Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
Oregon City Enterprise llATKN TO KKHKMBHH, Tn"'"y. My 4-CiiiiiiimiwiihiiiI Menlni't HI. Jiiliii't tcliiiol, el Hlilvnlcy't (in limine. Wnlnoiliiy, May l'J--Qiierlirly rxBinlim IIiiii ftir ii'itiilicr U be hold Bt tlie coiirt Iiiiikd hi (iri'KcmCitv, TlU'wUv, June LV (1. A. It. di mrtiiiniil Invrta et lniltiiiiiiniie. Huridny, My .HI Maiuiiiiirlal Bumlay with serviiei Kt Hlilvely't uper limit p in. MmicUy, My Ml-Motiinrlnl y with ser view by Hi O. A. It. Hi (li (.'iniititry, HtlDAY, MAY 7, 1H7. I'liUTIT COl'ltT. County Lowe Itimd C'umo iCuport of (imnil Jar; Mubmlltrd. OmiUuilxtln v Oregon City MfgCo; jury (nIIihI to gn nftor lieliiK out 24 hour Mild wiua tllaoliargixl. On-ifon Ulty v CUrkiinu Co; xtl Hon of lli city for writ of raviitw to ctinM'l tli county court to y ovur tho f."i,4(K) roil money collmtt'd by tlm county within He limit of Omgon City; onltir grnled imyml for and county court ordi'rttd lo vacate tlm or.liir pro vIoiiBly mmln, mid to audit and y Hie claim of tlm city a prnariiUd . Upon notice u( I lit county'i inlmitlon to apimal tlie cae, the court panted a atay of exe cution until the apHal ran 1m Hrfin:ted. Alliance Trunt Co v J II Woodward tt al ; dwnurror nycrrulrd. The Ort liidictinwit againNt Ceea U. llarlow, charging lilin with einWxIing 2,000 from the Harlow-Will Mercantile Co waa withdrawn and a new one, more rarnfully drawn but charging the aame ufluiiM, waa ulmtitulcd. The dcfniidant waa arraigned Saturday afternoon, en tnred a plea of not guilty and the caae waa continund for the U-rm. My riipet of both partica it will be the tlrl cane trlixl at the Novrmlwr term of court. Iaaau Traynor va Fredurlck Marshall; JtiiUmpiit for $275. (iuorge llorron va Wm Ronton; attttlud by dnfimdmit paying 100,eech party to pay bia own coata. Kinuer Sewing Machine Co va Helen Thoinpaon; Judgment for and no coata. C H Moore va Clarkamaa Co; defend ant given until today (Friday) to tile anawxr. Grand ury aulunltted Onal rcort and waa diachargml Katurday afternoon. T It Worthlngton va Henry TheUenn; motion for new trial denied ; thia lull In volved the HMiMiMion of 10 acre of land now Incorporated in the farm of the de fendant near Milwaukee. The Aral trial waa an action for jm tinent brought Ave year ago, remiltinit In favor of defend ant. A new hearing waa grunted a vear ago when the Jury found for the plain-' tiir. Bince the coata In the caae amount to aa much a the land la worth further proceeding are not Improbable. The decinion of County Judge Haye In the mutter of tlm will of Matilda I) Holt waa confirmed by 'Judge Mcltride Monday. Mr. Holt died In thin city IVcemlH-r 2H, IKltt at tlm agk of 72 year. Khe It-It an mlule valued at ftMXK) and no heir except the widower, Thomaa Holt, whom tiu married lena limn three month before her death. In her will, executed live weeka prior to her death, and which wa duly proved and admit ted to probate the testatrix divided f 1000 among seven niece and nephew, gave $1000 to her brother, Win. Hawkina; $1000 to Mr. Holt ami the reaiduo to 0. 11. Hawkins, another brother. C. M. Idleman wai imtdu executor of the will without bond. Mr. Holt liiHtituted a con to t and Judge Haye decided that tho will wa not executed according to the form of law and bo set it anidu and vacated the order admitting it to pro bate. The particular defect in the exe cution of the will were that the testatrix did not duclure It to le her laxt will and turiUtnent and did not aign the Inurn ment in the presence of one of the sub scribing witnesses or declare to blin that the signature it bore was hers. Webber vs Rliinoarson ; suit to rocovor money claimed for grubbing ; verdict for defendant, who was represented by Plmick and Lodur. Peter Younger was found guilitv of indecent exposure and will bo sentenced Friday morning. I'robate Court. The will of Cbarlos Duncan, who died in Salem April 12, was (lied for probate Saturday. The deceased left 178 acres of land In this county and seven lots In Lents, Multnomah county, all being of the estimated value of $:1000. By the terms of the will executed January 1, 181)7, the property was bequeathed to Charles It. Willis.son of David and Mary Willis who reside near WillHburg.and the mother of the beneficiary is named as tho executrix of the will without bonds. Durklen's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman A Co., Charmnn Bros. Block. Ice cream and Ice cream soda every day, rain or shine at the Novelty Candy Factory . itKii, i:srm, tiuxmfkks. FiirnMied Krery Week by the Chicks mil Abstract k Trust Cumpimy, W It Kills to llertha Myers, Feb 27 '07 trustee deed lot 2, 4. 0, 8, 10 11, 12 1,11(47 snd lot 1 In blk 61, Milwaukee Heluhls $1000 W It Kills lrulee to Haphel Jacobs et al, Aiir 22, '1)7 deed to lota 1 to II blk 1, lots 1 tu 7 and 0, 11 and n'of lot 8 blk 10, blk 11, 12 and lota 3, 6 and n?,' of 7 blk 11); lot 10 blk 20, Itobertaon ; also blk 32 lot Hand 12 blk 65 and ej of blk 38, MllwKiikee Heights and a tract adjoining Hobcrlaon on the north 7200 W It Kill trustee to Zlphonah Preger, Feb 27, '1)7 deed lota 7, 8, 0,10, 11, 12, 1.1, U blk 45, Mil waukee Heights 1000 W It Kill trustee to K 8 Levi, Apr 22, '07 deed lot 1 to 12 blk 4.3 ; 7 to 12 blk 44 ;1 to 8 Mil 4ft ;1 to 14 blk 4D ; 1 lo 4 blk 3.1, Milwaukee Heights 5000 Creed W Htratton to M William, Apr 1407 W I) lot 3 blk 17, Fall View and part of blk 22 County add 260 H Mathews to Itutb II White, April 22, '07 W I) lot 5 and 0 blk 23 Canby 80 Inman A Paulsen to Katie F Coun ter, Nov 18, 'IHl deed lot 1.1 and 14 blk 14, 1st add to Oswpgo. . . . . 200 Jamea W Hhaw to Josephine Itote, Mar 2.1, '07 W I) lot 0 and 10 blk 3 Oregon City annex 250 K J Cowliahaw lo M J Whitney, Ap 28, '07 W I) 10 acrs in Hector Camptadl claim .'. . . . 1 8 F to 8 M Kby, Apr 30, '07 W I) 10 air in sec 13 t 2 i, r 2 e ... 300 U 8 to Carl (laurauason, Dec 18, '00 patent ne.'j ; sec 28 1 5 , r 3 e. . . . Pat Tho K llattln to K T liohlman, Ap 30. '07 W I) 10 ai r arc 28 1 1 a, r 2 e 1000 Knoa Ifcxlge to K L Hturges, Aril 20 07 W I) nw4' of ne'4 and he',' of nw.l4 aec 0 t 6 a, r 2 e and aw i of nt4 and m of ae.'4 and lota 1 to 5 see 31 1 4 a. r 2 e 200 Sarah Jot to Garrett Yott, Jan 11, 03 W I) w of wj' of ne.'i aec 25 1 1 a, r 2 e 600 C F Prunall et al to K Helikeinxr, Oct 5, '00 Q C part of tract 5, Uak Grove 40 O A C U It to Chaa Hera, Feb 24,03 deed nw4' of nw4 see 9 1 2 a, r 4 e 120 J K Maclay to P II Maclay, Jan 20, '07 deed of awt4 sec 8 t 5 a, r 3 e and 100 acrs in sec 12 1 2 a, r 2 e and ne'4 sec 28 1 1 a, r 3 e and wt, of aw' aec 7 t 2 r 3 e and nw of ae'4 sec 10 t 4 , r 2e and 43 acrs in Shannon cUlm and 15 acra in claim 70 t 2 a, r 1 a and tract in Geo Brock claim and nw t4 see 14 t fl s, r 2e and e' of ew4 and n w 4 of sw t4 sec 21 1 2 a r 4 e 1 THE CLACKAMAS AIISTKACT A TKUST CO. are the owner of the copy right lo the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of ahslracta in the county, can furnish iufoimation as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investments, rvnl estate, abstract etc. Olllce over Bank of Ureuon City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. hare Your (train. Few rcallio that each squirrel destroys $1.50 worth of gruin annually. Wake- lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator la the most ellective and economical poi son known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by C. U. Huntley, G. A. Hard ing and Charman A Co. Within easy walk of business center Sunset lots. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. This I Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cent, cash or stamps, generous siimplo will b mailed of the most popnlur Catarrh end liny Fever Curs (Ely' Cream Halm) sufficient to demon, e Irate, the great nierita of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, Gt) Warren St., New York City. Iter. John Held, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely' Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a poti. lira cure for catarrh if used osdireoted." Rev. Francis W. Pnoln, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh nnd contains tin mercury nor any injurioua drug. Prioo, CO cents. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all in leavening Strength V. S. aovernmeot Report. Legal Notices. Notice of rinnl Neltlemeiit. NOTICE IS 1IKRKBY C11VKN THAT I HAVE tiled my final report aa executor cf the lata ol Kruilurlok Helvom, ik'0-sel, In tin county court of Clscknmni oouiity, Oreitou, suit the court lias flxixl Tue.dsy, June 1, 1MI7, ss the Ur and time lor thuvxAiniualion of sxld report and lor hosrins objooilona to tlm same. April 7, 1'.7. MARY 8B1VKR8, H K. Choss, Executrix ol laid eaWio, Allornejr lor estate. 4-0, 6-7 Itxerutor'N Notice. Notice Is heri'tijr Klvon that the uudorslgneil has been appointed by the county court or Clackamas county, Oreifon, executor ol the Inst w ll mul testament of Kobcrt Kay. derenseJ. All petaons having claims rkhIiisI tho estate of ss.d Kobert Kay, deceased, are hereby notified to prawiit the same duly verified for payment to tho undersigned or at tho efflo j ol Hrowucll A Campbell, Origon City, Oregon, within six mouths from tlieilnt9ol (Ills notice. Dated May 1. 17. I lUItl.EY DAIOHKUTY, Brownell 4 Campb .11, Executor. Att yi forExioutor, & 7 -6 4. (irmul Jury Itepi.rt. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county To lion. Thomas A. Mcllridu, judge of the above named court. Wo, your undersigned grand Jury for the April 1KW term of circuit court make this a our final report and respectfully represent lo lbs court: That wo have carefully investigated all charges of crime that have been pre sented to us and have returned Into the court eight true bills. We have inves tigated a large numbor of cases that have been hrought before us in which we dil not consider the evidence presented to us iiilllclmit to sustain an indictment and upon which we have made no reort, thereby consuming a great deal of our time. We do hot think it neces sary at the present time to employ any experts to fro over the affairs of the county oflicers, a we have ex- mined the work of the experts now In the county'i employ and consider their work when completed will be thorough and satisfactory. We visltod the different county offices and found the books and accounts neatly and well kept and as far as we could see each of said officers waa accounting for all public money received by them. We visited Hie county and city jaila and found them neat and well kept. We do not consider it necessary at tfie present time to make any recommenda tions for the expenditure of county funds, and now, having finished our labors, we ask to be discharged. G. W. Ciii'hcii, foreman. jAMsa F. Nklbox, J. F. LOOAN, J. C Hi imiPT, Amos Haskimotox, O. W. UxXTLIY, E. W. Hohnmiiuii. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Express Trains leave Portland Dally. Sou.h sour. a. s w r. a. 7 ... L Portland Ar Lv OrerioClty hr At S. Francisco Lv I North. 9 30a. a itoi.a S4M r.a The above train slop at all nation be- . 1 .1 1 T . I ween rortianu, eaieoi, i urner, Marion, Jetleraon. Albany, Tangent, Slieddi, Hilary, llarrlahitrx. Junction Cily. Kngene, Uottage iimve, Drain, vraaianu anu an aia llotia from Kosebtirg to Ashland inclusive Plrect connection st Ban Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Mall leanilili lines lor JArAN and tlllA Hailing dales on application Kale and tickets to Eastern points and (.'inn. Alan JAPAN. CHINA. MONO l.t t.l'aii'l Al'sritAI.IA. Can he obtained from K. E. UOYD, ticket agent, Oregon City KOHKbTKU MAIL (Datln. fmm V.KJimnnttif HiUrlHt Prof. W. B. Peeks, who (nukes a apeciultir t Kpllrpsy, ha without doubt treated and cur ed more u'S than any llvlnx I'hyslclani hi S'ii; r la ml'inl.hlng. Vo Imve henrd of caa ill ao years' SUndlne; curia nr him. II pllbllahesa valuable work on this die ease, w bleb) he send wltb a larfi-a bot tle of 'hi absolute cure, free to any sufferer who mi Mill thlr P. O. and Kiortaa arlrlraaa. W 'Ivlae any one wishing a cur loaddre froLW. JL llliZ, I. II.. 4 CedarSt., lew Tork I lid to I aTl PAPOLA 0. R. & N. Co. "FAST MAIL ROUTE." leaves for the East via Walla Walla and Kpokane, daily at 2:45 p. ra. Arrives at 11:51) a. m. 1-ave for the East via Huntington and Pendleton, daily at 0 p. m. Arrives at 0 a. m. THIWUIH FIRHT Cf.AHSANDTOURST ' .j I ir f f u Bread made from " Peacock" is as rich as cake; cake made . from it is as wholesome aa bread. peacock vwm CWflW ROLLED and other like things, Bjiccial tieB at HsppIs Star Groeery, Willamett Block. KaUbllabed 1J. CJ. Creen PIONEER 6(!K,V 7I.VD IVE (5CEDULK?. Occam Division Kteamshlps sail from Alnswoith dot k 8 p. m. For San State of California sails April 2, 12,22; Colum bia sail April 7, 17, 27th, and regular statd intervals thereafter. O0LUJJBI7I mm DIVISION POHTLANO AND AHTORIA Steamer T.J. Potter or stesmer Baily Galsert, leavea Portland daily except Sunday, from foot of Alder atreet, at 6:45 a. m., Ash fit. dock 7 a. m. ; also at 7.45 p. m. daily, except Saturday, from foot of Alder bt. ; r-aturday at 9 Aa p. m. and at 8 p. m. daily except Saturday from Ash Bt. dock: Saturday at 10 p. m. Returning, steamer T. J. Potter or steamer Bailey Qatzert leaves Astoria daily except Sunday, trom Telephone dock, at 6:45 a. m.;U. R. A N. dock, at 7 a. m. ; also from Telephone dock at 6:45 p.m. daily, 0. R. & N. dock at 7 p. m. Willamette, River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Steamer Ruth for Corvallis and way points, leavea Portland Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays al 0 a. m. Keturn Inc. leavea Corvallis for Portland and way points Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m. "steamer t-lmore, for Salem and way points, leaves Port land Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs at 6 a. m. Returning, leavea Salem for Portland and way points, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:15 a. m YJJPILL flIYER ROUTE. Steamer Modoc will leave Portland for Dayton and way points, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7. a. m. Returning, leaves Dayton Mondays, ednesdays and Ihursdays at 7 a. ui. W. II. HURLBUKT, E. McNEIIX. Gen. Pass. Aent. Pres. and M'kV, Poitland, Or. TrangfeP and Exppe$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Mir Lie. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Portland, Tuesday Thurs day and Saturday at 6:30 a. m. Arrives Monday, Wednesday ami Friday. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. CLOSING OUT SALE. In older to confine our trade to groceries we are closing out at absolute COSt our line of Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Etc. All first quality goods and are the best bar gains ever offered in Oregon City. EDMKRDS BROS. Wtlliams Block, cor. Seventh and Center Streets. MARR & ANDREWS. Your wife always finds it much easier to prepare a palatable meal when she has the best groceries provided for her use in the houstt. Leaders in Fine Groceies. As a m at ter of fact you will find no bctter place to trade than at this popular i-tore. If you are not buy ing of them, place a trial ardor nov H SDA.M. I I.V V:?7A. a. I Lv 4. .nr. a. I Ar Portland Ar OrrironClly Lv Ko.oliiiric Lr 4 M r. s 7 :.tO k. Vt cut Hide tnviaton. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS Mall Train, Dulljr (Except Sundav.t units, a. Lv Ar Portland Ar Corvallla I,v t MM l:OSr. At Albany and Pnrvallla connect with tratnt ol Oregon A E iaurn Kallroad. Kxpreas Train Datlv (Except Sunday) 4:Mr7. I Lv 7:8ur. M. I Ar Portland Ar McMlnnvlUa Lv I 8:211 A. I 5:M)A. R.K0EHLEK, Manaxer. E. P. KOQKKS, An t Q. F. and Paas. Aiem BCmania Clah fijarket PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked hams and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock.. Seventh St between Main and Depot 150 Roods. . Jobn Stearns. Ciller Clerk HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison fits., Portland Or. Rooms from 25c. to $1.00 per day Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains Restaurant Connected With Hotel. Wanted-An Idea Protect Tour Idcan: thMr mar brinit too wealth. Write JOHN WKUDKKIIURN CO.. Patent Aitor. nera. Wellington, D. C, fur thulr i,fl prlae oil or and llat ol two taundnd UiTentlou wanted. Wlio ean think of aome almple tuluxtopalttutr HARPER'S ROUND TABLE t Each cf the fifty-tut numbtrt of this ttrioJual will op with a story h some author of international fame. Portraits of a few of these authors are gifeu below. Besides the Prite Offers and offers of books there will be THREE REMARKABLE TWENTY-PART SERIALS A LOYAL TRAITOR THE PAINTED DESERT THE ROCK OP THE UON A SWT r O Arisaa Pawl A Sun 1 tk. Ktaft 1 UUnlHl By Kiu Mc.aua Bj alou.1 Xxuer Su.iu SOME OP THE SHORT SERIALS A Slofj 4 Ik. N.r.1 W at Ult B J.Hia Bum W k. ci. Cluia Kim, U. B. A. (; Xu.n Dmui Dau Br W. O. Ststuiia By im K 8raa M H. C Lo> L. AJma-Tadma Om WIaa WUUua BUck W. D. Howclls T. W. Hitmm ( W.OukRutKU A Andrew Lanf HARPER'S XOC'MD TABLE offers, to its subscribers only, $475.00 in frizes of three (lasses, to be divided as follows : Story competition, $150.00 ; Amateur Pho tography eompe- T, ,M , 1T, tition, $12500; and Puzzle sola- i Var AT L rV r iA i ri rV 1 $2oaoo. Jf you are not a I VllJltlY PKIACIa!? I rxberatpres. - m tnur or in lions, send two ent, and wish to Prize compett dollars and your address for a subscription when you send in your material to gt in the competition. Send at once for prize-contest circulars and read all the offers. . E. Hilt Send for a copy of our fs page Illustrated Book-List. This will explain our offer of Free Books. The offer includes libraries of two, three, four, and five books each, and a few care- fully chosen li braries contain. I lAa wV wT rVX X I Vr 's or'y to fo hundred I FPFR ROOKS and fifty boohs, which art sent I r UUV1W to any one for certain numbers of paid two-dol lar subscriptions to HARPER'S ROUXD TABLE. If you are a school-teacher, send to us for a circular announcing our special offer which we are making to you. si- mi h Stanley I. Wcymaa ' Theodore Rocaerclt HISTORIC BOYHOODA ALF.XXNIIHK DUMAS. AI.KXANUKR POPS By Andb.w L.( By Austia OuMoa LilKO BYRON By W. I Hum BIQ-OAME HUNTINO TIIITIMIIEK WOl.r. Tint MIHHTT ILK By Horn. THMMtoa. Hwutui STILL Hl'NTINIl. BKAR HUNTING By C.w.a WaitNav Francois CoppM Marquis of Lorn M fh: Sk t r - -jf Lamtaca Huttoai Austla Dobtoa Chitrlcs o. Waiucr THE DUTY OP TUB YOUNQ VOTER WHAT A VOTK MCANS. WHAT A PRIMARY MKANS By K. B. II. H By Hub M V. unl PARTY ALLKUIANCI AND INIHO-KNOkMCS By Ho. C.u Sarcu FAMOUS AUTHORS' RECOLLECTIONS A" BOY'S TOWN STORY. TIIK RINOOOLD ARCHERS By William D. By Fb.nk R. Svucktom EARLY LITERARY 8TRIT.GU3 By Usoatfa Bmpmi LITERARY ENTERTAINMENTS THJt FAIRY TKTE A DKI.n PARI! A (HARI.KS LAMB PARTY THK t llll.l'KKN'S HOUR By lM. J tl4 HISTORIC CAVALRY CHARGES ATQAINES'S MILL. Al CEDAR I RLUt AT eETTYSBURU. Al (M'LQI; AN By Rica.AD tUaav A1 Send for a copy of our 28acr Illustrated Prospectus, which will give a better idea of what the paper :iill ,nlain in 1SJ7, and for a sample copy containing our lb-page Illustrated Book-List and Priu Offers. (Sufp! Itn.iUd.) Subscription Price. 12 per par. HARPER k BROTHERS. Publlthtrs, H York. Mentlo this paper when rilin ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 189? Uvtwwwwwvv.tVwiiviiv tkrJ