Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 01, 1897, Image 2

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EM'S MU.r.l' TUE HEM).
Sandy Celebrate Christmas In Fine
fdinpo Petition Atkins That a
Worthy luiintr Mini be Made
liouil I'oreiiiuu.
Sasky, IVo. Ls Christmas has come ami
pone ami the people were blessed Kith (lie
tlie most beanulul weather which only
ina! (lie holiday still more pleasant. Most
of our people spent Christmas at the enter
tainiiient given hy tlie Young People's l y
conni, It was a cram) success and the
members of the keen in have Rood reason
to feel promt ol what they have achieved.
It was attended hy people from every
section of tlie country. The house was
filled to overtlowini; and promptly at 7:30
the curtain rose and presented a most beau
tiful evergreen tree decorated to Its fullest
Capacity with a prolusion of randies, nuts,
fruits, cake and beautiful presents. Ed. F.
Bums was railed to make the opening ad
dress, followed by an Interesting literary
program. Splendid vocal music was ren
dered by Miss Mint Uirdsall and Miss
Martha I.inn. The members of Ihe society
re especially thankful to 1'rot Surface for
the good instrumental music he furnished
Following the exercises old Santa Claus
came down the chimney and distributed
among the people the Christmas presents.
Frizes were given, one to the ladies and one
to the gentlemen for entertaining the
audience and the recipients were Miss
Martha I.inn and I'rof. Surface. Following
came the basket social and quite a little
sum of money was thus raised and donated
to the school library fund.
R. Jonsrud, our blacksmith, has built an
a Idition to his shop.
'A petition was circulated here praying the
county court to appoint 1 K. Meinlg as
roadmaster of road districs No. li. Taul
M 'inig has always superintended, the mad
work while his father was supervisor, hav
ing done hit work to the entire satisfaction
of the taxpayers. Seventy-one taxpayers
have signed the petition and we hope tlie
county court will appoint Mr. Meinig road-master.
Mr. Tuiptka, who recently purchased the
Fisher place, is making some extensive im
provements thereon. He has let a contract
for cleaning six acres of land.
Tlie Young People's Lyreum have post
poned tiieir inee:iug until the roj.lj get
Miss Alice McGngin and Miss 'ettie
Brown have returned home
Mrs. lhiiica.s mother and two of her
sisters from Wisconsin are visiting here.
"peakers of Gladstone and those of Park
place, the ipiestioii debated Mug Uesolved,
That Knglnnd has a better form of govern
ment that of the I'nited Slates. The tllad
stone speakers, who were Col. It. A. Miller,
H. K. Cross and Chas. Meservc, represented
the affirmative ami the 1'ark place speakers,
who were Judge Win. lialloway, ('apt. J, T.
Apperson, I'rof. J. W. li ray ami K. F. Ma
ple, represented the negative. Very able
speeches were made by the gentlemen on
both sides, but it seems Unit the lilatlston-
ians failed to show that the Knglish form ot
government was the heller as the judges,
who were Mr. O. F. Olson, of Willamette
Falls, Capt. W. 11. Smith and W. J. liauch,
decided ill favor of the l'arkplaoe gentle
men, their ballot being two for the negative
and one for the atllrinatlve. A vote of
thanks was tendered the speakers by the
society, to which Judge Calloway and Col.
Miller responded. The two upper rooms of
the school building were w ell tilled, stand
ing room being at a premium. The ques
tion tor debate next Saturday is Uesolved,
That the states are justified in maintaining
an organized malitia. Messrs. W.J. lauchy
and Jas. S Maine-son were appointed
leaders. The meeting was closed, to meet
on Saturday evening of this week, with
music by the Parkplace band.
The Enterprise I'arliinentary Club met
Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. E.
J. Carrow in Gladstone. The debate proved
quite interesting. The question debated
was "Resolved that the Indians have suf
fered more from the hands of tlie whites
than the Negroes". After a thorough discus
sion of the question, the judges rendered
their decision in favor of the allirinative.
I'rof. J. V. Gray spoke a few words of en
couragement to the society. The question
for debate at the next meeting is "Resolved
that a legacy of wealth is better than a
legacy of education''. Mr C. II. Williams
and Mr. W. Garrow were chosen as leaders.
Miss Harrietts Dotson was chosen to pre
pare an essay to be read a; the next meet
ing, ber subject being "The Homier of
to Mr. and Mrs. Garrow and family the so
ciety adjourned to meet nt Tuesday eve
ning at the home ot Judge Galloway in
Monday evening the graduates of the
Parkplace-Gladstone school, together with
those in the graduating class of this year,
met at the residence of Prof. J. W. Gruv
and perfected the organization of an alumni
society. The otlicers chosen are: W. J.
I'juchy, president; W. II. Iteach. vice pres
ident; F. Smith, secretary; Miss 11.
I) it-on, treasurer: and Mis K se Khy, his.
torian. The cjnstit tt on ad ipte.l provides
that the anniMl class g.itiieriug shall take
plueon the Saturday evening following
I the close of school and the annual business
meeting on the following .Monday evening.
(range F.terti Ottteers An Kpwortli Igiit
Nkw Era, IVc. '.'7. Warner Grange No.
117 met Saturday, Uecember iSitli and
elected otlicers for the New Year. The fol
lowing is a list of ll.e olllcers: Mrs. Isabel
McArthur, master: Mrs. Cleuuua Martin,
overseer; llalsey Phelps, steward; CIihs.
Knlcr, assistant steward ; Mrs, Geo. Latelle,
lecturer; James U. Foster, chaplain : Lake
Casto, secretary; I), McArthur, treasurer;
l.oreua Laielle, Pomona; Mrs. Ethel W'uU
dron, Flora; Mrs, llenj. lleiidrickson,
Ceres; Mrs. Wink, lady assistant steward;
Harney Fredrick, gate keeper.
An Epworlh League was orgnnlted last
Sunday evening at Central Point M. K
church. Unite a number joined as assoel
ate members, and it lias a prospect of be-
coming a very Interest iug society. The
tlrst business meeting will be held Sunday
evening the "Till.
J. L. Waldrou, accompanied by his wile,
will leave for San Francisco this week
where he will spend the winter, while en
gaged in tlie com mission business.
Mrs. William Kallmann lias been ill but
is reported belter.
Misses Lottie ami Kate Casto of Portland,
spent Christmas at Alpine Farm.
Joe Scvcik spent Christmas in Portland.
The Christmas and entertainment at
Central Point was a very pleasant affair.
Everyone present had a very enjoyable
Mrs. E J. Waldron lias gone to llrowna
vllle on a visit to her daughter Mrs. M.
George McArthur and wife spent the holi
days at the home of his parents. Mr. Mc
Arthur is spending the winter at Eagle
Creek where he Is teaching school.
llert McArthur will leave here soon for
"Eastern Oregon.
Minn) side News.
SrsxvsiM, IVc. 2. Another Christina.
After extending their thanks ' gone; and by it precious memories left us,
; as it was a day long to be remembered by
some of the people of Sunny side.
The Christmas service as appointed at
half past ten o'clock at the church was re
sponded to by a goodly number with happy
faces as the sun was shining making all na
ture rejoice and why should not we as God's
noblest workmanship rcj nee in commemo
ration of Him who came to save us troin ad
III? Tlie text lor tlie services ol tlie day
vislroin Malt. Tfie subject was ilis-
cu-sed by three ministers prevent and made
very plain to us. When services were over
a waoii was in waiting at the door to con
vey a goodly number to M r. Frank Strick
rott'sfora Christmas dinner, previously
arranged. M rs. Sirb kroii is a good cook
and had spared ho pains in preparing a re
Twin City .News.
f akkplace-Glapstonk, Iec. 1'. Mr.
Chas. Galloay, who is attending the uni
versity at t-'u'ene, is spending the holidays
with his parents in Parkpldce.
Miss Wilde Elliott, of Marquam, is visit
ing her sister, M i-s Nora Elliott of Park-place
F. W. Smith, who has been attending the .
state agricultural college at Corvallis, is vis
iting Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. II.
Smith of Park place.
Miss Daisy IVvers. of Park place, is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs, I'rown of Portland.
M.ss Ma l.-e Hill, who is teaching school
ne.tr Portland, is visiting her parents in
Mr. and Mr-. Howard, of West Glud
sto le. spent Christmas w ith relatives near
St. Helens.
llalph Early, of Bridal Veil, spent Satur
day and Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Garrow of Gladstone. '
V. II. lieach, of West Gladstone w ho is
attending the agricultural college at Cor
vallis, is spending the holidays with his
Mr. and Mrs. Tingle, of Quincy on the
Lower Columbia, are spending the holidays
with their daughter, Mrs. II. E. Cross of
Mr and Mrs. S. B. Holcomb, of Port
land, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Pouchy or Gladstone.
Mrs. Oilman Parker is fullering from a
severe attack of conjestiou of the lungs.
She is reported as improving somewhat.
Mrs. Gard ol Highland, who spent Christ
mas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jewell
of Gladstone, returned home this morning.
Eugene Vanderbeck, of St. Louis, Marion
county, spent Sunday with his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Garrow of Glad-
Mr. and Mrs. B. LaMar, of Clackamas,
spent Christmas with relatives in Park
place. A Christmas ball was given at the rest
deuce of Little Bill Smith, of Parkplace.
Twenty-two numbers were sold and a good
time was had. An excellent oyster supper
was served by Mrs. T. Smith and Mrs. S.
The ninth and tenth grades of the Park-
place school presented Prof. J. W. Gray
with an elegant silk umbrella as a token ol
appreciation for his kindness towards them
during the past tnontliB,
Miss Curreii, one ol the teachers of Park-
place school, is visiting her parents at Cur-
The Parkplace literary society met last
Saturdary evening. After the Parkplace
band had favored the audience with two
choice selections the meeting was called to
order by the president, Miss Dotson. Then
followed the reading of the minutes of the
p eviotis meeting The chief feature of the
evening was a joint debate between the
Kedlalid .Notes.
1 fie young people are greatly mtere-ted in past lit lor a king. Hi e to look at the sump
the success of this new org tnizaiion and it I tuoiisly lilted tub e would not have thought
will doubtless be an important Inctor in j it was hard times. While there were III bun
maintaining the high grade of scholarship gry mouths to till as it was about 3 o'clock
lor which our school is noted. j before we could gel around and ready to
' partake, there were whole cakes, j 1,-s ami
slnlb-il chicken untouched. i-iil-r was
I.KDI.AM., Dec. 'S.-Tlie lut week was j ,,le ., ,,, elerv ,.,,. hill, ,.,,,, ,aki n
the finest weather ever known in this pari t . make it a pleasant dav for all. An urna
o' Oregon, at this time of the year. So say j ,n(ll c.ristmas tree was prepa-ed lor the
some of the old settlers. ,c..ldren. Alter dinner the room was dark-
A. E. Mosher, of St. Johns, was visiting : ,.,, cU)fhlt, . wi,U)lV ,,,, C4r,
at Mr. Mosher' the past week. j 0 .,-, u lighted and the children re-
. C.Com.cr, of Heaver Creek, was visit- ,,,. .,. ,.,,iH
ins; ai a riTuue a in jmm jt-w imv
Men's o.fy drawers mid shirts cut to '.'(io j - V good cut In 11V,
liHi uinlcrslilitH, broken tola, at prion ; a lot of ovoinliiils
nt print.
Cardigan jacket out '4 in prlco, cut rloi 7m up.
Overcoats, worth icgiilarly, f7 to $11, cut price $11.50 loftl.75
Moil's panlH, '1HI iniikc, nt ' print; eomo noldiy punts lit
' print.
Some jeans pniila cut to nO ; hoys' jciins, siniill, 40c.
Men's silk liiiiulkcrcliii'lH, '.'0c, i.V and up; iniilllora nt rut
prices; wliilo luunlkcrclilcfs, 2'u'i, (to 11 ml iniinv
worth dimliltt.
Mon's necklica at l!ic, LtV, 2.V and lit nooils at LVi and
20c, worth 2.V. Now liowa, 8 ami 10c ; 4 in-liamlH, 10c up
ltoya' Wimlaorit, ftc and 10c ; silk goods nt 20c up.
Men's ciislinicrctto gloves, cut to lHc ; Wilier g'ovoa, itTic,
fiiV ami up.
Men's culf lineil gloves, worlli $1, for 7oc; clicuper lined
gloves, fnlc.
SuspiMiderH, HK' up: special values at 'J.'tc to -lor.
Socks, tuiiokutl (not burned), Ho lor 00 grade, .V for 10c
Pilck-lined cohIh, up; eassltnerp coata, -,."().
Ktiliber roata at price, rut prices l-"0 up.
MuckintoslicH, wiirrauted rniu-protif, very iliirnltle, cut to
a.; wool tricot mackintoshes, nil to f.'t.
Shop cups, 10c; men's and lioys' golf cans, 20c and 2fic.
Boys' wool huts, 2'c; better liats, inen'a and hoys', at .Vic,
Toe ami, I a rut of ,, or , ; vl&O to VI stiir lints, 2.V
to.VV. (Kids and enda chihlreii's liati, UN'.
Coiuforls, aize, cut to StV; full si-t, $1; all-wool Idan-
kets, (II.
UniVirellat direct Iroin nuikera best quality, liest values
and big variety.
Men's suits, o up; all-wool, ilingoiial suit only 10 M;
boys' 3-piece auits, )4 &0; rliildren'a suits at rut prices;
children's waists at cut prices.
Higgest rut yet in lints :i ami HI Ml huts rut to $2; H W
and (2 hats cut lo (1 ; and fl uml $1 huts rut to 7c.
Miiaes' triiiiuieil IiiiIh, 00c up; (ell bat alinpes, 2do up.
l'.aliv laiiiiietH, cups. IukmIh, Tain O'SbuiitetH, '-'' up; fasci
nators, 2"c tip; knit baby jackets, 2.V up, iniltens, LVlip
Wool ciishinere gloves, 20c ; fleeced, 2ttf ; lisle gioves, l.V;
IS inch silk tni'ts, 7-V to $1 ; knit baby hoods, to close, l.V;
ladies' IiihmIx. ode up.
Chenille, cords, I i to ami wiimIi silk, 'latter, 2c; ; tinsel at 2c;
pompons, tassels; si'.koletio, 12' t? Vi! ; velvela, plushes,
satins ami nilks nt bur gain prices; Velvet remti nits at '4
to price. 1'iitf lot of ribbons, Irotii Ic silk baby ribbon
to line imported many ribbons at '.j to '' t value.
(.'Il linois glov.-s, TV; 12') ki'l gloves, lMlc. Knitting silk,
l.V up to the best Alt lieliims, doylies, splashers, (am y
towels, sfainped linens, Htaml i nvert, talje rlotlm and
line towels suitable (or Xuias preseiitM and at bediok
llnndkerclilefs, 2'uij, !lc, ftc, He, I Or uml up; silk luiiulker
I'hlels w Ifli embroidered Initial, IV; embroidered silk
liiimlkercliiefH, I Dc, l.V, 20c, '.Tie, Mfic uml l.V; Hun 1 1 he I)
ami lawn handkerchiefs In viuiety,
Ladles' stylish capes at fuetorv prices. A lot of embroid
eries, luces, hllks, satins, India linen, nainsook mid cre
tonnes marked very low.
Ladles' wool bose, llle, 2V and HV up to the thirst; also
bnlbrlugaii, opera bose ; llccccd hose, ladies' uml misses,
2 for 2V; leguins, llle up; ImiIucm' wool liose, fx! up;
ladies' black seamless lume, 2 pr lor L'fic.
Saxony yarn, V skein ; (lerunin knitting, I Ho or 7llc pound ;
HmuiIou yarn, all wool blue, ftltc lb; soiled yarn, 4ile II.
ltliick riislimere and colored shawl at rut prices,
llutter ps'rliinctit, (I) hlieets (or lie belter an. I clicuper
than cloth.
(V wool In aids, lie; Soutache uml Hercules biaids; fauct
silk braids and jet trimmings at "j value; rbktack, tee
All excellent stork of nullugs, shillings and glngban
light Weight comfort calicoes, cut to lie yd. 12 pieces w
dress goods at I111K former price, rut price, 21k' lo .'I0e
A lot ol IV to 2.V dies buttons, to close, 7c dos ; odds
ends, :lc dos.
Outing reuiliaiits, Tic; nice calicoes, leiiitiniils, V,
Jeans pants giasls, 20c to 2oc ; tweed or rashmete, jMc
Nice variety of Manuel, from best double width to cheapest
I He reel.
A great variety of lining, Velveleen and bi.i velveteen
dress (aclngs ; extra heavy te.itlo down, 12'ic yd; Liilor
down cotton, ,V; all wool Fnleid .wn, ,'l'ie yd,
('ardwarp, $1.20 biincli of A lbs Ladies' belt at price-
Japunese baskets, 2 for .V. Towels In great vntietv.
Fine French flannel, worth 4tv, t-til to 2.'c.
Fine cotton batting, 1V large rollother sell It a undt.
Hoys' rubbers, si.e 1 1, rut lo 2V ; misses niblH-rs, 1 ami I 'j,
cut lo 20c; bo' long rubber boots, regular value f.'l lo
'. ..K), cut to 2, Children's rubber lesils rut to K.V;
misses' or boys' rut lo $1.
Hooks, le, .V and up ; loth hotiml h""k, 1-V; specials In
large illustrated hooks, T V and f I, ( woitli .1 oible. )
Hig lot u( dolls, ,V up. Webster's dietioitaiy, 12c.
Handled of pretty purse, just the thing for 11 g ft.
ol) CENTS HI' VS all ol the fol, iug: '4 Ih lilc tea,
I'ocoimut, 'j lb whole H'p-r, 1 I'.oor egg beater,
llHsutted lack, 1 lo goiss st in li, . ins s.10, Siince
1 scrub brush, 1 j til lin k n-11 ,1 puce ol lot (1
25 CENTS LI' VS 1 lb gloss .1 .iii-it, I ih mi lliiuiiuer
S'sla, 2 lbs sago, '4 lb -! b-a, ' lb i !,i-pp's cocoatiut
usual cott od.-,
CENTS LrVSllll of t. iMlloWing: 1 pcloi! tablet, I
large bottle ink, 12 envelope", 12 sb. 1 Is p.ipi-r il Ib.i, 1
box colore I crayons, 12 white ci.hoiis, 1 compositioii
lunik, ti sheet legal and hxil't an paper, 1 bottle imp iluge,
4 slate 'iicil, 12 m iis, 1 holder, 1 lead n-nci, 1
(Hiiige, 1 pass book usual cost of above, 7.V.
T. W. Linn is very sick wit n rheumatism. !
Mr. Comings and family, nt Tremont, !
spent Christmas with his son-in-law. I
tiite a lot of wheat has been on dur '
ing the past week an I many mure have
been plowing and getting ready to seed.
songs. Two recitations were spoken in 1 er
niun. Then all returned lo the sitting
room for the clu-ing exerci.-es, w hicli were
a song. "Christ all in all" uml a continu
ation of seven prayers, one in Gern.au.
Take the day altogether it was the best
Last Fridav I tee. :' being the .'i.'d anni
vers iry of G W. Killin's lurib bli neigh
bors coiictuded to give him a surprise
which n Hi a complete sin s In nnv
Mninia News.
SMli, Pee. A loilhber i
1-irn.iTs t"ok lld llnl.ire ol Ihe line
ol lust week lode ptiovioi' and son In;
il oiirj
partirnhir. The hi. lies taking well tilled A L. Voder who is nlten.iing the 1 heg-oi
baskets with Ihein, (and as li. W.'s Inider j . 1 1 ultural College at Cot a!:is. ii Inline,
is always supplied wllh the be--l the laud j ,,r the h 'lidav vacitmn. 1
allords) the reull was 11 table groaning nil- We have lenrnid that a petilinu isi iriil-'
Ctiristiniis uiir et,rre-iioiili-nt ever ptt.i.ul
Ti.. i.o f 1 ..11 i'i.: . .1 " ' '
al " """ as ))m. 1lK ,,.,, too , n(Ve
well attended and a good lime reported by
jk Always tbe best. tfi
fck For sale everywhere.
t- 0. M. FERRY A CO., jfy ' -J
The Iledland Literary Society met as us
ual last Saturday evening with the largest
attendance this season. Tlie question de
bated was, Uesolved, That the United .States
has done more for the negro than for the
Indian. Those who supported tbe allirina
tive were L. Funk, 0. Beuimer, 0. Stone
and L. Mosher. Those on the negative
were D. II. Mosher, W. Ballshaw, I. Ful
lain, G. Manlock, W. M. Stone and (j. He
himer. The judges were K. ftichirdson, K.
Evenson and J. Mttrdock and gave their de
cision in favor of the affirmative. A short
but very entertaining program was renderd
by the following: Frank C. Iierkey and Leo.
Henry, recitations; I) H. Mosher and C.
Walensine a dialogue. A committee ae
pea red to ascertain whether the K.-dlaud
society would meet the Viola society in a
joint debate. The challenge was accepted
and L. Funk, W. Bellshaw and I). Mosher
appointed a committee to attend the Viola
debate and make further arrangements.
The debate will probably take ploce in Feb
1. Young returned last Wednesday from
Florida, where he has been since early last
spring. Mr. 1 oung went to rlorida to
make that place his home, but became dis-
satislied with that part of the world and
thought he could live in Wehfoot well
Misses Bessie and Mary Hay, of Portland,
are visiting Miss Ida Barrett at present.
Tlie Christmas tree was largely attended
and enjoyed by all. The neighborhood was
well paid for its trouble.
D. H. Mosher left here to day for a week's
visit with friends and relatives at Portland
and St. Johns.
Wm. Bonney, of Hubbard, is again in
)ne thing more too good to
Mrs. S. hud made a basket ami
placed on
j the center table and billed with useful
I der a loud of good thii cs that would tempt
1 the appetite ol the most fastidious. Some
j lo or ,i persons Kle dinner, each one think
ing that it was a good thing that I ieorge hie I
articles as Christmas presents for the minis- "'r"' r " I'"'"""" " " '"
ciuver-auon ami games 01 various kiiios
Harmony Notes.
Hjikmokv, Dec. 30. Santa Claus has
made his rounds once more, and tbe little
ones are now happy again.
There seems to be considerable sickness
in this vicinity; nearly every one complain
ing of colds.
The Harmony school closed for a week's
vacation. The teachers are spending their
vacation at their homes, Miss Marshall in
Portland and Miss Kowen in Oregon City.
Mrs. Jones of Washington, is visiting her
pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Uaiitials.
Miss Klsie Gibbs, who has been staying
with Mrs. Clark and attending school at
this place, lias gone to her home, near Mo
lalla, to spend the holidays. Hanupipeb.
The U. S, Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Icr's wife; and when we were ready lo start
home packages of tea, sugar, etc , were
given to tlie minister and all went home
feeling il w as a day well spent.
A lew of the young people were invited
to S. H. Christians to a Christmas dinner.
In the evening ipiite a number met there
and spent the time socially, mostly in sing
Christmas eve there was a Christmas tree
at Ira Heckinger's lor the children of two
families, Mr. ll's. ami Mr. Barrett s. While
times are ipiite close at Siiiinysiile on uc
C oiint of no fruit harvest and the loss of so
many potatoes hy the hard freeze, still Some
articles are needed and Ihe children appre
ciate a ChristniHs present am! we us pare its
love to please them us lur as consistent with
the law of God. While we as a people do
tint approve of a Christmas free in a house
dedicated to the use of divine service, we
think It all right for the children to be
amused and entertained in the right way.
Frank Grillilh and llalph lleebe move
over to University l'arg this week, going to
keep batch and attend the Portland uni
lie v. Wiles was called lo Mt. Tabor
Wednesday evening to unite in matrimony
Mr. Canto and Miss Allen, daughter of the
Mr. Allen who taught school here two or
three years ago.
Mr. Douglas, of the Douglas, Heifer and
Kee saw mill, Iso thought it best not to
live longer alone and went over to Wood
burn Christmas eve and took to himself a
wife, Miss Laura Thompson.
Chas. Crook and family went to West
Portland to spend Christmas with Kev. J.
F. Leslie, Mrs. C.'s brother.
Klwood Wiles was out to spend Christmas
with his father's f am i ly but has returned to
his business in Portland.
Kev. Wiles went over to North Yamhill,
Saturday the 2;th to attend the dedication
of the church he was appointed pastor over
for the ensuing year.
There will be a watch bight meeting at
tbe church Thursday night.
the guests began to depart, i nch one wish
ing Mr. Killin iiinny happy returns of
his birthday anniversary.
Mrs. M. It. Cochran relumed home from
Portland last Sulurday, where she has been
vk-iting friends for the past two weeks
E. It. Killin and A. Krb w ho have been
attending school at I'arkplacee are ut home
spending the holidays.
John anil William ')ings spent (Jinst
Ilia with friends near Snleiu. K I'sti ku,
Klliott Prairie Notes.
Kli.iott Pkaiiui!, Dec. 28. A grand time
was bad on Christmas eve at the Congrega
tional church. A splendid literary pro
gram was rendered by the Hnnday school
scholars; at the close of which Santa Claus
made his appearance, much to the delight
of the little ones. Two handsomely deco
rated trees stood on either side of the ros
trum, well filled with good and useful
presents. Kvery one seemed to enjoy them
selves and all went home feeling that it
was good to have been there.
Mu 1 1 no Notes.
MtTi.iNn, Hec. '.'S.- Geo. Mel ord, manager
of the Million lumber company's saw ami
shingle mill, is in Portland.
Miss Ada Ilniidall spent Christmas ut her
home in Central Point,
The Christmas tree ami entertainment
held at Liberal on Christmas eve was a de
cided success. The program whs well rend
ilered. after which Santa Clans distributed
the presents.
J. W. Crilzer ami family spent Christmas
at Mr. Crilzer's, Sr.
Mi'on Kellogg and wife from Montana,
are the guests of his lather and mother of
this place.
C. E. Bowman, of South Millino, intends
building a dwelling house on one of the
new lots recently laid out.
Mike Mulvey, who has been at The Dalles
for the past summer, is home for the winter.
A gang of men is engaged cutting saw
logs and shingle bolts lor the new saw mill,
which will soon be in operation,
A meeting will be held 111 the grange hall
on Tuesday at I o'clock p. 111 for the pur
pose of organizing a company to build a
creamery at this place. A practical cream
ery man from Portland will address the
Geo. McCord has the plans and specifica
tions made out lor his new dwelling house,
which will be built near the saw mill.
C. T. Howard visited Oregon City last
week to engage a surveyor to lay out several
town lots; also some one acre lots, must of
which have been spoken for.
Joe Daniels came home last Wednesday
evening from down river and now Is very
Ouite a number of folks attended the
Christmas tree at Kobe Wright's hop house
Christmas eve.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle entertained unite a j
nnmoer 01 ioiks vnrisiman nigoi.. ah en
joyed a very pleasant evening.
I to have I. (I. Larkui upn.iboed mad
supervisor in this district. We would he
glad In see blin gel the appointment.
M1I0 bant, who Is attending the 1'iesby.
terinii college at Albany, Is spending Ins
holiday vacation a ng rcltiir.es ami
friends here.
JneSchwari has a horse sick with slug
ger. Miss Alice Cone, of lltittevilir, attended
the Christum entertainment here.
Misses Flora ami llallie Voders re home
from Purest Grove, where they have been
intending pacific univisit v durum the two
terms ending with the holidays.
The on t or tui 11 111111 1 on Christmas was a
decided success, the bouse was crowded lo
Its utmost cnpie ity uml the best ut order
Jas. Iloiig, who litis been doing some
carpenlej work nt Harlow tint lust two
Weeks' is at bomeilglill.
S. O. Donaldson bus 11 Immliiged lieinl
from being thrown nut ol bin buggy 011 the
hill near lb, mi's bridge on the M0I11II11.
The breaking ol the harness w as the cause
of the accident.
Alma Items.
Aims, Dec. 1!H Mrs. Win. Thomas spent
a lew days In roriiiinu visinng irienus.
William Bramlinll and family spent
Christinas witli Mr. Butler's ' family at
MlssKdiih Butler of Hpringllebl, Is visit
lug her sister and other relatives at Aims
litis week.
Born, lo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph rjpaln, a
MissMattie Pulley ol Iirhlul Veil, is the
guest ol her sister Mrs. Lowe.
Mack Pulley and Hay llecknuin were at
Troutilule on business a few days this week.
Lid a Bramhall, who viniteiHier grand
parents at Portlond, Christmas week, bus
returned and reports a good time.
Adiel Butler ami wife have gone to
Hpriuglleld for a week's visit.
Quito a number of persons visited the
home of Neat Lowe last 8uturday evening
and had a good time.
Charlie Wakefield of Monmouth, is
spending his vacation with bis parents.
The Queen of Fashion
the Fashion paper of the day.
Superb, Strictly Up-To-Pate Deslcni,
Illustrations and Fashion Notes.
Itcllnbln, Itrlght and Clean.
A year's subscription for
Only GO Cents,
Including, free, your choice of any one of tha
Celobra'ed McCall Bazar Patterns,
ind all pattern: to subscribers
Only 10 or 15 tonls. '
Send a a-rrnt si .imp for a sample copy tor
TUB l,f,U.I. lOMIVtW,
40 tU.I I lih M ftCH york.
hewing Machine For $'20.
High grade, sewing machines, that will
do as good work as m any that are on
the mnrkot, will be aold for tho noxt
four weeks for from f 14 to f 20 by ,11 , O.
Cheney, at Clinnny's art gallery.
Avoid Consumption.
I l)y plopping inai Congo. 11 u nuovv 01 uu
I better remedy for coughs and colds than
Lowney's chocolate bonbons are the
best. E. E. Williams, the grocer.
the 8. li. Cough Curt),
G. Huntley, druggist.
Tor sulo by C
Hon. W.J. Bryan's Book
All who sr. intnnwtit In ftirt)mrin,f tit. imI.
ol Win. W.J. Ilryiim nliit hnulil orrnsiliil
niiiltsliii. 'Ilt.nurk
Will oiiiilnla . . .
lit irrotiHT (if HB
Mimnti.Bi 1113 win
tnr Rwn.TS or thi
Plll.lTll'll. smiiTioi.
. . , , Mr. Mrjrsn ha. n-
noannad hi. Inlsnllon of dsT.illni, otiii-ltslf of nil
rnyslU". lo rtirllisrli,i( ll. i,m,, f liloKiUlllim.
1 liar. ar.lrfi.lr Intllcntlonsor an .norntouaaal
Address W. R. fONKI V COMPANY, Publisher
341-Jil Uoarbors Su.llllCAM)
80 V'.ARJ'
a mm
1 1 x 1 r . 1
Anton flnnrttnir n pkotcti anil rtfucrlptton nmy
quickly iixnt'rt tin, fnu, v hHhiT mi iivMit inn l
jnuh'ilily I'liUi'it'iMc 'fmiiniiiilfriti(Hm (rlctly
cutitlitmitl'il. oiili"'t, iikfitur; forM'i'iirinif mlsiit
111 AftM-rlt'll. IlitVH li Wflhllltiuloll lltllf'41.
Iut iMitu 1fk"ft tlmmxli Munu & Co. ruuuU
Ipuuiul IllltlUII in I tut
nnAiitlfiiltr tllinrriitc, Inrirtt rlrniltitton nf
nnv m-iorif liln loiinuil, wct'k' v, t'nu fit INI ti venrt
"piM'lini'ii (fiiltH mill UANI)
tLsllKilt llllllllllh.
itH)li ON I'A'l I.NTM MOlit fn'l
3(11 HruiulHiiy, New York.