Oregon City Enterprise HATKII Tl BKIIKMBtIC Hatnnlsy, Nov ','N Itruitlar iiiufUhk of V hniiiit Ciiiiiily Teachers' aoelatlon I Ciiimnl m liiiiil Iimi. Hutui'liiy, Nov. an. Hwrll term (if County court, Tloirnlsv, l' P. 8 A lilliml elecllnii nl l,lll ci r. nr Mcal Woman's Iti'llnl Corp, Friday, I i.t, 'JA.-ClirlKliiiM list, FIMHAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1H1MI, ( (MM V ( 01 It! (Inters Jlade lay the Judge mid Cum. llllmtllllllT. Tim following lillU hsve Wn allowed (ur road work tlnuiiuliotit Hid county : IIOAII IHNTHICT ACCOUNTS. Ni 1 l.nliur on Oatnchl road and brldgs on mini', on Mltwaukl and Baker's I-'crry ruuil and on MlUaukle bridge. W II Onnii.ell $ M 'H V, Payne 7'HK' Mi l.Hiiiii,lin tKi ( Hc.il , .'Ill IHI John Mii.kcy .'Ill IK) Mi m IU ,i U iS' ll.l.iy llo.ely :i7 .'Ml Wallop llaiieiilifrgcr 'Jl IHI I. C.I.T Hallow I!V IM) ( llt-jf Holncy H Ml Andrew PlEely 32 i'i lie.. Mimiiiiy 7 N W N I'll)!!!. iflHMI Ji I'.iiilri Mil (HI Chs Mullln 17 (Hi 1 1 ID 2.1 No ,1- On Oregon City nml lismaiiciia Mini mi Wliintoii ami Colon achoolhousit A W Cm. Ml ) (inn (inllln W A A pilv " II I'muLch V Borrli.gcr W M Clin. Iliwr 1 Jollll HleWIMl , 7 "l Fred Z.ilil 7 ltt J IHI No. 4 11 F Currln 27 Harvey (iibnoil Itl (XI 4:1 oi Foil" ing persona worked stated number nl ilaa without iy : I. Jii.iUilmi 2. II t'nili-l Kll Kutcr 3, J lUtli y I, Jim Miter 3, W liouglaii I.Tmn Baker ilcnti) 1, Hal (ill. "Ii l'v. W J II. ,li l I, J I' Woodlu (leant) 1, II Wll- tu rn I, J (iiUmi 1, II Hk-hh I, F.d liiibrr I. II I'miiImiii I, N Wrath 1. (.it'll I'.hdl , liiiMiib.ou 1, llmvey (illinoli 1!. .No. tt ( iii lU-veiiuuroad between Fir- mil and rtaiuly. I' K Meining. ft1 F.d Hopper '-''' A ( Mviiim '" N Nciw.ii II I terser J. .1,.. Cn-lo. . f "" ( In.. IW. I I A Uciiillainl 1 2.1 7u N.i 7-Victor Tulioi.li.il ... 11,1 K A Mi ni :( "" J II. .I.ii, ..ni '" J... itit.fr 3 1KI A AmlM.ir ' 21 .'mi Nn I'.' On MiUioikiu Hiol t'li'iiwrll run. I. J (' piagun I " lHl J. I,n IV.i-li.. :l ,HI J C Young 11 12 (H N... i:i--C B Wur.l w c Wnf.i ! ! I hIIiiik. iniitcriiil. 1(1 ' IHI 1.' N... It I I. SHir.ir.l 'I . fm j vJ,,',;' K ThUt : J A i i! :l" K Alilrc.lni' Is V J Mo'llv :;,iV" ji.tiii (hilmi ''i ft" II II NirkU I "' Olix Mi.-lii.y H -.' K llii kniHil ' J Mmlli.y '-' i::u 6 N 17 On Cmiliy roml mnl Ovi'ilit iol lirnlni'. L I) tfhmik - ' Jnliii Siiilniii'ker 7 ft" TSnilniickiT .. 1-' txi Kmnk Mf)'r I-"" W lliHHfll 1-' " ' John Z.Tk 12 HI J K Diivou ! 'Ml W Mmiihitvillo r,tl John Krki'rwin '2 (HI L SiBlni'kir 1 U J Zi'i'k , lilm'kNiiiitli 3 70 8. Twrry, paiiitina gulilu boHrilB 4 0" 1J2 7" No. 18 On Moliilla roiul. W W Muv 1 John SiimIIihui 1" J2 John Jnni'H IU .17 W J Miliar H "2 Kll JotM'H H ii'l Ili-tirj Miller f, Kill X ('oopiT ,l "" l'n'hion ClnopiT. ft" V W Muv. tt'Hin HI IHI W J Miller " " On II .l,.lllH " SO" V Krirkinn " "" F JmiUHr " & 2r 11(1 AH No. ID Ooriliirroyinu (10 rodn o( roail ai ii.piT I ol lliit'knur Hill. H(i rroHpiT ift" Win More ft -ft HiiH.'O (inr.1 (... li "" Leimiml Sniilli ft 2ft F II Miminir 2 '.' Frank Miller . 'J'.' K Cn.iiili,(linin ,. . ' J I IH.Hl 0 ("' Jai:ob Meyera 4'.' 7f) No. 20 AiiKuat ritroiiigroon 8 00 No 22-1. O I.arinn 21 fto (leo Hull 24 7ft IH'allitlian 117(H) Jnliii Jlh key 22 Mi J llalv HO M) II Dicker HI M All.eil KiiuId 20 M7 Knhl Italy 3ft (HI (I Keyrar I.'l 75 W II Kiiuln 30 (H) Victor Dickey 2 M) Ira Dickey 27 Ml A .Minium IH 7fl I J IUH..II 1" (H) O II Willliima (M) Jaa Dickey, , I M) Wiirren liray 1 M) T Way 4 M) Olivnr Kohl. Ina 0 00 :ilU 112 H. .,l- l,(J l.araon 7 M) Victor Dickey 3 7ft J nli it Dickey 4 Ml W II KiiIi 4 M) I) Calhiliiii 4 Ml (1 Feyrar 3 (K) A Johlimin , 3 1H) Jamea Italy ,K 3 (H) (ifii Hall 3 (HI IC Dickey 7(H) 43 7ft Donaltt't Labor It Dm key 10 (HI Jm Dickey I" (HI Ira Dlckev I" C" N M Hmimhy 20 (Hi li l eynar 1" (HI Jn I'.Hiv Hi (h) I, (i (.arai.ii 10 (Hi A Ft. k It' ft "" DCallnlian 3 "" A Jnliiiwiii 3 (H) 0 II Williaim 0" tie.i llall 3 'HI K Hair l'"" Kuhliio.A Hon 1" (hi John Dickey 3 75 F Wav 1 Ml W II Kiitfle 1 Ml II J Itnatall 10 00 133 7ft No. 2:1 Henry Knclier A U eiiiil (1 M) 0 00 3 (H) 3 On 3 (HI II II Huiherlaml John Tatlnr Peter Ki ker Cole llroa A &, IiiiiiIht .'Kl (Ml II Will, tiaila 4 2ft 01 7ft No. 21 Labor on bridges and culverts A Mouliindoii I Ml W Kiiliule 1 Ml F Ninth 1 Mi W It. I Ml A Spagle 4 Ml S .Vi.ller I Ml D Kr.,11 3 7.t J Mvera I "" F rn-h 1"" li Axkin 1 (Hi J K Mill HI 20 7ft Nn. 2ft-1 1 Harms ft 2 ft J J (iioanii 8 2ft II llaruia 4 Ml V (iiulM-r 7 Ml J W Smith 1" "" 41 M'j S, ;n-T Sllpp ft (hi T J V..titfliau I ft" .l.ihii VaiiKhan 1 ft" j Flunk Hi liner ' ft I. K Sieliinan 2 ' Win Skei n 2 Ml 14 M'j N.. 27-1. NJi s .. ' " Ju H I 2 2ft I .1 T Diakf ' II Jack, aigli board 3 (Hi 13 2 ft No. 3i-Woik on dreg II City and I )m i',. road. C C ItorlHii.l '"I;l " F W Wanker 21 CO I. ) Khoiii 21 (Hi .1 li' linen 'fMI It (M.l. i.hiiiill " ft" I. A Shipiev 22 en A W Shipley 20 2ft I It IlllVe 2ft Ml M K Shipley 22 Mi I'l.o Fox A T.illi l "" CCIt.nlin.1 28 (Ni A li II ck H 2ft F F. H.ividmin Ift 75 Tim Chuck 'ft "" lli.,('litick KlectiicCo lorkwurk 23 2ft lit W ll.irliiinl '... " i li W sum h 22 Mi A Itatikiu 21 7ft .Ik Monroe 21 7ft Jolt 11 KiiHi-r 21 .ft Jacob I 1" KJf I ieorne Waffltt " l'1 WWToild 12 7ft C II Miller.. 7 Ml .1 AllHtill " '" Jack norland 1 "" G W Prtmser 2- "" 627 f2 No. 31 P A linker ft"" Marcus Baker M Frank Sharp 3 "" Clan Peters 3 "0 T K Turner 1 ,In Turner 1 Frank Weihllo 1 Charles I'olifkn Conriid Shreoiler Tniihilin Mill Co, lumber for re pairing Turner and Shipley bridges I" 20 No. 32-K S Calkins M (! Heater . . Nelnon A McMillan, lumber (or J L Seelv, F F Seely, Vossand Trtihay bridges No. 34 On 0 S Murry road. .1 1 1 Sua ill J Diinmire 5 "" J D New mini 3 00 Frank Waatoll, use of scraper 4,1,,' ihivs &" Adam Andre, tine of scraper days (1- 12 IS No. 3.- Nixon Bluir Wl I Hen .Stanton 4 001 t Oscar Beeil 1 f,t) 1 t ieu Owinga ,r, k r.o John Owings 4 iu K Edmunds ' ( ieo Maplo 6 Mr Juror 2 00 KlbertKcllin 0 50 MKenoiy 3 W UWKillin MIX), Ml 30 4 "2! 1 W) 2 00 7 60 N, ft- W II Flt.i.iitrl.:k M Wheeler 8 Wabill II. II. Jolmaon apjiolnteil to anrv.y the roiel to thu ininea 011 ietitiiin of J V. Iliirlt wetal Inat. ud ol il.o county mirveyor l'ollowlii ariioiinta worn jiiiiil hy war run Id 011 II r it ol month : ( him Pcorhnll, animal Ixmiily.. . J W Pun ull " " .. . Hftfuliir iaiiT accoiiiita KIiiiit Dixon, clerk (i W (inu e, aherin (I K Iluyea, )uil'i A I.iielluiK, rneonler Peter Nchreli, JimiUir Jacob Simile 2 0(1 l.H) 00 jnn 0 lit' 00 40 00 K II (i Hliirkwenther.. .. Ml (HI OA William, indigent aoldierat'ct 10 (0 Co F, Armory rent 20 OH , The Pinafore la Coming. It is not often our people are called upon to enterlaU audi dialinguiihed gncats aa will be with u "'Kin. iter Majesty's ithip, Pinafi.re, la ex liected in I'ort Khlvely Decemlier 1 (II It llur vi-rv iKiiiuhir commander, (.'auluin Corel.ran i(iuv Phllllim of Portland) ' awialed by Ida t 'harming daughter Jonephliie (Mra J II Htrh kler) will !nu a recepMon .0 r.r . K.C. It. (W. II. Iturghart) and 1" , crowd of admiring female relatione, hi" j inters, and his cousins suil his aunts, I among whom are Coimin Unite (Minn I Maltle Drap-r), Vera Canflel.1. g4I0 I . ... 1 li . Cha-e. Nan Cochran. Kale Ward, m Harding, Nettie Walden, Mat. IW little, Calherinu Pratt, IIsMil I'ilsbury, Klma Albright, Pauline CamplM'll, Kmnia Mctielchiu, Vera Pilalmry, Iu Co. Iiran. Kittle Butter cup" (Mrs.. Alex. Thomas of Portland; will be on hand as; nai.ul with Iimi KuhLmI tif 'trn wli.N " for the cr.w, who are boatesain, Kay Nop. rl; boatswain's mate, Kvan Williitins; nildnhipmate, Ivan Htrickler. K A I. I'll ItACKSTKAW (Willis llayne of Port land), Dii k D.-adeye, Clmii. Pope ; crew, Uyton Kelly, Jas. Church, Chas. Wil son, George Simmons, Trcaion Kee.l, John Hickman, Ben. Doolitllu, KaIiIi Miller. Box sheet nt Huntley's hook store, MoinUy, Nov. :t0. Bent renerved r-eut, 50 ceiitn ; general a.l'iuion, 35. Art ami Picture. The Oregon City a't clasa now nuin iH'rs twelve pupils and it lias been tie i'iile.1 to have two studio, every Thuis- dayatihereaideiiceol Mrs. Dr. Norria niul every Tncrnlay at the Cheney art gallery. This gives an oppnitiinity to ,li-n-e all, and Iiiivh extri time lor lite . hina painting and the diploma courne. The work done liv theclaM anl he onex- lnl.it in differeiit windowi in town (mm time to lime. I,ook at Mr K. K. Maitin's window I n.i week. Ad inlerer'e.l in ait work inviteil to Visit the Ktu.lioH in Oreunii Ctlv and hI-0 lite headiin irie.H t'i I'nri- lai d, ,liicli ure in the A. (I. U. W. Piniiie, Se.on.l ami I aylor s reel. Toi re are m ..nv l..r..e and am ,11 nteiurvs! Hiiitalile for ChiiwtuirtH gihs. Your ii, lliiei.ee and p iironago )K. will great I v appieciuled bo'h by ami teacher. Alice Weinter. the cla i lliai ki to Hie Baud Boy. We would like to thunk the Parkpluce hand boys for their kindness and reKH t idmwn in the Heienade on Monday niht. They luiirched to our limine and plne.l three or four piece, afier which they 1 ... ... . . . 1 1. .!.... were Invited Into the house, when they aiain played tim e veiy nice music. We beg to v that they, knowing us to he - long 10 the (olds of God's armv. railed the Salvation Armv, ihey asked for nn lltpinri. uud we hope they eejoyeit them selves as well as we did. For their fan well tune they played "God be with you 'till we Meet Again." We respect this by ai-king God' blessing to be bestowed mum itt.t ftniwl a it 1'isrlt itl.ii'M Wiih our kindeHl respect and best wishes. we remain Kt'specifully, Vt. Vanovkk, ' Mas. Vanovkr, Matilda Vasovkb. 1'nrk place, Numher 23. Flsliernien Attention. There will he a meeting of the North Willamette Fishermen's Union at their place of meeting in the Charinan build- ing on Saturday December 6, nt 2 p. in. Business of importance will be up for consideration and all members are ex peeled to be present. K. ItlCIIAHPS, J. Y. HlMrilRKV, Secretary. President. Sewing Machine For $20. High grade sewing machine, that will do as good work as as any that are on the niarket, will lie sold for the next four weeks for from $14 to $20 by ,11. 0 Cheney, at Cheney's art gillery. Pinafore. The opera Pinafore will be Shively's hall, IVeeniher 10. given at Piieclor, Mrs. J. 11. Stickler. Aecompiiniest Miss Beatrice Barlnw. For Sale or Trade. 8(1 acres of lum', purtlv iinder cnltiva , lion, n i ii i I4 of a mile of school, 10 miles from tliegon City, care of this ofllce. Address M, 1 mo The latest in visiting cards at tint En TKKruiHK Okkilg. Prices to suit you. COLONIAL DELICACIES. Tlianatf Irllif I)llir That Tlrltlril (ha I'alale of Our rr-fatlin. Ill lull r diij'H, w lnil the coloniia haj Jnat fliiixlii'd the war tit thu litiTiilulit.ii, the llmuk(ivii)K diniii r waa not tnii fliietl to uciiimuiiipiioii of turkey. There c-ro other iluuitiri conai.Ur.d to le wim t. h'fiat fnforlto vntli thfl tolomul ! dam(.g w(m Ijrl(,( (, tlltwMflyM opoa their rookery, Kjilrun-i of Ihn ni'Klern af hool all know that thn di lieuto flutor of the 1 prizo nuuvaKhuek du' k la dun to thnlm-t H 01) tbitt it I' l'ili hirni ly upon Junip. r bor 1HH Oi'rii-a, and tlio colonial ludica diHpluyed rru kuowledKo wIkii they flavored the drewtiiiK of the, ooiMi with theae w rrina. j!"),h''T TliniikHKlriiig diah highly Prlz'(l I'T coloniul epicurea waa ham Inked in elder, mid if thn name delicacy were preparer today it Might maKfl tne forlnnfl of aomo amhitioua chef. Thia la thu way it wua done a hundred ycura go: Wipe s whole hum clean and put in baking pun, kiu aide down and over the (Veil mile sprinkle one-half a totv tpooi.ful euh of yx, cloves and all Siice and one.uurt4 rof a tcwjiooiifal of muce and cover all with a little onion Juice, lutohe lMittoni of the ran put anriir of oelerv. two hnv leuves and llioe of onion. I'nt cup of flour In and add sufllrleiit water to make ' I)a"t'' C07,'T '1"! Imtn with the paHte imi uumj an 1.1.1 p,i, hi. lllU, tbe pM two qn.rM of cider. Put , hot oven and cook for 8 hours, basting every 15 luiiiutes. When cooked, takeoff the crust, turu over and take off the skin and put in another pan with the fat side up. Uruh over with a bcat- m . uoni. on r., unu .... u en egg, ipmiaie w i.n cnoppea pamiej and bread mini In and hake iu a hot oven for one hour, when it will be ready to serve, tiuu Francisco Exuwiucr. Ir. Itepew Favors tMiulliern Cooking. Chuuuccy f pew actually licked his chops when sked about his Tbaukngiv- ing dinner. "Uive tiie." be said, "a ! bird from tut Hudson river farm cooked by an old mummy from Virginia. No j cue but a southern durky call c)k a turki y. A colored wouiun knows how to spice Dp the animal until it tastes lily a drop of sweet nectur, and (he nn (lemtunds getting it rich and dona Give nit ole uiuiiiUiy's cooking every time. Wo UM-d to huve an old mammy so lazy she wi uhln't move, but when it came to Thuiiki.g ii!g time r-he'd rouse her- j si If uud rtok a turkey to the taste of tin. ntii.ti. rir ti, tiiv rwn t:iNtl!oullO AS I criticul a one." whettd. A Itrtnlnilrr of the Father. Thanksgiving day cou.es with its an nual nunudtr of the fulhers, who in the Hiidiit of their poverty and distress thanked Gcd for their bit wiugs uud bud I ! "' !u,urc- It is the self sacri flee of ono generation that constitutes tho prrmperity of the nt xt. 1 he rock of D1imiil i 1 Bfmi l-its' Idsiv tr llA . .jiuuu.u w - - ""1 Infilled from rough contact by a war tie canopy. It is rather a sure faith in the supieiuo obligations of duty uud of j pt rsotiul churucicr us tho muni elumcut of ouruble succt s. ludi p i:dcnL Tl.alilii.fflvliiff llonutj. Otic of the bruign results cf the cb crvunco of Thiinkfgiving day is the cu cournuemeut it gives to public binevo- i h uce. While it is a tiuy set upart for j "'I , tho ucknowli tignn nt 01 iii.ui'uui, lamuy I-isonal bl .-sings, i vuy American IS taliglii in ill ciiiHinii.il iimi 111 11111 ! day he must fhaie the louf, fi'fd the 1 liuiicrT unit give lar to tne cry 111 ui- trei-ft. The signilii mice of the day is lost to these who appropriate if solely for personal gratification mid feluVli enjoy nicut Lxrhunp'. A TliankKKivtne Tl...uj;tit. Thrro is souiething lacking in the sincerity of the 111:111 v. ho goes into the tt.ifitiln nn I'liuiiLMrivniL. fliiv to no- tjm,w ),.,'. j;o the good gifis of Providence ... to him if hu 1ms dine nothing through ; the year or on this ih.y to upiut his fob 1 lows, to bring suntdiino into suuliss . heurts and to uistrihuto in some measure 1 tlie l'"""c" " 1 " ; trust tor tne 1 una 01 tue neipiess sous and daughters of lucu. Selected. Clirotnut Saure Fur Moiled Turkey. Shell and blunch three dozen French chestnuts. Boil iu water enough to : cover them for 80 minutes. Drain off j the water and pound the nuts to . paste. 1 4.4.1 I,. lilfttruitiriil mt suit nun u ,li,Bh AUU a ,. u . i v '.. v. ,. " of cayenne pepper. Stir graduay into the puste a pint of milk. Hub tCe mix ture through a coarse puree sieve mid pluce over the fire in a double boiler to cook for half an hour. Selected. New England Pumpkin IMc Take, a linn pumpkin, pure, cut up and stew until dry. To a quart of stewed i pumpkin and a cup of molasses, a cup ! of sugar, the beaten yolks or 8 eggs, I nuf a Cup cf butter, a pint of milk, half tcuspoonful each of ground ginger and cinnamon, wiih a pinch of suit. Mix well and pour into deep pie pans lined with pnft paKte. Bake iu a well heated ovou. Eliza R. Roper. lnn,.Pr..priai. iiunr. I . fl .. . . e tublpQ Kt.ally tiny do not belong there, jjy rij;ht they should be relegated to Christmas, with tho fruit cuke just a year old, for if there is u New England difh it is tho goldeu pumpkin pie. Ex- cbauge. ylT , Meek, who resides at Camp'onville, Cal., says her daughter j w 8 for several years troubled at times j with severe cramps In the stomach, ami, w. uhl be in sneii sunny that it was nec essary to call ina physician.. Having read about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diai rhmu Remedy she concluded tf trv i'. She found ihat it always jrsve prompt relief It was seldom necessary tn uivq th second dose. "It lias not only s.ived us lots of worry and time," (he aaya, but alao d.x-tor hilla. It la my opinion that every family aliouM have a bottle of thin remi ilv In the lioiiae." Foraaleby Oeo A. Hai.llr.g, rlriiKriat. rlick-Kjiiioii la a poiaon which make yon nick. It comes from the atomach. The atomach mi ken it out of nndleateJ foo.1. ' The blood getn it ami lainta the whole body with it. Thai's the way of it. The way to be rid of it la to look after your diuealion. 1 If vour food la all properly diluted, there will he none It ft in the atomai'li to make iii'k-poion out of If your atomaeh la to weak to see to thia properly by ilnelf, help it along with s few doaes of Khaker Digestive CorJial. That's the core of it. Sl.aker Digeative Cordial la a delicious, healthful, tonic cordial, made of pure ....,' medicinal plants, herbs and wine. It positively cures indication and pre vents the formation of lick-p.'iiaon. At druggliits. Trial bottles Iff cents. It is worth the trouble of trying our I'lue lall cataup, fine9.ivor and pure. E. E Williams, the grocer. Ahsolutelv pure, perfectly harmless, and invariably reliable are the qualities ! "f One Minute Cough Cnre It never 1 laili in colds, croup and lung troubles. j Children like it becmiite it is plea-ant to uia miim ii iieii'ti litem, u. u. 11 unuev. Good coffee is within your reach. Get our belt Java and Mocha blend E. E. Williams, the grocer. Fur Kent Mpeeiala. 1 Chicken and garden farm, 2 acres: in Clackamas ; frame house, spring wa'er, valuable fishirg privilege 15 per month, 2 Good Urm, li3 acres, 80 in cultiva tion, good buildings, 7 acri.: prunes; for rent or sale. b cl-an dwlllnir in Canemah , . . . s i tf , Klegant dwelling 7 rooms, double i parlors, two bay window:, pure moun- ! tain water pumped from the Clackama, ! ball. room. Kent or sale on the install - men I,lun' 5 Kittle cottage at Elyville, goJ well water, half acre garden. H. E.CKO.SS. House Made Bright. Murrow, the painter, has removed his ' sgo. one 3 year oi l, red an I white spot shop to Seventh street, near the depot j ted heifer, with rather long leg-, w ith where O-ders can be left for painting, ' bole thmngh eoh e ir. O'nerran have pnper-liLnging and calciming. Prices 1 lu euit the times and all wi.rk honestly and efficiently done. tf Where to Pay. To the members of Willamette Falls I cllp y0 m Woodmen 01 the World : I . .... Dnesand asceHStnents must tie paid in eimp or at Bellomy & BneM-li's or sent by mail to box 375. J. K. Mokkis, Cletk. For Sale. Thoroiiehhre.l Poland China t and thoniughtired Cutt-wol,. buck and ewe , ... , . , Also a fine thoroughbred short horn bull 4 vears old and in fine condition. Imiuire n T t rt . 1 - ID1""1' Store) our Prmlufe. And wait for a raise in :he market that j is sure to come. Ample store room in! Oregon City for hay, grain, potatoes etc. . at verv low rates. Call on or address Jas A. Wells. For Sale or Trade. I have on my place for sale or trade, several fine milch cows and heifers of very good stock. If you want a bargain call and ee me. M. W. Kandali., Ely, Oregon. 11 13(4 Insurance. If yon wsnt to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Buil.lin and Loan Association, call on Ji. T. He has it at bis (inner ends. Sladen. Spring Winroti Wanted. A second-hand spring wairon wanted, rash or trade. Address "Wagoh"eare of the Esthrprisb, giving price and de scriptive of vehicle. 1.250 Cash Will luy 6 choice lot in West Glad stone all fenced in and within one block of the E. S. R. R. track Adihess M. A. II. care of Entekcrisk. Wall Paper. Best Btock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to nit the times at R. L. llolman'a in Winehard block opposite courthouse. tf. Fur Sale. Four A 1 fresh milch cows, part Jersey. Enquire of J. M. Tracy, Louan, Clacka mas county, Oregon. Far Sale (heap. Prug store and fixture at Canhy Or Good location. J. M. Evans, 4t Canhv, Orag in. WOMAN Friend. It is uniformly mmfr successful in releavinj the backaches headaches and FOR weakness which bii-.I.Mi and shortens a woman's life. Thousands of ..men testify for it. It will give health and strength, and make life a pleasure. FOR SALE BY TIIE STEWART & HOLMES DKUG COMPANY. lie Von Want to Pulntl An art claas has Wo formed in this city by Alice Weialer, teacher of art In the Portland nniverVify," which meeH at the resilience of Mn J. W. Norria on Thursday of each wneK from 0 to 4 o'clock. A thorouich course will be given in decorative art, painting' on china, silk, velvet, mole ekin etc. A specialty of drawing and painting from lif anil still life. The con me for thoe who wiati to he ome teachers in the same aa the beat Fiench art schools. Mrs Weiater studied for aeven years in Kn rope snd bold certificates from two of the greatest artinta of ; Paris snd aoni of her paintings were sdmittud to ths great art exh.bitiona in that city. As teacher she ranks among the heat on this Omhi and her pnpila alwaya make splen r.rr..rutaa In tlivir arnrlr fra. ... . . , . . ' , , I Weieter s terms re very reasonable. Best and Cheapent lusarance. Save money on your insurance by call ing on E. E. Martin, who represent the onlv Mutual doiilit business In Oregon City. You cannot afford to keep on throwing your monev into policies and pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad vance and then have the company fail. The Oregon Fire Kelief association wilt stand the clot-enl inventiatlon. E. E. Marti, Agt. Commercial Bank Block. A Pilerntid Hinnrr Given. To all who dine at the Portland res taurant, opposite the siiHpension bridge, the fluent dinner to tie had in Oregon City will he served. A specialty made of fine meats, fiVh and game. Try our Sunday chicken dinner. Clean table tservice and efficient help. A quiet place 10 bring your wife or lady friends. Meals 25 cent. Eureka Hotel, Has the reputation of setting the best table in Oregon City. The cooking is done nnder peraonal supervision of Mrs. Gibbon, and the virtual sre equal to the best had in a private family. Kooms ' , Ik.(J tean an,i .,', Uhle. Give ! tl.e Eureka a trial. Meal and tied 25 ' eat.hf 8pe. ial rates to regular j t,oardt;rs. Ki-Tll). Came to my place aiimt three weeks 1 aanna liv f,p.ivl..tr i.r..nr!v Hltil t.nvit..' kll expense. W. M. Ranoai 1.. Ely, Or. 4t Wand d. 75 Wood choppers at BaMorf Bros.' j wood ramp, Oreon City . ' aitd its r eras To the Editor t I have an absolute i jmedy for CoUoa Byi its timely, jijj thousands of hopeless cases have been ilrezif permanently cured So proof-positive tin I of its power that I consider it my duty to A Inv hniitt frM fn thnv of voitr rm-.lrt who have Corcjumrtion.ThroaL Bronchial cr I nnir TrnnhU if thew will writ me t IlIt 1 Lung iruuLitc, u incjr wiu wiuo urn: uk wpress and post office address. Sincerely, t r ui. i . 1 ' 1 .:. ,1,. T. A. S10CUM.M.C, I Pearl SU Hew Tcri. Sir Th E.titoril nd Dainna kUnMnlnt of tbi Fimv OtuusaM uut eacrvaa lropoiiiD News Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemistry, Medicine, , Hygiene, Health. Foraerlf BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ENLARGED AND IMPRVEO. Contains a hirn nnmb.r o' shift, Easy, Practical, lot re-ti g and 1'opiliir Scieiitirte anicles, th .t .-a. be aiu r. cialr ed and ei.jovd liv miv ii.t. lligei t read- er. event hough he knew little or no hug ol Science. Profusely Illustrated and Free from Technicalities. Newsdealers. 10 seats. $1.00 jit im f-Mei.lioii this .aa r (or a sample copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper in the World Pl'BLIKHKD MONTHLY BY BENJ LILLAD. New York. l A pamphlet of taforroaltoa udab , Miu-kA. Oirfr uihu. ten: M.A ' Widdr. WUNM k CO. Vv tut Uka. Amtmv New rlu . ! "V A pampblvt of tafommikm udab.f- - Vtraclul th lvs,cuuwiu UuwUii. Obtia Pittnu, Careuti. 1'nule jF V V, Mark. OirTrlahtJ. tmi trf.,A '4 Tlie very remarkable and certain relief iriv en woman by MOOItK'S REVEALKD REMEDY has given it the name of Women's YOU