Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 19, 1897, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Vlreult ftonrt ennvcnn 11ml Mon ia Id No-
mlr and third Hominy In April.
Probate court In teuton Drat Mouday in each
Commissioner court meet, first Weduesdsy
ner am Monday ol eea mourn.
"Schilling's Best" tea,
Schilling's Best" flavoring extracts,
"'Schilling's Best" baking powder.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Seven minutes to Gladstone two and
one-half cents.
When in need. of groceries, flour, feed
or family wood., call on 0. K. Nash, op
posite Seventh street stable. New, fresh
goods at reasonable prices. Free do
livery. For quiet place to hitch your horses
awsv from the motor line and a place to
get a first class joh of repairing or horse
shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Sewing Machines cheap. Want a
sewing machine? (Set a Rood one and
pav '.'3; five years utiaratitee : 15 down
f5 per month until paid. See Belloiny
A liuseh about it.
A few bats left at your own price.
51 is8 Goldsmith.
All kinds of garden seeds for sale st
Charmsn A Son.'s
Try one of the double frame umbrellas
at the Racket Store.
If you want a sewing machine for f
4(0 to Bellooiy & Busch's.
-Gladstone property will be in demand
this coming spring snd summer.
A new arrival of ladies wrappers,
fact colors at the Racket Store.
Use "DUST1NE" for floor. Char-
onan & Co., afrent. Circular free.
Name on every piece. Lowney.s choe-
datee. E. E. Williams, The Grocer,
Ne veilings and new balr nets will
.arrive in a few days. Miss Goldsmith.
Wanted all kinds of farm produce,
especially potatoes at Cbarman & Son.'s
A nice line of ladies' and gentlemens'
smbrellas just received at Cbarman 4
Prices will appreciate from now on.
The time to select a home in Gladstone
is now.
Cbarman 4 Son will pay the highest
cnarket price for potatoes, dried fruits,
eggs, etc
The 2J cent fare to Gladstone is un
precedented in motor line fares, 12j
cent (are to Portland.
The fancy dress pjrty to be given by
Prof. Swanton has been postponed on
account oi me entertainment given lor
the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. until
Thursday, March, 4th.
All the di tie-rent forms of skin troubles
from chapped hands to ecsema and indo
lent ulcers can be readily cured by re-
Witt's Witch Hand Salve, the great pile
cure. C. O. Huntley.
Karl's Clover Koot will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your head clear
as a bell. 25c., 50c., a" I a dollar. For
sale by Geo. A . Han ling.
The Novelty Candy store has on
draught Willioit mineral water, orange
cider and root beer. Largest and best
stock of candies in the city. Oysters in
any style served promptly.
A girl desires a position in a private
family where the place will be perma
nent. Can give references as to ability
to cook and care for the house. Address
A. M."care of E.ntkbpriss.
The finest line Oriental rugs ever
brought to Oregon City, are now on sale
at Mrs. E. E. Martin's store. A fine
pattern at 8 cents per foot and finer
grades at equally low prices.
Invitations are out announcing a grand
bal masque under the patronage of
Mesdamee, R. L. Holman, Theo, Clark..
. A. Miller and W. A. Hantley at
rmory hall, Tuesday March 2, 137.
Minutes seem like hours when a Ills is
at stake. Croup gives no time to send
for a doctor, delay may mean death.
One Minute Cough Cure gives instant
relief and Insures recovery. The only
harmless remedy that produces immedi
ate waits C. 0. Huntley.
For a nice juicy steak or a prime roast
go to Charles Albright, jr. Oregon City's
leading butcher on Main street. He
buys only the best and fattest of stock
snd furnishes meats that tickle the
palate of the most fastidious Good
meats and full weight have given him a
business of which he is justly proud,
Malarial produces Weakness, General
debility Biliousness, loss of apetite,
indigestion and constipation. Grove's
Tasteless Chill Ionic remove the cause
which produces these troubles. Try it
and you will be delighted. 50 cents.
To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For
sale by C. G. Huntley.
Pemorest's Magaaine improves with
each number. The illustrations in the
March Magasine are notably handsome,
and altuosv without exception every pane
is illustrated. The stories are excellent
and the articles are timely and interest
ing. AH the various departments, for
which Pemorest's is noted, are full of
valuable information,
Those interested in making Point,
Battenburg or Honiton laces call at
room SO, Electric hotel. Mrs. Jackton
JOSI On Sunday, February 14, 1SD7,
to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Joal, a son.
CRAM In this city on Thursday, Feb
ruary II, I8H7, to the wife of II. S.
Cram, a son,
PKITC1IAK0 At the residence of A.
T. Aluir, Friday, February 12, 1SU7,
John I'nteliard, aged ill years, 0
months snd "S days.
John Pritehard was born In the
parish of I.lanrhos, lWhyshire, N rih
Wales, April 14. ISttt, the day on which
President t.lncoln was assnsinated. Ho
left home at the sue of II and siient
some three vears on the sea, since which
time he has lived in America. He
came to Oregon City from Ohio aUut
seven ears ago. His only relatives so
far as known are two brothers, both
minister, one in Wiliesharre, l'a., and
and the other in New York City.
Mr. 1'ritchard was honored and re
spected hy all who knew him. He had
been a devoted and consistent member
of the Pieshytprian cl.unh since uniting
with it lour years ago and w as especially
active and prominent In the Christian
Endeavor society and the Sunday school
The funeral services were hel I at the
Presbyterian church SumUy afternoon
at 1 o clock, conducted by the pastor,
Key. A. J. Montgomery. The large
auditorium was crowded to its utmost
capacity by friends of the deceased who
ht irmtftfirl tt maw th ut tsMintita .f
will be pleased to show designs and give ,rt .,, m., , ,. ...
ft nf Kiamp ...... .1 . . I A.i '
...... v. .iv.-. ..vi uuiitu II l U'lll. i4E..ili
t V V MJrf.-. . " . ' ' "mw "" "... ,.amp, .mi.
... ... .......... ,u . , mw. LCWUJ.IIJ Uwln.n .J lh. UV.I.I ..I
.m ursiKii9 iu uiutw wisu.ng w learn me th JasumI ... .
i - - - -
work. For a short time ontv.
honored member,
attending in a body 100 strong and oc-
A dose that is always seasonable is a ; f al'.T,n reserved for them In
the center of the room. The music
hy the choir, under the direction of
Prof. Edwards, was very appropriate to
the occasion and beautifully rendered.
Rev. Montgomery took his text from
Rey. 21:1: "there shall be no more sea"
For the easiest fitting corset to be bad
in the city goto Mrs. E. E. Martin's,
next door to the poetoffice.
l'aniel Williams' store at the bead of
Seventh street stairs will be head
quarters for school supplies.
Lots in Gladstone will be sold at half
price this spring, money payable July
1st, no interest, no humbug.
Uysters, the noest and best ever
brought to Oregon City, served in any
style at the Portland restaurant.
Miss C. Goldsmith Is selling her
winter millinery way below cost, making
room foi her large spring stock.
H. E. Cross will sell you a couple of
tike lots in Glad-tone, at an astonish
ingly low figure until July 1st. See him.
What's the good of buying creamery
lutter when you can get J. M. Tracy's
butter at Cbarman & Son.'s at 50 cents
per roll.
Something good for lunch-Van Comp's
orlleins Boston Baked Beans prepared
with tomato sauce. For sale at Marr
4 Andrews.
See A. W. Schwan, Seventh street,
near the depot, about your plumbing,
tinning and general jobbing. Repair
ing promptly done. tf.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay np your subscription to the
Entebpbisk and get the the benefit of
tbe reduction in price.
Children's hosiery, a Bplendid assort
ment and of good quality at prices to
meet all competition at Martin's, next
ioor to tbe poetoffice.
A fine line of ladies' and children's
hoes at Mrs. E. E. Martin's, next door
to the postoffice. School shoes that will
stand the wear of winter use.
We have a sueeial blended tea, differ
ent in flavor to any single tea grown, al
most sure to suit your taste. Call and
get sample. Marr & Andrews.
To restore grav hair to its natural color
as in youth, cause it to grow abundant
and strong, there is no better prepara
tion than Hall's Hair Renewer.
A weed in the garden can be easily
destroyed when it first starts. Consump
tion can be nipped in the bud by One
i mute Uougb Cure. C. G. Huntley.
Itnotonly relieves; it does more, it
we refer to One Minute Caaah
Cure. 8uitable for all ages, all condi
tions at all times. C. G. Huntley.
Men's $0 wool mackintoshes cut to
4 .25, men's $5 50 teamsters warranted
mackintosh cut to $4.23, overcoats at
lialf price. ' Red Fbont Tbadino Co.
Send the Entkkpkibb to your friend in
the East and thus give him an idea of
what is going on in Clackamas county,'
It may induce him to locate with us.
At Young's second hand store near the
Electric hotel, a good heating stove can
be had at $2.50 up and a good cock stove
$3 up. 400 other articles at just as low
County Clerk Dixon has issued the fol
lowing marriage licenses during the
week; Mary L. Pelky to John M. Stew
art; and Bee M. Kinney to Robert
a dose of Dr. Simmon Liter Regulator
the "King of Liver Medicines." It
keep the liver active; tbe bowels reg
o!r; prevents bilwosoe and promotes
digettioa. Ia fact betpe keep you well.
"I have watched it's e?ert ia familii
where I Iut practiced and find it ad- j Throughout the eloquent discourse the
m:ra3.; Nxa a-ternaure and tonic in speater tieU the undivided alien
Its action "-'Or. T. W. Mason. Macvm, J tio of the audience. The subject
G-ory. I was treated nnder three heads. That in
Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped Pncc who are troabJ with indi- " country whether the deceased had
hands and lips. Healing for cats aoJ ffti.a w'l b :nretd in the exper-' "n ,n,r be no more sea of
.... . ' . II.. .
sores. Instant relief for pile. Hoc p:a . so at Wa. H. Peca. ch't clerk ia the i l,vul"' no tre sea ot separation ; no
at once. These are tbe vxtoe of IV ! rTwiT tj ; jtt .t rw MoinM ! mor 01 death. Mr. Montgomery
Witt's Witch Haxel Salre. G. C aHas- wi wr.: -It pre me pleasure cl"1 hl trrmon hT . commending ihe
ley. 1 sy to ti avehu oi ChamberUin's I ,oc'',' hieh ln deceased was a
Chester Roake. soa of Jims Raai c C P-arrtwra Rmedy. Bn' reminding all of that in
the Oregon City Iroa Work.. t r F te ya- I Ur scJered from indV i ',rn Possible by ihe death of
a handsome little cpr-ii tri : tiie- a"01- J vjct to frequent se
self. Chester ears be is fscijx l tare a rt anci of pia ia the stomach and
steam yacht wha I feu Lj eiiae Ose cs two iae ol this remedy
finished. T f perfect relf." Price
Demortst-sMKciKar is riri ! 23 50 JbyA. Harding.
Jeus Christ.
At tne conclusion of the services at
tbe church the remains were taken In
charge by the Woodmen snd buried in
accordance with the beautiful rites and
,' ceremonies of that order.
in fiction. It iuuum ciamiirr fttoriet s Tbe prcrTsre la-Jiea of Westfeld. I
by Gilbert Parker, Xa3el.ne 5 . Endrt. I Ial.,i3eJ a " Woosa'i Elitioo" of tbe I THEY In this city, on Thursday,
Mr,. W K. CLM i Grace New,. bnng date of April 3. li & jS AZTIo
Gowan Cocie, a tiicb it would be a pity j 1. Tbe paper u filled with matter of j TMrg
not w reai. icierert w women, and we notice the Nancy Allen was born
to " '"a - w.remcui, uilu I nero ine was marrte! o
Drn2git E E. Charaaa is parting
be a very soert-ssfa yjuhry UuciSr and
received on last Weidntedsy a n Part
ridge Cochin rocier to add to a baad
some pen of the elegant birds Le al
ready possessed.
In the display of millinery gools at
Mrs. E. E. Martin's, next door to the
postoffice can 6nd a bat or bonnet be
coming to each enstumer's leatores. As
fine a selection as to be bad in Portland
at Portland prices.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does al
kinds of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns and bridge work a
specialty. All operations guaranteed for
5 years. Call and get my prices. Office
in Barclay buildinz !
in Missouri,
years ago to
anon pr.nieo, reaiiiinz that it .James Atli-r. ml.n i.rd, l,r M
treats oon a matw of vital importance ' Athey came with her husband to Oregon
to tbeir ssx: "The beet remedy for J in 1S43 and settled in Oregon City, their
crocp. colas and bronchitis that I have j bouse at firnt being where the electric
ben able to find u Chamberlain's Coogh j light works now stand, that part of the
Remedy. For family use it has no ! settlement being known as Linn City,
equal. I gladly recommend it." 25 and jThe Athey 's were members of ihe "Bill
50 cent Utiles for sale by G. A. Harding. Martin" train and were associated for a
A Heme-like Hotel. VIti",n f , "'f , jOTrn"f witl' ,he AV
plegates and Hsldos. They endured all
Farmer, and the traveling public will the trUI- .,, Umrdnhljt, itld(1nl t0
find a comfortable , home-like place to ! a j,urney of six months across
lion sl vrifn in itrPtrm i-iiv mt ti.a '
BuDDles or Medals.
" Best sirs iiurllLis." When you think of It Imw t'ontraillc
tory that term k For there cm he only one I rM In anything one
U"it s.us.iii.uill.i, ns there Is one highest inounl.iln, one longest
river, one deepest tu'cui. And th.it best s.iisapuilll.ilH ? ....
There's tho nil) I You can incisure niouiil.iln height tuul oi c.ut
ih-t l, 1 ut how lest s.irs.ip.iilllaf You could If you wcret hrmlsls.
Hut then do you need to text It? 'Mia WoiM's I'.iir Committee
tcitcil it, tuul thiiioiiglily. Tliry went behind the label on tha
bottle. Wh it did this s.iMaiu llu tc.it result In f livery make
of sarsapaiilU shut out of the Fair, except Aycr'n. 'fl W'1'
thatAyer's wis the only saisaparllU admitted to tho Woilds
Fair. Tho committee found it tho lest. Thry hail no room for
anything that was not tho best. And n tho lcst, Ayrra Sarsa
parllla received the tucdal am! awaidsdue Its merit. Kcntciuhrr
tho worvl "licNt" Is a bubblo any lucatli tan l4ow hut thcio ro f "A
pins to prick such luibblcs. Those oihet are Mowing more
"licst sarsaparllla " luiblilrs since the World's Fair pricked tho M
old ones. True, but Ayrr's Sarsaparllla lias the medal. 1 he mJ
pin that scratches tho medal proves It gold. The plu that pritk f
the bubble provss It wind. We Point to medals, Hot bubbles, v J
when wo say i Tho best sarsaparllla Is Aycr's.
The close season for salmon begins
March 1st and J. J. Humphrey will have
at his fish market some choice salmon
during the remainder of the month. He
alsokeepe all kinds of fresh and salt
fish, oysters, clams, crabs, etc. 3-1
Tablets, ink, pens, pencils, books and
complete school outfits will lie supplied
to the customers at my store at very
reasonable prices, Call on Daniel Wil
liams' oa npper Seventh street near
Center, before you buy elsewhere.
A torpid liyar means a bad complex
ion, bad breath, indigestion and frequent
headaches. To avoid such companions
take DeWitl's Little Early Riseas, the
famous little pills. C. G. Huntley.
Crosscut saws of tbe best makes at
Young's second hand store so cheap that
every man can become a woodcutter.
Some bedroom seta at give away prices.
400 other articles at equally as low prices.
Call in and examine these bargains.
Grove's tasteless Chill tonic is a per
fect Malarial Liver tonic snd blood
purifier. Removes Biliousness without
purging. As pleasant as Lemon Syrup.
It is as large as any dollar tonic and re
tails for 50c. To get tbe genuine, ask for
for Grove's. For sale by C. G. Huntley.
You run no risk. All druggists
guarantee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
to do all that the manufacturers claim
for it. Warrented no cure, no pay.
There are many imitations. To get the
genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by
C. G. Huntley.
The auction sale of dry goods closed
last Saturday. It was a great succes.
People appreciate bargains. There, yet
remains a fair assortment of clothing,
bats, underwear, hosiery, neckwear,
suspenders, blankets, comforters etc.
which Mr. Greenbaum says will be
slaughtered. Remember the store 2nd.
door north of the Oregon City Bank.
at when
Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an
abundance of the bent the market af
fords. Rooms and beds are clean and
Our 25 cent meals are not excelled.
Joll PufcSCHKK, Prop.
Best and Cheapest Insurance.
Save money on your insurance by call
ing on E. E. Martin, who represents the
only Mutual doing business in Oregon
City. You cannot afford to keep on
throwing your money into policies and
pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad
vance and then have Ihe company fail.
Tbe Oregon Fire Relief association will
stand the closest investigation.
E. E. Makti.it, Agt.
Commercial Bank Block.
A Splendid Dinner Given.
To all who dine at Ihe Portland res
taurant, opposite the suspension bridge,
the finest dinner to he bad in Oregon
City will be served. A specialty made
of fine meats, fish and game. Try our
Sunday chicken dinners. Clean table
service and efficient help. A quiet
place to bring your wife or lady friends.
Meals 25 cents.
BurgHlns in Wood.
The best family wood eyer offered in
Oregon City, seasoned and in cord wood
or stovewood lengttis, will be delivered
to any part of the city at bedrock prices.
Address call box 205, Oregon City, tf
Undertaker and Erribalmer.
R. L. Holman undertaker and em
balmer. Graduate of Embalming col
lege. Full stock of casketa and coffins
at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in
Winebard block opposite courthouse, tf
Avoid Consumption,
by stopping that cough. We know of no
better remedy for coughs and colds than
the S. B. Cough Cure. For sale by C
G. Huntley, druggist.
Room for Rent.
A comfortably furnished room in a
well located dwelling on Main street.
Hot and cold water. Price reasonable.
Address "H" care this office.
the plains with ox teams and had
to subsist for several months on salmon
! skins. Mrs. Athey was the first white
woman in Oregon City.
With the exception of two years spent
in California gold fields and two years in
Salem, her resilience was continuous in
Oregon City, where she was prominently
identified w ith the early history of Ore
gon and Claekainis county. Mrs. Athey
was a member of the Methodi.U church
until some 30 years ago, when she united
with the Spiritualists, which faith sho
held at the time of her death. She was
they mother of 10 children, six ot whom
survive her: M.C.andJ.A. Athey, of
Boise; Mrs. Janey Baxter and Mrs. 8,
A. Campbell, of Oregon City; Mrs. II,
B. Holland, of Salem; and Charles
Athey, of this city. There also remain
23 grandchildren and three great grand
children. Funeral services were buhl at the resi
dence, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock,
conductea by Mrs. Thomas, of Seattle,
an inspirational speaker, who delivered
an eloquent address full of hoi and con
solation to the bereaved ones. The in
terment was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery
east of the city.
The floral offerings were numerous
and beautiful, showing the love and
estteem in which the deceased was held
in the community. She was greatly be
loved and respected by all who knew
her and always bad a cheery word and a
smile for all with whom she came in con
tact. ANDEKSON-In Santa Clara, Calif.,
Friday.Feb. 12, 1H1J7, after a lingering
illness, Key. A. P. Anderson, aged 72
Rev. Mr. Anderson will be remem
bered as the rector of St. Paul's Episco
pal church of Oregon City in 188 1 -'85.
He was universally esteemed in the com
munity and greatly beloved by bis con
gregation. In speaking of bis death the Santa
Clara Journal says :
"Alter many weeks of patient suffering
borne with tbe fortitude of a true Christ
Ian, Rev. A.P.Anderson breathed bis
last at 1 o'clock yeaterday afternoon.
The news falls sadly on the hearts of
many friends of the aged divine whose I
long service and faithful work In the
cause of the Master, baa endeared him,
not only to his own congregation, but
to hosts of people not members of his
church, who recoguld his sterling
worth, as a cltisen, a friend and neigh
bor. He was horn In Norfolk, Virginia,
Sept. It), 1S.W In IrVsJ he arrived In
California, first locating In Ibis valley.
He remained here for several years, af
ter locating In Oreguii, Dakota, Neva I
ml User California, returning to this
valley a number of years ago and has re
sided in this vicinity ever since. He
was a prominent minister for many
years and ha filled many imiKirtant
charges During the early day when
the smallpox broke out near San Juan,
it is said that Rev, Anderson was the
only person who remained with the sick
and dying, and acted as minister, doc
tor and nurse
HICKS On Sunday, February 14. 18117,
Fnol Douglas Hick, aued 2 uiuiitlia
and 10 dava.
Little Krrol was the only child of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Hicks, of the West
Side. The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev. A. J. Montgomery, ol
the Presbyterian church, Monday alter
noon in Mountain View cemetery.
MlhLI.KY-On Thursday. February
11, I8'.7, tbe infant of Mr. ana Mrs.
James Shelley, ol Maple Lane.
Owing to sickness in the family the
funeral services were conducted at tho
grave in Mountain View cemetery, by
Rev. A.J. Montgomery.
ALLEN In Cleveland. Ohio. Febru.
ary H.lSll7,of pneumonia, Chas Allen,
aged 5.' years.
Mr. Allen w ill be remhered as repre
senting the Pacific Northwest Board of
Immigration, and lias many friends in
Oregon City.
Garden Seed
Flower Seed
Grass Seed
Sood of oil kinds suit
able to this cllmnto.
Absolute Purity
Prices Keasonablo
Gcorgo Starrctt
Walla Walla,
News Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec
tricity, Chemistry, Medicine,
Hygiene, Health.
Contains a large number o' Short,
Easy, Practical, Interesting and Popular
Helen title articles, Hint can lie appreciate
A Core for lame Ihirk. M and enjoyed by any Intelllirei.t read-
t. ,iu i ttmm m i . rr' ,v,,,lbougli he knew little or nothing
My daughter, when recovering from 0 Science.
an attack of lever, was a great sulferer'
rroiuseiy illustrated and Free
from Technicalities.
from pain In the hack snd hips." writes
Louden drover, of Sar.lis, J'y. "A(t.-r
using (pule a number of remedies wiih
out any benefit, she tried one bottle of
CliiiinUrlaln's Pain Balm and It has
given entire relief." Chamlierlaiil's
Pain lialm is also a certain cure for rheu
matism. Sold by 0. A. Harding.
Blank note, receipt and order Itooks
at the Kntkkphiss olhYn.
Newsdealers. 10 cents. $1.00 pew
fVMentloii this h r for a sample copy.
Largest Circulation of any
Sclontlflo Paper In the World
bis is the Place
to lhiy Groceries
A full ami coinploto axHortmont of all poods usually kept in
a first-cluHS grocery. Everything oflered for mile is freah; and
Hold at very reasonable mkvu. Wo have a very choioo
Htock of canned rimkIh, including both fruits and vegetables,
to which wo invite your special attention. Kxtra or lanoy
grades of teas and colleen at prices you are accustomed to
pay for inferior grades'.
The 7th Street Grocer, HuccoHRor to Marr & Robertson.
A Safe Investment
beautiful HCCnerV and henltb mvinrr air lii.rh
good productive hoi I and nuro water, a firHt.nliiRa miLlin u,.lir.i ..,;
attended by nearly a hundred pupils on tho promises; and a good plank
road fono of tho main thoroughfares in tho county), connects with tho
.. .ua ,N,(!,i streets oi tho city. Tins Ijeautiful tract adjoins Oregon
uty and no portion of it is beyond a mile from tho heart of tho citv
id nut a 1j minutes walk on plank walks to tho business houses.
IIicho are a few of tho attractions of Month f)
tinio to think of tho ik to I III! hi Vnlip lintrio no n n.l nl.... in.
lay hy an investment that will innrejitm in vnlnn Tl.n M.
terms on which this property is sold should not cmbarasB any
thrfty person. Lots aro oOxKW)
to ifi.iu. Terms, 5 down and per month until paid,
without interest or taxes, a liberal discount for cash, and inducements
to build. Every lot clear and ready for tho garden. Quito a number of
Ots havo been sold and there aro several houses already occupied on the
tract and quite a settlement in tho neighborhood.
Oregon Citv with her l.hr
largo pu p paper and flouring mills and massivo electric station, hor
lino public schools and all tho inodorn in provomonts, is bound to in
crease her growth. Whero can you find a better place to live in or a
safer place for an investment? For further information call on or
T. L. OHARMAN, Trustee,
Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City, Or,