Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1896)
f OLD KICKAPOO GUN. AN ANCIENT CANNON THAT HAS A REMARKABLE RECORD. It riyd an Importaat lrt la the Strug, fir Orrr Slavery la Kuiu-Wm a lion of Contention Saved From th I'nmirt br a Htntorlral Snelrtjr. There was rooontly shipped from Chi fago to the Kansas Stato Historical soci ety ono nf tho most valuable relics of tho bonier mHiau warfare. It Is the OU kiikupoo caimou which did service at 01J KickHK, Lawrence and othct points along the Missouri border during Kansas' early struggle for free stato gov ernment. This old gun formed the boue of contention in iniuiy a hard fought contest between proslavery and onti slavery forces, an4 a largo number of tlio old citizens of Kansas can remember the stirring events clustering about the history of this remarkable implement of Warfare. Of late years the whereabouts of the old gun ha been a matter of conjecture, and by many it was thought to have , been lout, but it is due to the efforts of Colonel H. Miles Moore and Captain J. C YYalkinshawof Leavenworth that Old tr:, I t . i r, Kickapoo has been resurrected. It now rests in the rooms of the State Hiator- ical society in this city. The gun is a six pounder smooth bore brass cannon and was first stolen from the United States arsenal at Lib erty, Ma, and from there taken by Gen eral Richardson's army to the Backing and burning of the 'old Free State hotel at Lawrence, the Eldridge House, after it was indicted by the proelavery grand jury at Leoonipton and ordered abated as a nuisance by Judge Caro, who had the writ directed to Sheriff Jones, who summoned the posse, mostly from Mis souri, to assist in executing the writ The bombardment which followed was one of the memorable conflicts of bonier ruffian days. The cannon was placed on Massachusetts street, Law rence, opposite, and trained on the hotel and fired by General David Atchison, then a United States senator from Mis souri. The first shot went over the roof of the hotel. The second went through a second story window, and the third and fourth shots struck the stone walls, scarcely making an impression on them. Jones, seeing that he was not likely to abate the nuisance that way, applied the torch and destroyed the building. The posse then scattered. The Kickapoo rangers then took charge of the cannon and carted it to the village of Kickapoo. six miles up the river from Leaven worth. It was planted on top of a high bluff and there remained posted as a menace to the free state men of Leaven worth. Colonel E. Miles Moore first suggest ed the plan to go up to Kickapoo and cap tare the gun. lie communicated his scheme to a few free state men, and ten of the more daredevil ones, under the leadership of Captain L O. Losee, well armed with Sharp's rifles and revolvers, made a dash for Kickapoo one dark night, took possession of the cannon, and without being discovered were soon back in Leavenworth. Fearing the gun might be recovered by a writ in the bands of the Eheriff or other proslavery officers of the county or territory, the gun carriage was bidden in the south pirt of Leavenworth and the cannon buried in Dr. Davis' old peach orchard, I ahere it remained a short tima Fearing danger, it was dug up and taken to Lawrence one dark night in the bottom of a wagon covered with day. It remained but a short time, Then it was tiien back to Leavenworth and placed in Dr. Davis' temporary graveyard until the warclonds of IS56 and 1857 had passed away. The gun was then resurrected and turned over tc the society of turners of Leaveilworth, in whose keeping it remained for a long scries of years. On each recurring Fourth of July and other state occasions and holidays "Old Kickapoo" was brought out, crowned with laurels and escorted with music and joyous crowds through the streets of the city. Finally the turners relaxed in their care of the old cannon, and some ill ad vised parties without authority loaned the gun one day to the Leavenworth Coal company for the purpose of aiding : them to free the shaft of a mass of debris that had fallen and clogged up the hoisting shaft. The gun was taken down the air shaft, loaded with solid shot, placed upright and fired into the mass above. As there was no chance for recoil, the gun burst, tearing a huge piece from the side of the old warrior. The gun was returned to the turners, but they seemed to have no use for it, and soon it was lost, and no one knew anything about it About five years ago Colonel H. Miles Moore was passing down Shawnee street, Leavenworth, and in an alley near a tinshop noticed an old cannon. He gave it a clie inspec tion and found it to be Old Kickapoo. The turners had sold it to the tinner fur $25, and he was about to ship it to Chi cago for old brass. Appeals to patriot ism were in vain, and Mr. Moore subse quently communicated with the His torical society, and after some corre spondence the society appropriated 200 for the purchase of the cannon. In the meantime the tinner had shipped the gun to Chicago, where it was recently found in a brass foundry ready to be consigned to a furnace. The gun reached Topeka in safety. St. Louis Republic. Bow Water Gets Into Tile. There is no need of leaving openings between tile joints for water to get into them. They are not made like sewer pipe, each one fitting into the enlarged end of the tile below it Draintiles are always laid end to end, and, however carefully it is done, the joints will nev er closely fit against each other. Be sides, most tile is made in horseshoe fashion and the edges set on the bottom at the draij, the water usually rising up in springs under them. Thus, except after the surface has been flooded by water from thawed wiow which could not sink through the atrat of ioo under it, venr littlo water ever runs into tilo from the ton The tendency alwuy. is for water to sink down into the water countes at or below Uie level of tlio tile bottom and to tie forced iuto tlio tilo from the bottom. This is dona tlnvngli natural water veins, and the water thus ! (vinos through tho noil without a parti I rle of wdimi'iit. This can beacon by tho j digger of tliedraiu. Tlio water under j his feet will lo niinldicd by his tramp i ing in it. tut lit him leave the ditch for , dinner, and v hen lie return nil tho ' sediment will have di-.aearetl and the ; stream be nm'iinjr with perfect ly clear j water. This is the way it always nnii ' in the tile after the ditch is laid. Tho j only exception, say American Agricul turist, is where surface water breaks ! into a draiu when uewly laid. The drain will need looking after for two or thrte years, and such places must bo closed as quickly as possible, for the water flow- inff in flirt til, from itlmvtl will riirrT ,,.;.. n.i ,.lls ; ,s,x-i.illv if ; w u nu luu,Vln f all in gomo Mrt of tho drain. Old I'rople. Old people ho requiie medicine to reitulate the' bowels and kidneys will j flml tho trm, nmtlv in Electric Hitters. 1 This medicine does stimulate and con- tains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby anting rtaltm in the performance of the functions. F.lectric Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at Charman's A Co., druggist, Charman Bros, block. Our Standing at Homo. "Four out of every five bottles of med icine sold in the last five yeais are S. B. roods. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure I use myself as a general physic. If you are sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to buy the S. B. remedies and uao as di-' rected. C. P. Balch, drueKist, Dufur, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley. Burklen'a Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world (or Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, ' Chilblains, Corns, ana all bkin fcrup- i i m ' uons, ami positively cures ruea or no pay requtreo. it is guaranteea 10 give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For aale by Charman A Co., Charman Bros. Block. Jiew York Gallery. R. K Clavering, the well known ar tist, has moved the New York gallery to . the building on the earner of Water and Fifth streets, where the reputation of, this popular establishment will be sus tained. Low rent enables Mr. Claver ing to do the very best work at the low $1 per dozen. A Home-like lintel. Farmers and the traveling public ill find a comfortable home-like place to at the ' stop at wben in Oregon City Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an abundance of the best the market af fords. Rooms and beds are clean and comfortable. Our 25 cent meals are not excelled. John Dubsciiaa, Prop. For the Lungt. Elder Alson W. Steers writes from Portland, Or., ''There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I can the S. B. Cough cure." 60 cents a bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. An Old Mandby. Clarence Porter is so well-known in Oregon City that he needs no further in troduction to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his prices are always reasonable. Remember his shop is opposite Pope's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth strtees. tf For the Kldneyi. "I am 65 years old ; have had kidney diseaae and constipation fur 25 years. Am now well used your 6. B. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight, Rutledge, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Avoid Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no i d colds than better remedy for coughs an the 8. B. Cough Cure.- F'or sale by C G. Huntley, druggist. Dr. Vanderpool's Physic, the S. B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead witb us. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Lockiiaht, TexAs, Oct. 15, 1889. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn . Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possi ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have any other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug business, we have never sold any medi cine which gives such universal satis faction. Yours respectfully, J. S. Buownb & Co. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist Use OXIEN for your "neryeg" also for coughs and colds. Pamphlets free. Charman A Co., Druggists, agent. , KK1L USTATK THAJiSKEKS. ' , . , ,., . . ,,,.,,,. Famished r.very e. k by ll.e I lark, ! "' Absti uolJiTrust ( oinpniijr. i T M linker to K 8 Hike Nov 0, 'M I W 1) el of sw4 see 11, 1 3s, r 1 w:W0 JA HtackelttoJ I. Iliiukell Jan 30, 'M, W I) n of ,,' of wi4 of iie'4 sec 111, t 2 h, r 4 e (1 C Stone toTlum JubbSept 17, '1H! V liilv acres in Asa Stone claim Wm Harlow to Catlirtrin It i i 1 1 Oct K W W l pu t of blk 5 Harlow Oliver Nubbin to A V lUixtuu Oct '.t, "W W 0 He'4' si c n ' j of ne',,' sec l;t, t ft , r 2 e, and 1 sw4 of sw'4, sec IS, I S KK l.oiiiribv Bilnir) to J I' r 3e :''o0 I'm- ninger Oct I, 'Uti deed, 1."S acres iri W Cornell claim O C U K Co to W II Cicigliton Oct 15, 'V, deed w4 of nwl4 and lot -4, sec ft, t II , r (i e Peter Kcker lot) C M.C.irtv Nov 11, WO 0 1) n1,, of i-l8 of w4 sec W, I 4 s, r 1 e Geo Hrongliton to J K Pinningcr Sept 'IK! W D Ml In ' Win Council claim (iftO Geo W N Taylor to J J Taylor Apr 10, '!! W I) M acres In w4' of sec W 4 s, r 1 e (KM) Windsor Land A Imp Co to J W Hicks July IT '05 W I) lot U, blk 12, Windsor 1 Judy Harmon to C K Cromer Nov 10, '00, lot 11 Clackamas Park.. 500 Lney Smith (by adm) to L B Yoder July 6, deed und of .,' of sel4 sec 9, t5 s, rle 407 W T Huriiey et al to K A Toepltmian Nov 10 'M Slitr d 47 01 aciea in claim 41, lit. rle MOO U S to John Marks Jan 18, 59 acres in claim 57, 1 5 s, r 1 e J G Davidson to Jas Jonearf Oct 24 'W W D tract I Clackanus River side pat THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TUUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thorne system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, in vestments, real estate, abstracts e(c (Mice over Bank of Uretron City. Call and inveatiKate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon $100 Reward , $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tbat there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the ' mo.lial fpt,.rnit Piklnrrtl ly.itlLf A constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, tiding directly rpon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the diseaae, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing ''a work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, tbat they offer $10O for any case that it fails to cure. Send for liat of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cmenky A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Drujrifists, "V. Hall's Family J'illa aie the bent. Ceiii l.anii fur Hide. 100 acres of land, nearly all level bot tom land ; easily cleared ; well watered ; two fine nioiinUi t streams running through it; fine trout streams ; would make a fine stock rum-It; near public road ; one mile ami a fourth from Colton post office and school Injure ; we have six months school in each year; three miles from saw mill; large range for stock; can' give good title. Price per acre $4.50. For terms and further information call at my place or address W. E. Bo.xnky, Colton post office, Clackamas Co., Ore. Curea Crimp. "My three children are all subject to ci on p; I telegraphed to 8n Francisco, got a half a dozen bottle, of 9. B. Cough Cure. It is a perfect remedy. God bless you for It. Yours, etc., J. II. Crozikr, Granta Pass, Or." For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggiat. Legal Notices. rVotlee ofl'Ina! Nrttlrmrat. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN THAT THE undurxiguwl b is fl ml bn dual report as executor "I th; e.tHto of John K. Penlew, de cenixl. In tha Count? Court of C acknmia (jounty, Orea-mi, and tho County Court hat nxed January 4th, 1X97, at th hour of 1 o'cloc p. m. a. a day an l lime me marine oi ana ripon and o objection! ih 're'.o, If any thora are, and for the acttlemo it "f said e tate. Norembir Uih, 1X. GEO. C. PKKDUE, 11 M, liHl Ke:utor, Notice oi Final Hett lenient. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE uu 'lerslrncd hat Aled h;r flnnl account aa executrix of the lt will and te-latnent of Mat thew AeiniaoKicer, decease I, lu the county court of the tiate l Orenon, for Clackamas county, and that Monday, tse 7ih day of fiecainlwr, 1811, at 10 o'clock a . m - ' county court, has bee.i fixed as the lacsot hnarlui any anlall ot)ection- dof the flualwtUe merit of said acoou.. Dated, October IS, 18M. 10-a, ll- EI.LsBETH AEMIEfiGKR. Ki'.'Ciitrlx. Kxerutor'a Notice. HAVINO BEEN UULY API'OINTED EXE cutor. of the real and tersonal estate of Pctur A. Well., deceased, wi hereby notify all parties having claims ag'iluit tun .aid estate to present the sxine, proiwriy fcrlflecl, aa I with tha proper voucher , to A. L a'wj Ge re W. Hwope, at the office of R. P. ti i. W. swne, In Oregon City, Oregon, withlnalx month, from the date of this notice or they will bj forever barred. Dated, Orwnn City, Oro', Nov. 11. WH A. L. FKAZEK and OEO. W. UWOI'K, Executors of Ih , estiteol l ater A. VVV-I.., de ceased. 11-30, 12-18 ERDVE5 TASTELESS ISJUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICC0ct8. Ui atu. It ta., Nut. W, ISM. pmr!.XK,1IHnC,., si liu. M.. t;ptiiluHir'W M Ia.i ytr, Htt botilM of niioVKS TASTKI.KsS ( IIIIJ. TONIC ih! h bough! lhr nr.Mi alrwulr Ihi yr. In all r a irtit, of II yr. in th ilrtiii tii.inM. hv HHTr w.M mi artlt'l tnaiiia wn uiuvvrMl u tgUwtt m y uur Tvuiu. tuuratnii.. FornalebyC. (1. Huntley. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE I &&y&J and Is the retell of ceMs tnd I f wldsa (liaulic cKenaae. For your I'rotei'tlon we pnaltlrrly alala Ui.l this lenirtly dim m4 cmilaia BMrrury or any oilier injur ious itni). Ely's Cream Balm t ftiknowtnlfd to hJ th mt thrttiL-ti cur for l 'ai...K l' ,l laa H...I 1 if . reninllr. It prn and eleanare the naul uuMu-ra. ahays pal: and Innauimalion, hrals Ih. m'trm, pru. ru Hie oiviiihrane fmm r.iliii itl.mvli. fMceour. a: mila. rxiormina irnirs vrtaalraml.tiirll. rrlfir.a: lrtii;rl.urhT malL KLV lino I UKU.H, M Warraa hum, New York. The Independent. NEW YORK. KkUOIOl , I.ITXK4KV NifanrAi'ta. and Family Cnih'iioininational, nnliiaitHd and impar tial. A paper (or rlfr)viiien, d'hol am, tfarliern, Ixiaini-ha mt'ii and lainilifa. It ilimiiaaea evi-rr topie of the day relin- iHifl, llii-oknfiral, pulltiral, litt-rarv.iMN'ial, artiatic and ai ii'niilir. I La ton tritiuteil artit'lcH are by tlie iiiokI eminent writers of (lie Ktigliali laniiaire. It employe aiiei'ialtii and diatin- guiHhed writcra aa editura of its TaaaTV o.ia Ii'AKTmi.'PM A pawr partit'uUrly flttnl for luwvere, doctor, clergymen, tlioaw enxitifi'd in hueinenH, yontiK people of both aexea men and women trlio read and tliink'.for tlieineelvta. A paper eeim-iaHy valtnilile for tlioee interealt'd in Kia Aaia, SciaacK, Mvaic. A paper iviiiK valuable inform at ioo OTXHl y INA.NCIC, 1.IFH lSHlkAl'K, Cof- A jmiier for Si'sdat SciiooL'WokKaKa, Cio-m who have a Kabm, IrAKiucN or Houhk I'LAVri. A paper for the lamily, old ami yoiiiiu,. IMPORTANT. TlIK lxDKI'K.MlKKr atinoiiiirtu to ill Buharrila-rH, and to any who may In'oine Sv that it Ih prepared V fuinisli any mpcie and mai;a.iiim pnbliahed in thin conntry, Fjitflitnd, France and (iermany, at a very lartce rvdiu'tion from pulilinhura' rati-H. Thin opportunity in open only to HtibHcribern of Tiik I.udkpknukst. Upon rereivintf lint of paper or rnaifiizinea froio iiidiviliiitla or readiriK nxiniH. an eHtimate will be given by return mail. It yearly etitiacription ia $1.00, or at tbat rate for anv part of a year. Clnba of five, $1' 00 each. " TRIAL TRIP " ONE MONTH. 2b CMITS. Kecimt'ii Copies Free. THE INDEPENDENT. V. 0. Box 2787. i:) Fulton Street, New York I n n n n n , b" Pii ib n HBfiffiiMor Liiifi. The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Soperb, Strictly Up-To-Date Deslpii, Illastrationi and Fashion Notes. Eellablo, Bright and Clean. A Year's subKrlptlon for Only 50 Cents, Including, free, your choice of any one of tha Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns, tnd all patterns to subscribers . Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send a a-cent stamp for a sample copy to TUB itrCAlX COMPANY, 443 Baal lth Si., Hew York. Vanihill River Route. 7 kSI earner Toledo, l.KAVKM IIAVTON. Monday, Wciliiesilny nnil Kriilay at II A, M., reui'hinu Oregon City, for I'ortliiinl nlioiit 1l;:t0 A. M. l.KAVKM roltTI.ANIl. Tui'Hiltiv, Tliiirsiluy nml Saturday ntH A. M. Salmon St. dock, rent'li ing Oregon City, lor tii'ivor jHiintn nUit 1 1 A. M Through trip McMinnvillo mat water permits. Freight nml reiisonnlilti. to I,nyf'tto am! o when depth of piisHingorn rules PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fust and com modious HtoiiiuorH DALLES CITY REGULATOR lUily iionta, cxcejit Stuulay, lonv ing Oitk Htreet tlwlc nt 7 a. in., nink ing regular lninlitiH at Vuncouvcr, Ciwmleri, White Salmon. Hood lliver and all intermediate jKiitita, I'a.iHPiijror nml freight rute lower to tlieao JHiintn than by any other line. Firal elima inenla nerved for 2.rc. Thin in tho lirent Scenic Koiito. All tonriat admit that tho acencry on tho Middlo Columbia in not ox celled for lienuty ami grandeur in tho United State. Full informa tion hy addrcHHing or culling on J. N. IIAKNKY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Ollico and wharf, fixit of Oak St. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, ComtnenelnK Anril 15, 1SINI, will leave I'ortlaml foot of WuhIiImkIoii atnx't Tuen lay, Tbnraduy ami Sunday eveninKi at 5 o'clock Kelurninif, leaves Clatekanle Monduy, Wetlneaday and Krilay even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pana Oak Point about 7; Stidla 7:15; Mayaer 7:'Jfi: Kainicr H::t; Kaluma D:15; St. Helena 10::t0. Arrive in Portland 1 :.'!() a. m. This ie the neareat and iiiokI direct route to the great Xehalcm valley. Shaver Transportation Co. Wanted-An Idea Who ran think tir some almtile tlilna ki liati-iitr iitrt Tnnr Mima; thr may lirlua yml wtmllo. rite JOHN WKMIKHIltlKN Oil., Palpal Allor- Bva. waahlnauin. I. fur A .a.i nrlaa uffar aud llai tat loo liuuilred iri.eotluua wauteal. T" r' !.i'-fiia.-'S.r white collar line. Columbia River Puget Sound Nav.Co. PORTLAND, ASTORIA, FLAVEL AND ILWACO. Aider Street Dock, Tclophono No. 351. aKiiiat-' ' ' '"' -tt--iijZZ!t Bailey Gatzert, daily Astoria boat running alternately wookly with 0. It. & N. Co.'h Htcamor, H. K. Thompson. Ono week leaves Portland daily 7 A. M., excejit Hunday; runs through to Flavel, connoeting with P. M. train for Gearhart Park, (J rimes ami RiuiHido. Leaves ABtoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Next week leaves Portland Sunday 8 P. M. Laeaves Astoria daily G A. M., except Huiiday. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 8 P. M. Saturday 11 p. M. Leaves Astoria Sunday 7. P. M. i Ocean Wave, tho seasiders' family boat, leaves Portland Monlav Wednesday and Friday 8 P. M. for Leaves Ilwaco, Tuesday, Thursday Astoria Sunday 8 A. M., for Flavel Portland at 11 P. M. Saturday. Leaves Astoria Tuesday, Thurgday and Sunday 7 P. M. Tickets good on steamer T. J. Potter and It. H. Thompson. All four boats for night morning to each other's docks f0 ' freight and passengers, E. A. SEELEY, Agent. NT TO THE EAST (livt'H tlm chiiico of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CHEAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cltios. OCEAN STEAMERS I.ravp rortliiiul every live day for SAN FRANCISCO. Tralim arrive ami depart (rum I'ort land an followa : MCI'AHT No. 2 No. H For all Kaalern ioiiila I The Halloa I.. h m1 7:00 p.m. 8. 10a. in. No. 1 No. 7 From tint Kent :em I 8,:i(la.in7 'alloa ftl IHJji in. From The I For full details call on or ad dree, W. II. HUKI.HUKT, Gen. I'liHHenger Agent, K. McNFIM., rortland, Or. rreaident and Manager. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Exprena Tralna leave rortland Dally. a.Mi.h i i Hnk. f 10 at. i a i i. It) r. at. M r. a. I.v l.r Ar 1'iirilaint Ar Ores'int ltr I.v lu tii a. rsiii'lu'n l.r 1 uu p. a. The aUne trains stun at Ka.t Purtlaml. (reuiin fur, Wimlhiirii, Haleni, Turner, Marion, JrlliTMiii. Allien V. A Ihanv Jum-tlnn. TaiiKent, Hhn.lcl.. HaUry, llarrl.hurK. Juno- lln City, hiiKene, t rr.well, llraln, ami all stations from KoaeuurK to Aalilamliiililiislva MNINU CAM ON OUPKN ItOUTK Pullman Buffet Sleepers. 4 HII Second-Class Stooping Car Attarhv.1 to all llirnugb trains KOHKIII'HO MAIL (Dallri. Ni. a. I.v l.v Ar Purtlaml Ar Oresoiitritjr I.v HelMirg I.v I 4 40 r. at II l'r. I to. r. m. air h. HAI.KS4 rAM-KSUKH. (Iially. 4 isi r. a I I.v I.v Ar I'liiO'iim Orci' n i lly I'-in Ar IU la A. M 4 4'i r. I I.v I rniis l I uu . a Ift r. at Weal Hide IHVlatnn. BETWKKN I'OKTLANII AND COK VA LI.18. Hall Train, Dally (Kinept Humtav.l 7 mi. a. I.v Ar enrllaml Curvallla Ar I.v iffir.a iHSr.a li tr. a. Al Albany ami t'nrvalll. eninipet with tralna of Ores. n Oku r il A K i.inni Hallmail. Xiiiresa Train Hallv (KsphiiI Hiinday) 4 4'. r. a. 7:tfir. a. I.v Ar Purllaiiil Ar MrMlnurllle l.v I . a I Mi, a THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL I'OINT IN TIIK EAHTKHN HTATKri, t'ANAHA ANII Kt'llOPB Can be nblalncil at liiwot rati', frnin L B. Moore, Axeiil, Ori'sun (Mly, K.KOKII1.KK, K. P. KOtlKIIH, Mauaa-er. A.. I O. F. aud Pass. Afeut. Astoria, Flavel and Ilwaco j,, and Saturday aftornoon. e and Ilwaco, with naHsetiL'crs vin U. B. SCOTT. President.