IPhtronize Our Home Industri6S The prosperous community is the one that within itself, most supplies its own people in their various needs, and by selling much and buying little, keeps its money from going abroad, Our farmers and manufacturers would each havo a bottor niarkot for their products, if our people would encourago our local manufacturers by giving preference to their products ovor thoso importod from othor places. Were such the practice, it would not bo long until Clackamas county would bo one of the groatost industrial contors on this Coast. IKTDUSTRIAI. DIRECTORY E"OX5, CLACKAMAS COUWTY. ii J ttT'U there are other industrial csstab- i lishments in Clackamas count v not 51 trivcn in this directory, their cnrd wil 0 - . i - - - be inserted free of charge on receipt of copy. 1 3 j WILLAMETTE PULP & TAPEPv CO k N. R. Lang, Superintendent, isews l'aper and bulphite Pulp. GEORGE BROUGIITON, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill, Main and 16th Sts. PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO., F. S. Kelly, Superintendent for Oregon City Flouring Mills. Flour and Feed. CAPEN SHOE COMPANY, fi E.Capen, Pres. N. M. Moody, Secy. Standard Oregon Shoes. Willamette Falls. OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ralph Jacobs, Pres. E. G. Jacobs, Secy Cassiinere, Flannels, Blankets and Socks. C. A. WILLEY, Harness, Saddles and Shoes. Seventh street, near depot J. J. it W. II. NOYES, Plain and Ornamental Baskets made from Oregon Ash. Factory in Bolton Addition, F. D. ANTRIM, Axe, Sledge, Pick, etc., Handles From Selected Oregon Oak. LOGAN FLOURING MILLS, Fischer Bros., Proprietors. Flour and Feed ABERNETHY SAWMILL, J. II. Jones, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Mill. 2 miles from Oregon City ij till .UA.HIAVllAUU B COMPANY, v. Ralph Jacobs, Pres. . C. G. Jacobs, Secy. JOSEPH MEINDL, r i Hazel Shavings for Clarifying Beer. U Factory on the Abernethy, 2 miles from Oregon City. M MILWAUKEE CARDING MILL, J. G. Bonnett, Proprietor. Wool Carding of All Kinds. DEEP CREEK FLOUR MILL, E. H. Burghardt, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. MILLOVIA SAWMILL, Chas. it Robt. Miller, Proprietors. Cedar and Fir Lumber Fj JOHN BARTNIK,' ri TT 1 O " ? 1IM II' t nana opinnmg w neeis ior ooi. Desks, Tables, etc., made to order. Shop on Clackamas, mile above Park-place. fj JOHN & THEO. TELLESON, Handles of All Kinds From Selected Oregon Oak. Factory at Logan. OREGON CITY IRON WORKS, James Roake & Co. Machine and Foundry Work Fourth and Water Streets. GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE, Wilkinson Bros., Proprietors. Cut Flowers, Bulbs, Flower Plants and Roses. tj OREGON CITY CIGAR FACTORY, fj Frederick Cramer, Prop , u Fine Cigars. Factory in Bolton. LINDSEY & SONS, ituug la nil' is i tcntu I J U ii UK, 1 Mill 2 miles from Carus. Lac; PARKPLACE TANNERY, Fairchild & Irish, Proprietors. Shoe and Sole Leather. Work done on shares. OrnamenU.1 Ruga made from Angora Goat and other Skins. JAMES WHETSTONE, Plain and Ornamental Baskets. Factory at Park place. PARKPLACE STEAM LAUNDRY, Sisters Good Shepherd. Props. Laundry Work of All Kinds. CROWN PAPER COMPANY, W. P. Hawley, Superintendent. Wrapping, Fruit and Bag Paper. Sulphite and Mechanical Pulp. SANDY SAWMILL, J. II. Wewer, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. BARLOW CREAMERY, Barlow Creamery Ass'n, Props. Fine Creamery Butter. NEEDY TANNERY, R. W. Zimmerman, Proprietor. Harness, Whang and Skirting Leather UNION FLOUR MILLS, G. J. Trullinger, Proprietor. Flour and Feci WILLAMETTE FALLS SAWMILL, Charles Moehnke, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumlcr MULINO ROLLER MILLS, C. T. Howard, Proprietor. Flour and Ffed ADKINS BROS., Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 3 miles east of Canby BROETJE'S NURSERY AND GREEN HOUSE. J. F. Broetje it Son, Proprietors. Nursery Stock, Flower Plants and Bulbs Cut Flowers. Courtney, on East Side Electric Line, NEEDY CREAMERY AND APIARY, D. J. Kaufman, Proprietor. Gilt-Edged Butter and Clover Honey. NEEDY SAWMILL, J. A. Yoder, Proprietor. Rough and Dressed Lumber. OSWEGO NURSERY, Walling it Jarisch, Proprietors. ruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery and Flowers. MARQUAM SAWMILL, Mortenson it Hanson, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lu mbcr, G. II. BESTOW A CO., Sash, Doors, Moulding, etc. Mill Work of All Kinds. ' Main and Eleventh Sts. OREGON CITY ICE WORKS, Jas. Lovett, Proprietor. Artificial Ice and Cold Storage. 'ORTLAND GENERAL ELECTMC COMPANY, P. F. Morey, Pres. II. W. Goode, Mgr. Electric Light, Power and Heat. AIMS SAWMILL, E. II. Bramhall, Proprietor. Cedar and Fir Lumber. OREGON CITY LABOR EXCHANGE, Crushed Rock for Concrete Work A. J . Kellogg, Mgr. SANDY CREAMERY, J. N. Foster, Fine Creamery Butter. GEORGE SAUM, 7 miles northwest of Stafford. Rough and Dressed Lumber. Feed Mill. STAFFORD FEED MILL, John Schieve. Fetd of All Kinds. II. II. WHEELER, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Mill 3 miles cast of Cnnby BUCKNER CREEK SHINGLE MILI J. II. Evans, Proprietor. Mill 11 miles east of Oregon City J. K. MILLER, Sawmill and Feed Mill. Address, Needy MULINO SAWMILL, McCord Bros., Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumler SANDY FLOUR. MILL, F. A. Meinig, Proprietor. Flour and Feed MILWAUKEE POTTERY WORKS, Chas. Fischer, Proprietor. Enameled Brick, Vases, Flower Pots, etc. FRANK FOX, Rough and Pressed Lumlcr. Sawmill 4 miles southeast of Molalla HENRICI BROS., Feed Mill. Beaver Creek ELYVILLE FEED MILL, J. A. Thayer, Manager HENRY KLEINSMITH. Feed Mill. Sprinewater. SntING WATER S WMILL, J. N. Livcrmore, Proprietor. Rough arid Dressed LtunWr. )OUGLAS, SIEFER & KEE, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill 2 mile east of Clackamas. RICHARD HILLIARY, Rough and Pressed Lumber. Sawmile J mile west of Damascus. B. JOHNSON, Rough and Pressed Lumber. Mill 3 miles from Pamnscus. OREGON CITY BRICK YARP, W. P. Poyser, Proprietor, mile from court house. Foot of Moss Hill VIOLA FLOUR MILL. David Zurcher, Proprietor. Flour and Feed. .OUIS TOEDLEMKIR, Feed Mill and Plow Share Grinder, Mill in the Kruso neighborhood. EAST SIDE RAILWAY CO., Builders' of Electric Cars. Shops at Milwaukio. A. J. SAWTELL, Grower and Dealer in Teasels, Molalla, Oregon. ABERNETIIY BRICK YARD, J. I!. E. Jones. Proprietor. Yard 1 miles from Oregon City, . r AURORA SAWMILL, Cole it Sons, Proprietors. Rough and Dressed Lumber, y rl I! NEW ERA FLOUR MILL, J. Scevick, Proprietor. 4I r lour ana reed. f B. F. LINN, f Rough and Dressed Lumber. t Sawmill on Abernethy, 7 miles from f Oregon City. f BEESON A SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumler. Sawmill on Abernethy, 10 miles from jj Oregon City. jJ FRED MOEHNKE, jj Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Abernethy 10 miles from Oregon City. J. II. MARTIN A SONS, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Sawmill on Abernethy, 8 mile from jj Oregon City. Q GLADSTONE SAWMILL CO., H. E. Cross, Manaeer. Rough and Dressed LujiiIht. y MULINO SHINGLE MILL. U Jesse A Hurias, Proprietors. jj Fine Cedar Shingle. 3 i! STURGIS BROS., Rough and Dressed LiiinImt. Sawmill 2 mile south of Molalla. jl HERMANN BROS., ... T 1 Hough and Dressed Lumber, A Sawmill 2 miles southeast of Molalla. j n V JOHN EVERHART, Feed Mill. 3 miles south of Molalla. f . f SAAO MILLER, fj Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick and Tilo. Mill and works 2 miles east of Hubbard, t " t OSWEGO IRON AND STEEL CO., I W. M. Lndd, Pres. J. Frank Watson, Sec. f i ig Iron and Water Pipe Furnace and Pipo Foundry at Oswego. Sj Feed Mill nrwl IM.uv .m.n r!-i.l: . . ..... .'iiu,u UIIIIUIII. 'A I j miles southwest of Stafford. A Legal Notices. Notice for Publication. Land olBre at Oregon City, Ore., MT IS, 1HU Nut ca ii hereby giveu that the f"llowiug Darned i'jttfer hna lilod notice of ba iDU-ntlon to make Dual proof in ia p ,it f hie claim, and that aal I i r of will oa mnde before the Rcelut -r endKweivernt On goo City, O e., ou Jul 10, 1W7, via: AMBROSE PLEWARD, H. E.8r66for(heKHof8 W!4 aud WMofHE iiniSvc. 10, T. S8-, K.8E. Hi nta a ihe following wKneasea to prora lua co i iouonar aid.nceupou and cultlvailon f n A laud, vi: Chariva Huhbnrd, of C 1 od, Ore.; F'aok Raker, of C lion, Ore.; Peter Lh forty, of Col t0,0 6 ; Michael Arquet, f Coiton, Ore. 1-21, 6-25 HOBEUT MiLLEH, Hegister. IvEecutor'n Notice. Kotlce ia hereby given that the underi'uned haii baea appo.ntad by the county court of Claekamaa county, Oregon, executor of the last Mill iiud teitament of Robert Hay. defence 1 All peraJim riviuf olalma aiaiuat theesute nf n;d Robert Ray, deceased, are hereby notified 10 preeut tho lime duly verified for payment to the undersigned or at the officj of Brownell & Cnmpbell, Oregon City, Oregon, within alx mouth from tliednts of thlt notice. Dated May 1, 1W7. CHARLEY BAt'GHERTY, Brownell & Campbell, Executor. Att ya for Executor. 6--4. Kxerutor'a Notice. N 01 ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE underxlKDed baa been appointed by the onnty Court i f Clackamas County, Oroton, Keoutor of the last will aud testament of W. 1) XiauKberty, deceased. All persons having alauna against the estate of aatd W. D. Daugh fi ty, deceased, are hereby nolitied to present Slie aame, duly verified, for nayment to tne un- waigned at Molnlla, CUckamas County, Ore AOD, or at the ollice of Brownell & Campbell, )ngonCity, Oregon, withiu six months from 4l;e date of this notice. Dated May 14, 1. , CHARLEY DAUGHERTY, Drownall ACampbeil, Executor. Att'va for executor. W It Oregon City MarketBeport. (Corrected weeklyj Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 72 cents per bushel. Flour Portland, $4.30; Howard's Best, $4.30; Fisher's Best, $4.20; Dayton, $4 "0: Pendleton, $4.90 Oats in sks, white, 45 cents per bushel, gray, 40. Millstuffs Bran, $16.00 per ton; shorts, $17.50 per ton. Potatoes 45 cents per sack. Eggs, 10 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, 25 to 30 cents per roll. Onions, $2 00 to $2 25 per sack. Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5 cents ; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 6c prunes, 5 to 7 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon Hams, 9 to 11 cents; sides, 614; shoulders, 6 to 10; lard 7 to 8 Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live, 3 to 3j cents ; bogs, live 3'4 oents ; hogs dressed, 5 lob'i cents ; sheep, $2.00 to $2.25 per head;veal,dressed,4 to Mi. Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50 ; old $3.00; turkeys, alive, 8 cents per pound. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Enterprise and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Steamship tickets and seasick preven taye. F. E. Donaldson, agt. Gladstone property will be in demand this coming spring and summer, 'n m i " i niaai''7 ,'"' "' FOR CLATSKANIE 8teamerG. W. Shaver, LEAVES Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock. Returning, leaves Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyen ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kalama 9:15; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. m. This Is the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley, IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points Shaver Transportation Co. FIRST Go via St. Paul because the lines to that point will afford you trie very best service. SECOND See that tho coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wis consin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines entering the Union Depot there, and its ser vice is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via the Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jar. C. Pohd, or Geo. 8. Battt, Gen. Pas. Agt., General Agent, Milwaukee. Wis 2W Stark tit.. Portland, Or J OREGON CITY IRON WORKS New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for- MACHINE WORK & CASTING All work executed in the best manner possible. teed on all orders. Promptness guaran- REPAIRIITG-a-SPBOIALTY. Prices the lowest tbehad Jj Fourth Street, J. ROAKE & CO.