Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME HonilKUN I'ACIKIO KAII.WAY. UliHTII Bnl'SII. falliiirnl Kitra (thriiiis-li) M. in. kimuhurii Ui'sl (WBJf milium) t V Hitluiu J'ai.mir j i v.fl '" SOUTH ItlM'NO. Knrliur l.oos (way stations) :'? m rullloriiln Kiir (llitiHKli) Mi p. m sWiu V -tiMMr .W. in. I'UMTALHUIIKUUl.K. aysnUTIIKSN r iriU SAlLS'lAD. Mill rliitiM l"Hi North, I 20 p. Hi. ami 7 p. m, Msll oi MotiiK Hioiih, bT m mt 7 p. m. klali lfirlluxl Iniiii NnMiSB. ni lUilfla in. Mail dlaUiuUiail I '"in Bomb, I a. w, p. tit. IV sar sitisiSLsmaio ti hi. Malt rlntM lor rurtlatid at.d dist rtt.ulti f piilnU, l!f main, sii'l 4 to . in, M-iiluloM Ir Milwaukee ouljr, l it a. m., Mali Snivel Irom rntUiid, U K) a. m. mi 4, It t. m. iiis iwru. Orrinu f!lt to Rljr.Carut, Mtillnn, Liberal arid Molalla leaves al 11 111. Blltl arrives iUJb. d'rl(im CUr lo II sever Creek, Mini. Clark. Meailosr Hrwik.l'nlou Mills, sml ultnii. at a. ro. Momlay, Weiliitieilay anil Knday, and returns on lollowlna ! at 4 M P. m Ore.ou tltr I" Viola, Uan anil HeUlanil Iraree Urrgou Clljf Minnie. Wei nenley ami Krlilay at l.uu p. m., Iealu Viola tame days at7;w).. m iriti CUT WlllsmeUe, Weffrl and Wi.nvlle,arrlvvaat lujoa. in. amllaere. at "iTiKr'"!' Mi'ijr "indiiw li op"M no umU (tii i. lutulla. in. Ail .ti.r..l'i. pi inn .In Iwiaiine r 1 inompUr as I on sunler, a .mi nthet diye, ... A.I Keai. ru mall 'he! la dalayad an I Mil t arrive m. I iw a. m., n. I'. U-lu will cm on 12 orl-cM or .IA'K!lno ear. Vtll.UMKlTB fAUJI K V. case mays uiraMMoH saifiua (4) a. m. iu V x " o ui li m -1J lu I Is p. m. 40 ' I to " a io Ml " lu Sunday 04fi loave aveiy hour niiill 9 n'rlo I D. m. la ltet on and sin Ja'iiir 1. Ism. F C. A. KIU.KK.atTT. FKIDAY, MAUCI1 !?fl, 1HU7. viuiami rALU a at . m. 7 oo ui w 1 14 p. lit. 2 la " 4 4) " IU " a t " 7 ui " 44 " Wkathkh roat Aran.. Vealln-r proph et and otlior.iimnlpulatora for Jupiter 1'luviua will prolmlity ba able lo uiognose the weather lor the coming mouth by (he following Jala furnished by the Portland weather man, It. 8. l'axtie, ami eoyerliiK a period of '.'ft yeara for the month of April. The mean UMiiraturo fur the month dining that time haa been A3 di'iireri; the warimwt month waa in 1SK1, with an avcraxo of W5 degrora; the coldnataaa In 1KH5, with an average of 40 degroea; the hoi teat day waa the "Kih of April, 1HU.I, when the ihorniomutrr went up toR.'i drgriH'a; and the col.h'at waa on the 7th in 1H75 when it wunt down to '.'ft dt-grtwe. April 11 la the average dale on w hich tint Unl killing f...-. t. iu.,.ltrj..l Ill ll.H Mlirilll. Tl.M HUH, tl ..." - " avrrage rainfall for the month during thfae :'5 yeuri haa bot'ii S '.'l in.:lif; the grvalcat monthly precipitation waa 7.KH inehea in lSHIJ aifl the haat waa 1.72 Inche in IHHi, while the gri-ateat rain fall worded In any 24 conmicutlve liuura waa 10 34 iuchfa on the I'ud of April 1KK3, The average number of tlear duya haa bft-n 0; partly tloudy 10; andilotidy 14. The prevailing iml have been foin the aomh. The hlgheat velocity of the wind waa 4(1 inilri H.r hour from the aoutheail on the 3d inat. in 18M. ' TiuDkadiy Wild 1'AaBNip. Seltltra along the voaal and in the foolhllla have had o many cattle killud by eating wild puranipa that the Agricultural college la trying lo (Ind an antidote for the polaon. Two eipurmittnta were triitd. The llrat one to dtrmiii whether or not the bulbe would actually kill, A bulo waa cut into amall pincea, mixed with a Carrot cut tip in the aanie way, and fed to a two year old heifur. The tnatt.ilul waa (ml at 8 o'clock a. m. and at 0:30 the animal waa dead. The following day a yearling waa fed upon tlm bulha auddillVrent medicine given to Have it life without avail audit expired 2'g' hours after the poiaon wai adiuiniHlered. The root ia not eapeclally reliHlied by cattle but a it appoara early in the apring before other yegeiallon, at a time when they are especially hungry for something green, it la readily eaten. Thla wild panmip haa no relation to the tamo pamnlp and ia known in 6ther plauea aa the water hemlock. Further experiment will be made in finding an antidote for the poiaon. Until the antidote ia found the bent remody ia the bent remedy ia the "ounce of prevention" athniniatered by keeping the stock away from the bull), at leant before the topa are grown, for they are more violent in thuir action at thut aUge. 'ASUKVKYOK OHKKK ClVll.UATION." At thnlr muHting laat. Monday evening at Mr. ('. II. Dye'a the Chautiiuipnum IIiiIhIiihI Iheir coiirno in nalroiiomy. Thin liuD been one of the moat iuterutitiiig Bludii'8 yet taken up by the clrclo and greatly delighted the memhera, who found it not Hie dry atudy they had unti 'cipaled, but one eaaily umlerntooJ und which will prove of value to them In 1 SOAP Red Seal .....'30 bars.. Ora'on City.. HO " .. Palo Savon... 27 " .. Lmiox 27 " . Itabl.itt'H... .21 " .. Gold DtiHt, per packngo. K. K. Wiu-iAMH,Tho Grocer. .11 00 00 0(1 00 DO 10 J alter year, Mra. lye proved heraelf U be an aHtroiiomer of no ine.in attainment and doHplle Hut fact that aim had no lulu scope wllh which to demonairate the leaaniia, alie made It eiiay for the i'Iiin to umhirNtaiid the viirlnua ci)iiielliillnfia and to himlllari.ii theiiiNelvea with Hie I'lovtiiioiil of the iilanela, etc. At their meeting next Monduy evening the circle will take up I'rof. MuliaHy's "Hurvey of (keek Clv,alion," lo he followed by (Ireek art. 1'rnfeHaor Alahairy la the gieuteat Hying (Ireek scholar and hi hook ia considered one of the mot able contributions yet. made to ChautaiKua literature. lie ia a profesaor In the Unl veraity of Diihlln and wroto the work at the aHtclal lnslaiu of Iliahop Vincent of the American Chautauqua. Bucciesa with I-'ijw khs. Some people are aucceaaf ul in growing flowera while otliera are not, yet the unsuccessful grower may have aa good aoil and de vote aa much time and labor to their flowera aa does their neighbor, yet fail ure ia their reward. The difTeieuce la, one grower knowa how to grow flowera while the other doea not. There are two ways of learning how to grow flowera one la by the bitter and diapioinling school of expeilence and the other by giittlng the experience and knowledge of others through a magiuine devoted to floriculture. "Kuccess With Flowers" a monthly magaxino, 32 pagee, puhllahod by Ilingee A C'oiiard Co., West Grove, I'enn., is one of the bell publications in America for the amateur flower grower. Ita belpa and hint are all practical and can he relied on. Dy follow ing Ita In st ruction there can he no failure in growing the most delicate plant or buali. Huhacrlptlon price '!') rents wr year, or with premium of fifteen varieties of flowera 40 cents. Hend for sample copy. CxMKTkHY AawHiATi.a. Zion Ceme tery Aaaoclaiior. of Canhy waa recently organised and olllcers elected aa follows: Trunteea, Win. Ituauell, Wm. Vorpahl anil Fred Myers; secretary, II. C. Web ber; treasurer, J, Mundorf. The ao elation haa purchaaed two acres of land 1 tullei eaat of Canity in t alghlly location where they expect to have one of the nicest arranged burying grounds in the county. Pkktihtht. lr. J. II. Miller, dentist, treata all dieeasea of the oral cavity such aa perlcuinentltia, perloetlil, gingivitis, necrosis of the maxillary bones, pyorrhea, alveolarl and fibrous tumors ol the gums, Ariiaticgold and iorcelain crowns and flue plate work, flrst-claas workmanahip. Examnatlona free. Terma reammable. Ollice7lh street. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. The average dully atiendance at the asHoclation rooms for this month will be 110; averaie number of baths deily, 11; nt goapi-l meetings, fii; in iryioiiH-.iuin chiNKfM, H vVlnil would it he if we had a suitable building? ''ChriMl among men" will ho the topic under ilixcuion at the men's meeting on Humbiy alu-rnoon at 4 o'clock The Creacent ipiar ettn will asaiat In the song service and alug aieclrtl selections, A moat cordial invitation is extended lo all no mi lo attend The vocal iiiiimIi! class will close Its second term on Tuesday night, March 30. The number of pupils enrolled was A3 and (he average attendance for the 12 we ks 37. The thiid term ol ten weeks will b-gin on Tuesday night, April 0, and clo-e on Tuesday night, June 18. The tuition fee will he the same as be fore, 60 cents for 10 lessons. Alt are cordially Invited to join, whether mem bers of the association or not. Young men w ho are interealed in the upbuilding of manly character ought to he membeia of the Young Men's Chris tian Association lor the following rea son! ; M No other organization offers such opportunities for all round develop ment. No matter wliat (l.giiimatf) oc cupation a man enters ne will And the privilege of the association heljiful ; 2d, every oung man owe it lo hi friends and Liaociutft to be identKh-d with that which is uplifiing and helpful ; 3d, no greater brotherhood of men exiata on ear ih t lay than the Young Men'a Chris tian As iciation. PURELY VEGETABLE. The ChrapMi, PurMI rlM in III V'rrlrJ I rif! Itr.t family Mui f mi ku Has Cons. We riectfully Inform yu that the spring opening of mllliueiy goods and latest novelties in iiuHjried hats will take plac- Friday, Naiurday and M-inday, March 2(i. 27 and 2UatMisa Cells (ioldamilh'a millinery parloia. Mi l.l.l si; my Oi kmso March 25, 20, 27 at the IUhI Front. F.legsnt spring hats at Kaatern prices. A cordial invitation to all the ladie. Mra. Maggie K. Ham- ilton. Dcafno'i Cannot be ( urnl by local applications, as Ihev cannot reach the dieiaed porllons of the ear. There la only one way to cure deafness, and that ia by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con' dltlon of the mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tute. When thla tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imH?rfuct bearing, and when it ia entirely cloned deafness is the result, and unless the Intimation can be taken out and tha tube roatoied to ita normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine case out of ten nro caused by catarrh, which ia nothing but an iuflimed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any rase of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. h. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hull's Family l'illa are the beat. j ( The I'reHlilput's Social Lire. Ex President Harrison, whose articles in the Ladies' Home Journal are creat ing audi widespread interest, will write about "The Social Life of the President," in the April issue of that magazine. The ex-presldent will tell of the dinners, re ceptions, etc., that are given by the chief executive and detail the great social de mands made upon him. He also gives a peep into the white house dining room and silver closet, and notes the beauty of the service used for state dinners, which was boiiiiht ut second hand. It ia su'd that he also pays heed to the oft-repealed question, "How much of his salary can a president lay aside?" For Young Men and Yonug Women There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put ofTon them. They may dross ever eo well, hut if their shirt front or shirt waist is miiHny their neat appearance is apoiled. The Troy laundry makes a stieciulty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. Thorecan be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farnsworth's arher shop. A torpid liver means a bud complex ion, hud breath, indigestion and fre. qiient headaches. To udyoid such com panions tuko DuWitt'a Little Early Risers, Ihu famous little pills. Geo. A. Harding. Minutes aeem like hours when a life Is st stake Croup gives no lime to send (or a doctor, deUy may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief and insures recovery. Ti e only harmless remedy that produces immedi ate lesulla ieo. A. Harding. Naiikej'a Xew Harred Hong;. KvangeliMt Ira I). Saukey, the singer and coinHwer, has written a new sacred song for i he April Ladies' Home Journal. He has given it the title of "The Beau tilul I. ilia." ami considers il suierior to his famous "Ninety and Nine." Mr i-ankey wrote it with the eec!ai view of ita ippropratenca for outdoor choral singinu for campmeetinga and other re ligious and semi-rehgiou gatherings. Our standing at Home. "Four out of every five bottles of med icine sold in the last Ave yeaia are S. B roods. The S. It. Headache and Liver Cure I ue myself aa a grneial physic If you aie s. k and want to get well, the quickest, cheaH'st and attest method is to buy the S. II. remedies and ue aa Ol' nt ted. C. P. IUuii, drnggiat, Dufur, Or." For sale hy C. CI. Huntley. Imllgesllna Cnreil IieprvSHiiitf times depress the mind; the Jigetioii is disturWd. Two or three dones of the H. B. Headache and Liver Cure, w ill restore your health to a nor mal condition. SO rent per bottle. For sale by C. d. Ilunilry, drugxist. An LrwTtfAL Sparine fur all diM4.t of toa l.'vr, henna, h and Spleen, kftguluta ilia Liver r;nd i.rv.rnl ("llll.l. A no ravaH, sIai.ani. fii lavaa, Iv.wai, omplainth, Kuim Jauhuus and ...I -A. iMitin TiliiCCCSH? II A I) HKKATfll Kih:nr la ao intDlaanl. mnhlnc vt common, aa liad lreaih ; and In nearly every teae H cornea frrrfn Ilia rlom h, and can be ao eaaily corrected M you will lake hiMH'inl.ivra ka.iii.Toa. Imihs nenlect eo aure a remedy l'.r thia repulalve dias-der. Il will alao uuuruve yuu appetiu, compieaum ano general oeaiia. PILB8I ! Haw many auAVr torture day ater day, making Ufa I burden and robbing eiiMence of alt pteaaure, owing U the eecrel suffering bom Pile. Y.I relief ia ready lo the hand of elmoet any one who will uie tyMemali Cally the remedy thai haa permanently cured thoo aande. SiMMim I.ivaa Ks.ULTa ia no draauc, Tioleol purge, but a gentle aaaiatani to nature. COXMTIPATION SHOfl.I) not be regarded at a trifling ailment In fact, nature demands th utmost regularity of the bowcle, and any deviatioa from this demand nave the way often to serious danger. It s quae as neceeeary lo remove Impure accumulation from tbe bowvla aa It la tu eat or aleep, and ao health can be expected where a coauve babit of body prevail. MICK HEADACHE! This diatreielng affliction occur moat frequently. "He disturbance A the stomach, snalnf from IM imperfectly ditnted contenta, cause a aevrre paia in ll.e bead, accompanied with ditanreeable nausea, and this constitutes what I popularly knows as bath Headache, lor the relief of which TAKS bIMMOHS Uvas KsuULATiia os Mstncisa. HASejPAC Tt-BBD OHLT SV J. IL ZKILI.K 4 CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Succeaaora to W H CJOnke. . A. . ss-J-a-sja-as-s-s-s-s-sjsjas- 71 SILVER PLATE THAT VEARS In buying silver plated ware of any kind, there are two tilings to connider durability and artistic dc fjign, both of which can be nocured by purchasing Rogers Bros.' goods. Our stock of this ware is all new and bought at lowest prices for cash. If you wish to purchase any article in this line be sure and see our stock. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers 711 Tin: St. Lqhis mmtw The Great- National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND BUS DAY, - -SATURDAY EDITION', 16 pages, SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pages. One Year, 16.00: Six Months, $3.09 . - One Yer, $1.5ft - . One Year, $2 0 Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. ISO Boons. Join Stearns, Cblef Clerk HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison Sts., Portland Or, Divies JJcCfiaLEY.PRep. Rooms from 25c. to $1.00 per day Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. WeeIJlY, Issued in Semi Weekly Sections, 8 pages each Tuesday and Friday, 16 paget each week One Year, 1.00; Six Months, 50c. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is nniversally conceded to be THE BEST of Amer ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED KATES it isalso THE CHEAPEST THE GLOBE IEMOCRAT pay for and print MORE NEWS than any otter paper in the United 6iatea It will rn indispensable during the coming great National Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it iiblit the reach ol all THE GLOB&DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for th dailv and 5 centn for the Knnilav issues. Delivered to regular subscribera. Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a w-ek, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it. insist upon him proruring it for you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains Restaurant Connected With Hotel. PaHiclar attentioun is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly fe tions, ei':i psge every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LAROE SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This isnue Just fills the hill -for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and yet deirn to keep iin.ntptly and IhourougMy posted. U poes to every Slate almost to every iKs-iofl'ce in the Union. All America is its legitimate fluid. No matter where ou live, joa will find it invaluable as a newa pser and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO.r St, Louis, VfCa,- RIPANS TABULES . - ... . i are good for headache, heartburn, sour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver, drowsiness, lass itude, foul tasto in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they aro made is in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he will write a pro scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the Ripans Tab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabulos in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Si'HUca St., Nsw York. fat. HARPER'S W Js.L 4 ROUND TABLE Each of the ty-tu mmbtrt of this periodical will open with a story by stmt author of international fame, j Portrai ts of a few of thru authors art given Mow. Besides the Priu Offers and offers of books there wili tt j irunrc ncuiniiDI D TW7CWTV.DnT CCDMIC A LOYAL TRAITOR THE PAINTED DESERT THE ROCK OF THE UON Story at Ik. N.tsI War at nil By J.saa Saaaaa A Star, sf W SiSmss DssM By Kiaa atokaoa SOME OF TUB SHORT SERIALS 4 Ston ia. SMff. f Gtoallar S stou.1 Iujo Buaiu coswiSAi. ram commission r Cart. Ca.aias aMaa, ll.ti. THI MIDDUTTOM BOWL 7 Kuaa Oouaua Dauaa the or wr norms Hi . O. I aK aDrRovDAca sot afloat Jaaa a. Sraaaa Wanted Immediately RELIABLE MAN a OR WOMAN. ASSURED INCOME TO RIGHT PER. SON. THE BEST PAY EVER OF FERED FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The. Coamnpolltan Magatlne, edited by John tisisBXN Walkbr, wiilica to add a quarter of a million to ita clientele, already the larg eat, of intelliRent thinking readerapoaaeaaed by any periodical in the world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. It wishes the services of ! one reliable man or woman in every I town, village, country district, or manufacturing establishment In every State. All that ia required of any one la reliability, eamestnesa and work. No matter on what Other work you are engaged, it will pay you to examine into thia offer. Apply, Mating nnMtion, capability and refer. tncea, to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. Irvington-on-the-Hudion, New York H. C. Udg W.OarkRiaMU Aadnvlac U Alraa-Tadeaa William Black W. D. Howtlti T. W. Hitgiaws HARPER'S ROU.VD TABLE offers, to its subscribers only, $475.00 in frius of three (lasses, to be divided at follows : Story competition, $150.00 ; Amateur Pho tography comfe- M 1 r ussaia a in saaaaaasaa lion, $185 00; 'if you are Zn, I MONEY PRIZES I ""rii""r"- ent.and wish to rf. 7 .7.7,, r. ---T?- "'" ' "" Priu tompeti- , ttons, send two dollars and your address for a subscription when you send in your material to go in the competition. Send at once for prize-contest circulars and read all the offers. E. E. Hale Send for a copy of our i6-iyif Illustrated Book-List. This will explain our offer of Free Books. The offer includes libraries of two, three, four, and five boois each, and a yew (are- n rr tti ti ts a sas a aai a a ('"en tSS hundred I FPFF 'ROOKS StfZ tZ .T. .-Tz.y...- , ,t to any one for of paid two-dot- which certain art sent numbers lar subscriptions to HA RPER"S RO UND TA BLE. If you art a school-teacher, send tt us for a circular announcing our special offer which we art making to you. JtW H IT KM Stanley I. Weynaa Theodure Rnoaevelt Francoia Coppse HISTORIC BOYHOODS alfxnhhk rwMAS. ai.kxamikr rors Bv Adirkw l..n Kv At.Tia Duhub Lillin SVRi'lN By W. K. Hour Mirqula of tiro Laurenct Ruttoa Austin Dobsoa Cbailct D. U'araci THE DUTY OP THE YOCNa VOTER WHAT A VOTK MEANS. WHAT A PRIMARY MEASS By R. I H.lb Bv Hn H C L"ia PARTY ALLKIilANCK AMI INUKPKMiENCS By Ha. C.aL Scauaa BIO-CAME HUNTINO TIIKTIMIIKIt WOI.F. THE MKillTY ILK By Hun. iHiuoui. K.hm.vblt STILL lll'NTINd SKAR HUNTING By Carta Wsitn.t FAMOUS AUTHORS' RECOLLECTIONS A "BOY'S TOWS RTORY. THE RINlSOOLD ARCHERS By Wtixus D. HowRLta B Fa.nK R. Stucarua EARLY LITERARY STRl'OULES By Uauatfa MaaiDits LITERARY ENTERTAINMENTS TUG FAIKY FKTE A I'Kl.n fARlY A CHARLfS LAMB FARTY Tila I HII.I'KK.V S HOUR By fcau. i Ua.v HISTORIC CAVALRY CHARGES AT GAINES'S MILL. Al CtDAR CRLIK AT OEITYSBl'RG. AT OPERAS By RicaBD B.aar I Send for a copy of our si-fag Illustrated Prospectus, which will give a better idea of what the paper will tontuiu in JSD7, and for a sample copy containing our b-fagt Illush-ated Book-List and Priu Offers. (Supply limited.) Subscriptlos Pries, $2 per year. HARPER a BROTHERS, Publishers, New York. Mention this paper when writing ANNfllTNfFlWFNTS fflR 1897