? V RE1L ESTATE TKAMSKER.H. 1 rnrnlMhed ETery WVtk by lh (Urka ' mas Abstract & Tru. Toniiiany. 1 U J Eilmiston to Eraetus Wand, deed to 8 acres in La ton ret i D L C 72 1 3 a, r 2 e; alo outlet to brook in moat n e corner of above UactFeb 20, '97 H00 U S to John Mum, ne aec 2 1 3 a, r 5 e, June 21, '97 Pat A S Kraeft to H C Teitiniter, 6 73 acres in DL C No. 68, eec 28 t 2 , r 2 e Ole Johnson to Maria Johnson, 200 l ot sec 32 ane ne1 of of ec 31 1 3 s, r 5 e, Pec 21, 93. . . 1000 F N Sumner to Olto A Andre Nel son, 15 aorta in Xoah Lambert I) LC sec 39, t 2 a, r 1 e, Feb 6, H7 H150 Kolwrt Thonipfoii to Mary Robbina ti of swC and 20 acres off the touth end of w, of nw.l4 of sec 34, t5s, rle, Apiil 10, '94. 1500 Lee Herman to Lewi V. Tice, lot 1, blk 2 Lee's addition to Canby, Apri 2, 94 60 Pan D Evans to Klix.i M Evans, 95 acres in Mo? ier D L C Feb 24, '97 love, affection and . . 5 "Esther D Wagoner to Geo V Lee, lot 6, blk3,Canemah.Feb24. '97 1 IUvid Fancher to Sarah J. Fancher lot 6, blk 22, Falls View addition to Oregon City, Beb 24, '97 800 Cotleib Teschner to Katherine Teschner, sw.Jof nw.V4' of eec 14 and se.l4 of ne,1 of sec 15, 1 4 s, r e 3, July 11, '95 1200 Katherine Teschner to Hiram Fel lows, swl4 of nw4 of sec 14 and se4 of nel4 of sec 15, t 4 s, r 3 e, Feb 27, '97 600 D 11 Hunter to Thoa Charrnan A Son, one-half acre in Mt View addition to Oregon City, Feb 26, 1897 JnoH Walker to Thos Charrnan, lt0 acres in 1 2 s, r 2 e, Feb 23, 1897 300 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, cn application Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oreitoo City Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected weekly.; Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 73 cents per bushel. Floor Portland, $4.70; Howard's Best, $4.90 ; Fisher's Best, $4 70 ; Dayton, $4 90: Pendleton, $5.10 Oats in eks, white, 40 eenta per bushel, gray, 40. Millstuffs Bran, $15.50 per ton; shorts, $17.00 per ton. Potatoes 60 to 65 centa per sack. Eggs, 10 centa per dozen. Butter Ranch, 30 to 40 centa per roll. Onions, $1 50 to $2 00 per pack. Green apples, 90c to $1 per box. , Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5 jcents j 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 6c. prunes, 5 to 7 cents; plums, 4c. Bacon Hams, 10 to 12), cents; sides, 7; shoulders, 8 to 10; lard, 8 to 10. Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live, 2 to 3 cents; bogs, live 4 cents; hogs dressed, 4 to 5,' a cents; sl eep, $2.00 to $3 00 per head;veal,dressed,5 to 6 cts. ! Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50; iold $3.00, turkeys, alive, 8 centa per pound. ' Deafness Cannot be Cured Vjy local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deafness, fend that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflmation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine Cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflimed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. 1 We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. " V. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. ' Sold by druggists, 75c. i Hall's Family Pills are the best. Oue Dime Will get three numbers of The Practi cal Dairyman and Agriculturist and also three numbers of The Fancier's Review both excellent journals in their respective fieles. Each is 50 cents a year, but if you will Bend us 50 cents before April 1, we will send both papers to you for one year. Think of it I Two papers for the price of one I Stamps taken. If you will send as one dollar, we will send these two papers, and two books. "Dairy ing for Profit" and "500 Questions and Answers on Poultry." . Address, Tub Pbatical Dairyman, Chatham, N. Y. Vick's Floral Unlde-1897. , For nearly half a century this Cata logue of Flower and Vegetable Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Roses, Grains, Potatoes, etc., has come as regulary as spring time Here it is again to remind us thai it's time to tliini aoout our gardens. This iaxue contains half a doaen full imire "alt 'one illustrations of Koe, Axters, Hold flowers, Carnations and Tuiiiittoe It seems full of the necessary Inform atioa for either amateur or professional. Semi 15 cent to James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y., for a packet of either Vick's Branchinn Anter, New Japan Morning Glory or extra choice l'ansy and a copy of Vick's Floral Guide. If you Nte wheie you aw this notice you will receive a package of flower seeds free. Our Miinillng at Home. "Four out of every five bottles of med icine sold in the lat five yeaia are S. B. iriKhls The S. B. Headache and Liver Cuie I use myself us a geneial physic. If you are si k and want to got well, the quickest, cheat's! anl safest method is to buy the 8. R. remedies and use as di rected. C. 1'. Balch, druggist, Dufur, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley. In.ilgestiou Cured. Depressing times depress the mind; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three do-es of the S. B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Lock it art, TexAs, Oct. 15, 1889. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possi ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have anv other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs In the drug business, we have never sold any medi cine which gives such universal satis- facsion. Yours respectfully, J. S. Buowni & Co. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist Nan's uover Koot win punly your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c., 50c., a t a dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. Legal Notices. Administratrix's Neilre, j VTOTICE It HEREdY GIVEN THAT THK XI uuilen .nJ dm bug appointed by the I'.u.itjr court ot imckamt CjuoI', admltus- tratrxui tuewute of ciiarlea 1, rlitsur. de ceived Ail per.ou. harmg malms attain.! lue e.ute "f ald decedent re hereby not. fled (o pros, nt ire 4111 imy Yerlotd accord n to law for p.,y neot t tn underpinned al Dama-oue, 1: a kam. Couulr, O . u, or at the offiie ol uronei a campjMH, Oreon t-Uy, Oregon, .ln qui mmitn. itvm in Ua:e of tm- doikm. bru iry 0, ls7. FLORA riLLSTEK. Ban w.s ill & Camp: ill, Admini-trat If. Attorney, tor aJmlul tratrlx. 1-3.3-3. Notice. XTOTICB li HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IX aud:rUna 1111 bs-a annotated admlnie- U.iWri.1 tue estate 01 Herman A'UU-t Monr maim, decvateU, ejr t .e County Court of tne B.ate 01 U'.gou, (or the Cjui.it ol C.ackamat. All pert in. k urine b in aa-musl tue mi 1 e-tite are t-er by uutHe 1 to preatnt the itnu d r p .y pieul 10 me proporlf renOt'd with youcuers at Wilaonvn.e, Oregon, wuh.u tlx moutas from u.ls 4at r tnar wi.l bo ;orrr b irraU. laWU tun it 1 day of hebruiry, 1M7. JOHN f. MLltlK 4ANN, Adm D strntiro tun tttataof Hrmn Aunutt Muarmmin, djcel-.l. 2-12,3-12 Notice. JOTICE 13 HEkEBV GIVEN THAT THE 00 Icrsiued ua be n br tueCouuiT Court 01 tue Biaiv of (re d. lor tua Couutr of C.ack-iua-, aiipoiuk-U auinin.itr.itor 01 Itie tit ae of AiDi.ro e S. L4iou. icccaxil. aud all ler.nui ba in . claiuii against 1 1 -al I a'tito are iiore J uotlfl..d .0 prt-Mi.t ti,e .am j to me for paymuut who thii proi er an 1 Dece.-arv roucberi tmr pl.ee ueor Mt. Ptea-aut, Claukamu Count.', oreKoo, will li all moutui .ioin tbli uatu or they win be barred. D .ted ibn 16.u uar of February, A. D 1897. WAKD B. LAWTO.N, Adm iil.lrat.ir of tha e ute 01 Ambro-e 8. Lawiou, decease I. Jlu, 81a Kxerutor's 2Vot.ee. VTOIICE U HERErfY GIVEN THAT THE i under liine.l uaa baeu avpolD:ed by tu County C u ;u: the .-tit) ol Org m lor Clarka- maa Ciuutv,exwu 1 r ol tne laal w.,1 and tea a ment of K iben ihoino.oQ, duveaa-'d. All per- ' OS o .vin calm. aicaiiKi toe e..oti of laid Km IT ompibn. d oj e 1. are h rjur not. tied to present the iama dii y Tet.fl d atico.dli.ff to n, to tne undar-ifii a at Corrallii. B:ntoo uaty, OreK u, or to Biftou Jai k at Ma.auaui. Cla kuna-Co n y, Oron, wl.hiu aix mouth. irom tne uate 01 tu uot ce. Da. el tut. i:h uay of M.ircb, A, D. IW7. C. O. HlOHI'SO.V, Brownell Campbell, Euuutor A.torueyi for Executor. S 5, 4-2 Nainmonfi. a 'h5 Clrcu t Court of th 1 Htate of Oregon, lor CUckama. County. William H. White, plaintiff, r Frauk Jones, defeudant Notice to Frauk Junei, defendant: N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE cou, you are neruby required to appear and auiuer toe Complaint Hied azaimt you In the bovu eniHieu -uit oy tne nrrt air 01 tne uext t'Tin of tbi. court following tha expiration of toe time 1 r-wnueu iu toe orner or iubiicatiou u the nummoni male h rein, to-wit: II v the tnlrd Mouaar in A.rti,lr.7; and If vou falli to answer, lor want tuereot, piaiutiD win app.y to the Court for the rellei demanded id the com- lnnt, v z: Iba loncio-ure of tue inortKaire mad and executed by you to Edward 8. Elliott an i But-y o. Moore, on the Uth day ol U K'bjr, imi, upon certain lanoi in ciackainaa county, Or .t:on. to secure a ceituio oroiul.Mirr nolo ex ecuted by you to said tanks ind for the .ale of ill morlgaxed promi.es to.atialy the amount due upon (all prornlsry note. Ihla.U'iimoniis pu dished by order of the Hon. r. A. McBride, Judxeof said (;c urt, mmle aud dated the7ih uay of January, IKV7. Hal l publication to be made lor the period of aix week-at l. aton-e cacn weei In the Obioom City KNTiarana. W. W. I HAYEK and HENRY ST. KAYNER, 22,3-5 Attorneys for plaintiff. NuminonN. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of C.acnamaa. E. O. Caufl'.l, plaintiff, re. L. R. Janney aud Lioiuda Ham4ton, defendant. To I B. Janney, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE goo, you are he-eby required to appear and answer tha complaint tiled against you la the aboye et titled ult by tne nrr. day o the next term of tbli court lo. lowing the expiration of the time pre-crlbed In the order of publication of the summons made heMu, to-wit: By the third Monday In April, WiT, and If you lail o to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tne Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Til: The ioreoloaure of the mort gage made aud executed by you to K. U. Cau field.on the 11 b day of October, Wl.i, upon lots 9 and 10 In block 34, lots S and 0 In b ock 35, and lots t ana a in block 84, all In Central addition to Oregon City, Oregon, to secure the payment of a certain promissory no'e executed and de livered by you to said E. O. Caufleld on the 1 ltn day of Ootober, and for the sale of laid mortgnirf d premise! to satisfy the amount due upou aald promiasory not". This summons ia published by order of the Hon. K. IX bbattuck, Jude of tlieClnu t Court of the Fourth Judioial Dl-trkt of the Btnta of Oregon, mad and dated the Srd day of March, 1B'J7. A. a, VfE-iefcK, t-6,4 8 Attorney for fialn till INDEPENDENT New York Tut iNnKi'KNDKNT (or. 40 years has Ken the leading religious-literary news paper o( Ute world. It has new, dintim tive and attractive teat tires, making it a FAMILY NEWSPAPER worthy the patronage of all thinking, In telligent people. Its name indicates its character It is independent. Religiously it is undenom inational. Politically, it maintains the honor of the country, the integrity of our currency, the supremacy of law, and the rights of poor and rich alike. For Intelligent People ' Everywhere It provides instruction, entertainment and amusement for all the members of intelligent households. Important Features It has aside from its literary features special departments edited by the best writeia, thinkers and secialita, some of them of surpassing interest to a com parative fw, others important and val uable intellectually. These departments are Science, .Music, Fine Arts, Sanitary, Missions, Religions, Intelligence, Ihblical Research, Sunday-School, Financial, Insurance, Wotk Indoors and Out, l'us ties. Hook Reviews and Literary Notes. Survey of the World Every week the notable events occur ring the world over are placed clearly before the reader. No one person has time to read all of the current publica tions, foreign and domestic; hut every one wants to know the events happening in the whole woi Id, which people think about and talk about. The survey of the World gives each week the gist of im portant events for the current week It is reallv one of the most Valuable and important features of any periodical. Subscription, $3.00 a Year; or at rate for any part of the year. " Trial Trip," One Month 25c. epecimen Copies Free. that THE INDEPENDENT 130 Pulton Steet, Nui York City. Ahead of all Magazines this country has seen. Albany Argtu. I,V YJIE North American Review 71 KE nkXWV$ FfJQD The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. Tu s North American Rkvikw i recog nized on both sides of the Atlantic as the foremost Review in the English language, and no expenditure is spared in main taining it in its unrivaled position. Among features of extraordinary Impor tance which the Review will contain in early numbers may be mentioned these: An article by the great historian W. . E. LECH OS Bscent Political Tendencies ia England. UHPDBLISHED CORRESPONDENCE mainly relating to the issues of the American Civil War, between JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY and PRINCE BISMARCK. Published wiih the approval of Mr. Motley's daughter, the wife of the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Vernon ifarcourt, leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons. A most important paper by JOHN HAY8IHAMM0HD The American engineer so prominently associated with Cecil Rhodes and Dr. Jamieson, on THE FUTURE OP SOUTH AFSICA. A series of articles by SIR W. H. RU88ELL ('-Bull-Run Kussfll") The famous correspondent of the London Times, in which he recounts his observations and experiences on THE; OUTBREAK OP THE CIVIL WAR. Two articles by the well-known states man M OE0ROE8 CLEMENCEAU ON THE FRENCH NAVY. The North American Review, :291 Firth Arenne, New York Subscription Price 5.00 a Year. popUUft IEMdE News Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemistry, Medicine, Hygiene, Health. ForierlJ BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ENLARQED AND IMPRVED. Contains a large number of Short, Easy, Practical, Interesting and Popular Scientific articles, that can be appreciat ed and enjoyed by any intelligent read er, eventhough he knew little or nothing of Science. Profusely Illustrated and Free from Technicalities. Newsdealers, 10 cents. $1.00 per rear 4TMention this paper for a sample copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper In the World PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY BENJ. ULLARD, New York. BEFORE SUBSCRIBING FUR A UQAZ1NE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer. Pemorest'a Cut Paner Patterns are the motit practical mi llio market They are of anv sine that any member ol a houaoiiold could require. In each copy of too Mgaiine is printed a voiion eu tilling the 8iil)mtier, or purchaser, lo a pattern (worth and regularly sold for S.V), or any number of patterns fur (our centa each to cover package ami ostag. When the value of tuo patterns ia con sidered tint subscriber actually gets DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE FREE And what a Miu-anine It Is I For 18',) 7 it will bo more brilliant than ever beiore New tuanHgemeut, new methods, new ideas. KhoIi copy containa mii exquisite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture bv a famous artist, worthy to adorn tne walls ol the most remied Inline, It is ntlirtued that Pemorest'a is the only complete Family Miigaaine published combining all of the most excellent points of its couteiupories, besides having in imitable features of itsown. Pemorcst's is actually a d'r.on Mugiiiine in one. It l i a PL-cut of t'urreiit Kvents ami Ideas for the huy man or woman, a Heview aud a Storehouse of Interest for all. Wives, mothers, sinters and daugh ters can tin I exactly w hat they need to amuse and hint met them, also practical heliia in every department of domestic ami social life, including the furnishing and ornamenting of the home, embroid ery, bric-a-brac, artistic and fancy work of all ki ;ds, etc., etc., and suggestions and advice regarding the well-being ami dressing of Iheir own persons. The seoe of the articles for lH'.H! and 18!7 will cover the w hole country and its varied interests, aud the articles will be profusely i'.limtrated with the Uncut en gravings, and in addition, it will publish the bet and purest llction. It treats at length Oiit-oM)oor Sports, Home Amuse ments and F.ntertiiinmeuts; it nive a great deal of attention (o the Cliildnin's IVpartment, ami "Our (iirls, ami has a Monthly SymiMvium by Celebrated People, in which are discus ed import ant questions of the hour of interest to the older readers. Let us have your subscription at once. You get more value for your money than it ia ossible lo secure in any other magazine. The Maguzlno one year for $2.00 Or aix months for I. IK) (Over 2.V) different garments ar" shown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable by subscribers at 4o each.) Sample copy (with pattern coup n) sent for 10c DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. F011 ONLY 8 TWO-CENT STAMPS The Queen o! Fashion Magazine FORTHREB MONTHS u A McCall Dazar Pattern rf iMs ttylUh waist wilt be nuilH to yog FRER. I rnviJrd you cutout IMS kdveriiscinml and tnl with ins tumps and bust mcasurt. W offer this nupir to further Introduce our msiraiin ind pat-t-rr.s. Not mart UUQ OBI WJoc WlU U tCJ ltd Wf UJ uuv uJ wa. J' No. 4011 t .tin, ja, u, A A 43, as 4 i"iis tfltrist'irtr. Ladiis' Tailoi-Mau Bahoci. Plain Ullor. RiaJe botllcesare very la.hlonable at pr wnt. Tina slyliih dt.ixn is cut to lit the 6 sure perfectly. It hat French darts and is made with the curved seams hetumlna; to the form. It may be worn plain, as s'u.vn In the illustration, or tioply Ulmmed with brniit, pnavmentrrie or frimp. 1 he (Jueen of Fashion is the brl;htnt, most sHct and strictly t'p-ToUale Fashion and Houte h.J Magarine publifheil. Contains each month 34 pa;:cj of interettini; reading matter and from a to ya An.riLVTri.r haw and original pattern de e'ignt for Indies, Misses and Children, llandsoma wood enrrravinr.. The fttcCill iierer Patterns have been known f'r rt yi:ir as "'I he Reliable I'alterns." Un eualird li r elegance of style and fit. Addrni, 1HE McCALL CO., 142-146 W. Uth 8U, New Yerk. RIPANS TABULES are good for headache, heartburn, sour sto mach, belching biliousness, torpid liver,- drowsiness, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. The formula by which they are made is in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he will write a pre scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the Ripans Tab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, THE EIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Branca 8t Mew Yob. ITa al Yamhill River Route. Steamer Eugene, I.KAVKH DAYTON. Monday, WoJnoHiliiy ami Krltlay nt A. M., roucliinK OrtKn City, for Portland nlout U:!H) A. M, I.KAVKH rottUANH. Tuesday, Thurttduy and Saturday at 0 A.M. Salmon St. dock, rt-acli-inn Dromon City, for upriver points about 11 A. M. Through trip to I-ayfetto and McMinnvillo tnado whon depth of water jHnnitH. Freight and paHHingors rates reasonable. hpLfbr Lie. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fust and com modious Hteainer Regulator Leaves Portland, Tuesduy.Thurs day and Saturday at 0:IM) a. in Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is tho (treat Seenio Koute. All tourist admit that the scenery on tho Middle Columbia is uot ex celled for beauty and grandeur in tho United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. X. II A K.N KY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Ollice and wharf, foot of Oak St. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, CoininenelriK Aoril IS, ISM, will leave Portland font ol WnnhliiKton utrtx-t Tuta day, TluirmUy tnd Hundar evmiltm t So'cltx'k Kuttirnliiii, leavi'i CUtHkaiilo Monday, Wednpaduy and Friday ern inifsat SoVltH'k. Will a Oak I'eint alwut 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Kuinier Si'JO; Kalama 0:15; St. Helena 10:30. Arrive in Portland 1 :30 a. in. Tlili ia the nxarpnt and moot direct route to the greut Nelinlem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book All who ar. InUraaUd I. fartharlnir the aal. f Hue. W. J, grade's earn u. .Iiould eornMma4 itnmwiiaiaijr tia in. putill.bara. 1h. work HI aouiala . . . lit icrumorui CiMPtlKl toil. ValTTUIIliVITI im H7 mHjaiut m inanof m cinphoi ur UM. unit or wi hlUTU'lLllTUillOl. ACENT8 WANTED Mr. Hrraa has aa aoanead bio lntfttloB of dovotlne ona-half of all rnjroltlao to furtliarln tho mom at blraatalll.oa, Thar, ao alroodjr lodioatlooaur ao oooh'mouaaal. Adom W. R. ni"hl Y COMPANY, PaMlaWt 341-3)1 l)Mrbara St,.XIIIUW) BO VIAPS' XPIRIINOI. TRAD! MARKS, DttlONt, OOfVRIOHTt o. Anyone eetwllnf a sketch and dwrlpilon oiaf qulrklraaiwrtaln, froe, wlmthi.r an Invention is probably fiat.iitahle. ('(tiiimiiiilmilnne etrli'tlf tymflilmitlal. OIiImi atreni'ir furwurlna patent, lo AniiTU-a. We have a Waahlnirton c.mre. Pauinls taken thruuKO Mima Co. ruuolr. pclal antlee In th. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, WntlfnllT lllaitnitorl, lanre.t clrnilallon of any aclentlrlo Iminial, W(it.aly,t4trni.il.iin a rar Il.fillsix mntilha, Hne1nin oupl and UAM1 it ioa um I'ATKNTa seut free. Addrea MUNN A CO., 301 liroudway, New York. Wanted RELIABLE MAN OH Immediately INCOME TO RIGHT PER. SON. THE BEST PAY EVER OF FERED FOR SIMILAR SERVICE. The Cosmopolitsn Magaiine, edited by John BaitatN Walkss, withes lo add a quarter of a million to Its clientele, already the larg est, of intelligent thinking readers possessed by any periodical in the world. IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND SOMELY FOR ASSISTANCE REN DERED. It wlabes the aervioea of one reliabla man or woman in every town, village, country diatrlot, or manufacturing eatabliabment In every State. All that la required of any one la reliability, earneatneas and work. No matter on what other work you are engaged, it will pay you to examine into thla offer. Apply, stating po.ltion, capability and refer ences, to THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, . lrvington-on-the-Hudujn, New York Hi mm (MS aun.r. Miul. " a-m.r " '"lirrr i In llTlasllfilsaea. rorsal.lnOreguuCUr,Orcby CUAHMAN CO Vnmliu, THE GREAT GOLD SILVER C9UJ.WKIB0 9V HKIVI9H 0bUIBI7l vm The 0. R. & N. No Change of Can between 1,.KKK city j4jI) hSlUKi,K Shortest Lino to Spokano t o.NNKi ru Mini K,S, ,VI) lit li KH0TK,IY JJI(I(U l'r1HP,S.. Low Kates and Throujjh Tickets rH I'AMI-III KTN AMI HKTAIIHI) isrufMATtuN, Muira to W. H. Hurlburt, (ieliwal I'v'fl'S" Aifnlit. O. R. & N. Co- l'diirtAND, On. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the S0UTHtK TACII IC COMPANY. KxprrM Tralna leave 1'ortlanJ Dally, Hou.h i i Mi r. ail I C7" UP. M.I l.t I Norlat I'ortlan.l Ar Orei'iutlty Le 8. Kr.urlwo l.y 10a.m. tau, T ut p.a. U iftA.M. Ar Tlie almve trains sinp at Kast Portland, rr(tin City, WtHMlburn, baleni, Turner, Marion, Jettr ream, A litany, Tanc'til, Hli..iis, llalsry, llarrieliurx, Junrlimi (,'liy, Knaena, Crrswell, i'nttaK. (inive, Praln, ami a I ila llutii (ram Htwbnrg to Aalilantl Incluslya DINl.NO CAKH ON OODKN KOL'TE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Socond-Class Sleeping Cars Atlarhe.1 to all through trains KOHKIIl'KtJ MAIL ID.IIn. IWa.M. I l.y J.' a. u. I l.y 6 in p.m. Ar firllanl Ar OreimiCllr l.y Hoieliiirf l.y 4 WP. M I P. OO A. M HAI KM TAH K.vUKK. (Dally. I"ir I l,y IVirlliDl Ar I ID II a. M :4 P. M L' OreM City l.y I 77 A. I r. M. Ar - ...rt l.t I-iiii.I H eat Hide lllviatnn. BKTWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAIXJ8. Mall Train. Dally (Eicepl Hunday.) 7 .104 M. fiirllanii' :ryallla At l.y aor.M I Mr m 11 IA P M Al A llis ii r and rorvsllls ennnerl with tralni of Orofiin Ccutrnl A Esiorn kallroail, Kiprese Train (tally (Except Hunday) i P. M. "Li 1'iirtlaiirl "a i U 175 7 iSr. m. I Ar MnMlntiyllU Li Ujoa, m THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL FOINTa IN Till EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND STROP! Can Iteolilaliipil at ilia lft rates from K, K lioytl, Aifeni, Orrgun City. R.KOKIII.EK, Manaxer. E. P. ROUERR, Aas'l (i. r. aud Pass. At enl (Joi fast? IF YOU ARE. DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points FIRST Go via St. Tini! bocauHft tho lincB to that point will afford you trie very best Horvioc. - a."-' SECOND See that tho coupon beyond St. Paul reads via the Wis consin Contral becauso that lino makes closo connections with all tho tranB-continental lines entering tho Union Depot there, and its ser vice is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend tho nearest ticket agent and ask for a ticket reading via tho Wisconsin Central lines, or address Jau. C. Pond, or Ono. 8. Batty, Oen. Pas. Agt., General A(?ont, Milwaukee, Wia 24(1 Stark 8t., Portland, Or. This Fomona Remedy enres quickly, permanently atl nuryuus diaiiuHia, Weak Mumiirr, Le of Hruln I uwer, llHadache, Wakefulnesa, lMt Vitality, Nightly Krula. niuiji, evil uruauis, Imputeiicr and wa.llna dlaeaaes eauw4 hy Vou(Afulerrrrinrexci.rf. Ointalnanooiilatee. lea neie tonla un.l hiood bnllder. Makeathe palesntl puny stronirand plurup. Ka.lly carried In yeat pocket. SI per hnii for mH. By eiall. pre paid, ii'tlao written tunronUtormimtyntMided. Write as, ! mrdlral book, eeeled plain wrapper, wltlj te.tlnionlaH and (lnarirlal atandlne. Nor-Mrot tnr rnntitltntitmt. Hninnnnt tmitt i 1