Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1897)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRIE COKRESfOXD EMS MYKK1' THE FIELD. Library for the I'mbjlerlan Snndaj School Prosperity Returning Lively Debate. IUdlakd, Feb. 13. W'inJ, rain and mud is the best we hive at present. Trosperity are beginning to move at this place. Mr. Funk has been building some board and stone fence together; II. D. John son is bmMiiig fence also. F. Sprain Is improving the time building a rock lence. MissHnltle F. Wilcox and Frank Mur doch were at the teacher' examination at Oregon Oily last week to take examination for certiticates. We suppose tbat there will be two more new trachera to add to the roll. Nr. Herman, o( Heaver Creek has secured the position as teacher for tbe spring term at district No. 21. L. Funk and wife, of Logan, were visiting t his lather's, at this place Saturday and Sunday. W. O'Connor, of Beaver Creek, is visiting A. Sprague. Mirs Emma Funk is to leave this morn ing for Oregon City where she baa employ ment F. W. I.inn, who is very low with rheuma tism of the heart is at Oregon City for treat ment. T. McGratb, who has been sick for a long time, is no belter. Miss Cassie Wilcox was thrown from her horse Friday. No serious dammage done. J. Richardson caught very large wild, cat last week. Tbe Redland literary society met last Saturday evening at the usual hour. Tbe debate was one of the best we hare had vet. The leaders were 0. Behymer, afTerniative; L. Funk, negative; the judges Mrs. Arm strong. Miss M. Stone and A. Bonot. gave their discision in the affirmative. Tbe question lor next debate is: Resolved, tbat men will rUk their lives faith tr for gold than for women. Mr. Bebymer has tbe affirmative and W. M. Stone the negative; they each have five assistants. Patric 0' Conner is visiting at this place. "V-JUpupd, Feb, 15,-The Bethel Presby terian Sunday school was presented with handsome bookcase for ita library yester day. The donors are Edward Miller, of Viola, and H. A. Allen, or Redland. The school passed a vote of thanks to the givers nd appreciated tbe gilt very highly. Tbe case contains 252 volumes, and is much pa tronized by tbe scholars. It seems by the condition of the road from here to Oregon City, that we will have to stay at home for an indefinite period, as it is dangerous to travel by wagon. New Era Sot. Kaw Era, Feb. 14.-Potatoes and legis lature are the two leading topics of the day, here in our town. Geo. Brown and Geo. Randall have been dealing extensively in several sacks of the former. R. B. Doughty sold titty sacks of potatoes, (150 pounds in a sack,) to Mr. Randall last week for 75 cents a sack. George Brown bought some potatoes of Fred Holm for SO cents per sack. Charles Foster is getting out the lumber lor t new bouse, to be built next spring. Charles Foster jr. will soon erect a turn ing lavtbeinNew Kra, and thus add another industry to our town. He will be able to make ever thing from a hammer handle to wagon bub. Burt Moore ami wile have arrived here from Chicago, where Mr. Moore went a tingle man about one year ago. They will make their future home here in Oregon. A very pleasant dance was given at the home of David Penman last Friday night. All hands took a hand in making a pleasant evening of it. Borne ol the farmers have got some winter wheal sowed in spile of the continued rain fall. What are we to do wilb the representa tives from lias cimnti ? This is what we will do aitb them, (it tbey ever want another position of trust at the hands of the people,) bi.ry them so deep they cannot see out again. A surprise party was given at the resi dence of Joep!i Bnggs. la-t Friday night. "Just wait u lil our t"Ren gets up to the legislature, then we will have some legisla tion in the iuterext of the people." It seems just like our l"Ken was as the boy said, "anything to net the coon," but there is one satisfaction in knowing that the coon will bite hlui next time. ler, la seriously sick at the hospital. Her msther was summoned Friday. F. F. Seely has just bought a $100 horse. Miss Nellie Murray was home a few days recently. Miss Thompson will give an entertain ment Saturday evening at Conell Creek school bouse, where she has taught a very successful term of school. Mrs. I.iiaie Russell, one ol Washington's pioneer women, died in California at the home of ber son, Henry Russell, February 8th. Mrs. Russell was the widow of the late James Russell of Vancouver, and leaves a large family ol sons and daughters, all married. She was a sister-in-law of Grandpa Zumwalt, of this place. Mr. Hanson, the Wilsonville school teacher, intends to live with us now as Mr. Rose has moved away. There will be the usual monthly speaking in the school Fri day. Central Tolnt News Central Poist, Feb. 15, There will be an oyster social at the Central Point M. E church Tuesday evening. A good time is expected. There was surprise party at A. Moore's last Monday tiight. Dancing was indulged in until a late hour, wben a very dainty lunch was served, alter which the young people departed, having enjoyed a very pleasant time. Geo. Randall and his son Gilbert shipped 350 sacks of potatoes to Alaska last Satur day George Penman bad a very painful accident one day last week. He was riding horseback when the animal tell down and George kept on rolling down the hill and the horse rolled on him. Tbe horse was unable to get up so George bad to remain under him until a neighbor happened along and removed George from bis uncomfort able position. He Is slowly recovering. David Penman, sr. has let a contract to Mr. Pratt and Walter Rider to grub five acres of land. Tbe Hog Hollow people have organized a literary society with E. Lundigan, presi dent. There was a surprise dance at David Pen- mans last rriday night. There were 72 present and a good time was had. Burt Moore and wife arrived from Chi cago last Sunday. Burt says Oregon is good enough for him. HHUN mm i Pin Tree riaated In C omme monition of the Organisation of Lone fins Llodge. Kink Notes. Mint:, Feb, 16. Tbe farmers are anxious for fair weather so tbat tbey can do their spring plowing. August and Louis Grossmiller, who came up from San Francisco to attend their father's funeral, have returned to Call torn i Rev. H. E. Hornsbub is conducting a revival meeting at the Evangelical church. Mr. Cramer, onr genial teacher treated tbe young folks of the place to an excellent oyster supper at his home last Saturday night. All bad a good time. We are glad to hear of the improvement of Mrs. F. Mink and Mrs. Hansen, who have been on the sick list for quite a while. Mr. Cramer is very anxious to move his family to Maple Lane where he has pur chased a home. We are glad to recommend him as a good neighbor and successlul teacher and think tbe district could not do better than to hire him for the spring term. Chris Hornsbub is making preparations to build a barn. We are afraid our county court is trying to save money in tbe wrong direction. If they would cut down the wages of the officers in place of taking from the school lund, it would be a little more just. If our couny commissioner, Marks wants to go back to the old road system, we would like to know where he would get tbe timber to corduroy the road as there is none to be bad from Oregon City to Beaver Creek. Mr. Massinger la suffering with rheuma tism. Louan, Feb. 15, The officers and mem bers of Lone Pine Lodge No. 53 A. F. and A. M., ol liOgan Oregon, assisted by visiting brethren from Multnomah Lodge No. 1, of Oregon City, performed a very interesting ceremor.y at their regular monthly meeting on the l:ith Inst. A procession was formed in the lodge room, which marched to the grounds owned by the order when a pine tree was planted with all due Masonic cere mony, l'ast Master, John II. Uwellen, of Springwater, was the orator of the occasion and in a masterly manner told those assem bled what had led to the proceedings of to day, he said In part: That In the years gone by as far back as 72 a number of sturdy pioneers, of Oregon, had assembled together and planted thia home of our beloved order here in depths of the foresta of our laud. The next thing was to select a name for it. A solitary pine tree which grew here suggested the name which was adopted and by which our lodge is known to-day. Many ol the pioneers, who organ ized this lodge are numbered with our honored dead. The giant pine hasalso been prostrated by the storms, but we are proud to say the work of their hands now entrusted to our care still grows and nourishes, and to day is i:i a nourishing condition and ao in commemoration of those whose names and memories are dear to us and also to perpetuate the name or this lodge, we to day plant this pine tree. Procession returned to lodge room where all did justice to bountiful dinner which the stewards of Lone Pine know how to supply. Uarfleld Notes. . Garfield, Feb. 13, Wa are having stormy weather, and quite a few are having the la grippe. John Palmateer is having quite a hard spell of la grippe. Death took Irom our midst W. P. Itoyer after an Illness of 48 hours. He had Intla- maliun ol the bowels. Dr. C. B. Smith, of Ksgle Creek attended him in his Illness. Mr. Buyer left a wife and five children, three by a former wile, one of whome is attending thetinute school at Salem. Ilia remains were laid by the side of his first Wife iu (he Mt. Zion grave yard on Friday the Uth. We art sorry to say the Douglas school secured Mr. Herington as teacher, but we will say that our loss Is their gain. He has taught us a good school for three terms past We wish him good luck. There will be a literary entertainment at the Leon school house on the 2)th of Feb ruary. The committee la sparing no pains in their etlorts to make it the most attrac tive and entertaining of any entertainment ol tbe season. The doors will open at 7 o'clock, curtains will raise at 7:30 p. ni. The program, which will be extensive and of the best selections of dramas, dialogues, recitations, tableau and singing, will close with a basket selling. Admission free. All are respectfully invited. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Hlnenm, at. C, the tlrsat rhemUt and Sciential, Will Html, Free, Three Hotllnof Ilia Newly Discovered Heiuedlea to Sufferers, Editor Kntkhphihk I liavo tllaoov prod a rvlUblo cure for consumption and allhrocliinl. tlirout itml lung iliac-itxca, general dot-lino, lotn of Henri ami all con dition of vtHHtititf away, lly ita timely uiw tliouaainla of apimreiitly liopelesa cases have- Un curctl. Snprool-ixialllve am I of ita power to euro, that to make Its niorita known, I will send, frw, to any alllictcd reader of your pKr, three bollloeof my newly diwoviwil remedies upon receipt of exprvna and ixwtolllie addreaa, T. A. Sl.lK'U.M, M. (, i'.S Pine Street, New York, When writinjc the dot-tor, please mini tion thia pnjHT. Ahead of all Magazines this country has seen. Albany Argus. I, TJIK North American Review 71 UK 7iIYIVJJ FKI,D The Rleht Topics, By the Rleht Men, At tho Right Time. Tun North Amkku an Kkvikw i recog nixed on both aides ot Mm Atlantic aa the foremost Hevicw in the Kngliah language, and no exemliture In spared in main taining it in ita unrivaled position. Hood View Kotea. Hood Vie, Feb. 15. Mrs. Hummer, who has been quite III, is recovering. 8. Calkins ii on the mend after a very severe attack ol In grie. Mr. and Mrt.. Voss are yet quite sick. Win. WrMnii'a have hail as high as five in bed h) once with la grippe. Mrs. George Young has been quite ill, but is recovering. Hiram VYnod is at home for a few weeks. Mrs. John Unite is a guest of Mrs. Miley's for a few days. Miss Willhelm, who is a cripple, ia now recovering Irom a broken leg. Mr. Barber in having some grubbing done. Mr. Hummer hui quite a field of potatoes to dig. M. C. You ig made a busineits trip to Newberg and 8 ierwuu'1 this week. Mies Man Murray, who has been attend ing the Faling m-Imio! in Portland this win- 7 There hu never LueD a time when i in Lima whan anv... rttbonld guard acaiuit ftilar with mn 1 car. Tbera hu ne'er been time whan Ferru'a Henta were mure aswntisil. 1 iwiyi ine orni. ror Ml Of leading A Haalairal atanwhaM Tnniat . a.i a k. I FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL 1 ll fall ol Information for flrdenan and' planters. 1 here will nerer be a better tiina hiuao nowtoeenaiorme edition. Free. . m. rerry uo., Detroit, Mich. Needy Sews. NEEiir, Feb. 15. The farmers around here have begun to think It is a good thing to be webfooters. The immense rains have turned our highways into watbaways. The people, who are on tbe sick list make little progress Mrs. Hens is past taking medicines .Mr. J. i,. Sluts young (oiks was seen in our town last Sunday visiting. Carl Hilton w ill once more know what a dollar looks like for he has recently sold his potatoes for 35 cents per bushel to Mr. IIurM, of Aurora. We hope potatoes will continue to go np. The hard times ball that was given at this p ace last Friday evening, was reported to have been well enjoyed by all w ho attended. Needy is well blessed with young music dans. We only hope they may progress and be talented musicians. A. H. Dimick, who is teaching the school at this place, baa went to the county exam ination to try for a first grade certificate. We wish biiii good success. Miss Maud Cochran, who has been attend ing the Woodburn school has gene to pass for a third grade certifies. We wish ber good success. Elliott Prairie .Notes. Elliott Prairie, Feb. 10. John Kent, of Parkplace, was visiting friends on the prairie last week. O. W. Killin made a trip, to Salem lat 8alurday. John Owings went to Portland yesterday. A. F. Chapman spent a part of last week in Kalem. Uncle Charlie Owings and wife are wrest ling with the la grippe at present. A special school meeting held on Jan uary 2th for the purpose of voting a 15 mill tax to build a school house. The proposition was defeated by a vote of 10 to 7. The Deifoss family gave a concert at the Congregational church here last Monday nluht. A small audience greeted them, ow ing, no doubt, to the scarcity of two-bit pieces. Mrs. Durant, of Woodhurn, is visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Killin. Spelling school every Wednesday night at the Elliott Prairie school house. Logan Locals. Looan People are glad to see the rain cease and the sun shine once again. Adrien Schuymer leaves for Portland this morning, where he is going to work. John Tellefson is laid up with a severe gathering in his hand. Everybody is expecting a good time at the masquerade on the 22nd. Burn Hawley recently sold a valuable Jerey cow to John Darling, of Ml. Pleasant. Mrs. M. Keed, who has been quite poorly for some time Is improving. It is rumored that one of our energetic farmers is going to move to Portland to try his hand as a hotel keeper. We wish bim success. Harding Ixlge No. 8, Order of Unity, la organized and in a flourishing condition. They will elect ofllcers at the next meeting. A mong fea t n res of e x t raord i nary I m por lance which tho Kkvikw will contain In early ntimhera may im mentioned these: An article by the gml historian W, E. H. LECIT ON Kictnt Political Tendencies la England. DHPDBLI8HED CORRESPONDENCE mainly relating to the laauea of the American Civil War, between JOBS LOTHR0P MOTLEY and PRINCE B18MABCI. Published with the approval of Mr. Motley'a daughter, the wife of the Kt. Hon. Sir W. Vernon lUrcourt, leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons. A most important paper by JOHN HAT8.BAMX0H0 The American engi neer so prominently associated with Cecil lthodvs sad lr. Jainieson, on THE rCTDBE OF 800TB AftlCl. A series of articles by BIS W. H. RU88ELL ("Hull-Kun Kussell") The famous correspondent of the London Times, in w hich he recounts his observations and experiences on THE OUTBREAK OF THE CIVIL WAR. Two articles by the well-known stales man M GE0RQEB CLEMENCEAO OM THE FRENCH HAVT. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Btrength.-V. S. Government Report Eagle Creek Notes Eaiii.x Crkkk, Feb. 12. The weather has been rainy and disagreeable the greater part of the week, and it is snowing now. P.ev. C Crowston, of near Troutdale, has been holding a series of meetings, at Mc kinley Hill, In diitricl No. 50, the la.-t few days, closing Wednesday evening. Mrs. V. J. I low let t, who has been visit ing relatives at Dufnr the past three weeks, returned home last week. David Douglas lost a fine horse this week. Geo. McArthur's school will close the 22nd. An entertainment will he given in the evening, the proceeds to be used to wards seating the school house. Mr. Mc A rt liar has been retained for the spring term. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell, or Umatilla county, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Howlett. Harmony Notes. Haiimosy, Feb. 10 The people ol Har mony have laid a sidewalk from the Hose- nan place to the church. It was a much needed enterprise. Mr. Kanne is improving the looks of bla place by putting up a new lence. David Payne, of Washington, vistited his father at this place recently. The school celebrated St. Valentine's day last Friday. Each room had a valentine box and the pupils each received several. Jennie Clark, who has been quite sick, is so far recovered as to have been able to at tend school last Friday. Etta Hall has been sick, but is now re covering. BaNUPII'KK, The North American Review, liU Fifth Avenue, w York Subscription Price 5.00 a Year. THE'" "uuu INDEPENDENT New York fliitklt'ii's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Cliarman & Co., Cliarnmn Bros. Block. Constipation in its worst forms, dys pepsia, sick headache, biliousness anil derangement of the liver are readily cured by DeWitl's Little Early Misers. These little pills never gripe. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. C. U. Huntley. Tub I.ndkpkndknt for 4!) years has Wen the leading religioua-literury news paper of the world. It has new, diHtinctivH ami attractive features, making it a FAMILY NEWSPAPER worthy the patronage of all thinking, in telligent people. lis name indicates it h diameter It ia irnleH'iiilent. Religiously it is undenom inational. Politically, it maintains the honor of the country", tlit integrity of our currency, the supremacy of law, and the rights of poor and rich alike). For Intelligent People Everywhere It provides instruction, entertainment ami nniiin'iiieiit. for all the members of intelligent houHeholds. Important Features It has aside from its literary features spei iil departments edited by the best writers, thinkers and specialiHtH, some of them of surpassing interest to a com parative few, others important and val uable intellectually. These departments are Wcience, Min-ic, rine Arts, Sanitary, MisHions, Religion-', Intelligence, Biblical Research, Sund iy School, Financial, Insurance, Woik Inil ijrs and Out, Pnst zleo. Hook Reviews and Literary Notes. Survey of the World Every week the notable events occur ring the world over ure pmced clearly before t'.ie reader. No one person has time to read all of the current publica tions, foreign and domestic; but every one wants to know the events) happening in the whole world, whir-h people think about and talk about. The survey of the World gives each week tho giM of im portant events for the current week. It is really one of the most yal liable and important features of any purioJicul. Stinulant .S-rl ami Plant tVi""". Vimtntn ull thut'i Afir unit iiooit. Altvuu Jtt-HuMe. A TriA p nl J One ncVct cither Wondprful Urmtrli .1 XUJ UU1UUI ..... . ..... , and YOUR CHOICE tiiory or .wj Choi m Two packets thice packets 8n. Full tvtill pike 41 ' ltrnnrli- J rt Month. ni hlj iiIximI for AU V Vlck'i IlluBtratod Monthly Mftganln wliU'h tclli how to grow Plants, 1'lownr and VegHu' lr. ami la li to dato on thce subjects, for 3 months, tho Quido anil 0no packet of Bood (named bIhjvc) for 23 conta. Evoiy Tonth Torssn Bonding aa Ordor aa abovo will rocoivo a Coupon good for DO contu' worth of Sooda, ViTwo onlorlni UI lwr you M this ade. ami w will stna a pa" ( hulca I'lawvr Herds fr. M JAMES VICK'S SONS, ROCHESTER, N.Y. MB I Subscription, 13.00 a Year: or ut rate for any part of the year. " Trial Trip," One Month 25c. Specimen Copies Free. that $1.00 -tie- $1.00: Weekly IinJter OcEArJ- j The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. ! IT ia the moat itMlwrl and uniwervlng Republican Weekly pub lished tcxlay and can always bo relied upon fur lair and honest cet- J ports of all political adairs. rvr'J The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the NewaJ n,-!T vklJ i and tho Itest ol Current Literature. Zu , It is Morally Clean, and aa a Family Taper ia Without a I'evr. Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. "CCC Its Youth's Department Is the It brlnga to lbs tsmlly Ih. Kws of III trnilrv H arld and lna Ihs boat sod stilsil dlacuaaluna ot all queallona of ths Ur. I ' lulvr )Xaa slvsa I ! p(a of raadlii msttrr racb. arrak and bains iuhllhd In hlro la tmttnr atlaplad to lha urails ot Iha poopis waat of lbs Alleahauy Mountains Iban an Olbnr paper. ;$i.oo m&swumu&szsjj&B $100: The Mi and Sunday Edl- lions of The Inter Ocean ire ISO Mil 01 IDClf IlDQ ( AddrraaTIIKIJTtCHOt-KASJ.C blraa. : - Prle of Dstlr br mall IToa of Hunday by mall. ... Pally and Dunday by mall. II OA par Mar ' 13 in pr jraar J la 00 pr ar ' Greatest Offer Evor Made to Prairlo Farmer Roaders. A PAPER FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. THE EARLY LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ABSOLUTELY FREE-IN CLUBS OF 2. tfAUf Yfl eFfMIBC ITa OHmianf ymir nrlchbnra In tnln Willi jrni-4Mw-h of ynu aaii'ltn. na nUSI IUtwUnClll SI inftir TI1K. I'llAIHIK KAIlMKIIona ir, aiul nuhnr you will r Crlvt Ihfl "Ka ii.i Lira or I.l.iHJI" KKKK. Till I. Ilii nt tniMtilfl- mil Uvl.hly llluilratr.1 hl.torv ol Uiv-oln'i llfo ar wrlll.u. Itcuuulus l(iU I'll It II t, and ito Poll I It All of MM UI.V Brad all order lo THE PRAIRIE FARMER PUB. CO., 168 Adams St., Chicago. Ira I 7. JI i LSDFSICKSiPRICt! MCjWf.lEflTAL BUOJIZE CO BRIDGEPORT. CONN limm-: IHION'ZK Monument r. will not MoHH-rovcr or Mack' v on. Ar artintic, chrup ami tho moht cinliiriii( moriii tiM'ti t mailt. Wliito Hrtinzo id no exx'rimtnt. It Iiiih Htoml fur liutnlmlrt of yearn in KuriM) anil in nut nlTcctcd by tint weather. CorreHjHiiuleneo noli citeil. On receipt of Mntul enrd will hu pleiiHcil to call and hIiow Hiiniilt'H and ilerii'tiH. MOXUMIOXTAIj IUIOXZK CO., c. It. DONNKI.I., BIO it. Sw. cor. AnIi unci Kitnt 10th St met n I'nrtland, Orei on. ' Trees and Plants m NURSERIES Wo would call the attention of all thone who contemplate planting trccB, that wo wave a good aHHortment of fruit, nhado, nut-hearing Evergreen and ornamental trees, and Hhrtihs, fmiall fruits, etc. For Complete lint of varieties, (tend for catalogue and prico lint. AddreHH, WALLING & JABJSCH, OSWEGO, OREGON. F. T. BARLOW, Authorized agent for Oregon City and vicinity. 1-15. 4-15 The National Hotel Front aim Tamblll Streets The Common, People's Favorite The Best $1.00 House in Portland. THE INDEPENDENT 130 Fulton Stnact, Neui York City. Wanted-An Idea Who ran think iff aorne .linula Protect your Mm.1 tliif may brtiiK yim wwiU.h. Wrlta JOHN WKllDF.hlllTHN It CO., Piiti'nt Atlop. naya, Wahlni;tn, I). ;., fur Ihflr prliaurrar Table net in tho American ntvlo j with an American woman in eharrrn df tho cooking department. Clean roomo and comfortable bciln, An orderly Iioiiho kept and guei-ts made to feel at home, DAVID HENSHAW lit A. A. HENDERSON Prourictors Northwestern Grown -AND- Catalogue for 18!)7 mailed free. Full of nod thingH lor farmers and gametic. Karlient and beHt of all field and Hwect corn. Ifardy fittit trees and Htnall fruitH, nativo'cotton wood, ash, box older and willow trees. OSCAR H. WILL k CO., BISMARCK, N. DAK V