Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 30, 1897, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise.
('allliirtila Kim (through)
tl'iavliiirn lri'nl (way nullum)
.I hi l'uHUa r
hi til smisii.
hirlniri I.im'-I (way iIhiIiiik)
CnlllniiiU Kiirma ( 111 r ouk ti )
ti.mi f ii 'vi
i n. m.
1 II Fill i. m,
.ilL III,
77 a in
M H. Ill
i (U i. 111, I
r oi TMmii r.iirui m ii.hiai.
ill rlw Nunii, ao ii m. Miit 7 h m.
Hull e:
nil H.i nil, ii7 . m ami 7p in.
Mall li iflliulcil Irnm N"f Ii In. hi., lu.lfii, m.
I ami' mi . iM'tn .own, . in , 4 p.ui,
i.rr tun iMi'tmc mm
Mull nl ui lor I (irtUnd ti.d disrllutlii
JmiI i, IV imii, .nil 4 4H i, in,
M it rlo vi i r MiUsiism only, t ilt . in..
4 16 k In.
iil . rim lium f.iiUtiid. II W a. tu. and
4 lip. m.
(irviiin Clljr In Kly.t'srus, Mullno, Liberal sin)
MnUIlt l.si M I'i ii. sud arilva tlUm.
iirt'liiii (Mlj li lr Creek, Mink, Clark.
M.sdiiw llriHk, I'lilim Mllla, ami Colnm, leaves
at II a. in. MiiniUy, W.ilinwlay ami ri.ilajr,
au1 reitirtin nn Mliiwlu (! at 4 M p. m
)rso "r Vim, Uifsii and Hxllanrl
leave, (lirgmi City Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at l.w ., in,, Laving Viola same day.
al 7;U). m
Or"ii (Mjr to Willamette, H'uff rl and
W ...nli.. nrrlvuaat hi sua. m. end at
11 SO a. m, ila .
(j . r-1 .iidivtirjr oindnw Ii open u Miinlav
Irum 10 in a in. A ' I . ic.r.U'i,, p .1 .m . h
b I al Mi or .iomilly M I off Hun lar.
a "U oilif d
A.i Kwi'in iimII Ibat Ldelsyd an 1 Mist"
strive on I an a. m a. I'. tr..lu will cine on 12
O'rl k or 4 1ft ecti io oar.
W II.LA M K1TK r A 1.1 J
r.as iav
uirisiio aaii.ua wu.uaarr ru
I ;l a m.
m a. m.
T.iw "
oo "
I U '
1:04 p. m.
I.IA "
4: l "
111 "
tit -
1 tU '
V IB "
a 'ii "
low "
1 1 141 -
U in '
J in . m.
4.0 "
m "
t io
Ml "
t.W "
iitily o.r. Imts every hour nnlll t n'olork
p.m. lu tHeet on and alr January ft. Ilr.
C. A lill.LKK, eurr.
8iiKWAi.K (lAU.AHruv.-Tlie IlllUl-uro
Arum It deriily sinxkud at tli habit
Him vim ni man of that placo liaVO of
...w J - n - .
lining up on the Itltiwftllc in lha vvnlng
tit th cliwo of church trrvlws or utlior
puWlc Kwtheriiiun, remly to em-ort tin
youiitf lailli't Iiuium, ami rocf'l to dif
llvtir luduro to the parmiti of the nirl
Btid to the preachfri m HioiikU they
wore to blame fur thla dinpluy of ailulk
Hullautry on the part of the young men
If the Arime would lvf a little fathnrly
advice to the younu nnn It would lie
more to the point, for thwm loya, aa In
Un gon Clly for thla nidowalk habit it
only too prevalHtit here, are not rowdiri
or hoodluina but are juat tio bttnliful to
call at the young Udiua' hoini'i for thum,
and to til with them In an au.iionee ex
immuhI to the ararchinn ulame of fond
inainiiiRn and dlapilitii'd livale. Ho
low In kIvcii what the Argun hna to any
on thia vmliiif mx iiil proMi-ui : Wlicii
the iiiliilriU-n In our pulpiia have the
l'oura-u to take hold ol the moral qui Ht
Inn and ham! it it withmit glove ttf
ahall acu a diH-iilvd lmprovuiiint in our
aorial fiihrlu. When they aeo young
girla coining to church in the evening
unattended ; w hen they ee young men
lining up along the walk at the clone of
aervicea ready to oiler encort ; when they
ohaerve theae thinga and remain alletit,
thev ere hreeding contempt for their call
ing. Tliey thould handle theim matter
wiihout dilicai y. If parent do no know
enough or if they care ao little, that
they aee and tolerate theae thing", It la
time the mlniatry a'lould aid the auhject
mutter to the iMittoin and tench pnrenta
their dutiea. A mai had bettor tell
trutha, even if they are unpleaaant, to a
ainnll crowd, than to Mint bin eyen to
condition that are making aad Unglu
in our aocinl woof and warp. If young
girl ure not old enough logo home alone
they are not old enough to imiko their
way to chuah alone. If they are old
enough to accept of company on the
luturu, they are old enough to accept of
company on the starling out. I'arenta
should know thia, but when they do not
or hood It not mlniatera would lose
no reaped in hitting the nail on the
head and " apeaking out in mooting."
Nkw Hcimniii.K. Co loncing May
t, the Southern l'acillo will put into
effect a now time card, which will make
a number ol change, the moat import
ant one being the leaving time of the
Sun Frunclaeo overland from Portland,
which will he at 0 p. in. inataad of 8:50
a at preaent. Tho object of the change
in to make cloaer connection with the
Northern Pacific overland from St. Paul,
which arrive in Portland at 5 p. m. In
stead of 7 :30 ai heretofore. The new
schedule on the Southern Pacific will put
, the overland into San Francisco three
ana a half hour earlier than at preaont,
runnel 7 :40 a. in. InHtond of 11 :45, giv-
ing busineas men a whole day in San
Francleci, By leaving Portlund at 0 p.
m. the ovtrland will take the place of
the Salem local, which leaves at 4 p. m.
and the overland train will do local ser
vice, stopping at all the stations between
Portlund and Salom. Coining north the
overland will leave. San Francisco at 8
p. m. instead of 7 P. m. as at present,
reachinif Salem at 7 :10 a. m. and arriv
ing in Portland at 0 :30 a. m . Instead of
8:10 as at present. Taking olT the Sa
lem local, according to tho new time
table, will njt pioye a detriment, as it
will give parties going to Portland two
hours and Wrty minutes more in which
Io IriiiiHiu t htiHlnew. The oveihmd leav
ing Piirlliiiid at l) p, in. il reach Hiilem
at 8 :.'!() mill lie return train will leave
Salem at 7:10 in the morning for Port
hind 'l'lie KuMiilnirg local will arrive 10
inmule earlier Hum ut preaent. Tho
Went Hjiln Nrhediilii hu been rlningnd ao
tliut tlui Corvullla train will ariivo In
Portland ft ill) p. in. urn! train for Mc
Minnvillo will leave at 4 M p. in,
Tiik (iliAlitc I'oMi'l.HlKl) Tho three
foiirtlia of a milu fill that the Southern
Pacific railroad company is uiuklng
BcroH IH Aberncthy bottom not ih of
the city is about completed only fk) car
loada of gravel being neceaaary to flnlali
the Job, The track Im been raised four
and one-half feet, placing it above any
ordinary high water. To mako thia fill
it reipilred 2,000 car load of gravel or
XI, WH) cubic yards. The gravel train
with which (hi fill waa made conaisted
of 40 car and the work waa all done by
machinery. The cars were loadud near
I'aiiby with a huge steam shoyol and
when they ciiiiih to the pluce where they
were to lie unloaded, the brake, which
are arranged along the aide of tlie can
ao aa to ho out of the way, are all act
fast and a largo iron plow shaed like
the letter V waa drawn serous the cara
by mean of a wire cable 0cratcd from
the engine. Ity this means the train
of 40 cars can be unloaded In three
minutes. While the men were leveling
uo the track the company has been
making fills at New F.ra, Lalliah and
graveling the track near Hulcm. The
Southern Pacific company has adopted
the policy of filling up all the trestle
and culvert poaaihle. It I understood
that the high treatlo in the nortnern
part of this city will be filled in with
gravel before the timbers decay and
have to be replaced with new ones. The
gravel bed from whence all this gravel
comes Is near Canny and is 000 feet wide
by a ipiarter of a mile In length.
Flax Cui.tchk, Tlie movement to
add the production of flax to the list of
Oregon Industrie is asmmlng tangible
shape, A company ha been organized
and one scutch mill to prepare the raw
flax aa finer will be erected this year
The general committee I receiving more
application for ed fiom farmers who
want tourow flax than they are able to
aupply. The noard of trado committee
in Oregon Citr, of which J. A. Thayer ia
chairman and I). II. (Jlaaa, aecretary, i
working up the matter in Clackamas
county. Seed can lie sown up to the
middle of May with the aHiirance of a
good crop and all farmer of this county
who deaire aeed to grow tin crop can
obtain it by applying to Mr. Thayer or
Mr. The association supplies
the seed, works up the straw into com
mercial products for home and foreign
conaumptiun and takea its isy from the
seed furuinhed from the crop. The cli
matic condition of Oregon are particu
larly suited to the growth of Max, actual
cxerimeut having demonstrated that
the highent grade of flux fiber grown
anywhere in the world can be grown
here. Something of the Importance and
magnitude of this lndiintrv can be
learned from the Ltd that t0),000 are
annually sent out of Oregon for twine for
llahermen, thread ami other linons alone.
Our business men and farmers should
encourage this industry, lor whenever a
factory is entablinhed it is almost certain
to be built in Oregon City since we have
the water power and other natural ad
vantages to be found nowhere elso.
A SuiTKssrri, Entkhtaismknt. The
ladies' aid society of the Presbyterian
church gave a very succcHsful inimical
and literary entertainment at Shively's
oHra house last Friday evening which
was attended by some IKK) people and
netted a neat sum to the society. 1 Hir
ing the evening Kev. A. J. Montgomery
and his estimable wifo were presented
with an elegant silk crazy quill with the
namea of lL'U members of the church
worked in it. A dainty littlo Ratchet
bag Hunpondod from one corner of the
quilt contained a five dollar gold piece.
The presentation was made by W. G.
neat tie In a neat speech and renonded
to by Kev. Montgomery in a very folic
tons manner.
Nkw Pastok, Kev. Earnest Murk, of
the Gorman Lutheran church, has been
located in tho city by the Ohio synod
and was duly installed into tlie pastorate
last Sunday by Rev. A. Krause, of Port
lund. ltev, Mark came here from Ta
coma and for the present will hold ser
vices in Shively's opera house in the
morning only. Sunday school will be
held at 0 :30 o'clock and preaching at
10:110, These services will bo conducted
in Uerman. There are 25 families of this
branch of the Luteran church in Oregon
City and they expect to purchase prop
erty and erect a church edifice thereon
during tho summer.
rit'Bim) at Eaolk Cukkic. Mrs.
Martha Poe was buried at Eagle Creek
ceinetory last Monday. The funeral
services were conducted by Hov. Rich.
Mrs. Poe was one of our old and highly
respected pioneer and leaves a host of
friends. Her death occurred in Pasco,
Washington, where Bhe had gone hocln
the dry climate would be beneficial to
her health. Her remuln were brought
back for burial by her brother, Hon. L.
Whiltfong, a former sesidont of Damas
cus, now county commissioner for Frank
lin county, Washington.
Raus Wantkd. Cash will be paid for
clean cotton rags at the Entkri-kihb office.
aro good for
headache, harthurn, sour sto
mach, belching biliotiHiiOBH,
torpid liver, drowsiness, las-
ltudo, foul taste in tho moutli,
bad breath, constipation, indi
gestion, dyspepsia.
Tho formula by which they
aro mauo is in use in tne
greatest hospitals in tho world
and is prescribed daily by nine
loctora out of ten. lhreo
times in five when a physician
is called ho vill write a pro
scription tho items in which
will almost exactly correspond
with those of the Kipans Tab
ules formula.
Your druggist can supply
Ilipans Tabules in little vials
for 15 cents or in a box con
taining six of these vials for
50 cents. If ho will not get
them for you, address, with
tho price,
1U Hprcci St., New York.
Awahiikd Couth act. Contracts for
government surveying recently a war Jed
find Oregon City well represented
Henry Meldrum and lie Johnson have
each received large contracts in Idaho
70 mile weat of Boiso City. Earnest
Hands ha a contract in Malheurcounty,
Oregon. They expect to leave about the
first of June to commence work, or as
soon a the snow i out of the mountains.
Woodmam Day. Tuesday, May 11th
will be Woodmen day. Head Consul
F. A. Falkenburg will be present and
deliver an address on objects, aim and
benefit of Woodcraft. An excellent
musical and literary program will be
rendered. There will also be wood
chopping and sawing contests for suitable
prises. Admission free and everybody
Narrow Escai-b. Id attempting to
catch a horse in the pasture last Sunday,
George Monner, a young man residing
seven miles up the Clackama wa e
verely kicked, both feet of the animal
striking him square in the face. His
nose was cruahd and several teeth
knocked out. It was a narrow escape
from instant death.
I'krsonal. The gentleman who an
noyed the cnnitreuat ion last Sunday by
continually couching will find instant
relief by using One Minute Cough Cure,
a siccdy and harmless remedy for throat
and lung troubles. Geo. A. Harding.
I(M Itfivunl. flOO.
The readers of Ibis paier will be
pleased to leatn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stage and that is
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
t'pon the blood and mucus surfaces of
tlie system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up tho con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
(nith in Its curative powers, that they
offer $100 for any case that it fail to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. ChknkyA Co., Toledo,
0. Sold by DruggistH, 75c.
Hull's Family Tills are the best.
Probate Court.
Will of Robert Duty, deceased, was
filed for probate Monday. The estate
consists of real estate to the value of
$3,400, upon w hich there is a mortgage
for $2,100, and personal property esti
mated to be worth $500. The widow is
given a life interest in the property,
afier which it is to be divided among
the three sons in equal shares, they to
pay the two daughters esch $200.
Lockhaht, TexAs, Oct. 15, 1889.
Messrs. Paris Medicine Co.,
Paris, Tenn.
Dear Sir: Ship us as soon as possi
ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
and w ill not have any other. In our
experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug
business, we have never sold any medi
cine which gives such universal satis
facsion. Your respectfully,
J. 8. Brown 4 Co.
For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggiBt
Undertaker and Enibalmer.
K. L. Holm an undertaker and em
bulmer. Grudnate of Embalming col
lege. Full Btock of caskets and coffins
at prices to mil,. Undertaking parlor on
Seventh street near the depot. tf
Avoid Consumption,
by stopping that cough. We know of no
better remedy for coughs and colds than
the 8. B. Cough Cure. G. A. Harding.
Rare Chance.
Will trade 3-year old Jersey bull, higly
pedigreed for good work horse. Address
Cliff Farm, Canby, Oregon.
Drend 1b tlie
Stuff of Life,
That Is, if it is good, wholesome
hreud, if not, it is more dangerous
than Mio
HulletHof theTurkB
Since assuming control of the
Harding bakery no effort has been
spared either in quality of flour
used, or skill in handling to make
Norton's Urcad,
The equal of the beat known
made. Hi pastry cannot be
excelled. Tiy a loaf ol whole wheat
flour bread.
Fine Groceries and
Fresh Vegetables.
A Personal Matter
A well painted house is like a
neatly dressed persoo alway
attractive and pleasant to look
Can be repainted and freshened up
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't leave
it until the sun make any more
mark and crack in it.
The painter. He c;n guarantee
first-class work.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
Trade and Road Work a Specialty.
Any style shoe forged in iron or
steel. Wskoii work and repairing.
Satisfaction guaranteed. ,
Shop on Sxrrntli street, next door to
Nnhlitt's stable.
No. 270, Morrison Street,
For general repairing he Btande
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him I
0. 8. & I Co.
Leaves for tlie East via Walla Walla and
Spukaue, daily at 3:45 p. m. Arrives at U:S9
a. m.
Leuviafor the East via Huntington and
reudlvtoii, dally si 9 p. in. Arrives at 6 a m
Ocean Division Steamships sail
from Ainsworth dock 8 1. m. For San
State of California sail yprtl 2, 12,22;
Columbia sail April 7, 17, 27th, and reg
ular stated intervals Miereaiteu.
Hteamer T J. Potter or steamer Bally Gati
ert, l.uvo rortland dully except Uumliiy,
from Inol ot Alder street, at 6 :4S a. m., Ash 8t
Wk7. m.; alaoat 7:45 p. ni. dully, except
Saturday, from fool of Alder at reel; ttaluniuy
alt):4d p. m. and at p. in. dully except but
urduy from Ash street dock; buturday at 10
p. in. Humming, steamer f J. 1'otter or
Hteumer Hulley Unusert leaves Astoria dally
except Huudny, Irum Telephone dock, at A:45
a.m.; O U.k N. duck at 7 a. m. alxo from
Telephone dock at 6:45 p. in. daily, O. tt. N.
dock at 7 p m.
Willamette Klver Rout.
Aah Street Wharf.
Steamer Ruth forCorrallliand way point,
leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Huturdayaul 6 a. m. He tu ruing, leaves t'or
valUa for Portland an J way points Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6,u0 a. in.
Hteamer tlmore, for Biilem and way points,
leaves Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at a. m. Kelurnlns;, leaves Salem
tor Portlund and way points, Tuesdays,
Thursday and.BatUrtlajB at 7:15 a. m,
Yamhill River Routs.
Steamer Modoo will leave Portland for
Pnyton and way points, bundays, Tuesdays
and Thursdays at 7 a. in. Heturnlnx, leaves
Duyton Mondays, Wednesdays and Thurs
days at 7 a. ui.
E. McNEILL, Gen. Pass. Ageut.
Pres. and M'gr. Portland. Or.
Oregon City Auction House
To get your bargains in new and second-hand
Furniture, Carpet, Stoves, Etc.
W. L. BLOCK, Proprietor.
P. S. highest cash price
Main Street, Opposite Postofflce.
To eet one of those . . .
. . . Before they are all eone.
I must have a set for they out-wear any machine-made harness.
besides I can save from $3 to $5 by
J. F. CAMPAU. Manager.
Opposite Court House Oregon City.
All kinds of repairing done promptly and at reasonable price.
lil About Shoes
m i
Since opening in Oregon City
our shoe trade has steadily in
creased. This has induced us to
show a much larger line for
spring than we have ever shown
There is no disputing the fact
we make lower prices on shoes
than any other house in Clack
amas county and lower than
Portland's largest houses. If
you have been paying to much
for your footwear and are not
satisfied give the Beehive a
trial and you will be the winner.
rwi rvm nrvtKnvM M nm nnn snrM nmm Itunnwer
xorm. AO-to-DuoiBine Hrenwst nerve-iooa iu iue
falls to make the weak i
impotent man stromr. tikotuub arm maneiio. jqsi iry a ous. iudwiih
lltt-bletl. We exueot yon tu believe w bat we bay. lor
where. feod lor our booklet ."Hon t Tonareo iiu aua muum louri.ue Away, wnuenKuuiii.vi
free temple. i4anXUaTi.lftUaAU UUi:i CO., Chleufo rAew Xork
mui, jwstM.. (ton. 4yi4 ttf
finale Id Oregon jliy, Urvg.
paid for household goods.
vM r a
9 O
purchasing of the
UUIIhl i
to destroy thadefilre for tab aero In anr
iDotnt man stroDK. riKoroua ana macnetio. joi try dox. yod wiiidv oe
wunu. canuj ku r puunu iu iuuuvs aim i imwrr
a cure is absolutely Knuraoteea oy arntraiMit every
hte Fftmoua ltemedy cureg quH-kly, permanenUy ail
iLietMjH.-ho, Wakefuineits, VlMlUy MgtiDy Km I a
hiI dieuiiia. luinotvnor and waatliiaT diseases canned bv
itouUttu terror orcitgiHS. Coutaiudnoopiatus. la a serve tMl
lauu iiltHMl builder Makeatiiepaluandpunyptriinvand ploiup
BaMly rnrrlertln Tpstpockt. V I ptr box; 6 for ms By ina1ljra
naltl, v'ithavrilUninMraritorm(meyrrfwUt. Wrtt na,frt
mrdlcal bmk tenled plain wraprnr, wUh tc"ttmorital arJ
HnnnlHl ttttsnrilnip. 'n fhjinm for rim i.tf.i HfWirtt1 im(
w fwatt, or mUi BkafB Bfca P CO. , MtAitKmp,rm0
, b CUAUMAW k Urutit.