Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise KATUN TO BKMkMBL'lt, Haliinlny, rt. ai.-Tcmlirm' A Modal Ion immik ( Neocly i UJiiin a in. Alumlav, Nov, a. -Circuit oiiurt fur Novum- lirr In in niim'iir., Monday, Nnv, 1!. Circuit court for Clai-lta-llini I'uiiiily ciimnii'i, Tiinuliy, November H, l'riliniilll alec liim In all ttnli-a til llm IiiIihi November I Und I't.-Clurkniiimf'oillily I lin.tian r.mlvnvnr run vt nlliiii will he liebl In lri'KHi City. Ttiendny, Nov, '.'I, - Hmtil-aiiuiial election nl ulllicrn lor W lllnnx-i Ik Kll tamp, No, I IK, Wooilionii ul Ilia World, KKIHAY, OlTOIIKK 'M, Intnl. (CJIINKSK SI'LKNIIOU. THB DIPLOMATIC CORPS BEFORE THE RtlGNINO POTENTATE. A Furaial l(iilim hf lha ltitiror. Stiff Nerhed CereNinar la lha Mldil of Mlih Trapping. - Maculflroal Templea and I'alMwa la lha Purblitilea Oil, After llm prrv-iit riiin'Mr aocndd Ihd (linniti of China III government yielded llm mI lit ninl agnvd U) receive tint diploiuntto fori In the anino man linr that they am n-olvcd lijr tlm sover eigns f i:tinx Tim flrat ceremony of the kind, which Umlt plw-e 011 March 6, l9l, waa an event In Chlmwi hlatory. Tha uimiitH'ra of tlm anvcrn.1 h'Kntlous arrived at Ku Una, or Kiwt Flower gat of tlm forbidden oily, at 10 o'clock ou Uiat morning III sedan chalra, each ca cortad by two mounted ufflccra of thn Imperial guard. They wore there Biol try tlio ineiiihora of Hid Tiling II Yaiucn, who conducted lln-tii to Ilia Hh Hi Yung Hung, tlm fc'tnplaof the great river gl, wheu they were offered tea and sweet meat An hour lati r they were eaoorted to tlm Tan Kuiuik Ko, or reception hall, handsome building profusely doeoraU-d with glided covering anil ornamented with guy color Tlio hall la approached ij eight marble steps, which h ail lo broad marble tcrrac. Around thla ter race la a haltwtrude supported by plllara of inarhlK, punt wlilUi And beaut if ulljr engraved. Tlm rinjwmr arrlvi-d aWuit llm snnie tlnm In III I'hnlr, which wna covered otitHlilc ami In witliytdlow silk, llm oftl clal liulton on top Ix-mg gnld Innlciul of liver alul tin' ends of tliu bearing pulra being cliilHirnlrly ritrvcd ami rapped with glided rirugim. Tlio dean of llm dlilntiintlti corpn. raiMrtt-d hy uirliilxT of tlio fori'lti oHlcc, wna condu. led Into thn hull, tlio alilcaof the approach to tlm ati'pa, tlm alcpa thcuiM'lvoa and llm tT-rB- Ih'Iiik oniwiliil with punuch im ployed in tlm pulmv ami civil and mil itary urtlct'm whiwo riiuk did not rutitln tln in to ciiti r tlm priwiico of tint cm (Kror. Ilnoli iiu-intwr of tlm diplomiitlc rorj im kIvkii u p.irtn 11111H1 net) ljr the I'liipiTor, vtlio wua acalcd iimiii a tiiurtiln thrniiK. Aa I hey cro-l tlm thri'Dhold tiny IxiwihI, iuIviiihviI thn-M or four pncca 11ml Ixmcil ni;.iiu, then ml vaniM'd to 11 Miuit Iu'Iwiimi ihc iwodniKiin plUiirK, whero a third utop anil IhiW wcru nimlc. Tin rf a fnrciK" cnr't env on d llm ll'T of lh form, whic h win) aUmt ihrii fii't lui;li. Thn eiiiliiiMtiiih'nt mid iniiilHtcra atop iM'd iiIhiiiI 'J fret from the rmH-ror, w here lin jr liiailn their Hini-chi it, which were lluiixhdcd I'V 1111 Interpreter into t'lillie. They tlieli wlviiiiocd mill hilild ill leller of creilenro to I'ritliV Chillif, who hud Ufii kIiiiiiIiiik; on the left of tlm cinix-ror. TukiiiK the pupcm. In' itM-i'inleil lh KtejiK, uiproirhcd tlm tiililn In flout of the euiHTor 11ml laid t In-Ill iihii il, not ki Iiik until In had do- kmIciI I !ii-iii. The i iiiH ror n plieil to theniich' III llic MuiilchiHiillulcct uft-i-r the ili liiiiiaii--n hail returned lo I heir pin.'. Ih IUi. ii t Ii il i ,k' ii pillaiN, liin ri'iuiiiki U'uirf hiiii-liileil into t 'hint-ail by l'rincti t'luiiK. eiitcnco by aeiilenct'. Tlm exit from llm hall win uiuiIk hy wnlkliirf liackwojil, with Uiwit ut Ihnt' place. Tlm aidea of tlm iiiulieiicn hall won' ooveretl Willi luncriplioiw and rarn paliilinift of cnoniioiiitM,c. The ceilniK wna ooiiinim'iI of wo- kIcii Hipian'i I 'd ftt't In l', tliviiled hy heavy raftcnt, 11 (iitui-ouHly iainietl with llm tliiiunii flKiirei. Tlm ituppornn coltiinua wen' of red liM'iitir, covciiil wiib llitiirea of gold dragons. On tlm rifiht of tlm emperor Htood IYtlUxi I'll, oil llH left. I'liiuv Kit, III id umr hi 111 Priuct' C'hmtr. I'lm iinim wiin llnetl on cither Hide hy two row h of hili oflltHira of tlm KiianlH and chain tM'ilaliiH, many Ih'Iii priniva mid dukes of tlio iiMjH-riul family. No iiriuri wore viHibht t-xcept the a wort In worn by the. emperor and tlm prince Tlm Iin ppriiil cm'tirt, bciiriu Ioiik retl huitercil apt-nrri, with ailver point and it loutf tlK'T tail, could bo hccii JunI. otitNido the (loora. They prcHenled n pit'tuifMtim appcaiiiiico. Ou either niiIu of the 1111 pvror wan n HtrulKht atcm hu feet liiKh, upportiliK ut tlio top what uppx'iired to be painted lmilalioim of pemH'k tails aprend out, tlm feiithen iuilicatiiig rank in China. LciiKthy iiiHcript'ons in Mnntohoo woro piiKravcd tiptiu a iniirhht plinth hm-k of tlio throne. Hix luimeiiNti iuceiiNO bowls of old iiloiNonne, each K"lrdod by hu iiuuinimu uloiNonuu rii'iiou of pront Vttlim, wero placed iiroumltlm plulfonii, while from tlio ceiling wero aiiNpeiiiled elxht oIoInoiiiio IniiipH iiiutlo (lin ing tlm Tou-Kuaux dyiiaNty. On tlm tahlo in front of the emperor, which wna cov erml with yellow witiii, embroideretl with IlKiireH of tlniKoiiH, wiih placed tlm pipe of hi niujtwty, 11 picco of eai vetl jude mid KoUl, tlm hand In formed by tlio body mill tail of 11 dragon, liNiiitmth as tha tobnci'o howl. Within thn pink walls tliiit.nurroiinli'd the forbidden city uro aoveral temples and 40 or morn palaces mid other build ings which uro occupied iw residencea by th uuipcror'a immediate, attendants and olllccrs of tho guard. They uro nil (if nun story anil of uniform uroliiuxiturn, (IIITmlng only In iliiui'iiHlmis. Their ex- t"rlorn uro painted (lint peoulhir whlUi which KiiroMaii buy 11 never been able to iiiiltutu and roofi'tl with tllea of lm irliil yellow. Tlm Ku I Inn, nr Kiwt Klower Kalo, la reached from tlm Tartar city by iaaliiK over Inurhln hrldgn, liiiiiilmimely (hvoraled mitl benrliiK erol tnbliita With lliaerlptiiiua that be token Ioiik life, proHTlty, hnpplniiNa and other bleaitlnKx- lmmtiliiitt:ly liefom tliu galea nru llm wenU rn ganh iin, hand wnnely lalil nut In the hlgh'-nt limiit and kill In IniiilM npn nrnhitet'turii, and aur rtniliilliig a lake that cover a aeverul iwrea Thii iieiireat U'lnph) la dedlt'iiU il to tho great river god, uud tln-m llm (in-ror (iMera KiwrifliM-a toiipiH-nwi that dinonlcrly ima, who la rtNHiiiHihlti fur tint ftrHMla which at) fntUimtly devimtate thn low InuUa of northern Chin Chicago lu ortl HORSE MEAT UtrtNDED, Aa Authority f Ulnii frrjuilloa I'rolilblU lu ilffunral l.'aa Kverybody la awnru that tho homo la llm clcnnext (if ull ilotueatio tan I Initial. It will not eat itnythliig but good, hi allhy fiKNl, nor drink any but pure water. A Iioitmi would rather utanro than (will tlm rotten attilT often given to pig and rattle. It la nothing but prejudice that pre yen ta tin from pitting horM-ftili. A almilnr prejudice retnrdixl thn In Iroduction of tha potato 100 yearn ago. Today wn could not get along without It' Yt tlm prejudice agaliiHt pnlntoca rnu bo eiplaincxl. The Mphi had been told that thla American root cu-d fever and reiulunal tin) gnnmd unfit for all other cropa. Tlm rxcriitlon agnluat borwllivih la not cveu founded upon any Ohjectlou to 1U pMpertiea. It il aolely dun to tha InflueiKxiof the church. Tha clergy did everything MMlhlo to pro- vent tho newly converts! Haxoiia from returning to their heathdiiiah pnvtioea and prohibited tlm uo of Iiona-lliwh to top thn nwrifloea to Odin and Tlior. A long time paaaed U-fore theao nrriflcea were altogetlmr dlacontinued. Tho tintiona of Eurom have mffunvl cnonnoua Iim by thla prtihihltloa of horwlleali. rerlnlly fnun the hiunanl tnrlitn point of view the riulU are moat deplorable, Millloniof piple are forrd to live on potutoi-a ami aiinihtr food wanting In nutritive qualitiea, while Diilllouaof pou lulu of tho very beat meat aro wanted. IIorM-fleah In the moat uourixhing of all nn-ata, and ita titato I hardly to la' iliNtliiguifhi d fnni that of beef. The lleah of a lioratt fit) (ill oilta ban a anmll almilar to gtaw ftenli. The fat la preferiibln to lard. ANivoall, it houltl Im ri-nit in I m red that no lleth 1 o healthy oa that of tho Imrne. Trichl 111 aila mid aiiuilar diw-uMa uro ouknown lu liona-a, Tuliereuloaia, very roiiimou In cat tli-, la very rare in liomea, Frank furter Zeitung. rrum a iirral lunrrt. A depreciation of thn currency ig al wayii attended by a loaa to tho InlHirlug clitoaea. Thla portion of the coinmimitv have imlther tiiuu nor jjirtuiiity to watch the ebba and flowa of money initikeU Kngaged fmni tiny to day in their uwful unla, tiny do not jiereeive Hint, although their wngea am noin Inully tlm name, or evi u totnewhiit higher, they are great It reduced, ill fin'l, by the rapid iucrcuno of currency, J which, n It appoint to make money alKiuud, they are at Unit inclired to con- aider a b)eiNing. Andrew Jim ktou, Kighth Annual Mcmuigu. rtrrarra "III nmU! thin." Mr. Ilrynn mill culla himself a "Li nit-tnlliot. " though bo lutt nui r even attempted to iintwer the nneMlioii: "In tlm history of this country baa there ever bt-eu a time, wheu cold and silver circulated upon equal terms na full legal tender money, with tlm mints oh ii to tlm free uud unlimited eoiuuge of both?' Therti never whs such 11 time. Free and unlimited coinage, nt It) to 1 has uever, ill uny country, nt nny time, given a bimetallic currency. Jlr. Ilrynn is a silver monoiiietnlliht in fact, whut nver ho mny think hiiiim-If to Ihj in the ory. Itrvlom llm rro rrtH-iliig l'ulnt. Ill the linslo in which tho Democrat." at Chioago prep iretl tlii'ir platform they forgot to include tho plunk declaring in favor of restoring tlm natural freezing point of vera Mankind has auflered and hive red IrmnuudouUy becuuse of this in human atitnuurd of teuiporiitureuiloptud undoubtedly at tho instigation of ooal barons and qanclc doctors. Without waiting for the aid or consent of any other tuition let us proceed to lower tho freezing point und to reform ourclimute in tho interesta of tho musaoa. "0 to Nuttilnc to Ate, Put How do youilhumlon tho silver question, Moike? Mike Mo? Sixteen to wun is moi platform. I'nt 'Tis, is it? Well, mo laddybuck, if ou and the long phinkercd cranks I'm thinking that by next winter Wry body's platform will bo, "Nothing to ato." Detroit Journal. If niorolmnt marks up his prices and poople rofusotobuy, ho still lias his goods. If a workiiigtmui undcrlakcs to murk np bis wages mid employers do cliuo to pay, whero is ho? What intelli gent wngo earner can vote for tlio higher prices of cheaper money und trust to luok fJ increase his Wages proportion ntnly? Thcro bus been uo timo since tho re sumption of speoio payments in 1879 wheu tho depositors in savings banks could not get back ns good uiouey ns they earned and put in. Do they want even to "chance it" on getting 51 ceul or oven 75 cent silver doll urn? Tho fanners complain becnuso thoy cannot find markets for all their prod ucts. How would tlm doubling of prices under free silver enable the working men of tho cities and factory towns to buy more than they do now? 1 NAM8. Ai nr a t llmm.r, warnring and pal, rierl W and there a olood'i o'erhanglni v.ll, And tliin at lunnth a groat Ur, full and bright, Urnlia forth and enat Ita nullum on tlm nltfht, Catliiirliio Young Ulra In Oritur?, CHURCHES Of GRANADA, Tlr Ara at Onoa Mag alfliwnt and IUf. garljr, Mulantn and Oar, It was in Its churches that I thought Oranada ut once iurt magnificent and beggarly, mint solemn and gay. I know nothing in Franco or Italy to compare with tliu effect of tho cathedral when tho sun steeped street wero left, tho 1.. ....... 1l...l u.a u..A I eillll'-r Ullivuijl Tvnn hia:m nu4 n7 t"iv uddeiiiy iu dnrknesa as of night, a great altar looming dimly in fur shad ows, vogue, inotiouli-M figures proalraUj Is fore It Their silent fervt-r iu the strange, scented dusk gave r clow Ut tlm K-staJty of n Theresa, of nil Igiintius. Hut it was well to turn back quickly into matter of fact daylight. To linger was to Ixi reminded that mystery has its price, solemnity its tuwdrint-sa. In ca thedral and cupilla real if we ventured to look at tho royal tombs ut the grille which oven lu fcipaln is without wpual nt tlm rctahlos, with their wealth of or liutneiit, one sacristan after another kept clone at our heels, impnU ntly expect ant. If In unknown little church our eyes gTew accustomed to durkueaa, It was that they might bo offended with Vir gins gleaming In silks and jewels, with Christa clothed in petticoat. And if we did onco visit the Cartuja it satisfied our curiimity whero other show churches were oonccnii-d. Tho word C'urtu ja hung upon tho lips of every visitor at tho lltv tel Itomn. Foreigners wreatled hojie leasly with It Kpuuiards repeated It tenderly, as if iu love with ita gasping gutturals. Wo never sat down to a meal that somo one did not urge ns to tho en joyment of its wonders. At lost in self deftinso wo went Tho Cartuja's archi tecture struck ns aa elaborate, ita deco ration as abandoned as the gush Uiat bad sent us to it It had not cveu tho amus ing gnycty of Dohciula's rococo, but was pretentions and florid in a dull, vulgar way, more iu keeping with gild ed cafe, or popular reatuuraiit IJut to this visit tuy record owe a pluco, since it was our one conclusion to tho guide book's commands. It pleased ns Utter to forget the exaggerated, tortured flam boyance in the kindly twilight of churches the names of which we never troubled to ask. Kluabcth Ii. l'cnnell in Century. W'har lha Walt.r. Atk No Odda, Common as tho practice of tipping is becoming iu this city, there mut still be h-stuuronU iu which tips are neither given nor expected, and among theso must bo some, at leant, of tho beef slid beaus places in the neighborhood of I'ark row. I have not becu so familiar with these place in reoeut years as 1 used to be years ago, before they had gniwn so largo ami wheu coffee and culea fur- nisheil tho chief staple of tho food pro videtl Iu thoMU days I um quite sure that nobody ever thought of tipping the waiter, and I believe that the sumo practice prevails in them now. It might be that a waiter would take a tip from some old customer with w hom ho was 011 friendly terms, but I doubt if lie would take one from a casual Ku,,st 1 think if such a guest should put a tip on the table tho waiter would wipe it otT on tho floor with tho cloth with which ho swabs the table. Tin beef and Is'iiu places nro refresh ing, not only iu the food they furnish, but in the spirit of self reliant inde pendence that pervudes thcin. Cor. Hew York Sun. Charging a llrar With lUyonrU. Russian soldiers iu iSilieria nro not only encouraged to exercise their mar tial ardor on big game, but are actually led out in squads to toko part in the I hunt. On a recent occasion a local po lice inspector joined in the bunt and got two of tlm soldier beaters to act as his txxlygnard. Wheu tho bear came merrily romping toward him over the snow, tho iuspoctor got Hurried, missed both barrels, Hung down his gun and buried his bead in the snow, seeking to btirrow out of sight. Tho bear came ou iu a great fury. Two of tho soldiers waited til) ho came to close quarters and turned him buck will) a volley. They then charged with fixed bayonets mid finished him off iu true military style. They have boeu rewarded for thoir presence of mind in saviug tho lifo of the guardian of tho pcuoo by having their photographs hung iu their head quarters and being each presented with ! one ruble. London Globe, Who Steal, tha UlblnaT Although nearly all the passenger oars muning out of Chicngo have little overhead racks marked "Read uud Re turn, "few of those racks contain Bi bles, as they uiicd to. Tho explanation is that tho Bibles disappeared so system atically that the American Bible society discontinued furnishing them, believing that they oould employ their money iu fields iu which it would be more appre ciated. Tho suggestion has been made that tho Bibles be attached to tlio car with chains, as city directories aro iu drug stores mid hotels, but tho idea of chain ing dowu nBiblo is so incongruous that it has mot with little fuvor. Chicago Tribune, WhyT "Why does that Blodgett girl wear such a thick veil'" "She thinks it iuomises her beauty." "Thou why doesn't sho get behind a screen door?" Clevelaud Plain Dealer. I learn several great truths ns that it is impossible to sco into tho ways of futurity; that punishment always at tends tho villaiu; that love is tho fund soother of tho humau breast Gold smith. It if) said that tho first English duke was Edward the Black Prince, who, by his father, Edward III, wus created Duke of Cornwall iu 1337. ., first and Cheapest Insurance. Have money on your Insurance by call log on E, E, Martin, who represents the only Mutual doing business in Oregon City, You cannot sfford to keep on throwing your money into policies and pay from 8 to 5 years premiums In ad vanc.e snd then have the company fail The Oregon Fire liellef association will stand the closest investigation, E. K. Mahtim, Agt. Commercial Hank lilock. Cures Croup. "My Hires children are all subject to cioup; I telegraphed to Htn Francisco, got a half s dozen bottles of H. IS. Cough Cure, It i a perfect remedy. Ood bless von for it. Yours, etc., J. II, C'koikk, Grants i'sss, Or." For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Hooks Cheap. Everything required in the school room, books, stales, tablets, sponge. Ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil liams, cornoi Seventh snd Center streets. Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc., fresh and of good quality. Bold at reas onable prices. Houses Made Hrlffht. Murrow, the painter, has removed his hop to Keventh street, near the depot where onlers can be left for painting, paper-hi.nging and calcirning. ' Trices to suit the times and all work honestly and efllcivntly dono. tf Ktw L'ndertaklng Room. Counly Coroner, W. N. Godfrey has opened an undertaking room on Main street near Tenth street, where he will keep in stock a full line of coffins, caskets and burial robea. His prices will be found reasonable. tf Undertaker and Embalmer. K. L. Ilolinan undertaker and em balmer. Gradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of cacketa and coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Winehard block opposite courthouse, tf For Sale. Thoroughbred Poland China tigs and thoroughbred Cuttswolit bucks and ewes Also a tine thoroughbred short horn bull 4 years old snd in flue condition. Inquire of J. M.Tracy, Logun, Clackamas county, Oregon. Spring YYagun Wanted. A second-hand spring wagon wanted, cash or trade. Address "Wagon" rare of the Entektrise, giving price and de scriptive of vehicle. Sunday Time Table. Until further notice the steamer Altona will leave Oregon City at 10:0 a. m., 2 and 5 ::0; leave Portland Sand 11:45 a. 111. and 5:30 p. m. Round trip 25 cents. Sixteen to One That you can't get a better shave in the city or a neater hair cut than you can at Kogem. l.Wentsa shave, Sun- I days and the holidays included. For Sale. Four A 1 fresh milch cows, part Jersey. Enquire of J M. Tracy, Logan, Clacka mas county, Oregon. Wanted. 75 Wood choppers at liattlorf Bros.' wood camp, Oregon City. AND ITS CURB To tub Editor j 1 have an absolute remtdy for Consumption. By its timely usa thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to und too bottltt frtt to those of your readers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me tlielr express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SWCUM, M. C III Pearl St, Rew Tork. 9t Th Editorial and RntinM Mntmnt of U11M l'yt Umrant tola siwxvtu frupoviuoo. iit TASTELESS HILL IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRIC60cts. G At. ATI A, Ills., Not. 16, 1893. Pari MrvltclneCo., Ht Ixhih, Mo. (,tntlMiiiMi; Wo irnld yenr, WW bottles of (.UOVK S TASTKI.KnH Cum, TONIC bikI huva bought tbre unuw alrwaity this yt'iir. In all tmr rx ptirKMiiU of 14 yoftr. lit Lite tlrtiK biiHitiuw,. bttr bovtrrH)ll an tirtirltt thai gnve Riu-h timvunwl iuUft tuUuu a jruur Tuuic. Vuun imW, Aii.NAi. .CAHK A CO. For sale by C. U. Huntley, OD81DU0D ma m m. 0 i owac RIPANS TABULES aro good for headache, heartburn, Bour nto inacli, belching biliousness, torpid liver, droweinesH, lass itude, foul taste in the mouth, bad breath, constipation, indi gestion, dyspepsia. Tho formula by which they aro mado in in use in the greatest hospitals in the world and is prescribed daily by nine doctors out of ten. Three times in five when a physician is called he will write a pre scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of the Ilipana Tab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Ripans Tabules in little vials for 15 cents or in a box con taining six of these vials for 50 cents. If he will not get them for you, address, with the price, THE RIPA.N'3 CHEMICAL CO., IU Spaces St., New Yobk. popuuft ienCe Newt Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemistry, Medicine, Hygiene, Health. FonwlF BOSTON JOCENAL OF CHEMISTRY ENLARGED AND IMPRVED. Contains a large number o' Short, Kasy, Practical, Interesting and Popular Scientific articles, that can In appreciat ed and enjoyed bv any intelligent read er, eventhough he knew little or nothing of Science. Profusely Illustrated and Free from Technicalities. Kewsflealers. 10 cents. $1.00 per jeir Mention this paper for a (ample copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper in the World Pl'HLISIIKD MONTHLY BY DENJ LILLARD, New York. The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Designs, Illustrations and Fashion Notes. Reliable, Bright and Clean. A year's subscription for Only 50 Cents, including, free, your choice of any one of the Celebrated HcCall Bazar Patterns, ind all patterns to subscribers Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send a a-ccnt stamp for a sample copy to TUB Met' ALL COUl'AW, 4 Eait 141b g., Hear Tork 0H00000CrCKKXOOOC0 International Dictionary The One Great Stnndurd Authority, 1 So writes Hon. 1. J. iMrwtr, JiiAtlf I'. 8. Suiritw Oourt. tfTSend PoftUl tor Specimen Paxes, etc. 1 SuccfMor of the "Vnubridged." Standard of thf t'.S (iov't Print. Ink- iifliit. the V S. Su- i'lrn Vvurt, all tli : an ! of tit'itrly all ( MIlUOIUUViUB. Wnrnilv rM.v-s. 3 tft nt St'lumU. ami k,, j P otlit't 1 'ilni'ati'ti ulmipl , T.HE BEST FOR EVERYBODY accAuac r. It If ei.y o (,iJ the ord wanted. X li l my ta tr. llif Klh nf "' It I euy la Irnrn what a word alcana. V The fiti'Vin" T!treH-Hcrti1i1 fnynf- 0 VVpIkIt. titt. miill.Mr I I i.-lloinM? In ll-l'"'"' mri-i ih :im.ihi i- i.:ti" i-iw ni A im: ! i.iv-u 't; -I H i1 - :y X t i v. " .i;i . 'V. r."l i'.'fl"Ht' f nil rvlLH.I'll 1'ni.i'Ti i i ot o-il oi-tj r-T. iuiv. ,n I 'I'tM 't ll't't w no il. In i n-i'i'i-i n a ttiMtiH-iiu-ur. ? -Il ll.U'.Ult Ih-. II. l--l i 'J. C- C. VEttnn M CO., rn Ws hers, i S:r I id. .'Mjw., i s. a New York Tribune. Leader of the Republican Party. Art Ton wiillia to UM to t iumM Tin Nkw Yohk Tkihuke's broad column and Urge print make it tb eaiieat paper in the country to read, either on the cam or at home. Henry Rorneike, proprietor of th largf-ftt Newspaper ClipninK Agencr In the world, teatiflen in a publiabed car l, that hia clipping for over 4.000 clients shows that Tiu Tuihuxk contains, "day by day and week by week, for more origin al matter than any daily newnpaper in New York City." 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