Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 11, 1896, Image 8

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    "nk s,,m
Tiv nrwa I'ntlr One Knof That 'rl
Nu Ki'iwir.
An fnxtoni rorrosiiomloiit of The
rrmrio Farmer who some ton yean
ago lout liy llro five Imrm writos ns
follows about how ho supplied those
with new ones. Ho snya:
1 put nil umlor one roof, and tli.it
roof in law enoiiK'h to furnish cover for I
anvthiiig rais.nl, even to the straw. It
is i0 foot wido aud 160 foot long, with
80 foot posts on a 9 foot wall. Hut what
I waut to tell nbont now is the roof. It
was an experiment, but bus proved very,
satisfactory. Instead cf using 10 or 18
foot posts, with a gambroled roof, I do-j
cidodtouse 80 foot posts and a flat
roof. So I now have uo timber to clut-,
tcr np tbo space nnder the roof, but all
is clear op to the beams, which are only,
a foot below the top of the posts. Bo-
tween the beams there is nothing up to j
tne root joists, wnicn are y oy la, au
feet long and double bridged.
On the
joist i laid inch matched Norway!
pine. Hemlock or any other wood would '
do at well, only it should be of even I
thicknoM aud well nailed. The roof has i
a fall of half an inch to the foot and j
should have no mere.
I procured the best quality of roofing
felt, single ply, and cut a t
enough to go the whole length
roof. I diviuVd this into two porta by
cutting one-third the width. This ran
be done by rolling the felt Tory tight
and even, then nsing a sharp saw, keep
ing it well oiled while sawing the roll.
I got the best quality of rooting pitch,
which is queer stuff. Even in the cold
est weather two pieces laid aide by aide
will run together and become one. I
melted thi and pitched the boards,
commencing at the eave. A atrip one-
third the width of the felt, or as wide!
as the narrowest piece cut, was rolled
into the pitch while hot
I then pitched over the third of the
width of the felt already on and an
qual width by the side, and rolled tbo
tnwuijiua niuiu lui V uiic. A ucll l Al "
ed over theae and a sufficient width of
two-thirds width into this. I next pitch
roofing to equal the full sheet of felt
and rolled the felt into this pitch. I now
had, oommencing at the edge of the '
roof, three, two and one thicknesse !
of felt and three coat of pitch. 1 1
now trnck a line up one-third the
width of the sheet of felt from the!
edge. Oommencing at this line, I pitch
ed over the felt and upon tbo roof
board the width of the roll of felt and
followed rolling the felt into the hot
pitch, la this way I continued until the
roof was covered. I then used tin caps
and barbed wire roofing nail and nail
ed the lower edge of each sheet of felt
2Jj inches apart
It will be seen that I now had my roof
covered with three thickness of felt
and three coat of pitch. The felt was
put on shingle fashion, or one piece lap
ping over the other each time two
thirds. On this I run hot pitch about
one-twelfth of an inch deep and into it
put all the coarse gravel I could make it
iiold. The gravel should be coarse, from
the size of wheat np to half an inch in
diameter. By nsing pieces of two inch
plank, cut one foot square and having a
handle put into the middle, the gravel
can be gently rammed into the hot pitch.
In this way it can be filled full. In such
a roof the pitch fills and preserves the
felt It holds the gravel firmly in place,
and the gravel protects the pitch. My
roof, of course, cost more money than
one of iron or steel. To all appearances
it is as good as the day it was laid. Of
course felt, pitch and gravel roofs are
nothing new, but if well laid will give
satisfaction. The new thing about mine
is the use of three thicknesses and put
ting them on shingle fashion. Although
a little expensive, it looks a though it
would last 100 years with no repair.
The Bt Sugar Industry.
Mr. E. Sowers, who in The North
American Review urges a wider field
lor the beet sugar industry iu America,
tells how it stands now in the United
States. In l(s91 the production here was
12,004,838 pounds; in 1892 it was 27,-
003,322 ponnds; in 1893 it was 44,830,
27 pounds. Ho has uo figures for 1894
and 1895, but if the increase has con
tinned at anything like the rate just
noted the product by this time must be
very large.
Parts of Kansas, Nebraska, the Da
kotas, California und Utah have already
been devoted to sugar beet culture, with
most promising results. The rich soils
and warm and even climate of Califor
nia and Utah, especially when aided by
irrigation, are suited to an abundant
and excellent yield. In 1892 California
alone produced about 20,000,000 pounds
of beet sugar. Nebraska and the Dako
ta add to a nut oral richness of soil
sufficient rainfall in the season of rapid
growth. The farmers of Nebraska find
that the temperature for June, July,
August and September is so high and
even as to bring the beet to full matur
ity early in October. That state pro
duced 5,835,900 pounds of beet sugar in
1893, or more than double the amount
of two years before, and it also has one
of the moBt successful beet sugar facto
ries. Improvements in making the sug
ar go on, and a better knowledgo is
cteadily gained of the conditions which
tend to increase the yield.
The Forcing Honaa.
To be successful with forcing, strict
attention must bo paid to both night
and day temperatures. The main point
is to keep a clean, healthy and vigorous
growth, but avoid a soft growth if pos
sible. The best means to that end is to
give air on every available opportunity.
It is the life of plants, providing the
temperature does not drop below the
proper mark. Plants with good leathery
foliage are not subjected to diseaso, ac
cording to American Gardening, which
suggests for beans a night temperature
j cf 65 degree, with u rim) of 10 iloKroo
i by d;iy.
I Tomatoes should bo closely wntehrd
j Mul novor allowed to Ret a rlnvk, as in
i tlio Btiirtinn nf tlio vimm lies ultimate,
i Buecojtn or fuilunv.
llr the Way.
Nearly 33,000 furuii changed lunula
iu Ohio lust year for a recorded consul
erutiou of fill, 000, 000, or an average of
littlo over fHO per nci, ranging from
(S in HivkiiiK to 77 in Lako county.
Sugar beet pulp is t very Ynluahta
i feed, to .which farmer delivering boot
aro entitled, aud it cau be kept admira-
tly iu Kilos.
rroportion the number of stock to lo
lltl " amount or alienor ana tlio
amount of food. Sell all that cannot bo
"ll tod and uiailo comfortable.
Silago i distinctively a cattlo feed,
but the Kansas station find it not good
for brooding bulls,
Tho evacuee is increasing that it
will really pay to stutT old newspapers
j,lt0 gl,jm.i hole It is said that those
j,ij0 win 8tarve ratmir thwl crowd
past the paper and that thoo outside
can nnjt,r 1)0 circumstances bo iuduoed
j0 go i.
Knf rU of Ooltl ami Womlra 8tug Ttti
bjr lluulrra la Kturrcvnclr.
When a hunter iu the old day lost
all hi bullets or hadu't any to shoot
with, he usually devised substitutes
MptaE'"- Alliort. of thing. havboen fired
h of the! game or Indians, a the oase might
that on occasion served the purpose
DO. Uia 11 am Mlisou, iiviug np in Jul-
ferson county, X. Y., told to hi dying
day now ne was ooopeo np ty Indians
out west once with a little load, lot of
r"U. i: U?Z?'
uuo nun u uu.ji v uiuiii. a n on uu
the top of a knoll where hi log cabin
had been bnilt, aud he had a barrel of
watr and ,ot 01 wofxl '0' emergen-
cie The Indians kept just out of
"B8. dhing iu once in awhile to
drw his fire- 11(1 a nmd bullet
np and then used the gold. He fired
nearly half his fortune at the redskins
before they left him.
Many a burner ha used a pebble in
the hope of getting a close deadly shot
Jackknire and ramrods have aerved
' --
tbeir time as missile. Forest and
stream tells about a hunter who bad
cnlT nKe bnlI,,t. bnt lo powder,
The bnIlt? oot the norn bl8 cnck
oS an tne Dnck cbarged the man, who
to tree top. He spent bait an
bonr whittling off two inch length of
branches and putting them into hi rifle.
Then he rammed them down on the
powder and fired at the maddened deer.
Hi partner came along after awhile
with a belt full of bullot and, mak
ing a run for the tree, gave a bullet to
the shooter, who quickly killed the
deer. New York Sun.
The Discovery Saved Hi Life.
Mr.G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavere
ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King'. New
Discovery Iowe my life. Wa taken
with LaGrippe and tried all the physi
cian, for mile, about, but of no avail
and was given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery !
in my store I tent for a bottle and began
it. use and from the first dose began to
get better, and after using three
bottle, was up and about again. It is
worth it. weight in gold. We won't
keep store or house without it." Get a
free trial bottle at Charman A Co'. Drug1
Store, Charman Bros, block
A Home-like Hotel.
Farmer, and the traveling public will
find a comfortable home-like place to
stop at when in Oregon CHv at the
Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an
abundance of the best the market af
fords. Rooms and beds are clean and
Our 25 cent meals are not excelled.
John DuksciiKK, Prop.
For the Lungs.
Elder Alson V. Steers write, from
Portland, Or., ''There is no medicine
for the throat and lungs that I can rec
ommend to ministers, public speakers
and singers, with the confidence that I
oan the S. B. Cough cure." 50 cents a
bottle. For .ale by C. O. Huntley,
For the Kidney.
"I am 65 years old ; have bad kidney
diseane and constipation for 25 years.
Am now well used your S, B. Head
ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6
bottle, at 50 cent. each. J. H. Knight,
Rutledge, Or." For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
An Old Standby.
Clarence Porter is so well-known in
Oregon City that he needs no further in
trodnction to those wanting blacksmith
work. Hi. work always .peak, for it
self and his prices are always reasonable.
Remember his shop is opposite Pope's
hardware store, corner Main and Fourth
strtees. tf
Worthy of Notice.
The S. B. Medicine company 1. the
only one out of nine proprietary medi
cine firms incorporated on this coast
since 1887 that has not made an assign
ment. These bard times with new news
paper advertising contracts lor two years,
it speak, loudly of their merit. For
sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Arold Consumption.
by stopping that cough. We know of no
riener reraeoy ior cougus aim coma u.an
the S. B. Cough Cure. For Bale by
G. Huntley, druggist.
Blank note, receipt and order book.
at the Entkbfriss office.
t .. , i i .1 i i- it
ittai, Ksrvii: nt.vsn:i(s.
Furnished F.vorjr Week by the llmaa
mil Abstract & Triixt Comimnr.
It D Alexander lo K A Teyrsok
Nov 2, '1X1. W 0 w4 aoc 12, t 2
M ( fUKK1
J F Taylor to J A Simmons Nov 10
'1X1 V l 4 Interest in sot,, ( awi4'
and wl4 of soli ee 7, t n s, r 1 e
United States to J V Kylor Nov ltl
l5. V I) Oct 13, ot ne4
and sw'4" of nol4 and nw o(
sees in t 2 l, r flo
Silas Stewart to O C Murton Nov
li, '!ki W H U.80 acre in lot 8
v 4, t 2 a. r 2 it
J I, Waldron to II A Waldrgn
acres In the swl4 of o( sec
t 3 , r2e
O I A S Co to Wm Kankin Nov 17
''.Hi, lota 3, 4, and 5 blk 2 First ad
to Oswego
N V Woodruff to A K Otfilbee Oct
l, 'IH! U 11 n. of nw'4' of HWI4' sec
6, 1 1 a, r2 e ..
United States to Patrick Harris
April 30 'IH1 w.Si of ,l4 " 0, t
2 a, re
M E Winston et al to P U Winston
June 23 '03 W I) 52 acres tn J S
Fisher claim
TRUST CO. am the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
inoexes, loriacaamaacouiuy, ana nave
the only complete set of abstract in the
county, can furnish Inforiuatioii a to
ttl(J l0 UnJ at onf on ()piC4Uon
Loans, investment...! e.Ute, .UnuH.
, , iJ. . , , -.
eic. umee over iana 01 .rn.aron vuy
Call and investigate. Address box 377,
Oregon City Oregon.
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 78 cents
per bushel.
Flour l'ortland, $.V00; Howard'.
Best, $4.00; Fisher's Best, $4 90; Dayton,
T4 90: Pendleton, 15.10
Oats in ski, white, 40 touts per
bushel, gray, 40.
Mill.tufls Bran, $14.50 per ton;
shorts, $13.00 per ton.
Potatoes (15 cent, per sack.
F-ggs, 27' cent, per dozen.
Butter Ranch, 33 to 40 cent, per roll.
Onions, 85c per sack.
Green apples, 90c to $1 per box.
Dried Fruits Apples, unbleached, 5.
cent ; 50-pound boxes, evaporated, 0c
prune., 5 to 7 cent.; plums, 4c.
Bacon Hams, 12 1' cents; side.,
8 to 10; shoulder., 5 to 6 ; lard, 8 to 10.
Livestock and Dreised Meat Beet,
live, 2 to 4 cents; hogs, live 2 cents;
hog. dressed, 4 cent.; al'eep, $1.25 to
$2 00 per head ; veal, dresxed, 5 cent.. J
Poultry Chickens, young, from $1.50;
old $3.00, turkey., alive, 8 cents per
State or Ohio. City ok Tolkdo.) as
Frank J. Cheney makes an oath that
he is the senior partner of the Arm ot F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing, business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said linn will pay the sum
and every case ol Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use ol Hall's Catarrah
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my preeence, this 0th day of December,
A. D. 1SW.
, . A. W. (il.KASON,
hkal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter
nally end acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the eystcm. Send
for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by drugglstB, 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Lockiiakt, TexAs, Oct. 15, 1889.
Messrs. Pari. Medicine Co..
Paris, Tenn.
Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possi
ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
and will not have any other. In our
experience of over 20 yerr. in the drug
business, we have never sold any medi
cine which give, 'such universal satis
facsion. . Your, respectfully,
J. S. Bbownk & Co.
For .ale by C. G. Huntley, druggist
Our Stun ill iik ut Home.
"Four out of every five bottles of med
icine .old in the last five yeai. are S. B.
goods. The S. B. Headache and Liver
Cure I use myself as a general physic.
If you are sick and want to get well, the
quickest, cheapest and safest method is
to buy the S. B. remedies and use a. di
rected. C. P. Bai.ch, druggist, Dufur,
Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley.
Bui klcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cut.,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sore., Tetter, Chapped hand.,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
For sale by Charman & Co., Charman
Bros. Block.
Care. Croup.
"My three children are all subject to
cioup; I telegraphed to San Francisco,
hal ft doMn boU,fiS of s jj CoUKh
it i perfect remeily. God bless
you for it. Yours, etc., J. If. CW.ik.b,
Grants Pass, Or." For sale by C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
Lejint NotleoH.
' !Vllo
uihluraisiK'il liaa Illnl III ( IMroull
I'oiirl ot Or. son, l'T I'lMi'lmtniiii I'omiiv, ti In
lliml DiH'oniit iMlmira nl un nl lloury
Willi Til, liixil voin. mi I l I Ciiurl li Mini
itr. Jsuunrv llll, ltt7, nl IOii'oIim k A. M..M III
1 1 m ur liMtllii nU oIIIuiimiiI Ihoriof.
c. 11. smi ni.
U 4. I I Aiiigux (iriHkiil.
Iil, N rnilipr 77, blV
tlr of I'lnul Nellleinrnt.
iiniural(iiul li fl ml lua Haul repml
wooiilol nl III o.Ulo nl J nil it K. IVrOi'W, do'
C6 i'l, 111 ilu Ciiiiiily I'niirl of CiMOlmm ii
('iitlillv. Orvirin, mnl Iha ('miiiiiv 1'iitltl lini llxoil
jiniury 4ttt, lv.17, ni til,, iiiiiir nl 1 ii'iiIih'Ii v m.
mi m iUv mi I tmio tr itm iMHfuic tit anil rnrl
111I0 ui'Jo 'Hum lb touv If miy tlurv art', mul
(r Hi it'itit'iiitnii ut mill O'tnu.
Niirmlfr ISih, IsmI, 'JKO. C. I'KHIil'K,
llUli-lt I xooilliir.
l'.rriilur'a i oiler.
rut'ir . ut iiitt mul iri.iul ui u(
li'lur A. iNovhijO, wi iurlr nulllv all
IMrlli'i h-tvinx vim ma illnl Inn t I valsld lo
iriul lb u, ntuixrlr vnti flail, an I Willi
llin lutipar vuiirUiT In A. L. Kr(r anil lie ira
W, Swuiw, al I Do nnV ol II. f. A il. W. nw.iiw,
lu (natm rilv, liiutftiii, wlihltiilv miiiithi trum
Ilia itaia ut iliii iioiuti or ujr will b lururar
Daied. Own t'Hr. Oraso 1, Nor. II, IS9H
Kiwutura ul iba Uataol I'aiar A. Wain, ita
caaat'il. ll-VO, ltl
AiliuitiUiriitor'a .ollrr.
pi.iluiniani hy 1 1 i'iuiii:y Courl of iba
Mala ol Oroao i, fur Ilia I'ouuly ol I'lavkamaa,
ol I'liarlaa llolm.ai ft'lmlulairator ol Ilia aflia
ol MtHirae Filia. Oavvaaiui. All paraou bvnig
aoy oUliiiaasaliiat tal I aalato ara barvhy noil
flail to irartiii aaid ola ma, prtiparlv vonllail, to
Ilia ail iilulatral.ir, al W ilaouyllla, Ummi, or lo
A S. liita', al Orra.011 City, Orcein, tha altor
nay ol laid aalato, wilblu alt mouth I nun llila
data. tllAKI.K IIKI.N&
AJmlulitralor ol lb aa ala ol (laorna Frill,
lxtwu.t. li-i, 11
Da.iwI.Noraabar.O, IS.
Kirrulrli'a ."tlre.f
In ihr County Court ol Iba Out ol Orafon, lor
Ciackatuaa County.
In the tnat-ar ol tha aalala ol Luolua A. 8aaly,
1 Ilia t'ouiily Courl ol ilia Conuly ol l lirka
iua, anil .lata ol Oratfou, apiMiiutatl aiaeuirii
ol Ilia laat will aul ta.Uuuut ol I 1a nataia of
t.uolua A. Hcaly dacffa.l ; doIc la brrvby
alvau to alt porMiua bavins oUlina Afltit Ilia
alii aa'ata, to prawn! lha aanin to m , proiurly
varltltHi, fur pd uieut at tha l.w orlu-a ol L I.
liarln, IH Chimb T l Com nan'o, V -t lainl, Ort"
gnu, wilblu .11 mohthi (mm th tt.t, tt thia
ootlca. SOI'IIIA II. sa'KLY,
Sucutrll ot lha l'l will auj lolauiaul ol
Lurlui A. Soaly, itacairil.
DataU: Nureethcr III, lWl 11-27, 12-33
L. T. HaaiK. Ailoruay !.r Etacutni.
In tha Cmi'iiy Court ol tha titalaof Orrgou,
tua Couuty ol Clacaatuaa.
In Iba m attar ol Iba tiuta ol Alraada M. Ad
deratn. To Elnora V'k(l.ld. I'rarllla KmIItIii. Emma
Tomhlln. Kti.jr a. l'oial, Almmia MrKauuay,
Lillian Hell Wandilim, I'racllia Maalluuay,
and lo allolhur. uukunwu, srvatlnc
rnn, you ar-t harvny citon au4 raouiral to
appear la the County l mrl ol me Stat ol (Ira
(on, f.ir tha County ol CI rkamaa, al tba oourt
room lhareol. al Or.a in Cliy, iu me Co in y ot
Cl.ck.mi., on Ihe&th d J "f January, lnvl, al
loo t'l.iok In lha form no ol ih it dr. th iu and
thera lo alio fame, II aur eilit, why an onler
ol court fUoutd uot b ' uiada, a. owing Iba aa-a
ol tne liill'iwlng reil ea'ata: Ibe.outh nail ol
lha loiiihra.t n iar ar an I lot 1, In aec'.inn 13.
town. 'Hp 1 aoutb, ranaa I aaa', in I'lai'kainaa
County. Oregon, laaa M acre aa daarleil lu a
dtt.-'l trom Win. Kre total I Almeda 4. Aud'fren.
Witna, Hi. II in II. F II. to., lult. or lha
County Court oi tha auta ol Orrg m, for tba
County of Ciafkami.. and thi aai ol aald
Court herato aibx 'd. Ihli 27th day ol .Soraiubar,
A. I). 1-W. Alteit:
1 4, 11 EI.MKH U1XON. Clark.
(JALATtA, II L., NOT. W, U93.
parla Medicine Co., Ht Ixinia, Mo.
(;inilonien: Wo auld liuii ynar, V)0 bottlna of
rjltllVK'S TASTBI.KhH CHILI, TONIC nml hara
boualit tbraa it na alraailr llila rar. In all oar ax
perliHra of 14 ytuira, In Ilia drua Imi.iiimin, Uava
Da.ar iol(1 an art iHa tliat gnva iiH'n nnlraraal aatla
For sale hy C. O. Huntley.
poping diENdE
New. Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec
tricity, Chemistry, Medicine,
Hygiene, Health.
Contains a larire nnnilwr of Hhort,
Easy, lVactical, InterestinK and Popular
Scientific articles, that can ho appreciat
ed arid enjoyed hy any intellieiit read
er, eventhough he knew little or nothing
of Science.
Profusely Illustrated and Free
from Technicalities.
Newsdealers, 10 cents. $1.00 per year
-Motitinn this paper furanample copy.
Largest Circulation of any
Scientific Paper In the World
Yamhill River Route.
(Slojuncr Toledo,
i.kavkn havton.
Monday, Wiulnomliiy and Friday
nt (1 A. M., roiieliiiiH "Ornon City,
for IVrtiiin.l ulmut 1 1 ;.'!) A. M,
Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday
nt 51 A. M. Salmon St. dock, rom-li-ni)?
Oregon City, for upriviT point
11 bout 11 A. M.
Through trip to Lnyfetlo and
McMiiinvillo tniido when depth of
water permits.
Freight mid pusHingcm nitt'H
By tlio funt
ami com
modious Htcatnors
Daily liouta, exjt Sumlay, leav
ing Oak Htrti-t dock nt 7 a. m., mak
ing regular liinJingH at Vancotivor,
Ca-miulcii, White Salmon, HixmI
Kivcr ami all intermediate xints
Passenger and freight rate, lower to
theso points than hy any other lino.
First das. meals served for 25c.
This is the Great Scenic Kouto,
I II 1 . 1 ... . .k
Alt tourist nuinii mat, mo scenery
on the Aliildlo toliunbiK is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
tho United States. Full Inform.
tion hy addressing or calling on
J. X. 1IAUNKY, Agent,
Ttd. OU. l'ortland. Or..
Ollicoand wharf, foot of Oak St.
Steamer G. W. Shaver
Commencing Anril IS, 1IHI, will leave
l'ortland foul of Washington strwt Tne.
day, Thursday and SumUy evening, at
5 o'clock Hutiirning, lcttves ('Utnkanit
Monday, Wednesday and Friday eyim
nigs at 6 o'clock. Will pa. Uuk IVint
.bout 7; Stella 7:15; Maygur 7:i;
Uuinicr H :'.'(); Kaluma 0:15; Ht. Helen.
10 ::i(. Arrive in I'ortlund 1 ::I0 a. in.
This I. the tuiitrcal nnd moat direct
route to the great Nehalem valley.
Shaver Transportation Co.
Wanted-fln Idea
Who nan think
il toma almpl
tiilua ut iMtirtur
FmUMTt Tour l1nu: Oikt mar tiring .uu wnalih.
Wrlta JOHN U MHiKIUll'HN CO., I'u.nl Alt.r.
umyt. Waalilnauiii. I) ... l -r Ihflr .l.Mu irlaa uRar
atMl Mat ut two huouraU Ui.aoiluua wauiad.
The Inter Ocean
Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper
of the West and Has the Largest Circulation.
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