Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
Oregon City Enterprise. COCRT3. Circuit court eonrertet flwt Mon Id No Vcmt'er and third Monday In April. Probat court In aeaslon flrat Mouday In Mcta onin. Commlnnloncm court meet (I rut Wednesday after 6nt Monday ol each mouth. Latest In ladies' collars ami cuffs the Racket store. at FRIDAY. MAY 7, 1S97. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. All kinds of garden seeds (or sate at Charman & Son. 'a If you want a sewing machine (or f2S fo to Bt'llomy A Busch's. Money to loan on irood real estate security by A. S. Dresser. Oregon City Auction House will so you bed. room sets from $0 up. It will save vou money 1 Charman A Co's Cut Price advertisement. Kead it For superior workmanship in photo graphy, go to E. S. Cheney. Sewing machines at Young's second Land store from f 2 50 to (15. Use "DUSTISE" (or floor. Char dan & Co., agvnt. Circular (ree. Oregon City Auction House will sell jou irood cook stoves for f 4 and up. during lias come Buy in Sunset, F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Farm plows, good as new, from $3.50 to M-00 at Young's second hand store. Wanted all kinds of (arm produce, especially potatoes at Charman & Son.'s. Prices will appreciate from now on. The time to select a home in Gladstone is now. Buy now in Sunset More the rise. K. K. Donaldson, Agt. Hats from 35c to the tine silk trimmed lace am! ribbon at $2 at the Kackel store ire cream and lee cream soda every day, rain or shine at the Novelty Candy Factory. Fine selection of belt, in cloth, leather and canvas. All latest styles at the Hacket store. For the lastest up to date millinery at prices w ithin the reach of all, go to the Boston store. Icecream and ice cream soda every dy, rain or shine at the Novelty Candy Faciory. Charman & Son will pav the highest market price for potatoes, dried fruits, eggs, etc. You will find the Racket Store th -cheapest place to buv your notions and novelties. Just received from the East, a line of walking hats, no two alike. ioMsimth. new Miss Oregon City Auction House will sell jou good chairs from 25 cents and up. Call and see them. ' Jenks G. McCown has erected a nice wire fence around his cottage on Madi son and Fourth streets. Lots in Gladstone will be sold at half price this Spring, money payable July 1st, no interest, no humbug. $20 buys a good bicycle at Young's eecond hand store first door north of l'ope & Co.'s hardware store. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest. assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Enterprise office. Something good (or lunch-Van Comp's or Heins Boston Baked Beans prepared with tomajo sauce. For sale at Marr & Andrew's. ! You will not hesitate in having those rooms repapered when you look at the styles and prices of wall paper carried by R. L. Iiolman. We have a special blended tea, differ ent in flavor to any single tea grown, al most sure to suit your taste. Call and get ?ample. Marr & Andrews. Why take chances when purchasing millinery? We protect you in price and quality. Every hat and bonnet is stylish and new at Mrs. Sladen's Millinery I'srlors. , Regular monthly meeting of board of trade next Monday evening. All mem hers requested to be present. New stock of dry goods and line of notions, ladies' hosiery, etc. at Mrs. E E. Martin's, the Boston store. Use OXIKN for your "nerves" also for coughs and col Is. Pamphlets (ree. Charman A Co., 1'ruguisU, agent. The people are saving from 20 to 60 per cent by buying of Charman & Co. Cut Price druggists. See their new ad vertisement today. It is universally conceded that E . S, Chene is the leader in the photopraph business both In style and finish. His prices are in keeping- with the times. Electric Motel Arrivals. E Waldman, Portland C W Cottam FJGripp " E L Moses " John GiMon8 " H L Reese " Maurice Winter " J B Heninger " E L Moored " G W Holcomb " J W Myers L H Wells " Jas Wilson " J L Bowman " D I McGill Prof Snapp " P C Hetzler, Salem Geo Emmans and sister, Colfax A D Spencer, Chicago DrC B Smith, Eagle creek J N David, Xewherg I' Henderson " J D Adanis, San Francisco J V Wesskopt " The Electric hotel is the finest in the city and first-class in all its appointment. Electric cars stop in front of the door. mi 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrate I (or its great leavening strength and heathfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking PowdkrCo., New York ('Ol'M'll. PKOCEKIUNOS. HIcyclHlrillnance Paused One Itotind lug Franchise of Hnst Side It. U. Co. Ordered Published. The city council hold an Interesting and busy session Wednesday evening, with Mayor Caulluld, Recorder Ryan and every council man In his place, at roll call. CMef Burns, Street Commis sioner Balieock and Sexton Slover also in attendance. Saloon license of Hill A Coin Iran ferrt'd to J. W. Cole. Licenses were also granted E. Miitthics and J. W, Miller. Offer of II K Stevens to purchso lot 1 of hlk 9, the Auldeii Frujt drying property, from tlio city for $5iX) roferredto llnano committee. finance committee recommended that L. L. Porter be paid the stun of $.','0 for service as attorney for the city against the Side Railway Co., one warrant lor $150 to be issued In h in favor at this date and another warrant for $100 drawn in his favor tiO days from date. ReKrt I adopted and warrants ordered drawn for having the amount. j The following hills against the city were read and warrants ordered drawn for the several amounts: Thos K than, salary., ('has K iliirm " .. K L Snaw " . ('lias C Itahcock, street work The Ins and Outs of It. Died. ROOT At his home Beaver creek, on .Niturday, .May 1, 18I7, of heart fail ure, M. T. Root, aged 53 years. Deceased was an old soldier, served, in A company of the Ninth Mich' igan catyalry. He had suffered from partial paralysis for a numtier of years. His wife and one small daugher survive. BOYLAN In Otego.i City, Saturday Piatnnlav. Mav. 1 1S07 of ilirnut trouble, Eddie" Boylan, aged 9 years, 'j1, JJl),;"i,y 'ri",-c",or 6 months and 20 days. Courier, miliiK Eddie was an exceedingly bright little ElL'lu"' ,l J" - fellow and a very sweet singer and will Wilson A Cooke, uiipliM.'.'.'.'...'.',','. be sadly missed from a large circle of i"0 a"llt,g. el-inn lamp . . , , . hrnvlti & Howard, i-rilslitM roek .... friends and acquaintances. p it & K .', itu rr April The fnnural una Iml.l of ttio I'nitu.l Hu'ers 1'rt'M. Iirliitillif " ... V. . . . ... I Re.UAn I...-.K r, oir.Kni, nnu i v - v; 1 1 i xr u viiuiiii uiiHiiji auci iiwii, tun- 1 I 1 I L If L It I 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K you get best wear out of a cont, lct work must havo gone into it. You can't get good lircul out of poor Hour. Moral You can't pet tlio Jirst out of nnytlilnp, mlt'.n tlio best Is In It; ami tlio best lus tu bo put in lufora it can bo taken out. Now, wo li.ivo ft rule to tout tluwo sarsaparillai with a ti;,' "lust" on tlio bottle. "Telltu what's put In you mul we'll dccklo for ourselvn about tlio best." That's fair. Jhit tlicso modest say i "Oh I wo can't tell. It's a secret. Have faith In the label.". . . Stop I There's ouo exception ono ar iaparill.1 that has no secret to h'ul'.. It's Aycr's. If you want to know wliat goes into Aycr's Sarapiri!!a, nsk your doctor to write fur the formula. Then you can satisfy yourself that you get tlio best of tlio 4Xaparllli argument when you get Aycr'n. Anr imilit U fl t Cl tlx " CttMlwuk.' Il kill iluubli but tum duubor. A0Jt.i i J. C. A,tr Co. , U..U, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ IA (V) u) no t o no Jut i J V) H III III '.1) M III TO .10 175 ui 17- iS 2 i COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 3 D D 0 0 ducted by Rev Jack Ware. of the finance committee, recommended WHITE In this city on Monday, May, the re-cinding of the ordinance granting . ' . ' .A , V . ' . K" K N'le Railway company the ,, maid m ivriiic tiiicoi company franchise ul .Mi in street anil indorsed an ordinance revoking all former rights and A May Party. Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith entertained a rmmoer of her friends at a fancy dress party given at the home of her mother, iCaneiiiaii. He Judge V. L. White aged "j years, 8 months and 17 days. i William Lewis White was born in New privileges. After the motion that the Kent county, Virginia, August 10, 1819, ordinance le published was made Hon. the youngest of a family of six children. , 11 r" LroM' "P0" l"e "'vitatton ol tie His ancestors took a nrominent Dart in n'.vr. addressed the council, slat- the Revolutionary war. Both parent died lnU.,e Presenl HUtn nt lhrt clim of hen he was young, and he made his eiiy the fcst Mile Ka.iway. own way in the world. When he was r. croes said mat tne application to 18 years eld he went to Western Tennes-i have tl,e citv'B claim claswd among see, and six months later to Louisiana, P'rre, claims Had imm denieu by here be clerked in a store. Then he . JUJ9 '""nger ami mat tlie claim was I .1 t.a spent some time with the Texas "''"J common cmmi , mai mo rangers, under General Sam Houston. obligations of the company amounted to In 1839 young White returned to Ten-' "bout l400'000- nJ that whatever was nesee and married his cousin, Miss Mary J'ne in the matter of making the city's E. Partlow, who died here in 18,S7. t:''i" prelerred would luve to meet They went to Texas, thence to Missouri, ' tne "PProval of Judge Bellinger and the where he became colonel of the militia, receiver. If the city would grant the and in 1860, with their three children, franchise for freight cars to use the they joined a company that came across treete at a eer'ain stipulated price to be the plains to Oregon. The first winter . PP on tins claim to run a series ol hi Oregon the Whites kept the hotel at y8" settlement might be effected, Milwaukee. Then the colonel went to 01,1 if tl,Hre no WV t0 11,0 California, but returned to Oregon after , '' the city and the railway com- makinitan l sinkinu a lot of money in pany got into a tight the better lor all the irold mines, and kept the hotel at concerned. That Mr. Steele deprecates i n .. ;n. i-';i i ....... i. U u 11 v I will mako flfTIFICIAU TEBTH follows: Full upper sot teeth " lower " " '. " upper and lower set teeth . (lolil crowns liOjiiin crowns Richmond crownn ..KMX) fioltl fillings from $l..ri() up. Amalpim" (silver) 1.00" Fine Ilridge work. $7..r0 7..1I) l.r).(K) ,r).(M) r.(H) Parties wishing artificial teeth will not he charged for extraction. First class woik guaranteed. Will Extract Teeth Free on Wednesday of eaeh uueek from 8:30 to 5:30 p. m. Charman St Co. agents for Waverly bicycles offer the latest 1897 model, good as any $100 wheel for the cut cash price of $r6. 18U7 model $85 wheels for $40 and children's wheels 35. Unconditional burrender. is the only terms those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. G. A. Harding. Installment plan, easy payments on Sunset lots. F. E. Donaldson, Agt. Croup and whooping cough are child hood's terrors; but like pneumonia, bronchitis? and other throat and lung troubles, Can be quickly cured by using One Minufe Cough Cure. Geo. A. Hard- ( ; The onlt safe and trustworthy insur ance herei'at actual cost, is tbat of the Oregon Fire Relief Association or Mc Minnville! Mutual. G. E. Hargreaves, Oregon City, is agent (or Clackamas county, j When alcold is contracted, cure it at One Minute Cough Cure will set you on the road to recovery in a minute. It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all (orms of lung and throat troubles. Geo. A. Harding. All the newest novellies in millinery at Mrs. E. E. Martin's. It is a common remark among the ladies after visiting ber store' that there is no longer any reason to go to Portland for either quality, variety or price. Fkbsonal . The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will tind instant relief by using One Minute Cough Cure, a Biasedy and harmless remedy for throat and lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Ko stairs to climb to Sunset. : F. E. Donaldson, Agt. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Mrs. T. A. Po Saturday evening. The appearance made ny the varied costumes as the participants met in a grand march n the prettily decorated rooms under the soft glow of tinted electroliers, was very mposing. ppjgrams were distributed and eight numbers were danced during the evening. Ices, cake and other dainty edibles were served. Those present were: Mrs. F. T. Griffith, Mrs. T. A. Pope, Mrs. P. F. Morey, Mrs. Ada PigKott, M-s. E. E.Williams, Mrs. J. P. Lovett, Mrs. J. B, Robinson, of Sac ramento. Calif; Misses Laura Poe, May Kelly, Hattie Cochrane, Lura Miller, Azalie CVhrane, Amy Kelly, Mabel Ragland, Nan Cochrane, Nora Conyers, Mina Kelly, Florence Morey. Vara Pilsbtiry, Mary Conyers, and Veva Wright and Helen Warner, of Portland. Card or Thanks. The undersigned hereby expresses his sincerest thanks as well as those of bis congregation to all those ladies and gentlemen who took an active part in the entertainment given at Bhivcly's opera house Moy 4th, 1807 (or the bene fit of St. John's church and also those who honored same by their kind attend ance. Thanks are especially due tothe following persons: Ladies of the Halcyon chorus, under the direction of Mrs. E. E. Charman, ladies of the Treble Clef chorus, under the direction of Mrs. E. Williams ; Mesdames A. 8. Dresser, C. H. Caufield and J. H. Strickler; Misses Ragland, Beatrice Barlow, Florence Morey, Lou Draper, Mattie Draper, Minnie Kuerten ; Messrs. Anton and Fritz Zilm, Jones, Hedges, Wilson, Burghardt, E. J. McKittrick and Jos. Rice. A. IIlLLKRBAND, Pastor of St. John's Church. appointed chief ,r"hle i'h Oregon City and very much clerk under Surveyor-General Preston, , prefers an amicable settlement, and continued in the position under' Tho vole on publication o( the General Gardner. He was chief clerk of ordinance stood : Aye Bittner, Korrner, the territorial council during the last B"1'. Wilson 4 No-Uult, Roake, two sessions of that body, and in 1S0S, , "arris, Caples 4 Mavor Canlield 1876 and 1878, he was chief clerk of the xot in the affirmative ami the ordi bouse of representatives. In 1874 nan,'e WH ordered published. Govorner Grover appointed Colonel! Committee on tlie purchase of land lor Oflice on DR. J. H. MILLER, Dentist. 7th St., near S. 1'. depot, Oregon City, Oregon. Married. C A PEN-LA WSON By Rev. J. T. Glover, at the resident" of the bride's parents, in Stella, Wash., on Wednes day evening, April 21, 1807, Mr. Leander Capen, of Willam-tte Falls, Oregon, and Miss Cora Law son, of Stella. Beautiful presents were given to the bride, a delicious repast partaken of, music rendered ; and so the time passed pleasantly. At a little after midnight the happy couple started for Willamette Falls, Oregon, at which place they will reside. Rev. Mr. Glover and Mr. Wm. Lawson accompanied them on the Gat zert to Portland. Cathlamette Gazette. Mr. Capen is a trusted employe of the Capi shoe factory and he and his ac complished bride haye the best wishes of a hoBt of friends and acquaintances for future prosperity and happiness. White to be county judge here to till the vacancy caused by ttie resignation of J. K. Wait. In 18HJ and 18H0 he was elected to that ollice, the last time by a plurality of two votes, owing to the strength of the prohibition party that yeir. It was during his administration as county judge that the present court house was erec ed aid the suspension hrid'e constructed. He made a uood officer. In 1807 he purchased the Cliff house, in this city, which he conducted a number of years. Colonel White was a charter member of the old Mclaughlin fire company, the first organized here; the first chief of the department, and Ht differment times he seryed as council man and school director. The flag on the court house floated at half must and the engine houses were draped in mourn ing in honor of his memory . Colonel White's was an aciive life. He took much interest in politics and was always a democrat. He was honest and upright in all bis dealings with his fellowmen. . For a number of years he was con spicuous in the liberal religious world, hut recently be came back into full com munion and fellowship in the Baptist church and was very anxious that all his former infidel associates should know of his change of heart. Three children, one son and two daughters survive, Allen G. of Ross land, B. C; Anna E (widow of Thomas Rhudes) of this city and Rebecca T. (Mrs. Charles Bray) of Seattle. The funeral took place at the Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock conlucted by Rev. M. L. Rugg. Money Tor Fanners. When it comes to buying harness, saddles, whips or robes the prices and work to be had at Willey's harness shop cannot be duplicated in Portland. Re pairing done in itood shape and promptly. Full line of shoes carried and sold at bed rock prices. Shoe re pairing attended to. Willey's lowers and farmers band made shoes have no superior. Call at his shop on Seventh street near the depot and see how big a dollars worth you can get. Free insurance blotters F. E. Donaldson. cemetery purposes reported the following bids: M. M. MoGeehan 2i acres 7iHlj F. A. EIy,4 acres, S.0: A. II. Whitlock, 4 acres KJOJ; W. C. Williams, 4 acres, ti(K). An ordinance authorizing the purchase of land for li'irul purposes at a price not exceeding $-'.":) .er acre was read and ordered published. I Ordinance authorizing the purchase of crushed rock read and ordered pub lished. Ordinance regulating the use of bicy cles, trycles, velocipedes etc. read and pas led. Bids for city printing were submitted as lollows and referred to finance com mittee with (rower to act: Courier, '24 cents por inch for first insertion and 12 cents for each subsequent insertion. Sisters-Press, 19 cents (or first, insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent inser tion, each fractional inch to be counted full inches and no notice to be inserted for less than cents. Recorder Instructed to issue warrants to the chief of police for the sale of the ' Stratton property (or delinquent street ' anafiiianri Ants A petition for a sewerage system in the district on the hill south of Seventh street, signed by 24 owners of property in that district, was read and referred to committee on streets and public property. Matter of abating certain cesspools in the vicinity of J (-1 Adams street referred to committee on health and police. Adjourned. Undertaker and Kmlialmer. R. L. Iiolman undertaker and em balmer. Gradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor on Seventh street near the depot. t( R. L RUSSELL, The Parkplace Merchant. Pays no hig rent for ho owns his building. Has no city taxes to pay ami gets his insurance for nearly ono half less than tho up-town merchants for ho has no dangerous exposures. SELLS CHEAPER Than tho other Oregon City merchants by reason of these savings. Call and make n trial purchase. FARMERS' PRODUCE Taken in exchange for goods. TINWORK Work dne proinptly ami nt . IowchI prices. - - : PLUMBING. KIcctric IifM wiring, electric Ih.Hh, etc., at Portland prices. ELECTRIC - - Blidpon Main Htrci-t, opponitt- - - SUPPLIES. Huntley's dnif? store. For Sale. Tobacco plants (or sale by Joe Collins, Clackamas green house. ' lm For Hale. A g -xl, (resh milch cow for sale. Ad dress O. H, YVkjuiit, Liberal, Or. t50O estate. Honey To Loan, or $000 to loan on A 1 real C. II. Dve. Gent's Furnishing Goods SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS I have tnken new quarters in Schiam's building Main Ht. where I have more room to display my stock of men's and boy's furnishing goods. I have now opened a new line of spring and summer goods just received from Kastern factories. I will also show a full and late line of mini's and boy's straw hats a prices ranging from 25c to Ma. I have a special bargain In men's hats at the extremely low price of 45c. Also a nice line of Fedora hats from 110c to 12.00. Having but recently slurti'd in business, my stock is new, and having huiivht the same at bottom prices, I am enabled to sell goods extremely cheap. W. YAKEDA, Two doors south of K. E. grocery store. i. Williams' ngl GUARANTEED HiJ HABIT OT8rlrimhnTool.1. W0 finomirfm prore It pownr to rioiitmr theflimlro for toham-o In an. fl'rffVnM'XS '" V" worlrt- .'n' IHiiinZh!wdSyiri fio-io-e fails Ui Mm Ho thtj weak (tiipount limn mron. y I wo run mul munotin up "wm. n iwmi yuu vi lift ii vh w iini wh Hliy , for (rtw uuiJpiu. AUdrcwTUEttlftlULlMi Junrr im.i. v. win iS: ny. for a nurn In Kiiiiranurt lr druiil.i. ..,! SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY CHARMAN & CO. Thla F.lmoiiiFrmriti It'trVlltl (JllH-UMiN. iivnui,. i,, WuliofuimiM "lI!,,lra?"n, nulfilr, pnrmanently nil VVMua MMnmry, I.i,m ut liruln i.wtr. I Kn Ijr rarrh'rt In v...trKx V.l. I i,r Im.i; il fr an. Fir nil nr! virlttm m"rimlt ormmryreuniUit. VT , . " m.""""! WMiwa'WwaKBMullltU.t laiaahlliuki.lUul!r tor.alolnOreKoncitj.Orc CUA11MAN A CO., Uruuil'Z?