Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1897)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE COKRESrOND ENTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Clackamas School (loses Prosperous Churches and Urowltic Sunday Schools Social Gathering-. Clackamas, May 20. One of the most niovable parties of the season met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Holconib, on Thursday evening of last week. The most prominent feature of the evening was patchwork, in which ladies and gents alike participated, twenty couples competed for Uie prize which was finally awarded to KIhk Spurceon for the best sewing, while Cary Johnson won the second prise, given for the poorest sewing. The spacious grounds in front ol the residence were hung with Chinese lanterns. Tables were spread under the trees and refreshments consist ing of cske and ice cream were served at 11:30. The Clackamas schools closed last FriJay week with appropriate exercises consisting of songs, select reading, recitations, etc. The recitation by Grace Robinson, entitled "Down by the Switch," was excellently rendered. After the exercises were over, 11 repaired to the grove near by for pic nic where swings and a "flying dutch man'' delighted the children for the remainder of the day. The school baa been a very suc cessful one and was a credit alike to the district and to the teachers. Miss Emma Sturctiler and Miss Lucia Bethke. Miss Msy Johnson entertained a goodly number of friends at her borne Monday evening, the occasion being her ltith birth day. Several beautiful floral tributes were received by the hostess from loving friends. Charades and music was the order of the evening and refreshments were served at a late hour. Frar.k Deakins of this place and an ex assessor of Linn county baa returned from Albany where be has been spending a few days with old associates. 1). 8. Deakins it building a bouse on his place near Mr. H armor's. The Y. P. 8. C. E. or this place will join with the society at Harmony in a grand rally at the Harmony church on Sunday, June 6th at 2 p. m. A fine program is be ing arranged aud everybody will be wel come. The chnrcbes here are both in a prosper ous condition. Both Sunday schools are growing in numbers and interest. The Congregational church, nnder the pastorate of Rev. D. B. Gray of Portland, is doing exceedingly well, new members being added continually, while the 8uniay school under the supervision of J. A. Man ning has increased fully one half within the last six months. J. A. Manning and family spent last Sat urday in Portland, their former borne. The day being observed in that city as deco ration day. New Era Notes. Niw Era, May 31.-The ladies of 8t. James church ill give an entertainment and ice cream social in 'Orange hall at "ew Era on the evening of June 16. A very elaborate and interesting program is being formulated fur the occasion, after which ice cream, cake and other viands will be served. Following this the young and old, so disposed will indulge in a dance at An thony's ball. W. H. Bouncy and L. Mantz have pur chased some timber of Geo. H Brown and are sawing it into four foot wood for the Crown paer mill of Oregon City. Our postmaster, J. C. Kewburg, made a trip to Portland one day last week and on his return brought a fine phaeton for his wife. Farmers are pleased over the prospect for a good crop of grain and vegetables. A detail of ti. A. R. men in charge of Comrade McArtliur visited the school at Central Point on May 28. The children aang two patriotic songs. Miss Lizzie Engle read a short address of welcome to the old SJIOOO for those who find it. What is the missing word in the following sentence: Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it is because it is fresh-roasted. Get a package of Schillings Best tea at your grocers ; take out the Yellow Ticket; send it with your guess to Schilling's Best Tea, San Francisco, by August 31st. One guess allowed for every yellow ticket If your guess reaches us before July 1st, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket. If only one person finds the word he gets $1000. If several find it, the $1000 will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one en velope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it In addition to the $1000 offered we will pay $100 each to the two persons who send in the largest number of Schilling's Best yellow tickets before Juno 15th. Cut this out. two weeks. San Francisco soldiers In behalf of the school. The com rades each made short and appropriate re marks, after which the first reader class under direction of Miss Penman, one ol the older pupils, presented each of the com rades with a bouquet and the autograph of the little donor. The old soldiers then formed around the flag and the pupils ta luted Old Glory as she waved above her defenders. The soldiers present were Engle, McArtliur, Mattock, Moore, Rum sey, Norton and Thomson, the teacher, The soldiers said this was the first but should not be their last visit The New Era school will close on Friday of this week with a picnic in the camp meeting park. A tine literary program is to be rendered during the day to which the patrons of the school and the publio are in vited to attend. This school has been in session eight mouths and has been very successful under the direction o( William II an kins as teacher. Caaby News. Can by, June 1. One night the latter part ot last week, soue unknown parties broke into the kitchen of the Maple Shade Hotel in Canby and carried away several dollars worth of provisions. They entered through a window and left without giving the slightest alarm. I he t'rogressive dramatic Club gave a fine performance in Evans' hall to a crowd ed house Saturday night The play is en titled "The Heroic Dutchman of '76." They contemplate travelling and repeating the performance in this and adjoining coun ties. They are all Canby people and of course tl ey are all right. The Clackamas County Teachers' Asso ciation met on the M. E. camp ground here last Saturday, quite a number of teachers being present Many people of Canby and vicinity were in attendance and all enjoyed themselves. A number of Canby people attended the exercises at Union ball last week aud re port having a good time. Mr. 1). Warner is the teacher in charge of the school there. George Uayden and Carl Ward spent Sunday in Canby, the guests of W. H. Dobyns and wife. John Enges, the popular agent for the S. P. Co. at this place has been transferred to tbe Monmouth office ol the company. We are sorry to see him go. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Evans of Statlord spent Sunday in Canby. Chester Hodges is working in Oregon City. W. E. Weed of Fort Stevens spent Sunday in Canby the guest of W. W. Weed and family. The fruit crop is not nearly so badly dam aged by frosts as first reported. Mrs. Christian Wintermantle returned Saturday from her visit to Jeflerson. W. H. Dobyns spent Tuesday in Oregon City on legal business. Hood View Notes. Hood Viaw, May 31. Grandma Seely who was reported so seriously ill is much improved. Miss Orilla Stablnecker is quite ill ather home bere. Miss Maggie was home a few days last week. Miss Nettie Wood is home for a short time. Miss Rose Graham of Newburg is visiting her sisters, Miss Twink and Mrs. Young. Chas. McKinsey returned from a moun tain trip Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Baker and Mrs. Addie Harper J made Newberg and relatives a visit Satur day and 8unday. Miss Augusta Schlickeiser made tbe me tropolis a business visit Friday. C. T. Touze bas improved the appearance of bis fine farm by a new road and gate at the entrance. Many others in our midst would add much to tbe looks of their farms were they to follow this good example. Beautify your homes. It improves the community. Mr. and Mrs. Crisswell and son Dolph were guests of M. C. Young Sunday. Decoration day was observed at Pleasant Hill cemetery Saturday. A nice program was rendered and several eloquent speeches by Win, Young, Chauncey Calkins, Rev You won't see it again for A Schilling & Company Eldridge, Rev. Ilarher and Rev, Womels durf were highly appreciated. Many old and honored ctiiaona were among the con gnyailou w hich gathered to honor the de parted. The cemetery was beautifully dec oraitd with 'lie choicest llowers of the season, Smyrna News. Smyrna, Mav 31. Some light relreshlng showers Ml here Saturday night and Sun day morning. John Watson, who has been working near flneua Vista since the first of March, was at home over Sunday, L, D. Yoiler was Interviewing the lax col lector at the county seat Saturday. Joseph Dick is having lumber hauled from the mill here lor a new residence on his place near Canby . Chas. Ritchie aud W, 11. Voder who have been ieelng bark for R. W. Zimmer man finished that part of the work Satur day evening J. B. Ilien and family of Clarkes came down Ian Tuesday and Mrs. Hlen and the babies will spend a week or so among rela tives anil old neighbors. Q'lite a number from here attended the teachers' meeilng at Canby last Saturday. Ueorge Notes. Gsoku May 2a. The first Presbyterian church ut this place was well attended last Sunday, friends from Washington county who aere connected with this church 24 years ao were here on a visit. A host of friends, forty persons In all, made up a surprise party on N. Scheel, a young bachelor. A good time Is reported. A number of men of this district went out voluntarily this week and worked the road between Eagle Creek falls and Bakers' farm and made a much needed improve ment. Mr. Ruht who had the misfortune to lose one of his horses In a barb wire fence has replaced his team with a fine span of mules. Tbe crop outlook is very favorable so far. Beaver Creek a'ews. BiAVxa Cbkkk, Junel. We are having a refreshing rain this week which the crops need very badly. Most of the Beaver creek people spent Decoration Day in Oregon City, aud would have had a very pleasant lime had it not been for the rain. Dr. Thomas has returned looking better than when he went away. Mrs Edward Hughes who has been suf fering from a second stroke ol paralysis, is improving and able to be around. Mr. and Mrs. Grisenthwaile attended the state Grange at Corvalis last week. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All communications intended for this column should be addressed to Mrs. II, S. Gibson, Oregon City, Oregon. The regular monthly meeting of (he Clackamas County Teacher's Association was held in the tabernacle at the camp meeting grounds io Canby, Saturday May 29, 1897 -Called to order at the usual time by the president, II. G. Starkweather. Minutes of the previous meeting as prepared by the secretary, Fannie G. Porter, were read and approved. First on the program was a pleasing recitation by Master Victor Carotliers. Kiles orchestra rendered some choice music. "How can we Gain the Confidence and Love of our Pupils" was the subject of an excellent talk by T. J. Gary. Children have a natural respect for truth and a teacher should never attempt to deceive them in any way. lie must really love bis pupils, enter into their joys and sympathize with their trouble. W. W. Austin, Mr. Eyans, Edna Roes and II. S. Strange also spoke on this subject. A quartette of young ladies gave a choice song in a creditable manner. Miss Vara Knight recited "Kentucky Belle." "How to Teach Percentage" was the subject of an interesting talk by II. 8. Gibson. He emphasized the need of the pupils understanding the four funda mental rules for arithmetic before at tempting to study percentage. He should be accurate in decimal work. The subject should be introduced by analysis first; after the pupil thoroughly understands percentage, introduce other methods. "Some Errors in Method and Disci pline Made by Teachers" was the sub ject of an excellent address by Supt. II . G. Starkweather. He did not believe that it was absolutely necessary to have the love of pupils in order to do good work in teaching. Discipline should always be maintained. He would not discard our reading books, for complete stories. The selection in Barnes' readers are good and he believes nothing better can be arranged . On motion meeting association ad journed to partake of a delicious repat prepared for the teachers by the good people of Canby. Afternoon session was called to order at i :30. Kiles orchestra rendered a patriotic selection which received an enthusiastic encore. Several vonng ladies from Mr. Cole roan's room, rendered some choice vocal music, responding to an encore. Mr. Briggs spoke on "How to Teach Physiology." He believes in doing practical work as much as possible, tak ing up each subject as arranged in the text book and using all supplementary work obtainable. "A Geometric Play" by 12 pupils from Miss Summer's room was a pretty sight. A beautiful violin solo played by Mr. Robert Coe, was given an enthusiastic encore. Alex Thomson, Estelle Bracken and Edna Hoes offered a resolutlonjof thanks to the good people of Canby for their kindness and hospitality, to the teachers and pupils of Canby school for the entertainment furnished the association, and to Kile's orchestra for the excellent music, which was unanimously adopod. The attendance At this meeting wns good, as three schools had united to hold a picnic on that day. IOgnn was chosen as the next place of meeting. As the annual Institute will be held the first week iu July, it was decided to omit the Juno meeting, con sequently, the next association meeting will be held the lust Saturday in July. W. V. Austen, Jennie Kowen and Bertha Sumner were itisti tided to pre pare a program for the Logan meeting. On motion, association adjourned to meet again the last Saturday In July, Change of Boats. Beginning with Monday tbe Altona commenced to run on the Oregon City Portland route, tbe Ratnona changing places with her and going on the upr river run. Graham Hro. attainod two objects iu changing the runs of their boats, The Altona is one of the swiftest boats on the Willamette and by placing her on the Oregon City route she will be able to more fully meet the completion of the electric cars, for she has made the trip from this city to Portland iu 40 min untes, which is as good time as the elec tric flyer can make, and people traveling on her will have the assurance of getting to their destination in as short a ti ne as by any other conveyance. The Uamona being one of the lightest draught boats on the river will be able to make regular trips up the river long after the other heavier draught boats have been forced to stop running. The Altona is so much more roomy and runs with so much less jar than the Uamona that she will do much tj build up the river traffic, especially when the trip can be made in the same time as the regular electric cars and tor only 25 cents for the round trip with the return ticket good any time. Electric Hotel Arrivals. Frank May, Portland W L Starr, " Mrs. Benj. Kutner, " A J Paul,. " W W Thayer " Henry McEleander, Damascus Dr E B Smith, Eagle Creek F A Stevens, Boston A L I'eifler, Sbllwood J P Peiffer, " Chas E Runyan, Astoria T J Cleeton, St. Helens Max Schneider and wife, Damascus J W Benian, Stone W C Ward, Viola P II Dawson, San Francisco Alex Ban, Vancouver II L Rogers, . " Wm Shannon, Beaver Creek C B Clement, Salem T M Thomas, Marquam The Electric hotel is the finest in the city and first-class in all its appointment. Electric cars stop in front of the door. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postoflice at Oregon City, Oregon, on June 4, 1897: mem's LIST. Gray, Private 1, Toll, W I lying, Michael (2) Tower, Kobert P Manamkl, David Thurston. Wm Noble 1. A women's list. Loveloy, Mr E Thompson, Miss II Mann, Mrs J T Kamage, Maud If called for state when advertised. 8. R. Grskn, P. M, Within easy walk of business center Sunset lots. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Wall P11 per. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at R. L. Holman's, Seventh street, near Main. tf. TA5TELE55 hill 1HQVE5 y f J?! G TDWC IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 cts. Galatia, Ills., Nov. IS, 1893. Pari! Modlclns Co., HI. JxjuH, Mo. Gentlemen: We lold I ant yunr, S00 bottle! of OHOVK'H TAHTKLKHH CHILL TONIC and hT bought tbroe Krowi already this year. In all oar ez prlence of 14 yean, In tbe drug biialrieM, bay Dever told an art trie that tf av turn universal aatls taetion a your Toole. Your mil.. Jtssr.CAaa 4 CO. For sale by C. G. Huntley. SILVER PLATE THAT WEARS In buying Hilvpr plated ware- of any kind, tlicro nro two tilings to conwider durability nnd nrtiritio de nigti, both of which cut) bo Hooured by purchasing Rogers HroH,' goodtt. Our ntot k of this wnro in nil new nnd bought nt lowest prices for cmh. If you wish to pttrcluiHo any urticlo in this lino bo tuiro and hoc our stock. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers 7 lTl'W W. Ilirl at her ncwliH'ntion in thoCuuflcld block, illlde XU J.1ILI ,mt ((K)J to t,,0 ii(.,.hivo-hii onoof the inont complete ntocks of FINE CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, NUTS AND NOTIONS BeHt Ice Crenm in Gent's Furnishiiijr Goods SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS W V 1 1a" V I. 4 Two II. WHEN YOU BUY. ALWAYS GET THE BEST This applit'u to real estate as well as other comoditios. Every family in need of a homo duuircH tho beBt loca tion. SOUTH OREGON CITY Has the greatest number of advantages to its credit, of any of tho suburbs of Oregon City. It will pay you to investigate this property. Good clear lots at reasonable prices on easy instalments. Call on or address T. L. OHARMAN, Trustee. Charman Bro's. Block, fe?lure's Ta2azir;e For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life ofOrant by Ilumlln Gurlnnfl. The first authorita tive aail adequate Life ol Grant ever publislied. Lavishly Illustrated, (lie gins in December.) Hudyard Kipllng'n first American serial, " Captains Courageous." Uieiilns in November.) Robert Louin Htevenon' " St. Ivss." The only novel of Steven son's still tinpublisbed, (ltegins In May.) Chasi, A. Danti. " Recollections of Wartime." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better fitted tlmn any other man living to give an autlioritutive history of tins period from bis recollections and correspondence. Portrait of CJreut American. Many of tnem unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to ihiMIhIi special biographical studies under the t-eneral title of MAKKIiH OP THIS UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Picture of PuleHtlne. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Storieei of Adventure. A seiial by CONAN DOYLK, In which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, giyen him a place beside Poe and Uaboriau. TEH FACTIOUS LURITERS Ian Mticloren, All the fiction that be will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in McCi.vkk's Maoazink. Joel Chandler Harris. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the " lirer Kabhif'and tbe " Little Mr. Thimblollntter" stories. Hudyard Kipling. Resides " Captains Courageous," Kipling will con tribute to McCtitiHK's all of the short stories be will write during tho coming year. Octave Thanet is preparing for the Maoazink a series of short stories in which the samecharucters will appeal , although each will be complete in itself. Anthoney Hope Hretllarte Hobert I3arr Frank It. Btockton Htanley Weymun Cluric Iiutmell will all have stories in McClukk'b for tbe coming year. Tiiese are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCm're's Magazine for 1807, the subscription price of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. number. The S. S. fllel tire m the City.. I have taken nnw quarters In Helium's building Main 8t, where I have more room to display my stock of mini's and boy's furnishing goods. I liaveuow oix'ticd a new line of spring and sumiiinr good Just received from Kastern factories. I will alao show a full and late line of men's and boy's straw hats a prices ranging from l'.'c to ftfo. I have special bargain In men's hats at the extremely low price of 45c. Also a nice line of Fedora hats from IKIc to f .' (H). Having but recently started In business, my stock Is new, and having butnrbt the sains at bottom prices, I am enabled to sell goods extremely cheap. d""" ""h ' K. K. W grocery store. Hiatus' Oregon City. Subscriptions should start with this Co., Neui York City