Oregon City hntcrprisc. UKKUOft CITY Ofr'li'KIlM, Mnynr, -Ki'i'iinliT, -i'lilefotroll.-e . -Trmnnrar, -nty Attorney, -Hirwt (jixoniUaliini-r, HM,l. ol W1.t Work, 'niiirlliiitm T,! (IbiiII, lliltnw, It I). Wlhum. Jt.itkK, II. K. iUrrl., - K, 0. C.iill.Oil Thou, p, Ityiwi - Cliim. Iv 1 1 i r 1 1 II. IC Hirnluhl - - V, II. Ihtt ('. Ilithrnrk, Jr - W. II ll.iwi.ll D. W. Kl.xi.niil I, 0 Ci.'l.', J oli ti II, hotrniT, J km, rank Hindi. C.i.iiinll inc'tn llrt Wtxliirmluy ut eurli in. mill in oily linll. HtlHAY. FKIUUJAIlY II). 1HH7. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. lUyti yon trli-.l it ym? If ytu Imv'nt V't h txjttln without .l.iliiy, Oriimn wukIiIiik lliii.l. K. H. William, tliu uroeur, Tomul.x-H. 4 emm L'fiu. 20 ll l'i'"t dry urnmilutm! miunr. II. Arbiicklxi or Lion coir.'H lHo, 0 llm Arm A Hammer umlit "5c. Kki Fhunt Thaihnu Co. Tun bin liiMiramro couipaiili'ft F. K. INAI,l)lt()N. The wcoml .iurt-riy im-tUinii (or thin churn.) o( tlio M . K. church will ho hul.l next Sunday and Monday. Dr. John I'srnoiK will Imi printout and prt'Ht-li ntxl Hun. lay even Inn. Inauranc that inur F, K. Donai.ub'.in. The poil of Cl kami county by County Kchool rtuHirintiindonl HUrk weallmr, rotator, have Hind a tilion In thf c.rcult court praying (or a rctntory writ ol inanilamua, commanding the county couit to raise the achool .levy to the amount required by law. V. It, Hyde la attorney (or lantiir. Free lneurance blotter F. K. Do.sai.oiion. The tUtement made many year k that "man cannot live by brea I alone" i aa Irue aa It ever wa he muni have a nice Juicy ateak or a roantof meat to go with it. Mi-hard l'elold lalway ready to (urnlidi hi customer w ith the Ixml of renli and Niuoked moat at either hi Main or Seventh at met market. Heat Iniiuiance companies F. K. Donai.dvon. The Oregon City Iron Work ha Just completed tho cabling of a huue ateain hammer to Ihj uaud III their blackmnllh ahop It will weigh loine 4000 pound ami U the largeal outinn ever turned out in the elate. Thl i only a sample o( what can lx) done at the iron work liere. Mr. Koake la prepared to make anything in hi line, large or small, and it ri(inlilit rliM. Largest insurance busimw F. K. DoNAUbSON. CTii rom, IV, HcruM; Kirliurd Yen no I livrttf Ono M inula Cutijli Curo (he litillatMl tklttM if llllllilMi UilllIH. lilt ld ua tliot it cunui hi whulu family of ...ILL ..ML.hs urt.l n.tLI. alius at 1 1 i.ll.us i railed cure had (ailed entirely. Mr. through a very bud siege of meaMcl. One Minnie Cough Cure make expecto ration very easy and rapid, C. U. Huntley. Leading insurance aifency F. K. Donai.dhos. Dr. John l'aritoim will li tur at the Methodist church this (Friday) evening ou the "Uenerul Conference at Cleve land." This lecture will prove of inter est to all those who wish to know some thing of it church government; the law making body I the Uetieral Conference, which meet every four year and Is C'OiiiOMed of ministerial and lay dele gate. Dr. Parson whs a delegate to the last session of tho conference ut Cleveland and hi subject will be of great interest. Tho lecture I free but a col lection will bo taken. Reliable fire insurance F. K. Donaldson. "A if a brick were lying In my etouiuch" is the description by a dyspep tic of hi feeling uftet eating. This is one of the commonest Bym totii of indigestion. If you have it, take Shaker Digea'ivo Cordial. Not only thl symptom, but all the symptoms of indegestion aro cured by Bliuker Digestive Cordial. So many medicines to cure this one disorder. Only one that can be called euccdSHful, bocause only one that acta In a simple, natural, and yet scientific way. Shaker Digestive Cordial. i'urely vegetable, and containing no dangerous ingredient, Shuker Digestive Cordial tones up, strengthens and re stores to health all the digestive organs. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to f 1 a bottle. We can afford to have you try all five flavors one after another of Schilling's Best tea, and get your money back if you don't like any. i Your tea-iraae ior tne ivf tfr rfrc ic wnrfh 1 111 V IIIK 1 3 A SchlllltiK ft Compiny dsn rTincitco 411 MADE (1(101) M.'OKKS. Ili'Kiilnr Weekly . Mndliiir of the lai .11 i"' II mllii (Inli. llm meeting of the Ladle Howling Club was well attended this wek and nuicli ciitliiixlitxin manifested In the game. Kiuuaikuhle Improvement ha been inu.le in howling this year a will be readily seen from a comparison of the Ni'.ires made thi year with those of lust KeiiHou. Following are the score uia.hi y the several contestants: "-(Isinm , M !M Mi T'l Mini Caiiipls-ll HI II 1 m Ml Mm. Chirk IA 1:1 '24 III mi Mrs. Chsiiey... 17 1,1 17 7fl Mrs. H.ilH. k 12 l.'l 12 1,1- M Mim Nor Conycrs i III ,'12 W-Wi Mix Mun-y H in 22 IN- til Mrs. I.Kioiirstltt IS Ti l 7." Mix Ciclirsii 12 :i!( 'B 21 loo Mrs. Il.inlliy 13 ,1 i) 20- M Miss Ai'kr-riiian II 12 HI 22 (II Mrs. rrntl It 21 22 IU 7l Mrs. Hlrlckli-r IH II H IK - Ml M Amy Kelly 11 It- V, (Irsncl Uilal .... Miss I's.iHsl.l 171 20 m 211-hki hi 2i- m 20 20- W h in Miss III I) 7 II 2.1 M '24 HI Ji lu 17 Miss II ik iiiu n . 1,1 IKI Mrs. 1 1 .1 in n it H 7 20- ft 24- 7H Mrs. vt'sikrr l.'i 20 .'VI III XI Mrs. (Irlllltli Miss Nsii t'ls.'lirail Miss Mot'arvvr. . , , Miss lliilinv 2H 21- U1 2 21 Vi HI 22- M3 HI I! K1 HI 21- 74 17 Z- 40 17 24-1 21 Miss 1'ilsljury 17 MISS I II SMI , . Miss Mlii Kelly 1.1 12 Grand total 1!(7 1W 225 CerllllcHle UranU-d. At the leular quarterly teacher ex amination held this week. Ki)erintnd ent Ftarkwvathor granted the following certificate: flKST UAI)R. A. It. Dimi. k, Needy, Or. Slt('ONI) (iHAI)K. Minnie Walker, Viola; Helen New, Cortland; Hrenton Vedder, Monitor; Kdgar Steven, Canbyj Franci M. (Jill, Itusscllvllle; Maud Hastall, Molalla; Mattle Godfrey, Oregon City; F,va .Miller, Oregon City;Iva Hodge, I'oriland. Till HI) UKAHt. Corvau Fisber, Canhy ; (ieo. Hampton, Cnby; Msrtln Messenger, Heaver Creek; Adstn B. Herman, Heaver Creek; Albert Knight, Cauby ; Minnie Durrell.Wllholt; Maud Cochran, Needy; Jessie Currin, Currinsville; T, K. Mur dock, Viola; Mintie Ulrdsull, Kelso; KolH-rtCoe, Canhy; Winifred Dauchy, I'arkpUce; Caroline Swale, I'ortland; S. Lake Canto, Csrus. There were 3H applicant, 24 of whom were successful and four of whom failed. A (iraii.linotlier's Tea I'arly. Last Fiiday afternoon Mis Florence Morey entertained a number of her friend at a "(randuiuther' Tea" at the palatial residence of Mr. and Mrs, I. F. Morey. The guests apeared in costume worn by our grandmothers of twenty to fifty year go. The decora (Ion were Jonquil and daffodils, mak ing tho elfcct very pleasing under the glare of Ihe electric lights, the house having been darkened for the occasion Tiie table were decorated with violet and sleplianotis. The piin. ipal amuse ment consisted in guessing the article advertised from the pictorial advertise, luents cut from magaxinca and pinr.ed upon the poitiere. Fire ut Viola. The building occupied by Dr. Krtin, of Viola, a a drug store, postoflice and dwelling, caught Hie about 8 o'clock Wednesday and burned to the ground The household goods were all destroyed hut they managed to save a few of tho drug and all of the mail and tixturea of the poslolllce. The loss was 1.500, w ith Hiijinsnrauce of $750. Dr. Kartin wa in the city Thursday and said he expected to rebuild in the near future. The (ire originated from a defective flue. "Hie Old (lock on the Stairs." levers of high grade music have been on tho qui vive ever since the first an nouncement of this urand musical con ceit was mnde. That it is under the di- lection of Mrs. K. K. Williams is siilll- clent guarantee of a first-class entertain inent, but assurance is made doubly sure by the list of talent assisting as shown by the appended program : 1(a) "Oreellnu lo Spring".... C. D. Wilson 1(b) "The Hri.lgs" I.hulsey Treble Clef Quartette. "Good-bye Sweet Dav" Kate Vannah W. II. liurgliar.lt. "Hunpnrian lthapso.lle, No. 2" I.Uzt M illMAfl l.lllil mil ul tin 1 In. ar "0 Won.lrotis Youlli." (Violin Obligato Dy miss maitie nratier) Aot Mrs. (1. li. llavoa "Invitation to Dance" Weber Miss Haglan.l. )(r) "The Old Oaksn Huckef'.K. W. Root 1(b) "Jack and Jill" C. R. Ford Tnilllu tlr nilrl..llm Violin Solo "Bcene do llallet, Kantasle" un. Ue llertot Prof Anton Zilm. nf I'nriliiiul niiipk Hiutntii-v Cantata "The Old Clock on the Htairs'''.'.! Shively's opera house, Friday, Febru ary 20. Kesorved seats, 50 cents ; gen eral admission, 35 cents. Tickets for sale at C. U. Huntley's. In Justice ScheubcPs Court. In Justice Schonbol's court last Satur day the Giles Mercantile Agency ys Frank and Mamie Doorman, action on an account, was tried before a jury, who rendered a verdict against the defendant Frank I'eorinan alone. Geo. W, Swope and John W. Lodor appeared for the plnintilT and J . U. Campbell (or the de fendant. Monday afternoon the State of Oregon vs Teter Younger, for indecent exposure was tried and defendant bound over in the sum of (150 to appear before the grand Jury, He furnished ball with his father and mother a sureties. The state wa represented L. L, I'orter and tho defendant by J U. Campbell. Monday morning Henry Hmathers plead guilty to assault and battery on Iwtael Shank, and was fined 5 In de fault of which he went to Jail for a couple of day. The following case have been filed during the week: C. A. McMillan vs.TI'cma and Emily Iliuke; action on account; trial net (or Saturday, the 20 Inst. H F, and Geo W. Swops attorney (or plaintiff. Henry Hmathers v. Isaac Farr. et al; action on account; set (or Tuesday, the 23d, (I. II. Diiulck (or plaintiff and II. K Cross fur defendant. (ieo. I.uznlle vs. Frank Ueise ; action onnote;et for Wednesday, the 24th, C. I), and D. C. Latourette for the plain- tiir. Mary L. Ilradley vs. J. 8. Ilirdsall and K. (J. Maddock; action on note; aot for Friday, the 2iiLh, J. U. Campbell (or plaintiff. I'rohute Court. The will of Asa Sanders, the Molalla farmer, who died on the 14th Inst , has lx;en filed lor probate in the county court. The estate consists of real prop erty of the value of $8000, and personal property worth 12200, of which 11800 Is lo money, notes and account. The will make the widow, Abbey L. Sander, executrix, without bond, and letter were Issued accordingly. The will was executed December 7, 180, and be queathed an undivided one-half of the entire estate to the widow, to be accepted in lieu of dower In the remaining moiety of the real estate, and the two daughters Mrs. C. T. Howard and Mrs. Ida Mulli gan, are to share the remainder of the proerty, share and share alike. Two siator of the deceased were to have the proceed of $1000o loni a they should live or remain unmarried, but they have since become disqualified to share in the estate. All the proerty Is locate! at Molalla corners. Final settlement of the Phillip Moore estate wa continued until the March term. Flora 1'illister wa appointed adminis trator of the estate of Charles T. Fillis ter. ProKrty valuations are as follows: Heal estate, f 1000; (our horses, $90, two cows, $30; (arniimi utensil, $00. The heir are Joseph, aged 18; Nettie, 15; Theodore, 12; William, 9; and Edward, 0. Ward A. Lawton was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Ambroses, lawton, on the 10th Inst. The petition of L. B. Reed, was dis missed and the bondofj.il. Reed, as administrator of tho Mary Reed estate approved. Letter List The following i the list of letters re maining in the OHtotlice at Oregon City, Oregon, on February 17,1897: WOMtS's LIST. Albright. Miss Ilird Kirk, Mr. J Aitkfin, Mrs J Kanhooen, Mrs A lirouse, Miss Iina Thomas, Mrs Laura MKS't LIST. Denglor, Andrew Mitchell, Fred I (overtoil, J M O Dill, Matt Kiikbouse, Joe Oregon licet Sugar Co Kraser, Win Price, Jacob Forsyth, Noel Hholz, Adolpli Forsythe, Hdgar 8chini.lt, O I Horner, Alex Thessen, 11 A Kupter, M Weiss. Fran Mack, FA Wilson, Geo Meug, Peter K called for state when advertised. S. R. Grkkn, T. M. Electric Hotel Arrival. CClIooer, Spiingwater JasI Hooper, " J B Henningr, Portland CI1 Cramwell, " M Raphael, " Ell Fellows, Highland Hiram Fellows " D N Trnllinger, Astoria W It Litt, San Francisco Geo A Houck, Monroe E E Wilson, Corvallis Clyde Evans, Canby Capt Apperson, Park place Geo W Whitney, Hubbard E Allen, Portland SJDodson. " Geo J Jackson " Capt A J Spong " Julius Fisher, Silverton II J Hastall, Molalla C E Kamsby " G W Hayes, Chicago J K Schomaker " Media Lawler, Needy Emmett Lawler " Elsie White. Dayton J O Roth, Vancouver Cho Drew, Canby D Nash, Halsey J A Wait, Tortland Firemen's Hall. The members of the Oregon City Fire department are preparing to eive a grand ball at Weinhard's hall on the evening of Washinton'B birthday, Feb ruary 22. A flrstclass orchestra will be employed and every effort made to make this one of the most enjoyable dances ever held in Oregon City. The proceeds will go into tbe fund with which to defray the expenses of tlie Oregon City team at Tbe Dalles tournament. Sewing Machine For $20. High grado sewing machines, that will do as good work as aa any that are on the market, will be sold for the next (our weeks (or from $14 to $20 by O. Cheney, at Cheney's art gallery. II Atati POVMR Absolutely Pure Celebrate I (or its great leavening strength and hcathfulnes. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brand. Royal Bakiko I'owukk Co., New York PERSONAL NOTES. W. 8, Hurst, ol Aurora, wa in the city Monday. Edward Sharp, of Stafford, wa in the city last Tuesday. Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, wa in town Thursday. Paul Meinig, supervisor o( Bandy, was in the city Tuesday. Mis Cornelia McCown caine down from Salem Tuesday. Charle Thompson, of Stafford, was in town during the week. Silas Howard, the Salem house mover, was In the city Monday. Miss Pearl Meldrura is confined to her liome with tonsilitis. Charle White, sr., of Aurora, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesla'y. John Burgoyne, of New Era, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Richard Morton, of Damascus, visited Oregon City the flret of the week, N. J. Hardesty, constable of Molalla precinct, was in the city Monday. Rev. Giltnan Parker Is in Baker City conducting evangelistic services. William Johnson, ol Clackamas,' tran sacted business in the city TuesJay. Judge Tho. A. McBride is afllicted with tbe prevailing malady, la grippe. Mrs. II. B. Holland returned to her home in Salem Wednesday morning. Dr. Willis B. Morse, of Salem, wa in thecity Monday on professional business. Will Upton, of Portland, is in the city on a visit to his auut, Mrs. C. D. Latour ette. Postmaster Green is suffering (rom an attack of la grippe and is confined to his home. Rev. J. M. Dick, of Hubbard, was in the city Thursday, the guest of Dr. Cowan. Mr. J. V. Thomas, of Albany, is visit ing relatives and friends in this city and vicinity. Mrs. W. II. Dolman, of St. Helens was an Oregon City visitor Monday and Tuesday. Charles West, ol Portland is visiting at the home ol his aunt, Mrs. Fannie Cochrane . F.T. Griffith, the attorney, went to Albany on the Roseburg local, Thurs day morning. Charles Scott, of the Woodburn flour mills, was in the city on business the first of the week. Tommy Cowing came down from Slem Tuesday morning for a short visit and returned in the evening. Major Thomas Charman was able to go down to his store Tuesday afternoon for the' first time since the middle of November. Charles Meserve, of thin city was called to Delena, Columbia county, last Friday to be with his mother, who is very 111 at that place. Mis. W. W. Mars and her niece Miss Krant, returned (rom Scappose, Wash., Thursday, where they had been on a visit to Mrs. Mars' mother. W. 8. Hayes, who left last month to reside in Woodburn, has returned to Ore gon City and resumed his old position as clerk in the Electric hotel. George M. McBride, who has been at home (or ths past three weeks left Thursday (or Warrentown, where he is employed by the Astoria-Goble R. R. Company. W. F. Hubbard, superintendent of the United States salmon hatchery on the Clackamas, was in the citv Tuesday looking every inch a soldier in his new uniform prescribed by the government for his department. Mrs. C. F. Martin, of Oregon City, proprietor of a racket store in that place, was in Salem yesterday. She returned home by the 2:20 train, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Gertie Martin, who has attended school in this city for the post four months. Statesman. E. E. Charman received bv mail Tuesday a tine nugget from W. L. Beck ner of this city, who is developing a mine which he recently located in the Blue River district, The nugget is a large, handsome one and contains more or less golden dollars. The nickinot ud of a few of them about the mines would tempt almost anyone to try his hand with the fickle goddess. Captain Jack Spong, of the Oregon City Transportation Company's steamer Ramona, ha been in the city during Ihe week. Bince the breaking of the shall in the Altona, he ha been enjoying yscalion. Both bout will be running again in a couple of week. Y. M. C. A. NOTES. Tiling for young men to do: Attend the concert in Shiyely's on Friday even ing, February 20ih; talk it up among your Iriend and get them to attend; get a new member this month; Come to the men's meeting on Sunday at 4 p. in. ; tell the secretary how much you are willing to give fur a new building. Twenty young men take regular, sys tematic exercise in the gymnasium, as many more take spasmodic exercise, and several more take no exercise. If a prophecy were ventured regarding the future of these young men, it would be this: The young men who take regular body-building exercise, will live longer, be more successful, more respected and worth more to the community, than an even number of any other class. There can be no advertisement equal to a conspicuous building known as the property and home of the Young Men's Christian Association ; no stranger will ask in vain to be directed to it, and no young man seeking a friendly resort need fail to find its door. It is a perpetual educator of the people regarding the extent and importance of the work. It also stands as a witness to practical Christian unity, and tbe love and care of the churches (or young men. Hon. II . W. Ladd, governor of Rhode Island once said, " To the Young Men's Christian Association, commerce is indebted (or hundreds, thousand and tens of thousands of conscientious youths now serving in it ranks. These will be reliable and trusted men of the future, and they will be the better for being members of the association. I have great (aith in this great organization, (or I have watched the results of it moral and social influence, and I know them to be beneficial." Home Beautifying. There is nothing that adds more to the attractions of a bom9 than flowers. Tbe flower-surrounded home is always a happy one, (or cross tempers and the "blues" are quickly dispelled by the cherry (aces of the brignt flowers. At the Gladstone greenhouse the finest col lection of carnations ever grown in Ore gon City is now ready for the market, as well as that prince of flowers, tbe sweet perfumed hyacinth which is potted and ready to bloom. The primroses are also in their perfection and in a vase make a most pleasimr present to a friend. Other standard flowering plants in stock. Cut flowers tor sale. Prices reasonable. Jas. Wilkinson, Jb. For Toting Men and Young Women There is nothing that will arouse tbe ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance Is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farnsworth's arber shop. To The Public. Having associated ourselves together for the practice of medicine and surgery, we will promptly answer professional calls from city or country. J. W. Norkis, M. D. M. C. Strickland, A. M. M. D. Office in Willamette block. 3-18 Cures Croup. "My three children are all subject to cioup; I telegraphed to San Francisco, got a half a dozen bottle of S. B. Cough Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God bless you for it. Yours, etc., J. II. Crozier, Grants Pass, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. The prince of palate pleasers. Blue Label catsup. E. E. Wiluams, the grocer. Sunday Services. 8T. PAUL'8 CHURCH - Episcopal - Kev. J, pb D runs', Hector. Kaily eummuntou at 10a. ,.,.nd wmc ul 11 . in. auil 7. SO p. m. Sunday tc-Uuol at 12:3.)a, m, FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHTJRCH. Rev. J.W.Cowau Pastor. Services at 10:80 a.m. and 7:30 r. a. Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meeting l numisy evening at 7 30 o.cloek. Prayer meeting ot Young People's Society ol Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 8:30 prampt. FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH. Riv. M. L, Reoo, Pastor Morning Service at 1":80; Sunday School at UMi Evening Service 7:30: Regular prayer meeting Ibursday evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding the first Sunday la the month. A cordial Invitation to all. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH, CATHOLIC Rv. A. Hili.ibband, Pastor. On Sunday mass at 8 and 10:30 a. a. Every second and fourth Sunday German sermon after the 8 o'clock mass At all other masses kuirllsh sermons. SundaT 8chool at 'i:80 p. x. Vespers, apologetical ubleois and Benediction at 7:30 p. u. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.-R-V. . .-, , ,oiui , uiiiiu m v iw Hi, lu.tu; Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting after morning service. Evening service at 7:80, Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at 6:80; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. strangers cordially In vited. FIR8T PRESBYTERIAN CHCRCH.-Riv. A J. Montgomery, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7:80 P. M, Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets every 8uuday evening at 6,30. Thursday evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Seats free. EVANGELICAL CHURCH GERMAN Rev. Ertoh, Pastor; J. R. EhrkT Aaalntant. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M., Mr. Zimmerman Supt. Prayer Meeting eyery Thursday evening Groceries. 31'. To give satisfaction, muBt ( bo fresh and of first quality. With my new and selected stock I can please the most particular housekeeper. Bread. And in cakes and pies I p can give a quality not ex celled in Oregon City. A flrstclass baker and the best of flour enables me to make this guarantee. Geo. F. Horton The Grocer and Baker Main Street, Opposite Postoflice. NEEDY NURSERY J. B. NOE, Prop. NEEDY, OREGON. Fruit Trees Warranted free from dis eases and true to name. Prices lower than ever before offered in Clackamas county. Freight pre-paid to any railroad point in Clackamas county on orders amounting to 110 and over. J. L. WALDRON", Late of New Era, ' DEALER IX. BEANS, POULTRY. JIJID 71 (ill KIXV3 99 PRODUCE. ra n OFFICE WITJH THE D.E. ALLISON CO. 501-509 Front St., San Francisco. Consignments solicited. The best of references given. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THX BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bought arid Sold. Hones Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. Harris' Star Grocery. 3 cans Good Luck milk $ 25 3 cans Oregon gooseberries .... 25 20 lbs. best granulated sugar. 100 15 lb. pail jelly 55 1 lb. Cereline health coffee ... 15 1 lb. broken Java coffee 15 1 sk. flour 115 1 lb. Battle Axe tobacco 25 JOHN YOUNGER, fEWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. Give me atrial.