Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1897)
fctov Oregon 3RPRI VOL 31. NO. 17 OKIOGON CITY, OREGON, Fit ID AY, FKI'ItUAltY, 10 1807. ESTABLISHED 18C6 City II. IHJIIVNH, ATTOUNKY ATI.AW, Mi i aiiv ri nut; CANMV, .... olll'.dON, Will imrlli'(i In nil rniirta n( It 0 unlit, Jiiaiirmii't wrlliiui In all limiting (mm. (unlim. All imiK. in '.mi' mi. .i.iuil, I'll 111(11 KIIH .1 'l'hllly, DKNTINT Seventh slrc'it, near Hunt hern IVIIIc (li'ni, Oregon Clly, Oregon, II.JSOM. CIVIL KNtl INKER ami DEPUTY COUNTY 8UHVKYOU. Will lio Mt court Iiimibii on each Saturday Hint on regular hi'hIihi tliiyit of roil lily court. I T. Hl.AHKN, X 1 KOTAIlV I'l'lll.hJaml t'ONVKYANTKIl. j A HMTN4 T of TITI.K ViUM j ttrnil ratal hmnllfil. Iii.iirmirr wrlllrn In tlm lUrilnnl, nl liarllnrd, r.Utllio, 1 1 urn burg u( Un mmi Oltli'B (HIV HHir until nl MrllnxILl Clitimli, c I.ACK AMAH AllHTIIAUT A TKfHT CO., AUt'arli, halna nf Title, tirrlp. Hull-, Ixwin, luaiir-ti w. I'arTaii'i I'orfiwl Tlllra. eln., f ov lillira i. r Hank "I Uro( u CI y J. r ( I.AIIK, l'ro,.,nJ Mur. omoiiw CITV, .... ONXION. (1 II. DIMK'K. X ATTOUNKY AND COI'NHKLOH AT LAW. Will pramlra In nil court, of III tale. Abilravta mi, TIHc riairtliint nj a i?nsral III uuihinti trainm-led. (idle wlUi I. I. 1'iirter. yy w. KIN.NAIKD UVIL KNUI.NKKK ANP HTKVBYOK, Hallway Inratlnn ami ennalrurtlwi. Iirlilgna, ilaliaainl talluialra lor alr ufl y Draluat ami ilwt ntirovmiit ol town, IpMlal altonlloD (ln tn6raiiflillli( anil bin priming J W. WELCH. ' DENTIST Willamette Ulil., opposite JWomYe. Office bourn from 8 a.m. to 12: 1 to 6:30 p. m. rl, I'OHTKH, ATTOUNKY AT LAW AitnorrirT n ammian. fflo nit lo Oregon CUT bank on tb atrrot. 1 0. T. WILLIAM. Hr.AL. r.niAir. aii whb ikhI Hut ol biulnr... rr.litrnrr and auburbau I'nipvrljr. arm Properly 111 tract, to mil ou raajr Icrmt. Corrrnpninlcticr promptly uwrrel. OITle. t door lo Caiillilil A lluiitlav', drug More. J ). A D. U. I.A1UI nr. nr, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT UW MAIN NTKKKT OKK(ll)M( ITY, OHKUOR. PurnUh A outran. Til Title, Loan Money. Fnre cliino Morlgagni. ami Ueiicral Law Wutlnnaa. TT I, CXUHH, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Viiu Pmitu in Am. Cut: an or tub 8tati Ural Kitatr anil Imuran", Offleaon Main Blr.'t bet. Sixth and Seventh, ORKIION I ITY. OR. M o'nrii.i.. w.TliimranH I. a r t. OKirrnH O'NK.ll.l, II ICIKiKH. TIIOMI'HONAOKIKKITII. ATTOKNI-iYH AT LAW. Oniociln llarkli-y lliillillng. Orrgoti City, and A 0. U. V, Tumilo, rorllaiid. Po General vt limine". Ixiau Moiibt, Vrg Ciillei'tloiia. FortcloMi niorlK(t, 1'rolmle irnollce. c II. DYE, ATTOUNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Will f ireolnao moiti(go, mak ntmirapta, loan moiioy, B'.tlo ettalea and I'auanct a general law bu-liiena. Ortloo Ami floor adjoining Hunk ol 0 vgon City. OHKU0N CITV. . ORMON 0X0 0. HKOWNKI.L J. I), C4MIMIH.U IIIOWNEIX A CAMPHKI.L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OHkOON CITY, ORkOON. Will nrantlne In all tlio nourta ol tlie Hate. 01 floe, next door to Cauflold A lluiilluy'i drug lore. rilllK COMMERCIAL BANK, OP OREGON CITY, (lapltal, 1100,000 TRANHACTH A ORNKRAL RANKIHG BlUHNXHa. IxiMiie made. Hllla dltooiuited. Mnkea col lection, lluva and iolla exrliange on all polnta In the United Htatea, Kiirope auil Hong Koni. DupoaUa received lulijeoi to chock. Batik opvu from 9 A. H. to 4 r. H. D. C. LATOURKTTR, Proatdent. K. B DONALDSON, Caahter JANK OF OREGON CITY, Oldest Banklns Hense In Ik City. Paid up Capital, SftO.OOO. Hurplua, iJO.KfH). FltkKIOKNT, - - TH0S. OIIARMAM ICR PHKBIDINT, ORO. A. HA Rill NO CAMIIUK. - 1.0 OAliriBLD. MAMAUin. OHAII.II H. CAUTIILD. A general hanking bimlncaa tranaaotod. Vopoalti received aub)oot to check, Approved bllla and nntoa dlacoiiuted. County and olty wamttita bought. Iana mvle on available leourlty. Kxohang bought and aold. iiinniliiiif mmlA nrnmntlv. Draltaaiild ivallaule lu anv part of the world rnirnii n miiauirei aom on rort ana. Ban I - .V.I , ... A M. Vn.b utereat pal J on time dopoilti. si waiit'um ninl we've got 'em, givo uh lialfii clianco and wo can Hiiit you. All we ank i for you to look, and if wo don't hIiow you tli l;Ht HtyleH and qtioto the Iowcnt priccH to uo had in tlio city, don't buy of uh. Furniture well wo can Have you money hero iiIho. Come and hoc if wocuu't. Jmtw 3-piece bedroom HuitM, UUx2i plate glami beveled, for BELLOMY & BUSCH Tlio IIouHefurniHherH. UELIGIOUS WOliLI). List of Denomination! mid Num ber of 1 in til it ii i c a it t s . r'OKI y.SEYKM UKMOMIXJTIW XS Leading Agency n Clackamas County. iNKr'WICMKNTINOl- RoYAL OK I.IVKHI'OOI,, ilut-e Inrd'-xt bii-iiion in the worl.l. NOItTII II It I TIHII k M,, lur-nt aaeUin tlie world. HUS OK LONDON, oldeal purely lire I muraure cuiiiipany In the world. X. TN A OK II A U TKOHII, larK'-xt ami Iwnl American Company. CONTINKNTAl. (K NEW YORK, one of llie brut Anierlcan coniparilri. AM) OTIIKK KIUHT-CLAKH COMI'ANIKS. Cnll'on m fur Hntlnu. nil nlao for Hlotr nnrt Calandara F. E. DONALDSON, At Commercial Bank. Dlrlilo'l Info One II u ml nil ami Fort tlirce hi'jmruiH R.jiIi- With i', 421,8,11 .Uemlien. 5,").'.2Hf) voiiimuriirafitfl. Tlie Metho diMt Kjiicopal Ih the lar-nt IxAy with lfl,2H irH(:liera, 2'i,(X)l cliurchen with a , ioembrHhif)of 2,075,030. The Congre ! uaOnnul MKthoiliHt (colored) in the final I j eht Lo ly with five preacher, five churchea j anil .110 members. Moravian have 123 preacher", 10'J churchea, 13,014 member. Treiibyteriana comprise 12 bwliea with ;11, 154 minister, H.WO churchea and 1,400,3 MJ communicant. FREE tOTlOEl OF STLDY. State t nlverHit; 1'repuriiiK to fr urnlsh lhe;ii to all nlio Denlre It. rreabvterian in the United State of America (Northern) 0,023 minister, Aiiiouk the (rat religious pajier of 7,207 churches, U''3,515 raemters and America none rank lusher nor cover the atnallent holy i the Reformed Pre their pariicnlar field more completely ' byterian (Convenanted) with one pastor, than the Iinlenemlent of NewIYork. It fuur churche and 37 member. TTENTION WOODCHOPPERS! lOOOOO II t I ' ua m-r in i 1 1 apii. m. m 'mmnrn . i mi i ,-iyr"At,l i" . ' " '-' ' 1 ... L" t" . T a Wo aro agents for tlio Colobratt-d Simond's Cross-cut Saws lk-Bt Baws on tlio market fully warranted, four different styles. Wo also carry a full lino of warranted sledges and wedges, blaek diamond warranted axes, Silver steel axes, and every thing that woodchoppars and lumbermen need. Wo havo a full lino of air tight heaters. Agents for Canton l'lows. POPE St CO-. Main and Fourth Stw., Oregon City. Y OU ARE WANTED 1 TO EXAMINE THE 1896-97 I STYLES OF SHOES 4 7ft KR7KI9SH BROS. Finest line of Shoes in Oregon City at Portland prices. Pioneer Store i- 4- 4 Wo cull your attention to our new full arrivals Ladies' Men's ami Children's Mackintoshes, the Latest Tho celebrated " Duck Brand" in all styles. Thos. Charman & Son. 1)0 YOU NEED ANY Doors, Windows, j Moulding, Window Glass, OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL? :G0 TO : C. H. BESTOW I CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner 1 1th and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. name indicated it character. It is hide ix-ndi'iit and relitfi'msly undenomina tional. Politically it maintain the honor of the country, the ino-grity of our currency, the amireuMcy ol the law, and the rights of the pxr and rich alike. It motto U: "Kvcn as we have been ap proved of (iod lo be intrusted with the (joltl, ko wo speak; not a pleasini; men, but 'i xl which provoth ourhearti." In addition lo the general religious new there i conducted each month a nyniposium on some live topic of the time by some of the brightest writer in the real in of thought in the world. The issue of January 7tli cotitaina a resume of the work of the 41 religioua denomi nation in the Uniied HtiMes for the year 1H1M1, written by one of the leading men in each denomination. Tlie figures icivi n ate for the United State only and ti e return are the latest obtainable. The Adventista comprint six bodies w ith 1305 minister, 2,050 churches, and 77,293 communicant. The largest Ssct in this denomination ia the Seventh Iay with 250 minister, 610 churches and 26,500 communicants. The liaptist , are composed of I ! bodies with 33,U'J3 ministers. 47, OT churche and 4,153,857 coinmunicanti. The Regular Haptiata comprise the largest body and have 27,4113 minister! 41,1U0 churchea and 3,800,000 membeis. The Btnallest body la the Old Two-Seed-in-the-Spiril-l'redestiiiarians with 300 preachers. 473 churches and 12,851 member. The Brethren (River) have three bodier, 155 preacher. Ill churchea and 3,427 members. Brethren (1'lymouth) four bodies, 314 churches and 0,0(11 member. The Catholics, six bodies, 10,878 minister, 10.247 churche and communicants. The Roman Catholics are the largest body with 10,844 tninistea, 10.213 churches and 8,271,309 members. The Chiistian are divided Into two bodies and have 1,500 ministers, 1,480 churche with a membership of 12 ),000. The Christian Scientists have 3,000 preacher 313 churches and 25,000 mem ber. The Christian Union has 183 p'each ers 2i4 houses of worship and 18,215 members. Apostolic Catholics have 05 ministers, 10 churches and 1,4'J1 members. There are 47 Chinese temples in the United States but neither the number of preacher nor church membership is given . Chriatadelphian have 63 churches and 1,277 members. Christian Missionary Association has 10 preachers, 13 churches and 754 members. Church of God 450 ministers, 1560 churchea and 30,000 members. Church Triumphant, 12 churchea and 3S4 members. Church of the New Jerusalem 142 preachers, 140 buildings and 7,527 members. Communistic societies have seven bodies, 31 churches and 3,950 members. The ConRregationalists have 6,475 ministers, 5,000 churches and and 622,557 members. Disciples ot Christ 5,360 preachers, 9,607 churches and 1,003,672 members. Dunkards, four bodie9,2,137 preachers, 1,026 churches and 83,475 members. Evangelical, two bodies, 1,314 preach ers. 1,087 churches, 116,989 members. Friends, four bodies, 1,314 pracbers, 1,087 churches, 116,989 members. Friends of the Temple, four ministers, 4 churches, 340 members. German Evangelical Frotestant, 45 preachefB, 55 buildings, 36,500 mem bers. German Evangelical Synod, 866 preachers, 1,101 churches, 186,000 mem bers. I Jews, two bodies, 290 preachers, 543 churches, 139,500 members. Latter-Day Saints, two bodies, 2,075 ministers, 1,011 churches, 234,000 mem bers. Lutherans, 19 bodies, 5,993 preachers, 10,022 churches.l, 420,905 communicants. The largost body Is the Snyodical Con ference with 1,775 ministers, 2,418 churches and 492,580 communicants. Waldenstromians, 140 preachers, 150 churches, 20,000 members. Mennonites,12 bodies with 962 preach ers, 614 churches, 52,944 members. Methodists are composed of 17 bodies, 35,237 ministers, 50,253 churchea and I'rotestant Episcopal, two bodies, 4,705 ministers, 0,100 churches and 643,50o" member. Reformed, three bodie, 1,717 minis ters, 2,.".91 churche, 348,471 preachers. Salvationists, two bodie, 2,570 preach er, 825 churches, 40,000 communicants. SchwenkfeMUn, three preacher, four churches, 300 member. Social Brethren, 17 preachers, 20 churches, 913 members. Society for Ethical Culture,4 churches and 1,004 member. Spiritualists, 334 churche and 45,030 members. Theosophical Society, 122 churches and 3000 member. United Brethren, 2 bodies, 2,300 preacher, 5,026 churche, 271,03-5 mem bers. Unitarian, 525 ministers, 458 churches, 70,000 member. Universalist, 797 ministers, 825 churches, 49,025 members. Independent Congregations, 54 minis ter, 156 churches, 14,120 members. The denominations showing the high est per cent gains for the year are : Catho lics, 272,137 members: Methodists, 168,- 76; B-ip:ista,8),3H; Disciples of Christ, 80,009; Lutheran. 30,130; and Congre gationalists 20.000. I'p To Date Service. A great many Pacific Coast people, when contemplating tripeast and when bringing friends west, know yery little about the interior lines, and the object of this article is to afford reliable informa tion. In the first place for good time and service, select a route via St. Paul and Minneapolis, because the lines that way are continuous under one system with out any change of cars, and every man, from peanut agent op, is a courteous, re liable and exierienced officer, ready to aid ana protect you in any emergeLcy and capable of making you feel at home and comfortable during the long journey. Then fee that your ticket reads via the Wisconsin Central .lines because that thoroughfare affords strictly first-class service, and the meals on its dining cars (always reasonable in price) are equalled by few and excelled by none. Geo. S. Batty, 246 Stark St., Portland, Oregon, is g-neral agent for this company and will cheerfully furnish you a neat and handy calendar and full information on the sub ject of transportation, if addressed or called upon, and any agent will, upon application, sell you a ticket over the Wisconsin Central lines. The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. D. Greeve, merchant of Chil howie, Va. certifies that he id con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discov ery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the. grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Counsumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free at Char- man & Co.'s drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. How to (iet a Public Office. Many desirable offices are within the gift of the new administration. Those who wish to know what places can be had and how to get them, can obtain this information by sending 75 cents to Soule & Co. , Washington, D. C, for the "U. S. BLUE BOOK." showing all government offices and salaries with Ciyil Seryice rules, sample examination questions, etc. Under present laws women stand an equal chance with men for positions that insure a comfortable income for life. The "Blue Book" gives complete instruction for office seekers of both sexes, and is besides a valuable book of reference much in demand. Lost A dear little child who made home happy by its smiles. And to think it might have been saved had the pa rents only kept in the house One Minute Cough Cure, the infalliable remedy for croup. C. Q. Huntley. The U. & Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others. To meet the needs of large number of ' people both old and young, who live In remote section of the country or in place where the school are not ad vanced, the University of Oregon haa made arrangements to conduct a fonr Largest body, year's course of study by correspondence. The plan is to make this course entirely free except a small charge which will cover the actual expenses. This charge will be in the form of a small sum for each lesson sent out. It will not exceed what is actually paid out for postage and clerical work in conducting the course. Stuilents will be expected to order their text books either through local dealers or from the Portland book stores. The course will be divided into five depart ment of study: English' literature, Latin, history and civic, mathematics, science. Four years of work have been planned in each of these departments, as he chooses. The course will lie conducted as fol lows: Any person who wishes to take one or more of the studies may send in his name to the University of Eugene. Oregon. The word "Extension Depart ment" should be written on the envel ope. He should also state clearly what lines of study he wishes to take np. Directions will be sent to him at once for procuring text books and instructions concerning the details of the course. Questions will be mailed to students covering definite portions of the text books from time to time as they are needed. These should be carefully answered and the answers mailed to the "Extension Department" of the univer sity. They will be corrected and re turned, together with a new set of questions. This is in brief the scheme of the course. The only charge that will be made will be for the list of questions and for marking the answers which are sent in. It is thought that this can be reduced to 10 cents for each set of questions and 10 cents for examinining each set of an swers This small fee will probably cover the actual expenses of the court and nothing further is desired by the de partment. It is to be noted that this course is open to all persons who desire to en gage in study. It will cover the ground of the usual good high school coarse, and the questions and suggestions which will be sent out may olten be used with profit in reviews and examinations in hiuh schools. No person should feel that a course of this kind is a complete substitute for a good school, but if the school is not available for any reason, then much advancement in sound learn ing may be made by taking a correspond ence course. Full outines of the course will be sent free upon application. C. H. Chapman. Engineering: Magnziue for February. The Engineering Magazine.New York, tor February well sustains tbe high standard which was set by the "Pros perity Number" of January last, and satisfies the keen expectations wakened by that widely noticed issue. "The Early Promise of American Maritime Power, which occupies the leading place is es pecially pertinent in view of the awaken ing interest evinced by the country in ship building and marine commerce' In this paper, a terse and pointed review of the conditions which account for recent American indifference to such matters leads up lo a striking exposition of our former supremacy, both actual and po tential, as depicted by that acute ob server, Alexis de Tocqueville. Col. Geo. E. Waring, Jr., handles a topic on which he is an acknowleded American authority "The Relation ot Good Paving to Street-Cleaning" the most actively interesting department of modern municipal affairs. Similarly important, in yiew of the widespread agitation for smoke-prevention, is Prof. A. E. Outerbridge's article on "The Ad vantages of Mechanical Staking." Win. Martin Aiken, supervising archi tect of the treasury department, treats of "The Architecture of Our Govern ment Buildings," and gives for the first time a history of the organization and functions of the office ; the article has many fine illustrations showing the ef fect of historic and climatic influence on style. Another strikingly illustrated pa per is Thomas Tonga's "Mining Tunnels of Colorado," and "Pioneer Locomotives of England and America," by Alfred Mathews, has many rare cuts and much unfamiliar history of our first railroad I enterprises. Mr. P. Kreuzpoiptner makes a most interesting argument for "Standardizing the Testing of Iron and Steel." There are three other leading articles, and the usual complete review and index of the Engineering Press, which is further enlarged by the inclus ion of the leading French and German journals. Tub Engineering Magazine, Times Building, N. Y., 30 cts. a uumber.