Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1897)
r Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOUTIIKHM l-ACIKK! HAII.WAY. SuBTII S'Pl'KI). ChIKiiiiiIii Kiiirtoi (lliruiiiih) MI,m. hoiijll l g Uk'iiI (way iLtlim.) . . a IH (i, m , SOI'TH DIM' HI), Knutliiim l,rl Iwnjr iiatlnh.) t'7sm m 1 1 for it I KrnM (llimiiKli) 8: Up. in I't'HTAI. HCliKHI'I.K. S MII'THSSS fHCI(J HAIl.HliAtl Mill rlii (ii'iil North, . , . s no ti. m, Null nie jiiiiik Mo nh, Hi, m mnl i. ?i p in, tla I iluii Ini'vil Iiiiiii Nurili 7 !K i in., I Ilk Mall ill. ilbm. i (r un siiuili II III. m , tHu . m. r lArr mii i.nic; mm. Mull r.. (or i iiiilmiil m i) dn'rll utli ( !' la, 1 1 ii' mi, mnl 4 t!i p. in, MhIoIu. lr Wilnmuke oiiljf, R ill n. in.. 4 4ft l III Mi . nlvas (nun puilUnd, 1180 ft. in, and 4 Up. in. mi Hoi T. Ormmi 4-11 jr to Kly.Oarn., Mulliio,I.IIrl and hnlitlU iraa at li III, mnl arrive, mli ui. dmly. ((nun Cllr lu llnmrnr Creek, Mink, (Murk. Hn'lUD i.iui.a, i ll mum, , Ilk. ill. Miuiday, Wadiioailajr mnl rr Uajr, nil rolurna on following ilave at 4 M l. m litcj.iu city In Vliim, l.ii mnl lledland lfp urriui L'Hr Monday, WeHieela mid r'riiUv at l.uu : in., ieavlii Viola earns day. m 7 ul. Orvgoii Cllr to Willamette, H'iiIT rl and Wi.iinlll, arrlvveal lu.Mift. mi. mid ivavs. l II tot. in. ua jr. ll ii. rnl iii'livorjr window li ufn cm -mulm Iriim luin II a. in. A.I I in r di i'l nil b l.imiu .or I fiomptlr I off Hunlsr, ma .iu ulnar A iva. an K.Mirrn mull that la delayed mil lll arrival on I to a. in., a. I', l. lu mill lit on 12 o'rl-k or 4.ft.wiifl oar. II.I.A M K1TK fAl.lJI K'Y. si'irssMus sstbus fxtu Hi) am. Sfta. ro. IU 7 UU " 'no " ft u lu tw aft " I I i4) W p. m. ji 10 3.lft " Jlftp.m. 4 " 4 M " I m i t - no - 1 " III " lu Sunday eara leave every hour until n'rlm k p. m. lu .Reel on and i Janitor . I. C. A atll.l.KH, aurr. FKIDAY, MAY 7. 1H17. Class l'AKTr. The home ol Mr. ami Mm. Jatuttt HwefTonl on Mulalla avenue wet full of inerrlinxiit, fun end humor leal Krlilajf nvunlnd, the o canlun Mag a surple party In honor of Ueorite Hwaf ford, (heir afouiilUlirl eon end the UtloveU prpnl.liMit of the liilfll school (rreiluetiniirlHM of 1HH7. The clam wee lively end jubilant, tliii lwlim their flret claae party. The aMninbluKO met et the rveldnnre of Mr. Church on Hevontb etrtHit end moved up In e b-xly towanlt Mr. HwalTord'i rfaitlrnce. The tlfiiion. etretlon made by the cle e ihy reerhed the Kaatliam et hool wae uniiiie In Ite character. Amid the flutterlnn of claaa colore end bete the atuioKihre wae rent by the battle cry end yll of the Kaathain icbool. Meny jieople iilhered on their Kirrhe and in thnir bey win dowe U) wltncae thetMlui-etionel phelanx' onwer,d merch . Mr. end Mre. Hwaflor.l'e hoepllality knew no Iwunde end ihi-y did all in their ixiwcr to niiike the airulr a eiifte end it wae. The youo people, after pUvltiK ltnn-a end Holvlntf conun drutne and other, pertmik of a delnly luin h of h:e cream end cake The meetliiK wee mm h vnjoved by all anil efler hlddlnK the hont and lionti-nl a luvlna flood night the uiiente departed for their reeertlve lumice. Attknoast To Hoom tiik CoNVKNTioNe.L. Adame of I'ortland, chairman of the eoclal com inlttee of tho lo:al union of Chrinilan Kndeavor, waa In Oregon City Hnnday arraiiKinu for the union nieetinu to be held In the Hret ConirreKiitional church of that tliy next Tueeduv eveninif, May 11. to arrHtigo for exenreiona to the elate C. E. convention at Kuneno, May 13 to 1(1, and the International convention at Han Francinco, July 7 to 12, and aleo to arrange for the reception and entertain ment of Eaatern Endeavored who will I'ortland and vicinity on their wav home from Kan Francirtco. Mr. Adams eaye that even at thli early date all tho rooma In the I'ortland hotel are engaged from the 10th to the llUh of July by partiea who expect to etup over at the mutropoliH on their way home. A good program of mualc and addreaaea baa been arranged for this meeting and Ore gon City Endeavored and their frionda are urged to be present and participate In tho meeting. Faw NTRAWiiititHiKa.-From fruit grow ers who have studied the the fruit sit uation thoroughly It Is learned that the strawberry crop, the earliest fruit In the Willamette valley, will be from 50 to 05 Hir cent, abort this year. , This is the carte, not only In the immediate neighbohood of Salem and the hills south of the city, but the same condi tions exiats In tho neighborhood of Al bany, and further south, His thought that the reason of this Bliourtage, is not the result of climatic conditions existing tliis spring, but rathor that It is caused by the heavy Irosta lmt fall, when the tender plants suffered form the excessive cold. This is the only fruit that thus far has been reported as having any other but the brightest prospects in the Wil lamette valley this year, every other fruit troe or shrub promising a most boutilul yield. Statesman. A Busy Day. The Yamhill Inde pendent has the following to say about Dr. Cowan, who preached in Newburg last Sunday: "Rev. J. W. Cowan, who preached at the Frionda church last Sunday morning and evening, is a very earnest and Interesting shaker. Hw text for the morning sermon was Gal. 0-2. As he treated of the interdupen- dmicfl of mankind and the need of hear ing one another's hiirdi'iis, his hearer weiH many of llirm impreMned as per haps never oefiini allli the privileges and rcnpuiiHiliilliln of ifn Hia evening subject Wiis no less lulerenllng and In structive. Ilu almi talked lo the Junior Kndeayorers at .1 o'clock and addressed the V. M.C. A. at 4, making attoycther a very litny Jay, hut one which he seemed to enjoy as much as his hearers," Fob an OciiNo. Oreuon City's nut- scenery Is a constant somen of won der ami admiration ami the fit nut there of, like Ihii wimlom ol Holmnon, bus never half been told. Eastern tourists and cllixnns of the state generally with a little leisure lime on their hands take a run up to this cily. Lust Katurdny a jolly parly of young ladies from the Tort land academy, chaperoned hy Mrs. A, King Wilson, came up on the Itamona with their lunch bunkets and Sfient May day taking In the sights In and around the city. The party was composed of MisMcs (irni u l.smhcrsou, Uuilsa Holt, Medora llurd, Hiinle Epy, Ana Hyl yanus, May Vorhees, Amelia 1-ooinis and Lima Lamliersou, ' Fans Entkutaimmknt. Willamette Falls Camp, Woodmen of the World will give a free entertainment at Khlvely's hall next Tuesday evening. May 11, to which everybody is Invited. Head Con sul Falkriihurg, one of the finest orators on the l'scilto coast, will deliver an address. An Interesting program, In cluding a grand sawing and chopping contest, will bo rendered. Come and bring your Iriends. Milwaukee Woodmen There will be a grand entertainment at Milwaukee on Friday and Saturday even ings of this week, May 7th and 8th, at town hall under the auspices and for the lie ne 111 of Ash camp, No. 'SM, Woodmen of the World. They will present in a startling realistic manner one of Ames' beat drama's in four acta entitled "Hal Hazard or the Federal S'V." This play will be good for the old Veterans to see, because It will take them back to the war of the rebellion, and wi'l relreshen In their minds scenes that will make their blood tingle with remem brances of thoae exciting episodes in which they engaged with an impatience that only active duty could quell. It will tie good fur the young man to see, be cause it will endow him with a spirit of patriotism and loyalty to the old flag as nothing but realistic scenes ran awake. It will be good for the young lover to see because It will portray the chivalry ol the brave knight tescuing his darling Nellie from the ruthless bands of her would-be alatuclor at the risk of bit own life. It will be good for the romantic maiden to see, because it will awaken within her a spirit of self reliance that shecannot possibly feel until the occasion presents itself for her to rely uHn her own bravery and pluck to preset ve her freedom. In short ll will be good for all to seu. because it is at once laughable ami again exciting enough to suit the exacting. There will be good scenery and muic. The play will be intersrsed with spcial ties and especially Saturday night, when Miss Hurley, of I'ortland, will sing sev eral select pieces. Admission It put down so low that people from I'ortland and Oregon City will he enabled to attend with about half the expense that the same performance would cost them In I'ortland. A good crowd Is expected from. both places. The admission Is. adult 2oc : children under M vears, 15c J reserved seats 35c, good for two evenings 50c. Curtain raises promptly at 8 o'clock. Leave your orders for reserved seats with E. E. W illiams, Oregon City. On sale at Wlesinger's store, Milwaukee. Supreme Counsel Commander Faulk enbeig will visit Ash camp on the 17th Inst. An open meeting will he held and a general invitation is extended to all who rati to attend. We want to Interest you In Woodcraft. Corrkbi-ondknt. Lockiiart, TexAs, Oct. 15, 1889. Messrs. Puris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possi ble 2 gross U rove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have any other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug business, we have never sold any medi cine which gives such universal satis faction. Yourt respectfully, J. 8. Ckownb & Co, For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggiBt You run no risk. All druggists guarantee Grove's Tastelest Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for It. Warrented no cure, no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by 0. G. Huntley. It Bhould be uiiuln a matter of public knowledge that DoWitt's Witch Hazol Salve will Bpeedily cure piles of the long est standing. It is the household favo rito for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sores of all kinds. Geo. A. Harding. Raos Wantkd. Cash will be paid for clean cotton rags at the Entbrprisb of fice. Steamship tickets and seasick preven taye. F. E. Donaldson, agt. Gladstone property will be in demand this coming spring and summer, Special prices for Gladstone property entire July 1st. RIPANS TABULES arc good foi lioadaclio, lioartljurn, Hournt macli, belching biliouHiicHH, torpid liver, drowsiness, las itudo, foul tasto in tho mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. Tho formula by which they arc mado is in uso in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of len. Three times in five when a physician is called he vill write a pro scription tho items in wliich will almost exactly correspond with those of the Kipans Tab ulcs formula. Your druggist can supnly Kipans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If ho will not get them for you, address, with tho price, TIIK KIPANS CHEMICAL CO., lo Besot s St., Ntw Yohk. The May magazine number of The Outlook has half a doxen illustrated arti cles.and a great variety of other reading matter. Mr. Justin McCarthy's "Story" of Gladstone's Life " deales largely with Gladstone')) visit to Greece in 1858, and much of it la pertinent to the present international situation. Chalet Wagner, the famous author of "Youth," writes or I'aris in the "Higher Life of European Cities;" the accompanying pictures are many and fine. Mrs. Arthur M . Dodge tells of the "Development of the Day Nurs ry Idea." Mr. Charles II. Crandall in "A Queat of Gray Shingles," writes pleasingly of quaint old houses, and several of these houses are here pictured. In lighter literature a strong story by Octavo Thanet, some dialect poems by Paul Dunbar, the negro poet, and an appreciative article npon Henry van Dyke and hit work, are prominent fea tutea. ( (3 a year. The Outlook Com pany, 13 Astor I'lace, New York. How's This! We nfTer One Hundred IolIars Re ward for any case of catarrh that zannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chunky A Co., I'rois .Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve liiiu erfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wkst A Tki'ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waluikg, Rinnan & Marvik, Whole sale Dimrgists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upou the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Trice 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. For Young Men and Young Women There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so tjuick as to have Inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, hut if their shirt front or shirt waist is musay their neat appearance la spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a 8ecialty of laities' and gentlemen's line work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farnsworlh'a arber shop. New and Popular March. "Knights of Columbus" march two step, by George II. Fischer, is an excel lent piece for the pianoforte. It is widen in six-eiuht time, and contains a melody that la attractive and pleasing to the ear. It has also the right awing for the two step dance. Published by J. Fischer A Bro., No. 7 Bible house, New York. Price, 50 cents. Avoid Consumption, by stopping that cough. We know of no better remedy for coughs and colds than the 8. B. Cough Cure. G. A. Harding. It are t'liiinre. Will trade 3-year old Jersey bull, hiijy pedigreed for good work horBe. Address CHIT Farm, Canby, Oregon. CHOCOLATE BON BONS For Sale By E. 33. WILLIAMS. Dread 1h the Staff of Life, That is, if it Is good, wholesome bread, If not, it is more dangerous than 'he DullctHof theTurkB Since assuming control of the Harding bakery no effort has been spared either in ijtiality of flour used, or skill In handling to make Ilorton's Bread, The equal of the best known made, flit pastry cannot be excelled. Tiy a loaf ol whole wheat flour bread. Fine Groceries and 22BB--Fresh Vegetables. A Personal Matter A well painted bouse is like a neatly dressed person always attractive and pleasant to look upon. YOUR HOUSE Can be repainted and freshened up at a very reasonable price paints are very cheap now. Don't leave It until the sun makes any more marks and cracks in it. SEE MURROW The painter. He cad guarantee first-class work. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drujt Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. Give me atrial. rTjW ATR35 STOHyT! Practical Horsesr;oer Trsde and Koad Work a Specialty. Any style shoes forged In Iron or teel. Wagon work and repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop on Seventh street, next door to iv iwa v y Noblilt's stable. J JOHN A.BEGE, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he etandf without a peer. For firBt-ctass, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him I FARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. W. H. YOUNG, Prop., R"c"""r-. W. H. Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rates given on hauling to and from Gladstone and Park-place. GO TO THEwa. Oregon City Auction House To get your bargains in new and second-hand Furniture, Carpet, Stoves, Etc. W. L. BLOCK, Proprietor. P. S. highest cash price paid for household goods. Main Street, Opposite Postoffice. I VLTA GOING To eet one of those . . . FINE HAND MADE HARNESSES . . . Before they are all gone. I must have a set for they out-wear any machine-made harness, besides I can save from $3 to 15 by purchasing of the OREGON HARNESS COMPANY, J. F. CAMPAU, Manager. Opposite Court House Oregon City. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at reasonable prices. THE BEEHIVE Word Mi Sloes Since opening in Oregon City our shoe trade has steadily in creased. This has induced us to show a much larger line for spring than we have ever shown There is no disputing the fact we make lower prices on shoes than any other house in Clack amas county and lower than Portland's largest houses. If you have been paying to much for your footwear and are not satisfied give the Beehive a trial and you will be the winner. THE BERHIVE OATJFIELD BLOCK Createst Offer Ever Made A PAPER FOR THE THE EARLY LIFE OF ABRAHAM LIIIGOLII. ABSOLUTELY FREE-IN CLUBS OF 2. IftUi TA CrfMTOr IT. Oet one or rnar neighbor, to loin with yoo ach of yna aerx'tagiii HUn IU OtbUnC III Sl.UiforTIlE J'RAIKlEKAkMKKoneycer.andeaehof you will re ceive the"KALY Likkok Lincoui" KKKK. Thin li the mmt eomjilcff unit Ifivltthly llluitratofl history of Unooln'. life .tut wrliusu. It oonuuiu 160 Pit 1 IKKo, auU ti) I'OK l R AITb ufLI ( UL.V. Bond all order, to THE PRAIRIE FARMER PUB. CO., 168 Adams St., Chicago. TO n o OREGON HARNESS COMPANY J.F.CAMPAU, Manager, a o j j j j ) j i ) f to Prairie Farmer Readers. WHOLE FAMILY.