Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 21, 1897, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
HliDTII Hnl'HIl,
falllnriiU Kiiirima MliriitiKh)
Himuliiiin Ux'al (way aiailinia)
south sniimi,
KixlnirK Local (wny Ulliilm)
('llfwiiU hTo (iliiiiimli)
S Ml . III.
' H in . 111.
0.77 a. III
0: U i. 111
nr xii Tiimn ri icic iuii.hoau.
Hill I'lcum goiui Nnrlli, D IX) i in,
Mull einaoa 4Mlnn HiMith.V Kin. til mil) i. W p in,
M I illalnliiiir"! (rutii Nnrlli 7 'Ml i mi,. Hi Id .in.
Mull illaillliillili Imiii Mill I h U Ilia III , It .40 J. Ilk.
T aim n.Kcimo mm.
UII r. i ur I'urllaml ni.il diiirll ulli
jinh.U. 1 niHin, ami 4 i'l i. in,
M ul Ho. li.r MiUauava uiiljr, 8 (5 a. III..
Mml nlvi lium Fuillaiiil, II 80 a. in. auI
4 .16 p. in.
in mii TKi.
Orrami City In K.Iy.Cania, Mullii". MIiithI anil
W'illl hwi lit li lu. mill arrlvva m li in.
im"ii ' 11 jr lii llr.yrf f rm-k, Mink, dark.
Mrnliiw HiiHik.l nliin Mllla, ami ( niton, lnci
I H . m. MniiiUir. WliiiiUr mul rrUay,
ml roliinia nil illwlus ila al 4 ! li. in
Iiipkiiii Illy li Villi, Atf mul IIimIUihI
Iravra Or"U Clly MolnUy. WviluwUv au)
Krlilay at l.UU . 01., laavlug Vlula aama days
al 7 ,uua, in
OrK"ii ( Itr to Wlllaiimlln, HiIT r 1 anil
Wtl iivlli. arrlvuaal lu.UUa. in. ami Itnva. at
II 0 a. in, o ijr.
u-ii-ml ) 1 1 vi y wind" li iip n on mul
(nun o in 11 . in. A l l"i"f"l"M p '1 ml'! ih
tli'i ""in l piunipily to I iifT Suit las,
aa nil Mlir d iy.
A -l Ki-'Mi mall Dial la drlarvd an I lIIa !
airiYoo i I wi a. in., a. I'. U lu mil ni on 12
O tl- ra nr 4 lil a. rcl' io car,
ll'IfiKMllN kall'US ILLaNkn rn.u
I ,'41 a. III.
a i 7 1 "
,KI HI "
luon S HA "
II 10 ' 1 Ifl p, III.
U pi " 2 Id "
1 If p. in. i "
4.0" I M "
Ml " "
i IU 1 i "
7 III " K t4 "
Similar caia Irava av.iy himr mii1 n'rlwai
I U. In tOacI oil anil - f 't Jami r i.
Tiu Way i'kkhhknis Auk MbKvMiiy
of the gri-at mm (hat have Inert known
to tlilrt l oiititiy liavti come up (ruin the
rank of tlm cuiuinun voo mul muni
of Itit'in owed llmlr Mart lo the avlf aw
rillie iimila liy a itiollirr. whose ennfl-
ili'iiie lit Imr boy m h utiliotiiiilcJ h
wtui lir illini;iiiaa to umlitrito ml man
hit of ImnUliipii tlmt h inlKlit Iihvh tlm
ndvmitMKei lit) o Hori'ly ihtiUhI , A inont
itliftic liiclili'iit liuit rnlim to tlie iiotii:u
of Urn KxTnui'MiHit o( tliu t'lT.irt liulo
farmer liny of Clm Umnti" counly i iiimW
ItiK to Mlluln mt ((Iiii'bIUiii mul of the
labor mxl irluto lii moilii-r i uihUt
K'jIiiK to lii'lp Imr boy. Thin loy, m u
miMirU'd by Urn Imly, t hoo hoiUMfiii
thUdty tha ooy and molluT ralli'd, a
about 11 or 12 )mr of had ad
vanced o far in bli niillcn at athoul
tlmt hti ri'itiired more bookH.and not Imv
I UK tha nioni'y to uir'liHMi thrni, it wan
quilrdiool or io mino uy to get the
lii'ixliiil book". It a llit'll tlmt bio
mother came to bin help. Tbotiub they
live on a bit of land nix mile out in the
the country which yiuMu thum but a
Bounty Income, ahe duieriuinod that the
book ahould be bad, and havinx a
linall flock of clilckcna, nine of them
were cmiht and having no team to haul
the in, the mother took lix and the boy
three and they net off for Oregon City to
carry their load to market, over the aix
milt" of muddy roada, for the incident
took place ome weeks ago while tho
roada were yet muddy. Arriving in the
city the chii kena wer peddled off at the
private bonne for eah, for the mer
chant wero only paying in trade for
poultry, and with the money the coveted
booka were purchased, and mother and
on, lired, but full of lioiw. net off for
their little home with the iiHnuiance thai
once more the loy could undertake hia
work of gaining an education. That thla
little fellow, Hhould nothing befall him,
will yet make aomuthlng of hlinclf ia
cay to predict und bin name may yut be
among thoau whom Americans will be
proud to honor aa one worthy of the high
cat gift of the nation.
Fin Stock. Solomon Qlick, a pro
greimive young farmer of Clark, haa
found that it cota no more to raine and
care for fine Block than It does lor bci iiIib
and ia getting the fluent Block obtiiinublo
for his farm. Lanl week he received
from Ohio a pair of pigs of the celebrated
Ohio Improved Cheater broed which
cost him f-10. He already had a pair of
theBO hog which he received last fall
from the aamfl place coHting him over
$110. The CheHter la a large, rapidly
growing bog of a white color and re
quires comparatively little feeding to
attain a large aire at an early age and
are great improvement over the hogs
raised by many of the farmers through
out the state. If we had more progres
sive farmers like Mr. Glick there would
be greater proaperity and fowor mortga
ged farms in the country.
Amkkica's Voluntbkhb. Ballington
Booth's volunteers, the American part
of the Salvation army, were in Oregon
City Monday. The company consists of
a lieutenant and a rogircuntal brass band
of ten pieces. The muBlcans wear a
a gray uniform with gray lelt hat and
the lieutenant wears dark blue. They
are making a lour of the principal towns
of the state to introduce their work and
will be followed later by a detachment
of organizers, who will organize camps
of Volunteers in the difl'urent cities.
UiVKit Hoiiiii.iiM-Complaint is mudu
that tho IImIhtiiium cngiiucd in finding in
Ui Wllliiiniilli) abrmiHt of ilm town have
of late been milking a decided hiiIhihii'h
of tlii'iiiHi-lvi-", In the early evening
wlniii they g' nut to lay tlielr nets tln-y
iinliilgi In all milliner of conru and
oliM'fiiu laiigiiiiK.i, that Is 1 Hpoken in
Hiiili a loud voice that tliey are plainly
1 1 en n I In all the renldeiit'f along the
riviir front. At there are many ) pin
oiui'iiuiling aluiig the river front and
on the MUHpenalon bridge, theaii evening
d inlay (if billiuuHguie by tlo IMier
mu :i Is yory annoying, eHai:lally to the
Imlies. Again on returning to town In
the early morning bourn these hoodlum
wake up all rrnlileiita of the river
front with their yelling and loud ninglng.
It will be jiiMt as well for these flMlieriin-ri
to respect the rights of other people and
to go quietly about their work for unless
Ih -y do, steps will be taken lo see that
they obey tho law and conduct them
Knives a self ri'H-etlng men should.
I'. 1). I'.ruce, an erst while lawyer,
real estate and all-around coulldence
man who bad a brief business career in
thin city closing it with a two-year term
In the Oregon penitentiary, baa lately
been (iierotiiig in llutte, Montana, fiom
which place he recently left, for pas
tures new, by the light of the moon. A
Unite paMr recently received by Tost
master (Jreen devoiea a coliuun to the
mis doings of this scoundrel who should
he lin ked up on general principles, Ac
cording to this paer Hruce has lately
coinpleleil a two year's term In the Idaho
IS'iiltentlary and left a record behind
hint In Unite that will give him another
term behind the walls if the authorities
succeed in gathering him In.
A Mi Kim.kv II km. Frank liaker, of
the West Side, has ben tint seems to
be thoroughly imbued with the fact that
prosH-rity is returning to this land of
ours and Is doing w hat she can to hasten
its coming. She not only lays every day
but since McKinley'a election her eggs
have increased very pea-niilibly in size,
Mr. Ilaker left one at this olhYfl the other
day that measured 8 7-10 inches one way
and 7 1 M inches the otbei and weighed
just five ounces. The calamity bowler
who would ib-niiind more in the lino of
hen irocrity than thlk0'l ben Is do
ing deserves to live on ham straight
without an egg to grace bis plate.
Oregon City Taleul Itcroxnlxetl.
Col, KoU-rt A Miller has accepted an
invitation to deliver an aildresa before
the annual meeting of the "Native Sons
and Pauuhte ra of Oregon" at Itmw usvillo
on the Mill of June. Colonel Miller is a
naiiveOregonian in the truest sense of the
word, having been born in 1-ane county,
rained in Jacki-on county, educated in
Mailon county, initiated Into busine a in
Miillnoinah county and is now an honor
ed resident of Cluckamas enmity. He
is eminently qualified to do himself
proud on this occasion.
Hon. Oeorge C. llrownell will deliver
the omtloti at h'llverton on Memorial
day, in accordance with the request of
the iMKiplo of that town. Mr. lirownull
is one of the most gilietl orators in the
state and hia address on this occasion
will he in accord with the sentiment of
the day.
Mr. A. S. Dressor will respond to the
Invitation from General Hunk Post, No.
Ml, U. A. K., of Hubbard, to deliver the
Memorial address at that place on Mon
day, the 31st inst. Mr. Diesser ia a
logical and interesting sieakor and will
talk along the lines of the cost of build
ing a country like ours, the e fleet of the
war, the great work of the Grand Army
and duties of American citizens gener
ally. Lockii akt, TexAB, Oct. 13, 1889.
Messrs. i'aris Medicine Co.,
Paris, Tenn.
Pear Kirs: Ship us as soon ss possi
ble, 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
and will not have any other. In our
experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug
business, we have never sold any medi
cine which gives such universal satis-
facsion. Yours respectfully,
J. 8. I! row N i & Co.
For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggiBt
Four FuinoiM ( lmructers In Fiction.
Charles Dana Gibson has made a great
bit with his Dickens illustrations in The
Ladies' Home Journal. In the June
number we haye a rare opportunity of
eooing what a great illustrator can do in
one picture with four famous chactera
in fiction. Mr. Gibson prsentB Mr. and
Mrs. Micawber, David Copperflsld and
Traddles. The long, quaint curls of Mrs.
Micawber, ami tho charactersllc of her
gloved bans as she "luys the case"bcfore
David Copper liolu, have been admirably
caught by the artist. Mr. Micawber,
self poised and satisfied, wears a calm
judical expression as he balances his
glass In his hand.
The statement made many years ago
that "man cannot live by breal alone"
is as true as it over was he must have a
nice juicy steak or a roast of meat to go
with it. Richard Petzold s alway ready
to furnish his customers with the best of
fresh and smoked meats at either his
Main or Seventh afreet market.
You run no risk. All druggis's
guarantee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
to do all that the manufacturers claim
for it. Warronted no cure, no pay.
There are many imitations. To get the
genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by
0. G. Huntley.
For Sale By
33. 33. WILLIAMS,
Tho Grocer.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars lie
ward for any case of catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciiknky A Co.,
Props . , Toledo, 0.
Wo, tho undersigned, hare known F.
J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and lliiancially able to
curry out any obligations made by their
II rm.
Wkst A Tmcax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Wamuko, Kink am & Maiivik, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ilull'sCutarrli Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
H-r bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Money for Farmers.
When it comes to buying harness,
saddles, whiM or robes the prices and
work to be bad at Willcy's harness shop
cannot lie duplicated in Portland. He
pairing done in itood shape and
promptly. Full line of shoes carried
and sold at bed rock prices. Shoe re
pairing attended to. Willey's loirirera
and farmers hand made shoes have no
suH-rior. Call at Lis shop on Seventh
street near the deH)t and see how big a
dollars worth you can net.
ForYoang Men and Young Women
There is nothing that will arouse the
Ire of a voting man or woman so quick as
to have Inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dress ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
miissy tboir neat apiearance is soilcd.
The Troy laundry makes a iecialiy of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can lie no better work than is
done at the Troy. Leave your orders at
Farnsworth's arber shop.
have Your drain.
Few realize that each squirrel destroys
il .50 worth of grain annually. Wake
lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator
is the most effective and economical poi
son known. Price reduced to 30 cents.
For sale by C. G. Huntley, G. A. Hard
ing and Charman A Co. '
Hooks t'heiip.
Everything required in the school
room, books, slates, tablets, sponges,
ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil
liams, cornet Seventh and Center streets.
Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc.,
frvsh and of good quality. Sold at reas
onable prices.
Sewing Machine For $20.
High grade sewing machines, that will
do as good work as aa any that are on
the markot, will be sold for the next
four weeks for from $14 to (20 by H, 0.
Cheney, at Cheney's art gallery.
If you want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Building and
Loan Association, call on H. T, Sladen.
He has it at his finger ends. .
Avoid Consumption.
by stopping that cough. We know of no
better remedy for coughs and colds than
the S. B. Cough Cure. G. A. Harding.
Rare Chance.
Will trade 3-year old Jersey bull, hlgly
pedigreed for good work horse. AddreBS
Cliff Farm, Canby, Oregon.
Oregon City MarketReport.
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 72 cents
per biiBhel.
Flour Portland, M-30; Howard's
Best, $4.30; Fisher's Best, (4.20; Dayton,
(4.70: Pendleton, (4.90
Oats in -sks, white, 45 cents per
bushel, gray, 40.
Millatuffs Bran, (16.00 per ton;
shorts, (17.50 per ton.
Potatoes 45 cents per Back.
Eggs, 10 cents per dozen.
Butter Ranch, 25 to 30 cents per roll.
Onions, (2 00 to (2 25 per sack.
Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5
cents; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 6c'
prunes, 5 to 7 cents; plums, 4c.
Bacon Hams, 0 to 11 cents ; sides,
O.'j' ; shoulders, 0 to 10 ; lard, 7 to 8.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live,3to 3,' cents; hogs, live 3 cents;
hogs dressed, 6 to 6,' cents; sheep, (2.00
to(2.25 per head ;veal,dres8ed,4 to 4V.
Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50;
old (3.00; turkeys, alive, 8 cents per
Nono but tho very best carried j
in Htock,
Mrs. Wanda Zimmerman,
. Next door to Oriental Hotel.
No. 270, Morrison Street,
For general repairing he Btand
without a jieer. For fusl-daBB, re
liable goods his Btore is second to
none. Trv bim !
Bread in the
Staff of Life,
That is, if it is good, wholesome
bread, if not, it is more dangerous
than the
BulletHof theTurks
Since assuming control of the
Harding bakery no effort has been
spared either in quality of flour
used, or skill in handling to make
Horton's Mread,
The equal of the best known
made. His pastry cannot be
excelled. Tiy a loaf ol whole wheat
flour bread.
Fine Groceries and
-aasa-Fresh Vegetables.
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City Stables.
W. H.YOUNC, Prop.,
Huccaaaor. to W. f-J. COOke.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Telephone No. 42.
Track and Road Work a Specialty.
Any style shoes forged in Iron or
steel. Wagon work and repairing.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop on Seventh street, next door to i
Nobhtt's stable.
WgIIIcQ woman, asstjred
Immediately wghper.
Tha Cosmopolitan Magariiw, edited by John
BaisaiN Walks, wiahea to add a quarter
of a million lo its clientele, already (he laru
atl, of intelligent thinking reader posseued
by any periodical In lhe world.
DERED. It wishes the services of
one reliable man or woman In every
town, village, country district, or
manufacturing establishment In every
Stat. All that is required of any
one la reliability, earnestness and
work. No matter on what other
work you are engaged, it will pay
you to examine into thla offer.
Apply, stating position, capabilily and refer
Irrington-on-the-Hudson, New York
Prompt attention to hauling to any
part of Oregon City.
Moving attended to promptly and
Special rates given on hauling to
and from Gladstone and Park-placo.
In buying silver plated ware of any kind, thr re
are two things to connidcr durability and artistic d'
ign, both of which can be secured by purchasing
Rogers Bros.' goods. Our stock of this ware is all
new and bought at lowest prices for cash. If you
wish to purchase any article in this line be Bure and
sec our stock.
The Oregon City Jewelers
4i i f i
To eet one of those ... ,
. . . Before they are all gone.
I must have a set for they out-wear any machine-made harness,
besides I can save from $3 to 15 by purchasing of the
J. F. CAMPAU, Manager.
Opposite Court House Oregon City.
All kinds of repairing done promptly and at reasonable prices
The Newest Always Takes the Lead
For the reason that constant improvements are being made ia
alll classes of productions.
Yucca Soap Takes the
For it is the latest and is the best soap for the complexion,
the toilet, the bath and laundry. Try a sample bar no soap
equals it.
Yucca Toilet Preparations.
Lanola Cream, Almond Meal, Peach Blossom, California Lilac
Glycerine and Mexican Tooth Powder. For sale by
203 Second Street, Portlaud.
Ceneral Agent for Oregon.
The Parkplace Merchant.
rays no big rent for he owns his building. Has no
city taxes to pay and gets his insurance for nearly
one half less than the up-town merchants for he has
no dangerous exposures.
Than the other Oregon City merchants by reason
of these savings. Call and make a trial purchase.
Taken in exchange
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
3 O
for goods.
I have taken new quarters in Schism's building Main St.
where I have more room to display my stock of men's and
boy's furnishing goods.
I have (now opened a new line of spring and summer
goods just received front Eastern factories. I will also
show a full and late line of men's and boy's straw hats a
prices ranning from 25c to 85u. I have a special bargain In
men's hats at the extremely low price of 45c. Also a nice
line of Fedora hats from 00c to $2.00. Having but recently
started in business, my stock is new, and having boueht
the same at bottom prices, I am enabled to sell goods
extremely cheap.
doors south of K. E.
grocery store.