Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 02, 1897, Image 7

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    Oregon City Enterprise
Muiulny, Arll ft April turiii rolnlo
rmiri cnnvwuin,
Wailimmlay, April 7 April luriu of nmiily
court (oiivvni'i.
Wfilnrmliy, April 7 April iiumIoii of city
council lo lis hnhl,
Friday. Aprlltl-Arhorday, to lie ulmarvril
by nil tuhiKila,
Monday, April IV-ltiwulnr mmtlng of
(irrgoii .iiy Dorm or Irmm
Wf(loly, April H-Clackaiuai county
Hominy Hdiool convention rni'i In ilia
MHliodlit church, Oregon City,
Monday. April lit HprlnK term of circuit
court for (MackaniM county oonvfiicil by
JiKlK McHrlda.
FltlDAY, AI'UIL 2. 1HU7.
Juillce Court.
I-oonanl Holm, clmrge.1 with don troy
liiK projwrty belonging to Rasper Wela
mantle, pleaded guilty to the chargo In
till trial Mora Justice Hnillh of Moody,
laat Friday n J win a tilencecl to pay
fliwof flO.ln default of which lie went
lo Jail.
The olli'iise waa committed while
Ileiris waa returning (rum ft charivari
wllh a pnrt y ol young limn and roiminlud
In tearing down WaUinanlla'a dooryard
II. A. Heldlng waa the plalnllir In
replevin anil against C. Kchroedur, do
liiiiilant, (or the possession of 3 year
old cow valued at :D and $20 ilauiagca.
The case wan tried before Junllco Hclmo
hel and a Jury consisting of M. Mcdee
hn, John (lllletl, (ieo. M. It. Joucit, K.
lirlderawl It. 1.. IHaiicliard Monday,
lloth parlici are realdnnta ol Stafford
and almost the entire neighborhood waa
present at the trial w hich occupied the
whole day, 2'i wllnessea Miigexanili.ed.
The jury rendered a verdict for the
recovery of tl e cow, loueilier with $J0
damagea and the coU of the action,
$S0 60, making a total coal of $ 100.50.
(!. II. Pnulck appeared for the plain
HIT and (ieo. C. Ilrowuell for the deiend
ant Conatahle McCown went out Tuea
day and levied Uon Kchroeder'a er
filial properly to aecure the defendant's
damagea and eoata of the action and
brought In eight head of rattle, Includ
ing a One Jrrsy hull. Wedneaday morn
ing Kchroeder came In and paid up, Bay
In? an he did w (hat he could not Bleep
lant night for It waa the flrnt lime hli
barnyard had I wen empty, benlilen he did
"hale to part nut dot pull a'redy."
I'rlaea for Two Inventor.
A highly Interesting competition be
tween a large iiuinlwr of new luvenion
hi just been decided by a Very dlalln
gul lied hoard of awarda, and a hand
tome canh priie and aolld gold medal
awarded at the result of the dnlnlon.
For tome time the patent linn of John
WVildeibuiu A Co , of Wanhinglon, I).
(J., have given a monthly reward of $IK)
to Ihe inventor who should submit the
Ih-iI invention from the standpoint if
aimnlli i'y, novelty and utility. The
board of aWHPln, composed of Senator
William Stewart, of Nevada, Chairman ;
Itepreneimtivti Claud A. Kwaiisun, of
Virginia; Mr. John C. KckloiT, cashier
of the Second N.iiIuhhI Hunk of Well
ington, and Mcasra. A.C Mun, of W.
It. Mono'a Soiih, and Frederick K. Wood
ward & l-olhrop, two of Ihn leading
merchanta ol the capital city.
Thlc board hua jiiat aelcuted the prir.e
wlnnera in the content participated in
by Inventors wlioauhuiitted Ihelrdesicea
during the month of Jitmiury. Tlie pride
o($loOgi a toWllliam Taylor ,nf Kearney,
N. J., the Inventor ol a bicycle brake of
aiiiiplucoiiMiiiciion, end the gold medal
to Theodore (i. Thoinuii, of l.uinaripie,
Texua, for a monkey wrench of novel
llilckleii'n Arnica Salve.
The bent salve in Ihe world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Khcuin.
Fever Sore, Totter, Chapped bunds,
ChilliluliiM, CoriiH, end all Skin Erup
tions, and positively ciirea l'ilen or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
perfect ant Infliction or money refunded.
For ante by Chat man & Co., Chiiriunn
Bros. Block.
Our Stiinillng at Home.
"Four out of every five bottles of med
icine Hold In the liiHt five yeaia are H. Ii.
goods. The 8. B. Headache and Liver
Cure I uae inyaelf hh u general phyele.
If you are al k and want to got well, Ihe
quickest, ebeupeat and safest method Is
to buy the S. B. remedies and uho ns di
rected. C. P. lUi.cn, druggist, Dufur,
Or." For sale by C. U. Huntley.
Iudlgesflnu ( iiiuil
DepresHlng times depress tlio mind;
the jlgflMtlon Is disturbed. Two or three
doses of the 8. B. Ileiidnchu it ml Liver
Cure will restore your health to a nor
mal condition. CO cents per bottle.
Forsulo by C. O. Huntley, druggist.
Minutes seem like hours when a life Is
at stake. Croup gives no time to send
for a doctor, del.iy may mean death.
One Minnie Cough Cure gives instant
relief and insures recovery. The only
harmless remedy that produces immedi
ate results, (ieo. A. lUnling.
All the different forms of skin troubles
Irom chapped hands to eceimi mid indo
lent ulcers cim be readily cured by Pu
Witt's llnid Salvo, thu grea piiocuro.
Geo. A. Harding
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to the
Entkiu'KIHk and gut the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
I'KL.VM Ml;i;i I.Mi,
HiiiiiII Crowd, I.IUIm Fnt IiiinIimii nnd u
Wi'iikrliiilninfiiH'ut for tire Hold up.
Lant Saturday waa an epoch In the
hlniory of the populist party In Clnrku
miis county for It waa the maiklng of
the la-ginning of the decline that bus act
In, In Ihe fitful career of this Iridescent
organisation which set out to reform the
world and liicidoiitly to provide aoft
billots (or some needy politicians. This
event which proved of audi significance
waa the holding of a meetlag called by
W. 8. U'Uen toendome the actlona of
himself and the other popullsta enguged
In the late hold-up at Salem. The meet
ing waa called to meet at 11 o'clock at
Justice Schiiehers office in Ihli city and
promptly at (hat hour Mr. U'Uen
mounted the platform and called the
meeting to order. By actual count there
were Just 1.1 populist prone tit which
with tlx republicans who attended out
of curiosity to ee what manner of en
dorsement Simon' lieutenant waa to
receive at the bands of hi party. Of
all the popullat partlota In Oregon City
not one ol them waa present, they evi
dently holding that discreet absence was
preferable lo committing themselvea to
an endorsement of Mr. Simon' political
methods. Mr. Harikin, who baa always
been one of tbe oracle of hi parly, was
seen on the street just la-fore the meet
ing convened and on being anked If be
was going to attend replied "that be
hail Important bunlnen to attend lo"
and Immediately put off up the street at
a wait that would place as much distance
aa Kanhle between himself and the
Slmou-U'lton meeilng.
On coming to order no one anpeared lo
to willing to make a motion to provide
for a secretary and after repeated re
quest by Chairman U'iten to the popu
liaia present who each declined the
honor, 0. H. Miller of Highland was In
duced to take the position. Owing to
the slim attendance and the evident
lack of enthusiasm Chairman U'Uen
asked that a motion to adjourn until
after dinner be made. Pending tbe
motion lo adjourn, which in other meet
ing la alwayt undehalable, Mr. U'Uen
delivered a ten minutes speech on what
he knew about life in Salem. This
accomplished he and a few of hi helers
aetoutoiitto drum up a crowd for the
afternoon session.
At 1 o'clock ihe meeting again came to
order, the rustling of Mr. U'Uen for an
attendance having brought In 34 po ini
tial and 0 republicans to hear the tale
ol hia attack upon the Salem wind
mill. John Kverhart was made chair
man, Mr. Miller kindly consenting to
perform the arduous duties of secretary
without the formality of an election.
The Oregon City populist were again
acoiinpicioiia by their absence, only eight
be Ilia present and out of the 'X populists
holding ollhes within the county, the
recorder and coroner were the only ones
present. I ho other not caring lo attend
Mr I" Hen tlieu took the ll xir ami for
an hour endeavored to explain his
pocitiuu ami actions in the late hold
up. Aa lo why he look part in the hold
up he staled thut he flint of all deter
mined that the republican should p.ies
no vicious hginlation and until he could
pans upon tbe measures they piopused
to Introduce, he would not go into the
organisation. He also uemuded that
the lepublicuns pledge to him tli.it they
Would pass a constitutional amendment
providing for the Initiative and referen
dum, the Holt jililges-of election hill and
the Itiiighuiii registration bill . In the
interview he had rcgaiding Ihte
ineHHliren be nuid hu collid get no satis
frction from the republicans. M it. hell
was niui'Comiiiiital, though he said he
thought well of the bills. Simon was
iiideliniie and would not detitiu his
Miniiion. Bourne was delighted with
them enpecially Hie initiative and ruler
nudum unsuring Mr. U'Uen that he had
always believed in this meusuio. Thus
it was that he was drawn into the hold
up and oiico in it he would not give one
inch unices his demands were acceded.
In this hpeecli he denied that he was in
the hold-up to make a personal fight
against the re-election of Mitchell. His
talk was rambling and he gave every
indication of being ill at ease for It was
far different (or him to talk in defense
of himself, than it was when ho could
turn hl nsulf loose in wild denunciations
of the republicans, On closing his
speech he asked if any one wished to
ask any guestions relutive to legislative
matters. An inquiring populist wanted
to know how .Mr. U'Uen and the other
members met their expenses while in
Salem, they drawing nothing from the
state. In reply .Mr. U'Uen stated he
received if 8il and I he other members of
the opposition received from f 50 to f 100
from a fund milde up by the enemies of
Mitchell. He said that Representative
Ogle declined asniNtance and paid hia
own bills. Cluis. Spence of Carus asked
if it would not have given the populiHt
panv u better standing in the next
campaign if the populisis hud gone In
mid helped omiini.o and (lid their duty
regardless of what the republicans did.
In replying to this question U'Uen
hedged m:d dodged il definite answer, as
it w ns too much for him. J. C. Wolgii
niiil of Cunby wanted to know if it was
right for one to do evil that good may
come of it,. Tli in was another question
thai U'Uen switched around In giving
an uiinwer.
Chas. Spuiice again got the floor, not-
withstanding it wan apparent that he was
to he suppienseil, and delivered a scath
ing rebuke to U'Uen, saving In part:
"You were sent there to do your honest
duty, and prevent lo the utmont of your
ability vicious legislation. Von we. o
sent there lo do something; not to d
nothing. The people who perform an act
are the ones who are renponnible for it,
and populist could not be responsible
for Vicious legislation unions they aided
in It, If you had gone In and done your
dutv, we could go out In the state and
talk M)lilc4; now we've got to defend
your conduct." Spence' i teeth made
a decided sensation and It looked for a
time as though U'U -n would not be able
to stem the opposition and prevent a
vote of censure being passed rather than
one of commendation. But Spence was
dually suppressed and U'Uen smoothed
up the matter the best be could.
Uepresenlative Ogle was then called
on and briefly responded, stating be
agreed with all that U'Uen had said and
that be bad no appologlea to make for
hi actions while in Salem and that be
did not care whether hi work was sanc
tioned or not.
Mr. Walgomot then made a motion
that the action ol Representatives U'Uen
and Ogle las endorsed by the meeting.
This furnished a lively controversy
which lasted over an hour. The motion
ws optosd by Spence, II. SchUebel
and (i. Starkweather, who each made
speeches sgainst It. Mr. Starkweather
questioned U'Uen 's actions and doubted
verv much If the taxpayers would sanc
tion the hold-up, and" further that the
hold-up was an attack upon our form of
Kovernment and he w not yet ready lo
abrogate our state legislature. U'Uen
bs)k Ihe opportunity to make two more
tH-eches. In Ihe last one he flatly con
tradicted what he had stated in his first
speech regarding bis opinmitlon to the
re-election of Senator Mitchell, in that
he waa determined that Mitchell should
be defuated and had no worked In ac
cordance lo Instruction sent out
by the populint national centn-1
committee at the time the legis
lature met. They wanting him defeated
to prevent the republicans gaining con
trol of the United S'ates senate. The
motion finally passed about half of the
populist present voting for it and two
Voting against il.
The subject of bringing libel suit
sgalnat the Oregon City Press, unless a
retraction was made for its attacks on
the personal characer of the late Re pre
senlalive Kruse, was brought up and a
committee consisting ol Representative
U'Uen, Ogle and K. Kanne, T. B.
Ilankliis, A. I.uelling and J. M.Cald
well was sppoiuted to interview the
J. I. Stevens, the sage of Canity,
then delivered a bellicose attack on
the Portland General Electric Company,
which be alleged was a giant monopoly
(hat waa stilling tbe liberties of tiie eo-
pie of two fountieg and was the chief
lax-dodk'er in the state. Ity the time
S'cpsjuna was through the audience had
about ull left the room and what few
there were left adj ii rued and thoa end
ed a meeting of w hich much was ex
ecled and little realized by it promoters.
Banner of Ihe lirlp.
The greatest danger from la grippe is
of it resulting in pneumonia. If reason
able care is used, however, and Cham
berlain' Couifh Remedy taken, all dan
tier will be avoided. Among the tens of
Ihounanila who have lined this remedy
for la grippe, we have yet to learn of a
single case having resulted in pneu
monia, which shows conclusively that
Ibis remedy is a certain reventntive of
that dread disease It will effect a per
manent cure in less time that any other
treatment. Tlio 25 and fiO cent sizes for
salo by (!eo. A. Harding.
Fruiti Cripple ( reek.
After the big flm in Cripple Creek, I
took a very severe cold and tried many
remedies without help, the cold only be
coming more Bet I led. After using three
small bottles of Chamberlain's Couuh
Kemedy, both the cough and cold left
me, and in this high altitude It takes a
meritorious cntigli remedy to do any
good. O. B. Henderson, editor Daily
Advertiser. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Money To Loan.
5tX) or 1000 io loan on A 1 real
estate. C. H. Pyk.
Potatoe Wanted.
Good marketable potatoes, wanted.
Address "M" care of Kstkhi'Mbk ofllce.
II . E. Cross will sell you a couple of
nice lots in Gladstone, at an astoninh
ingly low figure until July 1st. See him.
Till I 'uur Opportunity.
Ou recoipt of ten cents, cash or stumps,
a generoua sample, will bo mailed of tlio
mont popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Halm) snffloient to dcniou
etrate the great merits of the remedy.
Gti Warren St., New York City.
Hoy. John Ueid, Jr.. of Orent Falls, Mout.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize hia statement, "It is a posi.
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
ltev. Francis W, l'noln, Pouter Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mout.
Ely's Cream Balm is tlio acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contains uo mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength V. S. aovrameot Report
A splendid Dinner (.Iren. j
To all who dine at the Portland res-!
laiirant, opposite the susierision bridge, j
the finest dinner to he had in Oregon ;
Cily will lie served. A specialty made!
of firm meats, fish and game. Try our j
Sunday chicken dinners. Clean table j
service and elliiient help. A quiet
place to bring your wife or lady friends.
Meals 25 cents.
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
After having been confined to the
home for eleven days and paying out
'X In doctor bills without benefit, Mr.
Frank Dolson, ol Bault Rte. Marie, Mich.,
was cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm coating 25 cents and has not
since been troubled with that complaint.
For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
A llome-IIke Hotel
Farmers and the traveling public will
find a comfortable home-like place to
stop at when in Oregon City at the
Oriental bote). Table supplied with an
abundance of the best tbe market af
fords. Kooms and beds are clean and
Our 25 cent meals are not excelled.
John Diusciif.b, Prop.
This is to certify that we will not be
responsible for any debts that have or
will be contracted for by one, Frank
Nowell. All persons are hereby notified
not to trust him for anything on our
account. John F. Nokkis,
Adki.ins Nokiiis,
A 'l Fuihkncc Mamik Bl'HTON.
For the k'idiiry.
"I am (5 years old : have bad kidney
diseane and constipation for 25 years.
Am now well used your S. B. Head
ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6
bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight.
Kutledite, Or." For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
Sewing Machine For 1 20.
High grade sewing machines, that will
do as good work as as any that are on
the market, will be sold for the next
four weeks for from I4 lo $20 by II. O.
Cheney, at Cheney's art gallery.
Wall Paper.
Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City
latest designs and prices to suit the times
at U. L. Holman's, Seventh street, near
Main. tl.
Use "DUSTINE" for floor. Cbar
msn 4 Co., agent. Circular free.
Seven minutes to Gladstone two and
one-half cents.
T. A. Klnrnm. X. C. ths Urrat Cbemitt and
Scientist, Kill Henil, Free, Three Botdei of
Hi Newly Discovered Remedies
to SurTeren.
Eiiitor Entkki'Bisb : I have discov
ered a reliable cure for consumption and
ailbrochial, throat and lung diseases,
ireneral decline, loss of flesh and all con
ditions of wanting away. By its timely
use thousands of apparently hopeless
cases have been cured. So proof -posi live
am I of its ower to cure, that to make
ila meiita known. I will semi. free, to
any afllicted reader of your paer. three '
Kiilllna rr nkir udd-Iv rl iu.-m-ar.ui ramo.liua '
upon receipt of express and postotlice
address, T. A. SLOCUM, M . C,
1)8 Pine Street, New York
When writing the doctor, please men
tion this paper.
No. 270, Morrison Street,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable gooda his store is second to
none. Trv him !
Garden Seed
Flower Seed
Grass Seed
Seed of all kinds suit
able to this climate.
Absolute Purity
Prices Reasonable
Send for Catalogue
George Starrett
Walla Walla,
Qfegon City Hospital,
t Conveniently of access and pleasant located.
, Free from tbe noise and dust of the city.
. a
Hdkuiiui nurses ana every convenience oi a nrai
class hospital.
8 Ample room that patients may have quiet
ness and rest. Special rooms
for ladies.
Services of the best physicians of the county
in flttpndn not
THE ?illgg:'
l y luimmmM yvj
"ff n!y cnt macatinf tan bt taken, w vould tnggttl t
Review or Reviews, at tovmng mrt grnd than
any tther magaunt." Board of Library Commissioner
of New Hampshire, 1896.
MHIS magazine U, In Its contributed and departmental
features, what its readers, who Include the most noted
names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call
"absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the Mr.es."
"Invaluable," and "indispensable." It la profusely Illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons, its original articles
are of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect
ive subjects. Tbe Editor's "Progress of the World" gives a
clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
race during the current month. The " Leading Articles of the
Month " present the Important parts of the best magazine articles
that have been written in every part of the world. The newest
and most important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes,
;hronologtcal records, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of the Review
ct Reviews will miss nothing of great
s nifinnce that is said or written or done
throughout the world.
Send Cent
la Stamps for
Specimen Copy
THE REVIiry OF REVETS CO, 13 Astor Phu, Ntw York.
Telore's Taazir;e
For 1897
A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. Tic fust authorita
tive 8 ail adequate Life of Grant ever uulliFliel. Lavish' v iiluMratt-.l. (Be
gins in Dtft'inlier.)
Rudyard Kipling's first Anieiican Feriul, " Cnp'ains Courageous."
iBeitina in Novfintwr )
Robert Louis Stevenson's " St. Iv?." Tlie on'y novel of Steven
Bun's Mill unpublixlieti. 1 Begins in My.)
Chas. A. Dana. " Ket ollprtioi H of WartiniH." Mr rna w for three
of tlie mout critical yeiirs of tlie I ivil Wttr pmctirally iw intVr f Lincoln's
Cabinet, and i probably U'tter fined tlnin any other nun living to give an
authoritative liictoi yof tliis reri"'d from liii recollection 11ml correfpomience.
Portraits of Gretit Americans. Many of t em nnp'iblmiied. , In
connection wi'li thia series of portraiia it is in'eniieil In pnblNh uperial
biokiruphieal stmliea under the tri'iierHl title of MAKERS OP THE
UNION from Washington t Lincoln.
Picture of Pulestine. JSpecially tnken under the editf.r' direction.
Stories of Adventure. A seiial by CON AN DOYLE, in which
lie will use his extraordinary talent tor rnvstery an ' inuenui'y which have.
in the "Sherlock Holmes" stones, given him a place beside Too and
Ian Maclaren. All the fiction that he will writ during the coming year,
with the exception of twocontrubu'ion! to another publication which were
engaged from him long ago, will appear in McClukk'h Magazine.
Joel Chandler Harris. A aeries of new animal she ies in the same
field as the " Brer Habbit"and ihe " Little Mr. Thiuibletinner" atories.
Rudyard Kipling. Pedde " Captains Courageous," Kipling will con
tribute to McC u'rk's all of tbe short stories he will write during tlie coming
Octave Thanet is preparing for the Mauazinr a series of short stories in
which the situiecharacters will i.ppei .alt hough each wib be complete in itself.
Anlhoney Hope Rret Harte Robert I3arr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weymnn Clarlc Russell
will all have stories in Mct'i-rait's for the cmning year.
These are only a small fraction of the gre.it and important h ai ores of McClvre's
Magazine for 1807, the subscription prite of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with Xveinher. Suhscripiiona simnld Btait with this
The S. S. fneClure Co., lizus York City
Tlio very remarkable and certain relief giv
en woman by MOO UK'S REVEALED
REMEDY has given it the iimno of Women's
Friend. It is uniformly successful in releaving the
backaches hendiches ami rr wtnkncfs which burden
and shortens a woman's life. Thousands of women
testify for it. It will give health and strength, and
make life a pleasure. FOR SALE 11 Y TIIE