CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ETEKrRIE COKRESrOND ETS .SWEEP TUE HELM. Twin City Debating- Society Derides That the World Is Grow Ins Worse Increase In Attendance. P.tllKFI.Ari AKD (it.APSTON, Nov. H Mrs. M K Maple baa relumed to her horn in Tarkplar after two month's visit at her old home in Mattoon, III. She had a very pleasant trip, but the old home teemed so Changed that h felt almost as though she was among strangers. Mr. Hosa Gibson was the guest of Mrs. George Howard of Gladstone Tuesday. Mis Mary Rilniore went to St. Helens yesterday to visit her parents and Is ex pected home Itomorrow. Mr. and Mra. 'J 11. Miller of Gladstone went to Portland today on business. Mr. Carl Griffith ol Salem is visiting his aister, Mrs. K. A. Miller, of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Holcotnb spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Pauchy of Glad, atone. Mr and Mrs. iVamlerbeck, ol St. Ixiuis, Oregon, were the guests of Mrs. b. J. Gsrrotr last week. The Tarkplace band serenaded our new married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Will Van over at their bom hi Parkulact last night. The band played a few selections after which refreshments were served by the hosts. The boys then pla.'fd another selec tion and adjourned The. quarterly examinations am being held at the Tark lace school. The daily attendance of the school is 220, an increase of 18 over last term. The Farkplaee literary society met as usual last Friday evening. The attendance was Very good, the two upr rooms being well tilled." The question debated wm "Resolved, that the world is growing better, physically and morally." The question was debated on the part of the affirmative by Mr. Clark Williams, leader, Messrs. Frank Brown, KdwantjMaple and James Mathe sn;oiilhe part of the negative by Miss Jlarriella Dotson, leader, Willie Williams and Jessie Faublon. The judges rendered their decision in favor of the affirmative. Then an excellent program was rendered as follows: Song. "America" by all, recita tion, W. W. Gurrow; essay, Education" by Miss Katie E. Smilh; solo, bv Miss Ada Jluerth; essay, "Dignity ol Labor" Miss Edna Uarrow; quartet. "We all Have a Very Bad Cold" Doltie Bill and Pollie Cross, and Messrs. W. C. Brown, ami J. W. faubion. Mr. Charles Meserve wis a-ked to maae a few remarks, and reoniled with a few minutes talk on the kI that may be derived from literary work. The ques tion for debate next Kridav is. Resolved, "that It is to the bestintrets of the United States to acquire the whole of North America. The program will be opened by , an address by Prof. J. W Gray. Stafford News. Stafford. Nov. 20. After several weeks of laying on my oars I again grab down my pencil for ibe express purpose of writing a few lines to the Ks'TiRPKIst. Mi Kiiiley is elected president ot the Vt tted S'ates. Of Cense, we all know that. so we ran be free once agsin and stand on a olid fooling Sim- tne election the time i have changed, and instead of dry ti i e they have h-rome decidedly lreh, balmy and full of showers. Creeks are up and our wells are full. Many potatoes are still in the field. Miss Emilia Baker, dmnshier of Od. P. A. Baker. i lying ' 'he dour of the silent river and her recovery is despaired id. Her mother wes laid at rest on the 7th inst, and (he family is very mm h depres-ed. Our school is progressing very nicely nni'er- the able iiiaiingemei t of Miss Ida Francis, of Tualatin. Our school hell t an be heard for miles and there is no excuse for scholars heinir laniy now. The sjt-hieoe & Ileichle chop mill has been erect d on Bill Scha'z rat ch ai d is very cnnyei.ient to people ol this part of the 1 neightMirhomi. Messrs C. M. and J. (J Gaife arrived borne Irom ti e roast on the l-'th inst. They reimrt the roads very gooil. tun Hie fords were up and horses had to swim part of the w av. The hoy's have been li-h ing on the Sileix river during the season. John Sdiiewe has built a blacksmith bop and put in a small set of tools and i now ready to do 3rd class work in a 4th class hop. Oscar Larson has rented a portion of the Weid plate, and things begitr lo '00k like bis time had realy come, David Weoltle is again attending college in McMinville. Gerharl bettze hooked into double har ness at Salem 011 the 15th inst. Miss Mary Rich joined in the team as near leader. The bride is one of Halems fairest maidens. The groom is' at present employed by Uncle 8am carrying the mails between Oregon City and WilsonviHe. John HohlswHihs new residence aids greatly lo the apsarance of his neat little farm on the Meridian road. The old log structure in whit h thev have live for years will soon be a thing treasured in memory only. Six and one-half inches of snow tell 011 the l'lth, and sleighing has lieen very good up to the present. Today the snow is fast disapesring. Mr. Holiert ISii-hle is still laid on with his broken arm and rheumatism in the joints. Mr. Woodrntr has been 011 the sii lt list the past week. During the present month we have been bles-ed (or cursed?) with an averse of over 11 inch of rain (all daily. Whose sehs are cracking now. Thati k'giving is a lo: g word fur such a abort day, but it soon will he here. On" of j the very best limes in all of 111" jeir, Nov ember 23. I Emma B'iker psed awiis tefrdav at 8; o'clock p m. Fuileral tomnrrnw ar 1 o'clock p. III. ! C. M. Gage, Clan" IVtrrs ami Henry i Oldenstadl leaves today for BunchgrH-s. A cold season to gt acclimated in. A pleasant surprise party wais tendered 1 Vessrs Peters and Oh'ei i'adt last evening t the residence of Mr. Meint 1'eters. Several voting people from Frog IVtid alteniletl, Mrs.(;irel viaitiiK l'r (laughter Mra. Howard, of Oregon City. There is to he a (hooting match at Curly Mayra, Wednesday, where a large ll.vk nl turkeys will he diaiused o(. John 8liies get are to go in the name wav. Bamly Notes. Sakpy. Nov. 22 Last Krl.lay the Mi-Kin- ley anil Hubarl cluh of Sandy celebrated the flection of Win. McKiuley ly giving a grand ratitli-atioii. Krganiiess 01 me snow and rolil fast wind, the people ranie froin f ,mt wtT i, manifest their jy anil end- tation over the grand victory the repuhli. cans have just achieved. Four wagons full of people came from Engle Crejk. They were indeed patriotic to come so far through the snow. There were about 22ft people present. Amid the booming of anvils, hur rahs for McKiuley and Hvingol Hugs, Kd F. limns, chairman of the club, called the house to order and with a few well chosen wonls announced the object of the meeting. He then introduced Hon. T. G. Jutisriul, who made a most excellent speech which was most lustily cheered. The next was a song, "America," by the Kelso choir. Pr. Chas Tiller was then introduced and maie a stirring and intelligent speech on the vic tory won, followed by a song, 'I .el Mills and Vales Krsound." Mr II. II. Ballon, of Eagle Creek, was next called upon. He generous welcome extended to the people of Kagle Creek, and closed his speech by tell. in an Ken me itieieuera 01 if ciuu nir tne i infra very comical political story which made the audience roar with laughter. A souk by the choir, "Outcast," was given in tine shape. James Simpson was then in troduced and in an eloquent and logical way told how good times would come ami proserity reign. Song, "Red, While and Blue," by choir. A recitation, "Our Sol diers." was rendered by Miss Mima Bird sail in a pleasing manner. The meeting closed with a song by tithe choir entitled, "Brightly Over . Our Way " Chairman Brous then called for three cheers for the people of Eagle Creek for their patriotism j in coming through the of snow to par ticlpate In the ratification. The ladies of the McKiuley club deserve especial praise for the excellent dinner they provided tor the people, and also thanks are due the committee oi. arrangements for tlieir will ing work and for the beautiful McKiuley arch they built which attracted much at tention. A signal was fired for every slate in the union on an anvil. Tne ratification was a grand success and will long be re niemtwred A night school has been started here. It will meet twice a week at the lily hall Regatdless ol prevailing bad weather, the young people's her inn is well attended. Mr. Ed Strotiridge will give a series of he lures on ancient history. E F. Brum has just closed his lectures on civilization l'rof Vincent has made some very interest iug speeches before the lyceiim on edti a- tioll. I. Amessear has taken up the study j ol etiquetl and will give a series of leclun a on it MMin. John Dolaii was out on the Sandy hunting. ' Logan Locals. l.ouAX, Nov. 22 We had quite a, fall il snow, hut e are giad to say it is mostly gone at this writing. The Ugau literary ami debating society ni'l at their a customed place last night. There wa unite a crowd out, nolwithstand- i g the inclemency of the weather but of j cuurse Oregohinu don't mind a little rain i or in'Xl Alien lln-re is am thing ot interest ! goii g on, lor a I seemed to take great inter i est as there was a great struggle nearly to j contusion (hut there was no one hurt) to gel io the laltle to sign the roll ol member- shin, and one would think II a time of free j silver to see the vast amount of silver there j was ilispiaied. The election ol olli vrs was Jas lollows: Pres., Win. Frakes, Vice., Pres., Frank Wilson, Sec, Maiilda Ke-d, j Treas., Robert Ginlher, Serg. al Arms, I, j H. Kircneni. They then proceeded with tin ' di-hate of the question ; lii-sohed. That iu I tern perence cau-es more misery than, which was unanimously ilecioed in favor of the negative. Aliera brief recess they dispos- ed of in iiitereoting nrngraui ol songs, recita- lions, questions, and (he reading of the lOgan World h) the editor, Koherl Oiullier. The next issue of the World will be under the management of Sarah Frakes and Fred Brown. Ti e society meets every to weeks. Mis', 1-nui.e Bal-mciT happened with an accident last week. W hileilrivingdown a hill the team became frightened and ran away throning her out hurling her quite badly. She was picked up uncotrcious and is at present shout the same except that she re grilled cohciousness. Messrs Joe Kircbem, L. Hiimistou, L. II. Kircheni, F. Mo.ier, A. M. Kircheui and K bargfield, returned last week from the mountains w here they have been en a hunt ing eXdition with pretty fair success. Killing eleven deer. The grange held its regular meeting on Saturday, w hich was very interesting. There was a large crowd considering the weather. The grange intends giving a dunce on Christmas night. We understand Henry Cromer and Leonard New kirk had quite a horserace, hut did not learn from where they started or who wuii the race, but tiiey stopped on Arthurs prairie. Well, Thank-giving is near at hand and I suppose by the lime this is in print the dance will he a thing of the past and all thinking of the pleasant time they had. Mi-s Susie Hull who has been at borne w iili her moiher is now slopping al Mrs. U. I'. Iiawlea where she intends making her home. Mrs. J. Brown is still improving. J. li. Heater and family are now neatly B'-t L-il ill their 1 ew home. ItUHY. Lower Mnlalla .Sews, Lowfr M l.LiA. Nov. 23. John Jackoii moNed 10 Oregon Cjiy lat wek B. K. VV. (Jortier lelt lor I'orllHiid lat, week. He will return next wees. l'rof Maville will build a house ut filu'lstotif. He will go to wooik on it as soon as iii sun ami rain is over. tins Pcicohl. a hoy who came Irom Ohio Ht-iuf lour weeks ago, went to I'orriand last week to meet his lolls a so In m Ohio, woo are going lo make Ito-ir home with tin. Karl Ogle, of Portland, will move on the Lowry place this week. CANHY NKW8. City Weetliiit to Be Lively With Threa Tlr. eta In tin field. Canity, Nov. 2-1. -City polities booming. Last week the lelorm par y put out the followihit ticket : Councilmeil, J. A. Cox, l, W. Slurgls, Henry Sniiih and Fred Hampton; I'reaMirer, George Knight. Last evening thf "Cliiiens" put litrward for iiiuncilmeii, I'aier Snsba'ier, A. W. Kick's, Fret llaiiiplou and Henry Hinllh, and en dorsed George Kuiiiiit for treasurer. The "Independents" will nominate a ticket on the '.'.Mh. The three tickets will contain the nnmes of the majority of the available titular for cotincilmen. The people are divided upon the saloon-card-aiid-itlce-game question and during the present year piecntcd a pel It ion to thr council a.klnif that Hit council refuse to allow gambling in thf city and esHclally in the saloon. The petition roiilained fitly two names out of a total vole of sixty-three in the city. The council iKnored Hie rli tiou and passed the ordinance. Now the proposition upon hlch another difference in seiiliiuei t arises is the propicillin to ap propriate several hundred dollars Willi which to erect waier aorks for protection against flr. It seems the pn'senl council Is iietermine-t to nssn the ordinance and appropriate the money notwithstanding a petition of more than half the voters of the ritv la in the cniinnl's hands 10 ' r"lrary. It remain, to be seen wl outcome will be. I U'i the .MM Inst, tne nweiinig in i. a. Clotiiuger caught tire near the roof and, hut for the prompt assistance of neighbors, would have been destroyed. I.HHf dam age was done. The lire was caused by the separation of the Joints of a stovepipe which extends through the roof. A family named U ilkix k recently moved Into one of J. Sims' houses near Canity. George Knight, the recent fore man of the graod Jury, took a trip to Port land on business Monday. Several hundred choice turkeys were shipped from here to Portland M,. inlay and Tuesday At the home of Itrv. U.K. Hnrnachtih, In tli is city last Wednesday, there arrived a new girl. Its weight was litre pounds. Mother and child are doing well. Keverenil Horn schuh is the happiest and proudest I man in town. It is the first heir in that family. Mrs Bertha has been on the sick j Iit for some lime. We are glad to note her improvement in health I The recent hunting trip to the Cascades, ! thS'le by .Messrs. K. II. Carlton. W Hi-sell, j P. K. Dimiuick. el al , was not a lUtlering 1 suices owing to the inclemency of Hie ' weather during the entire time ol their trip. Of course they are eXrl hunters, but they never killed a thing. Jo-eph Knight had the misfortune to lose one of Ins horses l-t week. Canity has a lawsuit on its hands. This " It is Attorney Cole of I'nrlland suing . rjr l'v lor '"vices riormeu lor thecitv. The trial is to come off during the '"' l"r ll" u,o, J ''' Schue- oel ol Uiegou wiiv. Mulino Mites. McliM ., Nov. 2:1. Our village is the scene of considerable enterprise. At pres ent a large sawmill Is in course ot construc tion. Mr. Mct.'urd is the InaliBgi r When completed this will be one ol Hie finest saw mills in I lie country. The good tunes predicted to follow Mc Kinley's election have n ai l ed lu re already. Not an empti house In the villngi and iUirie- ure mane anuosi oauy tut uarninn' . . ..... . 1 1 lo retd. fins would lie a good held lor some tiiierpn-ing cot tia tor and builder The Mulmo roller miilsaie running stead ily. The genial proprietor, C. 1'. Howard, reports business as very good. We are glad lo report the arrival of Win. J. L'niai.T and lauuly to our vihage. They intend making I heir home among Us, and are at present living in on of Wiu. Howard a dwelling houses. Mr. Frank Alhtignt, teamster for the roller nulls, who was recently married, has rented tne daeMing 011 M . 1 i 1 street, oppo site the Minimi store, and Is Very coiulorta b!y settled in tne same. Miss .Via Uamlall, of Central Point, is our school teacher this term. The school is I" most prosperous conoilioli, wiiicu speaks wed lor Miss Uandall. A new town hall is talked ol in our burg. hpeiling school opened lor the winter lust Friday night. A large crowd was present and ullenjoied themselves. It is rumored that wedding hells will soon be chiming, and possibly more than one an them. The farmers in this vicinity and also the citizens uf Mulino, are talking "creamery.'' We do not see why this would not be an ideal situation for a creamery, as it is sur rounded by a splendid grazing country, well watered and shaded, and naturally adapted for grazing. We hope some enterprising' fellow will take hold and bring the project to a focus. The little boy who didn't get any fruit to eat last summer, is rejoicing in the luct thut a very large crop is assured lor next year because McKiuley is elected. Hight you are, my boy. Ivew Kra Notes. Nkw Eka, Nov. 15. ( Too late for lust issue Kuili! Kainl The wells are all lull und 11 il don't soon stop the curbs will he full to. Very little wheat has been sown here in this neighborhood yet. Il was to dry to plow tihtiil the rains came, and since it 1ml not stopped raining. Hume potatoes are still in the ground. Kx Hiiperiiileinleiil Alex Thompson com me 11 e l school here in drowns achoul house I on M,,,,,1ai- K oval .liui 7lli U-ilh ull Ull. Tollmen! ol '.Vi punils Miss Ada Uandall is teaching school out on the Mohilla. R-v. H. T. Atkinson will preach at Cen tral i.t M. K. church this evening at 7:30 1 111. He is our new circuit minister. Cha. Mattocks gave a shooting match, H.ilurdav for turkeys A dozen turkeys were milted oil'. Jsuies Binncliurd su ceded in getting four of them, II. B. Dou.dily g it two, (. H. Randall one, Win. Randall one, Ueo. Ranch one, ami some of the others succeded in gitling a thanksgiv- Prices GROCERIES, ETC Pry grmuilM sugar (cane;. 'JO Ida ft ; WchI'ii KcI'y.lH Ilia IIihhI Hour, graham, rye, whole) wlii'ut llotir, olc ri Urn gooil gri'i'ii rolVne, (I ; roust cotlcti, 'JlM ami '."J'u'u. I. ion or Arlun kle's, 'J"c; 1m at roul, II Ilia I. Our gun powder (oa, 40c lit, '2 Dm 7'n', excoU tint BOo ton. Try it, A giatil gun powder ten, ;iiV Hi, Our Iti'st iiiH'olnieil toa, '.' Ilia 7'o ; an i-xcotlout tincoloioil to , ".'ii'i groi'ii tea, '.'.'m; tea dust, 1! Ilia " hi. Host lanl, 7n Hi (tiring pull); dry suit incut Hi', (iootl syrup per pnil $1.2(1, Bust rup, -I.V itiillmi. Bring run for syrtiii nr iiiiiUhsos. t'iMikltig uioliisscN, -1,'ic gHllnii ; ln'st New Orloiina, torvo gul. Corn, tomatoes, ,1 cans '.Vtu. 'J onus hcaiis, L'tc. Kisl Seal linking powder (none) Itetler), :i.'iu Hi, litillt. Soap aiwier, ftc lit, equals ' gohl dust," at So ; sitinpUi free. Mica axle gu'iso lite, use aa niiicli onlv, 6 gal itml oil H'c- liring can, gallon 2t)c; (tor case f.'.2'i. .lioria and chop, outs, wheul, day, shingli'H, olc. Qnuntttv and tjoulily lobucco. i'iitul, 2iV. t'limax 0n lb. Corn Cuke, smoking, with oo, "V lb. Bultlo Al, Hoc. ,rtit dust puna as sold by agents, our price ia "tic. Shoe thread, 7c; wax, -c; nIuhi nails, ftc Mr packiigo. U ii'h. r and Miliher ceiiienls, aolti leather, llutigiirian nails. Min k anil, MK' per cwt ; lino salt, Tiki per cwl. FKOM A KIKK SAI.K (Htnokeil) 1. '2 and 3 qtuirt sunco pins, Tic Scruli hruslies, IW; fiiiinels, '1 and lie; pot co' ers, 3 lo Ac, S'tlo isdfee mill, Xhi AIiiioihIh or wiilnuls, fn: III. Full 'o. k of P.VI TON'S Pl'KK PAINTS; llrat cliisa ami It) tn '.II per rent under lliei market Boiled oil, tur pentine, pllllv, bnisliea, t'to. Hull Hod ,.xea, "Mun'a" 1 ; beat ata ImiiiHi'S, ".",. Klml..i '.'.'ic, padltv kaftc tit, lint Hies, 2 for 2o. (I enw ttails rut tn ft-tt-; bar lead rut lo!lo Hi. Su plmr. :ic pound ; Mux seed, fir pound. Mixed lord seed, 2 Ilia l.'ic; celluloid slurcli, la-sl 10c. i Wish Ifii water bucket. 2tV. 7V well tnultel (or.Mk'. Ink V for ft ounce, bring bottle lilosa starch, .V lb, hulk. I.I illi'li wixsl howl, I.V. Vasai baking Hiwder (wariantrd), L'.'mi (or 2f oinuea. HALF I'Sl'AI, PKICi:-YKTBKST tiUAI.irV. ft Iba beat soda, 2 0 lb sago or tupioco, '.Tic. Lemon or vanilla, Sc ot (bring Itottle) N-hepp's iHM-oautit (heat) 2'h- Id. Sliamloii Polls soap,'.' (or 26 lOCK.Sr Pl'YS: 1 Pover egg water, I dust pan, I milk siuiim-r, iurn Mipimr, 1 whisk briaitn, ft dog rl dbea puis, 4' lb atovii polish, 1 cotton clolhes lino. SCK.NT Bl'YS; flleaspiMitia, lean sardines, II Inch br.r toilet soap, 1 bar tar ami p. 1 bar borax soap, 1 bottle vaseline, 4' lb sliaving soap, 1 bur Cashmere soap, 4 ox sewing tnachino oil, bring bottle, lb as sorted tai ka, t r ill mtx'iiiin quality spice; (lo close), 3 btlnelii s matches. I bo lixilliiii k'a, 12 boxes suletV pirlor niati lies, siiuill ran deviled bum. MEN'S FURNISHINCS. ETC Chil I'a overalls, 2,-V up; men'a overalls, -tile up. White i'k loii ilkeri biefs (worth 7.V) (or '.'V. Siii emh ra, lde up; leuther aiiaiwiidera, 4.V Wnt"'prisi( colluts, IV ; sumo ill cnlfs. 2 Ic SiaH'inl v.illles ill lie. kweur, bilinlreils o( pretty ties from ttc. W'tidso s to finest silk goods leHloii", Hi' tofi'd; ruff liolders, llV s-weiiifra h i II' prires Xt? nil While shir's ,'Hlc lip Oil'ltitr unil cbevoil shirts, 2"ic up. lleuvv knit sliiila, .VV. .Men's and le va nun k into-lu'" . :l up ; m i' kin'oshes that wei like iron, ninpronf l.Va); wool iinickintoab, l-'i. Iletn wool mixed sin ks, '2 pairs (or :'fir ; heavy cotton socks, ftr. Socks, smoked at a lire, 3 pr (or l()c Trade for Hay. Grain, Wool, Chickens, Eggs, ing ttlrket. M.ll link will give another shooting nistC'i sometime ne&t week. Amlrew lirieshuhiM-r has In ated bis new house lo a coal of white paint. A nhhim sis lal w ill I - given lit Central ( I' .int M. K ell u 1 eh 011 l liai k-giving idglil, ; for Hie Ih iiiIIi of the inli.l-0 r. AH the ' ladle are invited lo come, and hring a I llM.Ll'l III If-llt-slltl. fid Hllll IWO IHIHI Ot 1 ri,n, i, one tor Hie ha-kft and one tu he worn hi ti.e o lor nl the luiski I in-r the bakets ha hi en uniiiiine.l oil, so tne piircha-er may tind the rigid lady ami dine with her. F.ight Inches of snow here at this tune ol year is something utiii-ual. 1. it 11 to tin) ers aie scowering this tieighlmr h'Mid, tr iug to buy potatoes lo S ei ulaie on. J. L. Waldroii will soon go 10 Smi Kts-ci-co to rnelie shipmenls ol ull kinds nl farm produce, especially potatoes, this winter. Dr. TalDiait 1-lkes Turltrj. "Iam ctiHiiiopolituii in my likes," said tlio doctor, "bmiumil liuvti traveled so much. Thereforo puidnii mo wheu I tuy that I wiint my tuikiy Mulled with littlo Luglisli c-yslcis und trimmed Willi French fried tintiitora. l'r h yi nr tliero i a little, wicket ft nee of tint browu potuto strips ;luccd urnund thu turkey, ami when lie is brought in ho looks, like, a picture in 11 child's story book. 'And cuu't the poor turkey get out of (hut fence?' asked my litllc grumlduughtcr once. " Kxcliiingo. , Connecticut's First Thanksgiving. The public records of (Jomiouticut show that the first Thanksgiving of thu Hartford settlors wua held ou Aug. 20, 1089. In 1003 tho Hurt ford and New Haven colonies wcro united, und from that tinie 011 the governors of the colony and itute of Connecticut huvo regularly issued their Thituksglviiig. pioelama lions. New York Sun. Serve Diituer at Atidduy. An old fusliK.iiiil TliiuikKgiving do maiidaaniidiluy (Jininr. r lush ion may dicluie ou otm r days aim should not be listetiid to on Huh oiio, purtica lurly when tlii ro urn cluldien to bo cou lidcred. Eiclnuifcu. Thouglils For Tlnoiksgl vliig. Whon you uwuki! 011 TlmnltHgiviiig Diorn, you w ill oouldlisH let 1 n cynictil qui stii.ning us to w in llu r you linve any ' cause for gratitude or not. You un- ' doubtedly hiivu. You sliould bo tlnihk- j (ul lliat iivi'iitioii nut 11 rjuire yen ' to be publicly grnteful but om:e a year, j Bo thankful thut marly a month in- j tervents between the 'J'lialiki-giviitg tur- 1 key and the Christmas goose mid Hint you liave time to ricnvtr liom tho effects of one Lufontuliuckirg tliootlier. ; Think over the fiftg you hnvo to boy before Christmas and bo gratt i ul v.ilh your wbolo soul btcuime Hie cunIoih of muking Thanksgiving tircKonts does not prevail bIbo. New York World. I That Catch On! OREGON CITY, OREGON THE OLD THANKSGIVING DAYS. Bitting illrnl tiy Dm window while Ihs evno trig's faillus ts-nm Turns lo lourly gray tint winter's silvered sky. Not a vole to britik the reverie ef thought's ; tisi s'lilve dn-iltl. j Not s fslstep, truly iiii tiifiry and 1, From Urn pust Ihn v. il seems hfnsl, sad I mil s ctiilil itii- inure. On thu hearth sgnin tle old thus fsgnts hlsiui. ! Hush I Axiln I le-ar tlia viicist uf Iha guests slsml the dsr J In the .ris lliigs uf th old Thanksgiving j day a j All the sir nutaldti is frosty, ami In gusts tint blllhu winds blow, I And 1 hear tits distant sleigh hells fulntiy j ring, j And si.':iinst thn rims touched windows oortosi ; lim purring, stirring snisw, 1 I.lkn Dm brushing if a pinuiiii angel's wing. tat within, till, sen thn futxs that am smiling round Hi" hoard I flow they shluu Willi Invn snd grntltuda and pr.llsel Ilushisl the voices are a liniment for tint thank' lug nf thu Lord In Hi" blessings uf the old Thanksgiving days. That was years sgn, snd etirfews fur the. loved have rung since then. As tonight I wiit.-li thsilawnliigrvnlug star In my dreams 1 sen Hut iiisiisiuiia t:iirisl pre pared hi heitvcn for men. It Is tliero tonight the shtent kindred srn. It Is there their feast la resdy, suit I huld tha fatn-y dear That tlu-y often turn to esrth tlnilr luvlng gain, And perhaps they, too, sra dreaming, ss they see me sitting hers, Of the swsetutias of the old Thanksgiving dsys. -rhlladelnlila Ledger. Qregon Citij ...GLADSTONE PARK... ConvtJtiioiitly of iinn-eK ami plciiKitut loontod. Free from the hoine nml dunt uf tho city. Skillful nurBOB and every cliifs IniHpital. Aintilo room Hint jiiitiontu may Imvn fiuict nuHH and rent. Sirt;iitl rooniH for ladit'H. SorvioeH of the- host jihyHiointm of tlio county U in tut(;iiil;ilice. THUMH KKASONAHMC. Address, MISS M. OHICHdN SHOES. With liunilri'iUoC'Wour Ki-slslnrs," at I'.usletit i an am baviitg a booinliig shoo Initio. Ladles' Pimgolii, piilont lip, II M, and IWiO. At '.'.rid, liavt slioc worlll 3 to l- M. A linn lot id siimple sliora it I '4' nil" nstml prices, Ladies' kid shoes, i In 3,'v. plum ttMi, wurii (3 lo $3 M, to close at 1 lo II M Ladies' beuvy letlllter slippers, sixe 3, M rlo'i' ul 3Jitv .Misses) splilWt' kIkm'N, rut i 7ft", Ladies' and children's oil giuin and kaligiirou call slines, old Indies' slna'S, sIIh pots, rubheiH, Indies' and in saos' riiliber bisita. Intent shoes, sixes 0, I and 2, ul Ift; betlot sbiu-a al '.'o lo WV. fluid's hnuvy luce sbis-a, 4 In 7'y, In clnsii al '.'.'1 In 4-n'. llovs' heavy slru'S, fl up Men s eourso slns-s, l 2ft lip"; ineii's linn shoes, $1 JW lip lliibies' inoivustns, 2't'. ladies' t at pot slipper, 3fn' iitetis, 4tk". Ud W rub bers, 30o up; storm, ilfni lip; tnen'a iiilibers, 45c. up. DRY GOODS, ETC. 6CKNTH A YAliD lndlgu llgtneil prima, liiikey nl prints, dark or light calicos, I, 1. ttiilsllii, slniker Hun- nel, riirluln arrlui, toweling, Kingliam, skirt li gn, cheesecloth, nlltlhg llatiliel. butter clolll. Lonsdale, 12 Vila $1 lloiiselliiing, 2've )d up Irish Irleto, IHc; scarlet wool lluittiel, He, Cottonadn punt goods, ltt; deiiluis, I2'uc up. Host leather tick, 1,'ic; llle sblitlng. He Fust black sateen, lc up; 17 In wulerproid, nuvy, Nk Ull in wool Irleolu, nlc lot o( rolntM, 2"ic yd. Novelty goods, wool, 'J.'.c yd. I wdles' inttietia, .V up. Kino lot ol linings, velveteens, ronliirovs, silks, Lues ami embroideries. inat perlutne, siiuill, Kkv (lerinun ynrn, 7fn' lb; some yum, soiled, MV Cna'l.el cotton, 4c; knitting mlton, w hite, .'ie ball Ze byr, Ac lap. Kpeelul burguins In ludie-' clo.ika, Ladies' silk biindkercliiefs, ,V up; hi 11 b'dk'la. 2' up. Sliliulurd piiitetlis, fit' up, the .'hciipesl uhd best. Ladies wool liowi lit rut pi ice", big variety, up Misses' llceced seamless hose, 2 lor 2'n' ; baby wisd, ,'ic lip. Ladles' fast black cotton s1,, seamless, !2'vc. Linen towels, good site, 2 (or 2.V. Uisilees, It) '. (.,'olton butts, rurta't warp, yams, window slimles, nil cloth, romltirtshlo, etc. 101 )ds rallm umloiiting teiiniants. 5 CKNTS BUYS : 24 sheets note piier, 2 bunches mutiilla tuveoM'S, 2 pUars "kunl oHn" leiks anile)!'". time Isaik, I piiir rnrlltig irons, 1 child's knife, 1 m lr ball, 2 sheets adding, 1 shni linen tlueud, I.' leal psoii ils, 1 pair corset steels, 12 m il", bottle mihilage. lfKNTHUYSi I package) buirpins, 1 imper t Ilea, I paper pins, 1 pupor lusiks and eyes, i crochet luaik, 1 sai k needle. I Hticil sharpener, I steel llnuitile, 1 packu.'e lucks. 2 penholtlcis, 4 slnte n'licils. STYLISH MILLINERY. ETC PtCIAL 11.1 MlLLINiav, OONTINUID. Llegunt trimmed buts at 7'm up A nice asott ineul o( rblMieit's nips from lltn eheupe. I b the best. Tutu OShuiitote from '.'or up. Bsby IsilinelS. HiblMlllS, Veiling, ellibrnidel V ami Wasll silk". p'illlHiiis, tinsel, cl.enille, etc. Hnr la ill 0 Shanters ate cbeaper llian elsewhere hoind. Wasll Silk at 2c a skein I less iluili bull i rice. A lot ol velvet lellillallts at '4 o' price. New site k id velveleell" al 4.V Kid gloves al -.ii"lerii ptiees. Wslainy lists, ".'n'. CLOTHING. HATS, UMBRELLAS. Men's suits, j uii, new t k. squ ue -ti-l n.iin.t ctii, I'ast ern price" in rcli.iMe Brow n-vtlle clothing. A bis- lot iioiliiifiictiireis ssmple punt and -hlr's, a svi'ii o( '4' in price I'uibrell is ol best quality, from tbo 1 besiet In the Im'I. Butter, Potatoes, etc. The Queen of Fashion THE MSMI0N PAPER OF THC Dir. Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Dctlgni, Illustrations snd Fashion Notes. Reliable, Ilrlght ana Clean. A ytir'i subscription for Only 60 Contf,, including, free, your choice of any one of tit Ce.ebra'.e. McCall Bazar Pattern:, nd all patterns to suhtcribers Only 10 or U On In. Send a J-cctit si 1 mp for a sample copy to HI It l,l l., tllMi'lW, 4U Ks.l I lib M., Set, Tart Hospital.,, win von ionco of a firrt ft E. LIIBKER, SUPT. CITY, OK.