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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
... Oregon City 3NTERPKISE. VOL. 31. NO. 2. OUKtJON CITY, OK KG ON, FRIDAY, NOVKMNKR (5, 1800. ESTABLISHED 186G yy II. I'OIIYNH, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, sisiaiii rini.ii; CANIIV. OHKUUN. Hill rs.'tl. In a roiirl. nf I1 atal. Insurant' written In all Ina'tlng num. .lllna. All Haul, ol '.lilt, iuii, I. In, I. I'n letitmtia a ip,.eiNliy, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. I'patalrs iiiiiIi Court llnino. Tllleaeaanilnrd ami aliilraels niutu Mniirjr liiiaitiMl, Mnriaiiita (iirii'liwtl and a immral law lni.lur.a, CIV1I. ENGINEER ami COUNTY SURVEYOR. Will l at court lionnn mi oarh Saturday mid un regtilar aolnii day of county court. J J T II.ADKN, NuTAKY I'UIILliJ ami (t)NVKYAN(EK, ABrreaiTaor Tina auii HmI Mlalt bandied. Iiiaumnpa written In lha llarlfnrd, ol Hartford, I'ajaUna. Ham lurg ul Uratuan Oflo on 'lour antiih n( Mathodlit Church. in 2n S5 B? J QUCKAMA AHSTHACT TKUkT CO. ftinilah, AUfaMi. Chain, ol Til'. IW'rrlp-1 iiiHi', iNMia, iiiaursi rv, ray taiea renvoi 1 lllea !., lo Ultlra or nalik ill Ura('n t.'Hy. J. r ( LAItK, rra..,aml Utt, o noli city, .... amuoN, (1 H. IHMII'K. 1 a ATTORNKY AND COt'NHKIXU AT LAW. Will pranlr In all court of lh atat. A bit i acta mail. Tilt, etamliied anil a fsurl law Duilue.a irauaaoliHl, Offlr with U I. potior. W. KINNAIKII CIVIL ENdlNKKH AND SI'KV'KYOK Railway larallua and mn.trtiPtinn, bridge, plauaalid eailmalv lur water supply Prtlnai il street Improvement ol lowna Special attention gliren In oraug litliif auil bin printing T W. WELCH. - DENTIST -Willarnnlte lllil., oiionit Poatofflce. . Office hours from R a. in. to 12: 1 to V:tO p. in. ail' Hi tz i lrr ; ii rS J" g? 2. ? ! 1 ' ,; V f 1 ' - .. Ittlt? A (ill EAT VICTOItY. lN'iiil)lican Do a Noble Work For Their Turtj. M'KI.UCr TIIK KXT I'KKSIDKNT. Tlie ('oimtjr rrt-purr For ltd urn of the rro-pfruim Tlnim Tlmt it Oiicp Knjojfi il. Leading Agency In Clackamas County. ;iKPKKMKNTINUi- KOYAI. OK UVKKPOOl,, diw l.rifiml LuilncMln lh world. NOHTH I1KITIH1I A M . lrKl umli in tl.e worltl. HUN OK IX)N DON. olilrat purely ltr l:iauranr company in Hi world. ACT N A U K 1 1 A KT Ko K I , I rKt mi twi A merit an Com pny . CONTIXKNTAl. UK NKW YoitK, on or lb beat Annrlcmn coinpiiiln. AM) OTilKH KIIWr-CLAHH COMI'AXIKS. Collfon ma for llntlnua, ami mlma tut Hlutlwr and Calandara F. E. DONALDSON, At Commercial Bank. - Ciih aiio, Nov. 4. Tlie return from the entire country, Hltliouyli incoinpleUj in oine Blati'd, are of a nature to insure the tilwtion of McKmlfV. A a uflk'tant nmiilx'r o( nta'.ir liave di'dareil for Hie republican party to mike certain 2 A voU in I tie I'lcctral collt-tm fur it leader. The Atnti'n whoe voU- are rure for lilin are aa folio: atate. Both partie claim the atale, but the few acattering rctnrn that are in ao far are of ao indefinite a nature a to make any tUinm, no matter by whom made, of a very uncertain character. Wim oriHin i lure for the republican column by in enorruoua plurality. MinncNottt, whicii waa regarded an doubtful by Iwth mrtieff, haa eurprii-ed everybtxly by the aie of tlie republican plurality, ami McKinley will hare ac j CIKtl'IT COCKT I.fnfthy Docket Judiciously by Judge MrRride. PROtEEDISCS. Handled The reiftilar Novmier term of circuit court for Clackaniaa county convened I ant Monday, with Thorns A. McUrido, circuit judg-e; T. J. Cleeton, proaecuting attorney; Elmer I)ixon, clerk, arjd (i. VV. (irace, aherifT. The proximately 30,000 to 40,000 more vot I following jurymen re,wnde-l to roll call California Cumiectlcut Delaware . Illlnol I Indiana Iowa Maine Maryland Maarlitieltr . , Michigan ,. . MlnnrMila Nw llaiiiptlilra Naw Jeraey New York North Dakota ... OMu Orpgon I'eiiiiay.'rania ... Klirxle Inland.... Hotitb Dakota ... Vermont Weal VlrKlnla. .. WlMOIlaill Tola 0 ne Pair that Can't be Beat. L PORTER, ATTORSKY AT I.AW AiaratcT or raoraarv rcaMnmn. OlAre neat to Orr(n Cltv Uuk on 4th tract. o. t. william. 'real ehtatk ami loan aoknt. A (oo llu ill tituliip... maldi'iir and mbiirbau rruprrly. Farm Property In Iran, to mlt on eaay trrtni. Cirrfiiiilenr iimmt'lly aniwrrad. Ofllre, noil diHir to t'aiinrld 4 llnnllnr drug itor. Q I A I). 0 t.ATOI'UKVl R, ATTUUNKYH AND CtiL'NSKl.OKS AT LAW MAIN BTKKXT IlKKlin! CITY, OHKIION. Eilrhlili Ali'trai'la ol In if, Ijian Mnnry, Pore olo alnrtiiiiit'!. and traii.act tlvnrral Ijkw tltiatriiaa. Canton Chilled Plow Canton Clipper Plow They have been thoroughly tested and found perfect. Tim CAXTO.V CHILLED PLOW hao a ribbed mould board which addn to it treii(5th. It in Hold fur a rearionftblo price and guaranteed to bo aa good or hotter than any plow made. The CANTON C LUTE II HTEEL PLOW has no equal and is well known. ThoPIPK FRAME SEVEN HARROW can't bo beat. St'O thorio gooda and get price before buying. POPE St CO-. Mnlti und Fourtli StH., - Oregon City. TIE. CKOHH, " A1TOHNKY AT I.AW. Wiu PaacTn a in Am. CoraT or hi Htatb KiI Klte niid liiiurniire. Oltlre on Main Hirn't bit. HI x ( It and Meventh, oHauoN ( try, na. O' at o'HKit.i.. Tiiimi'iion j. a KKfoKK. r T. uKirrmi ,'NKILMIKHUKH. riitiMrno.'M uKirrn n. ATTORN KYS AT I.AW. Onion In Harklry lluildliijt. Oreon City, and A U. U, W. 'Ipiiii1i), I'orllaiid. Do General Ijiw llulni'. Ixian Money, VrKO ClllllH'tl Forocloae niorlKaK'. I'rohnte practice. II. I)YB, c. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Will (oreatoaa nnutaaaoi, make i.txiraota, loan money, aettle cia c anil Hauaact a goneral law bii-lnvaa. Oltlco Drat Door adjoining Hank of O eon City. o(ioN city, oaaooa oko o. iihowni.u J. U. CAMI'HaLL. 1KOWNKI.I. A CAMI'llKI.I, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OaaooN City, ..... Okooh. Will protlce In all tliecourta of the atate). Of fice, uuxt door to Caiinold 4 ilunlley'i drug tore. Pioneer Store ? r We call your attention to our new fall arrivals Ladies' Men's and Children's Mackintoshes, the Latest Tho celobrateil " Duck Brand" in all styles. Thos. Cliannan & Son. Y OU ARE WANTED TO EXAMINE THE 1896-97 STYLES OF SHOES 71 KR7IlIj3j3B BKOg. Finest line of Shoes in Oregon City at Portland prices. milK COMMERCIAL HANK, Of OKKUON CITY. Capital, $100,000 TKAHNACT A 0NAI. aANKINO t'ilN. Loaua made. Illlli dlicountvd. Mnkea col lectiona. Iltiya and aell exclianite on all point, In tlie United Htatea, Kiirope aud llnug Konif. IH'poilta recul"cd nlijccl to chuck. Jlauk opeu from y a. a. to a r. D. C. LATOUKETTK, Prcautent. r B DONALDSON, Caahter JJANK OK OltKOCN CITY, Oldest Bank-lnt House Id tlie Cltf.' Paid up Capital, r0,000. Hurplui, lJU.Hfio. rtnNT, - - THO. CHARMAM vice rHKaiuxriT, oao. A. ha Kin no. camiixk. - CAcriai.n. DANAiian. CHABLia H. Ciurm.D. A general hanking hnalneaa tranaaoted. Uepoalla reoelved aiilii'0t to check. Approved till) and note dlaeoimted. County nd city warranta boiiKht. Loana mvl on ayallalile aeourlty. Ktitlianx boiiKhtand aold. Collemlonr made promptly. .... Draftaenlil avallaole In any part of the world Totcrphlo exchanitea aold on Portland, San franclnoo, ;hlca.iand New York, atereit paU on time depoalt. , Rough and Dressed Lumber. ; Some ofOur'Pricea " No. 1 Flooring and Rustic, per M $13 00 No. 2 KlooriiiK and Itimtic, lr M 10 00 No. 3 Flooring and Rustic, per M.... 7 (10 No. 1 (VIIIiik, per M 10 00 No. 2 Ceiling, per M 7 00 Ship Lap, per M 5 SO ('oinnion Lumber, per M 4 01) Cull, per M 2 00 FotioitiK, I'cr M 4 00 150,000 feet ol Pry Dressed Lumber in yard. Bills Sawed on short notice. Discount on Large Orders. No Business done on Saturdays. MORTENSON & HANSON. Mill 2J Miles Eattt of Monitor Mills. , NO-TO-BAG GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT CURE tl) mr i nm nm hnroa mM. nm ft) onma nran l power to destroy thednlre for tobacco in any ai form. No-t-bolaiheiiri.tnerT-(iHKl iu ihe worM. Many (aln 10 pounds In Wdaja and ii imrer falls to mas Hie wa liiipotent man airoim. vliioroua and niaKinuio. Juntiry box. louwtllbede. lluhUnl. Wueiuect you lo believe wluil wiimir. fur a riirn la absolutely suaranteml by aruaulKUerery SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY CHARMAH & CO. Tlia return ahow inlereating feature, ami in aome reM't8 have been a aur prlne to the leadura of both political par. tioa. The New England atale hare, aa waa evpecled, ;ivn heavy pluralities for Mc Kinly, without exception. The republi can ticket wa BiiccesHful in Maesachu etta lieyond what wa claimed for it by the inoetenthualaHtlu prophet of republi can ancceaa. ' New York and l'annaylvania vied with each other for the plurality, and the figure ut hand do not indicate which one of them has aurpaased the other. Each state bai given the republican a plurality of between 275,000 and 285X00. To these state, Illinois i a good third in ila plurality for the winning candidate If the iiercentatre of gain oyer the elec tion of 18H2 that baa so far been shown continues to the end, it will give a plurality of not far from 175,000. In the gubernatorial race, Altgeld has been badly beaten, but ia not buried ao deep, and i probably about 00,000 ahead of the democratic national ticket. There has evidently been a large vote caot throughout the state for .McKinley and Altgeld. Indiana, if any of the rules for esti mating the yote of a slate which previous i to the present election held good are still 1 to be relied uion, gives no justification I for the democratic claims of having , carried the ".jute. If the ratio of the re I publican gain continues to the end of : the count, Mo Kill ley will have approxi : mately 30,000 plurality in the state. I In Iowa, a far as can be seen from the I returns at present, the republican plural ity liaa been very large, not far either way from 75,000. Ohio, which all along has Wen cluim- jed ty l lutiriiinn Jones aa a state in I which Bryan would pu9h McKinley very 'dost', has given tlie republican candidate an overwhelming plurality. In Michigan, the election has resulted ! in a very heavily reduced vote for the republican ticket The free silver papers of Detroit concede the state for McKin ley by 25,000. Tlie last previous vote in the state was in 1305, when Moore, the republican candidate for justice of the supreme court, had a plurality of 71,487 over Mi'Grntli, his democratic rival. Weat Virginia is confidently claimed by the republicans, and the chairman of the democratic state committee this evening conceded the state to McKinley. Tennesse presents some of the inter esting features of the campaign. Patter son, the gold standard democratic can didate for congress in the city of Mem phis, is running neck and neck with his opponent, and the official count will be necessary to decide between them. The state at large is claimed by both parties, and, because of tlie length of the ticket, the returns are coming in so slowly that neither side seems entirely justified in claiming the electoral vote with any con fident. North Carolina is claimed by both parties, but, as in Tennessee, returns are very slow and no definite conclusion is possible at present. South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana are all for Bryan by about the normal democratic ma jorities. The Virginia electors will, without question, be for Biyan, but they have been elected by a heavily reduced dem ocratic vote. The republicans have abandoned all hope of Texas, and the state is conceded to Bryan. The fusion between the pop ulists and republicans in the state did not prove a success. ' , Nebraska has gone for Bryan, not withstanding the republican claims, but Kansas, as yet has said practically noth ing. The returns show democratic gains in some districts, and these are oflset by republican gains in other parts of the in the slate than Bryan. Governor dough, whose election wa considered doubtful, is certainly elected. The laU-st inlormation from the two Dakotaa show that north Dakota i very aure for McKinley, and the probability is that South Dakota will be found in the same column, although the result is close. The republican claim Wyoming and Washington, but the probabilities seem against them in both statti. Oregon baa gone for McKinley, and Colorado baa, as was expected, given Bryan a heavy plurality, and Adam without doubt baa been elected governor. The interest in the election was centered in the slate ticket, ol which there were several, presenting a great varietiy of interest. Idaho, Montana, Utah and Nevada have all gone lor Uryan by heavy ma jorities. California has. on the strength of the return at band, undoubtedly gone for McKinley. Deleware, where the republican party was rent in twain because of the Ad-dicks- Higgini fitfht has kept in the re publican column. The vote for the re publican electors in this state has been unusually large, showing the factional dispute did not extend in any great measure to the national ticket. The vote of Maryland has shown an in teresting reversal from that of the last presidential election. Cleveland carried the state by a plurality of 21,130, and this year McKinley baa had a plurality of slightly over 21,000 in the city of Baltimore alone. The Sext Senate. Washington. Nov. 4. From returns thus far received the next senate will probably stand a follows : Republicans, 42; demorraU, 32; inde pendents and populists, 11 ; doubtlul, 0 OKEdOK IS LI.XE. (Jives A Good Majority for McKinley And Hobart. Practically complete returns from all the counties of Oregon, except five, give McKinley a plurality of 3150. No returns have been received from Crook, Curry, Lake, Grant and Harney counties. Crook countv will undoubted ly show a majority of 100 for McKinley, while Harney, Grant and Curry com bined will probably give Bryan a major ity of 300, which will leave McKinley's plurality in the state about 2000. Clackamas has run her plurality for McKinley np to 200, Clatsop will give more limn 700. Marion star 1s at about 1 400, Morrow is good for til, and Wall- uiKton for 500. Columbia gives 193, Benton has over 200 to her credit, Mult nomah rolls up 5;S0, Tillamook sends in over 100 majority for protection on lumber, while Wasco gives over 300 for protection on wool. Wadhinuton uives 5;X) majority to McKinley, while Yam hill, the hotbed of fre silver, gives over doO majority for sound money Gilliam, Klamath, Lincoln, .Morrow and Sher man give small majorities for McKinley, so far as tlie returns are in. Baker, Coos, Douglas, Jackson, Jose phine, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Polk, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa are all for Bryan. The Yote of Clackamas County. Below is given the vote of Clackamas county. The figures for each precinct are tlie average vote cast for the electors, there being ballots cast where the pet son voted for a part of the electors of two or more parties: PRKClNCTS. Ahernethy Harlow Heaver Creek Borings Canemah Canby Canyon Creek Cascades . Cherry ville.....' Clackamas Damascus EaKle Creek Maple Lane (Ely)... Oarlleld (ieorite Hanlings Highland Upper Molalla Ijiwer Molalla Mariiiaui Milk Creek Milwaukee Needy New Era Oregon City No. 1... Oregon City No. 2... Oregon City No. 3... Oswetro Pleasant Hill Sphiifrwater Soda Springs .... .. Sievers Tualatin Union Viola West Oregon City... Total 5 117 35 60 41 HO las 18 101 Hi 80 6: 42 St! li 81 4 SO 21 100 23 13' 8! ft) 220 273 13- til 71 41 83 27 4!) Hi 107 80 42 1! 65 74 153 63 7' 62 fit! 128 150 80 60 43 M 20 3 44 13 26 114 I2060'2384 1 32'13 II. Gregory, Joeeph Graham, P. T. I Davis, W. W. Irwin. C. Kocher, C. R. j Noblett, Ira Bell, Keth Young, R. W. Porter, W. II. Boring, John Epperson, John Everhart, I. U. Taylor, Albert Walling, S. J. Oglesby, J. B. Noe, J. II. Eaton, E. Hilton, G. II. Wishart, O. P. Kbarp, Berry Buckner, J. A. Stewart, J. R. Cole, B. F. Linn, C. G. Btone, Geo. Knight, 8. E. Hillinan, J. II. Revenue, T. 8. Stipp, J. Mallett, Geo. Maple, W. E. Bonney, Robert Beale. Excused for the term : W. W. Irwin, 0. P. Sharp, and J. II. Revenue. Tlie following are the names of the grand juryt George Knight, foreman; Joseph Graham, E. Hilton, Albert Wal ling, Robert Beale, B. F. Linn, J. R. Cole. T. W. Fonts was appointed court bailiff. Thorn a M'llsr, jury bailiff and Max Schutpius bailiff of grand jury. Judge McBride, in bis charge to the grand jury, instructed them at length about petty charge that were often brought to their notice through malice and admonished them, when they found such a case, to spurn the accuser from Ihe court room. Cases where justices of the peace have concurrent jurisdiction should be refered thither for trial, as it can be done at much less expense. The usual charge concerning prize fighting, gambling, etc., was made and the court settled down to business. The following cases have been called and some of them disposed of: Oregon City vs 6 E Paquet, settled and dismissed without costs. Oregon City ts. L T Barinjsame. Geo F Wood vs J B Moore, et al, Hedges & Griffith, atty for pltf ; dismissed without prejudice to further or subse quent suit or proceedings of any nature and papers withdrawn. Mary A Schlatter ts M W Randall, D C C D Latourette atty for plaintiff; settled and dismissed. Welhemiher M Stinges vs Ira B Stinges, divorce; decree of divorce) granted and custody of minor children given to plaintiff. S Knight vs Daniel Wayland, et al ; the plaintiff was represented by bis at torney, Geo W Hazen, and the defend ant failing to appear, on motion ot the the plaintiff's attorney, judgement waa taken by default for the sum of 1910.76, interest, coots and attorneys fees and the sale of mortgaged pro;ierty. S B Hunter vs N Tomler; judgment herefore entered set aside, defendants demurrer over-ruled and defendant allowed until next Saturday to answer. C W Herman and C S Herman vs Thomas Garrett, et al, B F & Geo W Swope, attys for plaintiff; default and judgment for the sum of $02.78 and costs, interest and attorneys fees. I L White vs E M Hartiran, et al ; confirmation ; sale confirmed. Fleckinstein Mayer Co vs W S Kellogg same. Oak Grove Land and Improvement Co vs Isaac Anderson ; error in descrip tion of land ordered changed so as to correspond with description made in complaint. News From Alaska. The Enterpkisb is in receipt of late copies of the Alaska News and the Alaska Searchlight, through the kind ness of Mr. Dan O'Viel, who is connect ed with the United States custom house at Mary's Island, Alaska. Both the News and tho Searchlight report the past season very prosperous for Alaska. The mining industry has been greatly pushed, many new mines being; opened, while additional stamps have been added to the reduction plants of all the big quarts mines, Considerable gold has come from the Yukon district and that great unknown region promises to become one of the great mining districts of that country. The fisheries have yielded good results and the pack ot salmon and catch of other kinds of fish has been fully up to the ayerage. The time is not so far distant when Alaska will rival many of the older states as a wealth producing community and have a population sufficient to entitle it to the rights and honors of a state. Grand Ball. There will be a Thanksgiving dance at the grange hall, Logan, Oregon, on Wed nesday, November 25. Music by the Osceola brass band. The best of oyster suppers. Stable room for horses. Quad rille music by Prof. Randall and Mink. Managers, C. L. V. Clark and E. L. Arthur. Dance tickets including supper $1.00, spectators ticket, Including supper 25 cents. Come one come all and have a good time. Blank note, receipt and order booka at the Entsrpbisi office.