Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1896)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. j i in ii OIIKUON CITY OKKHIKKH Manr. - . Illrnin MiriM Hnoor.lnr. . . , w, i , lllilef nll'olli'f - . Clani K Ilium '". K H ( .11(1 Trurr, t, llulinmi Ollf Alliiriixr. . K I, ur ftl It llmot ('ittinilMlniinr, (! ul"M'k, Jr Hiin'l. ill Wai.r Wuiki. W. II llni.,,11 (!llf Ktijcliioer. . . II. ImIiiiiiiii Uuuik'IIiiioii-r. i. :inn, I. O i ., Ililln.', J. J. I'ik.i., II, K. turf, 1 w, iiiwrj MKHIiiiiii, W. Moffatl. tioiincll niMlnllrat tVlhiU ufsaori moiilh in oiif nan FRIDAY, OCTOIII'.K :i0. 1HWI. , ..... CHAT AIJOUT TOWN. Black mill colored klil gloves, chea t Ilia Racket alore. Tonihlera 1!5 cent a Mil at llowaid's Seventh slieet, near depot. K you want a sewing machine for L'!i 1(0 to Belloiuy A Hunch's. Wcxxl wanted at (hi ollicn. Dully. rml Intra or it (Jladatuim. Tha latent In visiting cards at the Km Tiai-msa Orrii,i. Prices to mil full. ('barman k Kim will pay tlin highest market price (ur 'miUUmu, dried fruits, tHl". tftc. I.adie,' gent', ami thlldrod'i fall ml winter underwear Just rocelved at the Hackat store. OIMON CITY SCHOOLS. H II in in H t for Mouth Fndlng Oct. '.'It, foil 141X1, of the til; I'll Idle I 1. Harclay . . i I Kanlliam J - 1 i . Olrl wanted to do hoilae children lo care for, Address car Enterprise. Mil toia work no M. K. L. 0. (iulil-iiilUi'a millinery Wo are llie leaden in low prleea, our style are dm latest. (io and ace tlia 1'eak listers and liav a hearty laiinli. You will never regret It, Congregational church. Oysters, tlia finest ami brat ever brought to Oregon Cltv, served in any tyla ml the Portland restaurant. All klnda of Iresh and aalt water (Ml on lcj at Ilmiphrry Treiuliath'a, nnt door to Albright's meat market. Wedding stationery, the laUnt style ml flnmt aaaortiueiil ever brought to Oregon CHy at tlia KuTaar-aiaa olllce. For quiet place to Illicit your horses away from llie motor Hue and a place to g"l (lrt claM Jnli of repairing or boras shoeing call on hi, F. Scrlplure'a ahop on Fifth street. Hre I ami safety are the watchword of tlia age. Ou Minute Cough Core acta speedily, safely and iM'ver laila. A Hi li ma, bronchitis, coughs ami cold are Cured by It. C. (i. Huntley, druggist. I'll re blood .i.uuna goo.1 health. iHi Witt' Kartaparilla putillra the Mood, curta eruption!, ectenia, acrofula and all diseases arlrlng from Impure blood. C. 1 G Huntley, druggiat. I ho Junior society will give an Ice cream social at thn llaptiat church next Wedneaday evening Admission free. Come and talk over the election and cool off. loo cream 10 cenla. H. W. Ilolmea' I. I. Martin' Mlaa Klnley'a Mlai Wiiricifia' Miaa Si-f.vr't Nlhia Hi'alie'a Mwi Cot'liruii'a Miaa Knlly'a " I.. W. McAdama' " Mra. McAdama' " Miaa lawriniie'i " Miaa Han V " Miaa Hiiariuler'i " Mia liankina' " Total, MelioiiU of Ore- ? ? ? 9 9 9 i Z a, s 7 IS. 1 3 3 7 m i io.'Xg' ! s I z. 1 1 t : . r l l r g s ? : : : : : 3 3 ; '-l I'll W ()'' Wl r, 47 7w lo'j, in ti : :i 8.5 w ww 2i in! w 4ii v 4:i pi 70 '.11 L'f.j W, f,:t 60 48 L'O KV 2 W 27 W 41 4M -T W H't -IV JM 41 41 V, M lilHl ti 27 15 41' 41 4(1 20! K05 15 2 25 21 4ft 41 4(1 20 USII 1 1 'M 24 60 50 5(1 M 11.10 15i Vl 30 112 67 6(1 20,' Hill 3 1111 24 4.1 41 41 20 541 35 2 14! 1H 82 211 2H 20 HilH 14 2 22! 24 4 0 4 1 43 '-Oj H78 10 2 IH 47 44 44 ll'IR ' 'lll45 H324 32 ll'i2(l0ll6U7 The enrollment In the Weal Oregon City school for tlio month Jual cloned ri'Oi'hed 121 with an average attendance of 02 per cent. HevimU'en dliroiunt xraoin have viaitod the achool, and of thla numhei Ave are teachers In thia county or lnMultiiomah county. The Interest, on the part of pupils, Is all that could be reasonably expauted and each one manifests bis inter ests by diligent work. The advanced grades are larger than ever before and the addition of ninth year to the course promises to add still more to the growth for another year. It has beon necessary to add to the teaching lorce and Miss Emily 1 ouug, of I'ortlancl, has Iwen engaged to lake charge of the filth and sixth grades making four teachers now employed in the school. The election returns will be kept polled In the Y. M. C. A rooms for the beneOt of members ami friends until midnight on Tuesday evening Nov, 3d. Muaic, siweches and general social lime will be the order and everybody is Invited. drove's tastidess Chill Ionic is a per fect Malarial Liver tonic and bhxxl purifier. Kemoves Iliiiouancas without purging, As tileaaant as Imon Syrup. It is ss large as any dollar tonic and re tail for 50c. To get the genuine, ak lot for (Irove'a. For aale by C. 0. Huntley, When lUHUW NOTEV Hag Day le be Observed A Halloween Dance to be Held. The finest line Oriental riltts ever brought lo Oregon City, aro now on sale at Mrs. K. K. Martin's atoru. A line pattern at H ccnls per foot ami finer grades at eipmlly low prices. Mrs. 1, It. I'ntt Hoikfoid, 111., writes: "From persouul exiM'rii'iicti I can reciiiiiiiiend liiVill'a Saraiiparillu, a cure for impure blood and general lt'lil ity. ('. (i. Huntley, ilriiK'uixt. Thn tx'Kt hi siiple ciilur lor mince plea can be bad of 1". It. Andrews, of Maple wood furin. Iavo onlera with Muplu wimxI delivery waon, or telephone direct, for cider or all kinds of vck'ctuhlca. IHi Wilt's Witch lUr.el Salve is an anti septic, soothing and healing application for burn-, kuIiIh, cuts, liruises, etc., and cures piles like magic. It blatantly stops pain. O. ti. Ilimtli-y, Tnhlets, ink, ens, pencils, books and comploto school outfits will be supplied to the customers at my store at very reasonable prices, Call on Daniel Wil liams' on npiMir Seventh street near Center, txifore you buy elsewhere. Tetter, ecxema and all similar skin troubles are cured by the use of PuWitt's Witch Ilar.ul Halve. It soothes at once and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never fails to cure piles. C, 0. Huntley, druirgist. You run no risk. All druggists guarantee Grove's TaHtelnss Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for It. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are many Imitations. To get the Ritmiino ank for Grove's. For Bale by C. Q. Huntley. Chronic constipation is a painful, dis agreeable and life-shortening dilllcuKy. It duranges the syatom, causes sick bead actio, bad breath, and poisons tho blood. It can bo readily overcome by DeWitt'i Little Early Risers. These little pills are great regulators. C. 0. Huntley, druggist. prople are ohllgaied to take medicine, they want that it shall give iilck relief and not add discomfort to their sum-rings. Three reasons why peo ple who sutler with constipation and bilioaiieaa should lake Simmons Liver Regulator: "It Is better than pills, it dors not gripe; It gives quick relief and doea not weaken but strengthens and re freshes the whole ayatein." J. K. Hi land, Monro, la Charles Albr ght, jr., the reliable and old stand-bye meat dealer, still i auspices of leads In the butchering hualneas in Or egon City, His old customers stav with him, and If xn-bance, they should wan der away to some other markut, they al ways come hack to Alhright. Ahrighl's merits are tender and juicy, and can lie ohtiiined either at the market on Main and l ilth streets, or at tlm shop on the corner of Center and Seventh steets, next door to Pan William's I'olitilai, Scmtcii The McKinley and Ilohart club of this place 0iened their campaign by having Judge Tanner of Portland addresa the people on the issues of the hour, last Friday evening. Quit crowd asNembled, but little enthusiasm was shown. Hans ahd Bmvam. The suggestion of Mark llanna which was sanctioned both by Chairman Jones and William Jennings Dryan, to the effect that all citizens of the United States hoist the American flag on the 31st inst. will be observed here. The" will be a general (lag raising and an initiation of the new pole at the new school houne. This pole Is fins one, 80 feet Ion, gotten out by Mr. Will Ilauor, present school clerk of the district. llAi.ixtwxxN Danck. No little talk has foreign bornlmale who shall have resided In ths slate six months and declared bis Intention to become citizen one year preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote at all elections." Voters can vote in any precinct In the state for president. If man lives In Port land and has husinwH In Oregon City or any other place within the stutoon election day be Is entitled to the right to vote. He must be a resilient of the ststo six months. No time of residence is required in the county, A foreigner does not have to have bis full plrs to vote. If be he has taken out hi first paper one year prior to Novem ber 3, 1H1XJ, be I entitled to vote. Married. Kvams-K.khiiit. On Sunday, October 25, 1H00, at II a. m , at the house of the bride's parents In Canbr, Oiegon, Miss Klla Irene Knight, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr. (ieo. Knight was united in marriage to Mr. Clyde Evan also of Canby. The wedding wa quiet one. The ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner by Judge Hayes of Oregon City In the presence of few near Iriends and relatives. The bride wore lovely dress of cream silk alba tross with white veil and natural flower. The groom wore the conven tional black. Mis Ella Knight was well known In Canby, being raised from childhoood here. She wa well educated and an accomplished musician and was one of Clackamas county' most charming, accomplished and respected young ladies. Mr. Evan was also a native of Canby. He is young man of exemplary habits and If well educated, intelligent and in dustrious After the ceremony theguest repaired to the dining room, there to partake of a sumptou repast In the way of a wed ding dinner. After dinner the afternoon wa spent in music until 3:30 when the when the happy couple took the train for Portland, but not until a bushel of rice had been enowered upon them by friend who went to the depot to see them oir. Mr. and Mr. Evan will reside on the Evan farm 3 mile north of Canby and will be at home to their many friend after Novemhhr 1st The guests present were: Amanda Evans, Miss Louise Knight, Mra. Ella Kocher, Mrs. M. J. Lee, Adam Knight, Geo. W. Knight and Judge G. E. Hayes. Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report l7V I V W C7 Absolutely pure hteamer Toledo Honk. Last Sunday night as the steamer Toledo wa returning to Dayton from this place where she hod been doing some towing she ran into snag in Pikepole bend and tore the whole side of her ball oat for distance of 30 feet back from the bow. Capt. Geer imme diately beached his boat and the next day got the Grey Eagle and a barge and ei pecta to have her raised this week and the necessary repairs made to the hull The night was quite dark at the time of the accident and as the Yamhill river ha many snags along it bank the sinking of the boat was one those mis haps that the most careful management cannot always prevent. The Discovery Sared ills Life. Mr.O. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers ville, III., ssyi: "To Dr. King' New Discovery Iowe my life. Wa taken with LaGrippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and wa given op and told I could not live. Having Dr. King' New Discovery in my store I rent for a bottle and began It use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was np andaboot eain. It is worth it weight in gold. We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get a free trial bottle at Charm an & Co' Drag Store, Cbarman Bros, block. Imllg-estioa Cared. Depressing time depress the mind; the digestion is disturbed. Two or three dose of the 8. B. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to nor mal condition. 60 cent per bottle. For aale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. (jeiMnia feh r-jarket PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold ' Storage Meats. Smoked hams and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in season. Highest price paid for live and dressed stock.. Insurance that insures F. E. Dokaldook. Wanted! Your tea trade from now on. Schillings Best wants it your money back if you don't like it A Ichlllinr Or Compaar ban r ranclscs Mr. J. K. Fowler, secretury an I treas urer of the Corinne Mill, Canal and Mock IV, of C'orlnne, Utah, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedv, says : "I consider it the best in tlm market. I Int ve used many kinds but find Cham berlain's the most prompt and cficctual in giving relief, and now keep no other in my home." When troubled with a coiii:li or cold give this remedy a trial ami we uaNiiro you that you will Ih) more than pleased with the result. For sain by (i. A. Ilaruing, druggist. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it Is always the same, simple, hon est, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long-lived people that they aro. The Shakers never have indigestion. This is owing partly to their simple mod of lifo, partly to the wonderful properties ol Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indigestion is canned by the stomach glands not supplying enough di gestive juice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what' wanting. Shaker Diges tive Cordial Invigorate the stomach and all it glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by dpipgisU, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. There Is one medicine which every family should be provided with. We re fer to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. When It is kept at band the severe pain of a I burn or scald may be promptly relieved and the sore healed in much less time than when medicine has to be sent for. A sprain may be promptly treated before inflammation sets In, which insures a cure in about one-third the time other wise required. Cuts and bruises should receive Immediate attention, belore tho parts become swollen, and when Cham berlain's Pain Hulm is applied It will heal thoin without matter being formed, and without loaving a scar. A sore throat may be cured in one night. A piece of flannol dampened with this lini ment and bound on over the seat of pain, will cure lame back or pain in the Bide or client in 24 hours. It Is the most valua ble, however, for rhoumatism . Persons alllicted with this disease will be de lighted with the prompt relief from pain which it allbrda, and it can be defended upon to etlect a complete cure, tor sale I by U. A. Harding, druggist. been going the rounds of the danco am; entertainment Saturday uight, under the Ih" Young ladies' Athletic club. It promises lo be well attended from our sister towns which insures i good crowd. There will be tinging, reel lations and Indian club swinging by six voting ladies who all show marked skill and training, and whose pretty faces and graceful figures make pictures not soon o be forgotten. The ball will be artistically decorated, and an occasional gruesome ohjct to remind one of Hal low e'en. There will be gypsy fortune tellers, also booths where one can ascer tain the duration of one's single blessed ness etc. The young ladies have worked meritoriously and have spared no labor or exHnse in endeavoring to make this the hit of the season, and it is hoped that their expectations financially may be realized, tlmsenahling them to secure equipments for tlieir gynasium. Come one, come all. The admission price is popular and in the reach of, all; 25 cents. Don't miss having a good laugh and lots of dancing. I'KHBUNAI.S. Miss Myrtle Kamwby is attending school at Canby. C, V. Barlow was in Oregon Citv Tuesday on business. Attorney Driggs of Oregon City spent several days of last and this week in tow n. Miss M. S. Barlow of Portland spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting relatives.. W. B. Ramsey, foreraerly of Barlow was in town Saturday, looking after business. Muster Charles Wishers of California is here visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nason. Miss Bessie Sheppard went to Tort land last week to visit her father w ho was over from the Sound. Messrs. Alexander and Denton of Portland were in town looking over the Van Bureu farm Saturday. Mr. Harry Melvin of Pendleton is visit ing his sister, Mrs. T. C. Andrews, whom he has not seen for some years. Mr. Samuel Marks, county commis sioner, was a passenger to Oiegon City Monday returning Tuesday evening. Key. Atkinson delivered bis first ser mon in the M. E. church last Sunday to quite a large and appreciative congrega tion. Barlow, Oct. 28. The McKinley and Ilohart League, Jhe Bryan Club and Willamette Club have made arrangements with the West ern Union Telegraph Company to receive the latest election return daring the night after the election. T. F. Cowing, jr., the manager of the Oregon City of fice, will keep the same open all night for the benefit of the patrons. Largest insurance business F. E. Donaldson . usrris, proprietor ot the Mar gro cery, lias removed his store from the Schram block to the Willamete block. His new location gives him one of the finest rooms in the city, it being large, ciean ana wen ngtiiea and he will now be ahle to make an attractive display, of his goods and have space to place the additions he will make to bis stock. Free insurance blotters F. E. Donaldson. Lost, a Cow. Strayed from Oregon City s red cow, right horn off, rope around her neck, giying milk. A reward will be given for information as to it whereabout by R. L. Holman, Oregon City. Wall Paper. Best stock of wall paier in Oregon City latest design and price to suit the times at R. L. Holman' in Winehard block opposite Courthouse. tf. Seventh St between Main and Depot MOLALLA-:-AVENUE' ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Complete stock of every thing needed in the home. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drujr, Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Mrs. I. X. Sanders of Union, arrived in the city last Thursday accompanied by her daughter Pearl and son Newton, and made a brief visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. S. W. Holmes, after which they proceeded to Salem where the young people will enter Willamette uni versity. Leading insurance agency F. E. Donaldson. Mrs. C. Gladwin of British Columbia, has been in the city during the week the guest of Mrs. La Forest and Mr. Henry Meldrum, while on her way to Califor nia to spend the winter in that state. She was accompanied by Louise La For est, a grand-daughter of Mrs. La For est's, who is to enter a school in Cali fornia. Reliable fire insurance F. E. Donaldson. (JuhIIIIciiIIoiis Tor Voters. The question as to who are qualified voters at the presidential election next Tuesday is of interest to every person. The constitution of the state provides : "That every male citizen of the United States of the age of 21 years and upwards, who shall have resided in this state during the six months immediately preceding such election, and every They are so little vou hardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping, yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such are the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Small in size, great in results. C. (i, Huntley, druggist. Best insuiance companies F. E. Donaldson. There will be the usual Sunday servi ces at the Baptist church conducted by the pastor, Rev. M. L. Rngg. Preach ing at 10 :30 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Sun day school at close of morning service. Subject of evening sermon, "The Chris tian at the ballot box." Ten big insurance companies F. E. Donaldson. Blow your horn and put out your flag. The most complete stock of campaign horns and flags in Oregon City at the Racket store. Sold at ever so low prices. Ornaments, all colors for fancy work at the Racket Store. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to alt others. IB mm SpBcial Prices Tor Election Week:. Children's Merino underwear, all sizes, 23c. 10 doz. girls' turban hats with plumes, 25c. 5 doz. Tarn O'Shanters 48c. Gents' fine Fedora hats $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.93 50 pieces, No. 5 all silk satin ribbon, all colors, 5c. Ladies' fine white mull aprons with Swiss embroid ery 19c, 29c, and 49c. Gents' heavy natural wool underwear, 50c. Ladies' fine cashmere gloves, 25c. Ladies' mackintoshes, $3.00 We sell a ladies vici kid shoe never sold in Ore gon City less than $2.50, at $1.98. Gents' working pants 59c, 85c, 89c, $1.25 and $1.50 Very best engineer overalls 9 oz. denim, at 45c. When you want a corset that fits, try the P. N. The Beehive Caiifieltl Biock, Oregon City. t