Oregon City Enterprise. bCHt-DULES OF TIME Mlli'lllKlt.N I'ACIKH! KAII.WAY. NHHTII B'limil. fallliirnl Knri (llirini(h; rln.iiliiii UchI ty aiailmia) Id it 1 1 1 l'..a.liui I ; aill'TII RIMINI). HmrhurK !,' I (M)f Hillnim) (alllnml l.iiraa (lliiouulo t in ill I' u xi M U. in. ' II 61 i. III. u. Ill, v n in l l. Ul i Ul. iii, I'kHTAI. HU.i Kl'UI.K. VHMTIimK fAIIKIi: HAll.HllAI). M ll dii ii I N l', 'W ! III. nliil 7 p. in. Hull Oil i m nil Hi. i ill, I bl . iii mill 7p m. Mull ! irlliiilnl iroiii ("r iHa. m., lul.'ia m. la i bU i f "'lit Mill ll, I n. HI , 4 (i. Ill, kv ikt sins, sum siu um Mull rl um lot rnrllmiil mil durll ulli put t, IV miii, Hiil 4 it '. in. M ilitlota I' r M.U.nikti onljf, R (l a. in.. i 46 i III , , M.i.l rilvMlinm PmtUid, II 80 a, ul and 4. It p. ni. Mill SIMUla. Orrmiu City In K.l, farm. Niillnn.Uliaral anil MnllU Iratui at li III. aud arrive al U in, 'o'r'aiiii Cllf to Havir Crws. Mink, Clark. Mvailuw llriHik.rtinui Mllla, ami I'tilum, ! I a a. in. Miunlay, Wailnnxlajf ami K U, ami rmiirnt mi lullnwlm ilaa at 4 M p, m OrK"M t'Uy Vim, ! li ml Hnllainl loavna UKgnu CltY Miilnla,, WiliiMly ami Prlilaysl I.UO I', ul., laln Viola aama day I 7 .UU., o Or-mmi t.'ity la Wlllania lv, ItialT.rl ai.d W I "ii'li t, rrluaal lujioa. m. aud ,vav. al II W a. in. i y. U nr. I iil,vi ilid'W n I'Pi-w (in -iinilav Iro .. ut II a iii. A t I i"'"' "i P in h bsaiii "tir l iiiuiiily I off Sutler, BJ "II tlll'C' d 't. A ton m m:l ihal I daUyoil ao I li.llat airita un Wl a. in., . !' ti lu aili 0' Bi on 12 o'rl ik "ti Itf wifio car. M1I.U1KITK r Al.lJ U'Y. (A Liiv H'hkion uriiiui ii.umtti tkUlM 4 Ul a. m. ra. a iu 1 " ii i-O H lu ui V lift " I . o M I 01 . III. U l " i ift p. m, 4 0" I 40 l iu " 1 it " 2 It 4 O I M S'ii I II ill I lu " Kundiiy ' lniy liniir until a n'olmk p.m. lu tllaoton and l'"i Ja"u ml. IswV, r c. A hlM.Kll.afrr. FKIDAY, AI'KIL 0. IH!7. OiH Milunkm. Tim lour millinery tore o( llili clly, wlioao oiiinii oe currml Ul week, contain jester vsrieiy ml oeller (imlhy ol inillini'ry K'xxla lliall it v(r limnillil lo Oreuon IHiy Muro. It m lull yi-ara no that ono ainall inlllniry tiautilialimiiiit v.a nII I ho illy atrorili'd ami the tfnt ol llm Irmlo wnit lo 1'oitlmnl. Now our liilllliii-rt rarry a aliH-k llmt w?uM bn a creilil to the tuittrui'jlla or any ollitr city in ttio lunil. It la al-o a ftft, uuivraliy cnrc(liJ, that Atnurlran wouirn rxi'l all othnra in kuoI laale rplativn to niNitirn of dreaa Anil In nothliiK i thla ifflni'il ttiKti' more apiiar ent than in lit cIim-iIiiii ol a botuirt. Th favorilo lur April wimrinK wmi to lis oim ol llit) Ufinlirant hni, lu brim built rniirely ol vluluta or bya clnthi, or what are pn-ttily callnd ahattmixl roma, anil thn crown wmnuht of linlliaiitly aiilnml draw, rim trlinnilnua thla MaiiHoii aru mailu ol llnwora ol every concnivalile kiml ami color. Thnao llnwera are fornunl with tmh prrfocliifM that natura'a rarext proiliii'tion acfina almalmij aiul buwa I la brail mute inuliilimtution ol Inli'rlor lly in comparlaun to thd liijp'iuiity (lia played in forming- thews artificial flowors The sUiurna, Mtaln ami calyx are all ao eiiiiUiloly priKlui eil that the in inking ol a Hub roaewaiur over thmn ia all that lu'i'dinl to make tho dvcrplion com-pli-ie. Our milliner are ariiata in Ihoir line, iu (itft, if thrones were 11 1 If d by millinery gcniiM lnntttd of royal birth, Ori'iion Clly could furnlnh qurena (or four Kovenuni'iita at lniHt. A Mahitation kor Thamph. The biilldiiiK on aoiith Muiu Hrei'l occupied a a rcHldnce by Ir. Mclvouithlin in the early ttittleinent of thla country and known of late yrais a the old I'hoeuix lioiiHe la a menace to public safety. It is standing vacant and has become a habitation lor train pa who contrrettute there, build Urea in the old fireplace and then go oir and leave thuni burning. Hardly a nla-hl puwios that the police do not find from one to a dozen of thn genius tiobo ensconced therein. Situa ted as it Is near the woolen and flour mills it might result In a diHttsterous conflagration unices something is done to abate the nnixance. It ought to bn torn down, but until that is done the owners ought at least to see that the doors and windows are nailed up so as to keep out persons who have no busi ness in thfl building, It KAI.yclHTATK AND INHI'KANCB OkKICR. II. A. I'ettenger will open up a real estate, inmirunce and notary olllce in the southwest cornor of the poHtoMue building the first of next week. For the past two years Mr. Tettenger lias been living on the Abernethy two miles north of Oregon City, where be lias conducted 'a very successful school. Trior to that be was cashier for 10 years lor Geo. W. Bates & Co., bankers, of Portland. He Is a young man of push and energy, reliable and honest and will doubtless make a success of his undertaking. Tkbabubkh's Ruport. City Treasurer Straight's report for the quarter ending March 81st shows the receipts In the general fund to be $1255.95, of which fIC.OO were carried over from last quar ter. The disbursements were $20tl.80, leaving a balance on hand of $1049.00. In the water fund the receipts were $1940.77 and the disbursements $1441.90, leaving $498.87 In the treasury. In the cemetery fund the receipts were $40, I making $170.07 in the fund at present I Tim U.,u..i,ll. ulr,...l (,....1 tl't O'l ..vtiMiv.l ' ''"''!. I l(,( I. llfllllltllB f",fr,, Them wnrn ;;8' dog Hci-iinm IhhihuI, 8J mules ami three ftiimtlim, nutting the city As iimii,,! Mr. Htralglit's report Is imal ly preimied mid very cnniprehcni'ive and complete In every detail. NoTII'K Til HmiAH I'.KtCT (illOWKKH The iiiiiiinfiictiiieis NPNiiclalioii of I'oit liind who have so liberally supplied the lii'i't Hi ed which the coiiiiiiitlee of the hoanl of lni'tii has undertaken to dis tribute among the fanner ol thin county, have icnt word that the sred has all been distributed to over .'100 farmers throughout the slate which will lie sulll clem to give Ihmi a thorough trial. As the UMHoclalloli has been at coDalilerahle expense lo gut the seed lor the farmer It Is to lie Imped that each one will en deavor to faithfully cultivate and follow Implicitly the liiNtriictloneglyen and also return their reiiort with sample of beets so that the exerlinent may be thor oughly tented and It is hoped that the sugar N-rcentsge will bo siifllclently high that It will warrant the establish ment of a factory and the cultivation of beem on a large scale. Vllinorin's improved sugar licet seed is thn quality dlntrlliiited and should prove entirely satisfactory with good cultivation. MucicAL TkXAT. The grandest, great est and mont elaborate tuualcal concert ever gives In Oregon City will bold the boards at rlhlvely's on Tuesday evening, May 4 . The two great and only musical choruses of the city the Truble ClefT and the Halcyon will participate. One of the tiumiier will lie by the wonderful child player aud mualcal pord'gy, Miss Heat i Ice Harlow, In some of her classical and soul-stirring solos. Ti e best of all the mualcal aud literary talent of the city will lake part in the program. The great violinist, Henor Ysaye, of Portland will also participate in the program. This entertainment will doubtless prove a great success. The proceeds are fur (he beuelll of KU John's Catholic-church Program and particulars will be ail nouced later. I'kntihtky. I'r. J. II. Miller, dentist, treat all diseases of the oral cavity such as perlciiinentitia, K-rioslilis, gingivitis, iiecroais of the maxillary hones, pyorrhira, alveolar! and fibrous tumors ol the gums. Artlnticgold and Kircelain crowns and fine plain work, (Irst-claHS workmanship. Examinations free. Term reasonable. Olllce 7th street. An Industrial Kxlilblt. The attention of all cil Irene of Clacka mas county who wlidi to aid in the de velopment of our agrk-ulturl, mineral and manufacturing interest is culled to the work ol Oregon City board of trade through It special committee on exploit ation. The committee wants to obtain samples of every mineral found in the county. Ol the clays the samples should be laige enough so that working texts can be made to ascertain their value. The various mineral SNclmens should be plainly lalnded with thn name of the donor, the location from where taken, the apparent quantity Insight and any oilier data relative to their value. The board of trade would also like to have samples of the various kinds of manufactured articles of every class and description. For the agricultural exhibit farmers should commence preparing now. As their prodticts mature the board wants samples sent in properly labeled and the board asks the farmers to plant and cultivate with that end in view. Tbev want to maintain a permanent exhibit here In Oregon City and also mean lo have the best county exhibit at the Industrial fair in Portland next fall. Tliev also contemplate showing the exhibit F.asl at points whero they think the greatest good will accrue lo Clacka mas county. This la a matter in which all cltixens of this county are directly Interested and each one should endeavor to further the cause and insure the success of the undertaking. The members of the committee are: Charles Meserve, K. K. Charman, J. Q. rilsbury, J. A. Thayer and J. F. Clark, and articles tor the exhibit can be left with any one of them or at the Kntkk I'HIHK olllce. $100 Itewurd, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leant one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that la catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus Burfuces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers, that they ofler $100 for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Ciikney ACo.,Tolodo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Reward Offered. A liloral reward will be given for the return to me of a pointer dog, color white and black, round black spot on back over hips. Had a chain collar on. Address Geo, Lazelle, Oregon City. A MM) OK hll'KUlOU KICH.UHV (Continued from Klrnl pK'.) OltlXiON CITY. TIIK r'OMINO MAKPPAITt'llINU CKMYKH If TIIK NOHTIIWKKT A HKNKKAI, lliKA Of Til K I.OTAMTV OIIANI) S'KNM(Y, Population 5'()0. The county seat of Clackamas county situated on the Willamette river about twenty-four miles above it confluence with the Columbia river and half that tlintaiice above the city of Portland, The site upon which Oregon City is located I one of the in out picturesque on the continent. A bamtlt ridge extends across the valley, connecting the Cas cade and Coast mountain ranges, and the Willamette river, tumbling over this basalt ledge forma the falls that Induced the locating of the town here. The falls are semi-circular in shsie and measure about half a mile from shore to shore. There are three or four small rock Inlands at the brink of the cataract, di viding the stream so that the water does not pour over in one body. Oregon City, unlike most western towns, lias never experienced the ups and down of a forced boom with Its demoralizing effects. The growth of the town has been steady and permanent, baaed op en actual demand, and what is found here can be accounted for uon that basis of exinting to aujiply a present in stead of a protqx-ctive demand. Factories are located on both sides of the river but the main buidiicK portion of the city ll on a flat on the eaxt side between the stream and a rock bluff that rises vertically eighty feet, two blocks back from the river. This bluiT enlen the city at III south side and extends nearly two-thlrdi the distance through the town parallel with the river. A sus-N-nion bridge 1000 feet long spam the river at a height of nearly a hundred feet above the water. The picturesque beauty of the locality is one of the greatest attractions at Ore gon City. The falls are not simply a series of rapids, but the whole mighty volume of the Willamette river plungei down a precipitous clilT ol solid baaalt, forming a cataract that is truly magnifi cent in its beauty and power. Itelow the (alls the river flow la-tween veriical walls ol solid rock twenty to fifty feet tall, In which that peculiar columnar form which baaaltic rock sometime takes ii seen. At this point tlit river flows nearly northwest receiving the Clackamas and turning to the north just beyond the northern tinea of the city. The two elevated shelves on the east and south aud the rising ground on the west, quite changes the monoton ous asect presented by mol town and give from ever part of the city com mand ol an outlook of charming beauty and granduer. The city is well governed and econom ically administered. Public school facilities Include seven school houses and thirty teachers, all of the schools bring graded. Several churches, of dif ferent denominations, have creditable edillces and tho talent in the pulpits it above the average in towns of this Bize. The city is well supplied with fraternal and benevolent orders all in good financial standing. living the seat of Justice of so largo a county Oregon City has many advant ages in the way of trade and influence that it would not otherwlae have. The county court house is a fine structure costing $10,000. Thn county court holds session monthly and the circuit ec.uit seuii-annually in April and November. The free suspension bridge over the Willamette river at this point was built by the county at a cost of nearly $30, 000, About $30,000 are paid out monthly in wages in Oregon City. This money goes to employes of the Electric Com pany, of the woolen mill, the annual output of which exceeds $750,000, of the flouring mills, having a capacity of 1100 barrels a day, ol the papor and pulp mills turning out an annual product ol about 30,000 tons, one of the mills being the largest on tho Pacitlc coast, and of a number of other manufacturing con cerns. The value of the annual product af these manufacturing plants is about $2,000,000. Oregon City has practically the same facilities for transportation as Portland. Stestners ply regularly on the river at all seasons of the year. The Southern Pacific railroad passes through tl-e city and for commodities that may be shipped by rail to better advantage than by boat, there is every facility for hand ling. The city reaps every advantage that can accrue from tho influence of cheap water traitsportatian. Not only does the river furnish an additional avenue for tralllc, but it operates to keep the railroad rates down to the lowest notch which to a manufacturing town is quite as important as the ability of the stream to carry freight. While Oregon City is justly proud of her business enterprises and the out look for the future is certainly good, it is only fair to state that there are suf ficient business concerns of every size and character for prosont business needs, thai there is suHicient labor here to fill market demands. The city it growing and there are good Inducement! held out to investors. The field is as yet only half occupied and the resources of the sur rounding country and advantages of the town afford excellent opportunities for entalilinlilng mills and manufactories. ! IV .1 -: .. .. I I i o i;miiik;i, ,i;niTlim re)(UII Vll null the laud that surrounds it. We can give hut a few plain fact and call un our Kasiern readers to come aud see the land endowed by nature with every precioiiH gift, the laud of tioiinille op-, port unities, the laud of progress and in le, rily, ihu land which can give capital the hcM, the safest investment to lie found in America, the city and county that can and will deal gene rounly with the manufacturer, the capitalist or the farmer, Oregon City can provide the power, the water and the facilities. OKKOOK UTV'S WATKB I'OWKK. j Oregon City Is rapidly pushing to the frontal a manufacturing center. The value of the products now manufactur ed here annually aggregates millions. The fall of the Willamette river at thii point are not only beautiful and pictur esque beyond description, but ai a water power for manufacturing purposes they are especially well adapted. 1 United StaU-a engineers rettort that the Willamette river discharges into the Columbia 15,000 cubic feet of water per second. The only tributary it receive", below Oregon City is the Clackamas river, which doe not discharge more than 27(H) cubic feet of water per second. ISoth these computations are for the lowest stage of the river during the dry season. Thus the volume oi water flow nig over the falls is 12 30) cubic feet per second. The vertical height la forty feet. So lite capacity of the water power of the Willamette falls at the lowest stage of water is about 50,000 horse power based on the discharge at the mouth of the river, about 24 miles below the falls, is the most accurate statement obtainable. During most of the year the power is several times the minimum above stated. There has been comparitively liltlo development of the Oregon City water power, about 10,000 horse-power ii now being used in manufacturing here and it can be safely and truly stated that there is no more advantageous point in the entire Northwest for the lo cation of factories than at Oregon City. A city whoe life and growth depends on commerce may possess many elements of strength but it can not compare in stability with a town having superior manufacturing advantages. The value of a natural power like that of Oregon City can hardly be calculated. (Continued on pwc seven.) PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fast and com modious 6teamer Regulator Leaves Portland, Tuesday.Thurs day and Saturday at 6:30 a. m. Arrics Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. . Portland, Or., Oflice and wharf, foot of Oak St. RIPANS TABULES are good for headache, heartburn, sour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver, drowsiness, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they are made is in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he vill write a pre scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the Ilipans Tab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, the Ripans chemical co., 10 Brauci St., Niw York. Li. SILVER PI ATF THAT WEARS 4i- f -1' In buying silver ilitf;d ware of any kind, there arc two things to consider durability and artistic de sign, both of which can be secured by purchasing Rogers iJros.' goods. Our stock of this ware ia all new and bought at lowest prices for cash. If you wish to purchase any article in this line be sure and see our stock. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers IW m 4 Fifty Dollars For a Crescent A bicycle that you will be proud to show anywhere. A better wheel than 1 100 would buy two years ago; has improvements not in use two years ago. How do these items sound? Dunlop or M. k W. tires; Boston laminated three ply rim; barrel hubs; keyless cranks; seamles crank-hanger; D ehaped tubing; wood handle bars; Garford padded saddle. Those are the "talking points" of hundred dollar wheels you get these . ..-- . 1.1 A it . i Alt !1 all in tne f 00 crescent anu tne same guarantee mat you gei n you paiu a hundred. Get a catalogue and have a look at the wheels at HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE, Oregon City. South Oregon City A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Beautiful 6cenery and health giving air, high level land with good productive soil and pure water, a first-class public school building attended by nearly a hundred pupils on the premises; and a good plank road (one of the main thoroughfares in the county), connects with the macadamized streets of the city. This beautiful tract adjoins Oregon City and no portion of it is beyond a mile from the heart 'of the city and but a 15 minutes walk on plank walks to the business houses. Some attractions of South Oregon City. Now is the time to think of the place to build your home or a good place to lay by an investment that will increase in value. The easy terms on which this property is sold should not embarass any thrfty person. Lots are 50x100 and prices range from $100 to $150. Terms, $5 down and $5 per month until pail, without interest or taxes, a liberal discount for cash, and inducement to build. Every lot clear and ready for the garden. Quite a number o lots have been sold and there are several houses already occupied on the tract and quite a settlement in the neighborhood. Oregon City with her big monthly pay roll, gieat woolen mills, large pulp paper and flouring mills and massive electric station, her fine public crease her safer place address schools and all the modern inprovements, is bound to in growth. Where can you find a better place to live in or a for an investment? For further information call on or T. L. Charman Bros. Block, pVREGON CITY New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the best manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on all orders. EFlIZSTG- - Prices the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKE & CO. HO-TO-BAG OTOTliJOO.GTiOtaxwtold. fl0 0OOcure nrore itt vcmir form. No-to-bao Is the KreAtem nerre-food Id the world. Many gaiaK) pounds Id 10 doyi and it dtiw falls to niaka tbe weak liupoivot man atroDft. Timorous aod niatfnetiti. Junt try a box. You will be lighted. We expect you to beliere what w say, fur a cure Is ahnolutelr mittranteed by druutrlRta every where. Send lor our booklet "IVin't 'IHibaroo rplt and Hmoke Your Life Away," writteu tuajruiUM ajiA free sample. Addrwi TUX ITilLiA K1U0 Y CU. Csisaf t or Atw Xraw SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY CHARMAN & CO. 7 xtm Bicycle CHARMAN, Trustee, Oregon City, Or. IRON WORKS A. - SPECIALTY. GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT to destroy thad!r for tobKx In nr