Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1897)
I Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. O.T.CO.'NNmMICIiH, A I, Til HA ANII HMII4, ITKH roHtl.A XK, HA1.KM ASH IKIHtmNliXMI K Lb', I'nrllainl, Taylor ilrunt rluck at n 4 A. M, ' k'l , Similar V:ll A, M, ami IviiVva Dm lil'liy I rrulniil :IW A. AI. uu liiy i d .i.ain l-y. Ktiiifiilm isnv Oriimiti City 'or I'otlaiid kt it. It (S ty mi'l B.itC' I', M. Hominy. raat ih-iti, (ihiiI KiMinmiKliiiliiiia ami low mint. Nil way Iroixlil ImuiIlcJ. H.aci) rule un tliruiiuli IrnlnliU HlMIIKIlN I'ACIKIO RAILWAY. MONTH SllCSD. California Hinttiu (ilirntiiili) hitnir Uh'hI (way ilalliiiia) Malum rua r j ruuth mumi). Ilntxlitirf l.nnal (way itallmia) Calllnrula Kiireia (llnuiuli) aU m rVaa ukmi 7 11 K. m. IWi, III, V;'7 a. iii. 9 77 a. m 4. p. in 4:60 . to. POSTAL HUIIKHUI.K. v animus rnrio kailsuad. Mill rliMWimi'l North, I JO v m. aw! 7 p. " Mall oi"'" K Himh, Ma. Ill kiwi 7 p. m. Hall ili-trlliuldllriiin Nuriiisa. m., ULlfia. fit. Ma i dlati buiai Ik'HI hmiIi, 1 a. m., 4 p.m. v liar int.iLieiaic Lisa. Mall rlim fur iorllii- ai d dialrll utli f pul ta, ) . win. anil 4 44 . m. M il flu i' I Mil-auset wily, : - UL. 4 iuV'rilveiliom potllaiiil, II. SO a. m. 4. IS p. pit r aim noma. Orntoii City Ui Kly. ('arm, Mulliio. Ulwral and MolalU leavni at U hi. and srrlvee at VI in. don'-.n City to Iieavnr ".rok, Mink, Hark. Ilrailow llriMik.t'nlou Mllli, and t'olloii li-avea at . M'inilay. Weilmmlay ami rnday, and reinrni uu lolli.wlns ilava at 4 n. m Or-aon Illy t', Uitaii ami Itnlland lravi.1 tirrfini City Mmulay, Wmliicwlay and Krlilarkl l.ui p. m.i leavlii Viola lame tlayi IIMUi. (lr.iii Clly lo Willamette, piaff. rl and Wi.niivl!,arrlaal lu sua. mi. adiara at 1I.SU a. in. la y. . . . Lkii.rl olivary indiiw II 'P"0 onMtnrlar fm.ii 10 tn II a. in. AH Mi'r..f. p-i ml.. ii, b'liaim ."'ur ! .ionipily I on Bun lay, ai mi otlmr d'(. ... . , . ,, . AH K.i-tii in.ll that II dulayod an t l.lla In arriva on V w a. m., a. I', lulu will e ma on 12 ot..i ur 4 lic iH'l'io ear. MII.I.AUKITK rAt.tJl H Y. CABi LI AVI auariMaio Miaul miLUlirrra FALLS Hi a. m. 7: " uo ' lu ai " i " Win " I l .. m. 1 la " t aft a. m. 7;l " ft i-O " " 10 no " li:4 " :Ul p. m. 3, 0 J SI 4 : 5 IA 7 ' l ii S u 40 .0 t 40 10 1 IS M'll 10 AO Innday oa'l lary hour nnlll o'flUKk p. m. In .net on ...d 'Vru'.KK.Trr. FHII'AY, FKHKUAUY 19. 1897. wure Hiluitoil with micli clnuiiuiiit iiiIkIiI lie nnui-NMitry to (It Dm local oriiin!za tlun. A iniiotiim will lio liuld nt tlie iikiiio place Hntiirilay evening U oloct a IhikIiium inmmxcr ami tratiriHct mivh otlior liiiriMiHH ua inny liu nvnmary. Tun (iKotiitAi'iiKAi, Hocial. Tlie (ini(niiili'iil mii'lul gl von IhhI Frlilav nvttiriiiK at I lio runiili-nco of Mm. Cliitrli' 0. A Hit iuli L, on Main slrei-t by tho Luillim' A Id ww e'y of thu CoiiKri-Kiil lonul chiircli uh inlml by muro llimi 1X) iiiiMiilium nml fiicinU of Hint church ami niiiiiri-Kutlon. Mitny of the clmrHctcra wnr particiilurly woll HiiNtulntl. Frcil- dlo C'lntriiiBn wa iwurdml (he II mt prlzu mill MrH 1(. I). VVIImoii tho booby. Tho social r.utUnl $10 for tho trcumiry of th nodi'ty. Ni iimi.h Annim'Nuk.u. Invllullonnare out mmoiincltiK tho iimrrliiKO of MInm I ncx Nauiiil Mrtrnlmll, of 1'ortlHinl, to Mr. Thou. K. ltyan, ol thin ci'y, on Wtiilmimlriy, Fttbrimry 1'4, 1HD7, at tho rcHlilcncw of Mr. ami Mm. A. J. Mar aluill In rortlaml. lioth tho hluli con trading purtiiis are woll anil favorably known, ttml have many friumlii who unito In w1nIi1iib thtmi ronicrily and liallill))HM. Fo Kwkkt CiuitiTy. A nodal cnler- tiilninniit will bo nlvcn in tho brick ball, Clin kiiiiiii", Friday niuht, l'ulinmry W, comincni'ing at 7 o'clock, for the bont'flt of In Joikik, who recently met with an acciilent which renilercil him totally blind. It In itoaiKcdto iimo iho procccda to coinplet.) the houau and home for Mr. Jones, and bin worthy family, All tro cordially Inviicil, To OitoANiy.i a Ciiki.-. Mrs. Ilolen M. 8oulbwlt'k, of Kaloin, state orgHnizer of the Woodmen iirck, will be in the city tomorrow (Naturday) and hold miH'ting kt 2 o'clock in Wowlmen hall to oritsnlxo a circle of tho order. She will alno explan the object and alms of the order to any who may doairo to join. Pomtdn-ii. In defloienco to the Fire men's ball and other attraction! In the city the member of the hntra Nous dancing club have watopned their lant party until March 17, when they will makescclal efforts to tclipfte all former effort In tbla line. TraclierV AoeUtlon, Tho next aeanloii of tho Clm'kainaa County Kdiicationul Amtodatlon will be hold at Willamette Full on Maturday, February 27th . This promises to bo one of the moat aucceanful innetlng of the year. Arrangement! have been mude for car to leave the depot at the went end of miienrtlon bridgn at 9:4ft. The program in a follow; "Kcvlcwi ami Examination ' , I'rol. H W. Holme 'Intereit" Hniit. A. 1' Arnntrong "Morali ami Maiitiera'' Ml AiJdis E. Clark IMTKKMIMION. Ailil"--"Tli HtiiH-riiitemleiit'i Nnia llonk" Mnpt. A. 1. Armairong "iflalury and IJturatiire". . Ml Harriet l)ndon "Tb Teacher' l'" Hiit. II. ). Htarkweallier jTrof. ('. W. Durett r - V Mimic and the above. recitullon will inlvsponte Ncliool Iteporl. Following 1 a reiort of achool taught at Harmony, dintrlct 4!, for the month ending January IV, No. days taught, 20; no. cane of tardincNH, 0. Roll of honor puuilf! Frits, liemile, Robert, lieriha Honan, Cheater Lyona, Cbuktcr Mc Laughlin, Lizzie lllakney, Edgar Iilakney, Arthur D.vl, Charlie Coun aell, Helena Kanno, Walter Tyler, KUie Gibba, Kdwln Hpooner. Jknnic K. Kowen, rrincipal. lliirrfHt. more to now good seeds Hthicki) IUaa soh the Couxhia. fitaia Klah and Uamo I'rolectnr Mcduire atulea that lie Columbia can txwl during the prewnt year atock of atriiu'd ban. Hon J. J. Urice, United Hate tl-ih coiitmlaaioner, haa Wn devoting hi attention to tho nutter for a abort time, and is understood to Ihi making arrangement to conauminatc the work A little error neeni lo exUt aa to the nature of the slritK-d liana. Mr. Me- (iuireaitva their habit aro similar to thoMH of the nalmon, In rfHncl o the kind of water Ihey liv In. The siripeil baa live in the orewn, and at certain acuKonx water Htteam. When pimnilile to g-t, carp form an important part of their (mid, although it I tho opinion of Mi expert that aalmon will not be In danger of deft ruction. The carp will aufTer only v. Into the buna are making their periodical frcah-water trlH, which will give them time to re plen'ab to mimo extent during tho time the ban are in the ocean. I'atknt rn Dvid F. Whit man, of Oregon City, ha junt received a patent on waHhiiig machino front tho CommiHHioniT of patent at Wahini!ton. It la a rotable machine baying upon it inner tddo parallel Mlvlpi provided with 0eiiliiK or rccenaea forming cups, which perform tho double function of creating friction upon tho clothe placed therein and of emptying the water upon the clothe an the bmiy revolve. The body portion of the machine ia rectangler in auction. The work done by thi machine l superior to that done by any other machine in tho country and it la accom plinbed with a smaller outlay of tiino and labor than with ny oilier wishing machine In uho. Mr. Whitman I unable to devote bia personal attention to tho wot k of Introducing Ida machine and therefore desires to depose of his patent right. Full particulars can be obtained by addressing him at Kly. Tim IUnkon Mii.i.8 Theodora Chirk, manager of the Bandon woolen mills, was in the city Wednesday . The mills at Handon are being improved and in creased In capacity. A recent issue of the Ilandon Recorder lu speaking of them says : An elevator irom ground floor to tup story ; a new spinning mule of 300 spindles capacity ; a repair shop and the picker house extended two sto ries out on a line with the present dye-houso, and extend tho dye-boiiHO further eitstj two largo vats for carbon izing wool will be added. Those. Im provement, will cost about fL'OOO and they will increase, the output of tho mill 25 por cent. . PititMANKNTt.y OituANi.Ki). The Oro gon City branch of tho Labor Exchange, No. 185, mot In Justice Rohonhol's oflke Monday evening and effected a perma nent onmnization by electing 0. R. 11. Miller, president: Allied J. Kellogg, vice-president; A.W. Cheney. secretary ; and (ieo. K. Hargroaves, accountant. Tho by laws of tho Vancouver branch Robert loul Nteyensoii'a Last Sorel The exclusive right of sena! publica tion in America of the last of Robert Ixmls Stevenson's master-pieces in ro mantle fiction "St. lyes: The Adven ture of A French I'riaoner in F.ngland" was purchased sltoiliy alter Meyen aon's death, of his executor, by Mi dure' Magsxlne ; and the first installment w ill apiK-ar in tne March number of that periodical. This Installment has already apM-ared in Kngland and has met with the widest and warmest approval. The Ixindoit At-udemy ); "Were this the Hole installment, were tbee three chap ters all that bravo invention devised be fore deat'i darkened it foiever, we have something to take, hold of and prize." The illuNtrated London News is no leas commendatory, saying, it 'Ms a magnifi cent piece of work, and will iimpicMion- ably take rank a one of Stevenson a moat important literary achievements." The story will run through six or seven niimWs of MiC'luro'a. It is practically complete, such an online of the closing chapters having been left by the author as to supply a very satisfactory conclu sion, One Hi me Will net three number of The Practi cal Dairyman and Agriculturist ami also three numbera of The Fancier's Review both excellent journals in their respective Hides. F.ach is 5) cents a year, but if you w ill send li o0 cents before April 1, we will send both papers to you for one year. Think of It I Two papers for the price of one) Stamps taken. If you will send us one dollar, we will send these two paH-rs, and two books, "dairy ing for Prollt" and "500 Questions and Anxwers on Poultry." Add less, Tiik Phaticai. IUiuyman, Chatham, N. Y. Something tn Know. It may be wo'th something to know that the very best medicine for restoring the tired out nervous system toa health, vigor is Kluctrlc Hitters, This medicine la purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing olf impurities in the blood. Electric Hitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as tho very best blood purifier and nerye tonic. Try it. Sold for 60c and f 1.00 per bottle at Charman A Co's drug store. Our Standing at Home. "Four out of every live bottles of med icine sold in the lust five yeais ure 8. H. goods. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure I use myself us a genoial physic. If you ate sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to buy the S. B. remedies and use as di rected. C. P., druggist, Dnfur, Or." For sale by C. U. Huntley. A Testimonial. This is to certify that C. F. M. Brown, ofLogan.hasinhis possession my remedy for the remedy for the removal of cancer without tho knife and understands its application and use and has a perfect right to tido the sumo. Dr. M.C Bakek. Oregon Cily January 2, 181)7. A I! Ich It cost no than it does to sow old and worthless stock. How foolish la the person who fails to gel the best to start with. No doubt you have often thought of this, when your garden has not done very well. Will you og along in the same old way this year, or use a little forethought and tend to James Yick's Bona, Roches ter, N. V., for their Catalogue which contains a list of all that's new and good? There seeds are always reliable sure to grow and never disappoint. 6end 10 cents for Catalogue and deduct this amount from first order. Really costs nothing. Eureka Hotel, Has the reputation of setting the best table in Oregon City. The cooking is done under supervision of Mrs Gibbons, and the victuals are equal lo the best had in a private family. Rooms and beds clean and comfortable. Give the Eureka a trial. Meals and bed 25 cents each, Special rates to regular boarders. For the Longs. Elder Alson W. Bteers writes from Portland, Or., ' Tl-re is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I can the 8. B. Cough cure." 60 cents bottle. For sale by C. O. Huntley druggist. PURELY VEGETABLE. Ttia OimiiMt. Ptirctt and l!.t f amily Hedi- clna In ilia world I An i.rrtu tiial Srartric for all diMHtat d lb im, btumacb ana npiaan. K filial ih Uvr and uavenl Chilli and ravaa, Malahi Mia Favaaa, How ai. Complain, KitwTLa- HIH, jAUKWCa AND Nauiia. JUD jiltKATH t Nothinf ! tn untjleaaant, nothing to common, aa bad brth ; and In nearly (very cat k cornea Irom Ilia tiomai h, and can lia m caiily cottkuo If yon will oka hiM-oNt l.ivna Ka'.ei.AToa. I "i ni;kct to aura a rrrrxdy for l In. ropnl.ivc ilitorder. Il will alto pruv yuiu a,Mllu( corn pie I Km ana genei riu i nciiui. PII.KHI How manr mfTer tonura day afier day, making lilt a burden and robbing eiiumra of all pleuure, owing lo lh Mcret anfferlrig from Pile. VC relief ia feaily to i he hand of almoM aiy on who will um tytieman cally lb remedy thai hai pemianenlly cured thou landi. Sihmoni Livaa Kx.uLAToa ia no draftic, tlolenl purge, but a genii aMiiiaru lo naiura. CON8T1PATIOH SHOC1.D not b reKrded a a infling allinentin fact, nalur demitvit lh ulmoat rextjUrity A lh bowela, and any devialion tvm tint demand pavea lb way often to terl.rtit diinger. It la quit aa ne':eeary to remove Impure accumulation! from th btneelf aa It it to tM or ierp, and no health can be eipected wrier a cotliv habit of body prevail. KICK If EADACHEt Tbli di.trelng alllirtl' wcnri rnont fre'iuently. The divlurUnc lb atoma-h, anting from Ihf Imp-rfc tly diiteUed cnnienia, cnutn a aeveTi! puin in the head, aixonipanied with diMgreenhle nautea, And ihia conitiluie what t riptiUrly known at Sick Headache, f. iba relief of which 1A bl-MOKI lilvui kacuLAT" Mxntrin. AKi;rACTVeD only ay J. IL ZKII.IN CO., PhiUdeJphU. Pa. P 1 . f A,'- SILVER PL ATE THAT WEARS In buying Bilvcr plated ware of any kind, there are two things to conoider durability and artistic de sign, both of which can be secured by purchasing Rogers Bros.' goods. Our stock of this ware is all new and bought at lowest prices for cash. If you wish to purchase any article in this line be sure and sec our stock. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers v 'T- Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop. euocaor to A7 H Cooke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. 150 Booms. Jo-tn steams. Cltlercierl: HOTEL ST. CHARLES Front and Morrison St., Portland Or DinESJcCfl-EY,Peps. Rooms from 25c. to 11.00 per day Elevator, electric lights and bells and all modern conveniences. Tlie St. Loiis Glolfi-Dmcrat The Great- National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Kates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, - -SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pages. One Year, 6.00: Six Months, $3.00 One Year, $1.60 One Year, $2 00 WEEKLY issued in Toesday and One Year, (1.00; Semi Weekly Sections, 8 pagps each Fridav, 16 pages each week Six Months, 50c. Free 'Bus meets all boats and trains For the Kidneys. "I am 65 years old ; have had kidney hseaiie and const ipttion lor J.i years. Am now woll iwd your S. B. Head ache ami Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at GO cents each. J. II. Knight, Uiitledire, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will pay all bills againat the linn heretofore known as l'oerfc Molirann, doing a kiencial merchandise bnninesa at Wilson ville, and alo collect all outstanding accounts due said firm. IIeumann Fkper, 3 12 Wilsonville, Oregon. Hooks ( heap. Everything required in the school room, books, slates, tablets, oiiges, ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil liams, cornel Seventh and Center streets. Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc., fresh and of good quality. Sold at reas onable prices. Houses Made ltrlfjht. Morrow, the painter, has removed his shop to Seventh street, near the depot where o-ders can be left for painting, paper-h.nging and calciming. Trices to suit the times and all work honestly and efllciently done. tf New I'ndertnkliig Room. County Coroner, V. N. Godfrey has opened an undertaking room on Main street near Tenth street, where he will keep In stock a full line of coffins, caskets and burial robes. His prices will be found reasonable. tf Restaurant Connected With Hotel. THE GLOBE-DEMOCEAT is oniversMv conceded to b THE BE3T of Amer ... t,,-niT,rn 1. TPC !. !...!.. Till' I'OV 1PFUT lean newspapers, anu ai inese tir.ucu o inm-v vii THE GLOBE DEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE NEWS than snyotLer paper in the United Slates 11 will r iiidispen-aDie ounug ine cnming grea. National Campaign, and the LOW I'KICE places it aiihln the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents lor the daily and 6 cents for the Sumlav i-nues. Delivered to regular fubMiribers, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a ww'k, 60 cents a month. If your h-cal dealer does not handle it. insist upon him proi-nring it for you, ur send your subscrip tion with remittance diie. t to the publishers. ra-Parliclar atteniioun is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE DEMOCRAT iscued in Semi-Weekly i-e. tions, ei.n pg.-s every Tner-day nd Friilav, making it practically A LARUE SEMI V EF.KI.Y PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue Just fill the bill for the rny man, mho has not the tune to read a daily paper, anil vet deires to keep promptly and thonronghly ported It goe to every Slate almost to every i km-(office in the Union. All America is its legitimate field. No mutter where on live, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St, Louis, Mo. Wall Pnper. Best Btock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at R. L. Holman's, Seventh street, near Main. tf. Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladen, He has It at his finger ends. Dr. YunderpooPs riiysic, the S. B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead with us. For sale by C.G. Huntley, druggist. For Snle. Good stock of millinery and good busi ness for siilo cheap. Enquire of Mrs, Sltidon. Gladstone has made a growth ol 60 new houses sinco tho hard times began, HARPER'S ROUND TABLE t Each of the fiftv-tao numben tf this periodical mill ofen trii a story h tome author of international fame, d f Portraits of a ew of tliest authors are give below. Besides the Prize Offers and offers of books there mil be j THREE REMARKABLE TWENTY-PART SERIALS A I OVAI. TBAiTOR THE PAINTED DESERT THE ROCK OF THE UON A glory Ik. N.tJ War l Mil By J.Ma bi A Storr of tho Arlanaa Dmrt By aiaa at SOME OP THE SHORT SERIALS THC ROY WRECKIRS by W. U. Sra A Sur GlbnJur Bit CixitfT Sutiu AN ADIROVDACK BOT AFLOAT by iM b. Sraa m :r.. r. . iu.. ilu- Bv w. o. s ay - sra m d; vm i . VlV 9 ILCUalca L. Alma Tadtma Ow Wbtet II t William Black W. D. Ilowclls T. W. HiiaB a? W.Qut KiokII Andrew Lana- JtAKFEK'S KOUXD TABLE offers, to its subscribers only, $475.00 in frizes of three classes, to be divided as follows: Story competition, $150.00 ; Amateur Pho tography compe. ,.,.,....T. I25 o; and'pu-Mesou. VVTZ VT7TTnfT n ccA a12?;00' Jfyouartnota J MONEY PRIZES I ent.and wish to f 1'W.A.l.r --...! " '. , Prize comfeti- Li',i"i" Hons, send two dollars and your address for a subscription when you send tn your material to go in the competition. Send at once for prize-contest circulars and read all the offers. Send for a copy of our 16 pasy Illustrated Book-List. This will explain our offer of Free Books, the offer includes libraries of two, three, four, and five bocks each, and a few care- ..i...,...i.min fully chosen li braries contain. 2 !, r " IT ,S S IS i I "lgJZm to two hundred I PR EE BOOKS I fif'y which art sent 1 V--S- 7 to any one for certain numbers of paid two-dol lar subscriptions to If AR PEP'S RO UND TA BLh. If you art a scHool-teacner. send to us for a circular announcing our special offer which we are making to you. Y 1 - Stanley ). Weyroaa TheoUore Rocacrell Fr-Dcote Coppte Marauis of Lome nf.iv 1 LaoRBc Hutton Austia Dotnoa HISTORIC BOYHOODS Al.rXAMUlK III) .MAS. Al.tXANIlKR POPS Bv Akum.w 1.m . Hv AL.mi Domom I.OIIH BYKON By W. K. II.L.Y BIQ-OAME HUNTINO THE TIM IO: It W'OI.P. THE MK.HTY ILK Hy lln. iHtopoaa Kimjoivklt STILL Ill'NTINO. BKAR HUNTING By Cra Waitttav l Cbarlct D. Warner 9 LITERARY ENTERTAINMENTS TUB FAIRY FKTK A DK! FT PAKIt A CHARLES I.AMII PARTY THE I HIl.liHK.N S MoCH By Em.. J !. FAMOUS AUTHORS' RECOLLECTIONS A "BOY'S TOWN STORY. THE RtNIKiOLD ARCHRR3 By William D. Hoil By Ka K Sioctrva EARLY LITERARY STRl'UOLES By Uaoaaa Uuuin THB DUTY OF THE YOUNO VOTER WHAT A VOTE MEANS. WHAT A PRIMARY MEANS By RT. E. E. H.LI Bv Hon II C lnol PARTY ALLKI1IANCK ANP IMIKPKNU-NCE By Hoa. Cat. Scat El HISTORIC CAVALRY CHARCIES AT HAINES'S MUX. AI CiD.AR C'ttLFK AT GETTYSBURG. AlorLL AN By Babkt Send for a copy of our t,pat Illustrated Prospectus, which wilt give a better idea of what tlie paper wH'cci:! ; in 1SW, and for a sample copy containing our lb-page Illustrated Book-List and Prize Offers. (Supply liitiitt.) Subscription Price. $2 per ytsr. HARPER t BROTHERS. Publlihers, New York. Mention this paper when writing ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR i thy e