Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 06, 1896, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
ami n-uvi.
A I.TOH A A H II lUH'iNt ,
MTKIIlt ri'MI !, AHII lil NiHI
1.1,111 I'orllaiiit, Taylnr t r.-t di-k at t 4'i A. U.
k 'I' r, aniniav v "i a.
On IK Hy I ' "l' Ni a ..HI A
l.,,juui .ii.,y.
II urn I hi icivn (Imiimi lily 'or I'm 1 1 tnl at
l It aa a il .) an-i il, Ml I'. X. Hiiiiilnr.
Fl limn, (mill mwiiiiiiHlnlliiiii ami lnw rnlea.
Nil way lirmlil iinlliil, H.crlal laU-a nil
tliniuiili IrvlK lit.
t'allfniiila Kmrta lllirniiiili) 7 M. m.
HoauhlKM Ua-al (Way alallnua) ri'ip. III.
Halulll Paa-aimr H.Wclll.
Ilnmliiirg IjickI iwny lnlli'ii'l I iB a. m
I alll.-mla I-iiom (lliniuih) m
H .lilil V aa luur WC- in.
ti m'tiih r" irii' mii.mn.
M-llrlniM. N'il'. l' III. "ii'H p. tn.
Mali nnai-aw K '" M '" 1
Hall il.irlliuli"l ""'lh- '" '"
Mul illli.lmi-l li"'W o'Hli, a. Ml, i. hi.
T at iii;l.ll U.
Mall rl-ana I"' I i"II.ihI ai.il iluirlUilli (
tM.li.ia. K "ii". ami 4 j ,. lu.
M nl (Mii'Ol l r Milwauaoa ouly, IIH lit..
iu'l I"nli limn P-mlaml, II to a. m. and
a lip. tn.
inn mii'tia.
Orraiui Cllftt. My.t'arut. MhIIimi. I.llwral ant
H'llalla luaiaa al IJ w. ami arrlraa at I'i in.
1'i'f''ii"ii t'l'T I" )" Crwk. Mliik, Clark,
klrailnw lliima. I'iiiti M Ills, ami ( iilin,lai
al a a in. atmi'lay, Wilnua.lay aiul io-lay,
ami fminiii lnlli,luilaaM 4 i
otn.m Cliy lu Vlnia. l-"an ml lilaii
Iratra llrr("U i Ity M'Ulilay. Wclnwlay ami
rrlilay al I uu f, in, laalii Viola aaiua ilajra
al 7 uo a. in
Or.-..u I lly lo Wlllaniaila. Hialf, rl and
Wll...i.ll. .arrival lu.aua. m. auJ iaa. al
II ai . in. 'la iy.
u n.fl iiliijr rmil" H "p"" ' "'''
lru.u luuilta ia! AH Ui'Iii"J '
linn,. . U .iuinily mi.I uff luii-lar.
aa iiu niiiar A). .......
Ail fcaainu mall thai l dla4 un l l-lli i
airloun i am., I'. It. lu will 0ma on U
o el.-m ur I in .acuta ear.
W ll.l.AXKITK tAUM li y.
Ciaa L(aVl
rt aX'iux tro
'41 a ni.
7 Si "
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wiu.arrr ralX
(i v, .. m.
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liniir nmr ? n'rliK
I . , Jam r V I"-.
C. A ai'l.l I II, l IT.
ally fine thin ynnr, mul lnnt evnrjr
grutviir In vutillili'iit Itmt Iiu Iihm irl.
wliiiwra. Only a yenr or two B(0, In
onliir In Imve u iliajiliiy out of llio entity
Im'iil ruaonrrna, Il wun mti'i'Mmry lu olfcr
it irl.n fur ('allium In lilo'iinnm, but
alncu lliat local llnrlatn liavu HiirjiuMKinl
lliulii'Hl ituiIiii'I I'Uih oflliitt "lulu mul
run uvrii iilvu thii Jiiiiiiit'ni i,olntiTa on
how In ((row lliln iiiiIIihimI II iwit, Oro
U'iii Cily cull lumit of Noinn h IIiik
"iiuiiiim" mvm 4'mii Iiu (imiihI riiiywlii'rii nil rat
wlnni'm il ilmil In voiiHitliin willi
llioav urown i'lNUlnti,
Nkw IIakii Arm. I,iitiit"iliillt Mmiri',
of I I'M I 'n AmiTlrail Voltlntni'M, Will ill
tint ft t y I H at Wi'i'k H.ilirlllliK lllllll to ita
litltliili ll lutrrmka liitrn. I Id unit wllli
fnlr ili'ifrnn of ainc'ia lint not rtiilllrimil
lo Juallfy oi'imiIiik Inn TAi:k nt tin) iri'-
Kilt, lli'tiiifli onii will iloiililliiaa In) HHlulf
lUln'il In lint ni'iir (ut'irn Tim aulnirrH
of IhU hmnrh illiK iir.1 tint llritiali ri"l
alilrt mul wcur iiniforiii aimiliir to tint
onii worn 1 1)' tint Union nol'liur iluriiiK
tin) lull) wur.
City Ki.Ki'TinN. lliuciiy ulitrtlon will
ocnir on lliu II ml Momluy in mxt mouth,
liivitiiilxir 7, nt wlilrli linn) i muyor mul
two coiliii'llini'll Iniln I'urli wunl will le
liHtit., TIiimk wliimt tiinu of olllrn
piinn in Um J'lrtt wunl uru MniHra. J.
W. Mollllt anil J. J. Cook; in tint
Sworn! wri, Mnaarn, J. (,. 1'ortomiKl
Henry Mul'lriun.
A Fl'HNiaiiKii I lot hk, Will Imi rtMitci
Vitry munonulily to fuinlly Hint will
lUarunlvn to Utkit K'Kxl rr of the build
i taic n,l IxtloiitilnK. Thn hnuno la now,
(iUiU-rii, of K-vtjii nxiina ami convcniitiit
of location. Attly al liiiu oihVu.
(iood ItradliiK fur .N'orrmbrr.
Aa Ilia autumn roiling Kr0" longer
ono naturally turni from Ilia out il xtr
lili-aatiri'a, tlio f vi'iilnn walk, or riilit, anil
'ka vntflrtalninriit ImliKira, around the
family table anil by the llrraiilo. For
aurli a iiiriott one uiliilit go far and flml
nolltlnu no K'xxl the curn-nt Novcmtter
nuuilmr of Dt'inorrat'a Magazine.
Fur varii'ly of Inluieal it ct'rtainlv
TliHiihaKlTlok I'Mdlra Home Journal.
Marrliigii la exhaiiMlivuly ilincuatM'd in
Hid Novi'iiiImt I.nlliV Home Journal by
Mra. A, D.T. Whltny, who tulla her
girl frli'inU "TIih Truth Alxjtil Muril
HK"," ami lr. rarkhurat, who wridtaof
"Tim Vinnig M,in mid MiinliiK"." Itth
niniia, iimy bit lufiirrml, urn iiblo ami
liii:i'l irnw,'ilutiiiiiH of tiie iiiarriiigit iinta
lion, Tim mime Imkiih contiiiiia the II rut
of "Mr. Mwily'a liible Chun" artlrloa,
w lii' li the fuiiioiia (vuiiKi'liat w ill yjN
Iriliiiln to lliu Joiirnul in IIih future hh
Dm ln.tlir of a gre.it Nutioiml llible rlaia.
The initial arlirlo of "lirfiit I'itwiIihI
Kvnnla" ai'riita in w liluli the i:onnilcu
oim oiti'iir,inci' of tint nat half i;ntury
will tut lold by eyu witiii'HHita la alao
givi'ii. In it Hun. A.Oukity Hall riti'ulU
"Wlti'ii Jmiiiy I, in, I Kiiiik In ('until) Oar
ilitn," New York, in IH'iO, and titlla of
tint iiiiiturallelil furoi iTi-atod by llio
"Hwi-ivliali Nigliting.il)." Tluiro are alao
two adiiuralilii, iriu-tn:l arliclita on Hing
ing, ono by Mu'lamo C'alvo, wlio wrltita
on llio "Coiiiinring Kure in Mimic,"
Auii-riiiani, and the other by Mudume
Mitllia, on the ' Ven al Ntudenl." Kach
einlMidiua the cxMtrii-nce of ita famoiia
author. and iletuila to Hltiih-iiia of vortil
iii'hIc how U) ani-ciiHMfully piirHiiu their
art. Of ajii'itiiil artintiu and timely in-tiTt-at
la a imgit illimtration by VV. L.
Taylor, di-liglilfully (xirtraving "Thank-giviiig-tiuiii
in the Coloiiiita," and the
covi-r by H. A. Hill, artintically tyi'ify-
ing llio m-uHoii of Thuukrtgiving. A group
of Kuto (iri'rnaay'a cliiMri'ii, illiiatrut
lug Laura K. Kicliiird'a iiottm, "The I'ic-
niuTra,"ia anothur atriking pictorial
agn fuuture. Kx-Creaiditnt Ifarrinon,
In hia "f hi Country of (Jura" contribu
tion, expreHwti hiniwilf forcibly and with
dirtH'tni'M on poimiona, talk of tho civi
liialion of the lndiitna, and toll of the
work of the Kucrutary of Agriculture.
Kdward V. liuk, ein(iliiiiu- the virtue
and valui-i of the bath, and ilriret'alea
the tendnnry of luothuri to eacace the
leaixinaibiliiy and care of training their
own cliiMrvn. In the line of fiction the
November Journal (irem-nta the conclu-
anm of Ian Maclaren'a charmingly told
ntiH-ta every iired, a a glunr, at Ita moat ...r)le o( Kt ,,,,,., .. ,,,
attractive l.t.le ,.l contorita will .how : j g o, Ucimtint ..T)w A.
TliK WniTiirri. Whal a luolillc aount)
of coiiilurt or iliai oiiifoit tint weather la
o ua We am coiitiiuially inil-i'g or
coii.li'iiiiiiiig it. winding it wiiull !'
clmi ly or fair, atoruiy or calm, accord
Ing lo the iiniod we are in. There i
liullilng iniire uiicer'aiii In bet on than
Oregon weather, Miilrna It inighl Imi an
rlectl'iii in t'liu kiiiiitia county. To '
that Hie weather bun l iliioid'cculile
thn punt week It putting it Inll'llv, too
mililly in fin". Hut all ihix in tit an end
Annreciiitiiii! nur kIiii ition, II . I'iUUi'i
Among the ileacrliiilvn article", wo ace
"Thn lloaton l'tlliHc Library," "Life ill
the Tvruleae Moiinlaina," "The lireal
Mulr tilucier," mid "The North 1'oln by
lUII'iiiii." In llelion tli-ro la a cnpitul
little alory by Clinton Koh called "The
1'retty Wit (if l ul'Uiill Paul Jiuiea," the
liial lliatatliueiit uf Kobert liui Sleveii
aon'a luteal novel, ami "The Saving of
the ' ?' " by Mury Annnbln Kantou.
(If general Intereat are ail exhatlative
article on Women an Ijiwyrra, one of
Kate Joiilan'kaki tcbca of l'arla 'I'u inter
and their Mndcla," a liiograpliical ai
coiitit of Aubrey lleardali-y, and a lively
aiauut l.ihrulau pro loin.," by Holier! C.
V. Meyeri. Lilian llell wi ilea of "Other
(iiiln" In her cliHracterinticully bright
and criap vein ; Cliirord Howard tt'lla the
j "Origin of our Nainea;" Hutli Aahuiore
adviei-a "The (iirl Alone in the City,"
; and J. Harry Aduina deacribea bow to
' n hi kit urnnle and uttcful article of hoiiae
j hold furniture. There are alao contrihu-
tiuiiH ii)n ilreaa, the tuble, necillework,
; lioine gauiea.and Hie iimiul ilep.ii tmeiitx.
j The Thaiikagiving Journal ia replete with
InU-reat and attractive artistically, il ia
: the magazine tluit apealH to every
r tr In ih wfl'l I
An h.rrnt iiim. Sr' trie i
ii al i iwiwi tA Iha
Ijvar, bt"ftia.h
anil Silrn,
kKuUia ih l.ivr
anil irf'vctil ( iiil.i.a
anii r x v Ka , AIaiai'I-
. l : i. i
N At
HAI iur.Titt
S')nttg It fi tini'lfaKauM, n'tihiriK aVo C"fT) m"fi , m
t Ui-4i.i, ari in firarly trry um ll t'tfit U'tn
tUm li.MiAti h, a r ( in t-e iv iiy nn I'd 4 you ilt
iMk Simmons l.tvi K H aiok iiu n n?ni i ui
'ir frlthtiy l-rf I tow rcjxiiwivc (JikOfiliV. Il Will
Utnituvt yiur nfcute. (.otuplcafn mid gencri hilih.
f lfi many mffrr tnnw dy ifier day, making lif
turijrri and f,,n -iit-ii e ul nil purMir;, owing
U lint Mtrjt kiiffrrrinK frrm I'll-. Vl rlirf m trmtly
to fli hnul airnl any one wlto wnl unr yrman-t-lly
tit rrtnedy tUni )m jfm4nntJy cured ihoii'
nla. Simmim l.ivra Htu.i:t,Aim u j dasitc,
violent mit, but gcoiU AMi.tant lu nature.
If ,flinj( mlinrnl in lav l, natur
drinain'U lrv utiii'w ituUr iy t4
trie l-Wfit, and any drvUn.ra
ffrn Out drrnand imvn ibe way
(jffrn lo twrri'rut tianifrr. It It
iiH at r' cry lit mmnv
lltirtjr jiff unnilalifn hmn ih
lVwtig a tl t lo r or n, and
no hralih n ltiK(itil whcr
A coftlivc habit uf Uxly prcvaiia,
Thn liirfwin( afMnlon wnirt mo-w fr-wjuentlr.
Thi diiiirtrkCai rf tn Momab, mriung Uvm th
Imjafrfo tly dimrd conienft, rauta? a tavvrnE paus in
lh bead, acrumpanird with diuicrecahla muwa, and
ihia tunMitmca what ia p)tlry koova aa Suk
lrada'h, for th rrhrf 4 whtth iaki Simmon
Uvaa KaUvtArra on Mkukiks.
J. IL ZKIUN A CO., nUadaiua, Pa.
in Oregon City to get
Iioioit. It v llii. (nrtiy I'lltilialilnir Pn
aviiipuaiiim (rout five ditrereut point a of .,, .. . . .' ...
' , , 1 1 liiludelplua; one dollar r yenr: ten
view on "The running of tho fm ol'l I . . .
l einn j'er ciiij .
In "Home Art" are beautiful pattern
for linen embroiilerv and iliMnictlou in
the milking nf birch burk ar'iclea. In
"iiiiiluiiitii" the cultivation of I eauty in
dlM'tiaaed. In "lloiineliolil" noun) une
fill aiicgenlioua are given in an mticlit on
lint .Moilel llnhleaa. 1 lie Vttulila
who hua cluirgit of Jupiter I'luviua' I.uhI- I j.,,,,,.. ,,,,,,, f .,.( lolj,..
neaa in Oregmi ami la liiciileiiliully con
Heeled with the V. S. Weutber bureuii,
will open a alntinii in the Weatern t'uiou
telegraph 'building the flml of next week
with Willie Iigiit in charge,
lie will Inform you when lo
carry your U'nbrella and when il will Ut
ante to loan il to your friend, or if thut
Won't do he bun pinmiaed to furnirili
wcuther lo mnt tint imnt fiiKtidiouH. In
future don't kick nt the weutber, kick
the iii.iuipiiliitnr of il.
A Hiiyamxkii Chinaman. ltryun loat a
vote hint Tueuduy by reuwiii of tint would
be voter being a Chinaman and coniie
ipiently debarred from Aincrieiin citi.en
ahip. Thin Intelllnent pnpulint goea by
the liunut ul Wing, Mini ileliyera Veget
ulilea iiruiiiiil town finm the Chinene
giirileua. A few diiya aince while muk
ing bii rouinln delivering vegetable" he
found one of hia beet ciiKtomi'ra milking
prepurntion to leave the city. On learn
ing thut the family would locale in
Arizona he begun to nuike impure" aa
o the country and anked Iho luily lo
Bend buck word If it wiiaa good country
for bo wauled to got into a placo where
ho could "nu workee much and catchne
lioap money" He wuh Informed that it
wna hardly poHHibln thut Arizona waa ao
highly favored u place, in fact mont
AmiTiciina hail fo'.tnd Unit they had lo
work for all tho money tliny got where
ever they went, ami lie wita re'ered lo
Hecor, the leading gitnlleuiun of Oregon
City, auto pulnlH on how to live with
little work.
Y. M. C, A. MeHnra. Holdridgo and
Dickaon, the eviuigi'llHtn, will commence
a acrica of nieetingH for men only at the
Y. M. V. A. next Kunduv, beginning
with a prayer aervico at II u. in. They
will iiImo conduct the 4 o'clock meeting.
In Iho evening they will hold union
mtrvicc-Hiit tho I'reuhytcrlun church nt
(1:15. Knch duy during the week they
will conduct u noon duy prayer Herviee
at 12:15 mid evening nervlcea nt 7:.K.
The cd neat iitnul Clausen will not meet
noxt week,
"Miim Snow" Lovers of tho Jupuneio
iiiitiiuiiil flower, the chryHiiiitlieniuin,
will have nil opportuiiity to feunt their
cyi'H on thcue beuulica at the 'mum"
ahow lo bit given nt Iho Expnmtioti
bnil'litigin rortliind by tint Oregon Statu
Horticultural society on November 12,
13 and 11. CliryHnntliuniiiina ure unusu-
of lull-rent. "The Wmld of Lellera and
Art"givca inteieKting bita of information
in ita depiiitmeiit, mid the I'tifhiotl de
part meiit ia Miggentive and well illua
trilled .
Ill addition to tliit wonlth of rending
mutter, theio are piclurea galore on
nearly every page, more than a dozen
full-iiigtt in i en beanie all that are neees
anry to fully illunliate every article cap
able uf being illiint ruled.
For Yoiinit Men anil Youuir Wninen
There ia nothing that will aroime the
ire uf a voting mail or woman Hoijuiek aa
to have infeiior laundry work put off on
Ihein They may ilreca ever ao well,
but if their nhirl front r abirt wuint ia
miinny liniir neat appenrance ia Ktoih'd.
The Troy hiundry makea a iecialty of
linliea' and gentlemen'a line work.
There can lie no belter work than ia
done at the Troy. Leave Tour oruera ut
KariiHworth'a ImrtM-r "hop.
A Nplitmlld Pliinrr (.'Irrti.
To all who dine at (he 1'ortliind rea
tntiniut, oppoHile the BUMpenHion bridge,
the llmiHt dinner to Do had in Oregon
Cily will he aerved. A apecialty made
of lino ineatH, Huh and game. Try our
Sunday chicken ilinintra. Cleun table
Hcrvice Binl elllcieut help. A quiet
place to bring your wife or huly friemla,
Mitiila 25 cents. .
Ilrnt mul Clii'iipcNt Insiirniice.
Suvo momiy on your inaurnnce by call
ing on K. E. Martin, w ho repreaenta the
only Mutual doing htiaincBS in Oregon
City, You cannot allord to keep on
throwing your money into policies and
pay from 8 to 5 yeura premiuma in ud
vance and then Imvo the compuny fail.
Tint Oregon Fire Kelief aHuociutlon will
atnml thu cIuhchI inveHtigiition.
H. E. Mahtin, Agt.
Coiiiinerciul Hunk BUn-k.
('urea Croup.
"My Ibreo children nre all aubject lo
cioup; I titli'graithod to Sun Prunciaco,
got a iuilf n dozen bottles of S. R. Cough
Cure. It iu perfect remedy, (iod blens
you for it. Yours, etc., J. II. Cbo.ikh,
OriintH I'uhh, Or." Kor sale by C. O.
Huntley, ilruggiHt.
The U. & Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
McClure'i .Ungual ne fur Nnveuilicr.
The auHriur truth and dclicucy of the
old ilugiierreotype ure maile munifent in
the November MeClore'fl, where line re-
, prodiicti'ina of dauei reutyiie portr.ilta of
Culhoiiii, Welmlei, Kdward Everett, I'r.
lloliiiea, Jenny Lind, and otbera, from
rare collection!) atill surviving, illustrute
an entei Uining l'rtKT, tiy Mis. T. 1.
Pnvia. on lint development of dagueireo
typing in America. Soon after the (lis
coyery of the process American d.iguer
reotypers became the fluent in the world
and there is a strong movement now to
ward a revival of the art. The paper is,
therefore, timely ns w ell as entertaining.
Another richly illustrated paper, in
this number, is Ethel Mackenzie Mu-
Kenna's intimate account ol the English
artist Alma-Tudenia, in his luxurious
1ondon house and studio. Hut, mevet
ably, the render's (list curiosity will he
for the widely auuonced long story of
American life by Rndynrd Kipling, of
w hich the opening installment here ap
pears. It opens on an Atlantic "lir.er,"
pusaes drniniiticully to a Gloucester fish
ing schooner on the (irund ltunks ol
Newfounillund, and begins a portrayal of
the strange, romantic life of the Yankee
fishermen, in the midst of their perilous
employment, that promises to be as
strong and fine aa anything Kipling has
done. The illustrations by I. W. Tuber
are very close to the real life, also.
Tho other fiction of the number is a
clever story of a loss and a recovery ot
diamonds, with incidental detective ex
ploits ;a Thanksgiving love story; and
two charming dialogues by Anthony
Hope. . Then there Is one of t'y War
lunn's true railroad stories tho story of
a llorce battle between snow plows on
top of the llocky Mountains.
Elizabeth Stuart I'lielits contributes
rominiHceuccs from her experience as a
writer of novels and short stories, giving
along with confidences regarding her
own practice, a spirted statement of her
theory of the Btory-writer's urt. Miss
Tarbell contributes a most interesting
Lincoln paper nn account of Lincoln's
nomination lo tho Presidency in 18ti0,
embracing tho personal reminiscences of
Senator Palmer, Joseph Medell, iponurd
Swett, and others, through whose per
sonal imiiiugement tho nomination was
brought about. The paper is fully illus
trated. The S. S. McClure Co., 141-155
East 25th street, New York City.
1800 miles of longdis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Tendleton,
Albany and 98 other towns
in the two states on the
line. j
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All tho satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no etlcct to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Driig Store.
Portland, - - - Oregon.
"W. YAItADA, 03&jsl!e Hcatleyi Bock Store.
All New Goods and Complete Stock.
Call and examine goods and get prices and he convinced
that you can nave money by buying of me.
When you buy
Paint !
A house you make sure the title is
When you paint it use Pure Prepared
Paint as it makes all the difference
in the world whether the paint is
genuine or not.
Color cards free. Special prices in
.Telephone No.
IviV-l Than sndl m
MoumeHtai bronze CO.
IinilTE BRONZE Monuments
will not Moss-cover or black
en. Are artistic, cheap and the
most enduring monument made.
White Bronze is no experiment.
It has stood for hundreds of years
in Europe and is not affected by
the weather. Correspondence soli
cited. On receipt of jKi?tal card
will be pleased to call and show
samples.and designs.
C. R. DOX.VEI.r., MOK.
Sw. cor. Ash and East 10th Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
Manilll St MPliD Iniiit. Plnlip npinnnPQt
muuuimui j mm j . jjijm,) Q1UUU UU111UU1 UL
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