrival of a fine girl baby, It is Impovaihtu for us to make a men tion of all the articles we have In atock Come and see for yourself at the IUcki-t store. Silver and gold we have none, but we have bargalna in aocond hand furniture, curM-ta, stoves elc, at the Oregon Clly Auction House. Neglect of the hair often destroys Its vitality and natural hue, ami causes it to fall out. lielore it is too late apply Hall's Hair Henewer, a aure remedy. There will lie the uual services at the Congreaaiional church next Sunday morning end evening. The scrinoni will he delivered by Hev. J.J Ktaub of Portland. For a quiet place to hitch your horned away from the motor line and a place to t a first clans job of repairing or horaa shoeing cull on S. F. Scripture's shop on Klflh street. Crescent bicycles are rarely aoen In the repair shop. When you get a wheel don't buy a cheap thing that ia alwaya yell ing out of oi dor and la a conatanl drain on your pure for repairs. Still pricea go lower. Just think of it Oregon lllood 1'urillor, only 50 cents a bottle at Charman'a, cut price drugglxt. Kememhcr we make the pi ice and save you 50 ceuia on every dollar bottle you buy. Aa good hoard and lodging as to lie had In the city can be obtained at Mrs. L. liunce's boarding bonne corner Sixth ami Water atreeta at M per week, in eluding w thlng and tire of baih room. Table hoard 3 -r week. It should he made a matter of public knowledge that PeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of tbe long- eat standing. It la the household favo rite for burna, acalds, cuts, bruisea and sores of all kinds. Goo. A. Harding. Why Is the new photograph gallery crowded with people? Because they are getting thoae platinotvpe or carbon tisane photoxrphs guaranteed not to fade for 75 cents small sixe, and cabinet for $1.50 per doxen. Icn't forgot tbe place, Price's old stand, Main street. K. N. Wells, photographer. The vocal music clans of the Y. M. C. A. will give a cloning concert in the con gregalional church on Tuesday evening June 'i'i. They will le aniinled by John W. and Gerlrulo Gwilt of Portland, Prof. H. A. Heritage and Frank E. Itrown of Salem. The proceeds will lie for the benellt of the Association, The bunion of lulior is constantly be ing lightened by new inventions, but nothing' bus yet been discovered to brighten tho l ours of labor, and nuike life woith living like Simmons Liver Kegulutor does. It's the King of Liver Medicines. A sluggish liver depresses one s spirits and causes languor, besides tipantting tho whole syatein. Hut Sim mons Liver Regulator tones up and strengthens tho body. Professor K. W. Rollins, of Portland, late director of tho Sun Francico School of design, has been engaged to take charge of tho popular and growing department of art, of the Chautaqua assembly. Professor Rollins is the artist who painted the $500 picture of Mt. Rainier that was purchased by thecitl- sens of Tacoma and presented to Mrs. President Harrison on her Pacific tour with the President in 1801. Ilia class work will bo devoted largely to sketch ing from nature. Terms, $2 50 for the season of ten lossons. Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Burton Houso, Burton, W, Va., and one of the most widely known men in the state waa cured nf rheumatism after three vears of Buffering. He says: "I have not sufficient command of language to convey any idea of what I suffered, my physicians told me that nothing could be done for me and my friends were fully convincd that nothing but death would relieve me of my Buttering. In June, 181)4, Mr, F.vans, then sales man for the Wheeling Drug Co., recom mended Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double tbnir normal size and it seemed to me my log would burBt, bnt soon after I began using the Pain Balm the swelling began to decrease;, the pain to leave, and now I consider that I am entirely cured. ForsulobyG. A. Harding, druggist. For Burglary. When V, Harris, tho grocer, retired to Ills room at the Klectrlc Hotel - about nine o'clock Tuesday night, he raised his window to let in some fresh air. When he glanced out of the window he discovered some Individuals smuggling beer out the buck way through the high bourd fence that separates tho rear of tho building from tho alley. lie at once went out on tho street and informed Night Policeman Shaw of his suspicions, who proceeded to Investigate. After a III tit) it was ascertained that about eight bottles of beer were in inning from the Klectrlc Hotel. Ollilccr Shaw at once UHM!ctod Holairt Gardner, M. J. Walsh and Georgo Aimlmid, as they had been seen in the alley at a lute hour. He in formed Chief Burns and they at once started out in search of the suso.-cted burglars. Two of them were discovered near the top of tho Sixth street stair way. Olliccr Shaw made rapid time up tho Font ill street stairway to intercept Iheni it that direction, while Chief Burns stationed hliunelf at the foot of tho Sixth street stairway to prevent their j escaiio in that way. Shaw soon came utioii Gardner and Walsh on the upper stairway wiih a bottle of beer resting Uitwcen them. Both were placed under ' ....... i . ii. ......... .... i ,i..u... i... way Austend was met coming up the stairway with several bottles of beer in his pocket, and tho trio were taken to the city jail by Olliccr Shaw and Chief Burna. Recorder Ryan bound them over to apmar before tho grand jury next Monday, whore the charges will be still further Investigated. Austend re cently returned to Oregon City after a year's banishment under a subtended sentence, and was accompanied by WaUh, who has been doing some work around the Klectrio Hole). A DMiiiguiNherl (aet. Oregon City was honored last (Sunday by the presence of UiidiopaCraiiaton.who conducted the morning services at the M. K. church. His sermon was one of great force and fine finish and well worthy of the great pulpit orator that the Hahop is. lie was greeted by a fair sited con gregation but not so large as would have been present bad it been generally known that ho waa to be in the city Rinhop Cranston resides in Portland, coming re cently from the Kast and is Ihe only renidenl bishop on this coast. Ho is one ot the 10 bishops who are in supreme control of the Methodist Episcopal church in the various countries of Ihe world, his Jurisdittion covering the western section of the United States. Docklen'a Arnica Halve. Tbe beat salve In the world (or Cuts. Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapied hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chat man & Co., Channan Broe. liiot k. Card of Thanks. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the friends and nnighbors who so kinttly asniritod us during Ihe sickness and death of our darling boy and to as sure you that your kindness will not be forgotten. G. C. and Maiikl Bacon. Notice to lllncksmlths. Wilson A Cooke have now a complete stock of spokes, fellows snd iron at prices that will compete with Portland. The 2)4 cent fare to Gladstone is un precedented in niolor lino fares, 12$ cent fare to Portland. Steamship tickets and seasick preven tavo. F. E. Donaldson, agt. DRUG WHR IS MB SET THE PRICE. ADVICE: BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST. One dollar will buy as much as two dollars did a few years ago, and we have reduced the price of some of the leading patent medicines from 20 to GO per cent and it meets the approval of the people of Clackamas county. Here are a few of tho reductions, compare them closely and buy where they are the lowest. "CUT PRICK BICYCLES." 1807 model $110 cut tofT0. lHIM model $85 cut to 40. 1S!(7 boy's and uirl's $40 cut to 35. Heniember Waverly bicycles strictly high prade, none of your cheap trash. REMEMBER WE MAKE THE CUT PRICE, Special Sale on Tooth Brushes. 10c Brushes cut to 8c 15c " " " 25o " " " 50c " " " Our money purse sale consists of Sprirp; and Summer line of paint shades to choose from. Pure Boiled WE MAKE THE PRICE. PURELY VEGETABLE. Tlx Ckpf, PuraM ixl Hot Family MwU clna in ih world I A n Krr thai. Hrwmc fur nil dlauuK lA Um Livar, biomaih nd RplMfl. KtjuUu ih Ijvt and iitavant Chill a no Kavaa, Vlm.Aai ritft KavNa, Jfciwri. CoMrLAiirra, KcftTLaw ", Jaohuk ani Nakma. II A U IlItKATHt Noihlnf ao unplranant, nothing ao common, aa bad Utai h; and In nearly avary caaa II comm from Ilia Momaii, and tan Iw to tuiy corratud if you will laka hiHMona l.ivfa K ru.ui.AToa. Do not neglect to aura a remedy It line regiulilva ditorder. Il will al tiupruve yuur nopauie, comoleiion and (enaral beallb, I'll.KMI llow many aunVr torlura day after day, nuking life a burden and roMjina; cxiMenra of all blaaaura, owing to tlia M rct tiifferlng from 1'ilea. Vet relief la ready lo tna hand tA almol any one who will use ayatamal cally ihe rrmedy thai haa permanently cured thou aanda. Kihmom l.ivaa Ku.iLAroa la no draatic, vloleol nurge, but a geulle aeaiatanl to nalure. CONHTIPATIOX SKnl'LD not be rrgarded aa a trifling ailmmt in fact, nature demanda the uimoat reguUnty of the bf.welt, and any deviation) from thia demand pavea the way often to eerioue danger. It w quite ai ncceMary to remove Impure erumulationa from the bowela aa it b to eat or alcep, and no health can be etpected where a cuttlve habit of body prevaila. HICK HEADACHE! Thla dlnretelng affliclon occur moat frequeritly. The diaturbance tA the atornvh, aming from the imperfartly digeated ctmtenu, cauaea a aevere pmia in Ihe bead, accompanied with diaagreeable nauaea. and thia conttitutea what ia popularly known aa Sick Headache, for the relief of which lana SiMMOMf Livaa KaouLAToe oa Mauicixa. HAKUrACrVMU OKLT BT JT. H. ZEJIJJf CO., niUadclpbia, Pa. Let the Eagle Mcream. The board of directors of tbe Young Men's Christian Association held a meeting in II. K. Cross' office Wednes day afternoon and decided to celebrate Independence day at Gladstone park on Saturdav July 3, 1HU7 The forenoon will be devoted to mailing tbe declaration of Independence, oration, and mimic and tho afternoon to athletic snorts Including bicycle, boat and sack races and erbaps a parachute jump. The following committees huve been appointed : Executive committee II. E. Croe, L. C. Caples, Levi Johnson Music Mrs. Hi rick ler, J. W. Loder, E. Maple, A. F. Parker, U. II. Bestow. Athletics Levi Johnson, J. V. Clark, E. A. Smith. Refreshment a Ladies' Auxiliary. O round E. E. Martin. B. 8. Bellomy, II. E. Cross. Advertising F. E. Dunaldsoa, C. A. Fitch, Charlea Mesetve, A. W. Cheney, T. 8. Lawrence, M. E. Bain. 'here Is Xo.hlug so Good. There is nothing jiiHt aa good as Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to aell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit be may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Cold, Consumption and lor all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Charman A Co. 'a drug store. Regular sixe 60 cents and . Undertaker and Embalmer. R. L. Ho'inan undertaker and em balmer. Gradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor on Seventh street near the depot. tf Money lo Loau. On well Improved farms at low rates and long lime. . Apply to Charles II knby. No. 200, Stark St. Portland. Leading insurance agency F. E. Donaldson. NOW ON Hood's Sareaparilla Castoria Scott's Emulsion Pierce's Favorite Prescription Price's Golden Medical Discovery Red Line Sarsaparilla Strengthening Plasters Warner's Safe Cure Red Line Celery Compound Chamberlain's Cough Cure Avers Sasnpnrilla 10c 20o 38c an endless variety and the Purses fit the pocket and the price fit the has just arrived and we have reduced the price 25c per gallon. Color Oil only 40c. per gallon. Bring a can. CHKR7tKN St CO., JOHN A.BE0K, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL OK EARTH. For general repairing he stand? without a peer. For firHt-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him I J. ZEEK, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKING. HORSE SHOEING. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Satrnfaction guaranteed. Burliness done on the pay down syHtem. Produce taken inezchange for work. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THI BRIDGE A5S UKPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and Bad die horeea always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Boutrht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason, able terms. C7INDIE3 FRUITS FIJSIH CIG7IK3 None but the very best carried in stock. M r s. Wan d a Z i m m e r m an , Next door to Oriental Hotel. rJi rP rfri rfri -i Clarence Porter. Geo. C. Ittaej. Blacksmiths Wagonmakers Horseshoeing a Specialty, Any design of an iron or steel shoe filled up. All kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. Shop opposite Pope's hardware store. Oregon City, Ore. www SHINGLES FOR SALE Buy your slungles at the Mulino shingle mills, a large! stock of shin gles always on band at reasonable prices. Custom sawing done promptly ani in first-class order. CARLISLE BKOS. Manufacturers of shingles, artistic di mension shingles, box boards, head ing, etc. MULINO, OREGON. LOW LOWER Cut Rate Price Regular Price. $100 35 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 25 1 00 50 1 00 you GET THE PROFIT. Comb Sale. I Metal Combs 5c, 10c, 15o, 25c, Cut to Hay and Feed Can be had at reasonable prices, wholesale or retail at Steven's Warehouse. Capt. J. W. Exon, manager. Ed May, Local Agent. Petzold's Meat Market, Main, St. 150 Boons. Jo&a Stearns, Cblef Clerk HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison St., Portland Or. DiYiEsJJeCflaLKir,Pei Rooms from 25c. to $1.00 per day Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains Restaurant Connected With Hotel. JOHN YOUNGER, EWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drujt Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. . Give me atrial. A Personal Matter A well painted bouse is like a neatly dressed peraon always attractive and pleasant to look opon. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and freshened up at a very reasonable price paints are very cheap now. Don't leave it nntil the sun makes any more marks and cracks in it. SEE MURROW The painter. He can guarantee first-class work. (jermania feh farket PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked hams and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed StOCk.- Seventh St between Main and Depot LOWEST OurCUT PRICE. $ 64 24 $ 67 25 67 66 67 66 67 66 75 60 15 10c or 3 for 25 1 00 95 85 70 40 35 . 65 64 4c, 8c, 10c, 20o. Purse. card free and an endless variety of CUt DrUists