Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME OCT ('O 'HHTIUMtm AI.THMA All II Mamma, th hiti,Hii,ni.N aNli inimrtNiiiNri Laava I'lirllmiil. Tayli.r utriml iliM'k 10 41 A. M, . k.l-r., huiKlur w Ki A. M. ami li.avw (In II I li l-l c.lrui iW A. M. Hot lluya ml Kail auuriay, llfliirnlni lauva Omiiiiii t'lljr lor I'mllani at if It ' U . mill Wi I'. M. Similar. FmI lima, m'liiimiHlmliiiii ami In rutin. No way Irnialil bamlM. H!laJ lulu uii llirimtli liaiglil. HOtHmiN l-AI'IflU KAII.WAY. NoMH 'HHi. ('allloinla Fii.rit.a ithrniiiihl Hilmi Ua-al (way alalliuia) Mailll 'Ml4NUfvr iM'Tii maaii. Kovxliti rtt lu'al (way itallnna) alilonila f. b f-f illiiuiiib) NaWui )' lum 7 Ha. m. I tii p. lu. .tl a. m. I '17 A m p. m 4 W p. ui. I'OSTAl. KUIIKMU.K. irKH tmaN rii'irio u.'ian, ' Mall rliM ni Nuilli, a in. and 7 , m. Mall eii.avairiiii anuili. Ma. a au.l 7 p. Mi Mall ilititilmle-llfMii Mi.nli a. in., IU If. a. ui. Mail illali tiwa-l li"m Ixiuili, I a. ui , 4 p. lu. 1 t iii;l.etH) Lift. Mall rl.iaoa Im I'mllaud ai.d dulrll.utli.f puli.U, 1 i ihiu, 4 ti . in. M "I l" I" MllaauaM only, U a. In.. 4 4& p. Ml Mail filvi liom r.'illa.iJ, II M a. HI tu4 It l w. ami iiii'tia, Orcgiiii flljr lu Kly.farua, Mullun. I.IUral ami MnlalTa loaiat at li m. and arrival at li m. 'i'ir'in ') r U Hoatar Clark, Mink. Clark. Meadow Hitxia. I'nlim Mills, ami i iillnii laavat at I a. m. Muiiday, Mxlmavlajr ami rmlai, and ralunia mi l"ll"Wllil data al 4 3S . nt (r"U I'Hy " Vliua, llu ami llmllaml leaiaa lil'I'iU I lly Huiday, Waduitday auil Prlday al I .Ml p. in., Ialu Vluta aaiaa daya at 7.uua. n (irn t'lly In Wlllamaito, hufTnrl and W ll.uutli:. airltaaal lu Ma. ui. ami mill al II to a. mi. Jany. ,i.h.iy in't"W li fa oa auudar loiu lla. ia. A'l Utu radi-i p ini-i ill U fiunipUy tw.1 urT Hunlay, aa i'U nlliar 4ta, AH Kaaii-ra laall Ifcal U dolai.d and WUlu w a m . a. I. Wain will Cum uu l cluck ui 4 t a.arutc ' uiolialr Induatry. Tlmro ire now riiny V"hIii (Im WllUiimtlo vulUir hixI tlmui ralalnx Ilium Hiii tliiwii inoni prolllahle llian hIikci, Tim molmlr aiIU for it K'mnI jirlcn wlilln tlm rout u( kii Iiik Hie K' U hIiii'mI ii'iIIiImk h llicy llvn 'rilli:liilly on lirnnli ami tluit ullmr aa ui iiii4 ) ij m,l Ciit. I'or kllll'iK llm xproiil on biimli liinil tlmygni Krrut nii'i'Kaa put tlfiif a bIhhIiImk Iii condition o that It ciui I mi fuallv tilowml. Tim vlliniilii of thu Williiiiiiitlii valley m vrv ainilliir to tliat of Turkey, wIhtu llm lial iiiolmir coino (nmi alii) tlie Ori'Koii mohair Iihu nlnwly titknn a IcailiiiK imailioli ill KuNlnril murkuta. TliiTt ar llionaiimUof acre of foothill liind in tlili olalii tlmt wotilil alfunl ailiiillil patiinwn for Koala Imt wliirli la of lltllo valun an niaiirKi) for ollim kimla of atock ami w ith our fiivoralilii climalu Ori'Kon will coimi Id Imj one of llie great inolmlr dixlrii la ofllio world. Tint Ohxoon Cohsi ('boi1, TIib Oregon IIAftlU.V. r Tiimrai.uiw. You'll carce rxi'irt una of my !. To lack In niali or f liUtr,rle, Anil alioulil I cIibiivd to fall Mow My rival, Mmn. No ami Ho, You'll view ma wllh a (villi ' ii) a, Nor aa my Imiirrfrcllont ly. Ho now I Ink Ilia llm to lay, I'm In irK'iip Cily, lir to (lay; I'll ulva (ho II if h no rlianca lo hlow, Tlie iiiiwi lo irmil or K'"" to K"'w! I'll try lo k'v" y'" money'a worth. Anil want your lraJ lull nol Ilia rarlli Momai. If you want unytliliiK in lirat claiia Krocuriea, I'vt) K''l A. Uolicrt ami, thu 7tli atruet Kroi'er, luci'emior lo Murr ill ItolivrUon FiirYouiiK Men and Voiiuic Wumen Tlmro in notliliiK that will arouo the Irii of a youiiK man or woman aoiiuii'k aa tolmvo Inferior laundry work ut olfon them. Thev may ilrem over an well. corn. toii ia umiaunlly good tlna aoaaon, I ,ni f 1 1 1 u i r ahirt front or nl.lrt walat la thu warm, i.mii fall enahlliiK It to rlwn lmly ,iur n,.ttt appearance la aisled. W1U.AMKITK flUM HY. anna-inn aitua iiun. 1 i V uu ' u in " li " 14 10 I r... m. I in - I uu 4 0" I ' " k Ml " a in 7 ik " VMU U ,0 " niuiami rLta ia. IS. 7 I a uu Ml 10 (U " ) I V " I ul p. m. I II a i " i ii " tlA " - 7 m " a id ' 10 14 " a, cra lull T0I T h I m lu it"! "u and A Jami .ti L bmir mil l I n'rl.i.k C. A M1I.I KK, KKIPAY, OCTtlHK.K 30. In good coiiilillon. Tlio aroa pluntud to rorn la liieieaalng eiu li year and in aome irl ofllio Willametto valley it la get ting to Im an importunl rrop wikli the farmera. In the vicinity of Hilverlon tlmiu aro ai-veral fine field, that of Chan, liiKdh, ao the AiKial atntea, yielding 50 hualiala to tlin ai're, which would Im a fair yivld in Illinoia or Iowa. With the development of aed that I acclimated and mora careful method of cultivation together with the Intelligent ue of (erlallnera it ia imaalhls for the WilUmntlfl valley to produce all the corn required for home conaumillim. Malarial producva WeaknmM, Cienrral deliilily Illlioiianeaa, toaa of ppetitu, luillgpation and conatlpatlon. Grove'a Taatelena Chill tonic removal the CauiN which produce theno trouhlea. Try it and you will I delighted. M renin, To get the genuine ak for Urove'a. For aula hy C. O. Il intley. The Troy laundry make a ecialiy of 11 i(V and gitiitlemun'a fine work. There can e no lietter work than I donu at the Troy. Iave your oroera at Farnaworth'a Imrlier ahop. A Mplemlld M liner (ilrrn. To all who dine at the Portland re lauraut, oppoiiilt) the iiMMinnion bridgo, the fluent diuiior Ui he had in Oregon City will be nerved A apecially made of 11 no meat, (lnh and game. Try our Sunday chicken dinner. Clean table aervine and elllcient help. A quiet place to bring your wife or lady friend. Meal 25 cent. Many political apeaker, clergymen, linger and other who uae the voice ex ceaaively, rely upon One Minute Cough Cure to prevent burkineai and laryngiti. It value a a preventative i only equaled by it power to afford inatanlaneoui re lief. C. U. Huntley, druggiat. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK iifClarkamaa Couiily.HUUi of Orwri, allowing tlie amount and number ol rlalma allowed liy Ilia County Cmirl ol aalil Uoonty, lor wlial alloweil, amount of warrant drawn, and amount o( Wairanla oolataiiilliia ami UHniII, Irotn the Drat day ol Airll, iwni, bi Ihr H'lU day (if Hi..1..iiIkt, IMK, IhiIIi Inrlualve. UN WHAT AIXOr.NT ALI.OWKI). Tu 1 1 1 it lli Tima. The ahortnge in thin year bop crop ha Iwn more than wa anticlpati-d by even the dealer who art) nii'iiMl lo keep ell on the hop bun cat. A conaeipienro bop have taken decided rim in prico with every pnwiHi t that there will bo no dropping back to the ruinously low rain ol two mouth ago The aumll iii.mtlty bur- Vented i only partially reftH.nihlo for the mine In rie being the auperlor quality of ihi year crop over that ul the I""' , , , . i i I Arlimry trill There in enough of uM Imp on hand to ; .rU,i.. n,wiiini Ian. Ihe brewe.a for another year, Imt , Xt?"-" the UUillltV duo liol compare With that I Imnnnii va. Clarkaiiiiia Coiinly 1 . .... ruiiiinaeiit fund ... . .. Of linn year. lleretoloMi me gnmein j ,.,.(.' Ku,i,inlloii lltwd and trldn lauiH-r , t rlinlnal acc.iunl rin-ntt I'nurt , Juallc utallnnary t iinrt h.itiae ami Jntl Unrk'a Mlury and lielp HIirrllT'a anlary, brli Mild iMwnl ut prlanl.ara . ItHirder'a aiiluiy and lii'lp . . nu leul Hniirrliileiideiit ll oiiiiiy Trraaorar ... Aaarair ., , roomy Juittf family r,.M.iol-loiM'ni riniiity Norveyor , I'i-umI) ( orntirr K-M'lian Ilalllrra Clrrtlll l ourl Mairlel AHoim.y (.rter I I r.'ti 1 1 lutirt I ntiuii account . .... Inrt i In-iill I i hi rl , , . , . . I lecilon Hco'imt , Hie leailinu ii ir iul,iy wll.l miliiiala .. .-iiry ri'lnii'li.'i "ii t i'i liiiilni'iil Mlir In ml Ktmd Mlialer i Armory lent Could aell anything they baled, with the -fault that much ol the Imp put on the market w a carclenxly lucked and not alwava dried and cured a they ahould have been to produce the bent article. At the beginning of the Imp harvenl (hi year the extreme low price of hop made it appaienl that only tlmtclan hop could U mild, mnking it imperative that only the moat perfect boll nlmuld bo picked and that the greatcNl cure, alioulil bo cxcrclncd to nccuro a clean, well cured article. Thincaio with the greater experience that the growvr have attained In their work ban made the crop of '111 one of the heal ever put on the market. A a result of the line article offered the brewer are buying the new crop In preference to the old, even at an ad vanced price. The leaMon lliut thia year tuache our bop rainern, I that there I yet money in the bunlnuna, If they will heed the demand ol trade and only tend out a strict ly lint-clan article. The indi cation aro that the price will beat a paying rate next year for tburo will be no auriiliiM ol this year'e crop and the old crop of lunt yeur can not be aold so a tobreak the market for a new crop epec ally when the latter I of a auperlor qual ity. Alter giving thoiryardH the noceiwary cultivation the grower who have reali red the !ct pried" thi year are the one who had an expert imqicctor pre cede the picker each day through th yard and brouk down every vine that showed indication of mould or waa in ferior in any way bo n lo preclude the poHnlbility of the picker from getting the Kxr bop, which they o often do by ruanmi ol their luck of experience in judging the quality, or IiiihIo in filling their boxen. A rigid yard inspection make it inipoHNihle for the eule of the crop to be injured by a few mouldy or half-ripe, hop that the picker may have gathered and with the proper akill in curing, our bop men can build up a repu tation for Oregon Imp that will give then) a piiyi'iK niurkot for each year' crop. (Ioat lliti'.KDKiiH to M HUT. There i lo be a meeting of the Amiora gout breeder of Oregon at Independence on Saturday, November 7. The object of the mooting i lo form u breeder aHHociation with a view of creating more interent in the A Homey lee I I ii Alii"Ual : dnlmn allowed ; and WMT'lin!; I drawn ! ; I U.'fKi in i,jer, ol : tn'ju J Mm) 'I 9)M W. fx', 01 lJium 'J.M'. i t4i thi KI l III ol l.l:i:i on III .Mr. l IIOWI ru 'ii Jr.'l l iLL'i HI Jlliirl li.', Ill I l.U 11 1,101 In I H m mi lid lai limldl .'i ill .K?i so T. im II X, no Niiri l:'l Ml Bono PURELY VEGETABLE. an4 U mijy Mi- X" rTT. tin m iM wmu f An Krrw hial hrsf ipic for all diM4(V! iA Livr, bi'oiav h nil Hf-kcn. ( OWfLAIMIt, KuMl.ltW HUM, )VMUf M AND It ill !tlj:ATflf N"thmy It ivi unuani( nothw m cummtjn, m )) Uimih; Blui In iKfly tvry (w! it t-i.M from th M'rfiiaw h, iJ fan ? My rHtily ttnrn ini if ym will lab biMM'fN l.ivrtv k'iti u nA lVilr l to Hum rinMy lht rcrultlv tUvflrt, It will altxi ituytuv jf-Au aiitc, i'nijlf iton an toer! hcaJtb. tw many Mjffer tfrfiurt day af'r day, malt in life tmrdrn and loiAung i-in4-fi' A all p(nr, vwitif, 4j tin w rut atiffendK fr'm IM. Vm fltW tt rraly lo Ilia hand i4 alm'Htt any on who Will uc tyttnall' cally Ota rfitit'Jy dial haa trmariarritly turrd tKrt mnA, Simmon I.ivkm VuAt ht(n I tv draaoc, tu4oi putgt, Lut a genii atani iw oaiurt. t'ONHTII'ATIOM hU'tX'l.U n-4 U trju.UA aa a trifling ailincnitri la' i. narurt ckman'lt (Ha ufmx r,iiUr ty ut In ixwt, and any artUtum from tin demand1 ttav the way often lo acrfaua daKrr, It w uit aa niMry to ttm9 lmtur ic unititattna fom lb bwcit nit i cat or titrrp, and no hralrh ran bit tiaK:i-d whert cum iv baUl ut body pravaila. HICK IIRAfAC'fJFJ TTiia ditwetatli.f; aflmifm or run uu-t huntW, Th dmurlianta A iha Momv b, anting (rum nm lmprfcMly digeatrd conirnta, rautra a arvare mta ia tha acad, at.cuoifanicd with daaicfal'l uuaea, and ihia contiitmca what i p"mUry hivwa a Sk k Headaf ba, U lK rrllrf jf whtcb lAKft blUMUW Uvaa kaouutTu m MauuiN. HAMUrAlTt'ltail OHLV T J. IL ZKJUN CO., Iikdaltiua, Pa, Best and Cheapest Place in Oregon City to get HELLO 1 : ? 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Tortland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 96 other towng in 'the two (states ou the line. ' Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a ixTHonal communication. Jintance no e fleet to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard aa Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - Oregon. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AT W. YAIArA, (Ms Haulier. Bs.k Store. All New Goods and Complete Stock. Call and examine goods and get prices and he convinced that you can nave money hy buying of me. When you bay nuiiiu.i mi Agents for Pure Prepared ! Paint ! A house you make sure the title ia clear. When you paint it use Ture Prepared Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint is genuine or not. Color cards free. Special prices in quantity. CHARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. -Telephone No. H. W. JACKSON, Total aimmtit rlalma allowi'it and drawn iiiilititiiitlr mi Id County warraau on the .mtli iliiy of StiU'mtxr, . halllllHlinl lllllTI'lt BiTrui J IIutvoii Total amount ol unpaid County warninla wllh lnlinnl i;u;.i. m l.,:wi 44 Mail AND n Ti.- i nan ynnB "RlTiklC roR i DFS1CWS PRICfS OIUMEHtAU BrCfiZE CO. BRIDGEPORT. COKN ii 1 II 1 jm WHITE BRONZE Monuments will not Moss-cover or black en. Are artir-tic, cheap and the most enduring monument made. White Bronze is no experiment. It has stood for hundreds of years in Europe and is not affected by the weather. Correspondence soli cited. On receipt of postal card will be pleased to call and show samplesand designs. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., C. R. DON'S ELI., MGR. Sw. cor. Ash and East 10th Streets, Portland, Oregon. 8TATB OK OltKOON, ( on illy of rtarkaiiiiM, I, Klmrr lUxoii. County Clerk of Ilia County of Clack mnmi, Hlate of Orison, do lirri'liy ovriliy Ihui tlin forcnolng In u Iruo unit ourrvot nlntuiniMit of Hip iiuiiiIxt and amount ol rluliiin all'iwtd liy tin County Court ol mild county (or tlie alx month riidlnK on theaotli tiny of S''t nilii'r, Ikidi, on what ai-ronnt tlie aiime were allowed, and tlie amount of warrant drawn, ami tin amount uf wnrriiiita outatiiiidlna and unpaid aa the anme appear upon tlie rioMrda uf my ottlce and In myolllclal runtody. Wllui'sn my liiind and tlio aval of tlie County Court of wild County thin '.tltli iluy of Oelohor, A. I). ImkI. ELM Eli UIXON. County Herk. SEMI-ANNUAL SIMiRY STATEMENT. Of tlie Financial Condition of the County of CUckmna, In the HUte of Ort(iu, on the 30th day ofHepUniilier, A. I. 1K1. LIAIHUTIKS. To wnrrnnla drawn on tha Comity Trciini rer. and outaUindlng and unpaid. To enlluiHUil amuiint ol Intcresl accrued thereon Total I.lnbllUliu. UKSOUIlfra. Hy funda In handn ol rotinty Trenmrer anplicnliln lo payment of Co. warmnta.. Ilv iutuln In handn of l oiinly Shurltritmmriilile to iiuyment ol County warrant Itv enllimilert iiuiNild ctirreul tinea appllcuhlo to payiiiunt of (V wiirrantn, 18:iA, 1,.. .... 11 ..u.t'l.. 1 1.IIL1 11 umvnn ini in. inuitn ".-.... ............................ .. " " m S!li ' ' " lrtil and prior no report Total Henourcen, exclusive of County property. AMOUNT t l.nt.mis m 14.Hl:i 40 I.V),:iSl t 31,192 It I U,V.2 3() 4.S1-2 T3 8.7J7 IU MU 40 Tiitftl IndeliliMlniw of County., Total lti'sourccs .1 1.VI.IW1.44 Not IniletiMiiena ..$ Wi.tnr.'.tiii SHERIFF'S SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of the amount of money and warrant received for Uixea and money paid to the County Trcunurcr hy tlio slierlirof Clftekiunii.i County, Oregon, for the six months emllntj Heplemlier 30, A. li. lsoti. ' Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Cauflulil building Neitr Court House, New Goods Modern Prices. 'TJjgy-ag.. Qorner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.5s Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. pARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed DKUTOH, To ami. ree'd In coin and currency S1J4.SJIM I To unit, reo'il In county warmnta.. I'.v.fil 7t Totnl. l Ji:t:,7r.l'. fllKDIT. Hy iimount paid county treasurer Totnl.. 13;,7M SI ti;i7,7r.t '-a HS. STATU OK OKliUON, Coiinly ot Cluckiinuin, I., (1. W. (Iruco, HherllT of mild County, ilo hereby certify that the foregoing slnte- nicnt Is correct mill true, MtiicKH my hiiud this .'7th day ol Octoher, A. I'. IS'.Ki. tl. W. UltACB, Hhcrlll' of Cliickamus County, liy J W. (JKOUT, Deputy. At the City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Huccennorn to pj CoOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. lie St. Louis He-Dsn The Great - I! National and Representative Republican Newspaper". Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, - -SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, -SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 page. One Year, $0.00: Six Months, 3. 00 One Year, $1.50 . - - - One Year, $200 Weekly, issued in Semi-Weekly Sections, 8 pages each Tuesday and Fridav, 16 paiie each week One Year, $1.00 ; Six Months, 50e. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally conceded to be TFIE PET of Amer . ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it isalso THECHEArKsr THE GLOBE DEMOCRAT pay for and prints MORE NEWS than any other paper in the United State. It will he indispensable during the coming great National Campaign, and the LOW PRICE places it within the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the dailv and 6 cents for the Sundav ismies. Delivered to regular snbucrilier. Daily and Sundav, 15 cents a week, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer doe not handle it. iusist upon him procuring it for you, or send your subscrip tion witjh remittance direct to the publishers. . !-:). i.i: !. 01U,4 ithp. WFFkT Y fil flRF DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight page every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LARGE SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR . This issue just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to ...1 J ..." 1 .. A , ,...... 4n LAAn anil lir.tlrntrlll TWlfltMll. It goes to every State almost to every poPtoftice in the Union. All America is He ln,.!ina fii.l V.n muHuK u hnM v.ii liia vmiw.ll find it in vnlimhlp fl.8 A news- IClllluaiO UCIUi AivUiVV; niivig;vu iV;vh nm paper and home journal. tanipie copies tree on appacanon 10 GLOBE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. . t WOMAN The very remarkable and certain relief giv en woman by MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY has given it the name of Women's, Friend. It is uniformly successful in releaving the backaches headaches and FflR weakness which burden and shortens a woman's life. Thousands of women testify for it. It will give health and strength, and make life a pleasure. FOR SALE BY THE YOU STEWART & HOLMES DRUG COMPANY. I kallUJL. kauilAa. buUI. .14 iiAl I -J-W li"UJ tuu WakofuliieHg, l.tmt Vliullty, Nu'lHlr hull hl in-, I'Vli U tttll9, IljpUUl)Cy HIIU WiHII,KUU"U!Wfrn ut tiul MtJ frtlltr. MiilteBitiopuleandrniiTtmiTiin1 pluaip. l'.hl()' c:irnMlil vi'Mjim-if.. ia?ruiu,wi"i r tT- ii M, " ri'ten mi, irnntt-t or money rtUwl-. writ n.frr mrtllrnl hHk, wn'pd plAin wrnnrv-r, Willi tin!ninlttH unl l1:m(. bolJ brtu.-Ktttiori'VtUKSUiiil.lwaMiVM( ktursftltnOreiruoCUy(orca;..brCUAUMAN A CO., Druvsw.