Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 30, 1896, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
riroiilt oourt pnnvnM flrt Mfmta In No-
nnther nd third MonJr l APr"-
Frotuits court In icmIod 8rt Monday In sach
CommlMlrtnem court m dm Wednesday
fetter Irtl MontUv ol roi noma.
(!o to Albrijlifi for fine meats.
Chair bottoms at Howard's, 10 cents.
No. 8 copper-bottom toilers, 05 cents
at Howard's.
A fine selection of stamped linen, cheap
at the Racket Store.
M.movto loan on good real estate
ecnrity by A. S. Dresser.
Pon't forget we can give you big
tar'ains at tho Racket store.
T. "DUSTINE" for floor. Char-
man & Co., arent. Circular free.
rvil on Howard for cook stoves and
beaters Seventh street, near depot.
Howard buys and sells second hand
achool books, tecond hand store near
depot. :
A nice line of ladies and gentlemens
wrabrellas just received at Charruan A
Dwelling house wanted Address Rent
er, giving location and price, care of the
For tlie easiest fitting corset to be had
in the city goto Mrs. E. E. Martin's,
next door to the postoffice.
Daniel Williams' store at the bead of
Seventh street stairs will be head
quarters for school supplies.
Kice 8 lbs. for 25 cts.; Starch 6c;
package coffees 20c; 20 lbs. dry granr
lated sugif one
dollar. The Red Front.
Munyon's medicines are the latest, and
Charman A Co.. the np-to-date drug
gists, have acoinplete stock, rampbleta
Pon't forget about the Peak entertsin
cient to be given at the Congregational
church soon after election. Date given
See A. W. Schwan, Seventh street,
near the depot, about your plumbing,
tinning and general jobbing. Repair
ing promptly done. tf.
Children's hosiery, a splendid assort
ment and of good quality at prices to
meet all competition at Martin's, nest
door to toe postoffice.
A poverty social will be given by the
Epworth League at the M. E. church on
Friday evening, November 6. Look out
for program in next issue.
'A fine line of
shoes at Mrs. ,
to the postoffice.
and children's
E. Martin's, next door
School ehoes that will
stand the wear of winter nse.
When in need of groceries, flour, feed
or family wood, call on C. E. Nash, op
posite Seventh street (table. New, fresh
goods at reasonable prices. Free do
livery. The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro
motes the growth of the hair, and re
stores its natural color and beauty, frees
th scalp of dandrulT, tetter, and- all im
A hacking cough is not only annoying
to others, but is dangerous to the person
who has it. One Minute Cough Cure
will quickly put an end to it. C. G.
Huntley, druggist.
Sewing Machines cheap. Want a
sew ing machine? Get a good one and
pay $25; five years guarantee; (5 down
5 per month until paid. See Bellomy
A Busch about it.
Dr. White's new hair grower guaran
teed to cure all cases of dandruff, and
grow new hair on any bald head on
tartb. For sale by Farnsworth & John
on, the leading tentorial artists of the
Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all
kinds of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns ana bridge work a
specialty. All operations guaranteed for
5 years. Call and get my prices. Office
in Barclay building
In the display of millinery goods at
Mrs. E. E. Martin's, next door to the
postoffice can find a hat or bonnet be
coming to each customer's features. As
fine a selection as to be had in Portland
at Portland pnes.
Many lives of usefulness have been
cut short by neglect to break up an or
dinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis and
even consumption can be averted by the
prompt use of One Minute Cough Cure.
C. G. Huntley, druggist.
General election day, Tuesday, No
vember 3, is a legal holiday (Section
3042, Hill's code). The coming of the
day wdl be appreciated at least by the
school children who gain this short vaca
tion. Business paper payable on this
-day becomes due the day before.
"While down in the southwestern part
of the state some time ago," says Mr. W.
Chalmers, editor of the Chico (Cal.) En
terprise, "I had an attack of dysentery.
Having heard of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I bought
a bottle. A couple of doses ot it com
pletely cured me. Now I am a cham
pion of that remedy for all stomach and
ixjwel complaints." For sale by G. A
Harding, druggists.
Republican Meetings.
This (Friday) evening a grand rally
will be held at Shivoly's opm house at
which Congressman Tonguo and Senator
McRridu will Hak. They are both
bright, able men and as they will have
something to say on the legislation of
this country during the next two years
their speeches will have more than a
passing interest to the voters of (his
This same evening the votets of Will
amette Falls will be addressed by Hon;
Frank Motter, a bright speaker from
District Attorney T. J. Cleeton of St.
Helena will speak at Barlow this (Fri
day) evening. As he is one of the
brightest of our young speakers his
hearers will be both interested and In
structed. Saturday evening he will
speak at the Brown school house in New
Era and Monday evening he will speak
at Union hall six miles east of Canby.
A. S. Dresser, whose speeches have
been well received in this campaign,
Will make an aJdresa at Union Hill
school house In Uulon precinct Saturday
An address will be delivered Saturday
evening at Tualatin Grange hall by C.
H. Dye. Mr. Dye's speeches are always
logical and interesting.
The republicans of Maple Lane will
bold a meeting Saturday evening to be
addressed by Frank Motter.
A rallv will be held at Canby Satur
day evening,Ahe speaker to couie from
The Logan republicans will hold
another one of their big rallies Saturday
evening at Tracy's ball, to be addressed
bv Hon. L. T. Barin.
The Rey. I. D. Driver will be present
and speak at the big rally the Viola re
publicans will hold next Monday even
ing. The campaign will be closed in Ore
gon City with a rally at Weinhard s
hall Monday evening, it will be address
ed by Hon. Robert P. Porter, late su
perintendent of the United States cen
sus. Mr. rorter is an orator oi maraeu
ability and the facts and figures that he
will give will iuterest all.
Good Reading for Moienibsr.
As the autumn evenings grow longer
one naturally turns from the out door
pleasures, the evening walk, or ride, and
seeks entertainment indoors, around the
family table and by the fireside. For
such a purpose one might go far and find
nothing so good as the current November
number of Demorest's Magazine.
For variety of Interest it certainlv
meets every need, as a glance at its most
attractive table of contents will show:
Among the descriptive articles we see
"The Boston Public Library," "Life in
the Tyrolese Mountains," "The Great
Muir Glacier," and "The North Pole by
Balloon." In fiction there is a capital
little story by Clinton Ross called "The
Pretty Wit of Captain Paul Jones," the
last installment of Robert Louis Steven
son's latest novel, and "The Saving of
the ' ?' " by Mary Annable Fanton.
Of general interest are an exhaustive
article on Women as Lawyers, one of
Kate Jordan's sketches of Paris 'Painters
and their Models," a biographical ac
count of Aubrey Beardsley, and a lively
symposium from five different points of
view on "The Passing of the Small
In "Home Art" are beautiful patterns
for linen embroidery and instruction in
the making of birch-bark articles. In
"Sanitarian" the cultivation of beauty is
discussed. In "Household" some use
ful suggestions are given in an article on
"The Model Hostess." "The World's
Progress" keeps abreast of current topics
of interest. "The World of Letters and
Art"gives interesting bits of information
in its department, and the Fashion de
partment is suggestive and well illus
trated .
In addition to this wealth of reading
matter, there are pictures galore on
nearly every page, more than a dozen
full-page ones besides all that are neces
sary to fully illustrate every article cap'
able of being illustrated. ,
Christian Endearsrers to Meet.
The executive committee of the Christ
ian Endeavor union met Tuesday even
ing, making definite arrangements for
the county convention of the Christian
endeavorers, which will be held at the
Baptist church November 13, 14, and 15
itie loiiowing committees were ap
Entertainment Miss Mary Mclntyre,
Miss Eunice Donaldson, Mr. Samuel
Gibson. -
Decoration Mrs. A. S. Dresser, Miss
Winnie Graham, Mrs. L. K. Andrews,
Miss May Marks, Fred Myers and
Chester Muir.
Finance E. A. Smith, Jacob Tomp
kins and F. E. Donaldson.
An interesting program has been ar
ranged, including eminent speakers from
abroad for each evening.
The Toledo Weekly Blade.
Every intelligent family needs in addi
tion to their local paper, a good national
weekly. The greatest and most widely
known general family newspaper is the
Toledo Weekly Blade. For thirty years
it has been a regular visitor in every part
of the Union, and is well known at al
most every one of the 70,000 postoffices
in the country. It is edited with refer
ence to a national circulation. It is a
republican paper, but men of all politics
take it, because of its honesty and fair-
mus in the discussion ot all public ques
tions. It Is the favorite family paper,
with something for every member ol the
household, . Serial stories, poetry, wit
and humor; the household department
(best in the world), Young Folks, Sun
day School Lessons, Talmagu'a Sermons,
the Farmstead, tho Question Bureau
(which answers questions for subscribers)
the News of the Week in complete form,
and other special features. Specimen
copies gladly sent on application, and if
you will send us a list of addresses, we
will mail a copy to each. Only ft a year.
If you wish to raise a club, write for
terms. Address, The Blade, Toledo.
Klectrlc Hotel Arrivals.
Goo Jackson, Winning, Man
Prof Snapp, Portland
G W Allen.
W B Hargaten, Cascade IxK'ks
V 11 McKinney, Hubbard
G II Lee, Highland
C Adams A wife, Portland
G F Stewait, ,',
Walter Price, Pendleton
A M Gibson, Boston
G F. Maggoone, Portland j
L W Weiss,
H II David, Newberg
W H Engle, Molalla
Pike Hackley, Idaho
W G Haes, Woodburo
W Y Nesco. Portland
E O Candit, Salem
M F Marx, Portland
E Blackenburg, San Francisco
R E Lawler, Needy
Dell Wright, PrinevlUe
S D Huuga'e, Molalla
Geo Micheals A wife, Portland
Miss K Lawler, ,,
B J Darnell,
Frank Victar, ,,
F A Heitkemper, ..
O MeCullum,
F W Hetcher,
C F HofTlinxer, St Paul
Alex Graham A wife1 Portland
Margaret Warwick, Iowa ,
G W Wilson A wife, Portland
C B Clemant, ,,
R E Earley. '
Geo Armstrong, ,,
E James, ,,
S S Sampson, Baltimore, Md
J E Brown, Chicago, III
Clem Woalen, Silverton
A A Chaquette, Salem
D C Rowell A wife, III
Miss Edwards, ,,
Jay Williams, Portlan i
L Hall,
M M Miller, San Jose, Cal
W Cochran, Cascade Locks
John Dixon, 8 F
L Lakin, Portland
M Pendleton, Molalla
Hugh Sharp
Geo Parmer,
.Mrs Revenstein, ,,
Mrs M Morrison, Ashland .
Geo Torrell, S F
A F Rogers, Portland
J L Smith,
B H Hartem,
Ben Hayden, Polk Co
Hary Watkins, McMlnnville
In the Justice's Court.
The following cases were filed in Jus
tice Sheubert's court during the past
week :
H. W. Pary vs. V. Scanlan, action on
contract lor the sum of $75 ; G. B. Dim
Irk, attorney for plaintiff".
I. L. Clark ys. W. Edgecomb, action
on book account for the. sum of $34 95;
Latourettes' for plaintiff.
Scott vs. Schereder, et al., action on
note and for $15 00 attorney fees; Lai
toureltes' for plaintiff.
M E. Church Services.
Services at the First M. E. church
Oregon City Sunday Nov 1st: Class
meeting at 10:15 a.m.; Preaching by
the pastor at 10-45, Bubject "Consecra
tion " Sunday school at 12 m. Junior
league, 4 p. m. Epworth league, Oi.'iO
Preaching by the psstor, subject "Some
Reasons Why we Think God Does Not
Want to Punish Men" A Cordial invi
tation to all. T. L. Jones, pastor.
Eureka Hotel,
Has the reputation of setting the best
table in Oregon City. The cooking is
done under personal supervision of Mrs.
Gibbons, and the victuals are equal to
the best had in a private family. Rooms
and beds clean and comfortable. Give
the Eureka a trial. Meals and beds 25
cents each, Special rates to regular
Attention, Comrades.
Regular meeting of Meade Post will be
held at Willamette hall Wednesday
evening November 4th at 7 :30. Recruits
will be mustered and officers nominated
for the coming year. A full attendance
of the comrades is requested.
C. A. Williams, Post Commander.
Pretty Glrlg
Is what you will see if you attend the
Peak entertainment at the Congrega
tional church. Fom the tallest to the
smallest in town will all be there to
greet you. Don't tail to see them.
If you want to know anything about
Fire or Life Insurance or Building and
Loan Association, call on II. T. Sladen.
He has it at his finger ends.
Who Wants a Bargain!
A good farm team of mares, wagon
and harness for sale or trade for stock.
Address box 84, Oregon City.
Miss Lena Biers of Salem, is In
city the guest of Mrs. Griffith Jonm
A. Newell, the owner of a well tilled
farm near Damascus was In Oregon City
last Saturday.
J. 11. Marvhtmnks spent ' the greater
part of last week In Silverton visiting
his old friends.
1'. 11. Howard, a leading fruit n rower
and farmer of Canby, was in Oregon
City, Wednesday.
Edward Boring, a young, energetic
farmer of Boring precinct was in Oregon
City last Saturday
Mrs. C, A, Miller returned Wednes
day from a two week's visit with her
sister, Mrs. J. N. Gilson In Seattle.
D, II Moasher, the rustling young
newsgatherer at Redland for tho
Entkki'hisk, was In Oregon City Monday.
Mrs, George K. Gruham and son,
Erol, lelt for Seattle, Wash., Saturday to
spend a few months with relatives and
Mrs. T, F, Cowing la visiting her son,
Leslie, and wife at Palmer, Wash, She
will also visit relatives at Fairhaven
before her return,
Mrs. W. F. Garretson, who has lxen
pending a week with her alitor, Mrs.
Sarah Paqunt, returned to her home in
The Dalles last Saturday,
Mrs. A. J. Monroe, a resident until
recently of this city, but now of Port
land, and president of the Oregon City
W. C. T. U., was in the city Tuesday.
Dr. J, W. Norrla has so far recovered
from his recent illness as to be able to
be out of the house on pleasant days
and hope by another week to be in his
Ben Hayden, the noted criminal law
yer of Salem and one of the best known
pioneers of the state, was in Oregon City
Wednesday, the guest of Col. R. A.
W. W. Brooks, a bright young newt-
paper man from Salem, has taken a po
sition on the r.NTKHi'Hisx as local re
porter and will assume his duties uext
Mrs. May Thomas, of Dufur, arrived
in the city Wednesday and is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Hamilton. She
will probably locate in Oregon City and
open a dressmaking shop.
C, T. Howard, owner of the Mulino
flouring mills, with Mrs. Howard, who
is the efficient postmaster at that place,
were in Oregon City, Monday, making
their regular purchases of our merchants,
W. A. Huntley came in Monday from
the farm of B. C. Hawley at Springwater,
where he has been staying lor some
time for the benefit of his health. Ho
returned Wednesday to again enjoy the
bracing sir of the SpringwaUr hills.
R. W. Alden returned to Oregon City
last Saturday. Mrs. Alden will remain
for some time yet in California to have
her eyes treated, there being hopes of
saving the sight of one of them, Shu
has been a long and patient sufferer and
her many friends in this city will be
glad to hear of Her improvement.
Fr Rent Specials.
1 Chicken and garden farm, 2 acres
in Clackamas ; fraire house, spring water,
valuable fishing privilege $5 per month.
2 Good lurin, K'l acres, SO in cultiva
tion, good buildings, 7 acres prunes; for
rent or sale.
3 Nice clean dwelling iu Canemah
for rent or sule. Spring water.
4 Elegant dwelling 7 rooms, double
parlors, two bay windows, pure moun
tain water puuied from the Clackamas,
bath room. Rent or sale on the install
me lit plan.
5 Little cottage at Elyyillu, gooj
well water, half acre garden.
Warl WarftVar!
The one arm artist opiusite Murr &
Robertson's grocery Seventh street
means business and is making first class
cabinet photographs and guarantees
every picture to fade nor spot and will
make over (or nothing any that has or
does. No other gallery dare make this
One sitting, best finish per doz...$1.00
Two or more sittings, 150
Aristo-platino, something new.... 1 75
Card size, any Btyle or finish 75
No extra charge for groups.
E. N. Wki.i.s, Photographer,
Oregon City.
A Laboring Man's Home.
For a person, who desires to stop pay
ing rent and to raise theirown vegetables
and fruit, I have a splendid piece of land,
one acre on Abernathy road mostly im
proved, house, chicken-yard, good well
and some fruit. One mile and half from
Oregon City. School house and church
of a mile from place, three brick yarda
and saw mill near by. Price 250, part
down, balance on time. Trade or work
in part pay. Inquire at place or address
G. W. Vamhon, Oregon City.
People Wanted.
To know that C. A. Willey, Seventh
street, near the depot has a splendid
line of shoes, best goods for the money
in the city. lie carries the well-known
shoes ol the Capon Shoe Co., every pair
of which is warranted. Harness and
saddles manufactured and sold at Port
land prices. Fine shoes and boots made
to order and repairing promptly done. tf.
. "I .uf!.rrl with tirom-hllli lor t TipMloh TflinfTC ' 1
( iir.rly S.t yr.n. My phyik-laa . HOMIoll I lllll&Ol (I
I prracrltxil for m without proilu. ' '
. dug lvurtilt rnulu, aiut Anally i , ii,i-h (
.Jvl.,4 m. to I., Ay,,', dcrry Coughs ar. tiokll.h (
p.ctor.1. i h... t.kc. .1. i.e. . things. Nowhors 1oub tho , ,
, IImoI Hit nifJIilne, and io now OX trilVIVgnnt Baying! "I )
I ' . I ...L K . l
oomo uoiiror being true, than In tho oiibo of ti aovero
oough. Do you kuow tho fooling? Tho tickling In tho
throat, that you writho under and fight ngulnBt, until
at lust you break out iu n pnroxynin of coughing?
Why not euro tho oough and oujoy uubrokou rout?
You onu do ho by uulug
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Thil tr.llimmLI will tf foumt In full In Ayir'l "Cur.book" with a
hunilriil olliaia. Pre. AJ'ltc.i J. C. Ajrtr Co., Lowell, Mm.
' We Take Pleasure
To got this I fttn giving 10 per cent, discount to ciixh purchasers
from now on. I have a fine assortment of trimmed huts and
bonnets to chooso from, also largo lino of rillonn. Satisfaction
guaranteed or no trade.
MRS. SLADISN'S, Millinery Parlor.
Main Street, one door South of M. E, Church.
ThU I Your Opportunity.
On rwwipt of few omits, cnh or stamp,
a geaiirou miiplo will lin ninilccl of tlio
ni"t opiilnr ('nturrh ami Hay r'ovtr (turn
(Ely's Cream Ilaliu) nfllriont to iliuion
a Irate tho grrut mnrits of tlio ruuivdy.
60 Warrvu bt., New York City.
Hot. John Itciil, Jr., of fijvnt Fall", Mont.,
recoiiimriiilnd Kly'J ('renin llnlm to ma. I
can emplinnizo his utati'inrnt, "It is a pn.
tivsciiru for raturrh if Html aailirrotmi."
Iter. Kninc'M W. I'ooln, I'aHtor Central 1'rus.
Church, Hulona, Hunt.
Ely's Cream Pu'm is th acknowledged
cure for rntiirrh unci coiiliiinn no im rcurj
nor any injurious drug, l'riro, GO cunts.
Vorti:jr of Mntloe.
The 8. 0. Medicine company is the
only one out of nine proprietary medi
cine firms incorporated on this coast
since 1KH7 that has not made an asHign
meiit. These hard times with new news
paper advertihing contracts lor two vesrs,
it SM-ul.s loudly of their merit, For
sale by C. O. Huntley, driiggixt.
Lockiiakt, TexAs, Oct. Id, lSHi).
Meatus. Paris Medicine Co.,
Dear Sirs: Ship us as Boon as possi
ble 2 gross Urove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
and will not have any other. In our
experience of over 20 yerrs In the drug
business, we have never sold any modi'
cine which gives such universal satis'
faction, Yours respectfully,
J. S. Bbownk A Co.
For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your suhsciption to the
Entkhi'risi and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
New line of walking hut.i and Tain
o'shanters. The latest,
Mihh C. Goi.ohmitii.
IvHtuhllNiird 1M03.
Transfer1 and Ex;ppe$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Wild tlualoil 10 uoiuu,
. . . . . i it. (I
In showing our Ralston Health
Foods. Because they are the
purest and cleanest Roods on the
market and because they promote
We huve-
Breakfast mush
Pancake Flour
Cluten Farina
Health Koffy
Desiccated wheat
Whole Wheat Flour
WholeWheat Graham
Whole Wheat Wafers
If you aro interested call and get
free samples and books.
The Grocer.
Teacher of tho true Italian
method of voice culture, inclu
ding sight singing. Harmony
taught privately or in class.
Tho lessons per week In voice, . . , 1 (V)
One lesson er week ill voice .... 75
Two lessons per week in harmony,
per term 12 00
Two leNHons per week in harmony,
class of four, per term 0 00
Two lessons per week in harmony.
class of eight, Mtr term 3 00
Livery, Feed and SuleHtuhlo
Double and Single Rics, and sad
dle horsHH always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the ham for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason,
able terms.
Leave orders at tho postoffice with
D. IL Olass, Oregon City.
If You Wish to Prosper
and live long you should
buy your food supplies
We handle the very best
goods in the market and
allow no one to under
sell us.