Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
A TRUE FISH STORY. Ooal Raa4 II If Yoa An Not rropMwd to 1WIIT It. We give every ono fair warning thnt this i a fish story. Mow than that, it in n story of a nVh with lop Now, all who aro not prvpartxi to believe may top riRlit htrt for thia is a true story, aurt to doubt it would bo to question the vriuily of ouo of Ellswortu'i lxst citi unin, a man hold high in the csttvni of fellows, ami whoso woni ia Rood, llii i the story ns he told it to tho r jiortor: fSome years ago he was employed in lumbering on the west branch of the Penobscot His camp was at North l'w in luko. Iu camp with him was a tuau who declared he had caught trout with legs. Of conrsouovvtvs laugluxl at, iut bided his time to prove his story. Ouo Sunday he proposed to the Ells worth man a fishiiig trip. It was a ten milo tnuup across country to tho pond ho wishod to visit, but that was consid trTxl but a short jaunt to these woods irnyi experienced in the use of gnowshocs. i'ho trip was made, and in tho course cf a few hours' fishing a dozen or more trout were caught. As tho Ellsworth man stooped to pick up his fish he no ticed something peculiar about ouo of them that was breathing his last In unison with the openiug and the closing vl the gills something having the ap pearance of legs was stretched out from the fish's body. He called to his compan ion to see what manner of fish he had caught, but that individual calmly re marked: "Oh, that's one of those trout with legs I was telling you about They're all that way in this pond. " Examination proved this to be the fact Each fish was supplied with six lc9 three on each side which folded no closely to the body as to be hardly noticeable except on close inspection. But they were legs sure enough. The pond where these remarkable fish were raught is situated on Saddleback moun tain. It is a small pond, covering only bout 20 acres, and has neither inlet nor outlet It is said that there is a imilar pond on Mount Katahdin where the six legged trout are caught The fish caught by the Ellsworth man were exliibited at Bangor. He will not say that the trout may still be caught Pos sibly they have token to the land and ! walked off. Ellsworth (Me.) Ameri can. Tbe Only Way. Mr. William Spark in his "Musical Memoirs" tells a story of the famous Wesley which was related to him by Mr. Bishop, the London organ builder. Wesley was a great extemporaneous fugue player, and on the occasion to which Mr. Bishop referred had been asked to show off a new organ by play ing a voluntary at the afternoon service previous to the reading of the first les son. Before going to the organ he asked the vicar, who was an amateur organ ist, how long the voluntary should last Oh," replied the vicar, "please yourself, Mr. Wesley. Say five or ten minutes, but we should like to hear as much of the different stops as yoa can oblige us with. " When the time came, after a few pre liminary chords, Wesley started a fugal subject, which he worked out in a mas terly way in about a quarter of an hour, and the vicar was about to commence reading the lesson when the inexhausti blo organist started a second subject, and this he developed in the same ab struse, elaborate manner as the first The congregation at the end of half an hour began to show signs of weari ness. The vicar beckoned to Mr. Bish op and begged him to stop the too prolix organist. "Oh," replied the organ builder, "I can soon stop him if you give me au thority and will take the consequences. " He approached the organ blower, and holding up half a crown he said hur riedly: "Come and take this. I am just goii:g." The blower pumped the bellows full and made for the half crown. Bishop detained him until tho wind went out with a suck and a grunt, and poor Wes ley was left high and dry in the middle of his double fugue. Qualification Kreded For Con.ulahlp, Anybody at all familiar with the du ties of an American consul, anybody who knows what is expected of him by the department of state and what he is called upon to do by the public, will agree that he should neither be the prod uct nor the victim of capricious politi cal partisanship. He should be appoint ed, upon his merits after careful exami nation and retained upon the same ba sis. There should be a career for the consul There should be reward for merit, and he should suffer for incom petency. Primarily the consul should be a gentle-man, meaning thereby an honorable and educated man, familiar with the amenities and graces of good society. The next and absolutely necessary re quirement should be an intelligent knowledge of the language of the post to which he is assigned. He need not be a professor of German or French or Spanish or Italian, but he should be nble to speak and write intelligently the language of the country to which ho is commissioned. Scribner's. A New Antiseptic We are willing to admit that the Japanese can give us points on various industries and mechanical arts, but we have scarcely been prepared for the an nouncement that they are ahead of us in certain points in surgery. Autiwptic dressings are among the absolutely nec essary surgical appliances. There is more or less difficulty in preparing them, and they are for the most part expensive, and many of them are not at all satisfactory. During the war Jap anese surgeons used the ashes of rice-atr-iw us a dressintr for wounds, and met with most remarkable success. The j wound was cleaned, the ashes applied freely, then sublimate gauze or linen was used as a wrapping. These ashes are, said to be a perfect antiseptic, and owe these qualities i tm pttioupe of potassium carbonate. English and Amer ican surgeon are Iitu g tins ttresmng, and if it is as mimKsiuI in their hands as in the Japan.:', it ttitaiuly is a wonderful stride in mitiM ptio surgery, and is uucpiestii r.ably the cheapest dressing that bus ever beeu prepared. Now York Ledger. Coiid'iied Testimony., diss. B. Hood, Broker and Manufac turer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies tliat Pr. King's New Discovery has no equal as a Couli remedy. J. B. Brown, Prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Iiul., i testifies that he was cured of a Cough of of two yeais standing, caused by La tirippe, by Pr. King's New Discovery. ! H. F. Merrill, lialdwinsville, Mass., s:iys j that he has used and recommended it land never knew it to fail and would i rather bavo it than any doctor, be cause it always cures. Mrs. Humming, E. 25th St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of Croup, be cause it Instantly relieves. Free trial bottles at Cliarinan & Co.'s Prug store. Our Standing at Home. "Four out of every five bottles of med icine sold in tbe last five yeais are 8. B. noods. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure I use myself as a general physic. If you are sick and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to buy tbe S. B. remedies and use as di rected. C. P. Balch, druggist, Pufur, Or." For sals by C. O. Huntley. Burklen'i Arnica Salve. . The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappod has !!, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale br Charman A Co., Cbarman Bros. Block. Mew York Gallery. R. K Clsvering, tbe well known ar tist, has moved the New York gallery to the building on the corner of Water and Fifth streets, where the reputation of tbis popular establishment will be sus tained. Low rent enables Mr. Claver inn to do the very best work at the low est possible prices. Cabinet pictures at $1 per dozen. A Home-like Hotel. Farmers and the traveling public will find a comfortable home-like place to stop at when in Oregon Citv at the Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an abundance of the beet the market af fords. Rooms and beds are clean and comfortable. Our 25 cent meals are not excelled. John Dbksciigr, Prop. For the Langs. Elder AIbod W. Steers writes from Portland, Or., ' There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I c&n the S. B. Cough cure." 50 cents a bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. An Old Maiidbj. Clarence Porter is so well-known in Oregon City that he needs no further in trodnctlon to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his prices are always reasonable. Remember bis shop is opposite Pope's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth strtees. . tf For the KidnpjH. "I am C5 years old ; have bad kidney diseane and constip ition for 25 years. Am now well used your 8. B. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 0 bottles at 50 cents each. J. H. Knifht, Rutledge, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, drngt. Arold Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no better remedy for coughs and colds than the S. B. Cough Cure. For sale by C G. Huntley, druggist. Dr. Vuuderpool's Physic, the 8. B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead with us. For Bale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Lockhakt, Tex as, Oct. 15, 1889. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possi ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have any other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug business, we have never sold any medi cine which giveB such universal satis faction. Yours respectfully, J. S. Buownk & Co. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist Tetter, eczema and all similar skin troubles are cured by the use of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never fails to cure piles. C, G. Huntley, druvgist. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c, ar I a dollar. For tale by Geo. A. Harding. Use OXIEN for your "nerves" also for coughs and colds. Pamphlets free. Cbarman & Co., Druggists, agent. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength V. S. Oovarnaaaot Report REAL F.STATE TRANSFERS, Furnished Krery Week by the Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Company, Posson Seed store to J A Banford Jan 2tl,'tl W D nol4' ofne' seo 7. t 2 s. r s e 12W Cornelia McCown to L M Tucholke Oct H 'M WP lots 3. 4,5, (1, 15, 111, 17, 18, blk 14 Gladstone 1000 J L lilltner to S J Lyons Oct 2, 'IHl Q C lots 10 and 11 blk , Oswego 1 W II I yon to J S liillner Oct 17, 'W, Q C same as last 1 Henry Schroeder to Anna A Scliroo der Oct 2, 'IHl W D ne1' of iiw' see 11, t 3 s, r 1 w 5 Philip Nohren to Pete Nehren Oct 2, 'IKitjClutsl, 2. 3,4, R, Band part of 7 and 8 blk 132 Oregon City : 1 Frank Nehren to Pete Nehren Oct 27 W, IJC lota 1, and 2 blk 132, Oregon City 1 Frank Nehren et at to Maugitt Mat thies Oct 27, IX1, Q C lots 3 and 4 blk 132, Oregon City 1 Frank Nehren to Gertrude Bock Oct 27, '!Ht Q C lots 5 and 0 blk 132 Oregon City 1 Pete Nehren to Frank Nehren Oct 26, W Q C part of lots 7 and 8 blk 132 Oregon City 1 A B Richardson to L A Carter Sept 11, W, W Dlot 1, sec 17, 1 3 s, r 2e 200 John Welch by sheriff to Anns Gardner Oct 27, 1H) D.105 acres in sec 36, also 100 acres in sec 27 and part of D L C in t 5 s, r 2 3D 11 F W Goltia to A Schults Oct 22 06 W P w of nel4' sec 36, t 4 s, r I e 1 A Schults to F Denell Oct 27, '06 W D w.Si ol neV of ne'4' sec 36 t 4 i, r 1 e 150 W C Moore to Cora F Smith May 30, "M W Plot 14, blkll.Winsor 80 C B Jackson to Cora E Smith et al Oct 29, 96 W D s' of sei4' sec 8 t 4 s, r 2 e 1900 Cora E Smith to Mary M Jackson Oct 29, '96 WD lots 14, 15, 10, blk 11. Windsor 1200 Edward M Atkinson to A S Warren July 6, '96 W D lots 6 and 7 and southerly X of lot 8, blk 10 Prk add 250 S 8 Casad to D C Latourette Aug 13 '96 W D part of blk 1 Darling's add 85 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thome system of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have tbe only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oreiwn City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. The Toledo Weekly Blade. Every Intelligent family needs in addi tion to their local paper, a good national weekly. The greatest and most widely known general family newspaper is the Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years it has been a regular visitor in every part of the Union, and is well known at al most every one of tbe 70,0(10 postollices in the country. It is edited with refer etu to a national circulation. It is a republican paper, but men of all politics take it, because of its honesty ami fair ness in the discussion of all public ques tions. It is the favorite family paper, with something for every mCmber of tbe household, Serial stories, oetry, wil and humor; the household department (tieBt in the world). Young Folks, Sun day School Lessons, Talmuge's Sermons, the Farmstead, the Question Bureau (which answers questions for subscribers) the News of the Week in complete form, and other special features. Hiierimen copies gladly sent on application, and if you will semi us a list of addresses, we will mail a copy to each. Only 1 a year. If you wish to raise a club, write for terms. Address, The Blade, Toledo. $100 Hewurd. $100. The readers of this par will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh, flail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. " Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer $100 for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Cheap I -and for Sale. 100 acres of land, nearly all level bot tom land j easily cleared ; well watered ; two fine mountain streams running through it; fine trout streamB; would make a fine stock ranch ; near public road ; one mile and a fourth from Colton post office and school house; we have six months school in each year; three miles from saw mill; large range for stock; can give good title. Price per acre $4.50. For terms and further information call at my place or address W. E. Bonnkv, Colton poet office, Clackamas Co., Ore. ERDVEi -ii'-xfcU ' ill3k UsSr TA5TELE5B HILL IS JUST AS COOO FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRIC60cts. Oai.atu, l La., Nov. W, IMS. arw Motrin On., hi. U)ui,M.. (,.n(l.uiii; k.l.l lut yi'r. flno tllM of nuovKs emu, tonic ami un buuaht tbraa ruaa ftlnwly Utu yBr. In all oar pcrienca of II year. In lb drtul bfi.liMHM. )va tvr .iUl nit art iota that a. au.n univaraa) aaua tauiluu a yuur Tuuw. lounuolr, Aani.Caaa a Co. Fur sale by C. U. Huntley, CATARRH local'disease and It th rtiull a ceWt mn4 uaoaa duaalw cnaagaa, Kor your Protect Ion poaluyrlr tuia that tliia NiriMljr dtm n4 conuin nwrrurr o any utbar Uijur lout drug. Ely's Cream Balm t ftt'kmmMced to t th mm! thnronch eur fnf K' ... 1 IVt.k '..1.4 tH I II. Lv . X rvtutftlira. It open and elruwr tht ttwal tuir urm. tMiim.iu iu ran iiai liar rum ui BUI ailart pala and id I ii Hun mat ion, bala tha surra, pro trrta lha mrmhrait fmm cold idda. rvalnr u amaa of Uatp and ainrll. Irlrv fr. at Imik'ttUta r br mail. MX bKO 1 11 KKS, M Wwrtn Mrvt, N.w Yurt The Independent. t ' - r " ' NEW YORK. A. RSUIIIOI'S, LlTKHAHV AND FAMILY NkWSI'APKR rndcnoiiiinational, uubiaatd and impar tial. A papttr for clergymen, s-liol-ars, tt'ttt'liers, bimuiHxs nn-n ami families. It discusses evrry topic of the day relig ious, tlit'oloitical, political, litcruty, social, artistic ami acinniilic. It con tributed articles ar by the most eminent writers of tbe Knxlinh lan(uae. It employs siieculties ami dintin gniitlied writers a editors of its TwkmtiT- ON DKI'AHTMKNT. A per partii iibiily fitted for lnwvers, doctiirH, clcTuyuieii, I hone eniraeii in business, young 'ilu of bntli wxca men and women who read and think (or themselves A paper eHxcially valuable for tliose interested in Fink Akts, Si'Iknck, Mi'hiu. A paer Kivinx valuable information UKn Financk, I.ikk Innckapcic, Con Mtm K A paper for Si mmy Sciiihu.'Wohickhs, tliose wli) have a Fak. Gakiikm or HoI'hk I'i.asti. A paper for the family, old and young. IMPORTANT. Tim Indki'kniiknt announces to its subscribers, nnd to any who may become sj that it Is prepared to furnish any papers and magazines published in this country, Kngland, France and (ierumny, at a very Urge reduction from publishers' rales. This opportunity is open only to subscribers of Tun IniikcknOknt. I pon receiving list of papers or magazines from individuals or reading rooms an estimate will be given by return mail. Its yearly subscription is $.1.00, oral that rate for anv part of a year. Clubs of five, 2 01) each. ' TRIAL TRIP " ONE MONTH. 2b CENTS. Specimen CopUss Free. THE INDEPENDENT. I O. Ilox 27H7. l.'IO Fulton Street, New York. Legal NoticeB. Notice. To whom It may concern: KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIKHE I'ftEHKNTS, tout I want to Klve my sons. J. W. 1 homk on, who I. M years oM, nil I I.. K. Thompaou, who It ISyoara iiln, their m'ljorltr ami lor ton public to eonnlcler that tl-y are dcalliiK with men ol lawful aue, and I wlih It lurthur un lvr atood that they aro linble to mo or Iw sued the same a- II thov wre Jl ye.m ol site auil that I fjlvo them ttie bilannuof thoirt ine. Oreiiou City, Oregon, Omol ;er 'H, IWIfi. HENNKT TIIOMPHOV, The lather of lha above uamed pemuui. 10J0, li-tf iollce of I'inal Netllement. NOTICE IB IIKHEBY GIVEN THAT TUB nil KTKlirne'l Imi DM hiT llnal account ai executrix ol the P at win and te-tament ol Mat thew Aum.BuKKOr, iluono I, In the enuuty court ol the .late ol On'Kon, lor Clnckamaa ooiinlv, and thnt Monday, the 7th day nl Ueeemlwr, lMHI, at 10 o'clock a.m., at aael county court, haa bae.1 fixed a. the tlmo an I rlici ol hnarlnit any an I all objection, thureto and ol tna Dual Mttle inont "I an id ae O'int. Dated, October IS, 11J EbLiHETII AEMInKOGKK. EX'iuulrlx. AajNlKnee's .Kollc. NOTICE 16 1IERKHV GIVEN THAT J. II. Irvine, ol Canhy, Clnckatnaa county, Orv von. ha. amliriie'I to the uniieralnne l for the benefit ol all nl. creditors Hild a.iiiuiont la now in nil i ii (( In the circuit court ol the .tale ol Oregon, lor Clackmnan county, and all credi tor, ol .aid J. II . Irvine are hereby notified to Iirencnt Iheir claim, airalnat aald J. II. Irvine, duly verillad, to me at Onby, Ori'Kon, wllliln three month. Irom the date of Oil. notice, Dated tbi. 8th day ol October, 1MM. JAMES M. EVANS, O.B. Dunn, A.alKuee. Attorney for utlfnee, 109, 11-t T its Yamhill River Route. Slojuner Toledo, I.KAVKs DAYTON. Monday, WViliu'silny nml Friilny nt II A. M., reiirhiiiK Oregon City, for I'ortlutul aliout llilll) A. M. l.KAVKH lOltTI.ANO. Tuomluy, Thursday mid Saturday ut D A. M. Salmon St. dock, rrtu'h ing Oregon City, for ujiriver pointo uhout U A. M. Through trip to I.ayfctto nnd Mi'.Miiiuvillo Hindu when depth of water xrmitH. Freight nnd juissi ngers raten reasonable. Replator Line, PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fttt and com modious uteainers DALLES CITY REGULATOR T1..H.. l.l.. ........1 u I... 1..... j .'uiijr uvuvp, cAt i pi, tiiimiiy, leav ing Ouk strtt't dock at 7 a. in., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cn-icadcH, White Salmon, Hood River and all intermediate xint. PasMcngcr and freight rates lower to those jMiints than hy any other Hue. First clusa meals served for 25c. This is the Groat Sconio Route. All tourist admit that tho scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in tho United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Coiiiiiiitncing Anril in, llNl, will U-avB rorlUnd foot of Waaliliitfton atrwt Tuea ilny, Tliurmliiy hiiiI Htuuliiy eveniiiK at 5 oVIix'k Uetiirnifiit, li'avra Clittnkanie Moiuluy, Wi'dni'Hiliiy nml Friiluy eyn inK at fi oVIiM'k. Will paM Onk l'(lnt iKjiit 7; Stella 7:15; Mygir 7:ir); Uiiinicr H:i:(); Knliuna 0 :1ft ; St. Iluluna 10 :.'). Arrive iu I'lirtlaMil 1 :.10 a. in. Thin ia tlm ncarcit ami moat illrt'ct route to tliu grent Nflniliiui valley. Shaver Transportation Co. Wanted-An Idea Who rmn think (if ftOlll tfll'lal tttltitf U Mlrntr fnUtct ymir Idrm; thwr may hrlug wralih, Wrlut JOHN WKliDKHllUliN A CO VmUnt Attor neys, Waiaijiodum, I). !., fur thtlr l,mi urite ofTef ml list ot two buadrad lufonilou wauuxi. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River g Puget Sound Nav. Co. PORTLAND, ASTORIA, FLAVEL AND ILWACO. Aider Street Dock, Telephone No. 351. Bailey Gatzert, daily AHtorialiont running alternately weekly with O. H. tt N. Co.'h Hteamer, It. H. ThompHon. Ono week leaves Portland daily 7 A. M., except Sunday; runs through to Flavel, connecting with 5:.'ft) P. M. train for Gcarhart I'ark, Ciriines and SeaHido. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Next week leaves Portland Sunday" 8 P. M. Laeaves Astoria daily (5 A. M., except Sunday. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 8 P. M. Saturday 11 P.M. Leaves Astoria Sunday 7. P. M. Ocean Wave, tho Hoarders' family boat, leaves Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 P. M. for Astoria, Flavel and Ilwaco direct. Leaves Ilwaco, Tuesday, Thursday and Suturday afternoon. Leaves Astoria Sunday 8 A. M., for Flavel and Ilwaco, with passengers leaving Portland at 11 P. M. Saturday. Leaves Astoria Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 7 P. M. Tickets good on steamer T..J. Potter 'and U. H. Thompson. All four boats for night morning to each other's, docks for freight and passengers. Ue B SCOTT E. A. SEELEY, President Agent. lis UrJoll Uo TO THE ERST (liven tho choico of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA AM) AND ST. PAUL. Jtansas City. Low Rntos to nil Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Lmivp rortlanJ evory flvu tluya for SAN FRANCISCO. Train arrive ami depart from Fort lallii aa follow: lRIAT N'o. rpFor Tl"fi aa'teni "ixTiita I 7 IK) ji' in. No. 8 1 Tlio Dalloa Iam'I U AMMIVR From llm F.aat NoTlT No. 7 I F lK;:)a".im H :(KI p III, rum Tlie lllna For full detaila call on or ail JreHH, W.H. HUULBUKT, Oen. I'liHHeiiHur Agoiit, E. McNKILL, rortUml, Or. rrenitlent and Manager, EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Exproaa Traim leave 1'ortlanJ Daily. Hou.h I I Nortb an r. a 1.V KirilaniPAr ft 10 a. a. 3l . 7 uo r a. Ur.M.l l.r Or. ni( ll l.y IU4A. ll. Ar H Krani'l. l.f The alxive train, atop at Ka.t rortlaml, Omuon CUr, WiMMltmrii, Halrm, Turner, Marion, Jplfurwm. Alliauv.Alhany Juin'lion, TaiiK'nt, HIinliU, llalary, Harrl.iiiirK, Juntv lion I lly, Kii(tne, Crvawell, liraln. ami all tallun. from KowborK U A.hlaml MNINU CAHH U.N OUUKN ItOUTK Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Socond-Class Stooping Cars Attarhl to all tbriiiifh Iralua. KOHKIIt'HU MAIL lll.lln. DOa.m. I l. I'orilanil Ar i 40 r. M I. oraamiciir l.r ) a fv p. 4 'Jllr. a). 1 Ar Hoanliurt l.r a oo a. af HA I. KM r-Ari (Iially. I "I r. al. l.r I'urlliili.l ' Ar t 10 It A. i 4 411 r. I l.i orr. u i Hjr l.r v '7 a. ' Iftr. M. Ar li-in It j B ill t. Writ Mule UlTl.lnn. BKTWKItN POItTI.ANI) AND (H)ltVAI.I.IH. Mall Train, li.lljr (Kirept Hnmlar.l 7 Ho . . M li I.', r. at I l.r fnrllanil Ar l.'orvalll. I.r I Ar I Mr H Al Allianr and Cnrvallla pniini-rt with train. ol Orniem I i'n Ml ik K'ii Kallrnail. Kiiirr.a Train liailr (Kirrnl Hunilay) 4 -4'i p.m. I l.r 1'iirilBiMl Ar IH'ifli.M 7 l'.r., I Ar MeMlnurllle l.r U:M)a.m THROUCH TICKETS TO AM. I'OINTS IN TIIK KAHTKKN HTATKh, CANAHA AMI KtlHOI'a Can Im (ihtalni'il at lowvul rale. Irom L H. Miaira, Agioit, Ori'Kiui CUr. U KOKIII.KK, MatiaKflr. K. V. IKMIKHH. Aa.'t U. F. and !'... Aiont.