Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1896)
UNDER THE SNOW. VnArr th now Una fft, my daar, V'nrtor th mow. And It whiarwrii the eomtna; of nnaraj Am And the (uUli n Ml of Uia jiwuuuuia vtna, Thla Morel under Um now. Under U now aloopa a long, my Ion, I'ndiT tha now. And, Ita nokrs una-rajm to bottom-pa fair Or tha rlok-ta' rail In aoft uinmor air, ThU ( alwpa under U mow. Cndrr tha now Hapa a prayer, my iwV I'niiar the now, And It melt In hop on the crocas loaf And promM life In the hyacinth wreath, Thla prayer down under the now. Woman 'a Journal. A DETECTIVE'S PAPER. lorn of the Curloua Heme and Ader tieementa Thai II Coatadna. The Anicrii'ttn Hawkshnw will ro down iuto literature outside of the dime novel and the detective story, for be hiu newspaper of his own, says au ex change ThU unique addition to the list of clasi papers is published monthly and it is devoted to tins interests of detectives and policemen. Its news oolnnins are given over to a bulletin of more than 1 18, 000 in cash rewards, with a veritable rogues gal lery of pictures and descriptions of "crooks wanted," while the latest swindling schemes and methods of de tection are fully explained for its crime investigating readers. It is interesting to read that "if you want to succeed as a detective you should 'understand hyp notism. " "Do you need bracelets in your busi ness?" queries a dealer in patent nip pers, handcuffs and dark lanterns. "Mustache, whiskers just the things to change your appearance when shad owing," suggests another advertiser, while "skeleton keys to open 6,000 disks, drawers, trunks and padlocks, set of six," are offered to the profession at ft. It is rather grewsome to learn that " 100 spot cash buys a pair of thor oughbred English bloodhounds, only 10 mouths old, and already keep a cold trail better than most old dogs; best in vestment a sheriff or special officer can make." Also, "for 25 cents you can learn how to detect counterfeit money. " The most novel article is a brief trea tise on "psychology" as applied to crime detection. The departments of "Police Pickings" and "Secret Service Snap Shots" contain suggestive items all the way from the fact that the city council at Colfax, Wash. , has decided "to reduce its police force to one man" to the state ment that "New York has 94 policemen to the square mile. " In an article on the future of the de tective service the detective writer de clares that "dime novel writers have done amateur detectives more mischief than anything or anybody in existence, but remember truth is stranger than fic tion. " The editor estimates that the "aver age earnings of private detectives are : First year, 1330; second year, $1,500; third yar, $3,000." He says: "If all the detectives and police in the United States should lay off for a month every citizen would have to fix up his house like an arsenal to protect his family and property. " Jay Could Letter la a Curio Shop. In a little old curiosity shop in Third avenue is an odd letter written by Jay Gould away back in 1854, before Gould began to dicker in railroads and when he was an obscure and respected sur veyor. The letter was written by Gould to the late A. AL Sherman, and it was an appeal for the loan of a surveyor's level, the young surveyor offering to give the topography of the Newburg and Syra cuse railroad for it. before his death a few years ago Jay Gould at tempted to buy the letter for $25, but it had been sold the day before. Not long ago, however, the letter came back into the possession of the curio dealer, and a few days ago he sent his young son around to George Gould's office with it, instructing him to offer it for sale for 25, the price the senior Gould had of fered to pay. George Gould was pleased with tho old, worn and yellow letter. Ho read it and then langhingly said : "I declare, that's funny. My father wrote that" However, he refused to give more than f.j for it, which offer the enrio dealer refused. After 42 years the letter is as plain as the day it was written. But the paper, a full sized letter sheet, written on both sides, is worn at the edges. Thn hand writing is plain and flowing, with a de cided tendency to flourish. Two words are misspelled barometrical and dam age, which are written "bermetrical" and "dammage," But queerest of all is the length of the epistle. Jay Gould was noted for the brevity of his business letters. Three lines often sufficed him, when his wealth was nearly $100,000,000, to transact business involving millions. But as a poor surveyor he needed plenty of verbi age to get around the loan of a $20 level. New York Letter. A Story of Hlrach. One of the late Baron Hirsch's idio syncrasies, says the London Daily Cou rier, was somewhat of an embarrassment to the ladies with whom he was ac quainted, though some people might not have objected to it The baron had a fondness for playing cards with the ladies he met at country houses and losing money to them. Not a few sixpences either, but 10, 20, 00 at a sitting. At first sight there may not seem any thing very embarrassing in this. But the fact is that the baron would take pains to lose, and it was a common thing for onlookers to say that such and such a lady with whom he was playing bezique, or whatever tho game might be, would be richer that evening by 50 or so. Fairly won, no lady would object perhaps. But the baron would carefully Btop, or play badly, just so as to leave his opponent the victor, and then what he really enjoyed was jpulling cut a few bank note and pawing them over. Not very vicious taste ia mutti millionaire. Still, it ia not every lady in society who run take what is prac tically a present of tuouoy without feel ing unconifurtnblo. The worst of it wits that tho baron was such bad hand at deception. Everybody knew his little game. A Curiosity of Central Africa. Professor Garuer, during his travels in ceutral Africa, has discovered many queer things, not in tho least remark able of which is a curious littlo animal belonging to the simian family. This queer littlo beast, measuring about a foot in length, precisely resem bles a boar iu miniature. It soouit to confine itself almost entirely to nar row tract of country running along by tho equator. The natives, who have given it the name of "ikatula," relate many remarkable stories about it Its hands mid feet are its greatest pe culiarities. Tho former precisely resem ble thine of a human being, with tho exception that they lack an index fin ger. Tho stump of this forefinger looks exactly as though it hitd been amputat ed. Tho feet are also not unlike our own if it were not for two remarkablo peculiarities. In the first place the great toe protrudes at right angles to its follows, while number two differs in that it possesses a claw. . - Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine (or restoring the tired out nervous system to a health, vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitter improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 60c and $1.00 per bottle at Cuarman A Co' drug store. Cheap Land for Sale. 160 acres of land, nearly all level bot tom land ; easily cleared ; well watered ; two fine niounUi.i streams running through it; fine trout streams; would make a fine stock ranch ; near public road ; one mile and a fourth from Colton post office and school house ; we ha.e six months school in e ten year; three mile from saw mill ; large range for stock ; can give good title. Price per acre $4.50. For terms and further information call at my place or address W. E. Bonnet, Colton post office, Clackamas Co., Ore. Oar Standing at Home. "Four out of every five bottles of med icine sold in the last five years are S. B. goods. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure I nse myself as a general physic. If you are sirk and want to get well, the quickest, cheapest and safest method is to buy the S. B. remedies and use as di rected. C. P. Balch, druggist, Dufur, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley. Burklen's Arnica Salve. ' The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all 8kin Erup tions, and positively cures Pile or no pav required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Chatman & Co., Charman Bros. Block. Sew York IJullerv. R. K Clavering, the well known ar tist, has moved the New York gallery to the building on tho corner of Water and Fifth streets, where the reputation of this popular establishment will te sus tained. Low rent enables Mr. Claver ing to do the very best work at the low est possible prices. Cabinet pictures at f 1 per dozen. A Home-like lintel. Farmers and the traveling public will find a comfortable home-like place to stop at when in Oregon City at the Oriental hotel. Table supplied with an abundance of the best the market af fords. Rooms and beds are clean and comfortable. Our 25 cent meals are not excelled. John Dbkschkb, Prop. An Old Standi),. Clarence Porter is so well-known in Oregon City that he needs no further in troduction to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his prices are always reasonable. Remember his shop is opposite Pope's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth strtecs. tf For t.'ie Kidney. "I am Go years old ; have had kidney diseane and constipation fur 25 years. Am now well used your 8. B. Head ache and Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles at 50 cents each. J. II. Knight, Rutledue, Or." For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Avoid Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no better remedy fur coughs and colds than the 8. B. Cough Cure. For sale by C G. Huntley, druggist. s Dr. Vanderpool's Physic, the 8. B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead with us. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength, V. S. Qovarnnsaot Report. HEAL ESTATE THANSmiS. Furnished Krery Week by the CUiks mas Abstract ft Trust Company, Chas. Kromlno to G and Wm Kro mine Aug 25, tK. W D John W l-ruld claim and all his land In Clackamas and Yamhill counties! 500 A R Burbank to W E OgilW Aug 21, 'iKl.QCsw' of eo4 seo 35 tls, r2e 1 G and A Copr to John Hagens Oct 21, 'IH1 W P of 4 of nw4' sec31, 1 1 s, r3e 1000 II E Cross, trustee, to II C Stevens Oct 22, M W D ,' of wt4' see 20, 14 s, r 1 e 1 F Unison to II C Stevens Oct 22, 'Wl Y D slj of w4 see 23 and n'-t' o(nvl4'w2tt4 rle 1700 E and F Higga to Amanda F.vans Oct 15 '50 Q C ,li lnt in Win Evan's PLC 100 O and T Krnse to Amadna Evans, April 10 'l3 QC same as above 100 Orpha Cranston to Oak llrovo Lard A Imp. Co. Oct 1, '00 W D lots 1 and 4 tract B Oak Grove 400 E Bay lee to Geo Spees Oct 24, '00 W 1) nci4' of net 0f sec 12, t 3 , r 2 e 800 V G Harris to D Harria Oct 24' 'U0 W D set of nw-, sec 14, t 3 , r 2 e 500 John Parsons to Alice V Parson Oct 16, WWD9 acres In Aber nety claim 6 Janse Nelson to Mary Leonard Oct Oct 14, HOW D eS of nw4' sec 32. 1 5 . r 1 1375 L N Saitard lo C A Jones Oct 14 W ,' W D e.i4' of net' see 30, 1 6 , r 1 e 775 Mary E Wright to II G Ziegler Oct 13, 1QC se' ol self sec 0, t 5 i,i3e 500 U 8 to E A Wright July 17, l5 se of sel sec 6, t 6 8. r 3 e Pat V II Godfrey to J A Thayer Oct 19 ' W D blk 20 Clackamas Heights 500 S J Garrison to Jacob Spanglur Oct 8, '9(1 W D w,1,' of set4' sec 30 tl ,r 4 750 Jos Knight to C W Birtchet Oct 19 '90 W D 5 acres in Cross claim. . 65 Herod Choate to W J Miller Oct 21 '90 W D 122.15 acres in sec 30, t 4 , r 1 e, exceptions 1000 Hanoa L McKinler to Florian Odt Oct 15, '90 W D lie1 of nw if sec 2, t2 , r 2 1500 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the Thorne system of abatrart indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish Information as to title to land at once, on application. Loans, investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Call and investigate. Address box 377, Oregon City Oregon. Iluw's This f We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh taut cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. C'hkkey A Co., l'rous , Tuledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wm A Tkuax, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waluino, Kissas A Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 7"c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best, For the 'Lungs. Eliler Alson W. Steers writes from Portland, Or., "There is no medicine for the throat and lungs that I can rec ommend to ministers, public speakers and singers, with the confidence that I can the 8. B. Cough cure." 50 cents, a bottle. For sale by C. G. Iluniley, druggist. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear yonr complexion, regulate your bowels and make yonr head clear as a bell. 25c, 50c, ae I a dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. , Use OXIEN for your "nerves" also for coughs and culds. Pamphlets free. Charman & Co., Druggists, agent. Legal Notices. Assignee's ftollre. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT J. II Irvine, ol Canny. Clackatnaa county. Ora (too, ban aaiigtieu lo the uri'leraiirne 1 for trie benefit of all n Is creditor, Bald KMignment 1 now ponding In the circuit court of thu mate of Oregon, lor Clackamaa county, and all credi tors of said J. II. Irvine are beroby notified to present their clal ma airalriat sa'd J. II. Irvine, duly veribod, to me xt Cnuuy, Oruiron, Willi in tnrce month from the dnte of thm notice, Uateii tliln gth day of October, lb(M. JAMKa M. KVAN'g, O. H. Dimick, Annlgueo. Attorney f ir aadgnee. 10H, 11-5 Notice. To whom It may ooncern: KNOW AIX MEN BY THESE I'RKHKN T8, that I want to give my aona, J. W. ihomp 011, who la 20 yeara old, and 1 K. Thompiou, who la 18 yenra old, their majority and fur tlie public to comlder that they are dealing with men of lawful ape, and I wlah It further under aiood that they are liable to auo or be auid the aame ai If they were 21 yeara of aire and that 1 give them fie balance of their time. Oregon City, Oregon, Ooiober 27. 1HWI. HENNKT lllOJll-SON, The father of tbe above named perwna. 10-30, 11-7 .. Notice riaal Mrtdeiiieni. NOI'ICK ISIIKHKIIY tllVKN HIAr THE uii Uralaned haa fllad hur lloal amount eaei'iiirli of Hie I at will and l lament ul Mat thew Am.avwer, deeeaae I, In the ominly court of lha a. ate ul Orwaon, tor Ciaoaeinaa rounlv, and Ih I Monday, tne lib day ul lieooiuiwr, ISIO, at lOo'cliH'k a in., at aaid oouuty oourt, Iimb Ixw.i Hd hi I ha 1 1 in j an I llaoa in In-Ailug any and all uIiJiM'Iiiiik luaralo anil ul tlie dual aellle tueut of aaiil aot-ouut I'at.d. OululKiria. Itfifl llV il, II W KLI.-IIKril AKMINKUUKK. Kiwulrlx. Notice. Ijind nfiW at Or(i)ii I lly, Orig in, Baptainber l.-iih, is'.'i VTOTICK IS IIKKFMY tllVKN THAT THE j following nam il aalller naa Mail niillnaol hi. lute. tttou lo iiiNa final iroo( lit auit. orl ol niaciaun, ami t;iai aui prii.n will lia inaiie na tne tlia rvg later and rei-aivar at Oregou (My. Oregon, uu November llih, 1-ial, via; fTKI'llEN O. MIUMIKI.l, II. E. Kill a fur Hie aouilmaat ii..irior of annllon 'J4 towiuhlo V aotitb, range A eaal, He tunica the loliowlug aliucaae In prove hta ooul.uiwiii rcaidouce upuuaiid cultivation of aald land, via.' John I'. Uai'd-ntlre, William Will lam n Ich and tUiuool W.n-li, all of Hilmou K'V.t, Or gou. ItHIIKItl' A. MM, I Kit, HHKW Itugi.lar. Notice ol I'lunl Art-omit. Iu thaoounly o nirt ol tha alli ol Orvgeu, (or the oouuty ul Ciackamaa. In thn matt .r of the eatale ot K Iward L. Raal- hain, deciMBixl. XTOIICK IS 1IKHKHY (IIVKN THAT THE .IN, un . ra gitvd, aa eaeiHiirlx of Iho laal will and leaiami'iit of R.iwar.i I. Ka.lham.duoiaae l. h. and preaemed for aeiiieutaiil auu d e i lu IlieauoveaulilleU'oiKI her llualaccoiiul of fti-r aliniuiairatiou of aal I eataie an I thai Monday, the aeeoud dar ol fiovembar, A. 1). IMat, being a 'lay of a turm of said rouri, itibt. uiiuiit to an id filing of aalil II ml aootinl, lo-wll Ol the Ooiober term, A. U. 1WA (hereof, haa beau duty ammlnted by Hie Honorable Oiirdoii K. Ilit.wa. Judge ol aald o 'U't, t t the hearing of t bjM'tioua lo aald dial account and the aelllt uiviit ihvieot Dated at l ie elty of Orugna City, enmity of Cl.ckauiaa, tte of Oregon, Ihla Stat day ol O-loiMr A. D IMtv LLAKA K. MOKr.Y. Eaerutrli of too ail ui and l aia nul of KJoaidL aaBlBam, dejeaeeiL 10-t, 10 W Nelire of Male Krai i:fatte. NOriCK IS IIKHKBY U1VKN Til A f THE uuiiar.lguei. ad ulnmrai'ir of tne tBtat, ol Phil lp jtiHire, dec a..d. purauanl to a II reiiae graaiad by tn eool' o ut o: Ciark.maa county, Btale oi Or-ou, made aud 'la ad oeti UniboiS ih, IfcVd, will off r lor le at publ c aiii lioa at lue lrni dor ol the l onrt uuuee al Ortgou City, Orel -m anil a II on r-ATl'KDAY, NOVEMBER 710. 1, at the hoir ol 1 o'oloci a in. of aald div, the roal aetata be ouglog to la d aetata ueaillwd a. lollowe. tu-wit: nil aeiaa of la .d .ymg iu a bodv ul deaoribed aa the Boulh.n.t qu rl-r ol lha norlbea I Quarter, lha uort.iaaat uoarter ot the aoiiiheaal q.ieiiar, the Qorinea I quarter of tne Dortheaal quarter, lha aoulhwe I ot the north. aei quarter o. aiot oa SI; a ao the Dorth Waal quarter of the aouihwe-l quarl.r: the aouinwvBi qu.rter oi ina n -r.owa.i quar er ui ae tion ai. al. In towuablpl oulh rauga eaal of the Willamette meridian, CI ck'nae eouuiy, Ulaof Oregon. Teinuol aai: I'wh. i,. ii. nxi i n, 10-1 !) Admlnl'traior afon-aaid. falumiiiona. In the clrmilt court of the atate of Oregon, for the couuiy of Clacaamaa. Jamaa M icaemle, plalntlfT, va. John W. Ora- M. v.. Kuiau. c .lu Cuoug yu a, An Jit a aud J. a. Udluer.defejdauta To ' hlu Chouf 0,uie, In aoove named defea daut: I THE NAME OT THE CTATE OP ORE g iu, you are hereby reoulreil lo aniir an I auawer he ciiinp al il nle I g duet you lu the aoo.eeutl ted a. iti ou or befota Mii'iday, the iud dayuf, lowt, the a me bel g tna nra. uay ef t ie i en t rm of th alxiv .uile I court uxt f diuw ug all waka' pub Icailon of Ihl B iin.i on-. And If you lai. to o ai.peir aud iiiiwb', f T waul i ereof, ihe p a iiilff will app y lo a Id oourt ior th rail f pray d fr I i a il i complaint, low It: ror a ilir e th .1 olal tlfThava an 1 rtxover ol and f'O'U tna d.-f 11 dam . J oin W. (iranam and M. O. Hniau. and in ui tbam, the au n ol fi0 J 0 I i a. Id o n of tne Uuli- d Stalea, w th luiaieat tne eou I like coin l the rale oi s er o nt pr annum fumi the latuay of 1 -cember, l-IM and nr ill" lur- tharaii.noi wmu uae ooiu, wi n in ereai (harm i in d coin at I iv ra e of a p r rent pr aunu ii from the 1 I 4 iy of Ueeemb r, lavi, a d lor tne f. inner um uf !1.'li. l h I it real to. r on at ib rate of a p-r uu per annum ir -iu t.ia liln d y of Aug .at, l(H, ao.i ihe lur- ther auin ol Vi M. alio, i.ry'a ee. ud heo-ta and dbura. in nts of Ih nil I: and ior ad rce foierl an.g the mortgig- exec. lei and d llv ere i by tbj oefeu auK Jo.iu W. Oraham and M. C. K dm as M. t: (ir.h m to t'ie I. mbaid liive-imeiit i onipaiir, and by It aUied t the Kdlnour i Uimnard I iv aui.e I t o up my, and by II a alg ml to plaintiff, on thu lo. lowing de er. bed ra il property, situate I In the oouuty uf Clii-aaina-, aut 1 o. Oiesuu. He. -l .nl' g at Ih rt iwe.t corner of ih d cer talndonatl Ii la d claim a. til t ed I i aecll m JU, 21, 2 and W, In towu.ulp a .u h. r .na 1 and of t e WllUroeLt' meridl n, and known aa rl inn no Si-at' n ffi7, twing donailoii Ian I la m ol J 'h i Ziilnw .lt and wife, ruli M. Znmxa.t; and r un ua t,,o e aa Kl 7o lain.; t ,e..ce bo ilh t".) chains; then e l mi h V do greea uaat 1 so cnalna: tnence amih w de gre aea t .'.lociialn ; thuiica aouin 'St degrees ,-a-t t rii Oienco B'liitn Ii digrui-a we.t 6lt' e aina; tne ieu south S chaf i-: ttieuci .(mil IV d -vrira .10 mluiitea H I (.'ill chain.; the .re south 00 d -gr' B ca.t ' c alua; ih nce aoiith 81 uiloiito. enat 8.ft chalua to a 0 d r si nioutii of a prl g brancn; ilu-iire aoulh 7 'le;re.' ami 1,'minint awu.i Hi i.thaloa In a auial nr tr. e o i I ne u I iwnk of the Wt Unl et e river o.i the wubi ile of a iav in-; then e up said W. lamett river south rlu deur cs and Hi mil, .iti'S Weal 641 clialoa lu Ihe .ontnei.l corner of a pi-ce of land ho et-dor' .old and conveyed b' .aid Jofiu Zuinwat and wlfi by oc d rerorled In book K oi dea a, page J'J, ,,f t'la''kauiMa ciiuly, Oreiri, to whltm rfe'etn-e la hereby in de; t clice north ad n gr es i i clinlna; ihencn nurili til d -uroea we.i il t-baina; Ihenee north S.1 degree weal s onalua; tneiica north Hide ree wt-a a.7S chalna; tlience uortii ;l chains ; thence west 51 chain. Ml links lo weal boiiiidatv line of sal I Zumwalt ul-ilm ; t enuii iiort't along aald we.t biuudary line of sad claim tn chain, and 2 link- to place of bt gl -mug, and ' iiiilulng :ioh uy aen a, inor i or leaa; alao the I'dlowiug tia t of l nd: lli'hu a por tion oi the donation 1'iiid claim of U. II. Frank Uu, known a- clnlin .10, not. (1c ul n W'l. lu aa -tK'ti lii. town hlpsaouth, range I we I of tne Willamette in irul n. par.lcul irly deaorlbeJ aa follows; Begiiiiiing at the iniit iweai ooruer of a dd lonailou land e aim and thence uorih M clialin and (A 1 1 k to tie tiortnwe-t corner ol ratld aec.l'Ui I'i; tne ice eaat iM c lalna; tbence aout'i lu du reea 10 inlniitca eaat 14 Hill m; t lii-no i ea-t 2UoS cnaliii; tlume north 18.77 chain a to the quarter ae illou post li-tw en sui't-ons IS and 10 in i d towu hip and range; them e eaat 18 67 dial a; th nee .oiilli 61 Hi i hal ia; thence w iat Mm elian- to plaee of belnul'g, containing 2-u.M aeroa; eontnln Ing In ad 5U7.I18 a r .-a, m ue or iuin, accoidmg to aoverommit aurvey. And dea.arlnx al I mortgage to baa Hrat lien on a ild rual propjrty, aud the lien - or lutcre-ta of the nelen anta, if an Interior lu merit and subuqii nt lu point of time to pla ntifTa add mortga-e, and to sell an Id real pro, e ty upm exeeiit on aud order of aate aa Ib ly law pro vid -d, to satisfy auch decree aa n a utili may obtain lu thla aiiit, aud that delendaiita an I eacn of them be forever birred and f rc lose 1 of nil right, tl le or lot re t lu or lo aald le d property or any part thereof, and that plalutirT nave such other aud further relief aB to the court may aeern meet a d equitHble 'J hia suinmoiiB ia punliahe i by otd r of Hon onbie Iiyal H. Htcnrn, Jtl'lgo of the circuit emit of the atate of on g in, ior the o ointy of Mul niiiiiah, duly ma le and outured uu the 15tb dny ot Hepb-nibir, 1H1 hTA Kit, 1HOM tB A CHAMBERLAIN, 918, 10-8i Attoruoys .'or .l..lnt IT. CATARRH local'disease and ia the retult of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively slate that tins remedy doea not contain mercury or any other iiijiir- Inna rli-iin Elv's Cream Balm L la acknowledged to be the moat thoroneh cure for -..., . au,i,-ji in nrnu aim nay rever or au remodlea. It opens and cleanaea the naaal pnaaagea, allays pain and inllammatlon, lieuia Ilia aorea, pro. tccta the memhrane from colda, restores thaaeniH-a of taale and amell. I'rlce (inc. at llrneglata or by mall. JCLi- BKOTHKltti, M Warren riue New York. Yamhill River Route. Steamer Toledo, I.KAVKH PAYTON. Rfomliiy, Wt'iIiii'Htlity nml Krltlny at (5 A. M., reiifhiiiR Ori'?on City, for rortluii.l uliout 1!;;U) A. M, LKAVKS I'OUTI.ANII. Tiu'Hilay, TliiirHility niul Huliirtluy nt 1) A. M.'Sulinon St. tliH'k, ri'itt'li inn OrfRou City, for upriviT iolntit alHitit 11 A. M. Through trip to Lnyfotto And MoMiiuivillo iiimlo wlitui ilcpth of witter M'rntit8, Froi(lit niul piiHsingiirH rntt'H rcitMoiinlilo. iiAir is. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES Uy the fat nfll I FS PITY and coin- AND REGULATOR Daily lxwt, except SunJity,loT ing Oak Htrwt dtn k at 7 a. m., inak ing regular lutitlingii at Vancouver, Catu'Ailt'H, Whit Sitlmon, Hom1 Rivor And All intprniotlinte points. Pussongor and freight ratoti lower to thorie poinU than by any other lino. First clous nit-als served for 2!k. Thin is the (Jrcut Soonio Houto. All UniriHt admit that tho scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex relied for beauty and (jrandeur in tho United States. Full in forma tion by addressing or calling on J. N. IIARNKY, Agent, Tel. OH. Portland, Or, Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Coiiiiiiencing Anril 15, Istlt), will leave Portland (oil of WuhIi Inutcin streot Ttien ilay, Tliiirmlity nritl Sumlay evening at 6 oVIiM-k Hetnrnintf, leaves Clutekanie MdikUv, WedneHiluy und Friday eyon ina Ht ft uVlix'k, Will pass Ouk i'eitit hIhuH 7; Hlellit 7:15; Mnyifnr 7:'J..; lUinier 8 ::(); Kulitma U:ir; St. Ilelens 10 i.';n. Arrive in I'ortliiml 1 a. in. This Ii tliti neureat ami numt tllrect route to tliu great Nelutleiii vulley. Shaver Transportation Co. Wanted-An Idea 2 mn think mnii iituil to iMtflit? WrlUt jAlIN U'ltbliKltnl'HN A CO., Paimt Attr Mrs. WBahlnauin. I) C. for ihalr t .1111 urlsa ufl aua lias ui isu ounurau uivauuwua waiiiau. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River Puget Sound Nav. Co. PORTLAND. ASTORIA. FLAVEL AND ILWACO. Alder Street Dock, Telephone No. 351. 3JL rfl r; H ---!.-- --- ..- , -. .----.. -7 V".?ii'' '.. ' I , :aH.MjMrv'r Ilailey Gutzert. duilv Astoria loat O. II. & N. Co.'h Hteamer, U. U. ThompHon. One week leaves Portland daily 7 A. M., except Sunday; runs through to Flavel, connecting with 5:.'i0 P. M. train for Gearliart Park, CirimeH and SeaHido. Leaves Afltoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M. Next week leaves Portland Sunday 8 P. M. Laeaves Astoria daily fi A. M., except Sunday. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 8 P. M. Saturday 11 P.M. jiwtves AHioria nunuay . r. oi. Ollonn WnVA flin ann uwlnra' ffi.htil.r Inn.,..., T..-il 1 Hr 1 c,i-.i a xuiiiiiji liual, ICUVUD i III tltlllU lliOllUay, Wednesday 'and Friday 8 P. M. for Astoria, Flavol and Ilwaco direct. Leaves Ilwaco, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon. Leaves Astoria Sunday 8 A. M., for Flavel and Ilwaco, with passongors leaving Portland nt, 1 1 P. M. Kofnrdnir Tnnima Aut-.i T. rm and Sunday 7 P. M. Tickets good on steamer T. J. Potter and H. It. Thompson. All four boats for night morning to each othor's docks for .......l,..1 E. A. SEELEY, Accent. lil TO THE ERST Oives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA AMI AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every live liny for SAN FRANCISCO. Trains arrive anil tlemrt fruui I'urt Uiul u folloni : DII'AKT S'oTS Tt'orail KiMenriMjiitirrV :0o"TiiiC No. 8 Tlie Dlln aw I H 10a in. No. 1 No. 7 From llm Kai j SiltOa.m" Kroin The lllea For full detaila call on or ad drew, W. II. HUKLBUKT, Qen. PuHHenger Agent, K. McNEILL, rortland, Or. Premdent and Manager. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the1- SOUTIIERN I'ACIIIC COMPANY. ExprcHii Tralm leave 1'ortlnnil Daily. u.h i i North. Iter. a. I l.r C.rtiaiiil Ar T II 10 an. HUra.l l.r Oranni:iir I.r I Vj i , I0 4AAH. I Ar N. VralirlH-o l.r 7 00 r . Tha Ihiv Iralna alnp ( Kant rortlaml, Orrun ('lly, WiMMlliurn, Hlein, Turnar, Marion, JpllVrann. Albany. Allittiy Junrlloii, TanKi-nt, HIiihIiIb, llalai-v, llarrlaliiirK, Juno, lion City, KiiK'-tie, i:rratill, Drain, anil all alalluna (rum ltHbiiric to Aaiilaml Inlilualva IMNISO CAKH ON OODKN KOUTI, Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Socond-Class Sleeping Cars Atiachail to all tliroiif h Iralna ItOHKIII'lttJ MAIL tl'alln. a.Wt.M. I l.r .'-1. M. I l.r irn. Ar I'nrtlatiil Ar orraimriijr l.r KiMtiliiirg l.r I I to r. Mr. I no a. a HAI.F.M I'AH K Ml K ft. (I)alljr. r. m. I l.r I'-nl i Ar ' I in it a."5 t I.r Oir(i n riijr l.r v 7 a. a a llr, a Ar .-m I.r JBlDa. Weal Mula Division. HKTWKKN I'OUTI.ANII AND COKVAUJS. Mall Train, Dally (Kirpl Htimlar.) 7 iioa.m. 1. lf.r m. l.r Ar I'orllaml Cnrvallla Ar I e '.ii r a l.r I Mr a At Allianr ami ."nrvallla f-niiiirrl with tralm of OroKnii Cun ral ik K istnrn Itallmail. Kilircsa Train Dallr f Kxrrtil Hiiiiilaf) tt.ra.l l.r 1'nrilainl Ar I a A a. a 7 'iVir. a. I Ar MuMluuvlllo l.r It .Mit. a THROUCH TICKETS TO AU, I'OINTI IN TDK KAHTKItN HTATKH, CANADA AND ft'ltOI'I Can Iw ntitallipil at lownat ralra from I, B. Moore, AKcnt, OrrK"i City, K.KOF.III.KK, R. V. KOOKIIH, Mananor. Ass't O. K. and I'aaa. Atom. runninir alternately weeltlv with i Qi SCOTT, President.