Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 11, 1896, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcr prise.
OHKloN (!TV viKKH!'llH
fr. - lllrniu Hirnmhi
Hiwnrilnr, " I. . mult
(llllHl III l'llll . . , , ,. (.; niirii.
Aour, . KM Clin
Tm.iir.ir, . ( ,
VHy Atlnriiny, . . p I. Of m il
Rirtini riiMiiitUlniiir, i: hnluMM'lt, Jr.
Suri'i. nf Wmiir Wutki, w. M. Ilimiill
ItllrKiiKliinni, . . ii. ,,i.
Uoiiiiriliiitiii -T. (!, ri.mii, . o i ,ip., j,,ilt
h line , J. J CiHikii, K. K.M r, lor
Iit, llimrjr M.-l.tu rn, J, W. MhIIkII.
ouiiiii'II mpoUflr.l We.lmo.lii) urvacli iiiuiilh
in ciiy nan
FltlDAY, liKcr.MISKH ll, Ihimi.
I. . t
Pickled ilrfn (iit,
" plx fni't ji'Py
Fresh fit mi aung,
" K1itii oysters,
" Kaylnr ImiiiK,
" applet C'liIlT
" Oregon buckwheat.
K. K. Williams, Hie grocer.
For superior work In crayon or water
colors on short notice go to Cheney's
art gallery,
Unliable flro Insurance
Cut prices on stylish (rimmed hats,
Misses trimmed hats, 75c up, (nit ahaes
ifOo up, veilings, i-ordsf pompon anil
ribbons at l'urtlmiJ prices. l(d Front
Trading Co.
Ton big insurance roinptiia
V. V.. IloflALIISON,
Trot John H. Edwards Iim r-ently
been secured as leader (or the 1'rnnhy
terlan choir which now Iim eighteen
memlHira. Oilier singers ire soon to Imj
added anil under Ilia skillful leadershi
el Prof, hdwanla will te one of Hid beat
choirs In the city,
float limmaiiro companies
Kveryliody knows (ieo. F. Morton, Ilia
baker aul grocer, ilia bakery lion been
catering to th wanta of the public for
over 30 years. Mr. llorton tiuya only
thJ)estof flour and Ida bresd, pie and
cakes are unexcelled ty any bakery in
the county, aa hundred of our people
will Utatify ,
Free Insurance bloltera
F, K. Donaldson,
Juat for the pleaauie of It, drop In and
view the holiday stock of jitwelry, ailver
ware, waU-hes, umhrellaa, etc., displayed
by llurnieieter A Andreaen. Their sou
venlr chlnaware, decorated with vlewa
of the fall, suspension bridge eU',, would
make acceptable gifts for friends in
olner place. You will appreciate also
the reasonablemwa of theii prices.
largest insurance business
F. K. Donauhhin.
A private letter to a friend In this city
from lief. H. W. rUryker, formerly
pastor of the Methodist church here, but
now principal of (toucher Academy of
Pnget Hound univemity In Montessno,
Washington, convey the pleaaiiiK inUil
I ignore that he and his family are well
ami that Mr. tStrykor'a health has greatly
Improved since leaving- Oregon City.
He also reiiorls his school to be in
proM-rous condition and growing
Insurance that insures
F. K. )oNAl.l)HON.
Hiduey Hmyth flnishvd hisconlract this
this week for the Improvement of
Heveiith street ltweeii Main street and
thu railroiid track. The work is well
done and adds another permanent im
provement to Oregon City that our
people may well be. proud of. Mr.
Kmytli went to Portland last Monday
to sign u contract that hn him tnken for
the puving with vitrilled brick ol the
three blocks of Iturnsido street between
Third Ami Sixth streets in thut city. It
was hut a short time since that he com
pletudabig street contract in Albina.
Leading insurance agency
F. E. 1)onai.iihon.
Geo. W, Jenkins, editor of the Santa
Maria "Times," Cul in speaking o the
various ailments of children suld:
" When my children have croup there is
only one patentmediciiui that I ever uso,
and that is Clmuilmrlitin's Cough
Kumudy. It posmiusea B01110 medical
pro.erlies that relievo the little auirerurs
immediutely. It is, in my opinion, the
bust cough medicine in the market."
If this remedy Is freely given as soon as
thu croupy cough npiHiars it will prevent
thu attack. It is also an ideal remedy
for whooping cough. There is no danger
in giving it to children, as It contains
nothing injuries. For sale by G. A.
Harding, druggist.
Roasting Schillings Best
tea in San Francisco costs
more than roasting other tea
in China or Japan, but it
makes tea better.
You don't have to pay
the difference, though. It
comes out of our profits.
We make money in giv
ing up profits. Queer I
A Schilling ft Comptnr
ban FranclKo
Foresters' Kli'clliin.
The Hniiil iiiiiiiiiil eleclion'of olllnir of
Court Itolilu llond No. II, was ll 1 .1 I'rl
ilny it v . -1 1 1 1 1 k . The follow lug olllrer won)
cliiilml; ('.A. Filch, chlel runger ; I.
I'), l.uwri'iii'r, siio'chinf ranger; (I. If.
1 1 ui I, 1 1 miHiii itr ; F. T. Kogera, llnsn
ciiil socrelury; M, Hyatt, recording
socreliiry; H, 0. JllllinHti, senior wol
srd j N. Mi Killli'itn, Junior woodsnl ; W.
K. Thomiis, senior beudle; (leo. l'oll,
junior ImikiIIii; N, K. Kluiiiiurinan ami F,
H. Haker, truslees; K. A. Hoiiiiunr, court
physician; CO. Huntley, court druggist.
I'oterty Nui lul,
The l'overty social to be given by thu
Kpworth leiiKiiu at the M. K, church
this (Friday) evening )iicemlwr 11, bids
fair to lie a grand success. The coimnil
Uhi on arraiigemeiiis has prepured a
very Intenisting provram consisting of
recitations and mimic. Kvurybody is
reiUflnti-d to have their drnns for the
evening to corresiioiid with the word
Theie will be a prir.e given to thu lady
and gentleman whose dress will give the
best evidence of hard limes. There will
also be a booby prise given lo the best
dressed lady and gentleman. Admission
5 cents, refreshments 10 cents. Kvery-
hody Invited.
Khctrlc Hotel Arrivals.
II Mllallur, 1'ortland,
W F Hubbard, HaU lirry,
Jos IleForeat, llaknr City,
W K Deinen, Astoria,
i C Dement, "
W Wade and wife, Portland,
W J McAllister,
wen Jones, Heaver Creek,
Jacob Miley Wilsonvillu,
C W Herman, Molalla,
W V Herman, "
K 8 Chaae, Handy,
Miaa Johnson, Trouldale,
M M Midvln, Portland,
F. II Urown "
T L Turner, and wife, I'orlland,
KL Hitchcock,
F L Mintls, Oswcge,
Ixuis Wallinan, Poitland,
A C Huught, Woodburn,
K I'itts, fit. Uuis,
A A Mack, Portland,
J F. Marks, Bsrlow,
VY M 5Iurrison, Hokane,
Ham Steele, Portland,
V K Pellea, Ban Francisco,
Cliaa Klgln, IVlroit,
P Kerr,
The electric is Oregon City's leading
hotel and its table cannot be excelled.
Art and Pictures.
The Oregon City in class now num-
Iwrs twelve pupils and it baa been de
cided to have two studio, every Thurs
day at the residence of Mrs. Ir. Norrls
snd every Tuesday at the Cheney art
gallery. This gives an opportunity to
please all, and have extra time for the
china painting and the diploma course,
The work done by the class will be on et
hiblt in dilTerunt windows in town from
time to time.
I.ook at Mrs. E. E. Martin's window
this week. All interested in art work
are invited to visit the studios in Oregon
City and also the headquarters In Port
land, which are in the A. 0. U. V.
temple, Second and Taylor streets.
There are many large and small pictures
suitable for Christmas gifts.
Your lnlluei.ee and patronage will be
greatly appreciated both by the class
and teacher, Alice Weister.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an Older inmiwl out o(k the circuit
court of Multnomah county I will
fell at public auction in Harlow,
Clackamas county, Oregon to the high
oet bidder subject to the approval ofthu
court, for cash in hand, on the 12th day
of December at 11 o'clock, a. m. thu
assets of thu Barlow Will Mcrchantilu
Co. Halu will Ik) made as follows:
Merchandise as per Invoice In one lot,
Notes and book accounts in one lot, store
fixtures in one lot. John P. Coi.k,
Heceiver Harlow Will Mer. Co.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of
Pelzold A (iale, doing business as butch
ers, has this day been dissolved by mu
tual consent. The business will be con
tinued by Kichaid Pulsold. All accounts
duo the late Arm must be settled by Jan
uary 1, 181)7. Kiciiahd Pktzoi.d,
Ciias. Ualk.
Oregon City, Doc. 3, 1811(1.
Fine Uundry Work.
The SiHters of tho Good Shepherd will
open up their laundry on Monday next.
ood work will be guaranteed and prices
will be reasonable. Laundry will be
collected and delivered to all parts of the
city. Orders by telephone promptly at
tended to.
Store your Produce.
And wait for a raise in the market that
is sure to come. Ample store room in
Oregon City for bay, grain, potatoes etc.
at very low rates. Cull on or address
Jas. A. Wku.h.
For Sale or Trade.
I have on my placo for sale or trade,
several fine milch cows and heifers of
very good stock. If you want a bargain
call and bee me. M. W. Randall, Ely,
Oregon. 11 1314
Good coffee is within your reach. Got
our beat Java and Mocha blend.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
J. M. Wwlruir, of S.ilnin was in thu
city Tuesday,
Mrs, Dr. Hrooks of hilvsrtou Is Visit
ig Mi'ii'Ih in tlni city.
Miss Annie Hainuels, of Coivallis is
visiting friends in Oregon City.
Hon F. I.. Mlntle, of Oswego, insdo
business visit to the city Wednesday.
A. C. Hough, of Woodhum, attorney,
was In the city on legal business Wed
Hev. Oilman Parker is at Helix, Kst
eru Oregon, holding evangelistic
A. N. Gillwrt, superintendent of Ore
gon Statu iionltentlary wos in the city
Chas. Elgin, of Detroit, was In the
city yesterday transacting business in
the land olllce.;
Columbia Jackson, formerly of Mol
alia, but now of linker City, greeted old
friends here this week.
Miss llertha Darin ol Portland, accom
panied by Miss F'isher apent Sunday in
Oregon City visiting friends.
liicliard Winston, one of the leading
merchants ol Seattle, was in the city this
week to attend the funeral of his mother,
ltussell Case, the efficient clerk in
Cbarman A Bon's store la confined to
his room this week with an attack of
E. J. Hwaflord, who was elected treas
urer of Haleiu on Monday Is well known
here and Is a brother of J. L. HwafTord of
this city.
Eugene and John Dement, two well
known Astoria capitalists, were in the
city Tuesday and Wednesday to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Winston.
The Kt. Kef. Bishop Morris, of Port
land has given Christmas Sunday to St.
Paul's parish in this city, Christmas
music in the Episcopal church Is always
good but this J ear it will be especially
Henry Nachland of Grass Valley
Sherman county Oregon, was a caller at
Uils oflice Tuesday. Mr. Nachland came
here about two weeks ago and has been
detained every since on accouut of the
storm .
The Hev. Joseph De Forest the new
rector of St. Paul's Parish, occupied the
pulpit of the Episcopal church, last
Sabbath to the great delight of the con
gregation. The reverened gentlemen
was detained In Portland over Sunday
and improved the opportunity by preach
ing in this city.
Winstom. At her home near Damascus,
Sunday, lVcemlnir 6, IH'.KI, Mrs Mary
K. Winslou, aged about 70 years.
Deceased was the eldest child of the
pioneer Baptist minister, Kev. liezekiak
Johnson, who came with his family
across the plains and aeitlud in Oregon
City In 1H45. She was known to all the
old settlers 0 the county and was uni
versally esteemed and respected. There
survive her Hon. W Carey, II. II. and
Miss Anna Johnson, of this city, and
Prof. Franklin Johnson, lecturer and au
thor, of Chicago Uniyursity.
The funeral services were held
Wednesday morning at Clackamas sta
tion, conducted by Kev. M. L. Rugg.
After the services the remains were
taken to the Clackamas cemetery and
with loving hands laid gently to rests
whi'e sweet flowers, fit emblems of the
purity and gentleness of her whose grave
they decorate, were placed upon the little
mound beneath which her body peace
fully awaits the time when "this mortal
shall have put on immortality and death
shall be swallowed up in victory."
Mrs. Winston was buried by the side
of her liitHhand, the late Hon. James
Winston, who died some two years ago.
Mr Winston was one of the clerks of
Clackamas county, besides serving ac
ceptably in other positions of trust and
honor, Mrs. Winston's father and
mother and the other members of the
Johnson family who have passed awav.
are buried in this cemetery.
There were present at the funeral her
sons, Richard Winton, of Seattle, and
Percy Winston, of Damascus, who lived
with his mother; and her daughters,
Mrs. Anna Chalk, of Seattle and Mrs
Virginia DuMert, of Spokane. Another
son, Julian, who lives in Washington
could not be reached so as to be heie at
tho funeral. Also her nephews, Eugene
and John Dement, of Astoria, were pres
ent, besides a great many old pioneers
and friends ot the family.
Mrs. Winston, on her mother's side,
was a lineal descendant of Aneke Jans
and an heir to the millions of dollars
worth of property of the Trinity church
corporation of New York.
The old Winston home in Richmond,
Virginia, was purchased by the confed
erate government and was used by Jell
Davis as his residence during the war.
A Splendid Dinner Given.
To all who dine at the Portland res
taurant, opposite the suspension bridge,
the finest dinner to be had in Oregon
City will be served. A specialty made
of flno meats, fish and game. Try our
Sunday chicken dinners. Clean table
service ana etiiuient help. A quiet
place to bring your wife or lady friends.
Meals 25 cents.
The U. Sa Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to nil others.
Highest of all to Leavening
Cow Taken op.
Taken up at my place on the Clack
amas river, two miles from Login post
ofllce, a cow with brass buttons on her
horns. Color red, shading to roan with
white belly; sge about 8 years.
Owner by proving proerty and paying
charges can take the animal.
Logan, Dec. 3, 'W. John Hchi ttkl.
Came to my place about three wwks
ago, one 8-year old, red and white spot
ted heifer, with rather long legs, with
hole through each ear. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying all
expenses, w, M. kanoall, r-ly, Or. 4t
liooks Clieup.
Everything required in the school
room, nooks, slates, tablets, sponges,
ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil
liams, cornei Seventh and Center streets.
Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc.,
fresh and of good quality. Sold at reas
onable prices.
Iodlgestlon Cared.
Depressing times depress the mind;
the digestion is disturbed. Two or three
doses of the S. B. Headache and Liver
Cure will restore your health to s nor
mal condition. 50 cents per bottle.
For ssle by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
K. L. Holinan undertaker and em
balmer. Gradnate of Embalming col
lege. Full stock of caskets and coffins
at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in
Winebard block opposite courthouse, tf
Hewing Machine For $20.
High grade sewing machines, that will
do as good work as aa any that are on
the market, will be sold for the next
four weeks for from $14 to $20 by (H . O.
Cheney, at Cheney's art gallery.
II oases Made Bright.
Morrow, the painter, has removed his
shop to Seventh street, near the depot
where o'ders can be left for painting,
paper-bunging and calciming. Prices
to suit the times and all work honestly
and efficiently done, tf
1.S50 Cash
Will buy e choice lota in West Glad-!
stone all fenced in and within one block '
of the E. 8. R. R. track. I
Addiess M. A. II. care of Entxbpribi.
If you want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Building and
Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladen.
He has it at bis finger ends.
For Sale or Trade.
80 acres of land, partly under cultiva
tion, within 1 of a mile of school, 10
miles from Oregon City. Address M,
care of this office. 1 mo
Wall Paper.
Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City
latest designs and prices to suit the times
at K. L. Molman's in Winebard block
opposite courthouse. tf.
Fur Sule Cheap.
Drug store and fixtures at Canby Or.
Good location. J. M. Evans,
41 Canby, Oragon.
Dr. Yaiiderpool's
Physic, the 8. B. Headache Liver and
Kidney regulator, takes the lead witb
us. For sale by CO. Huntley, druggist.
All parties knowing themselves indebt
ed to the firm of Petzold A Gale, will
please call and settle before the first of
January, 1807, and thus save any.'unueo
essary trouble and expense.
KiciiiRO Tetzold,
Chas. Galk.
Send the Entkhphisk to your friend in
the Eabt and thus give him an idea of
what is going on in Clackamas county,
It may induce him to locate with us.
We intend that everybody dealing with
us shall be thoroughly satisfied. If
through error any transaction should fall
short of this ideal, we Bhall treat it as a
favor and not an annoyance if you come
back and tell us about it.
Mark & Anokrws, grocers.
The latest in tarns and walking hats.
Miss Goldsmith.
Use OXIEN for your "nerves" also
for coughs and colds. Pamphlets free.
Charman A Co., Druggists, agent.
Try our home made mince meat.
Couldn't be better
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Dwelling house wanted Address Rent
er, giving location and price, care of the
It is worth the trouble of trying our
Blue label catsup, fine flavor and pure.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
The latest in visiting cards at the En
terprise Office. Prices to suit you.
Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
r 1
Patent Oflloa ProflU,
"So far tbore hare been nearly S00
patents Issued for borseshons'obsorved
a blacksmith. "Every one of thorn was
supposed to have merit A large nam
ber of them were snnnmuul tn he nf
value for the reason that they could be J
put on borses by bands or clasps and '
thus save time and the expense of horse-
shocrs. Sir thousand dollars, therefore,
has been paid into the patent office by
inventors of horwabnea
"Not one of these Inventions was
ever used, and today, as during the
past, horse are shod. The only shoe
that can be put on a horse must be nail
ed on by a blacksmith. T hire is no royal
road to wealth, and there is no way to
shoe a borso except to nail on the shoe.
This 0,000 is bat a small part of tbe
money paid out in connection with pat
ented borseshoea "Washington Star.
Bmrdaa's Hobby,
Sardon's bobby is building himself
houses. I11 this way he delights in
spending his wealth. On Mount Boron,
on tbe ouUkirts of Nice, stands a huge
erection of stone, dwarfing the sarronnd
iug villas, which is merely the founda
tion of a palatial residence which the
eminent dramatist oommenced, and
after an expenditure of some $300,000
was prevented from completing on the
ground that tbe structure would inter
fere with the outlook of the fort perched
on the hill behind.
Two Temptlof Offer.
One of the down town clothiers has
this advertisement, which he has dis
played in several newspapers :
"We agree to give ail oar customers
k patent medicine dealer, who caught
tight of the ad. yesterday far tbe first
time, said that be intended to immedi
ately insert another notice beneath it,
as follows:
"I will care those fits chesp as dirt"
Syracose Post.
Bow It Out 'i... .-.
A young man toik I.m wutrh i...
jeweler and asked the ren i f it i uj.-
ping. "Well, suld tho jc Acl' r, "iLcj.'
is a bedbug in it." "Why, how could a
bedbug get in a watch?" "Eusily
enough," said tbe jeweler, "it went in
between the ticka " Henneaay Preat
Democrat. i
Great Holiday
We have opened, in the past week, case after case of choice
Holiday Goods, and prices will be found far below anything
ever before seen in Oregon City.
Dolls, 10, 15, 19, 25, 39, 43, 69, 98c.
Toilet, Cases, 25, 50, 75c, $1, 1.25, 150.
Work Boxes, 19, 25, 39, 50, 75, $1.25.
Manicure Sets, 25, 50, 75, $1.
Bronze and Silver Pin Trays, 19 and 25c.
Jewel Cases, 25 and 50c.
Odor Bottles, 50 and 75c.
Glove aud Handkerchief Boxes, 50, 75, $1.
Fine Celluloid Albums, 69, 98, If 1.50.
Children's Knife and Fork Sets, 25c.
Fancy Metal Pin Cushions, 10 and 25c.
Autograph Albums. 19 and 25c.
Scrap Books, 10, 15, 25c.
Plush Photo Frames, 15c.
Silvered Ink Wells, 50c.
Silvered Photo Frames, 25c.
Children's ABC Blocks, 19c.
Children's Building Blocks, 25c.
Toy Picture Books, 4, 9, 15, 25c.
Drnwintr Slntoa A. qtA Or
Children's Games, 4,
New arrivals in Fine Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs, New
Two-Clasp Kid Gloves, Fine Jersey Leggins.
Tickets given on all Purchases which enables you to get some
of the
As fine looking and serviceable as solid gold. Costs you noth
ing if you trade at the
Caufield Bloek, Oregon City.
i i i i i i i i
'fit On (irvnt t'li tuh.rit AulLn!tyr 1
n s. n"tftf7iftf.
ptiitiicn ate,
Htn n 1 n rd
f t ihm I' i.int'i V'lltU (
Ititf rfTl". tlM" I h Ml. .
1 ivltif ( ourl, !, Hi
mi'l of rfauly fail II
t omiiit-ndrct
bf fi''frtiitfi-
Vfitii it Pt )u, ni
frtliFr fiirHlra h1hm4 .
wiUtoiii number.
, II l cmjt In find fh wrd wanfff,
( It It cujr to ascertain th prnnunctatkn.
, II la at to trava lb a rroth of a orJ.
( It la eaty to learn hat orJ meant.
Th0 rhnrfo T'lre-'ltrrmM fl.v.
WmtmOtr' IntrrnntUtf.il I krt ormrt In If: ntfMTil
lYtfrn p Vsaf.tn tnlr" it jr Mi v.rytMfr f1'Ht't
nxtr isiigitiiMin Mf rv 'T m vrr nr urn t
epT -nfin imj. nn ttnn-twm rm ii ir-f rut
it U. Jtaa-aal ia-rft In- m n tt 1 1 MhI tvMsLu -
I uuall 14. I
n. A C. MF.HRUM rn.
Srtnfirltl, Mnnn.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
BEIDG1 119
Double and Single Rigs, and Bad
die horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
Horses Bourht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
Opp. Huntley's Drujt Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
ClockB and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
i I i I 1 1 I I
9, 12, 16, 25, 48c.
' J it'll i ,
'CT-niaTiaui tw ;
SI' .