Oregon City Enterprise DATKM TO KKMKMBlili. Friday, I '. 'A-Clirlaiiiian ilay. Friday, Jan. I.-Nnw Yfar'a Dy. Muiiilny, J ii n I.-Cmivfiiiiig ul mljiiuriifil trim utulri'iilt rniirt fur IMarkaiiiMuuiitity. MiimUy, Jmi. 4.-I'ruhatiM'mirl fur January trrm I'onvcin'i. Wiliimlav, Jmi. fl County court for Jan- limy Innn pouvpih'I VnlMi'ily. .Im, fl. Iti-Hiilsr mealing for Jmiuury ol tlrmnii t'lly rnuiicll miiittl rxixiru mail mil imw olllcr aworn In. Mumlav. Jmi. 1 1 . Con venliiK r tl rKn lKlilaliir al Hnlnii. Mumlav, Jmi. II. -Annual liirtilliiK nf tli (iri-Kiin t'lly Inmril of trail Hwlluii o( oHIwm, flu ThkiiIrv. Jmi. 12 -Annual iiifrllnif Orrg'iii NikIk jliirlloiilliiml HiH'lly III i'urtlmid tor i two (ly'l urmlun. FRIDAY, DUCK Mil Kit Vf, 1H-.MI. GETTING A HUSBAND. "Wlmt kit liliftl You'll uurur got any one to do It, Lll." "Oh, yon, I shall! I know Just the flrl." "Whof DoMlino." "CWt Jf"U gUflMf" "No." "You." "Mot" I fairly screamed "Yoi, you. Now, listen, Bertha. You're Just tint girl for Duncan. I've always tliouKlit , and I know you Loth well. Duiiciui In" "Oh, my dear girl, Just m If I didn't know ovcrytliiiiK Hint Duncan 1 mid Ihii'I mid wim mid will 11 And Just m though nny klrl would luka tint sort of thing ou (runt mid not Judge for her olf before alio went nil tlio way out to ludla to marry muni" "Ibrtha, dnrllng, don't got eicitM. I'lvano do think thm iimtterovrr wrloun ly mid try mid wo Its advantages. Iiurti, 1 will givu you hi Mti r to n od nd h'avn you for a litlln. Do try aud like the I.I. a." I r. iid the hater mi.l rnn't sny I wm much !iniri'RjM'd, tut mi It rxjiluiua the piwltloii if utTulrs hem It !: (urn Oi.it I n -1 mil writing l uk a furnr tf you, ut Uil j"U mul nniiiM jmu wuu'l XhUik nn (M'Td-rlly iniwl. mm I lrninly maun ynu 1 mw III ittrmat. VjuliavpftlwityaUM'll ala, Uni'l w? Ami I tliiiik ynu know im tly what oirt of lilliiw I mn, I Hi jmu rmiiilr jruu uawt Ui tuty llmt Urn riuii i many lo aro uiilmily niarrlixl la l'on llio man always iNttHinU lii tilu.aMiitf tlin Klrl lia fnlla In tuvn Willi wllli.iul piitiaKli rliiK win llii-r alio baa llitiillllHry f llioika him ICohI wiM I ri'iiniiiUr yuu uiuwauiil, "Men wuulit ba far hiliT If tin y would ll Ih. ir alUT rlxaaM tlmlr lm ..r lltriu." Well. 1 want to t tnarrlnl. au.l 1 liar rnmlvnl l4i vivo your wlao mailmaa trial. I'i rli I may bo rmllnra n.M aurt uf Mluw; but, anyway. 1 liara ni i r waiihol ! marry any nf Mia KlrU Uiul him. Will ynu i'li. a if fur ma frtnii ainiiiiv yuur Knilllali Klrl frninla uiU j.la'a Ilia caau cliiarly Uulnrt) Ii. rt Toll I" T all you knuw uf mo aa nunnla rliarai l'r, UiihI linn, vlti. ; alxi llmt I am yiara uf aur. will nil, Ull anil. 1 brliovn, MiaMlily ml ..klnu. abuulil Ilka liar In I nr.- nUM.' In aaar iui. Tha rt i liavo tu ynu. W mltlil ri rliano nhoWia, imly mlna wuiilil l no K'l. ka ttitijr are all nl.l nut ami I kimw ynu tiavo nu dwiil ui' at Imitiv. 1 nwil Imrtlly aIJ llmt, tliuiiiili II la a aaiiiiiinnia rip rum lit, I will iln all In my iwit tn mukn II turn nut auxraa, ami wlinvVfr truaia In rat'lf Inmoaluill mi r liavo i-au' In MM II. If 1 ran Ii"Ii It. 11 inn know aa aim aa ynu iaii, ami, bvlluva mu, yuur affnutluiiata lmllii-r, 111 Mi an KiaTWiailt. Aflcr nil, It hi nillu r a g.aid iilou, I think iiriKiniil, If mulling ulmi wnunhow 1 wouldn't liku (o tuko thu rink. On thu ollmr hiiiid, 1'vo no home, now thut ilu.l'n goiio, uiul only u imxit little iMO a yiur to live on. l-il' aw fully K'hxI mid kind, hut I rnn't miiy hen) f.irnvi r. Hit IiiihIhiii.I muHt think mo n nuiaiuioo on it in. I khull huve to go out aa a goviTUnim, and here's a . ('Iiiiiiihi of inurryiiig a liiiin who la rich, huiidaoiiiK, kind heiirtod unil of whom every imu HH'iiki well. I don't care for any (inn ). hluill 1 rhiinue III Well, I did, tifliir all. I hud no ouo lu tlio world to u.IvImi mu but Lil unil her buKhand, and tli.y hmh thought it a do liruhlu mutcb. They nuid wo wero mudu for cim'Ii othor, hut I Udiovn in tlioir iu ncrinokt lu urt of lu nru tin y think Duu can a bit too gmxl for mo. My jilioto wan w nt out, and my future hunLund dnigni'd to miy Unit, "If I wit anything like my iihoto, he loved me already." 1 think it win riiiher Niieuky of him not ending one of hix, but ho baa boeu ininuU'ly dem-ribed to mu and II going to wonr a vhite gardenia in his button liolowheu lie Meed mo lit Cnlmittu. Ho hni a gixxl pout in the Indian civil aurv ice and livei in Culoutta iu the oold weather nndHiinlu in thu hot; no IrIiuII bavo a good time. Lil rigged mo out and jiuckud we ofT, und aa for mo well, I think I Ahull liko him, and I menu to try anyway. Wo Imvo jiuHHed Port Said, and very soon we nhall reach Adeu. Every one on board in kind to mo. I kliall never forget arriving at Aden, a horrid looking iluce, with low white houmii ugaiiiHt a dreary background of roukit, und no trees or flower to be aeon. An intercfltliiK man camo on bourd at Adeu. lie in tall und broad, with a kind fueo and dark eyex, and auoh love ly beard and niUHtueho. I think I rath er like bourdx. That horrid Duncan la clean shaven. I oughtn't to be thinking about niou. Oh, dour, I wonder if 1 have done right! I heard thin now mnu (ink the cap tain, in w hose ehurgo I am, whether he might be introduced to a girl on board. "Which one?" axked the enptain. "I think she la lu your ehurgo," auid the man; "a tall, alight girl, with lovely gruy eyea." , Ho niuxt Iihvo meant ma I should like to bo introduce, and yet in aonie ways I would rather not If I foil in love, how awkward it would bo I "Miss Carr Mr. Kogora. " The cap tain stood beforo me with the mnu who camo on bourd nt Aden. I got red und hurdly dared to raise my "lovely gray oyea" to the handsome fueo nhovn luo, "MiHH Ourr, I know a friend of yours In (,'uloutta, Duncan Kuntwixxl. " I got rudder, How much did he know? How could I tell him I wits go ing to marry a mini I hud never aoenr "Oh, yea," 1 stammered. "I am go ing to stay for a few days with his 'la ter, Mra. (labor ne, lu Calcutta, Do you know her?" "Yea, slightly," he answered. "Hath wr a Iouk way to go for a visit of a fw days, Isn't It?" Thero was an awkward ianao, I limply couldn't toll him thu truth. "Oh," I suid carelessly, "I have Other pinna after that." Ho seemed inuused nt my confusion. I'm sure 1 looked a perfect fool, and I was thankful that Just then another mini caino up and asked mo to join Id a cricket liialnh they were getting up, I havo been so happy all these days, but tonight I sin the most miserable girl lu the world. Wo shall get to Cal cutta tomorrow, and I shall bo seised on by thai odious man with the white gardenia. I shall never love him. I lore some one else, and some one else loves mo. A few hours ago Mr. ltogors asked mo to marry him, and 1 told him all my story. 1 was leaning over the side of the bout watching tlio glorious effects of the moon on the durk waters, when ho came tip behind mo. I had a whlto dross ou. 1 looked up st him as he stood near, and he was looking down at me with a look I had never seen before la any man's nyea. Huch a world of love was there, and all for me. It was worth living all my 18 years Just simply to sue that look. 1 don't know why I did It, but I couldn't keep back a great sob, and at that ho took me lu bis arms and kissed mu passionately over and over again, as though be hud l.mt all control over him self. I tore myself away and told him as calmly as I could sll ubuut myself. "I ought to have told you before," I cried over and over, "liut, oh, don t you understand how hard It was? I thought you would think mo such a dreadful girl to marry a muu I had Uever awn. " "I don't, dear," ho said very grave ly. "I think it is a g.xxl idea, and yon will find all will go well" "You aru heartless," I cried despair ingly. "You don't cure a bit You are uot nno bit unhappy." "My llertha, It Is everything to me to know you love ma I don't thiuk I shall ever ho unhnppy again. " "You am cruel, heartless, wicked," I cried. "I won't listen any more," and before ho could stop mu 1 run awny, and here I am crying my eyes out, wishing we hud all bceu wrecked lu the bay. Ho culled ma back. "Ilcrthu, dearest, let me explain." Hut I wouldn't listen. A strange thing has hupened to mu. I went on deck tins morning and found everything In a bustlo and nearly every one hud gone on shore. I wuited behind purpiati'ly. Tlio captain came up and asked me whether 1 could See my frieuiU anyw here atxiut. "No," 1 answered miserubly. Ho suid be wna sorry to mu mo look ing so pule. "The gentleman who is to meet mo la tall and clean shaven and will wear a white gardenia," I began. "Hero wo aro then," interrupted the rapt inn, and I felt ruther tliun suw thut soiiio one was upproachiug. My knca were trembling. 1 thought 1 should falL I couldn't raise my eyes uutil suddenly a deep voice that I know uh, yes, aud loved, too spoke: "MixaCurr, I think?" Startled, I looked up. The captain had been culled away, and I stood face to face with Mr. Kogers. "What docs it menu?" I gasped. "It means, my dulling, thut I am Duuciiu Kant wood. Will you forgive me for the deception?" I couldn't speak, and ho went ou: "I wna Impatient to see the dear lit tle girl who had trusted her future to mo, so ax I had been ill unil was order ed a holiday I culiio to Adeu to meet you. Then it struck mo I would like to see what sort of a little girl you were before you knew who I was. Lil wua right ; you were muile for mo, dear heurt. Then I found you loved mo. Last night I nearly betrayed myself, but I wanted to see your face when you met mu this morning. By the bye, 1 haven't seeu it yet. My sister ia waiting for you. I bavo been ou shore aud got rid of my beard, eta Ltrnk at me, darling, and see how you like the chaiiga" I looked up, and he took my bunds lu his. "Aro you still ufruid of the risk, my Bertha?" "Thero will be no risk," I murmur ed. "My lifo will bo all sunshine," "And if not," he broke iu gently, "our love will help us through the shadows," Tho experiment turned out a perfect success, und Lil ia more than ever con vinced that n man should let his sinter (booxo bis v.lu lor him. tit Paul's, Favor Atom-y laxt-a, Moro than two-tiiiri.s of tho 4,fV,v roud supervising iu lViiui-;. i..ni:' ix proxs themnclvcH in favor if pi.yiug U road tax in cash. If the plan vi re ;en erally adopted, according to the testi mony of many supervisors, thero would be possibly a muteriitl reduction cf the tax to keep public roads iu good condi tion. They also report the number of stono crushers aud atone rollers in the state as small. Cheap Land for .Sale. 100 acres of land, nearly all level bot tom land ; easily cleared ; welljwatered ; two fine niountai.i streams running through it; line trout streams; would make a line slock ranch; near public road ; one mile and a fourth from Colton post ofllceand school house ; we have six months school in each year; three miles from saw mill; Inw range for stock; can uive good title. Price per acre $4.50. For terms und further information call at mv place or address W. E. Ronnrv, Colton post ofllce, Clackamas Co., Ore. Heat and Cheapest Insurance, Have money on your Insurance by call ing on E. K. Martin, who represents the only Mutual doing business in Oregon City. You cannot alford to keep on throwing yuur money Into pollclei and pity from 8 to S years premiums in ad vance and then have the company fail. The Oregon 1'lro Hullef association will atund the closest investigation. K. K, Martin, Agt. Commercial Hank Iilock. A Hplendld Dinner (ilven. To sll who dine at the Portland res taurant, opposite the susxinslon bridge, the finest dinner to tie bad in Oreiton City will be served. A six-cialty' made of fine meats, fish and gume. Try our Hiiuday chicken dinners. Clean table aervice and elllcient help. A quiet place to bring your wife or lady friends. Meals 23 cents. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Arm of I'eUold A (isle, doing business as butch ers, hsa this day been dissolved by mu tual consent. The business will be con tinued by Klcbaid Peloid. All accounts duu the lute firm must be settled by Jan uary 1, 1807. Kit iiahu Pktzoi.u, Ciias. Oai.x. Oregon City, IW. 3, 181MI. , Eureka Hotel, Has the reputation of setting the best table In Oregon City. The cooking is done under personsi supervision of Mrs. (iibbons, and the victuals are euual to the best had in a private family. Kooms and beds clesn and comfortable. Give the Kureka a trial. Meals and beds 25 cents each, Special rates to regular boarders. Cow Taken up. Taken up st my place on the Clack amas river, two miles from Logan post- ollice, a cow with brass buttons on her horns. Color red, shudlng to roan with white bully; ago about 8 years. Owner by proving proxjrty and paying charges can take the animal. I.ogan, Dec. 3, 'Wl. John Pciiittkl. Hook ( heap. (Everything required in the school room, Ixxiks, slates, tablets, Sstngea, Ink, K-iis, pencils, etc. at Dnniel Wil liuma, cornel Seventh and Center streets. Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc . , fresh and of good quality. Bold at reas onable prices. ( Cures Creup. "My three children are all subject to cioup; I telegriiphe I to 8an Francisco 1 got a half a dozen bottle, of S. II. Cougl I rind Tl ia a tu.pfm-l mnifnlv. (iodhleXS You for it. Yours, etc., J. II. Ck.!KK, Ornnta Pass. Or." For sale by C. tl. Huntley, druguiat. Fat ray. From Oregon Citv on December 11, one sorrel horse, blmo face, shod on front feel, 1 years old, weighs about 1000 iHHinds. Anyone knowing the wliereatiouts of suid described animal will please notify J. it. Tuylor, F.ly. Iinllgestlou Cured. Depressing times depress the mind ; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three doses of the S. 15. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor- m ul condition. 60 coots per bottle. For sale by C. Q. Huntley, druggist. I'ndertuker and F.nibalmer. It. L. Holman undertaker and em balmer. Graduate of Embalming col- lego. Full stock of caskets and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Winehard block opposite courthouse, tf Houses Made Ilrl";ht. Morrow, the painter, has removed hie shop to Seventh street, near the depot where onion can be left for painting, paper-bunging and calciming. Trices to suit the times and all work honestly and efficiently done. tf New l ii.torluklng Room. Comity Coroner, W. N. Godfrey has ojiened an undertaking room on Main street pear Tenth street, where he will keep in stock a full line of coffins, caskets and burial robes. His prices will be found reasonable. tf Sewing Machine For if'-'O. High grade sowing machines, that will do as good work as as any that are on the market, will be sold for the next four weeks for from $14 to $20 by ,11. O. Cheney, at Cheney's art gallery. More your Produce. And wait for a raise in the market that is sure to come. Ample store room in Oregon City for hay, grain, potatoes etc. at very low rates. Call on or address Jas. A. Wells. Avoid Consumption, by stopping that cough. We know of no belter remedy for coughs and colds than the 8. B. Cough Cure. For sale by O Q. Huntley, druggist. Wall Paper. Rest stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at K. L. Holman's in Winehard block opposite courthouse. tf. The U. & Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Fur Kent "Ipeclals. 1 Chicken and garden farm, 2 acres in Clackamas; frame bouse, spring water, valuable fishing privilege $.5 per month. 2 (Jood lartn, lfi.3 acres, 80 in colli vv tlon, gixsl buildings, 7 acres prunes; for rent or sale. 3 Nice clean dwelling; In Csnernah for runt or sale. Spring water. 4 i;legant dwelling 7 rooms, double i parlors, two bay windows, pure moun-1 tain water puinxl from the Clackamas, bath room. Kent or sale on the install-, meut plun. 6 Mttl cottage at Klyyllle, gooJ woll water, half sere garden. II. E.CKOHH. THE DREADED CONSUMP TION CAN BE CURED. T. A. Hlwum. M. C, th Urrat CbrmUt and Sr.lcutlit, W ill sno, rrr. Hires iwuirioi Hit Newly Discovered Utmtdles to Sufferers, Editob' F!ktibi'HIs : I have discov ered a reliable cure for consumption and all brochial. throat and lung diseases, general decline, loss of flesh snd all con ditions ol wasting away. By its timely ..am tln.nuunfta nf atntairerillv boneless caw! lve bwn cured. Ho proof-poiiiuve in 1 ol ttn Iowr to cure, mai 10 oihho Ii. r..uila L rw.fjv n I will Mtflfl. frM. tO tin aJI 'l'l "... a a any sfllicted reader of your par. three ! bottles 01 niy newiy oiscoverea remi-iues upon receipt of express and postolllce aldress, T. A. 8I.OCUM, M. C, 8 Pine Street, New York. When writing the doctor, please men tion this psper. TASTELESS HILL IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICcBOcts. Oai.ati a. Ii La., Not. M, UU. Pari. Mndlrlne Co.. hi ijiii. Mn. (.Mitlpoien: Wa Mild litftt yuar. SflO bottles of r.linVKS TAHTKI.KMi CHILI. TONIC and taata bniwhl Uira ism already Ihia r-ar. In all ..urn. IwriiMii-a nf U year, lu Uitt dnis biimiH-aa, tiara never anld an artn-la lliai ki au-h utuvaraai aaus taulinU aa tnur TubM- uuralniW, AitM.liCa.aa ftCo. For sale by C. O. Huntley. BErOEE SUBSCRIBING FOR A MAGAZINE SEE THE BEST, DEMOREST'S An Unparalleled Offer. Pemorest's Cut Paper Patterns are the most practical on the market. They are of any size that any member of a household could require. In each copy of tho Magazine is printed a coupon en tilling the subscriber, or purchaser, to a pattern (worth and regularly sold for 3oc)i or any number of patterns for four cents each to cover package and postage. When the value of tne patterns is con sidered tho subscriber actually gets DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE FREE And what a Magazine it is I For 1897 it will be more brilliant than ever before New management, new methods, new ideas. Kucli topy contains an exquisite reproduction in colors of some celebrated picture by a famous artist, worthy to adorn the w alls of the most refined home. It is alhrmed that IVmorest's is the only complete Family Magazine published combining all of the most excellent points of its contempories, besides having in imitable features of itsown. Demorest's is actually a dozen Magazines in one. It 13 a Dkest of Current Events and Ideas for the busy man or woman, a Heview and a Storehouse of Interest for all. Wives, mothers, sisters and daugh ters can fin j exactly what they need to amuse and instruct them, also practical helps in every department of domestic and social life, including the furnishing aud ornamenting of the home, embroid ery, bric-a-brac, artistic and fancy work of all kinds, etc., etc.. and suggestions and advice regarding the well-being and dressing of their own persons. The scope of the articles for 1890 and 1897 will cover the whole country and its varied interests, snd the articles will be profusely illustrated with the finest en gravings, and in addition, it will publish the best and purest fiction. It treats at length Out-of-Door Sports, Home Amuse ments and Entertainments; it sives a great deal of attention to the Children's Department, and "Our Girls," and has a Monthly Symposium by Celebrated People, in which are discussed import ant questions of the hour of interest to the older readers. Let us have your subscription at once. You get more value for your money than it is possible tu secure in any other magazine. The Magazine one year for 2.00 Or six months for 1.00 (Over 250 different garments are shown each year, patterns of all of which are obtainable by subscribers at 4c each.) Sample copy (with pattern coupon) sent for 10c. DEM0REST PUBLISHING CO., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. Emm TUNC its xT.rT.Tr.w.T.ir.wr.TTj 'jrx'jci Qfegon City Hospital... ...GLADSTONE PARK... 'f Conveniently of access and pleasant located, f Free from the noise and dust of the city. p (" Skillful numcs and every convenience of a first f class hospital. f . . Ample room that patients may have quiet- r ness and rest. Hpecial rooinu v. for ladies. C Services of the best physicians of the county in attendance. TERMS REASONABLE. jj Address, MISS M. E. LIIBKER, SUPT. i OREGON CITY, OR. 'A THE P2P REVIMVVS Honthly'Tlltistrated n't I ' ff fly cnt mafatiiu can It REVIEW OF REVIEWS, as covering mre ground than any other magazine." Board of Library Commissioners of New Hampshire, 1896. iJHIS magazine Is, In Its contributed and departmental features, what its readers, who Include the most noted names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call "absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the times," " invaluable," and " Indispensable." It Is profusely Illustrated with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles are of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of the World " gives a clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human race during ttie current month. The " Leading Articles of the Month " pres:nt the Important parts of the best magazine articles that have lien written in every part of the world. The newest and most important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes, chronological records, and other departments complete the V3 Ji! 1 qertainty that the reader of the Review or Reviews will miss nothing of great s'rnlficance that Is said or written or done throughout the world. THE REVIET CF PEVTEVS St. Loi The Great- National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, DAILY AND SUNDAY, -SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pages. Weekly, Issued in Semi-Weekly Sections, 8 pages each Tuesday and Fridav, 16 pages each week One Year, $1.00; Six Months, 50c. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally conceded to be THE BET oMAmer ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it isalso THE CHEAPEST THE GLOBE LEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE NEWS than any otter Saper in the United States. It will he inilinpenable during the coming great ational Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it within the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold hy news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the dailv and 5 cents for the Sunday issues. Delivered to regular subscribers, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a wne'k, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon him procuring it for you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. arParliclar attenlioun is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LARGE SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue Just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and yet desires to keep promptly and thouroughly posted. It goes to every State almost to every postoffice in the Union. All America la its legitimate field. No matter where you lire, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Samplo copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis. Mo. I1TT1IIIJ Jll'iS IlillTtaU FamontPprardy enrei quickly, permanDtly II 1 111 1 11 171 rl 13 Incrvous diM'tiMM, Wouk Mtmiorr, Lo.-s uf Brula i uwtr, J "ffT 1 1 ltl iieadwhc, WukrfiiiiiKia, 1-o.t V l-ullty. Nlbtly Km I. jjf'4fcrVsv5 wl '' ' ' Vf' urHuma liupoUMK and wommf disease caused b .mt bitxMl II'. iMiy cn Ijniedlrut t'urBaloluUrot'.'iH'iL,iua.,uy CllAUMAN & CO., Uniisus. V. t Edited by ALBERT SHAW taint, wt would ttttfeit th Send to Cou . la Stamp lor Specimen Copy CO, 13 Astor Placty New York. Me - Suocnt by Mail, Postage Prepaid, One Year, $6.00: Six Months, $3.00 One Year, $1.50 One Year, 2.00 builder. Mnkei t he pule and pnnrpr ri ma and pi unit. Tried1 n vest pock'l. 91 pernox; n inri. tj nmnpn- book, eonie.1 pl-.i.j rppr, wltu tt1mon.al an