Oregon City Enterprise. COl'KTS. Circuit court convenea flmt Mon la In No vember and third Monday in April. Probate court In teuton tret Mouday In each nun in. Commlaa'tMiera court moetn (lrt Wednesday after tint Monday of each mouth. FRIDAY, MARCH 'J6, 1S7 SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Fancy ribbon for colleretts at tbe Jacket store. All kinds of garden seeds for sale Charman & San. 'a at For a quiet place to hitch yonr homes awar from the motor line and a 1ace to ipet a first clai job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. If you want a sewing machine for f2 fro to Bellomy A Buaoh's. Money to loan on good real estate security by A. 8. Dresser. Ribbon, ribbon, any color, any width and any amount at the Racket store. Wanted all kinds of farm produce, especially potatoes at Charman A Son. 'a. A nice line of ladies' and gentlemen' vmbrellas just received at Charman Jt Son's. ' Prices will appreciate from now on. The time to select a home in Gladstone is now. Charman 4 Son will pay the highest market price for potatoes, dried fruits, etc. The 2 cent fare to Gladstone is un precedented in motor line fares, 12), cent fare to Portland. Daniel Williams' store at the bead of Seventh street stairs will be head quarters for school supplies. The Free Methodists will hold a con vention at Sunnyside commencing on Wednesday, April US. 1S97. Ovsters, the finest and best ever brought to Oregon City, served in any style at tbe Portland restaurant. Use OXIEN for your "neryes" alro for coughs and colds. Pamphlets free. Charman & Co., DruggieU, agent. Don't fail to see the beautiful millinery that Miss Celia Goldsmith has. The moot attractiue line ever brought to the city. Sowing Machines cheap. Want a sowing machine T Get a good one and pay $25; five years guarantee; frt down 15 per month until paid. See Bollomy A Husch alibut it Not one minute elapses between the taking of One Minute Cough Cure and relief. Why shouldn't people take One Minute Cough CureT They should. They do. G. A. Harding, druggist. Pr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does al amus oi uemai wora. uoid crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. All operations guaranteed for 5 years. Call and get my prices. Office in Barclay building The Manque Hull. MoClure's Magaiine for April will con tain a series of unpublished letters written by General Sherman to a young lady between whom and an army officer the General undertook to re-establish a broken romantic relation, the letters embody a story as good as any piece of fiction, and exhibit Sherman in a very charming way. til. .1 . a. ii a aooui as nam to ores a some peo ple ot bad habits as it is to break Mala' rial Fever when it once gets a firm hold upon one. Mr. C. llimrod, of Lancas ter, Ohio, says, "Simmons Liver Regu lator broke a case ot Malarial Fever of three years standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need of any medicine, and I recommend it." Something good for lunch-Van Com p's orllein Boston Baked Beans pi epared with tomato sauce. For sale at Marr &. Andrews. See A. W. Schwan, Seventh street, near the depot, about your plumbing, tinning and general jobbing. Repair ing promptly done. tf. We have a special blended tea, differ ent in flavor to any single tea grown, al most sure to suit your taste. Call and get 3ample. Marr & Andrews. A person is prematurely old when baldness occurs before tbe forty-fifth year. Use Hall's Hair Renewer to keep the scalp healthy and prevent baldness. Send the Entkrprisb to your friend in the East and thus give him an idea of -what is going on in Clackamas connty, m may induce mm to locate with us. At Young's second hand store near the Electric hotel, a good heating stove can be had at $2.50 up and a good cook stove 13 up. 400 other articles at just as lo prices. Umbrellas in gloria and silk, direct from tbe manufacturer. They were late in getting here, but you can buy them all the cheaper for that at the Fair on Slain street, between Sixth and Seventh. Tablets, ink, pens, pencils, books and complete school outfits will be supplied to tbe easterners at my store at very reasonable prices, Call on Daniel Wil liams' on upper Seventh street near Center, before you bny elsewhere. Crosscut saws of tbe best makes at Young's second band store so cheap that every man cau become a woodcutter. Some bedroom sets at give away prices. 400 other articles at equally as low prices. Call in and examine these bargains. You run no risk. All druggists guarantee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it. Warrented no cure, no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genuine ssk for Grove's. For sale by C. G. Huntley. The story of Grant's life as a faimer and business man in Missouri, after he bad resigned from tbe army and before theoivil war, will be related by Hamli Garland in McClure's magazine for April. A considerable part of it will be personol recollections of Grant by Mrs. Boggs, in wboee houBe he lodged for a time and whose husband was his partner in the real estate business in St. Louis. per 25c 2c 4oc 50c Rolled Oats, 9 pounds, White Beans, per pound, Pioneer Baking Powder, pound, 15 pound pail of Jelly, - I Aunt Jemima's pan-cake flour, per package, - - 10c f Sago and Tapioca, per pound, 5c 17 ib Washing Powder, per package, 3c r Magnolia Milk, per can, - 10c Economy " " " - lUc 1 pound Battle Ax Tobacco, 25c i 2 pounds " " " 45c E. E. Williams, The Grocer. Chicora, Pa., Herald: Richard Yensel reports One Minute Cough Cure the greatest success of medical science. He told us that it cured his whole family of terrible coughs and colds, after all other so called cures bad failed entirely. Mr ensel said it assisted his children through a very bad siege of ineasels. One Minute Cough Cure makes expecto ration very easy and rapid, Geo. A Harding. The quarterly inspection for Co. F. r. x- i . mi . i . . . . w. v. win iase piace at the armory next Monday evening. An official visit will be made to tbe company on that evening by Major Sidney Collins and Major Leonard U. Jones, of the brigade staff. Capt. Kelly expects to be able to show the visiting officers a company that will compare well with the others of the regiment in efficiency and per sonnel. Capt. Kelly extends a cordial invitation to the citizens of Oregon City to attend the inspection and witness the evening's work. It is true The Fair is the cheapest store intnecity, See our goods and prices. Men's hats for $1.00, 1.25 and $1.50 that sell elsewhere from $2.00 to $2 50. Our suits of clothing are going fast ; the price and quality is what makes them go. Special bargains on all wool blankets. Silks at half price. See those ladies' corsets 50 and 75 cents, and those misses corset waists for 25 cents. Lota of other goods and every article a genuine bar gain. At The Fair on Main street be tween Sixth and Seventh. Thursday morning about 0 o'clock Oregon City experienced one of trie hard est wind storms ever known in this city. It lasted but a few minutes, out it was lively while it did last anJ reminded one of Kansas. Tbe greatest damage done was to the suspension bridge which had its upper works broken loose, but it was not injnred sufficient to prevent teams from crossing. Judge Hayes and Com missioner Jaggar examined the bridge and estimated that it would not cost over $100 to repair it. A number of trees were Diown down and some signs demolished was about all the damage about town. Thomas Miller, of this city, has made a walking cane that combines elegance with durability and service. It is made out of rings sawed from the ends of horns and placed on an octagonal steel rod, tbe crook being constructed from the same material. It is rather a heavy cane and would serve as a weapon of defence as well as aid to walking. It is handsomely mounted, highly polished and shows what patience and skill can accomplish in this line. Mr. Miller pre sented it to Judge McBride, who ap preciates it very much lor its unique design as well as for its servicibility. The Scientific American of March 13 gives a full page of views of the Cascade locks, together with a description of the works. It counts these locks as one of tbe great engineering works of the country and excelled in magnitude only by the great Soo canal connecting lake Michigan with lake Huron. In this edition among the other excellent matter it contains has an editorial on the good roads movement that is one of the most comprehensive articles yet published on this subject. With the enormous circulation that the Scientific American has, it can do a very great work in arousing public interest in the cause of gojd road. Slilvely's Opera llonse, Monday, April The Columbia opera company whose artistic performances have been the source of much genuine pleasure wher ever seen, appear at Shively's opera house Monday, April 5th. The produc tions thev have made of the operas in their large repertorie have exceeded in splendor, completeness and fidelity to artistic requisitions the promises held out in advance. The event of the season was the masquerade hall given by Prof. F. G. Swanton Tuesday night at the clone of his dancing lessons given in this city. Besides the largo number of mnsquors, many who did not mask took part after the masks were removed. Miss Grace Whitloek won the lady's prine, a beautiful uold pen, and J. U. Campbell won the gentleman's price, a gold pencil. The b-wliy prues fell to J. I). Humphrey ami T. F. Cowing, Jr., who acted their parts to the full satis faction of all present. The ft Mowing is a list of the charac ters represented : Miss Grace Whitloek, Frost, (lady's 1st prise); Miss Gussie Trullinger, plain costume; Mlts Laura E. Boattie, "Lady Jane"; Mrs. A. W. Cheney, O. O. Hirald; Mrs. E. H. Cowing, Swiss Peasant Girl: Mrs. J. J.Cook, Masque Fancy Custume; Miss Ruth Cowing, Fancy Paper Suit; Miss M. Harris, "Grandma"; Mrs. Noble Heath, "Aunt Ophelia"; Miss Mabel Holanbech, Daffodil; Ruby Logan, Flower Girl; Miss May Marks, Music; Miss Alice Lee, Sailor; Miss Clara Pot ter, French Udy; Miss Pearl Meldrum, Spanish Dancer; Mrs. P. Potter, "Kate Greenway" ; Mrs. W. Robinson, Spanish Costume; Miss Lou Scott, School Girl; Mrs. John Bean, Anything; Miss Louise Taepleton, Shepherdess; Misses Anna Freytag and Jennie Wilkenson, Tain Sisters; Miss Birdie Walker, I'Topsy"; Miss Lizxie Walker, "Eva"; Miss Anna Wileharl, Fancy dress; J. U. Campbell, (1st prize) Spanish Cavalier; J. I. Hum phrey and T. F. Cowing. Jr., (2d prize) 'Reuben (hayseed) and Samantha"; Martin Boyles, French Costume; Chas. Burns, Monkev, and Ray Norris, Old Italian Lady; Grant Chapman, Irish man; E. H. Coning, Clown; B. Green- man, Dude; George Heath, Clown; P, E. Henderson, Scout; Geo Hyatt, Sailor; V.Harris, 'M.T. Caidibox,' Tourist; Geo Martin, Clown; Ralph Marshall, Acrobatic-juggling Clown; Ralph Miller, Summer Boy; Wm. Rhodes, Farmer Doctor; R. Stafford, Anything; Otis Townsend, "Oh Lord, Anything'; W. Robinson, Sir Knight; Ross Siiencer, Spar.iard; Geo. Wilehart, Wild Man Irom Borneo; E. D. Shephard, Coach man; Ira Wishart, Betsy Jane; G. Pot ter, Indian; Simmons A Drew, Barbers; R. Spencer, Louis the XIV ; A. L. Pres- sy, '-Josh Whitcomb"; Theodore Miller, Quack Ioctor; J. M. Pitman, Negro; Wallace Cole, Dude; Belani Viau, Clown. Electric Hotel Arrivals. Jno F Coo, San Francisco O Montgomery, Portland Mrs A Haltingly 11 Wallace J Bruce " K formtliu " A F Rogers " A Kocher, Aurora B II Kemper, Agt Columbia 0Hra Co W It Hunt, San Francisco Sam BcriiMiein " A J Cadwell " A ChrlHtvnseu, Portland Prof Snapp " C K Griffith " O P Bryant " E Bronwell " S J IKxIson ' Theo Cobler " E Corntdlus " J B Henr.ingor " C J Caldwell 41 P M Weddell " J B David, Newlierg E W Hebard, Yoncolla I) Wait, Gervaia R F Allen, fan Francisco E A Marsh, Michigan J F Sale, Astoria C C Hidson, Gaston J K Douchy " K A Bochman, Silverton J D Perry, Portland S Friedman, Astoria Rattlesnakes, Butterflies, and . . . ? (:) e o Musical Recital. Lat-t Frieay evening the pupils ot Mrs. E. E. Charman, assisted by the Halcyon chorus, of which she is director, gave a musical recital at her residence on Main and Ninth streets. Tbe spacious Dar- lors were brilliantly lighted and arranged The Electric hotel Is tbe finest In the city and first class In all its appointment. Electric cars stop in front of the door. Standi at Ike lle.nl. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shrevepnrt, La , says "Dr. King's Dis covery is the only discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and It is the best toller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Salford. Arix., writes: Dr King a New Discovery is all that is claimed lor It : It never tails, and is a sure cure for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. I cannot sav enoiuh for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ami Colds is not an exeriment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, ami to-day stands at the head. It never disappoints, I 1 ..I . .-. . . . rreeiriui Domes at L-naruian to. s Drug Store. Farm For Kent. a .'iu-acreiarm on me lower toiumiiia. CO acres in cultivation, balance pasture. Good house, barn and bearing orchard. No to-ils or stock. Rent very reaaonab'e. Address, "Columbia" care of Entxh- pkisk, Oregon City. Washington Irving .ild, he supptwtl a rcrtaln hill was cntlfd Kaltlcjiiiiiko Hill" because It abounded tulttrtlia, Tlio "rule of contrary " govern other n.unc. Some hollies arc, am poscdly, Uhclcd " Sar.iiarlll.i " bccnuso thry nie full of , . .well, we don't know wh.it they are full of, but we know It's not t.trsapa rllU; except, perhaps, enough for a flavor. There's only one make of sarsaparilU that can le relied on to lo all It claims. It's Aycr's. It ha no secret to keep. Its formula Is open to all physicians. Tills formula was examined by the Medical Com mittee at the World's Fair with the result that while every other make of sarsaparilU was excluded from the air, Aycr a harsana- r -v rilla was admitted and honored by awards. It was admitted be- J cause it was the bent sarcaparllla. It received the medal as the best No other sarsaparilU has been so tested or so honored. Good motto for the family as well us the Fair 1 Admit the best, exclude the rest, Any duubl about tl? BaadfoMne "Curibouk." ll kill, duulitft aiul curat duubl.ra. Addraui J. C Ajrar Co., Lowall, Maae. eeecBeeeeeecGGeea his is the Place to liny Groceries A full and complete assortment of all yoods usually kept in a first-clusg grocery. ICyerytliing offered for sale is fresh; ami sold at very reasonable nrices. Wo liavo n very choice Block, of cuuned goods, including )oth fruits and vegetables, to which wo invito your apodal attention. Kxtra or lattcy grade of teas and codecs at prices you are accustomed to pay for inferior grade. A. ROBERTSON The 7th Street (Iroeer, Successor to Marr A Robertson. A Safe Investment Insurance. ' If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladen. He has it at bis finger ends. All the different forms of skin troubles for the event, furnishing ample accom-1 irom chPPeJ hands to ecxema and Indo- modations for the invited guests, some 30 in number, and the handsome and talented participants in the recital. The program was one oi tbe best arranged of any recital ever given in the city, and although quite lengthly, not a hitch occurred anywhere; showing Mrs. Charman to be a perfect organizer and an adept as a director. While tbe ap plause was very hearty no encores were allowed owing to the length of the program. Tbe recital opened with a piano solo by Mrs. T. W. Clark, followed with solos by Misses Maud Warner. Alice Glass pool, Ethel Cheney, Laura Beattle, Leila Cheney, Echo Samson, Edith Wishart, Pearl Cosper, Edeth Cheney and Mrs. C. D. Latourtte. The popular Halcyon chorus then rendered one one of their most pleasing selections entitled, "The Moths." After ths applause that greeted tbe chorus subsided solos were sung by Misses May Marks, Jean White, Mis. M. Wiggins, Addie Clark, Ora Spangler, Jennie Beattie, Kate Ward, Mrs. T. W. Clark, Mrs. White and Miss Grant. Ladles Bowling Club. Below is giyen the score of nine of the ladias securing the greatest number of points in lour games played at the bowl ing alley 8alurday afternoon. A num ber of the members were absent at this time so it is impossible to show the gain over the records of last month. Mrs. T. W. Clark leads now with the highest individual score, 50 snd Miss May Kelly has tbe best average in four games, mak ing a total of 148. OA MRS t'i, MiBS May Kelley .SJ-M-St-.H 1 W " Nora Conyers 44-2-27-.'W 1.'I7 " Campbell 27-23-21-2.) 1X1 " McCsrver l!l PI-24-21 w) " filsbury 27-10-21-yi in Mrs. Hoi man 23-21-l.'-,'il HH " Ix)vett .!." 13-18-15 (II " Miller .. 27-12-1! HI- 71 " Strickler 1U-17-2J 2!l- H'.) Worthy or Notice. The 8. B. Medicine company is the only one out of nine proprietary medi cine firms incorporated on this coast since 1887 that has not made an assign ment. These hard times with new news paper advertising contracts lor two years, it speal.s loudly of their merit. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Dr. Yanderpool's I'hysic, the 8. B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead with us. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. The U. So Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. lent ulcers can be readily cured by De- Witt Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. Geo. A. Harding. A GOOD PLACIC TO MVIC Ucautiful scenery and health civinir air. hiili level land with good productive soil and ptiro water, a first-class public school tniildimr attended by nearly a hundred pupils on tho premies; and a good plank road (one ot tho main thoroughfares in tho county), connects with tho macadamized streets of the city. Thin beautiful tract adjoins Oregon City and no portion of it is beyond a milo from the heart of tho city and but a 15 minutes walk on plank walks to tho businesa houses. TIicho are a few of tho attractions of South Oregon City. Now is the time to think of tho placo to build your home or a good place to lay by an investment that will increase in value. Tho easy terms on which this proiKTty is Hold should not embarasa anv thrftv person. IaU are 50x100 and price range from lltx) to 1150. Terms, 15 down and $f per month until naid. without interest or taxes, a liberal discount for cash, and inducements to build. Every lot clear and ready for tho garden. Ouito a number o lots have been sold and there are several houses already occuoiedon tho tract and quite a settlement in tho neighborhood. Oregon City with her big monthly pay roll, tricot woolen mills. argo pulp paptr and flouring mills and maaaivo electric station, her fino public schools and all tho modern inprovemcnts, is bound to in crease her growth. Y hero can you find a better placo to live in or a safer place for an investment? For further information call on or address A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subscription to the Entkkpbisb and get the the benefit of the reduction In price. Charman Bros. Block, T. L. CHARMAN, Trustee, Oregon City, Or, Legal Notice. Harris' Star Grocery. IVotlce of Appoint Meat. TOTICE 18 IIKKEBY OIVEM THAT Till Jl u Kl -ri gnei, p. K. Juuu.on, lis. bwu uboluted b ln rouulr oourl of tha suia ol OntHOu lor Cl.ikaniu coniilr, xncutornl un .in wii, t m it'll nnm ol Jollu An .er.on leiiiul A I pvr.mii harm cla ms .g.inii Mid 'lntJ are h-rbjr !litl I t pirni Ih.in loiueat my h m n ir Itu AiikoI, Oraifon, pro pcrijr TsrlS'iU wlibloiiz m uln. lor n th. cult oi mi, noii.'e. r K. JOHNSON, Kx utor ol aat itt of Job Ao leriuu Uecaaaad, Allodia' lor Kii'cutnr. HI), 4-14. Dji.U tat 19 li, Marau 1KV7. Executor's Notice. VTOIICE w HKKEHK GIVEN THAT TICK i.1 uii 20 lbs. best granulated sugar. $1 00 1 sic. Hour 1 10 4 cans tomatoes 25 4 cans sugar corn 25 1 Ib. pkg. roast coflt-e 15 1 can Magnolia milk 10 151b. pail jolly 55 1 lb. Battle Axe tobacco 25 uer-iiinwi bat baoii '.ioluix! by in. II I I L County (J urto! tha rl.ti ol Or eg in lor Clack I III ITll I II Til Tl inaa County, exat'tiiur ol th I. at will ami lei a- KMlllllJIIII innDiiil K berl lh)inMa, daoaal. All per- 1 1 1 1 1 III I I 1 1 I mui bivlnt oialmaaKaliKi tha .uti ot laid 1 1 1 II III Mil RiliS t T iomown. diOJoe I. am hurjbr nonnail il A1A L V A Lit to preaout Ibe -Hint dii.y Vdrifl d aoronllna; to iiiw, to mo uuijer.iaiii-u ml L irvi I. Hxlitlin C llllltr. Orptftiii. nr Lit Hrfrttm Imi.1. mi Ua, CI'k ima Conn j, Oruou, wlibiu tlx monlui ir tin inc uaia ol in i. mil o. Dmel till. 6lb uay ol Mitrcb, A, 1). IW7. U. Li. 1HOMPHOV, llHOWNKLL A CAMI'BKLL. Kx imimr. A-toruvyi for Kxevulor. i h,i-2 PORTLAND TO THE DALLES AlintiiUlru(or' iotl-. TIIK XTT1(;E H "KKKllY OIVKV THAT 11 umluia irntitl uK bn annulmcd hy llio County Court of Cmcliam n C unity, Orom, HdinmlHtralorol the mint mf Kuchel 1 lioinpi iii, d.cenael, All irina hnviuir em i.i.i.ii,.! n,., eit.te ol aiud dvced m nro ii'tr.-by notifiel to pre-u.ii ihe same, duly vurifl -d aovonllii to law, lo ti.e uii.lur.Uiifd nt (J'irv.iiila, lljnion t' liintv, Or -iton, or lo Hurton J.ick, 'it Mariiiuin, UU kimai Coii.itjr, Oruirn i, witnl i six inotitlu Inim tht tlaio of t u notice. I) tied M'troti i, n7. c. D. THOMPSON, Bkownkix t i.AMi'HKi.i.. A'lmmiatruor. AtDrneva for Ad nl.ilatr.it ir. '6 li, ft) By the fast and com modious steamer Regulator (Joir;5 ast? IF YOU ARE. DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST-Go via St. Paul becaudo the linoH to that point will afford youtne vory boat norvico. SECOXD-See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wis consin Central bocauno that linn makes cIoho connections with all the trans-continental lines entering the Union Depot there, and its ser vice isfirst-cluHs in every particular. THIRD For information, call on yoyr neighbor and friend tho nearest ticket aL'cnt and ank for a ticket reading via tho Wisconsin Central lines, or address Numnion. In the Circuit Court ol the Hlaui of Orison, lor the County ol (Jinc.nniiii. E. O. Caullel I, pliilmliT, v. I,. It, Jannur and liiicinda II mi lion, union Uiiti, To L. K. Janncy, riufuuilunt: IK THE NAME OK TIIK STATE OP OUR. go i, you nro he eliy rctiilrutl to ai.pour and Hiiawe. ihi; comi l inn nle.i BK ilut y..u In tliu aiHiva.il tulud uli by tiiu ma. ilav o' the uvxt tt-rin of till, emit io.IowIiik tliu axpliatlnu ol the tlnia piecnoo l In tMe ordur of p un .ilnn ol the iiuiniiioiia nnule li r -l;i, to-Hit: Jsy ibu iblid .Mom. lav in April. MJ7; u I II you mil mi loanwur. for wniit thnrtiof. tnu nliuntlir win a.p y mine Court ! r the nl.el diiinaudid In tio comitlHlut, viz: The lorclniuro nl the inort Ho iiii.duaiiil exei'iiitt.1 by you to K. H. Can Hold, on the 11 h day of Ooti lmr, mat, upon Iota V mid 10 In blm-k 'M, Inn 5 mid a In b nek M, mi I Iwtn i an I In blot k iii, all In C-uiriil t ddit on toOnvou Cily, Orcgo.i, to at ours tlm Duviiittni ol i I'lTtnin proiuita iry no'e i-xtx u'fid mi l iie livtirel by you to md E. O. Cuiillald on the lit i dayolOotoler, 1X01, and for ino aaiu ol ittld inorlg nti d prmiilat a to iamfy tho am iilut Uuu upou aald prornlinory not. Tula itumiiiona li piibi.ahud by ord' r of the Hon. K. I). hhattuuk.Jud jeol the Cln -uit Court i f the Kourth Judicial ld-trl' t of the M ta ol Orrnron, niada u l dated thu Srd dnv nf March, WW. A. 8. DKElbEK, a-5, 4 1 Atloruay lor P.uiutiit Leaves Portland, Tuesdav.Thurs- day and Saturday at 0:110 a. in. Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday. IhiHis the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that tho scenery on tho Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in tho United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J.N. IIAKNK i , Acont. Tel. 914. Portland. Or.. OiTico and wharf, foot of Oak St. W. H. SAVAGE, EXPRESS AND La DELIVERY Leave orders at tho postoffice with D. II. Glass, Oregon City. PRICES REASONABLE J AH. O. I'llNII, tlcn. I'aa. AkI., Milwiiukuo, Wl or Oko. H. Hatty, (Jtini'ral AKi'iit, -Mil Hmrk rtt., 1'ortluiiil. Or JOHN YOUNQER, IEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EATI-RIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of aunt almiil